
=== jta is now known as jta_afk
Len-nbmicahg, thank you, taking a look now.01:16
Len-nbmicahg, commited and pushed. Ready for meta upload.01:22
Len-nb(and whatever steps in between)01:23
micahgLen-nb: ACK, will try to get to that one tonight01:29
Len-nbThank you01:30
micahgLen-nb: there were some other changes, (add lmms, musecore; remove blender)02:49
micahgare there any bugs to close?  and are these ok?02:49
Len-nbI didn't realize we removed blender... oh ya it wasn't bulding a while back.02:50
Len-nbI don't think there were bug numbers with them though.02:50
micahgok, so I'll upload as is then02:51
micahgmeta uploaded02:58
Len-nbThank you micahg 03:30
len-dtscott-work, we removed blender from seeds... it was broken?14:29
len-dtHas any wark been done to see why?14:29
len-dtzequence, ^^14:29
zequencelen-dt: It made the ISO build fail earlier14:30
zequenceCould have been fixed by now, don't know14:30
zequenceThink someone was on it14:30
zequencepython related14:30
len-dtI guess we should find out... though video editing is not my thing really. It seems to me blender was a pretty important part of our video workflow.14:33
zequenceI'm not doing anything for at least one more week :)14:34
zequenceI'm getting ready for a 1.0 version of inc-machine, the software we'll be using with our band14:35
zequenceDoing that all day and night pretty mucgh14:35
smartboyhwlen-dt, what the? I was trying to get blender 2.64a in the main archives now:P14:37
smartboyhwBut don't know why we need to remove it from seeds14:37
zequencesmartboyhw: read above14:38
micahgsmartboyhw: blender should go though Debian14:44
smartboyhwmicahg, oh no:P 14:58
smartboyhwBut anyway we should put it back a.s.a.p14:59
micahgnot if it breaks the install :)14:59
scott-worklen-dt: doh! i forgot about that, it was a python3 issue i think which has probably been fixed already but i don't know that with certainty15:01
micahgif someone wants to add it back to the seeds, I'm happy to upload another meta if it doesn't break the ISO15:02
scott-workmicahg: if len-dt doesn't get it to it during the day i will get it tonight at home (~ 6 hours hence)15:02
len-dtscott-work, I am unlikely to get to it.15:11
* len-dt is off to work.15:11
holsteinzequence: you mean, it doesnt get complex?15:49
zequenceWell, PA is not an audio device15:49
zequenceSo, if skype connects to PA, it doesn't care about audio devices15:50
holsteinsure.. but if you dont understand how to configure multiple devices... it gets complex15:50
holsteinwhen you fire up skype and its talking to something pulse is routing it to that is not what you are monitoring15:50
holsteini didnt mean to imply pulse was a device.. nor that complexity was an "opinion"15:51
holsteini should have said "i find configuring skype more challenging when i have multiple sound devices"15:51
zequencedefault settings for skype audio now that I installed it was, PA, PA, PA15:52
zequenceSo, all you need to do is configure PA15:52
holsteinsure.. assuming that works and you understand that15:53
holsteini dont think meo knows what pulse is15:53
holsteinnor a repo15:53
holsteinbut.. we are getting there15:53
holsteini'll just keep quiet.. just know that he has *not* used that mic yet, and we dont know what version of skype he is using15:54
zequenceI can't choose anything else than PA in skype settings15:55
zequenceBut this is a reasonably new skype, since it's on 13.0415:55
falktx_skype only lists pulseaudio if its running17:20
zequenceI think Skype only comes for 12.04, but that version works for all releases post 12.0417:46
zequencefalktx_: I don't get a list like that. I can only choose pulseaudio17:48
falktx_zequence: when pulseaudio is running, that list only has pulseaudio17:48
falktx_I'm not sure this is the case for US17:53
zequencefalktx_: Is pulseaudio configured differently for you?17:56
zequencefalktx_: Same result here, when pulse is not running17:58

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