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abuumayraالسلام عليكم01:42
abuumayrakok tidak ada yg ngobrol to03:36
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Roeyhello, does anyone know about connecting Samsung Galaxy S3 to Kubuntu 12.10?  It isn't working here...05:06
Roeyvia MTP I would assume05:07
heoyea_try airdorid05:07
Roeyok thanks05:10
Roeyheoyea_:  airdroid does not seem to be in the Kubuntu repositories05:11
heoyea_Roey: andorid market place05:12
tsimpsonRoey: if you want to use MTP rather than MSC, then you'll need the (currently experimental) kio-mtp package from the Kubuntu experimental PPA https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental05:13
datruthhow can I activate my bluetooth?05:14
Roeyheoyea_, tsimpson:  I'm installing aidroid now.  THe idea of logging into the phone via wifi appeals to me.  what's the effective difference between MTP and MSC?05:16
tsimpsonthe main advantage from my perspective, is that MTP doesn't "lock" the SD card so the apps installed to SD are still available for use05:17
heoyea_Roey: wireless vs wires05:18
tsimpsonbut MTP doesn't necessarily give you access to the entire SD card05:18
Roeytsimpson:  ok so.. I just want to be able to use this as a mass storage device05:19
Roeythis airdroid seems to be its own almost desktop environment for the phone05:19
tsimpsonyeah, airdroid is fun05:20
tsimpsonI just use MSC mode most of the time though05:20
RoeyI still want to be able to access it via dolphin05:20
Roeywhy the fuck did they take out the mass storage option out of android 4.005:21
ekHello, all. After digging around the internet for a while, I haven't been able to find a fix for this networking issue I'm suddenly having. So, I'm hoping someone here might know what's going on?05:22
tsimpsonI still have it, but I think it may be an xperia extension05:22
ekI hit "cancel" when asked to setup a KWallet password and now I have no networking at all.05:22
ekWireless and wired networking was working perfectly before that. Any ideas?05:22
heoyea_ek: maybe reset ur kwallet05:24
datruthanyone know?05:25
ekheoyea_: I'll give it a shot.05:25
heoyea_datruth: think u can install blueman for bluetooth05:25
Roeytsimpson, so I am trying to "download" this .zip of photos off my SD card through this Airdroid tool.. and when I unzip it I only see three photo files.05:25
Roeyand not, like, 345.05:25
tsimpsonhmm, I've never seen that before05:26
heoyea_make sure to check all the photo then download as zip05:27
RoeyI did check all of them :P05:27
ekheoyea_: There is no kdewallet.kwl file in my user's ~/.kde/share/apps directory. Perhaps I just need to set one?05:27
datruthheoyea_: how can I turn on the bluetooth controller?05:28
heoyea_ek: yea u can make a new 1 if u wish05:28
heoyea_datruth: u gotta sync it 1st05:28
ekheoyea_: Currently looking for a way to do this...05:29
heoyea_datruth: on ur remote there should be a sync button then ur pc should see it05:29
heoyea_datruth: assuming ur pc has bluetooth05:29
datruthheoyea_: how can I turn on bluetooth on the pc?05:30
heoyea_ek: think is in the kwallet options somewhere05:30
heoyea_datruth: with the blueman app05:30
datruthblueman doesn't start05:31
heoyea_datruth: maybe ur pc dont got bluetooth05:31
datruthit does05:31
heoyea_datruth: try restarting it sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart05:32
datruthoh well no bluetooht for me ;/05:43
zer0f1llis SIR_Taco about?05:45
ekheoyea_: I found the kwallet settings and such in "Account Details" for my user. But, there is no mention of setting a password for it.05:53
ekThis is driving me insane. Why would not setting an initial KWallet password turn off all my networking?!05:53
datruthwow so if bluetooth is disabled in windows its disabled in ubuntu and the only way to enable it is to enable it back in windows?05:54
datruthhow can I enable/disable the bluetooth adapter in Ubuntu?05:54
datrutherr Kubuntu*05:54
unheedingcan anyone help me set up quassel-core and quassel-client?05:54
unheedingI get an error that i cannot create a user05:54
zer0f1llunheeding: try it with 'sudo'.05:56
unheedingi've tried it with sudo05:59
unheedingeven created a quassel user apparetly05:59
zer0f1llunheeding: is the error just one line?06:01
unheedingunable to add user:06:07
unheedingi tried going on the website for special ubuntu instructions,, but i get the same error06:07
zer0f1llunheeding: what is the command which generates the error?06:08
unheedingsudo quasselcore --add-user06:08
unheedingit promts for the username, then password twice06:09
unheedingeither says "passwords don't mathch" or "Unable to add user"06:09
