
jussimorning all07:22
soeegood morning07:23
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apacheloggerRiddell: we don't have a beta backport for quantal yet, do we?12:38
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shadeslayerwe do12:40
yofelapachelogger: we do, just without announcement as nobody got to it12:40
shadeslayerclearly we suck at PR12:41
apacheloggershadeslayer: you should fix that12:41
apacheloggeryofel: where be they?12:41
yofelppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta - where they should be12:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: I'm fixing the seeds12:42
shadeslayeryou fix the PR12:42
apacheloggerI am fixing multimedia, bugs, plasma, stable releases12:42
apacheloggerthink I win in the shittodo department :S12:42
apacheloggeryofel: cheers12:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: if you're running quantal shame on you12:43
shadeslayeryou're a dev and should be running raring12:43
shadeslayerand fixing shit12:43
shadeslayerdid I mention karbon is broken?12:43
yofelyou did12:43
apacheloggerjussi: this bug is actually quite shitty12:43
shadeslayerwho's fixing it? :P12:44
jussiubuntu bug 108877212:44
yofelshadeslayer: but which version on which release?12:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 1088772 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "Broken icons in plasma tray" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108877212:44
shadeslayeryofel: raring ofcourse, and 1:2.5.92-0ubuntu112:44
apacheloggerjussi: if I were a dick I'd tell the quality team to beat them with a stick ... they regressed shit by not implementing half the specification -.-12:44
yofelkarbon opens here at least, or was it a more specific thing?12:44
shadeslayerkarbon(21667)/koffice (lib komain): "karbon" part.desktop not found. 12:44
yofelyou did try to run kbuildsycoca4?12:45
shadeslayerno, and voila works12:45
yofelmeh -.-12:45
yofelso much for kde figuring out when to run that itself12:45
shadeslayerisn't that supposed to be handled by a kded module?12:46
yofelsame for installing new applications and them not showing up in kickoff12:46
apacheloggerwell, there is a delay if you are not using teh software center12:46
shadeslayerapachelogger: how much? I installed karbon last night12:46
apachelogger(also IIRC that largely depends on inotify to work properly)12:46
shadeslayerat around 2-3 AM I think12:46
yofelso muon runs kbuildsycoca4 after every install?12:46
apacheloggeryofel: the software center does IIRC12:47
apacheloggerto avoid that delay12:47
apacheloggerplus it offers to open the app12:47
apacheloggerso you could do that like one second after install finishes at which point the cache would certainly not be rebuilt12:47
yofelcan't we like... have pkg-kde-tools generate a dpkg trigger for regenerating the cache? Or is it impossible to get to the user session from dpkg?12:53
tsimpsonI guess if we can popup a "you must restart" message, we should be able to watch for a "you need to regenerate your cache" trigger12:56
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yofelgood point12:56
apacheloggeryofel: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-l10n-de_4%3a4.9.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.10~ppa1_all.deb (--unpack):12:58
apachelogger trying to overwrite '/usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/plasma_applet_printmanager.mo', which is also in package print-manager 0.2.0-0ubuntu312:58
apacheloggeryofel, tsimpson: what if multiple sessions are running?12:58
apacheloggeralso "you need to regenerate cache" is EFU12:59
tsimpsonapachelogger: then each session would need to regenerate the cache, right?12:59
yofelwell, what does kubuntu-notification-helper do in that case?12:59
tsimpsonyou just see if the cache is older than the trigger12:59
yofeland you could just make that a silent auto-action instead of a popup12:59
apacheloggerif the cahce is not updated at all12:59
apacheloggerI'd g find out why12:59
apacheloggerif it is just a couple of seconds delay it is a non-issue because the people who'd be really irritated are expected to use MSC anyway13:00
apacheloggeryofel: silent auto action is what inotify+kded are supposed to do13:03
yofelany idea where that code's supposed to be? kdelibsß13:04
apacheloggeryofel: kdelibs/kded I think13:07
