
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kiloshi superfly and others04:59
superflyhi Kilos05:00
superflyKilos: what are you up to this morning?05:08
Kilosstill thinking about what to tackle next superfly and you?05:08
Kiloshi Squirm 05:09
superflyKilos: currently commuting to my contractual employment via rail-based public transport05:09
superflyhi Squirm05:09
Kilosyou enjoy that fone thing hey05:10
Kiloson train to work so much easier05:10
Squirmsuperfly: where is this rail-based public transport?05:10
superflySquirm: Cape of Good Hope05:11
Kilosand peeps still havent stopped hoping05:11
superfly(well, not exactly, the Cape of Good Hope is actually right next to Cape Point, while I'm heading off to Table Bay)05:12
superflyMeh. Forgot to take my antihistamines this morning, and my inhaler... At least I have my pump05:14
Kilosoh my05:15
superflyKilos: it's not a biggie, I'll just be blowing my nose all day05:16
Kilostold you superfly , eat lotsa raw onion05:16
superflyKilos: how is that supposed to help?05:17
superflyapart from making me cry like a baby05:17
Kilosonion is a natural immunity booster and mild antibiotic05:17
Kilosno man05:17
Kiloschop fine and eat on sarmy like that or with tomato05:18
superflyKilos: that doesn't help with either hayfever or asthma05:18
Kiloswait some will think. second wife had asthma and lived with a pump in hand and we cured it05:19
superflyhayfever is a reaction of your nose to the pollen and dust in the air, and asthma is a physical lung condition05:19
Kilosand mom suffered with the pollen thing05:20
Kilosso does tara05:20
Kilosbut she also wont try anything thats not lekker like chocolate05:20
Kilosonion will help build your immunity to fight the pollen bit05:22
superflyKilos: I had asthma for 2 years before it was diagnosed, most of the time I felt perfectly fine, even though I had lost 30 percent of my lung capacity... It's very easy to think you've cured asthma when in actual fact you have not05:23
superflyKilos: the hayfever has nothing to do with the immune system05:23
Kilosoh ya05:24
Kilosyou get immune to being infected by pollen bugs05:24
Kilosthe lung thing you should actually get your dov to chat to ians doc05:24
superflythat's like trying to prove that the chickenpox vaccine works by comparing it to trying to cure chickenpox using the flu vaccine05:25
Kiloshis lungs are breaking down the crystalization so his lung capacity has improved from 20% to 43 % in for or 5 months05:25
Kilosthe ian that was here last christmas and the one that was here last month are 2 different peeps05:27
superflyKilos: I don't have crytalisation in my lungs05:27
Kiloswhats wrong with your lung capacity05:28
Kiloswhere the 30 % gone05:28
Kilosif you cant breathe you cant live05:28
Kilosso the priority should be recovering it05:29
Kilosmorning Wraz 05:32
KilosMaaz, seen Wraz 05:32
MaazKilos: Wraz was last seen 5 days, 8 hours, 33 minutes and 30 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2012-12-05 12:58:51 PST], and has been online on freenode since 2012-12-08 08:49:04 PST05:32
Kiloswhats PST05:32
Kiloswhere might that be05:32
superflyKilos: asthma is a chronic inflamation of the lungs... Made worse by allergens (pollen, dust, etc)05:33
Kilosso is it better in winter when not pollen around superfly ?05:34
superflyKilos: sadly, I get hayfever all year round, so no.05:35
Symmetriawanna see something complete *sick*05:37
Kiloshi Symmetria 05:37
* superfly is starting to feel like his grandmother who had a huge bag of medicine to take every day05:37
Kilossick in what way Symmetria ?05:37
Kilosthere will be natural things that can help superfly 05:38