zer0f1llunheeding: try specifying the config dir:  quasselcore -c /var/lib/quassel --add-user06:12
unheedingthat'd be me06:18
unheedingi had to configure it using the client06:18
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unheeding_good job me06:20
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ekHrm. Even using the flash drive to "Try Kubuntu" it is doing the same thing. This is very strange to me.06:38
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pafkaMaybe some of you guys are used curlftpfs and can littlebit help. curlftpfs returned Access denied: 530 why?08:36
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cortexA9why touch of kubuntu on nexus 7 works only for some time ?11:44
cortexA9i have 4.9.8011:44
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dex__Hello anyone! Who know, why don't working wi-fi in kubuntu 12.04? in 12.10 - all ok, but in 12.10 don't normally work GPU driver :(  in wicd always:  validating autorization11:48
dex__кстати, наши есть?11:49
ikoniawhat ?11:51
ikoniathat makes no sense11:51
ikoniayou're complaining about wifi, but then referencing a GPU driver11:51
yofel_cortexA9: sounds like bug 106899411:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1068994 in ubuntu-nexus7 "button1 gets stuck after a while" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106899411:54
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hydronhello every one12:14
hydronI was having kubuntu installed in the entire disk, and I resized my disk letting a 26G to install debian on It, and I did It but failed to Install grub, so I ignored this step knowing that It is possible to configure the allready installed one for kubuntu, but I don't know how to make an entry for debian on It, please tell me how to do It :)12:19
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JuJuBeeRecently my computer started misbehaving.  When I unlock my screen, sometimes the unlock dialog box where you enter password stays even after it unlocks.  I can continue working, but the dialog stays behind...?12:27
JuJuBeeI am forced to log out and back in to correct... a pain12:27
ikoniaJuJuBee: that sounds like it's worth logging a bug for12:29
JuJuBeeOK, wasn't sure if it was already known...12:29
JuJuBeeikonia: not sure how to file... it isn't really an app that is running but unresponsive....12:33
TorchJuJuBee: the app, afaik, is kscreenlocker12:36
TorchJuJuBee: you should probably be able to kill it instead of logging out to work around the bug for now12:36
JuJuBeeTorch: ps aux | grep kscreenlocker returns nothing12:38
TorchJuJuBee: no idea, i don't use it or work on it12:38
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JuJuBeeTorch: thanks anyway.  Im filing using "I don't know package name"12:39
yofel!grub2 | hydron: this has some information. First try to just run update-grub and see if os-prober detects debian, if not you might have to create a custom entry in /etc/grub.d/40_custom12:40
ubottuhydron: this has some information. First try to just run update-grub and see if os-prober detects debian, if not you might have to create a custom entry in /etc/grub.d/40_custom: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releas12:40
hydronok, thank you very much :)12:40
hydroncool, I think It found It, I'll reboot now to see :D12:43
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BluesKajHey all13:08
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AceKingI installed 12.10 on my PC and for some reason I don't have any sound. I opened alsamixer in Konsole, and the "Master" was muted. I tried to unmute it, but it keeps jumping back to mute after about a second. Anyone know why this would be happening? Everything worked great out of the box in all prior versions of Kubuntu. Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation GF108 High Definition Audio Controller14:18
Peace-AceKing: mm with sudo alsamixer ?14:19
Peace-AceKing: creating a new user to test?14:19
Peace-AceKing: your user is in audio group ?14:19
AceKingPeace-: Ok, I didn't try sudo alsamixer14:20
AceKingPeace-: I am the only user14:20
BluesKajAceKing, check your kmix (speaker icon) on the left side of the panel in the system tray , make sure it isn't muted14:20
thelionroarsFirst thing I would do is go into system settings>multimedia>phonon, and check which device if preferred14:20
AceKingBluesKaj: It is not muted. That was the first thing I checked14:20
AceKingthelionroars: OK14:20
thelionroarstry changing the device order, and use test to test14:20
thelionroars*for 'audio playback'14:21
