
gary_posterbac, fwiw, matt's card never got a review.  tomorrow.01:35
gary_posterI mean, didn't get a review other than mine01:36
swebbIs there a howto to bring up a juju-gui instance?  Can I just 'juju deploy juju-gui'?06:51
bacswebb: we are working on a charm that will allow you to do just that.  it's not quite ready yet.12:22
gary_posterteknico, in regards to title capitalization, a few things.  First, I don't want to talk about this topic. It is too trivial. :-) I think we can all agree that we should be consistent, at least.  Second, In American English the commonly preferred approach is title case, as your quote also showed. However, unbeknownst to me, apparently the sentence case is at least more common in British English, and we are technicall13:14
gary_postery supposed to be writing that, despite not having any British people on our team, so that's a start on an argument.  The "sentence case is more appropriate for open source documentation" argument is not very compelling to me--I don't see any kind of correlation myself--but I recognize that not everyone shares my opinions.  Lastly, I'm not fond of dictating much of anything.  If I can't persuade, maybe I'm wrong.  If13:14
gary_poster you would like to raise this with the team and get a consensus so we never have to talk about this again, that would be fine with me. :-)13:14
teknicogary_poster, we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to14:02
gary_posterteknico, let's talk about it on our call in an hour :-)14:04
teknicogary_poster, ok14:05
=== mobile is now known as bac__
* bradc is having issues14:23
* teknico is back in a few minutes14:33
=== teknico_ is now known as teknico
bacgary_poster: that was not me15:27
gary_posterok bac15:27
bacthis is me15:28
gary_poster:-) good15:28
gary_posterbac bcsaller benji frankban goodspud jovan2 Makyo teknico call in 115:29
* gary_poster restarts computer15:44
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
gary_posterbac I keep on meaning to tell you that the notes you made for yesterday's meeting with goodspud, hazmat, and greg rocked.  thank you.15:56
goodspudIf you want to see Mark's vision... it's here... in the middle of the whiteboard.15:57
goodspudinterpret it how you want to 15:57
gary_posterThings are IN THE CLOUD!15:57
goodspudEverything is in the could... except the stick figures15:58
gary_posteris that a cookie in the top right?15:58
gary_postermm, chocolate chip15:58
gary_posterbeing cooked by demon fires beneath it15:58
goodspudIt's a sea sponge15:58
goodspudBelieve it or not they are all different sorts of branches leading to collections of charms15:59
goodspudLaunchpad related15:59
gary_posterI like the chocolate chip cookie interpretation better, myself, but I'm partial to chocolate chip cookies15:59
goodspudI'm with you on that16:00
goodspudMy friend in Aus sends me some every so often... they are the most AMAZING16:00
goodspudShe makes them herslef16:00
teknicobelieve it or not, on Italian TV these days there's an ad16:01
teknicoby a shitty hosting provider advertising www.cloud.it16:01
gary_posterMy wife made began chocolate chip cookies this week.  except for the chocoloate chips--she had to have a bit of milk chocolate there.  but anyway, they were um, surprisingly awesome.  I'm not supposed to be surprised that the vegan recipes are awesome, right?16:01
teknicoand it displays a stick figure throwing itself into a cloud :-)16:02
gary_posterugh, s/made began/made vegan/16:02
goodspudProbably awesome because of the oh so tasty non-vegan bit16:03
goodspudHmmm... chocolate16:03
goodspudteknico, so they little video basically says, "life is too busy and complicated so it's probably best to go to heaven?"16:04
teknicogoodspud, that may be the subliminal implication, I guess :-)16:05
benjiI don't think it would be too hard to find vegan chocolate.16:06
=== rogpeppe2 is now known as rogpeppe
gary_posterno, there is vegan chocolate16:07
gary_posterthe chips we've found don't taste as good16:08
gary_posterthere's a local chocolate place that makes chocolate direct from cocoa beans16:08
gary_posterthey are vegan and really yummy16:08
gary_posterbut don't make chips16:08
gary_poster(and if they did I suspect they would be prohibitively expensive)16:09
* teknico is rebooting a couple more times, just for fun16:09
benjiindividually gold foil wrapped chocolate chips, delivered by unicorn16:14
bacgary_poster: re: the notes yesterday, i just set up the template and hazmat went nuts.  i did try to repackage it a bit to be more understandable16:33
