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bobweaverer telling cario dock that there is a button to open the dash is hard and also having cario dock on open on certian forFactors is even harder !17:34
tgm4883bobweaver, I've got my scope back up to where it was previously, so I'll be working on a lens/scope for guide data next17:49
bobweavertgm4883,  that is hard to talk about ;)17:49
bobweaverBut that is also good news that it is back up to where it was17:49
bobweaveryou got a minute ?17:49
tgm4883I think I'll be able to just use the same layout as the video layout, then hopefully it's just an easy change for when we get guide layout17:50
bobweaverI am wondering so there is a couple of ways that previews can be called17:50
bobweaverguide layout is done17:50
bobweaversidenote ^^17:50
bobweaverone way that I like is by mimi17:50
tgm4883the only mimi i know of is from the drew carey show17:51
bobweaverok so take a look at this17:52
bobweaverso what that does is run a if statement to see 1 if formfactor is tv and 2 too look if path has this in it   mimetype.indexOf("video/")17:52
bobweaverIf the formfactor is that and there is that in the path then it returns previews on selction17:53
tgm4883right, so it shows a preview if it's in the video lens with a video mimetype17:53
bobweaverno I have to figure out a better way of passing more info "notice the Fixme tag "17:54
bobweaverthat is not stable and needs to be re-wrote17:54
bobweavernow there are a bunch of options that can be used17:54
bobweaverone of the ons that I like is onCLicked: if button 3 load blah blah blah17:55
bobweaverthat would go into the render page. itsself17:55
bobweaverso thouse are the only two options that I can figure out at this time. I am not sure how dbus is reading lens17:56
bobweavertgm4883,  you have a virtual box with 12.04 installed ?17:56
tgm4883why are we guessing when we should open a preview vs playing the video. Shouldn't the lens/scope/user be specifying this?17:56
tgm4883bobweaver, I could get one installed17:56
bobweavertgm4883,  that would be cool !17:56
tgm4883so the scope passes to the lens whether a specific item has a preview available17:57
tgm4883then the user would have 2 buttons. one for play, one for info17:57
bobweavertgm4883,  so you think  that it should be play is right click and left is previews just like unity 6 +17:57
tgm4883button clicks is fine, but I'd think a remote is more likely17:58
tgm4883so KEY_PLAY would play, KEY_INFO would open a preview (if available)17:58
tgm4883if not available, then either A) do nothing (Bad), B) Open a preview saying "no preview available", C) do playback17:58
bobweavercorrect and if not avilable then what should it be ? has to have a backup17:58
bobweaverwhat about like a button if not there then user can make his/her own?17:59
tgm4883I say B, since it is more similar to what happens if a preview is available17:59
tgm4883maybe for the future17:59
tgm4883I think that gets into a weird situation as well17:59
bobweaverI have to figure out how to read the info that is being passed via dbus18:00
bobweaverthat might take me some time as it is pulling teeth to get questions abut unity18:00
bobweaveranswered that is (It is me I ran my mouth to much )18:01
bobweaverSaviq,  maybe you can look at this ?18:01
bobweaveror give us a hint if you know anything about this maybe mhall119  also ? or jhodapp18:02
bobweaveror hook me up with someone18:02
bobweavertgm4883, If it was me I would just query tvdb and tmdb from unity 2d itsself18:03
bobweaverbut that is a waste sence there are scopes and lens that allready have preview stuff18:03
tgm4883bobweaver, for previews?18:03
Saviqbobweaver, not sure I get the question, but the flow is this: search results go scope > lens > shell18:03
Saviqbobweaver, shell then requests for a preview for a URI18:03
Saviqbobweaver, it gets the preview back, which has data and possible actions18:04
Saviqthen, upon click, the shell tells the lens to invoke an action18:04
bobweaverSaviq,  do you know javascript ? something that I can say er.. let me make example18:04
Saviqbobweaver, remember I wrote that code? yes, I know JS :P18:04
bobweaversay file name is   /path/to/foo.mpg    I want to just indexof foo.mpg to come back18:05
bobweaverlike a function that can go in utils.js18:05
bobweaverlike the opisite of function removeExt(uri) {18:06
bobweaver    return uri.substring(0, uri.lastIndexOf("."))18:06
