
Kilosmorning all05:23
Kiloseek down to 30 again05:24
magespawnmorning Kilos05:43
Kiloshey magespawn 05:43
magespawn still cannot get through to the core from the internet, got some work to do05:45
Kilosoh my05:56
Kiloshow do things just break like that05:57
Kilosit was working fine05:57
magespawnnot too sure, everything seems to be working right from my side05:58
Kilosyou got gufw?05:58
magespawnwhat is that?05:59
TaraLSHi all06:01
TaraLSI got a message from the guy who was gonna donate le PC to me.06:01
* Squirm looks around06:01
TaraLSIs that good? I mean, I THINK it's good, but wanted to confirm.06:01
Squirmany donation is good06:02
Squirmbut it's faster than my pc :P06:02
Squirmexcept I have more hdd space and a slightly better graphics card06:02
TaraLSWell, I don't really play games aside from stupid little flash games from time to time, so06:03
TaraLSAnd yes - any donation is very good. :)06:03
TaraLSsuperfly:  ?06:03
TaraLSKilos:  ?06:03
Squirmso then it's not a bad machine06:03
Kilosyo TaraLS 06:03
Kilosmagespawn: its a firewall06:04
Squirmthe gui for Ubuntu Firewall06:05
magespawnTaraLS: looks good, and you can always test your drives and add them is they are okay06:05
Kiloslooks good TaraLS 06:05
Kiloshi nlsthzn 06:06
superflyTaraLS: that's a very decent machine06:07
superflyI have a similar PC at home and that is my main "workhorse" PC06:08
magespawnyes i have a firewall up and running 06:09
TaraLSYay, awesome. Thanks everyone. Now I go back to sweltering, woohoooooo. 06:10
Kiloshiya superfly you got meds today06:11
magespawnbut nothing has changed there06:12
* magespawn is suspicious of cell provider06:13
superflyKilos: ya06:13
* magespawn goes to check dyn dns06:14
magespawnyou sick superfly?06:15
magespawnlooks like it was the dyn dns, did not update properly yesterday06:19
Kilosaw that sucks magespawn 06:22
Kiloshe isnt sick just got irritating probs same as tara too06:22
Kilosallergic to pollens06:22
Kilosand asthma06:22
Squirmlooks at what my cousin plays with for a living06:23
Squirmwell, ok, he's studying. but he has to work with that for a project06:24
Kiloswhats that thing Squirm 06:24
SquirmHusky a20006:24
Squirmremote controlled ATV06:25
Kilosi dunno what that is or does06:25
Squirmit's a big remote controlled car :P06:25
Squirmbut you're able to make modifications to it06:25
Kiloswhat does it do?06:26
Kilosaw magespawn and you stuck on vc06:27
magespawnnah Kilos just did a maual dyn dns update and all is well again.06:28
magespawnmanual even06:28
Kilosoh well thats good06:32
Kilosoh you cable there06:33
magespawnyes but did check through the cell connection06:35
Kilosah ok06:35
magespawnbbl got to go out for awhile06:35
Kiloshi Tonberry 06:43
Tonberryhallo 06:44
Kiloshiya maiatoday 06:45
Kiloshi jrgns 06:47
jrgnsmorning K06:47
Squirmstupid utf-16 encoded file :/08:03
nlsthzn+1, stupid file >:(08:08
nlsthznwhat are we talking about?08:08
SquirmI have a utf-16 encoded file I want to open in python, modify it, then save it again08:08
superflySquirm: so what's the problem?08:15
nlsthznthe file is utf-1608:15
* nlsthzn has no idea and is searching for his windows cd in shame08:16
superflynlsthzn: like I said, what's the problem?08:16
nlsthznhow are you superfly ?08:16
superflynlsthzn: tired, sick, but otherwise fine thanks. How are you?08:16
superflynlsthzn: has the cooler part of summer settled in yet?08:17
nlsthznbrilliant weather... highs of only 26-27 and dropped to 22-23 on a cold day like today :) - nights re chilly dropping below 20... brrrr...08:17