BluesKajHey all13:08
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shadeslayerKeyError: 'kubuntu.raring/desktop-common'13:11
apacheloggeryofel: what happened to plasmaengineexplorer in workspace-bin?13:11
yofelI don't know13:12
shadeslayerno plasmaengineexplorer in raring as well13:13
yofelInteresting, the plasma tools are only built if(${KDE_PLATFORM_PROFILE} STREQUAL "Desktop")13:18
yofeland quite some other things too, so if that's not built... NOT good13:20
yofelwe have set(KDE_PLATFORM_PROFILE "Desktop")13:22
yofelthis doesn't make sense13:22
* yofel goes building kde-workspace for the fun of it13:23
shadeslayercan someone review lp:~rohangarg/ubuntu-seeds/kubuntu.raring13:28
shadeslayeroh ... it's still pushing13:29
shadeslayerhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~rohangarg/ubuntu-seeds/kubuntu.raring/revision/1194 < needs reviewing13:29
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Riddellafiestas: to stable release update this qjson patch I'd need a bug that it fixes, do you have one?13:36
yofelshadeslayer: about KDE_PLATFORM_PROFILE: please read kdelibs/CreateKDEPlatformProfile.cmake and tell me if you're worried about active as much as I am13:37
yofelthen again, I have no idea what KDE_PLATFORM_FEATURE_BINARY_COMPATIBLE_FEATURE_REDUCTION even does13:38
shadeslayeryofel: I'm very worried now13:40
Riddellshadeslayer: what about?13:42
yofelhm, seems to disable kded-kcrash, kdeui-attica, and some plasma stuff13:42
shadeslayerRiddell: apparently kdelibs has 3 build modes for 3 different targets13:42
yofelshadeslayer: well, it seems to only *disable* stuff, so maybe it's not an issue13:43
shadeslayeryofel: the 3rd bit is concerning13:43
shadeslayerABI incompatibility13:43
yofelwell, we don't use mobile, do we?13:43
yofelif anything I'm worried about the tablet stuff13:44
shadeslayerdidn't you say tablet stuff was fine since it only seems to disable stuff13:44
yofelyeah, probably. But that's what I was worried about initially. But then again I have no idea what target is supposed to be used in which situation13:45
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yofeloh fun14:16
yofelKDE_PLATFORM_PROFILE is not set in kde-workspace because it doesn't use FindKDE4Internal14:16
shadeslayerfwiw I'm rebuilding kdelibs with hupnp14:17
* yofel goes filing bug14:17
shadeslayeryofel: hah14:17
shadeslayerRiddell: https://code.launchpad.net/~rohangarg/ubuntu-seeds/kubuntu.raring/+merge/13971114:24
yofelkde's internal build system workings are weird....14:26
* ScottK seriously needs to make an alias for dpkg-buildpakcage -> dpkg-buildpackage.14:32
Riddellshadeslayer: isn't that called "debuild"?14:33
Riddellshadeslayer: rationale?14:34
RiddellScottK: isn't that called "debuild"?14:34
Riddelltab fail14:34
shadeslayerRiddell: rationale is that why do we need separate seeds for active?14:34
ScottKNot when you're inside a minimal chroot you're trying to contaminate.14:34
shadeslayerand because apachelogger said so14:34
Riddelloh well if apachelogger says so :)14:34
Riddellshadeslayer: do you know if any other bits will have to be changed as part of this?14:35
Riddelle.g. whatever makes the tasks14:35
* apachelogger never uses debuild :O14:36
apacheloggerah, you are talking about something else ^^14:36
apacheloggershadeslayer: did I really say so?14:36
apacheloggerI mean, it makes sense, I just don't recall saying that ^^14:37
shadeslayerRiddell: from what I understand soyuz uses Task-Name: no?14:37
shadeslayer"<apachelogger> shadeslayer: please be merging active with kubuntu-active"14:37
shadeslayerI assumed you made a typo there and meant merge active with kubuntu-meta14:37
apacheloggerRiddell: everything is in universe so the more stuff we merge the better for maintainability14:37
apacheloggershadeslayer: nah I meant you should merge the runner active with kubuntu's so that they look the same structure wise14:38
shadeslayerI see14:39
apacheloggerbut what you did is somethign I also thought14:39
shadeslayerbut imo this makes more sense14:39
apacheloggerjust did not express it ^^14:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: clearly I understand you much better14:39
apacheloggeryeah :P14:39
apacheloggerso merge in kubuntu then re-derive for runner so the structure is the same14:39
jussianyone packaging it yet?14:40
