
damo22hi there, does anyone here know how to boot a casper thing from (initramfs) prompt?00:32
damo22i am testing an installer for a distro related to ubuntu and it seems to have a bug in it00:33
damo22i have the squashfs file accessible in the installer kernel but i dont know how to tell it to boot00:34
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=== Turtles1 is now known as Nach0z
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=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
=== buildslayer is now known as shadeslayer
brendandisn't raring meant to have some new icons?11:29
BluesKajHey all13:47
BluesKajok , filed a bug on launchpad, Bug #108943918:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1089439 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu 13.04 AMD 64 Desktop Daily Build install freezes at hardware scan" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108943918:12
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=== dniMretsaM is now known as MM_away
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
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cmaginai am experiencing no sound output or input from browsers (i.e. g+ hangouts video works but no audio input, pandora no output)21:23
cmaginamachine was a 12.10 amd64 setup, where all those things worked, but stopped after upgrading to 13.0421:24
FernandoMiguelforgot to report a bug with kernel 3.7 and my office laptop broadcom wifi blob21:47
bjsniderbroadcom wifi bugs? i really thought we were past that now21:49
FernandoMiguelbjsnider: eheh21:55
cmaginafixed my above problem, but the root cause is still unknown22:45
cmaginathe "fix" was to purge pulseaudio and re-install it, followed by a reboot to get everything started again22:45
cmaginathe main jist of the issue was that pulseaudio wasn't coming up; start-pulseaudio-x11 would report connection refused and a ps auf  | grep pulseaudio showed nothing22:46
=== len is now known as Guest18522

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