nlsthznand I am serious, we get cold :/08:18
nlsthznhope you get well soon then superfly!!!08:18
superflyme too08:18
Squirmsuperfly: I don't really know. I seem to need to convert it back to ascii, find the text I'm looking for, then convert it back to utf1608:18
superflystupid bronchitis which gave me asthma and recurring chest infections08:18
Squirmthe problem comes in converting it to ascii08:18
superflySquirm: why do you need to convert it to ascii?08:19
superflyutf16's base chars should "match" ascii08:19
Squirmwhen I do a simple read on the file, my list spits out lines like the following08:19
Squirm\x001\x003\x000\x002\x00=\x00P\x00a\x00s\x00s\x00w\x00o\x00r\x00d\x00 \x00t\x00e\x00s\x00t\x00 \x00s\x00t\x00r\x00i\x00n\x00g\x0008:19
superflySquirm: yes, because it is utf16 and it is displaying the raw bytes08:20
superflySquirm: I think what you *actually* want to do is convert it to unicode, if anything08:20
superflySquirm: do you understand how encodings work?08:21
Squirmit's new to me08:21
superflySquirm: ah, so I gathered08:21
superflySquirm: do you know how ascii works?08:21
SquirmI udnerstand that each character has an ascii code associated with it08:22
superflyascii is an encoding08:22
superflya particular byte represents each character08:22
superflyBUT ascii only has the range 0-127 (aka 128 bytes)08:22
superfly(and no, not 256, that's extended ascii)08:22
superflyutf8 is built on ascii, but extends further08:23
superflyboth ascii and utf use a single byte to store a single character08:23
superflyutf16, however, uses *two* bytes to store a single character08:23
superflywhich is why converting it to ascii is both erroneous, and useless08:24
Squirmwhat if I had to convert the string I wanted to search for into utf16 first?08:25
Squirmsuperfly: http://slexy.org/view/s2c8eSah2Y08:25
Kiloshi barrydk 08:25
barrydkGood morning everyone08:25
superflyhi barrydk08:25
Squirmit's a little messy. but it gets neater when I fix my issues :P08:25
superflySquirm: do you know what "decode" does?08:26
Squirmconverts it into ascii?08:26
superflyI told you, ascii is an encoding08:26
superflyif you wanted something in ascii, you'd have to ENcode it08:26
superflySquirm: is the "book" file actually in utf16, or is it in cp1252 ?08:28
Squirmit's the config file for the application that is encoded08:28
superfly(additionally, comparing a string to unicode is a little silly, you should rather compare unicode to unicode)08:28
Squirmbut I'm not sure exactly08:28
superflySquirm: use chardet if you don't know08:29
Squirm>>> chardet.detect("main.cfg")08:34
Squirm{'confidence': 1.0, 'encoding': 'ascii'}08:34
SquirmI think I ran it wrong08:34
SquirmI see an example08:35
Squirmsuperfly: {'confidence': 1.0, 'encoding': 'UTF-16LE'}08:37
maiatodayhi Kilos08:50
Kiloswb magespawn 09:25
Squirmsuperfly: ok, so decode will decode into unicode10:16
Squirmwell, back to unicode10:17
Squirmand if I use unicode("string") it will decode ascii into unicode10:17
Squirmso I try and run a decode on a line(after I've stripped the \n)10:18
Squirm    return codecs.utf_16_le_decode(input, errors, True)10:18
SquirmUnicodeDecodeError: 'utf16' codec can't decode byte 0x00 in position 48: truncated data10:18
superflySquirm: don't truncate the \n before decoding10:22
superflydo you en/de-coding, and THEN strip unnecessary characters10:22
superflySquirm: you're forgetting that UTF16 uses TWO bytes to represent a character, not one10:23
Squirmbut surely the \n is just a part of the text file?10:23