Symmetria  Link-level type: 70, MTU: 1514, Speed: 100000mbps05:38
Symmetrialol look at the speed of that interface05:38
superflySymmetria: cant you make it go any faster?05:39
Kilosis that fast enough for you Symmetria 05:39
Symmetria100gig interfaces are sick :p05:39
Symmetriahehehe Im logged into a remote lab at juniper05:39
Symmetriawishing I had crap like this of my own05:39
Symmetriathis stuff they have is just crazy, I rdesktop into their ixia traffic generator05:40
Symmetriaand can start telling it to throw traffic around the lab 05:40
Symmetriaat stupid speeds and then gimme stats05:40
Kilosyou really getting deep into this hey05:40
Symmetriaheh, Im testing the configuration we wanna put in at UFS05:43
Symmetriaexcept, difference between the hardware Im working on remotely and the stuff at UFS is in the optics, this lab setup has single mode 100gig optics in it05:43
Symmetriaand no university could ever afford that05:43
Symmetriathose optics are 75 thousand dollars each05:43
Symmetriaheh, total hardware in this lab setup is probably very close to a million dollars05:44
Kiloshi psydroid 05:54
nlsthznmorning all06:00
Kiloshi nlsthzn 06:00
nlsthznhi uncle Kilos , how are you this fine morning?06:01
Kilosfine ty nlsthzn and you?06:01
nlsthznalways good thanks :)06:01
SymmetriaYES!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahaha oh man, I feel like such an idiot 06:13
SymmetriaI just sat from 4am trying to get something to work on this lab06:13
Symmetriaand it turns out... I had typoed an ip address 06:14
* Symmetria bangs his head on the desk06:14
Symmetriatypos are bad mmmmk06:14
Kiloshi Ludo 06:27
Kilosis this link not to get the seatools iso guys?06:27
Kilosa cd repair toolkit cant be so small06:31
superflyKilos: that's a torrent, not the actual ISO06:45
Kilosty superfly 06:45
superflyhrm, the ISO size is supposedly 1.8 megs though, that is small... but it says it is "SeaTools for DOS" - not sure you want that?06:46
Kilosi will use whatever i can to repair drives superfly 06:46
Kilosfoun another link thats gives more info and another one that takes me places to some other tool06:47
Kilosinternet drives me mal06:47
Kilosgot a diskwizard thing but its .exe and dunno if that will make a bootable cd06:48
superflyKilos: highly unlikely06:49
Kilosfound this too will try that but kinda wasteful burning that to a cd06:52
superflyThe amount of cluelessness on the lists is staggering07:10
superflyand the amount of common sense is withering into nothingness07:10
Kiloseveryone needs expert help superfly 07:11
Kilosi been watching07:11
Kiloshi jrgns 07:15
jrgnsMorning Kilos07:17
Symmetriaheh holy shit thats impressive, I was running 8.5gigabit/second of test traffic, rebooted an entire router in the chain, and lost a total of 35 packets07:31
magespawnmorning all08:01
superflysup magespawn08:06
magespawnhey superfly killing pixels and you?08:06
Kiloshi magespawn 08:11
mazalMorning everyone08:15
magespawnhey Kilos, mazal08:16
Kiloshi mazal 08:17
Vince-0surp durp08:49
Kiloshi hubx Vince-0 08:49
hubxhi there08:49
Vince-0darned work day08:49
Kiloswb magespawn 09:05
magespawnhey Kilos09:07
magespawnjust had to restart my router09:07
magespawnquite around here lately09:13
Kilosquiet too09:13
magespawnja ja i going to claim that as typo09:15
KilosMaaz, coffee on11:14
* Maaz washes some mugs11:14
Kilosinetpro, coffee time11:14
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!11:18
KilosMaaz, ty11:19
MaazYou are welcome Kilos11:19
inetproKilos: dankie oom12:26
Kilosquassel het my ge plieng12:27
inetproKilos: nou wat soek jy al weer op qaussel?12:34
Kilosek is op ian se 500g skyf wat ek reggemaak het en gebruik vir data recovery12:34
