
=== slank is now known as slank_away
prophetadamhey need some help setting up SSH2 for launchpad and bzr explorer as my pushs arne't working, would be much appreciated.03:18
prophetadamusing windows error message is: Run command: bzr push bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/avaneya/03:19
prophetadamConnected (version 2.0, client Twisted)03:19
prophetadambzr: ERROR: Connection error: Unable to authenticate to SSH host as03:19
prophetadam  prophetadam@bazaar.launchpad.net03:19
prophetadamsupported auth types: ['publickey']03:19
* KombuchaKip waves at prophetadam03:21
* prophetadam says hi!03:24
* prophetadam nods head03:24
prophetadami gotta go03:35
prophetadamill leave up.03:35
prophetadamcatch ya man03:35
prophetadamwoops wrong window03:35
prophetadamany help would be great cheers.03:35
prophetadamhave since fixed problem, thanks anyways04:42
ychaoucheHi. Is it possible to setup a completely serverless environement in a team ?09:34
hongyunWhen push codes using bzr , there always shows an error:bzr: ERROR: Don't know how to handle SSH connections. Please set BZR_SSH environment variable. Can some one help?09:55
hongyun When push codes using bzr , there always shows an error:bzr: ERROR: Don't know how to handle SSH connections. Please set BZR_SSH environment variable. Can some one help?10:41
mgzhongyun: if you run `ssh -V` what does it say?10:45
LarstiQychaouche: sure11:00
ychaoucheLarstiQ: bbl lunch11:04
ychaoucheLarstiQ: in the meantime, I'm trying to simulate this on my own machine and document it in a text file, step by step http://i.imgur.com/0cElN.png11:04
ychaoucheany comments appreciated11:04
ychaouchebbl lunch11:05
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ychaoucheyaaay :) http://pastie.org/552081315:41
ychaoucheHow it happend https://gist.github.com/raw/4277273/5869a6c717b7ee59eee77f011ec745403bed0564/bzr-tut.txt15:44
ychaoucheSo, how to solve the problem "cannot commit to branch X . It is bound to Y which is bound to Z" ?15:51
LarstiQychaouche: do you have some more context for that?15:55
LarstiQychaouche: one case I know of that occuring is with circular bindings15:56
ychaoucheLarstiQ: I think I have an idea. I copied a checkout to antoher location and checked out that checkout to yet again another location.15:56
LarstiQychaouche: I'd recommend only checking out from branches, not other checkouts15:57
LarstiQwhile it can be done..15:57
ychaoucheSo what I'll do is copy the branch to a location, then checkout that branch to another location.15:57
ychaoucheLet me try that.15:57
LarstiQychaouche: also, I'd bzr push/pull instead of using cp15:57
ychaoucheLarstiQ: push/pull needs internet connection on remote machines15:58
LarstiQychaouche: no15:58
ychaouchehum ?15:58
LarstiQychaouche: you can also do it from and to a usb stick say15:58
ychaoucheLarstiQ: what would you put in the usb stick, a whole branch ?15:59
LarstiQychaouche: yup15:59
ychaoucheI want to work that way (instead of usb key, download a tarball)15:59
LarstiQychaouche: how do others get your work?16:00
ychaoucheLarstiQ: I'd like to give them tarballs by email16:00
ychaouchethe tarball contains my branch16:00
ychaouchethey put in a temporary location16:00
ychaoucheand then merge to their branches16:00
LarstiQychaouche: you might want to look at `bzr send -o`16:00
LarstiQychaouche: so that you do not have to mail around entire branches16:01
LarstiQychaouche: a bit more bookkeeping perhaps16:01
* LarstiQ heads home16:03
ychaoucheI think I'll learn how to use bzr send. I can't understand how to use bzr pull and bzr push yet.16:11
ychaoucheIs pull the equivalent of checkout + merge ?16:18
ychaoucheand push the equivalent of commit + merge ?16:18
ychaoucheno it's confusing.16:20
ychaoucheI don't know how to use send. It asks for a destination branch. Why is a destination branch required sincie I want to send my merges by e-mail anyway ?16:36
jelmerychaouche: it needs the destination branch to determine which revisions to include17:13
ychaouchejelmer: then I really don't understand how to use it. I thought the context was : I'm working on a branch, a team member on a different location is working on the same branche and I want to *send* him my changes, my commits. So I'd use the send command, which would create "something" and I would send that guy that thing so that he could merge it to his own branche/checkout.17:15
ychaoucheanyway I have to go, I'll ask the same question next week :;(17:16
ychaouchethanks to all who helped me today and happy week-end.17:16
jelmerychaouche: you would generally use it to send changes against a common mainline17:16
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mortrcaI'm trying to run the bzr-email plugin, but I'm getting an error message "Unable to load 'bzr-email' in '/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/bzrlib/plugins' as a plugin because the file path isn't a valid module name; try renaming it to 'email'."22:05
mgrandihave you tried doing that?22:06
mortrcaI'm not sure what to rename to "email"22:06
mortrcaI renamed the directory (which was previously bzr-email)22:06