BluesKajok AceKing` open system settings>multimedia>phonon>device preference , check the options there and" test" them14:23
AceKingthelionroars: OK, I went into phonon and tested both devices listed. Neither worked14:23
AceKingBluesKaj: I just did and neither worked14:24
BluesKajyeah ,  I got that14:24
Peace-all=> gui stuff is not the best way to test tha stuff14:24
Peace-alsamixer is the best stuff you should use to test your audio problme14:24
Peace-then do what you want14:24
BluesKajwhich audio chip is listed in alsamixer14:24
AceKingBluesKaj: I'm getting that now14:25
AceKingBluesKaj: Realtek ALC89214:26
AceKingPeace-: I opened alsamixer using sudo, and still could not unmute.14:26
Peace-AceKing: what do you use to unmute ?14:27
AceKingM on the keyboard14:27
Peace-mm ok so this is not a good stuff to hear14:27
Peace-AceKing: ok press F614:28
Peace-AceKing:  can you select another sound card ?14:28
BluesKajAceKing, sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel14:28
AceKingPeace-: Yes, but neither works14:29
Peace-AceKing: ok select the other card14:29
Peace-AceKing: screenshot please after you did that selection14:29
BluesKajok , I'm out of this discussion ,. too m any cooks ...godd luck14:29
AceKingBluesKaj: that did nothing14:29
AceKingBluesKaj: it just came back to the prompt14:30
Peace-AceKing: sure it did that14:30
BluesKajgood AceKing it's not supposed to , if there was no outpiut then that's the correct driver...you have to reboot14:30
Peace-AceKing: it was loading the intel driver14:30
Peace-BluesKaj: why ?14:31
Peace-sudo rmmod module is enough14:31
AceKingPeace-: should I run sudo rmmod?14:31
BluesKajPeace-, because alsa doesn't always reload prperly after a modprobe14:32
Peace-BluesKaj: so sudo alsa force-reload14:32
BluesKajno that doesn't always work14:32
Peace-BluesKaj: well you are not a luck man then :)14:32
BluesKajok , you guys do your thing , I'm not going to argue ..rebooting works for sure that's been my experience14:33
Peace-AceKing: sudo adduser $USER audio14:33
Peace-BluesKaj: true true14:33
BluesKajPeace-, a luck man ?14:33
AceKingPeace-: did it14:34
Peace-AceKing: try to see if you can change anything in alsamixer14:34
Peace-BluesKaj: lucly14:34
Peace-luckly man14:34
Peace-AceKing: if not reboot14:35
AceKingPeace-: rebooting14:35
BluesKajPeace-, I mean my experience with others audio reloading alsa , not my14:36
BluesKaj'err mine14:36
Peace-BluesKaj: i knew you are right :) but before rebooting  i would try that14:36
Peace-but yea sudo alsa force-reload not everytime work14:36
Peace-maybe it's correct to say but yea sudo etc doen't work everytime14:37
BluesKajPeace-, yeah , that command works sometimes14:37
BluesKajit might be a pulseaudio "thing" too14:38
Peace-BluesKaj: can you tell me which one is correct  ? :))14:38
BluesKajthere is no way of knowing for sure14:40
BluesKajrebooting will work for sure if you load the right driver withj modprobe , that'e what can say is correct14:40
Peace-BluesKaj: i mean my sentences14:41
AceKingOK, rebooted and still no sound. Went into alsamixer and tried unmuting... same thing14:41
Peace-meant BluesKaj14:41
Peace-AceKing:  mm try this but .. i will say that it will not work14:42
Peace-AceKing: sudo pkill pulseaudio14:42
AceKingPeace-: didn't work14:43
Peace-AceKing: notebook ?14:43
AceKingPeace-: No, PC14:43
Peace-mm i will fill a bug14:43
AceKingPeace-: It's weird that everything worked fine in previous versions14:44
Peace-AceKing: ah dont' think that14:44
BluesKajAceKing, install pavucontrol , then setup the inputs and outputs similar to what is listed in the phonon devices14:44
Peace-with my alc861vd i had a lots of problem for several releases14:44
BluesKaj!pavucontrol | AceKing14:45
AceKingBluesKaj: OK14:45
Peace-AceKing: the last thing14:45
Peace-AceKing: speaker-test on terminal14:46
natmanis there anyway to get the desktop effect "make desktop snow" back, used to be my previous kubuntu, using 12.10 now14:46
Peace-natman: dunno maybe a driver problem , i mean video card14:47
Peace-or a problem with kwin14:47
Peace-natman: tried with xrender instead of opengl ?14:48
natmanPeace-:  is the option there for everyone else?14:48
AceKingBluesKaj: OK, I installed and opened it. It shows HDMI / DisplayPort and a red x through the speaker. Dropdown menu has no other options, and can't unmute14:50
Peace-BluesKaj: the problem is alsa not pulse14:51
AceKingBluesKaj: My mistake, I see the red x is always there.. I can mute and unmute14:51
Peace-AceKing: so it's working now ?14:53
AceKingPeace-: I just went in pulse audio and fooled around with the hardware. Low and behold it is now working!14:54