yofelnvm my comment on workspace, this is more complicated14:40
shadeslayeryofel: I guess we should start a thread off on plasma-active14:41
shadeslayeror whatever active uses as their ML14:41
Riddelljussi: you know you want to14:42
shadeslayeroh look cjwatson commented14:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: I know14:44
jussiRiddell: no.14:44
Riddellyofel: 4.9.90 in quantal working well, thanks for shepherding that through, I'll put an announcement on kubuntu.org14:45
apacheloggernotification sizing is broken14:45
jussinot today, not this week, not this year or next year.14:45
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah, I noticed that today as well14:46
Riddellshadeslayer: good old cjwatson commented so I guess it's safe to do with has changes 14:48
shadeslayerI'll fix it up in a bit, doing some other stuff14:49
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1088772] Broken icons in plasma tray @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1088772 (by xapienz)14:50
shadeslayercan I go ahead and upload kde4libs with upnp functionality?14:57
yofelI thought hupnp was in universe?14:57
yofelit is, so you first need a MIR14:58
* shadeslayer looks14:58
shadeslayerI see14:58
shadeslayerwhy can't we move kde4libs to universe ?14:59
yofeliirc it has several rdepends in main still14:59
shadeslayerMIR is bound to be rejected, no hupnp in debian :(14:59
shadeslayeryofel: but universe packages can build against main components no?14:59
yofeluhm, for kdelibs the situation is the other way around15:00
yofelif you have 1 thing in main that needs kdelibs you can't demote it15:00
shadeslayerso basically needs pretty much all of KDE SC demoted to universe15:00
yofelyeah, ScottK probably knows why we keep it in main15:01
shadeslayerhmm ..15:02
Riddellkdelibs needed for pykde needed by ubiquity15:02
Riddellwould be one reason15:02
yofelwell, that's enough already ^^15:02
ScottKRiddell: Ubiquity isn't using pykde15:02
Riddellhmm good pointed, I ported it to pyqt15:02
apachelogger(not a build time dep anyway)15:06
apacheloggerso the kde frontend binary could be demoted to universe15:06
ScottKapachelogger: Would you please look at Bug 847484 - I don't have this problem, so I'm not sure what's up.15:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 847484 in quassel (Ubuntu) "quassel crashed with SIGSEGV in _IO_vfprintf_internal()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84748415:07
apacheloggeronce I am done with plasma15:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: so never?15:07
shadeslayerfrom some quick hacking, there are things like libproxy that dep on kdelibs5-dev15:09
shadeslayerand libreoffice 0.o15:09
apacheloggerwell latter makes sense15:09
shadeslayerand subversion ? lolwat15:09
apacheloggeralso don't make jokes about plasma15:09
apacheloggerScottK: the backtrace totally does not match with the description15:11
shadeslayerapachelogger: what about gst?15:11
apacheloggerunless quassel reinitializes itself when going to fullscreen15:11
apacheloggerwhich woudl be fun15:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: neither15:11
apacheloggerit's no fun anymore really15:12
ScottKapachelogger: Please triage the heck out of the bug then.15:12
apacheloggeroh, nvm now I see it15:13
apacheloggerweird call chain15:13
shadeslayercan't reproduce15:14
xnoxRiddell: /me thought ubiquity no longer depends on pykde.15:15
shadeslayerxnox: it doesn't :)15:15
apacheloggershadeslayer: what is not reproduced?15:15
shadeslayerthough other packages do ( see laste link )15:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: bug 84748415:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 847484 in quassel (Ubuntu) "quassel crashed with SIGSEGV in _IO_vfprintf_internal()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84748415:15
shadeslayerwho want's to do MIR's?15:16
shadeslayerwhy would you say that15:16
* shadeslayer runs away15:16
yofelyes you do, even if you don't realize it yourself jet15:16
shadeslayerno, I've done far too many MIR's 15:17
* yofel is still debugging workspace15:17
apacheloggeryou clearly have not seen the days when it was three times as much work15:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: I think I did :P15:18
shadeslayerMy first MIR falled during the end of that era15:18