bobweaverfunction removeExt(uri) {   return uri.substring(0, uri.lastIndexOf("/"))}18:06
bobweaverbut the opistite18:06
bobweaverso it does not retun in this example /path/to/   for the uri but instead foo.mpg18:07
tgm4883happy 12/12/12, or as you non-americans say, 12/12/1218:13
Saviqlol indeed18:13
Saviqtgm4883, and it's the last one this century!18:14
tgm4883it is!18:14
bobweaverwhat is that ?18:14
mhall119bobweaver: what's the question you have?18:14
tgm4883Saviq, although for the non-americans, you will still have 20/12/201218:15
bobweaverit is about unity previews and how the I can make a bettter system for it18:15
tgm4883which is kinda repeating18:15
bobweavermhall119,  PM ?18:15
mhall119bobweaver: sure18:15
tgm4883bobweaver, nested previews/other preview layouts18:15
bobweavertgm4883,  nested and all that is simple it is the reading of the scopes and lens that I do not understand how to implant18:17
bobweaverhello aaas20:39
aaasanyone know why this happens http://paste.ubuntu.com/1428324/20:39
aaashey bobweaver20:39
bobweavertgm4883,  what do you know about tvhead ?20:39
aaasi think ultimately it's a problem with tvheadend, but it's strange that  upstart does this20:40
bobweaveraaas,  what does tvheadend offer that myth-tv does not or it is just faster ?20:40
bobweaversorry I just hear about this today20:40
tgm4883not much20:40
aaasbobweaver pros and cons like everything20:40
aaasbobweaver switches channels faster20:41
aaasbobweaver but no great timeshift yet20:41
bobweaveraaas,  what os / version of Ubuntu are you running ?20:41
aaasbobweaver also a nicer web config which works for headless people like me... dont care for the mythtv gui20:41
aaasbobweaver 12.1020:41
tgm4883sudo service tvheadend status20:42
bobweaverOh it is a service !20:42
aaastgm4883 'tvheadend start/running'20:42
bobweaveraaas,  restart it20:42
tgm4883aaas, sudo service tvheadend restart20:42
aaasbobweaver i did and this-> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1428324/20:42
tgm4883<tgm4883> aaas, sudo service tvheadend restart20:42
tgm4883aaas, you shouldn't do killall on a service that uses upstart20:43
bobweavertgm4883, so it also use's sql for storage and has api ect ?20:43
aaastgm4883 bobweaver http://paste.ubuntu.com/1428348/20:44
aaasstill no pid is this an upstart thing?20:44
* tgm4883 knows jack crap about tvheadend20:44
aaaswell i think this problem is just a reporting thing ...tvheadend independent20:44
aaasit's just very strange that it says it's running but no pid20:45
bobweaveraaas, try    ps aux | [tTvV]20:45
bobweaveraaas, try    ps aux | grep [tTvV]20:45
tgm4883bobweaver, grep -i tv20:45
tgm4883makes it case insensitive20:45
aaassame thing20:45
tgm4883aaas, is it possible it's not called tv20:46
bobweaverthat is what [TtVv] regex does it looks for both cap and not cap letters I could be wrong on that20:46
aaastgm4883 im almost certain it is... i had it working earlier20:46
bobweavertgm4883,  that is also what I was thinking . aaas  did you upgrade or anything ?20:46
tgm4883bobweaver, right, but if you are doing thisisareallylongonethatwouldtakeforevertodoyourregexon20:46
aaasi think it's some weird upstart thing..it's in limbo where upstart thinks it's up bu the sytstem doesnt20:46
bobweaverwhat cause breakage ?20:46
tgm4883aaas, most likely it's an issue with tvheadend somewher20:47
bobweaveraaas,  why not mythbuntu ?20:47
bobweaverI love it myself20:47
tgm4883bobweaver, some people like old school tv and no dvr ;P20:47
aaastgm4883 well that's what's causing the problem but I think upstart and pid is not a tvheadend issue20:47
tgm4883aaas, where did you install tvheadend from?20:47
aaasbobweaver the channel switching is really slow for me20:48
aaasand it has pvr20:48
aaastgm4883 ubuntu repos20:48
bobweaveraaas,  takes no time for me on myth.26 like ten seconds20:48
tgm4883aaas, if tvheadend uses upstart, then it most certainly made it's own upstart job20:48
bobweaverwell not 10 seconds lol20:48
tgm4883aaas, what is the package name?20:48
aaasbobweaver 10 is way too much.. but I'm using hdhomerun so it might take longer..i think it's down to 1 or 2 now20:49
aaastgm4883 let me check maybe im wrong it might be a ppa20:49
tgm4883bobweaver, why am I here?20:49
bobweavertgm4883, there is that hdhomerun again hat you where talking about20:49
tgm4883bobweaver, yea it's nice20:50
bobweavertgm4883,  you are here because you are awesome20:50