Kilosek het nie plek op myne nie12:35
Kilosinetpro, you here??15:27
Kilosi need to know how to get the gui going from the prompt on kubuntu please15:28
Kiloslike sudo gdm start on maverick15:28
Kilosfor some reason i cant get past the text goodie15:29
Kilosnlsthzn, ideas?15:29
nlsthznI am thinking15:30
nlsthzngive me a sec :p15:30
nlsthznwith Slackware it was always easy... startx15:30
nlsthznI see in 2005 that startkde would have worked >.<15:31
Kiloslol i tried kdm start15:31
Kilosits some thing service or so15:32
Kilosoh my15:32
Kilosi did startkde and it says display is not set or cannot connect to xserver15:33
nlsthznsudo /usr/sbin/rckdm stop15:33
nlsthznsudo /usr/sbin/rckdm start15:33
nlsthznnever seen these commands before however?!15:33
Kilosty nlsthzn 15:34
nlsthznafaik the kde commands are similar to the gnome ones...15:34
Kiloscommand not found15:35
Kiloshi Cantide 15:36
CantideCantide not found '<15:36
Cantidehey Kilos :)15:36
nlsthznhow about kdm start?15:37
nlsthznah but doesn't kubuntu also use lightdm....?15:37
Kilosah maybe15:37
Kilossudo lightdm start also no good15:38
Kilosand the googling from here is to try connect from remote pcs and stuff15:39
Kilosi think when its working i must install gdm15:39
nlsthznproblems with the kubuntu install uncle Kilos ?15:42
Kilosinetpro, if you dont help me now you gonna get wet going home15:42
Kilosna it worked fine nlsthzn 15:42
* Symmetria wakes up and looks in with very blurry eyes15:42
Symmetriawow Im tired15:42
Symmetriaone lab test down last night, one more long night ahead of me 15:42
Kilosthen i needed to get quassel and other settings so i took my unity backup and put it on kde now it sees miles not ian15:43
Kilosi tried killing miles all over the place but it dont help , so what i did i went recovery mode on an earlier upgrade and thats where the probs are15:44
Kilosand ive got tons of recovered data in there somewhere and dont know where to find it or id just clean install15:45
nlsthznyou do have some interesting times with PC's uncle Kilos 15:47
Kilosheehee hee15:48
Kilosmy own fault though15:48
Kiloskde and unity been very stable here15:48
Kilos12.04 that is15:48
Kilosif it wasnt for struggling with 3g in the beginning i could say like the fly, I dont have those problems I use kubuntu15:50
Kilosaw its startx i think15:56
Kilosbut this one cant find the xserver15:56
nlsthznperhaps install lightdm and then use that...15:57
Kilosi cant get online with it till gui going15:57
Kiloslooking what to aptitude reinstall15:57
Kilosx something15:57
Kilosx11 something15:58
Kilosxserver-xorg needs to get 78kB16:01
Kilosmaybe it will connect without going into gui. i go try16:07
inetproKilos: WAYTTD?16:09
nlsthznis that something like WWJD?16:11
Kiloshmm nlsthznlooks like it was something to do with nvidia16:25
Kilosdid an aptitude reinstall nvidia-173 and rebooted and here we are16:26
Kilosi hope16:26
Kiloshaha now it lets me login as ian and shows /home/miles too16:29
Kilosso got all the data recoveries16:29
nlsthznall the fun and games 16:31
Kilosnow i gonna save them on external then reinstall16:32
inetproMaaz: WAYTTD16:32
Maazinetpro: WAYTTD is What Are You Trying To Do?16:32
Kilosjust to show theres no hard feelings16:32
inetpronlsthzn: ^^16:33
Kilosdidnt you read inetpro?16:33
inetproKilos: but how did you get into text mode in the first place?16:33
nlsthznseems nvidia bombed :p16:33
nlsthznoh and thanks for the explanation inetpro 16:34
inetproMaaz: assumption16:34
MaazAn assumption is a proposition that is taken for granted, as if it were true based upon presupposition without preponderance of the facts16:34
inetpronlsthzn: ^^16:34