ScottKHaving done the needed MIRs to get Spamassassin in Main back not only during that era, but when every stinking trivial Perl module needed a full MIR, I have limited sympathy.15:19
ScottKJust get it done.15:19
apacheloggerplasma broken again15:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: who said it was ever fixed15:20
shadeslayerplasma at times seems like a bunch of code glued together to me :p15:20
shadeslayerI have yet to fix that folderview bug15:20
shadeslayerjust because the code is fugly and I don't want to touch it15:21
apacheloggerapi: kdelibs, dataengine: workspace, UI: workspace & runtime15:21
apacheloggerplasmaengineexplorere is now in: plasmate15:21
yofeluhm... qobject::connect() doing runtime introspection like things to connect signals and slots is already something I consider glued together15:21
apacheloggerit's the QML way15:22
apacheloggerScottK: dunno how to triage that15:22
apacheloggermakes no sense from any POV15:22
hrwhi guys15:22
ScottKFind Sput and make him do it.15:22
apacheloggerSput: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/quassel/+bug/84748415:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 847484 in quassel (Ubuntu) "quassel crashed with SIGSEGV in _IO_vfprintf_internal()" [Medium,New]15:22
shadeslayerhiya hrw15:23
apachelogger Stack memory exhausted (SP below stack segment)15:23
hrwwhich srcpkg I should report bug against if I want to report bug in screen lock?15:23
yofelIIRC the screenlocker is part of kscreensaver15:23
apacheloggerhow the flip can you exhaust the stack with 29 frames15:23
yofelwhat's the bug though, I doubt it's our fault15:24
apacheloggerhrw: bugs.kde.org :P15:24
hrwapachelogger: haha ;)15:24
apacheloggerI am serious15:24
apacheloggerScottK: "the X server becomes completely crazzy ."15:24
apacheloggerrather helpful15:24
hrwyofel: I have to enter password twice when screen is locked15:24
yofelthat one's new...15:25
shadeslayerhrw: would have to be reported on bugs.kde.org15:26
shadeslayerno idea which product though15:26
yofellocker is part of kscreensaver on bugs.kde.org15:26
yofelhad to look it up myself a few days ago15:26
shadeslayerah cool15:26
shadeslayergtg dinner15:27
* yofel watches workspace build... again...15:27
* apachelogger wanted to have lunch some 4 hours ago15:32
ScottKapachelogger: Thanks.15:42
ubottuKDE bug 311638 in locker "Have to unlock screen twice to get back to desktop" [Major,Unconfirmed]15:56
shadeslayerhrw: can you check with 4.9.90?15:58
shadeslayer"KDE beta (4.9.90) installed."15:58
shadeslayerhrw: you want to change the version in the bug report15:58
shadeslayerthey don't have a 4.9.90 target?15:58
Sputapachelogger: I've seen that one a few times with Ubuntu/kubuntu users (exclusively) - usually fixed itself after a while16:06
Sputno idea what it is, we don't do anything fancy, just setting the appropriate Qt flag16:06
apacheloggerScottK: what qt flag?16:32
apacheloggereh Sput16:32
Sputapachelogger: actually, all we do is calling QWidget::showFullScreen() for the main window16:35
Sputwhich has broken documentation, it seems, as it says "Calling this function only affects windows." before talking about all the stuff that can go wrong in X1116:36
shadeslayerQuintasan: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/12/13/UDS-Badge-Kubuntu_shadeslayer.png17:06
shadeslayermy submission derived from the Kubuntu badges on G+17:06
shadeslayercontact info could probably do with some sort of indentation17:07
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shadeslayerRiddell: btw how do I add active-ship to supported?18:53
shadeslayerjust add : * active-ship : in supported?18:53
shadeslayerhi soee19:02
soeelooks nice http://vizzzion.org/blog/2012/12/an-owncloud-client-for-kde-plasma/19:51
QuintasanRiddell: pung20:13
Quintasanmore like ping but whatever20:13
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shadeslayerQuintasan: see kards20:49
shadeslayerQuintasan: http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/cards/20:50
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yofelshadeslayer: pretty nice :)21:07
RiddellQuintasan: pong?21:07
shadeslayeryofel: needs some artistic love on the back though :P21:07
yofelyeah, and I'm not convinced that the background should be blue, but that's just personal preference21:09
