
=== hrww is now known as hrw
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=== chihchun is now known as zz_chihchun
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== zz_chihchun is now known as chihchun
=== fabo_ is now known as fabo
dholbachgood morning08:02
=== doko_ is now known as doko
cortexA9dholbach: i can put the file09:05
cortexA9in android rom :)09:05
cortexA9and can install it09:05
cortexA9from ubuntu :)09:05
cortexA9i try now09:05
cortexA9i have in /media09:06
Laneyhow do I submit kernel changes for the nexus 7 kernel?09:37
Laneythe wiki page Nexus7/Kernel misses this detail09:41
cortexA9kde 4.9.80 works on nexus 710:30
cortexA9with bigger font10:30
cortexA9kde 4.9.80 works on nexus 710:31
cortexA9with bigger font10:31
cortexA9better than unity :P10:32
cortexA9now i try kde 4.10 beta :D10:33
cortexA9maybe works better10:33
cortexA9only a problem10:35
cortexA9i don't have keyboard :D10:35
cortexA9oh nice10:38
cortexA9virtual keyboard :D10:38
LetoThe2ndhowdy! after trying to netinstall on my panda, two times in a row the "Make the system bootable" step fails. any ideas/hints?10:40
LetoThe2ndboot.img-serial.gz was zcatted to the sd card, and install proceeded throught "use entire disk" onto a 4GB thumb drive10:43
LetoThe2ndthe boot.img-serial.gz is the right one, yes?10:45
cortexA9kde 4.10 beta is not in the ppa for arm i think.10:55
cortexA9but 4.9.80 works very well10:56
dholbachssweeny, I just sponsored a new virtkey/onboard/ubuntu-defaults-nexus7 to raring11:20
dholbach(bug 1089396)11:20
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1089396 in virtkey (Ubuntu) "New upstream releases available for Onboard and virtkey" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108939611:20
dholbachachiang, too ^11:20
dholbachI tested it before uploading and it worked great for me11:20
=== chihchun is now known as zz_chihchun
LetoThe2ndis the 12.04 or 12.10 netinstall meant to be functional on a panda ES?11:40
cortexA9why touch of kubuntu on nexus 7 works only for some time ?11:46
cortexA9i have kde 4.9.8011:47
=== Sv2 is now known as sv
robin-gloster1is an update for oem-config planned so that onboard can write into the input fields for the hostname? can't finish installation on nexus7 atm because of that (13.04)12:37
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
victorpogra_, hi12:46
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
ssweenydholbach, awesome!14:11
mfischsfeole: robin-gloster says that you can't type in the hostname field during install on N715:14
sfeolemfisch: i can take a look when i get to it15:15
mfischsfeole: ok15:15
vanhoofdont think i've tried that myself, just took the default16:30
dholbachdoes the new onboard work fine for all of you?16:47
* Laney just installed it16:47
Laneylet's reboot16:47
=== _Lucretia___ is now known as _Lucretia_
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=== mjrosenb_ is now known as mjrosenb

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