Kiloslol now its assumption because the ckicken egg bit is sorted16:35
nlsthznall I know is that the nvidia driver was re-installed and all was well in KDE land :p16:35
Kilosa while back i did deja-dup backup to this kde from my unity inetpro16:36
Kilosand it lost home ian and had home miles showing16:36
Kilosand the data recoveries were in home ian16:37
inetproKilos: hmm...16:37
Kilosi tried getting in there but couldnt16:37
Kilosanyway now i got them and lost three more gray hairs16:38
inetproKilos: did you try creating a user ian?16:38
* inetpro don't really get it 16:38
Kiloswouldnt let him go look at the original ians stuff16:38
Kilosya man you think logically thats why16:39
inetproKilos: you been playing with permissions again?16:39
Kilosbut now im in so all good16:39
inetprook, let's leave it there for the mo16:39
Kilosya you dont need headaches16:40
Kilosdid you get wet?16:40
* inetpro 's day was way to messed up for any arguments now16:40
Kilosaw sorry16:40
inetproKilos: but I got out of the city without getting to much of the wetness16:41
inetpronot sure whether it's still raining there though16:41
Kilosstopped here16:41
Kilosi go see total before dark16:42
inetprodid you guys see that article from RMS?16:42
Kilosno where?16:44
Kilos15mm since yesterday16:44
inetprosays: "If you ever recommend or redistribute GNU/Linux, please remove Ubuntu from the distros you recommend or redistribute."16:45
inetprobecause Canonical is spying on you16:45
nlsthznbeen a whole whoo haaa on the net about this and the reply from Jono... and then Jono's apology etc... getting tiresome16:46
inetpronlsthzn: where's that apology?16:46
Kilosaw man 16:46
inetproI didn't see that16:46
nlsthznalso on Jono's blog16:46
* inetpro goes to check16:47
nlsthznbut read the original first if you haven't :p16:47
inetprothanks, yes I did16:47
inetprorms is a tough one16:48
inetprogot some good points16:48
Kilosall they doing is causing the linux world harm16:48
* nlsthzn decides to step away from the keyboard :p16:49
nlsthznand as it is the flavour of the moment : http://www.networkworld.com/community/node/8196616:53
nlsthzninetpro, ^^16:53
Kilosbilly boy is laughing all the way to the bank17:00
* inetpro clearly has not had time to read the news in the last few days17:00
Kilosi go eat17:00
nlsthznI have only skimmed the highlights... with communities added to G+ there is to much going on now :/17:01
* inetpro bbl17:01
inetprowb hubx18:04
inetpronlsthzn: btw, I do thing rms is making a good point about Ubuntu sending a string to Canonical's servers each time you search something in the dash18:08
inetprosurely that can not be a good thing18:09
inetprosadly I don't have a solution for this18:09
nlsthzninetpro, it is the nature of the trend of serving peoples needs (even if they don't know they have the need)... look at android and google, it does everything automagically for me now on my phone... scary sometimes... it is how it is done that is the issue IMO18:10
inetprothat still doesn't make it right18:11
nlsthznwell... ok18:12
* nlsthzn got sound to work on Dota 2 so misaa gonna play.. oh I have to keys to the beta if anyone is interested btw ;)18:12
Kilosinetpro: why you worried about dash you dont have those probs18:26
inetproKilos: I don't like it when people don't want to recommend Ubuntu18:27
Kilosyeah me too18:27
Kiloshi smile--18:28
smile--hi! :D18:31
=== smile-- is now known as smile
smilehow are you oom Kilos ? :)18:32
Kilosgood ty smileand you?18:34
Kilosstupid quassel doesnt space after tab complete18:35
* Kilos waits for snide comments18:35
Kiloswhew i cast the bait and get no bites18:38