tgm4883eh true20:50
tgm4883I can't argue with that logic20:50
bobweavernot sure what you meant by that but I think you are awesome !20:50
aaasso thats what i used20:50
aaasso it was a ppa20:51
bobweaverWow that is a alot of stuff to do to get tv working20:51
aaasbobweaver less than xbmc if you have backend + frontend + hdhomerun20:52
aaasless than mythtv*20:52
aaasit's a lot to setup no matter what20:52
tgm4883aaas, no it's not20:52
aaasit's not an internal pci card20:52
aaastgm4883 i just set it up20:52
aaasmythtv too20:52
aaasits basically the same20:52
tgm4883aaas, no it's not20:52
aaasthe drivers for hdhomerun are the same no matter what20:52
aaasthe xbmc is the same no matter what (for me)20:53
aaasthe tvheadend/mythtv difference is marginal20:53
aaasset up video source20:53
aaasall similar20:53
tgm4883aaas, you are in the US?20:53
tgm4883they why scan?20:53
aaaswhat ever your'e about to say (schedules direct) same for both20:54
bobweaveraaas,  getting info via SD ?20:54
aaaswait sd? stadnard def?20:54
bobweavers|sd| (schedules direct20:54
aaasoh hehe20:54
bobweaveraaas,  ever think about using ubuntu tv  ?20:55
tgm4883aaas, I'm looking though these instructions, and even just comparing mythtv to tvheadend, no it is not the same20:55
aaastgm4883 well not the same, but similar.. there is not THAT much difference20:55
aaasbobweaver ubuntu tv?20:55
bobweaverIt is not done yet aaas  but there is talks of it being worked on20:56
bobweaverit uses myth as backend though20:57
bobweaverbecause myth tv is awesome20:57
bobweaveraaas,  do you mainly view channels live or recored and then watch ?20:57
tgm4883bobweaver, it's live20:58
aaasbobweaver i like myth but the problem i have with them is that it is kind of a hacked together pvr... the added on live tv as an afterthought... the developers do not want to fix the long time for channel changes, and i hate using a gui for a headless machine, but myth has a lot of neat features, yes20:58
aaasbobweaver im not sure..this is for a household setup...personally i record, not sure of my gf will though shes more of a 'broswer'20:58
tgm4883aaas, try to keep it rational and fact based now20:58
tgm4883"hacked together pvr"?20:58
aaastgm4883 citation available upon request20:59
aaassure i can find the thread20:59
tgm4883aaas, "hacked together pvr"?20:59
bobweaverI was alspo wondering what that was all about ?20:59
tgm4883yes I want to see that thread20:59
aaasok one sec20:59
bobweaveraaas,  you have seen that there is a mythtv scope for the unity video lens ?21:00
aaasbobweaver i dont use unity21:00
bobweaverboooo ! :)21:00
bobweaveraaas,  just out of curiosity what DE do you use ?21:00
tgm4883<insert obligatory it makes me work slower reference>21:01
aaastgm4883 here's the thread http://www.mythtv.org/pipermail/mythtv-users/2008-August/231728.html21:02
aaasbobweaver this is a headless server21:02
aaasbobweaver so i try not to use anything unless i have to21:03
tgm4883aaas, he means for your FE21:03
aaasbobweaver which is what makes it annoying to loging and setup myth21:03
tgm4883which I'm assuming is a TV/PS3/etc21:03
aaastgm4883 no read the entire thread21:03
tgm4883aaas, which is going away in the next version21:03
aaasand the devs resistance...which may be well founded21:03
tgm4883aaas, I'm.... never mind21:03
aaasit would be a lot of work to get it working that way21:04
tgm4883aaas, i'm reading the thread, and also explaining what bobweaver was asking21:04
aaasoh hehe21:04
aaasno xbmc21:04
bobweaveryeah I meant on your front ends what is DE21:04
aaaswhen you said de i thought you meant desktop environment21:04
bobweaverI do21:04
aaaswindows, linux, raspberry pi21:04
aaasall sorts of stuff21:04
aaasbut all xbmc21:05
tgm4883aaas, I'm still reading this thread, but it seems to be about slow channel changes, not about "hacked together pvr"21:05
bobweaverahh xbmc is kinda cool try out qtmediahub ?21:05
aaastgm4883 well 'hacked together pvr' = 'live tv as an afterthought' as they say21:06
aaasbobweaver qtmeadiahug?21:06
* tgm4883 sighs21:06
* aaas sighs 21:06
tgm4883aaas, not to mention this is a thead from 2008, which is 5-6 major versions of mythtv ago21:07
bobweaverthat is what I thought also when I was reading that21:07
aaastgm4883 if it is a structural difference then it's there for a longn time... but i just installed myth and i can tell you it's that way for me21:08