shadeslayeryeah, like I said, needs some work21:09
QuintasanRiddell: urgh, mind if I query?21:17
shadeslayeryofel: http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/cards/UDS-Badge-Kubuntu_shadeslayer_back_white.svg21:18
yofelneeds some love, but yeah, something like that21:18
Quintasanshadeslayer: I will take a look tomorrow since I am not in the right state of mind right now21:19
RiddellQuintasan: go ahead21:22
Riddelldoes anyone use those qr codes?21:23
QuintasanRiddell: lemme get home first21:23
shadeslayertbh it looks weird :P21:27
yofelwell, I haven't seen a qr code like that, but here I know people that like them. And they are better than having to type everythign into your phone if one wants the data in there21:41
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jussiRiddell: qr codes are nice when its a really long url you dont want to type...21:56
shadeslayerjussi: but ... there is no URL to be typed22:01
Quintasanshadeslayer: the ones at http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/cards/ are not bad but they have no information about you22:03
Quintasansave for QR code22:03
shadeslayerQuintasan: open in inkscape22:04
shadeslayeror karbon22:04
shadeslayerstupid browser22:04
Quintasanthat looks nice22:05
Quintasanthat looks nice22:06
Quintasanallow me to nitpick some details22:07
QuintasanE should me Email22:07
Quintasanshould be*22:07
shadeslayerintentional ... 22:07
shadeslayerisnt it obvious enough? :P22:07
Quintasannot for everyone22:07
shadeslayerheh ok22:07
Quintasanwhat makes you inclined to make email even shorter than it is now?22:08
Quintasanother than this I have no problem with that one22:09
Quintasanit's simple and contains all the information needed to contact you22:09
shadeslayerQuintasan: what about the back :P22:12
Quintasanwhat do you want me to say about QR code? :D22:14
shadeslayeridk, it doesn't look right, so fix it?22:14
shadeslayeryofel: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/12/13/UDS-Badge-Kubuntu_shadeslayer_back_1.png22:59
shadeslayeryes, this will actually be vertical :P22:59
yofelshadeslayer: yep23:04
shadeslayerwe could stick it in one corner of the card23:05
shadeslayerbut my phone doesn't properly read it then23:05
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shadeslayeryofel: can you find a *white* QR code generator? :P23:13
shadeslayerwould go with the font color on the back23:13
yofelis that still readable then?23:14
shadeslayerthe one from inkscape doesn't get detected23:14
shadeslayerI think it should be23:14
shadeslayerbut can't say till we try23:14
* yofel first wonders where to find q qrcode generator that outputs svg23:14
yofelah, qrencode did that23:15
yofelshadeslayer: and it supports setting for-/background color23:15
yofelwell, you wanted a non-black/white qr-code, right?23:16
shadeslayerokay, I thought it was a site :P23:16
yofel!info qrencode23:17
ubottuqrencode (source: qrencode): QR Code encoder into PNG image. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.3.0-2 (quantal), package size 17 kB, installed size 68 kB23:17
yofelshadeslayer: it sure gained fun output formats since I last used it :D http://paste.kde.org/625022/23:18
shadeslayeryeah for some reason this is not working23:22
shadeslayeryofel: try with : qrencode --foreground=eeeeecff --background=0079c1ff -o /tmp/qrcode.svg -t SVG 23:22
shadeslayerand enter some data23:22
yofelneither barcode scanner nor mbarcode decoded that. Switch the colors and it's fine23:27
shadeslayeryeah :*23:28
shadeslayeryofel: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/12/14/rect3810.png23:28
shadeslayerwould have been perfect23:28
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yofelhm, undo button doesn't work in karbon23:33
shadeslayeryofel: this works : http://wstaw.org/m/2012/12/14/UDS-Badge-Kubuntu_shadeslayer_back.png23:34
shadeslayergood enough for me :P23:34
yofelyeah, I wanted to try it with a smaller border, but now karbon crashed -.-23:35
yofelwell, beta23:36
yofelthe layer visibility calculation is broken too23:37
shadeslayerinkscape ftw23:38
yofelqrencode -m 1 does what I want23:42
yofelthe 4 px border looks out of place on the card, 1 px is ok23:43
shadeslayershould we finalize this?23:52
shadeslayerjust needs some finishing touches wrt to the placement23:52
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