Kilosyo plustwo sakhi magtie drussell18:39
Kiloshope you all well18:39
inetproKilos: you are fired!18:55
Kilosfired from what or where inetpro ?18:55
inetproKilos: you messed with default settings18:55
inetproKilos: Settings | Configure Quassel | Input Widget | Tab Completion18:56
Kilosi didnt touch them here18:57
Kilosmaybe from the backup from unity18:57
inetprochange it and have it your way18:58
Kilosok ty inetpro it be kiff now18:58
Kilosgracias amigo18:58
inetpronp 18:58
Kilosi thought it was a "lets ignore kilos" night18:59
psydroidhi Kilos19:00
Kiloseven went and said hi to maaz to see if i was still connected19:00
Kiloshi psydroid 19:00
magtieHi Kilos19:01
magtieHi Everyone19:01
Kilosmagtie: they dont say anything unless you name each one individually the bunch of lurkers19:02
magtiethats OK19:04
Kilosnee man19:04
magtieI often say nothing19:04
Kilosits rude19:04
magedroidEvening all19:04
Kiloshi magedroid 19:04
magedroidQuass3l on the fritz19:05
magedroidQuassel even19:05
Kilosmagtie: ons groot mense moet die kinders mooi leer19:07
magtieO gonnas - dis hoekom ek stil is19:09
magedroidKilos you want any bet it is that routet i had to restart19:09
Kilosha ha ha19:10
Kilosmany many years since i heard O gonnas19:10
Kilosyour router giving probs magedroid 19:10
Kilosor your core19:11
inetprodid you guys see the news about the bridge that collapsed on the R65 between Lothair and Ermelo due to heavy rains?19:11
magedroidThink is the router, i keep getting connection refused, think the firewall on the router is to blame19:11
magedroidYes inetpro and the train one further down the coast19:12
Kilosya in toti19:13
Kilosi rode that train for a year to work and back19:13
Kilosand we had 15mm19:13
magedroidOnly goods trains now i think19:13
magedroidOn that routw19:13
* inetpro 's brother lives in that area of Lothair19:13
Kiloswheres lothar19:14
inetprosays if you traveling from Ermelo to Lothair you wouldn't see that gaping hole 19:14
Kilosinetpro: ^^19:14
Kilosoh sorry19:15
inetproKilos: Mpumalanga19:15
inetprotowards Swaziland19:15
Kiloswes transvaal19:15
magedroidThat is hectic inetpro19:15
smileKilos: "good ty smileand you?" <- fine too :p just a little bit busy ;)19:16
Kilosmy tab complete needed adjusting smile 19:16
Kilosthe pro first fired me then fixed it19:17
smileI see :p19:17
Kiloskde is lotsa extra work19:17
smilethat's why I wasn't pinged :o19:17
Kilosya sorry19:18
Kilosask magedroid about the screensaver episode19:18
inetproimage of that road collapse http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-nEbszl01go0/UMdTN6POwBI/AAAAAAAAlUI/cZWwgTjPkzE/s400/img24.jpg19:19
Kiloswe saw on tv19:19
Kilosserios wash away19:19
Kilossuperfly: you working or what?19:20
magedroidhe has been busy with openlp lately19:22
Kilosi thought the upgrade was published last weekend19:22
magedroidThe channel has been very active lately19:22
Kilosopenlp channel?19:23
inetproKilos: no19:24
inetprokde is not lotsa extra work19:24
inetpronot that I'm aware of19:24
Kilosmagedroid: tell about screen savers19:25
superflywhat? where? oh. yes.19:25
Kiloshe woke up\19:25
inetprohe did?19:25
magedroidThe screen savers were not installed by default, i thought is was broken, lol19:26
Kiloslol me too19:26
inetpromagedroid: what do you need screensavers for?19:26
magedroidSo ppl coming into shop realisemthe pcs are on19:26
Kilosbecause the fly said its good to look after your screen19:27
inetproa black screen is really all you need by default19:27
Kilosno man black screen looks like pc is off19:27
inetproKilos: that is how it should be19:27
magedroidIndeed and my screens power off so confuses ppl 19:28
Kilosand some of the screensavers in all the ubuntus are beautiful19:28