tgm4883aaas, oh I know it takes a few seconds to change channels, I'm not denying that21:09
bobweaveraaas,  my crazy frontend -> http://imagebin.org/23906521:10
tgm4883I'm just waiting for the part where someone says this is a "hacked together pvr"21:10
bobweaverwhat is difference between pvr and dvr ?21:10
tgm4883bobweaver, the first letter?21:10
bobweavertgm4883,  er21:10
bobweaveris like one faster or can record more channels ?21:11
aaastgm4883 i know  you want to define that in some malicious way, but i just meant that it was hacked (not put on as a initial design decision)21:11
tgm4883aaas, no, what you meant to say was "While MythTV does have awesome features, the LiveTV portions of it do not live up to the rest of the program and feel as if they were added on as an afterthought"21:12
tgm4883aaas, that isn't what you said though21:12
bobweavernot hacked togeather21:12
aaasno you are interepreting it wrong because you are emotionally connected to mythtv and i said something so rather than trying to unsertand what i mean you went for the worst possible definition21:13
bobweaverwell good luck with tvheadless or what ever it is called. but if you like stay up-to-date with Ubuntu-tv we have google + facebook and all sorts of stuff21:13
bobweaveraaas,  but again we are going to use myth tv as a backend but there is always room for improvement. Like the things that you are talking about21:14
tgm4883aaas, if it had zero live tv functionality, would it still be "hacked together"?21:14
tgm4883personally, I'd like to see live tv functionality dropped completetly21:15
aaastgm4883 no..... if you add the 'pvr' portion of it as an afterthought ('hack) then it is21:15
bobweaveraaas, Ubuntu tv is going to rock21:15
aaasbobweaver have you used xbmc21:15
* bobweaver does not like xbmc there rendering and also there options are umm.. 21:16
tgm4883aaas, "hacked together" implies that it was done incorrectly. My favorite part of the thread you posted is "We all agree it's a problem. We would all like faster channel changing times. The issue is that no one wants it enough to fix it. These threads typically go on for a few days and then someone says, "I'm going to look into the code and see where I can optimize it to have channel change times under a second!" and then we never21:16
tgm4883hear from them again."21:16
bobweaveraaas,  like how they gather metadata and what not.not to say that xbmc is not good but I can get all the stuff that it offers in Ubuntu tv or just stright up Ubuntu21:16
aaastgm4883 well it was done incorrectly from the perspective of someone who wants a solution integrated from the ground up21:16
bobweaverUnity that is21:16
aaasbobweaver rednering and options?21:17
tgm4883aaas, and yet nobody has stepped forward with any patches21:17
bobweaveraaas,  yeah it is not easy to connect to to use there services . wait I do not think that they have services21:17
aaastgm4883 yeah the problem might be so hard to fix.... i dont fault them for not fixing something that is super hard to fix, but it just doesn't work for some people is all21:17
bobweaveryou have to export all the libs if you want to use .nfo21:17
aaasbobweaver it's a frontend mostly21:17
bobweaverthat is what I mean I like it. but it is just not powerfull enough21:18
aaasbobweaver wait a sec..export the libs?21:18
bobweaveraaas,  yeah but not ayscronisticly21:18
aaasbobweaver .nfo from what21:18
bobweaverof uou movies and your tv and what not21:19
aaasbobweaver the meta data is dynamically scrapped from the internet21:19
bobweaverYeah I know that.21:19
bobweaverwhat I am saying is that there is nothing to read it asycronisticly21:19
bobweaverlike I can not go to webbrowser and put in something that I am looking for on backend and get it21:19
tgm4883aaas, so other than livetv taking a few senconds to change channels (which apparently is what you mean by it being completely an afterthought), you think that mythtv has no faults based on the upcoming release21:20
bobweaverwith myth you can do these types of things21:20
aaasbobweaver  like search for a movie?21:20
tgm4883bobweaver, xbmc is a frontend, not a backend21:20
tgm4883by definition, it does not serve content21:20
aaastgm4883 well im sure it has faults, but it works for some people, it just doesn't work for me, the gui config was annoynig for someone like me with a headless server21:21
bobweaveraaas,  kinda but there is more to it then just that. lets take adding new things to xbmc like a new lens in unity you can not just add things21:21
