
kortankHey, I need a little bit of help with uploading my package. I was wondering how do I tell Launchpad that it can only be build on the amd64 architecture?00:00
wgrantkortank: The best you can do is to set 'Architecture: amd64' rather than 'Architecture: any' in debian/control. Launchpad will still try to build on i386, but it'll fail quickly.00:03
kortankAhh ok. Thanks :)00:03
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dkesseli would like to report a spelling mistake on https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/CreatingAnSSHKeyPair09:05
dkesselis this the right place?09:05
czajkowskidkessel: what is the mistake?09:07
dkesselunder "possible step 5" it says: Do ssh_add /path/to/file/id_rsa_newfile09:08
dkesseli think it should be: ssh-add, not ssh_add09:08
dkesselssh_add is not a valid command on my system, ssh-add is09:08
dkesselgreat :) i can confirm the rest of the instructions works09:16
thomasproThink I've already created a launchpad account.11:46
thomasproBut as is ...:-(11:47
thomasprolong time ago11:47
thomasproI've forgotten all about it11:47
thomasproIs there a chance to find out something about it, eg. by the subscribers domain ?11:47
wgrantthomaspro: Do you know which email address might have been used?11:50
thomasproIt can only be out of two domains: prosts.info or prost-net.de11:51
thomasproCan that help ?11:51
wgrantLet me see11:51
wgrantAh, there we are11:54
thomasproSo thought I11:55
thomasprobut all of my passwords went wrong11:55
wgrantHave you requested a reset?11:55
thomasprobut now I know that I can click the forgotten one ;-)11:55
thomasproMany thanks :-)11:55
wgrantRight :)11:56
wgrantNo problem11:56
thomasproI'll just do it ...11:56
thomaspro... and it works :-) Will go now looking for Ken Vandine. Thanks again and bye ....12:16
thomasprowgrant: BTW - are you east coast resident or did I disturb your sleep ?12:21
wgrantthomaspro: I'm on *an* east coast...12:22
wgrantIn Australia :)12:22
thomasproAh :-) 11pm in Canberra - so I don't have to be ashamed ?12:22
wgrantHeh, yep12:23
thomasproGreetz from Europe :-)12:23
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davidmarais my account has been disabled on https://login.ubuntu.com after trying to login.13:14
davidmarais Who could help me to reset my details to log back in?13:14
shadeslayerwould it be possible for someone to re-activate https://launchpad.net/~blue-shell/+archive/staging14:14
shadeslayera team member accidentally deleted the ppa14:14
shadeslayerplease? :D14:38
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christofferDoes launchpad have any CI support e.g. Jenkins or Hudson running that will automatically run full test suite on new commits of python code?17:10
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deryckchristoffer, we run a buildbot internally at Canonical before commits land. But nothing publicly facing for the community.17:15
christofferok, was thinking about my own apps that I use launchpad for17:16
christofferthen I knwo17:16
christofferthank you deryck17:16
deryckchristoffer, np.17:17
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dobeychrisccoulson: as deryck said, Launchpad doesn't have any CI related services itself, even for the commercial subscriptions. but you can use various tools externally, to do CI for your projects on LP18:09
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mikalHey, I have problems logging into launchpad. Specifically, I try to login via gerrit.launchpad.net, it prompts me for my password, and then dumps me back to gerrit without being logged in. Clearing cookies didn't help. Thoughts?20:40
mikalIn fact, when I try to login to launchpad directly I get an error message saying "user cancelled"20:44
lifelessmikal: you have been denied ? Also, wrong channel. LP has no user auth.20:45
lifelessmikal: you want #canonical-isd20:45
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wgrantmikal: Hum, gerrit.launchpad.net? Launchpad doesn't have a gerrit instance.21:50
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lifelesswgrant: review.openstack.org21:57
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