inetprowaste of resources19:28
magedroidKeep asking to switch them on19:28
Kilosnee man19:28
inetproobviously you can install your own fancy screensavers as many as you want19:28
Kilossjoe ek sukkel19:29
inetprobut by default the minimum is 100% correct for 99% of cases19:29
Kiloswastes no resources19:29
inetprogo do the math!19:29
smilehttp://webwereld.nl/nieuws/112743/het-dramatische-einde-van-de-e-reader-is-in-zicht.html :o19:29
Kilosif screensaver is on then no one using the pc19:29
Kiloswhat math inetpro ?19:30
SymmetriaPhysical interface: ae2, Enabled, Physical link is Up19:30
Symmetria  Interface index: 168, SNMP ifIndex: 019:30
Symmetria  Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, Speed: 200Gbps, BPDU Error: None,19:30
Symmetriagot that working now19:30
smilebyeee! :D19:30
inetproKilos: fancy screensaver by default vs minimal black screen19:30
magedroidYeah just was no aware that all19:30
inetproKilos: power saving19:31
Kilosyes inetpro but use of resources means nothing if pc is idle19:31
smilegood night! :)19:31
inetproscreensavers require lots of power and processing19:31
Kilosnight smile 19:31
Kilossleep tight19:31
inetprogood night smile19:32
Kilostv uses more power than screensavers19:32
inetproKilos: there are more PCs than TVs19:33
inetprojust about every office worker has one or more PCs19:33
Kilosso we gotta kill screensavers so more peeps can watch tv?19:33
inetprothe modern PC is the TV19:34
Kiloswith uncapped ya19:34
Kilosand decent connection19:34
Kilosim sure some adsls cant do tv19:35
inetproKilos: do you think for one moment that peeps switch off their PC when they go home in teh evening or on weekends?19:35
Kilosoh you mean the work pcs19:35
inetproyebo yes19:35
Kiloslike you and nuvolari 19:35
Kilosi dont think that far19:36
magedroidMan this irk some19:36
Kiloswb magedroid 19:36
inetprodefault should be black, end of story!19:36
Kilosso inetpro if you watching tv or playing with the kids how do you know when we need you19:37
magedroidIf they are defaults then that is not the problem, but they are not19:37
inetproKilos: you can wait19:38
Kilosi can hear it19:38
Kiloslaat daai ou dom donner wag19:38
Kilosoh i wanna try something i just saw here on quassel19:39
Kilosdid it work inetpro 19:39
inetproKilos: what?19:40
Kilos-*- Kilos sending CTCP-PING request to inetpro19:40
inetproKilos: why?19:40
Kilosreceived a reply in 1 sec19:40
Kilosbecause i see it can be done here in quassel man19:41
Kilosxchat you gotta go pm19:41
inetproKilos: what did it tell you?19:41
Kilos* Received CTCP-PING answer from inetpro with 1 seconds round trip time19:41
Kilosdidnt you even see it happen19:42
Kiloswhew and im old19:42
inetproKilos: haha19:43
inetproit worked but I'm just wondering why you would want to use that19:44
inetpro11/12 21:39:27 * Received CTCP-PING request by Kilos!~quassel@8ta-151-23-163.telkomadsl.co.za19:44
inetproKilos: try again19:44
Kiloswell do it to me so i can see if the screen shakes or something19:44
inetproKilos: did you do it?19:45
Kilosoh my it sent to 3 peeps19:45
Kilosya yours didnt answer19:45
inetprohah, gotcha19:46
Kilosbut drubins and Wraz s did19:46
Kilosmade lekker music here though19:46
* inetpro added an ignore rule19:46
magedroidBlocked the ping? Or just ignore Kilos?19:46
Kilosi gonna find me a hacker and let him modify a msn nudge for irc19:47
Kiloswhy did you add the ignore thing if you dont even see one come in?????19:48
inetproKilos: read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat_flood19:49
magedroidI remember that used to happen a lot19:51
Kilosby sending too many19:52
Kilosi sent one to try wake you up19:52