tgm4883aaas, I just said that was going away in the upcoming release, being replaced with web setup21:21
aaastgm4883 sure and that would be great, but im doing my setup now... and tvheadend is getting timeshifting in the next release too21:22
tgm4883bobweaver, i'm not going to knock on xbmc, for what it is, it's a solid piece of software21:22
aaasbobweaver you need to get away from this unity lenes stuff...what is the benefit of integrating it with unity?21:22
tgm4883aaas, i thought you said that tvheadend was already a pvr?21:22
aaastgm4883 yes it is but it doesn't have timshifting in stable (though I htink it's in head or a branch somewhere)21:22
bobweaverwhere myth tv can be queryed and xbmc can not. also well there are just so many options. but the services api is the big one that makes myth real real good not just for  one front end but all like even unity ot xface a app that you want to write. xbmc is standalone and is not working with other DE that is21:23
tgm4883aaas, bobweaver drop the unity talk. Both Unity and XBMC are similar in that they both allow plugins21:23
bobweaveryeah but not like it should be21:23
tgm4883aaas, err, define timeshifting for me since you don't think that is the same as a PVR21:23
bobweaverI like xbmc but there is just not enough things that say hey use me.  But I am weired21:23
tgm4883bobweaver, right, but XBMC isn't a backend/server21:24
aaastgm4883 well maybe im wrong but pvr is a personal video recorder, it's for recording video, timeshfiting is the ability to pause live tv rewide live, speed past commericals21:24
bobweavertgm4883,  uses sqllight there is tables21:24
aaasbobweaver does  your unity setup have icefilms, free cable, 1channel, hulu, justintv, navix-x, project free tv stuff like that21:25
aaasbobweaver that's the likker for me21:25
bobweaverbut I am not tying to "knock" XBMC it id s great app but not a DE21:25
tgm4883aaas, err, this is embarrasing. That should be the same functionality. What you just described as "coming in the next release of tvheadend", is by definition adding timeshifting as an afterthought21:25
aaasbobweaver i can go watch avatar right now (not to get into all the ethical stuff)21:26
bobweaveraaas,  yeah lol21:26
bobweaverI have a watch sseries lens and project tv and many others and also a browser called chrome21:26
aaastgm4883 well i dont think so, you just develop along the way, the timeshifting was always planned, but you take it a bit at a time... first you play back video, then you get an epg, then you scrape content, etc. etc.... i dont fault them for not having developed every feature at the same time21:27
tgm4883OMG you too21:27
tgm4883aaas, so it's only an afterthought if it's not your project?21:27
aaasbobweaver are you at a tv? or is it for a desktop21:27
bobweaveraaas,  for everything21:28
aaastgm4883 well it's an afterthought if it's not part of the project timeline21:28
bobweavertv phone desktop tablet remote21:28
aaasbobweaver you have unity on your phone? or you mean you stream it21:28
bobweaveraaas,  kinda like changing themes in xbmc but much more powerful21:28
tgm4883aaas, have you tested the upcoming tvheadend release yet?21:28
bobweaveraaas,  I cn not afford a phone21:29
aaastgm4883 i think im on stable21:29
bobweaverbut I would if it was there21:29
bobweaveror I could fford it21:29
aaasbobweaver but hwat are you running this on?21:29
aaasbobweaver a home tv?21:29
bobweavermetacity or wayland21:29
aaasbobweaver or yoru desktop21:29
bobweaveroh everything !21:29
bobweavertv's desktops everything21:30
aaasbobweaver on your phone?21:30
tgm4883aaas, yes, on his phone21:30
bobweaverI can afford a phone or It would21:30
tgm4883and his tablet21:30
bobweaverand my netbooks21:30
tgm4883on his computers21:30
aaasbobweaver my streaming I mean you're not running unity on your phone right? or tablet21:30
bobweaverand my dishwasher21:30
bobweaveryeah I am21:30
tgm4883aaas, no, it's not just a UPNP client21:31
aaastgm4883 this is ubuntutv?21:31
bobweavermock UP *21:31
tgm4883aaas, it might be difficult to explain since you don't use Unity21:31
tgm4883aaas, do  you have an android phone?21:31
bobweaveraaas,  maybe you would like to see more in a video ?21:31
aaasbobweaver im trying to watch one now21:32
aaastgm4883 yes21:32
tgm4883aaas, ok, then you are familiar with android apps21:32
aaasah ok so it's an app to unity21:32