baci'm curious if mark's classification of "the future" includes kapils categories of "science fiction" and "fantasy"16:33
bacand then some, probably16:33
gary_posterbac, heh, cool. :-) sometimes getting the ball rolling is the hard part.  and it is understandable, so success there as well. 16:34
gary_posterscifi/fantasy: yeah, I suspect you are right16:34
frankbangary_poster: the doc refers to the `tarball` make target, which does not exist, i guess it should be something like ``tarball: $(RELEASE_FILE)``. Also, `make release` seems to be now called `make dist`. I think this is a WIP.17:04
gary_posterbac, you have a card on the board in "Needs Specification" titled "staging deploy: add 'make clean' and 'appcache-force' to cronjob"17:05
gary_postercan we remove that, bac?17:05
bacgary_poster: yes.17:05
gary_posterdone thanks bac17:05
gary_posterfrankban, looks like doc was not updated.  State is as follows, afaik:17:06
gary_poster- doc should be updated to change "make release" to "make dist"17:06
gary_poster- Makyo's branch will hopefully re-add a "distfile" target, which will be equivalent to the "tarball" target.  Hopefully he will update the docs for that too.17:07
gary_posterIf Makyo's branch has those changes, you could start from it as a precursor17:08
MakyoAh. hm.  Can do!17:08
MakyoAlmost ready to push, if not submit.17:08
frankbangary_poster: ack, cool.17:08
gary_posterThanks Makyo :-)17:08
gary_posterfrankban, I suppose you could make a release from trunk as is even without those changes, if everything else looks ok17:09
gary_posteryou would only need the make distfile target when you get to that part f the charm17:09
gary_posterI bet it will be ready for you tomorrow morning in trunk17:10
frankbangary_poster: I agree, I was just following the steps in the docs, just to get used to it. Also, IIRC, launchpadlib si installed by default in all our OS targets, right?17:11
gary_posterfrankban, pretty sure but not 100%.  A lot of Ubuntu relies on it17:11
gary_posterindirectly at least :-)17:12
frankbangary_poster: ok thanks17:19
goodspudOK, fess up... who broke the demo?17:35
goodspudI have vays ov making you talk17:39
goodspudActually, should I file this as a bug or should we not worry about it?17:39
goodspud... for the time being anyway17:39
bacgoodspud: that is hideous.  how did all of those arrows get in there?17:52
goodspudbac, :)  The evil red arrow monster17:53
bacgoodspud: with your new found powers you just need to 'bzr pull' and 'bzr log  | more' and you can figure out the likely culprit17:53
bacgoodspud: btw, i don't see the same thing.  it looks good from here.17:54
goodspudbac, I'm not used to these powers. 17:54
goodspudbac, only happens when I resize the browser. 17:55
MakyoWith great power comes great responsibility, etc, etc.17:55
bacgoodspud: oh, now that is good info17:55
bacgoodspud: ok i can replicate the bottom.17:55
baci don't see the artifact at the top of your screenshot, though17:56
goodspudbac, that's the background... the canvas isn't resizing17:56
goodspudI'll log it as a bug and then you can all fight over it. I'm not necessarily concerned about it at the moment but it's not pretty.17:57
bacbenji, gary_poster: either of you used debug-hooks lately?18:07
benjibac: a little last week; but I couldn't remember half of it18:07
bacthe charm has an install error.  i ssh via debug-hooks but when i manually try to run install i get an error from juju-log b/c the JUJU_SOCKET_AGENT isn't available18:08
bacit is as though the environment isn't there....but that's what debug-hooks *did* i thought, as opposed to just ssh-ing in18:09
benjithat matches my understanding18:10
gary_posterbac, not exactly18:18
gary_posterwehn you have debug hooks on then you can look around18:18
gary_posterbut when a hook is called by juju, it dumps you into the environment then18:18
gary_posterand you have all the expected variables18:19
bacgary_poster: but can you re-run the hook?  i18:20
gary_posterbcsaller, I wonder if the test you loosened actually was catching this regression or not18:20
_mup_Bug #1090046: Resizing the browser causes the GUI to break <regression> <juju-gui:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1090046 >18:20
gary_posterI'll add the card to the secondary story18:21
gary_posterbac, yes18:21
bacgary_poster: that's when i see failures when the hook calls juju-log18:21
gary_posterbac juju resolved --retry 18:21