magedroidUsed to flood the channel19:52
Kilosone ping does no damage19:52
inetproKilos: I'm awake19:52
Kilosyou sure??19:52
Kilosif i can make another hour i can do an update/upgrade here on kubuntu20:01
nlsthzng night20:07
magedroidNight nlsthzn20:08
Kilosnight nlsthzn 20:09
magedroidYou mean stay awake Kilos?20:12
inetproKilos: I be waiting with you to test me new 2+1 bundle20:15
magedroidLol the night owls20:16
* inetpro is very happy that it's working here20:16
Kilos8ta rocks20:16
inetprointerwebs at  less than 3c per MB rocks20:17
inetpronot that R149 for the 2+1 is less than 3c per MB20:18
inetprobut I should get there with the 60+60 option20:18
Kiloshow much is the 2 + 120:24
inetproKilos: R14920:24
Kilosper meg man20:25
Kilosai ek sukkel20:25
inetproKilos: 149 / 2000 = 7.45c20:25
magedroidinetpro is the 8ta network or roaming?20:25
Kilosim the one that told you to go 8ta months ago20:25
Kilosboth magedroid 20:26
inetproKilos: 149 / 3000 = 4.9c20:26
Kilosif no 8ta close they use mtn20:26
inetpromagedroid: sadly only on the 8ta network20:26
Kilos4.9 is good20:26
magedroidNo mtn close here either only edge speed at best20:26
magedroidVodacom the only one with 3g/hsdpa20:27
inetproKilos: but then you got to use the night owl bytes20:27
Kilosi found a paper where id written down costs when i first tried the internet R2 per meg on small bundles20:27
Kilosaw that sucks magedroid 20:27
Kilosfone 8ta and ask whats the chances of a upgrade20:28
* inetpro hates MTN for keeping the price so high20:28
inetprowhen I get those calls from MTN reps I immediately tell them I'm not interested20:28
magedroidI am up late tonight getting company financials ready for bank20:29
magedroidSo will keep you guys company20:29
inetprothose prepaid rates should come down significantly across the board20:29
magedroidThey have to hit bottom sooner or later20:32
* magedroid listens to toy soldiers nelle the elephant20:35
Kilosthis is tough on ballies20:36
inetproI don't mind them making a bit of money if service was good but exploitation combined with bad service is no good in my books20:36
Kilosalmost swallowed the screen here20:36
inetproKilos: nee man20:36
inetproKilos: do something20:40
inetproKilos: like, learn how to use vim20:40
inetprohmm... Kilos is sleeping?20:41
Kiloslol too tired to think such serious stuff20:41
Kilos19 mins to go20:41
inetprovimtutor is not serious stuff20:41
Kilosfor me it is man20:42
Kilosand head to busy trying to fix scrap drives20:42
inetproKilos: have you tried it?20:42
inetproyebo yes20:42
Kilosyou forget20:42
Kiloshello world20:42
inetproI forget what?20:43
Kilosor was that python20:43
inetprothat must have been python20:43
Kilosyou had to help me get it going dodo20:43
inetproyes but you never followed through20:43
Kilosyou need to use vim  to work python20:43
Kiloswell i got busy20:43
inetprowell you where still young at that stage20:44
Kilosactually had more time and less headaches because i didnt have to be active20:45
Kiloscould sit and think and other times just sit20:45
Kilosinetpro: what you wanna get with your +120:50
inetproKilos: for now, just todays updates20:51
Kilosi was tempted to get 12.04 server20:51
Kilosbut dunno how to get the 32bit with wget20:51
inetproKilos: why?20:51
Kilosyou have to go change one button to change from 64 bit20:52
inetprowhy do you want 12.04 server?20:52
Kilosi wanted to make one pc here a server but cant member why20:52
Kilosand i have lotsa 12.04 packages20:53
Kilos3.7 gig already20:53
inetproKilos: you do realise that it's just cli?20:53
Kilosso can install update/upgrade for under 40 meg data20:53
Kilosyou guys works them remotely20:54