Squirmso I took out the rstrip10:24
SquirmUnicodeDecodeError: 'utf16' codec can't decode byte 0x0a in position 34: truncated data10:24
Squirmsuperfly: would an = throw it off?10:26
superflySquirm: eh?10:26
Squirmit parses the first line, which is "#Main Settings" but it fails on line 210:26
Squirm\x00B\x00o\x00o\x00k\x00N\x00a\x00m\x00e\x00=\x00T\x00h\x00e\x00 \x00L\x00o\x00n\x00g\x00 \x00E\x00a\x00r\x00t\x00h\x00\r\x00\n10:27
Squirmthe '=' doesn't seem to be encoded?10:27
Squirmthe line in the config file reads:10:27
SquirmBookName=Test Book10:28
SquirmBookName=The Long Earth10:28
superflySquirm: if you open the file in a text editor, do you see physical "\", "x", "0", "0" and "B" characters?10:29
Squirmnope, I see ascii characters10:30
Squirmit looks like a plain text file to me10:30
superflySquirm: hrm, probably because your text editor is realising it is UTF16, and displaying it correctly10:31
Squirmnot knowing much about encoding, but it looks like the line is comprised of10:31
superfly\x00B = B10:31
Squirm\x00B\x00o\x00o\x00k\x00N\x00a\x00m\x00e\x00 - Being encoded, the "=" not being encoded then "\x00T\x00h\x00e\x00 \x00L\x00o\x00n\x00g\x00 \x00E\x00a\x00r\x00t\x00h\x00\r\x00\n" beging encoded10:31
superflyfirst char is \0, second char is B10:31
Squirmi see it now10:32
Squirmbut then why is it failing on the 2nd line and not the first10:32
Squirmopening the cfg file in pluma(like gedit)10:32
Squirmthese are the first 3 lines10:33
Squirm# Main Settings10:33
SquirmBookName=The Long Earth10:33
SquirmBookInfo=The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett / Stephen Baxter10:33
SquirmI've tried running the application with the config file in what I'd call "plain text", which I guess is ascii encoded10:36
Squirmand it never worked10:37
=== confluency_ is now known as confluency
Kiloshey Jabberwocky 11:46
Jabberwockygood afternoon Kilos, how is things?11:46
Kiloslong time no see11:46
Kilosok ty and you?11:47
Jabberwockyyeah I was gone for quite some time11:47
JabberwockyI can't complain :)11:47
Kilosyou back in time though. monthly meeting on monday and reapp on tuesday11:47
Kiloswhere you been?11:48
Jabberwockymoving around, I don't have any mobile internet :(11:49
Kilosoh my peer got the flies11:54
Kiloswb superfly mrs_fly 12:50
Kilosand warthe lurker12:50
KilosWraz, 12:50
Squirmsuperfly: got it sorted13:57
superflySquirm: can I see your final solution?13:57
Squirmsuperfly: http://slexy.org/view/s20NuNrM7614:00
SquirmIt's just so I don't have to edit the config file everytime I want to compile a new book. because fields are repeated a few times. Also means I could modify it to read a csv file, if I wanted to do a batch compile14:04
SquirmI forgot it was 12/12/12 today14:39
magespawnafternoon all14:39
magespawnSquirm your paste expired, on purpose?14:40
Kiloshehe he dont want others to have life easy14:44
magespawni like to have a look at what other people do, to learn, if they do not mind14:45
superflymagespawn: all my code is open-sourced14:46
magespawni thought that was Squirm who pasted it14:47
superflyI have a section on my blog with code snippets and the like14:47
magespawnhave had a look ty superfly14:47
superflyhttp://blog.saturnlaboratories.co.za/programs I think14:48
Kiloswhat does the execute disable bit do in bios guys14:48
Kilosthis pc of ians has very sick bios14:48
Kiloskeeps changing itself14:48
Kilosdate/time/boot options etc14:49
magespawnget the update from manufacturers site Kilos14:49
magespawnmaybe check the battery14:49
