
brouschThis form works in Chrome, but not in Firefox. dow you see anything wrong with it? http://paste.mitechie.com/show/849/00:16
rick_h_it's hidden...00:17
rick_h_wtf, it's really bad html00:17
rick_h_td without a table?00:17
brouschThat's just a snippet00:17
brouschBut it's the whole form00:18
rick_h_the td might just be tossed out as it doesn't belong00:18
brouschThere's a tr around it00:18
rick_h_the form needs to be outside of all that00:18
rick_h_form and div are block elements, they can't go between things like tr/td/th/etc00:19
brouschmore context http://paste.mitechie.com/show/850/00:21
brouschI'll try moving the form outside of the tr00:22
brouschStill works in Chrome, fails in FF00:23
brouschHm, that breaks the rows00:32
Blazeixwhy is the table even in there?00:36
Blazeixfrom that snippet it seems kind of unnecessary00:37
rick_h_bah, can't link to w3c validator output00:55
brouschI moved the form inside of the td and there's no difference01:10
brouschI think it must have something to do with the image submit thing01:11
brouschgot it01:26
Blazeixbrousch: interesting. http://www.onenaught.com/posts/382/01:32
brouschBlazeix: Thanks01:44
rick_h_droidheh finally watching BSG should have watched this before.02:42
Blazeixah, the reimagining? have fun02:46
Blazeixthe more recent series, from 200402:49
Blazeixas opposed to the 1970s version02:49
rick_h_ah, yea the 2004 series02:49
Blazeixthat's the only one i've seen. i keep meaning to try the 1970s version too, but never got around to it.02:50
snap-lrick_h_: You can have my share02:52
snap-lcouldn't make it through the miniseries without fast-forwarding02:52
rick_h_your share? not a BSG fan?02:52
rick_h_heh, well I'm only the first two episodes in02:52
snap-lI bought the movie of the old series, and promptly canceled my wishlist for the boxed set of the old series02:52
snap-l1970s version hasn't aged well, and I'm not talking special effects02:53
rick_h_yea, I just remember seeing the old series stuff so I figured it would be very 'Danger will robinson' but it's cool02:53
snap-lI <3 Lost In Space, though. :)02:53
snap-lThing is, I liked the 1970s "bad guys are bad, good guys are good" vibe02:53
snap-lbut the whole "who is the mole" thing just turns me right off02:54
snap-lMostly because TV has a horrible time with conspiracy02:54
rick_h_ah, I must be a sucker for this stuff. Lost got me sucked in at first02:54
rick_h_at least you don't have to play it out over one episode a week for 5 years02:54
rick_h_stream one after another02:54
snap-lrick_h_: True da02:54
snap-lThing is, I knew Lost was going to be a bit of a clusterfuck03:00
snap-lI watched the X-Files dismantle itself after the movie03:01
rick_h_the thing with Lost is I was dying with TV with a plot. Reality TV syndrome had me jump onto that with both feet03:01
rick_h_yea, that was another one I was into for a long time and gave up on03:01
snap-lLost was the right show at the right time03:01
rick_h_but they saw too many $$ and extended it out longer than they originally planned and $#@$@ it up03:01
snap-lProblem was they couldn't keep the momentum because they laid off the producer, and the writing staff03:01
snap-lrick_h_: And that's the other problem: American TV doesn't know when to quit03:02
snap-lI haven't watched Babylon 5 yet, but the thought of "5 years, and we're done, and we have a story that spans those five years" intrigues me03:03
snap-land not this "the well is dry, ergo we need to cancel the show and move out"03:03
billingswell, 4 years + some extra03:11
Blazeixi like babylon 5. i should rewatch it. the first season is pretty terrible though03:26
snap-lThat's not good. That'll keep me from watching it03:30
Blazeixyou just have to power through. they sent everybody to acting school and replaced a few of the leads :)03:33
snap-ljcastro_: http://www.metalinjection.net/tv/view/6931/megadeth-symphony-of-destruction-reggae-version03:49
snap-lDub Mustaine03:49
snap-lNow that they're off Roadrunner, they're taking the band in a new direction03:49
rick_h_heh, largest UPS delivery in my history! /me orders a hand truck from AMZ12:37
rick_h_one UPS delivery to handle another UPS delivery, bwuhahahaha12:37
snap-lrick_h_: You know the UPS driver knows where you live. ;)12:56
brouschBabylon 5 is good12:58
brouschThe wife and I are currently watching Farscape12:59
rick_h_snap-l: heh, but they'll only drop off my #420 bundle at my driveway and I've got to get it up to the garage. hand truck time!13:13
rick_h_woot! and the electrician comes by to put in my 220 outlet in the morning13:18
brousch420# of stuff and 220V electric. Are you planning to take over the world?13:19
rick_h_http://cdn0.grizzly.com/pics/jpeg1000/g/g0513x2.jpg new baby13:19
rick_h_yea, sold the table saw so now this will be my one big bit of electric powered tooling and the rest is hand work13:20
rick_h_but it comes in one giant grate so it weight #420 and comes on a truck with a lift gate13:21
rick_h_with a ton of disclaimers that the driver isn't going to help with anything but lowering the lift gate13:21
brouschIsn't a table saw better for long straight cuts?13:23
rick_h_yea, somewhat.13:24
rick_h_but a bandsaw can make all cuts13:24
rick_h_so one tool == less space and selling m table saw helps me pay for bandsaw13:24
brouschSomeone just called me from an SAP reseller13:35
brouschI just laughed13:35
rick_h_snap-l: I'm giong to make your wife want to hit me13:51
rick_h_actually I won't...I'll let it be13:51
brouschYou scared?13:52
rick_h_pretty much13:52
rick_h_and there's the whole "sounds funny in my head, and could make it sound funny in person...but on the interwebs...might not come across right"13:53
snap-lrick_h_: You realize I'll get hit by proxy. ;)14:39
snap-lThough in retrospect, I think that might encourage you. ;)14:42
rick_h_I think your wife is saying in G+ is that she's got the attention span of a child14:43
snap-lrick_h_: You do not want to go there. :)14:44
snap-lShe just doesn't have the patience for fantasy14:44
snap-lshe wasn't weaned on D&D's lensing of Tolkein, so she doesn't have the same conceits that we do14:44
snap-lWhere one could just sit with the monster manual or the basic set and read about these fantastical creatures.14:45
rick_h_snap-l: yea, just joking around based on the current conversation14:47
snap-lrick_h_: Oh that's fine. It's your head if you want to go there. ;)14:47
snap-lJust be assured that JoDee will exact revenge. ;)14:48
rick_h_oh I know...thus why I stopped myself14:55
rick_h_heh https://www.vizify.com/rick-h/year-on-twitter14:58
rick_h_love the "reminder time" one14:59
=== jcastro__ is now known as jcastro_
snap-lI'm almost afraid to see mine. ;)16:10
rick_h_don't sudo17:20
rick_h_snap-l: your G+ post isn't public boooo17:22
rick_h_for the mug meeting, meaning I can't share it public17:22
jrwrenwhy doesn't env.shell = '/bin/bash --noprofile -l -c'.  work?17:23
snap-lrick_h_: Bah, sorry about that17:27
snap-lthought it might get more penetration if it weren't public.17:27
snap-lgreg-g: Happy Birthday, Rowan. :)17:34
rick_h_http://pycon.blogspot.com/2012/12/announcing-pypgday-at-pycon-us-2013.html very cool18:01
jrwrensounds awesome.18:01
greg-gsnap-l: thanks man!20:27
snap-lmetalheads: Entropy League is on http://metalinjection.fm21:29

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