
=== soren_ is now known as soren
skyionunusual instance where upstart is stopping during the boot process on "init: Handing mounting event" though I am unable to determine which mounting event it is referring to?08:57
xnoxslangasek: thanks for the review, will look into testing / implementing it.09:15
PaulePanterslangasek: Is Upstart 1.6 going to be included in Debian Wheezy?12:06
PaulePanterI saw your blogpost about it being in Sid/unstable and wonder about the roadmap.12:06
slangasekPaulePanter: having it in wheezy is certainly the goal, yes16:21
slangasekxnox: +1 for your latest version of the xfs fix16:50
xnoxslangasek: ack. Shall I upload to debian & ubuntu? Or will you take of one or both?16:51
xnoxs/take/take care/16:52
slangasekxnox: if you have time to upload it to to Debian, I would appreciate it, otherwise I was going to prepare an NMU16:52
slangasekxnox: for Ubuntu, definitely upload please16:52
slangasek(as for NMUing, I was going to mark this bug 'serious' severity for Debian)16:53
xnoxslangasek: ah. /me thought you maintain libnih in debian. Ok, i'll file an nmu bug in debian.16:53
slangasekI don't, at least not yet16:54
slangasekI may wind up having to do so16:54
slangasekfile an nmu bug> you already opened a bug, just bump its severity? :)16:54
xnoxslangasek: actually, add nmu patch to the existing bug.16:54
toabctlstgraber, what's left to do for the dconf bridge?17:06
toabctlxnox, do you have a branch for the gtk-doc generation for libnih?17:06
stgrabertoabctl: I think it's mostly ready, we "just" need the upstart user session to be fully implemented now so we can actually use it17:07
toabctl"just" :-)17:07
xnoxtoabctl: not yet sorry. need to find it against & push it. Will ping you when I do this. I ended up just reading the header files & using jodh's slides from the UDS.17:16
xnoxtoabctl: the gtk-doc generated documentation will not have more than that.17:17
toabctlxnox, I know. But it's possible to integrate the gtk-doc stuff into devhelp and that's what I use mostly for development docs17:18
toabctlxnox, thanks!17:18
xnoxtoabctl: yeah.17:20
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PaulePanterslangasek: Nice. Any time estimate when you will send an unblock request?22:51
slangasekPaulePanter: heh, the unblock request was sent a while ago; now it's a matter of straightening out the prerequisites22:53
PaulePanterslangasek: I see. Are the prerequisites listed somewhere?23:05
slangasekPaulePanter: bug #686387 is the unblock bug; 'grep-excuses upstart' shows what's actually blocking at present23:05
PaulePanterslangasek: Thanks!23:06
PaulePanterI see you uploaded a new version. So first wait 10 days and then hopefully the release team will unblock the transition.23:12
PaulePanterslangasek: Again, your blogs post were very interesting! So if the changes in 1.6.1 <https://launchpad.net/upstart/1.x/1.6.1> warrant a new post, it would be great if you write it. ;-)23:14
slangasekPaulePanter: 1.6.1 itself probably isn't anything interesting to a general audience.. I do have a couple of blog posts in my queue though23:15
PaulePanterslangasek: Wanting to test it in Wheezy, besides upstart obviously, I’d need udev, json-c and mountall from unstable?23:17
slangasekand you'll want to be aware of a couple of outstanding bugs on related packages23:18
slangasekbug #695566, and bug #69449923:18

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