Kilosi cant get the pc to boot even from anything but ubcd magespawn 14:50
Kilosand scared to go the flash route unless i got help14:50
Kilosmb's arent cheap14:50
Kilosi have my battery in there. but once power is in battery should make no diffs methinks hey?14:51
Kilossometimes it keeps saying cmos settings wrong and one cant save the changes you make permanently14:51
Kiloskeeps going back to cmos settings wrong14:52
magespawnmaybe the board is faulty then 14:53
magespawndo not switch it off lol14:53
Kilosi change date and time and other stuff and it reboots back to same place14:54
Kiloseven had battery out for a week14:54
superflyeither the eeprom is messed, or the battery is dead14:55
Kilosubcd can erase bios i see but bang to do that till i got new bios upgrade and know how to install it14:55
superflyKilos: I try not to mess with computer hardware, so you know better than me.14:56
Kilosthis is deeper than i am confortable playing with superfly 14:57
Kilosbut must find a way to fix it14:57
Kilospc crashed same time as the 2 TB drive14:58
Kilosthey corrupted each other seems like14:58
Kiloscmos checksum bad. thats what it says15:04
Kiloseish inetpro jy was still vandag15:06
magespawnif the chip is gone there is not much you can do15:06
Kilosya they not plugins like the old pcs15:07
* nlsthzn tests a new IRC client for Windows...15:34
inetproKilos: sorry oom16:42
Kilosvir wat boet?16:42
inetpronlsthzn: quassel works perfectly for Windows16:42
inetproKilos: jy sĂȘ ek was te stil16:42
Kiloso ok. jy is vergewe16:42
inetprodankie oom16:43
Kilosen nie met gif nie16:43
Kilosis jy ok inetpro 16:43
nlsthzninetpro, yup I am aware but I preffer xchat (and in this case I am using the free version hexchat)16:43
Kilosnet besig?16:43
inetprosharp, dankie16:43
inetproyebo yes16:43
nlsthznnow I need to get the spell checker working :/16:43
nlsthznor spell badly \o/16:43
Kilosnlsthzn, how come you gotta pay for xchat now16:44
Kilostara got it free for her winsucks16:44
nlsthznwindows version16:44
nlsthznonly free for 30 days16:44
Kilosfor xp16:44
nlsthznthen cost $2016:44
* inetpro wbb16:44
nlsthznthere is a version based on an older build of xchat that is also free called xchat216:44
Kilosno man and ian had it on xp as well16:44
nlsthznbut afaik hexchat is more up to date16:45
Kilosdid you look at this one16:45
Kilosi think thats the link i gave ian and atar16:46
nlsthznyup, xchat216:46
nlsthznI only read about it a few minutes ago...16:46
nlsthznI am happy with hexchat (same thing :P)16:46
Kilosians had it for years16:47
Kiloswell thats all that counts hey16:47
nlsthznsure... initially xchat was also free as in beer16:47
magespawnlater all16:56
Kilosk magespawn 16:57
Kilosyo Vince-0 17:36
Kilossame old17:38
Kiloswassup smileyborg?17:38
Kilosshe dont come here anymore17:38
nlsthzngood night all17:58
Kilossleep tight nlsthzn 17:58
Kilossee ya morrow17:58
Kiloshi smile18:51
Kilosnight all sleep tight18:52
smilehi :)18:52
smilegood night :p18:52
smileslaapwel! :)19:34
inetprogoeienag ou grootte19:37
smiledankie :p19:37
* Symmetria eyes the myadsl article on tenet's new ceo19:42
inetproSymmetria: and?19:53
Symmetriainetpro read my comment on there and tell me what impression it conveys to you19:53
Symmetriathough the latest comment is the funniest fucking shit I ever read19:54
inetproby elvis presley? :-)19:57
Symmetriathat was hilarious 19:58
* inetpro tries to remember usenet19:58
inetprothat was ages ago19:58

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