tgm4883aaas, so  lets say any android app could run on anything running the android OS21:33
tgm4883eh, kinda21:33
tgm4883what OS DO you use?21:33
aaasubuntu windows debian android21:33
bobweaveraaas,  it is not a app it is a DE it is just like a new settings21:34
* tgm4883 stabs sharepoint21:34
aaasit looks cool21:34
bobweaverbut if ou do not like Unity then you are not going to like it Well that would be my guess21:34
tgm4883I have a way better analogy when I get back21:34
* bobweaver takes the plastic knife away from tgm4883 21:35
aaaswell thats the thing.... how do your run it on a phone?21:35
tgm4883aaas, ubuntu runs on ARM21:35
aaastgm4883 so you have to rmove your android rom and install ubuntu?21:35
bobweaver^^ and you can chroot21:35
tgm4883aaas, yes21:36
tgm4883or via the APP21:36
bobweaverno *21:36
bobweaveryou can chroot and vnc in and have it all21:36
aaasok vnc is super slow you should not be streaming your media that way21:36
bobweaverthat is why there is work being done but there is also the option of rom but that is not here21:37
bobweaveror at least I think that there is21:37
aaasok so my setup is like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NR57ELY28s21:37
aaasthose are for all the frontends21:37
aaaseach cost $3521:38
bobweaverwait you are running on pi for frontend ?21:38
aaasplus $15 for a wifi if you need it21:38
aaasubuntu cant run on the pi yet21:38
aaasit's arm621:38
bobweaverpi is also slow21:38
bobweaveraaas,  ever look at pandaboards?21:38
aaasit's $3521:38
tgm4883IIRC, Ubuntu doesn't run on Pi21:38
aaastoo expensive21:38
aaasno it doesnt21:38
aaasbecause it's arm621:38
tgm4883Ubuntu developers run on Pie though ;)21:38
bobweaverbut debian does and ....21:39
aaasso with a $15 wifi21:39
aaasi can get 1080p21:39
bobweaverbut it is slow21:39
aaasworks fine21:39
aaasnot at all21:39
bobweavernot the wifi21:39
tgm4883aaas, that is only h.264 decoding right?21:39
aaasno anything21:39
aaaswindows media center video21:39
aaasmepg2 you need a codec from the foundation21:39
aaasfrom your backend21:40
aaasmore or less anything21:40
aaasall 1080p21:40
aaasbig buck bunny works fine21:40
bobweavergstreamer runs on pi ?21:40
aaasof any format21:40
tgm4883aaas, right, but recordings from tvheadend are going to be mpeg2-ts right?21:40
aaasnot sure... they use their own player21:40
aaastgm4883 yes or matroska dpending on what you set21:40
aaasit also does internet tv of course... i have over 317 apps21:41
tgm4883aaas, well it should be mpeg2 with a hdhomerun prime21:41
aaastons and tons of the shady ones21:41
aaasall tv episodes21:41
aaastons, and tons of movies21:41
aaashere is navix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaGPBswzGH421:41
aaastons and tons and tons of movies21:41
aaasof course it does audio so many many many radio stations with radio app21:42
aaasdoes hulu21:42
aaasdoes 'real hulu' supposed to remove commercials21:42
tgm4883aaas, but those aren't a benefit of xmbc, they are because of the plugins21:42
aaasdoes netflix (but not on pi it has to be a windows install)21:42
aaastgm4883 yes xbmc is worthless without the plugins21:42
aaasbut the development community is so strong21:43
aaasprobably stronger than any other project21:43
bobweaverThe only think that I do not like about that video is it seems like to much searching to get anywhere21:43
bobweaverthing *21:43
aaasbackend can stream to any tablet/phone21:43
aaasyeah the frontend isn't as integrated as your solution21:43
aaasbut it's portable21:43
aaasit's on android native..not just front end21:44
bobweaverlike why have all the menus  ? and not just a simple search bar that you type in name of show or whatever and it renders for you to see ?21:44
aaasbobweaver there's a plugin for that21:44
tgm4883aaas, the android XBMC app has plugin support?21:44
aaashe doesn't have it installed21:44
aaastgm4883 i dont know it's still beta21:44
aaasbut it will have live tv support natively21:44
bobweaveryeah I dont care where I am getting my shows I just want to watch21:44
aaasyou can use a raspberry pi as a backend too21:44
aaasbobweaver well exactly... can you get avatar right now?21:45
aaasbobweaver can you watch the latest episode of the big bag theory21:45
bobweaveranything almost21:45
aaaswell then thats all that matters21:45
bobweaveraaas,  let me get you a video21:45
tgm4883that was......21:45
aaaswhat was21:46