Kilosfrom pc with gui20:54
inetpronee man20:54
inetproKilos: WAYTTD?20:54
Kilosforgot too20:55
inetprowell in that case just wget -S -c http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/ubuntu-12.04.1-server-i386.iso20:55
magedroidWe  were discussing something like that one day Kilos20:55
Kilosnot if im not gonna be able to run it from here20:55
Kilosthen i would rather get 12.10 going20:56
magedroidYou said you did not have enough space for all the screens so suggested going headless20:56
Kiloscant do everything from cli20:56
magedroidYou can, as fas  i know20:57
magedroidFar even20:57
Kilosme i mean20:57
magedroidAhh well that is just practice20:57
Kilosits more to remeber20:57
Kilosno drag and drop20:57
Kilosi like drag and drop20:58
magedroidMm it is but certain things i find easier20:58
Kilosno paths to work out20:58
inetproKilos: or locally at: http://ubuntu.mirror.ac.za/ubuntu-release//precise/ubuntu-12.04.1-server-i386.iso20:58
magedroidThen you could run squid20:58
magedroidNow that would be cool20:59
Kiloslemme first finish with these drives then i can think about other things again20:59
inetproKilos: don't even think about installing a gui on a server!20:59
Kilosinetpro: if i can do it remote from this one that would be cool21:00
inetproKilos: why?21:00
Kilosbut the iptables thing21:00
Kiloswell just take testdisk21:01
Kilosyou need to see its little window to set it up21:01
magedroidKilos i seriously think that once you get used the cli you won't go back21:01
magedroidThat little windows would still come up for testdisk21:01
inetproyou can cli to the other machine anyway, without needing the server first21:02
magedroidPerhaps we could run a class on remote admin in #linux-studies sometime?21:03
Kilosya but i need to do the iptables stuff without nm functions21:03
Kilosoh and i see in the mails they want each loco to run classrooms21:04
* inetpro running updates21:04
magedroidDo we call it #ubuntu-za-classroom?21:05
Kilosmine running too21:05
Kilosonly 16 meg21:05
Kiloswhy i got this stuff21:05
Kilosmysql-client-core-5.5 mysql-common21:06
Kilos  mysql-server-core-5.521:06
Kilosthat was quike fetched 16m already21:06
magedroidAre you running something that needs a database Kklps?21:07
KilosFetched 16.0 MB in 57s (279 kB/s) 21:07
Kilosi dunno magedroid 21:07
magedroidWhat programs do you have?21:07
Kilosbut i did that backup from unity to this kde21:08
inetproFetched 18,1 MB in 2min 20s (129 kB/s) 21:08
inetproKilos: you win21:08
magedroidMysql is for databases21:08
Kilosso it most likely sees what unity wants too21:08
Kiloswow my 8ta zooms hey21:09
Kiloswhy is yours so slow21:09
Kilosi dunno what uses that magedroid 21:10
inetproKilos: I guess they don't like me21:10
inetpromy towers bit far away21:10
Kilossignal strength21:11
Kilosmine doesnt show full21:11
Kilosone bar less21:11
inetprothe lady at Telkom almost didn't even want to sign me up21:11
Kilosi think its in the tower software21:12
inetprosaid I just have 70% signal or such21:12
magedroidMaybe number of ppl on that tower21:12
Kilosya you got it magedroid 21:12
inetprocould be, but I'm relatively happy21:12
inetproquite stable while speeds do vary from time to time21:13
inetprosometimes it really flies21:13
Kiloslol i used to take 10 mins to get a 4 meg song21:13
Kilosso now we can go sleep hey?21:14
Kilosty for the company you two21:14
Kilossleep tight. see ya morrow21:14
inetproKilos: remember tm21:14
Kilosinetpro: go sleep21:14
inetprotomorrow is 12121221:15
inetproor 12121212121221:15
inetproat 12:12:1221:15
magedroidGood night y'all21:15
inetprogood night21:15

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