AceKingPeace-: BluesKaj: I want to thank you both for your help!14:55
Peace-wtf this pulse bah14:55
Peace-btw i did sudo pkill pulseaudio14:55
ikoniatone it down please Peace-14:55
Peace-ikonia: ok bye man14:56
BluesKaji don't like pulseaudio much but the pavucontrol  helps als direct the audio to right outputs on some sound cards14:56
AceKingBluesKaj: That definitely did the trick. Thank you again, and thanks for sticking with me14:57
BluesKajnp AceKing , glad to help :)14:57
abuumayrahow to set up modem mobile broadband in kubuntu ? please help . matur suwun sakderenge14:57
ikoniaBluesKaj: does KDE actually depend on pulse audio for it's sound system ?14:59
BluesKajabuumayra, please explain your "modem mobile broadband"14:59
BluesKajikonia, in my experience yes , lately it's become more and more the case with the latest KDEs and OSs15:00
BluesKajI can run without pulseaudio , but I have no audio on websites that use flash , ikonia15:02
abuumayraadvan hspa usb modem15:12
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natmandoes anyone have the "snow" option in desktop effects on Kubuntu 12.10?16:42
regiscan't see16:46
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Linusnewbhi all :)18:23
thiebaudehey Linusnewb18:23
thiebaudeHow do i move the bottom panel to the top?18:23
unheedingclick on the far right corner of the panel18:23
unheedingit will open up the configuration18:23
unheedingclick on "Screen edge" and drag it to the top18:23
thiebaudethanks, just moved from ubuntu 12.10 unheeding18:24
unheedingwelcome to awesomeness18:24
unheedingmake sure to turn on all the desktop effects if you have a decent computer18:24
thiebaudeyes it is18:24
thiebaudeok i did that but after restart it was still enabled18:24
thiebaudeopp my bad you said turn on, i got it18:25
LinusnewbI have an USB 3g modem Zte Onda.. but problem to connect can anyone help me18:26
LinusnewbI have installed usbmodeswitch proberly and have the correct vendor and target ID18:27
Linusnewbbut wvdial won't connect :(18:29
LinusnewbI have fresh installed kubuntu12.10 from live dvd18:30
Linusnewbhave no one any idea?18:36
thiebaudeany good tutorials on kubuntu 12.10?18:42
thiebaudeconfiguration settings18:44
thiebaudeso i can get a little familiar with this desktop18:44
heoyea_check youtube18:45
thiebaudeok thanks18:45
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LeniLeninwhiskey wonka... hehehe20:15
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:47
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KottizenHi, how can I unlock my screen from a terminal?20:51
Kottizeni.e. ssh or a script20:51
lordievaderKottizen: You can use xdotool to simulate a login.20:53
root__salut tous20:54
Kottizenlordievader: wonderful, cheers! :)20:56
lordievaderKottizen: It is wonderful indeed :)20:58
julian_hi i cant get the nvidia drivers run correctly. i stuck with a resolution of 640x480.  xorg.log says this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1430509/20:58
julian_so im not sure if it is a xorg.conf problem or some driver issues20:59
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CalaveraI have Ubuntu+KDE. Should I be posting in the Ubuntu channel instead?21:32
CalaveraAnd not a single person to hear my cries.21:33
penguinmandoesn't really matter, since kubuntu is basically ubuntu with kde21:33
CalaveraHence the question.21:33
penguinmanis it a kde specific issue?21:33
penguinmanor what seems to be the problem?21:33
CalaveraNot so much an issue or problem.21:34
CalaveraI've been looking all around on how to specifically keybind the application launchers on my launcher tray.21:35
CalaveraEvery solution that I found requires scripting.21:35
penguinmanwell the system tray is dynamic, so yeah it will probably require some scripting to do properly21:36
CalaveraSo my best bet would be to have a keybinding combination that just launches the application in general then?21:37
penguinmanyeah, if it has a system tray icon it should simply restore it anyway on a launch command21:37
CalaveraOkay. I'll just RTFM some more then. Thank you for your help.21:43
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Calaveraoh shi-22:07
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tapassince upgrading to 12.10 my laptop doesn't go to sleep anymore automatically :(22:23
tapaseven though it's configured to do so in the power management setting..22:23
tapasi wonder what i should look at to debug this..22:23
tapasputting it to sleep manually works just fine (e.g. closing the lid)22:25
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