tgm4883you just said a bunch of things expecting that you knew how bobweaver was going to respond, so you didn't even wait for his answers21:46
* tgm4883 goes back to fixing sharepoint21:46
aaasno i didnt reread ^^21:47
bobweaveraaas,  that is like 3 months ago to by the way21:47
aaasbobweaver what app is that? or is that native to this interface?21:48
bobweaverapp ?21:48
aaasbobweaver so you can get these shows without installing anything?21:48
bobweaveryeah searchs internet21:48
aaasbobweaver you dont have to install any plugin?21:48
tgm4883aaas, just need the plugins21:48
aaasah ok21:48
aaasso kina like google tv21:48
bobweaverno there is not anyplugins for something like that21:49
* tgm4883 didn't watch the video21:49
aaasah ok21:49
bobweaverI mean there is metapackages21:49
aaasdo you know what sources it's using?21:49
bobweaveryeah for what though >21:49
bobweaverit uses youtube ad watchseries and many many many others21:50
aaasto find the videos, icefilms, free cable, etc21:50
bobweaverwatseries is 3rd party21:50
bobweaverwatchseries *21:50
aaasah ok21:50
bobweaverthere is also netflixs and stuff like that also21:51
aaasi just get skeptical when it says 'purchase'21:51
bobweaverpurchase is just a button21:51
bobweaverLike I said this is v.new MOCKUP code21:51
bobweavermockup being keyword here21:52
aaasbobweaver ah ok... well elts have a test... pick a movie and ill look for it and you look for it and we can see if we find it21:52
aaasbobweaver to see how comprehensive each solution is21:52
aaasthe database21:52
bobweaverok when do we start ?21:52
bobweavermovie spaceballs21:53
aaaswell it's not a race... just pick one21:53
aaaslook for it21:53
bobweaverstarting now21:53
aaasand ill look for it21:53
bobweaverfound it and watching it after closing full screen and typing this21:53
tgm4883you two aren't going to get out tape measures next are you?21:54
aaasok found it21:54
aaasmine is clearly much harder to find21:54
aaassince yours is easier, you just search right?21:55
bobweaveryeah mine got it from a awesome scope21:55
bobweavermythtv scope21:55
bobweaverit was in backend21:55
aaaswait are you searching your local or internet?21:55
bobweaverI hit super and typed in spaceballs21:55
aaasah and it's in your backend?21:55
tgm4883aaas, a single search, searches all plugins21:55
aaasok try searching for these movies21:56
bobweaverthere and also netflixs has it but it is send away21:56
aaasunbreakable (2000)21:56
aaaswild target (2009)21:56
aaasbro' (2012)21:56
aaasalex cross (2012)21:56
tgm4883aaas, why are we trying to compare the two?21:56
aaastgm4883 to see if i shoudl swtich21:56
* tgm4883 sighs21:56
aaasdid you find them all?21:56
* aaas sighs 21:57
tgm4883aaas, if you are searching based on if it can find 4 movies...21:57
bobweaverer upload speed is so slow !21:57
aaastgm4883 no im using statistics21:57
bobweaverno not all them21:57
aaaswhich ones21:57
tgm4883aaas, lies, damned lies, and statistics21:58
aaasbobweaver and the others?21:58
bobweavermatched regex21:59
bobweaverand ubuntu server and well many many many other places21:59
aaasbobweaver well waht i wnat to know is can you watch these movies, not just search terms about it21:59
tgm4883aaas, a better question is21:59
tgm4883aaas, where are your sources for them?22:00
aaastgm4883 yeah that's what i asked ...im curiouss if we have the same soruces22:00
tgm4883there is absolutely no sense in just searching for the movies22:00
aaastgm4883 why not22:00
tgm4883aaas, no, what are YOUR sources for them22:00
tgm4883aaas, because you don't know if he has those movies locally or not22:00
aaasnavix but im not sure what site it scrapes22:00
aaastgm4883 hence using statitsics22:01
bobweaverwe use api and not scarping22:01
tgm4883lies, damned lies, and statistics22:01
bobweaverwell not all source22:01
tgm4883bobweaver, no, we use scopes, and scopes get the data from magic land22:01
bobweaveroh magic land22:01
bobweaverI like magic land22:01
tgm4883there is zero reason a scope couldn't scrape a site22:01
aaasbobweaver did you find and could you play those movies22:02
bobweaveryeah that is wht watchseries does is scrape22:02
tgm4883there is zero technical reason a scope couldn't scrape a site22:02
bobweaveryeah I can play the movies aaas  why else would they be there22:02
aaasbobweaver no THOSE movies22:02
bobweaverif I wanted to search metadata I can do that also22:02
aaasalex cross (2012)22:02
aaasunbreakable (2000)22:02