bacgary_poster: that bug looks to be related to the charm store filter picker.  but i'm pretty sure browser resizing worked when i landed it18:21
gary_posteris that what you wanted?  that's what we used18:22
bacgary_poster: gah!  that's what i'm missing18:22
bacso you do that before debug-hooks, right?18:22
bacor inside?18:22
gary_posterbac, before, on your local machine18:22
bacgary_poster: no difference.  :(18:26
gary_posterbac, it didn't retry and dump you into the hook in a separate session? weird.  supposed to, pretty sure.  hunting around...18:27
bacgary_poster: actually this page https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/write-charm.html says you do d-h and then from another shell resolved --retry18:28
gary_posterbac, right, on your host machine18:28
gary_posterohm, sorry, I mislead18:29
bachttps://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/hook-debugging.html should definitely mention resolved --retry18:30
bacand the dance18:30
bacMakyo: around?18:58
baci'm seeing juju-gui charm failing on make due to app/assets/javascripts/d3.v2.min.js being missing again.  shouldn't that be fixed?18:59
gary_posterthings have been changing in the Makefile bac, so it may be broken again :-/19:00
gary_posterbac, maybe see if teknico's branch fixes it, by chance?19:00
gary_posterbac lp:~teknico/juju-gui/improve-makefile any better?19:01
gary_posteror worse :-P19:01
* gary_poster will be glad when we are done with Makefile19:02
bacgary_poster: i'll try it now19:02
MakyoLooking.  Sorry.  Not quite 100% :P19:02
* gary_poster also sympathetic to benji's call for Makefile tests, even though he is worried about what those would look like19:02
bacMakyo: nm, i've got a lead.19:03
Makyobac, okay.  make all in a lightweight checkout ran okay..19:05
MakyoBut that was just local.19:06
gary_posterdon't see why it should be diff :-/19:06
bcsallergary_poster: just got back from grabbing lunch, the regression might have been caught by the test or caused by other changes in the refactor, I imagine a few minors will crop up and then again as we move things to modules19:08
gary_posteragreed bcsaller, no worries, just something to address19:08
bacone problem we have is none of our clean targets don't get rid of the links in app/assets/javascripts so initial builds look different from subsequent ones19:09
bac s/don't//19:09
gary_posterthat should be fixed19:10
gary_posterbac, if you develop a target for that in anger that you think would be reasonable, let me know.  I have an evil plan in that case: if teknico's branch helps for you, get your review of it, branch it, add your change, and land it.  I will be happy to do this evil if so desired.19:12
bacgary_poster: ok.  haven't yet gotten teknico's branch to try19:13
gary_posterbac, is that likely to happen, or should I go ahead and make a branch/card?19:13
gary_posterI'll make a bug/card then19:13
bacgary_poster: where do we chat?19:29
gary_posterbenji, *probably* not pertinent to the problem you are trying to debug, but just in case, https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/109004620:08
_mup_Bug #1090046: Resizing the browser causes the GUI to break <regression> <juju-gui:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1090046 >20:08
gary_posterIOW there might be a real problem that the pixely things are complaining about20:08
* benji looks20:08
gary_posterI know I tried to write pixely tests about this20:08
gary_posterthey were nasty but better than nothing, i thought20:08
gary_posternot good enough though :-)20:09
benjiI am pretty sure the problem was two fold: the test that fails in prod is just a bad test (it doesn't test exactly what it thinks it tests) plus there is /some/ difference in CSS between dev and prod20:09
benjiI can demonstrate an unrelated style difference between test and prod, but I am not certain what is causing the difference that exposed the bad test20:10
benjiI am reworking the test to just test the pixel calculation instead of the accedental details and will call it done, but there is still something broken somewhere20:11
benjiI will file a bug with what I have on that front.20:11
benjigary_poster: ready when you are20:32
MakyoGoing to take the dog to the vet, then lay down, will be on email.21:19
swebbQ: I got the juju gui going, but it doesn't seem to know about my juju cluster (or environment).  How do I point the GUI at my env?22:30

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