mortrcaand ran "sudo python setup.py install" again22:06
mortrcabut I'm still getting the error22:07
mortrcaIs there something else that I'm supposed to rename?22:07
mgrandii think its installing it to /usr/lib64/ blah blah to bzr-email22:08
mgranditry renaming the folder in that directory to email22:08
mortrcamgrandi: I see two directories there, bar-email and email22:09
mortrcaShould I just remove the bar-email one?22:09
mgrandiyeah, try that22:10
mgrandisave it to desktop incase you need it22:10
mortrcamgrandi: Now I'm getting "Key 'upload_auto' already registered"22:11
mgrandiso you are on linux, right, what os?22:12
mgrandiis there not a bzr email package?22:12
mgrandione sec22:12
mortrcaI don't believe so.22:12
mortrcaDo you know what that means?22:13
mgrandifiguring it out22:13
mortrcaI don't know if that means it isn't working or if its just trying to be polite by informing me that "Key 'upload_auto' already registered"22:14
mortrcamgrandi: I know now, it isn't working.22:17
mgrandione seccc22:17
mgrandiso the ubuntu package seems to install it to22:19
mgrandidrwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2012-05-29 01:55 ./usr/share/pyshared/bzrlib/plugins/email/22:19
mgrandiso its supposed to be in 'email'22:19
mgrandican you paste the entire stack trace?22:19
mortrcaSorry, you'll have to give me directions.22:19
mgrandiso how are you getting the error?22:20
mgrandiyou install and it gives you that error?22:20
mortrca"bzr plugins" returns an entry "email"22:20
mortrcaNo, installation doesn't return any errors22:20
mgrandiso where do you get key is already registered?22:20
mortrcaIt only returns that message when it is doing something that should result in an email getting sent.22:21
mgrandiok, can oyu paste your bzr.log to somewhere? its in ~/.bzr.log22:21
mgrandilike bpaste.net22:23
mortrcamgrandi: hold on22:25
mortrcamgrandi: http://bpaste.net/show/64267/22:27
mortrcaI don't know why it is trying to load "upload"22:27
mgrandiyeah, thats a completely different plugin...22:28
mgrandiapt says: bzr-upload - Bazaar plugin for uploading to web servers22:28
mortrcaI don't have or want that plugin22:28
mortrcathere isn't a directory in /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/bzrlib/plugins called bzr_upload22:29
mgrandidoes that exist?22:29
mgrandiit says it does..22:29
jelmermortrca: the upload plugin needs to be in a directory called "upload", not "bzr_upload"22:29
mgrandiwhy did it get installed to that directory then?22:30
mortrcaI figured it out.22:31
mortrcaI removed the stray bzr_upload plugin22:32
mgrandior just rename ot to be upload22:32
mortrcaand after renaming bzr-email to email again (running "setup.py install" changed it back) it isn't throwing any errors.22:32
mgrandihow did bzr get installed? why is it naming plugins wrong22:32
mortrcaI installed it from source22:33
mgrandiwell why is the source naming it wrong o.o22:34
mortrcaIs that a rhetorical question?22:35
mgrandiwell, no, i mean it installed the plugins worng and then it didn't work, you think it wouldn't do that22:36
mgrandibut anyway glad you got it working22:36
mortrcaIt isn't working22:37
mgrandiwhat isnt?22:37
mortrcamgrandi: I'm getting errors now22:39
mgrandiwhat errors22:39
mortrcaI had "post_commit_sender = user@example.com" in branch.conf22:39
mortrca(with a real address)22:40
mortrcaBut when I tried to commit I got: "From: user@example.com: No such file or directoryanch - Stage:Fetching revisio..22:41
mortrcabzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', 'BzrError', 'Failed to send email: exit status 1')"22:41
mgrandipost the bzr log again, it gives more specific errors =P22:42
mortrcamgrandi: http://bpaste.net/show/64271/22:44
mgrandi        result = self.config.get_user_option('post_commit_mailer')22:47
mgrandii think its failing cause you dont have a 'mailer' set up22:47
mgrandiso its defaulting to 'mail'22:47
mgrandiso set the program you want to use to mail in the conf file under post_commit_mailer22:49
mortrcamgrandi: Why wouldn't 'mail' work?22:53
mgrandido you have mail installed?22:53
mortrcaand I have successfully sent emails with it22:54
mortrcamgrandi: I need to go, but if you have any ideas I'll read them when I get back.22:55
mgrandii would try seing if invoiking mail manually does it22:57
mgrandimail -s "subject" -a "from: john doe" then typing it into stdin22:57
mgrandior try setting post_commit_mailer to smtplib23:01
mortrcamgrandi: What do you mean by "typing it into stdin"?23:24
mgrandiI would just try setting it to be smtplib, its built into python23:24
mgrandiThe reason its not working is that mail is returning a status code of "1", so its not completing correctly..23:24
mortrcamgrandi: It worked.23:26
mortrcaI didn't get an error message23:27
mortrcaand I did get an email.23:27
mgrandiby changing it to use stmplib?23:27
mgrandiyay =)23:27
mortrcaThank you so much23:27
mgrandiyeah, i dunno much about mail, but it wasn't working i guess23:27
mortrcaYou've been very patient.23:27
mgrandihappy bzr-ing! =)23:27

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