tgm4883aaas, again, I think you're asking the wrong question22:02
aaasi just want to see how comprehensive it is22:03
tgm4883a better question is "is there a scope/lens for <insert site here>?"22:03
tgm4883aaas, it is all encompassing22:03
aaasso he might not have that lens installed?22:03
tgm4883that scope, but yea22:04
aaasis there a way i can search for the available lenses22:04
aaaserr scope22:04
bobweaverlies all lies ^^22:04
bobweaverdepends on whta you are tryng to get22:04
aaasso here are my favorites:22:04
aaasjustin tv22:04
bobweaverlike I am not going to look for porn but could install adult lens22:04
aaas1 channel22:04
aaasproject free tv22:04
aaasfree cable22:04
tgm4883bobweaver, sure you aren't ;)22:05
bobweaverwe should install them22:05
bobweavertgm4883,  you figured me out ! Damn you to all blazes22:05
bobweaveraaas,  anymore ?22:05
aaashmmm maybe a couple more i dont have listed, but I'm not going to list all 317 plugins, only the ones where you can get tons of movies and tv shows...i use those the most22:06
aaasthose are the most valuable22:06
bobweaverOMG 317 plugins22:06
bobweaverwhatnis ram22:06
bobweaverwhat is *22:06
aaasbobweaver it doesnt take ram22:06
aaashaha if it did i'd be dead22:07
bobweaverthat is what I figured22:07
bobweaverbut what does xbmc run at idle ?22:07
bobweaverwith plugins22:07
aaashmmm im at about 4.722:07
tgm4883bobweaver, it doesn't load the plugins22:07
tgm4883they are just there unloaded until you need them22:08
aaasbut i have this broken thing so it's using more than normal22:08
bobweaverihear that ^^22:08
aaassorry i was wrong it's 27422:09
bobweaverwell i am using 0.2 % of ram with ubuntu tv and I have 4 gigs so go figure22:09
aaassorry i thought you meant cpu22:10
bobweaverwith all things open at this time browser and chatting thingy and qtcreator and 4 terminal's and dconf-editor I am running at about 700 mb22:10
aaasbut all this depends on ocmputer22:10
bobweavercorrect ^^22:10
bobweavergood to compair numbers like this22:11
bobweavermaybe I should go back to valgrind for a minute or to and look for any leaks22:11
aaasbobweaver http://imgit.me/i/1R6X6y7.png22:13
aaasover 200 movies from just one source... this is the type of thing i want22:13
bobweaveryou should want all movies ?22:14
bobweavernot just 20022:14
bobweaverright like everythingthat there is22:14
bobweaverimpossible but a good goal22:14
aaasbobweaver as much as possible which is why i wanted you to search a bunch of movies for me to show me what you h ave22:15
bobweaverbrb letting dog out22:15
aaasi want to see what solution has more access to movies/tv22:15
tgm4883XBMC does22:19
aaastgm4883 why do you say that?22:20
tgm4883aaas, mostly because it has access to hulu and we don't yet22:20
aaastgm4883 but hulu aside?22:20
tgm4883I'd probably still say XBMC22:21
tgm4883it's been around longer and has more plugins22:21
aaastgm4883 can you find a list of these 'scopes' online or is only by installing ubuntutv?22:21
bobweaverand because Ubuntu tv is what a year old and still mock up code ?22:21
tgm4883aaas, lens/scopes have to do with unity, not ubuntu tv22:21
tgm4883so anything that runs unity, can share scopes22:21
tgm4883aaas, anyone can write a lens/scope22:22
aaastgm4883 ah so if I boot up a live cd on a usb drive I should be able to see them?22:22
tgm4883you could see the default lenses/scopes22:22
aaastgm4883 and add others?22:22
tgm4883aaas, you could obviously add anything you find, or write your own22:23
aaasim going to check it out... thanks for the info tgm4883 bobweaver22:23
bobweaveraaas,  yeah there is Yahoo crazy dude that made a scope for the video lens that looks at mythtv backend. what a crazy SOAB22:27
bobweaverto bad it is php http://adammagana.com/hulu/#genre-list22:36
bobweavertrying to scape it and it says that it will not allow anonymous proxys :/22:37
tgm4883bobweaver, that most certainly violates the hulu ToS22:38
bobweaveryup sucks that there is not public api22:38
bobweavermaybe I will play with pbs ?22:39
bobweaverI will make scope for pbs tonight maybe22:40
bobweaverDepending on the request and access, it may take several days to get approval.    << BOOOO !!22:42
bobweaverer I need to learn how to use girlo22:51
bobweaverwell justin tv was easy api I have ever used !22:58
bobweaverthough there has to be better search terms that I am going to parse22:58

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