
mhall119JoseeAntonioR: I don't see the email yet, what's the rt number?00:28
JoseeAntonioRmhall119: 2065000:29
mhall119JoseeAntonioR: I'll ask about it00:34
mhall119JoseeAntonioR: are you under a deadline or anything to get this done?00:40
JoseeAntonioRmhall119: nope, but we're having a big one soon, looks like it'll attract lots of people00:42
mhall119do you need to switch hosts by then, or are you okay to wait until they have time to work on it?00:43
JoseeAntonioRI think I can wait00:45
JoseeAntonioRthey've set the deadline to around mid-january, I think00:45
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mhall119JoseeAntonioR: ok, IS has everything they need, the ticket is in the queue and they'll get to it in turn00:47
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cjohnstonpleia2: am I good to delete the server as far as your concerned? (you don't need anything else from it)03:35
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pleia2cjohnston: yes, go ahead04:24
dholbachgood morning08:02
cjohnstonmornin dholbach11:44
dholbachhi cjohnston12:23
huayraIs there a meeting starting here now? Ref http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/12/12/kicking-off-the-ubuntu-advocacy-developer-kit/ ?15:03
cprofittI thought there was15:03
cprofittjono is not here though15:03
huayraQuite early in Cali :)15:04
huayraplease ping me when he comes.. I will be here for some hours and would like to discuss the ADK15:04
* huayra is the driver of the SpreadUbuntu project15:05
SergioMeneseshuayra, are you from Colombia?15:06
huayranope, born in Spain, raised in Ecuador, been an adult in Norway15:06
huayrabut you are, aren't you?15:07
SergioMeneseshuayra, yes, I am but I live in the north15:07
huayranice to meet you (although I have the feeling we have met digitally before...)15:07
huayraubuntu-es-locos or FLISOL15:10
SergioMeneseshuats, flisol, I guess15:13
=== Celene_away is now known as sandyd
jonohey dholbach15:22
jonosorry I am late here15:22
dholbachhi jono15:22
jonorough night with Jack and slept right through the alarm15:22
dholbachcprofitt, huayra, SergioMeneses: ^15:23
jonodholbach, have you been discussing the ADK?15:23
* dholbach hugs jono15:23
dholbachno, we wanted to wait for you and I had a quick meeting with the d-a-t at the same time15:23
jonook, cool15:23
dholbachjono, but there's: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-adk-admins/+recipe/ubuntu-adk-daily :)15:23
jonocan you give me two mins?15:23
huayrathose sleepless night can be quite rough15:23
dholbachjono, sure15:23
SergioMenesesdholbach, morning!15:24
huayrahi dholbach, SergioMeneses, jono, cprofitt  and everyone else :)15:24
jonook, all set dholbach, SergioMeneses, cprofitt :-)15:27
jonodholbach, nice work on the PPA!15:27
jonoso how does it work?15:27
dholbachjono, no .desktop file yet, but there'll be daily builds of the English version for now15:27
jonodholbach, awesome!15:27
dholbachjono, it contains the .pdf guide, a single-html page and multiple-html pages15:28
dholbachand epub15:28
jonooh sweet :-)15:28
jonodid you see my MP, dholbach?15:28
huayradholbach, are you using rst2epub to make the epub version?15:28
dholbachI guess we can simplify it further and throw things out or we could split it up in other packages if they get too big15:28
cprofittsorry got pulled away -- reading back ow15:28
dholbachI just wanted to put everything in one package for now15:28
dholbachhuayra, sphinx does it - you simply run "make epub"15:29
huayraI have some experience with rst, but have trouble making decent epub content directly from rst15:29
dholbachjono, I replied - it had no content (did you forget to 'bzr add <files>' maybe?)15:29
huayraref https://www.varnish-software.com/static/book/15:29
huayrathanks for the tip. I'll try doing it from sphinx and see how it goes15:30
jonodholbach, hmm, I did add them15:30
jonolet me check15:30
dholbachhttps://code.launchpad.net/~jonobacon/ubuntu-adk/firstmaterials/+merge/139563 is empty AFAICS15:30
jonodholbach, as an example: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jonobacon/ubuntu-adk/firstmaterials/revision/3215:31
jonothat is a revision in my merge15:31
jonohang on15:31
dholbachyou pushed it directly :)15:32
dholbachI'll mark it as merged :)15:32
jonodholbach, I pushed it directly accidentally and then reverted it15:33
jonodholbach, how odd, my branch seems to have the content15:33
jonohttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-adk-admins/ubuntu-adk/trunk/revision/34 reverted it15:33
jonoI guess we can discuss this later15:34
jonobut the challenge was outlined in the MP15:34
dholbachI'll reverse-apply r34 then15:34
jonohow do we nothave lots of duplicate materials?15:35
cprofittI do not know what RST is... can anyone point me to a quick summary15:35
jonocprofitt, reStructured Text15:35
jonocprofitt, http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/quickstart.html15:35
jonoit is a simple way of writing content15:35
dholbachor http://sphinx-doc.org/rest.html15:35
jonodholbach, any thoughts on how we do this?15:36
cprofittbookmarked -- will read more later thanks again dholbach and jono15:36
jonocprofitt, np15:36
dholbachjono, I'm not sure I understand the problem - are you worried that we'd ship an ubuntu-logo.png both in the English and the Spanish version of the package?15:36
jonodholbach, let me explain:15:36
jonoso currently we put materias in materials/<CC>15:36
jonosome materials will by definition not be translated - e.g. logos15:37
jonoso I would prefer if we don't have to put the logos in each CC dir15:37
jonoalso, right now we are hard-coded the CC to 'en' in the RST15:37
jonoso how do we reference the other CCs for the materials?15:37
dholbachwe could replace identical files with symlinks15:38
dholbachfdupes does that15:38
jonowhat do you mean?15:38
dholbachif there's a es/ubuntu-logo.png and an en/ubuntu-logo.png and they're identical we could replace one with a symlink to the other15:39
dholbachso we don't ship the same file twice15:39
jonodholbach, ahhh I see15:39
dholbachwe do this in other packages already to save sapce15:40
jonobut then what about the issue of referencing the CC in the RST?15:40
jonoas an example:15:40
huayratranslated materials could easily be available from SpreadUbuntu to generate localized zip files. We have made the site so things can easily be accessed and retrieved: http://spreadubuntu.org/en/node/6/translate15:40
jonoin the English package we always want to refer to 'en' but in the Spanish package we will want to refer to 'es'15:40
huayrause LP to login if you cannot see it15:40
asomethingre:hardcoding, in the Makefile you can manipulate things so the materials/en gets changed to materials/es when building the es package if needed15:41
jonohuayra, nice :-)15:41
huayrajono ;)15:41
dholbachjono, I'd suggest that we recommend to translators they leave the paths in the translations as they are if the don't intend to ship localised materials and change it from "en" to "es" once they have localised materials15:41
asomethingin the packaging guide we do some of that, it isn't exactly pretty though15:42
dholbachno, it's not :)15:42
jonoI like the idea of the translations URLs approach15:42
* dholbach hugs asomething15:42
jonothis way the translation just shows the relavent materials and trunk shows English I guess15:42
huayracurrently is a different Drupal node, but SpreadUbuntu has a classification system that reference one material (say a poster) to another internally and we could use aliases to make a /en or /es or /fr version15:43
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huayraso that the ADK can retrieve them all and make the localized zip on the fly15:44
huayraat least, for already translated materials15:44
jonoso it sounds like the symlink approach for duplicate materials and the translated URLs approach makes most sense15:45
jonocool, I will note those down in the How To Help guide later today15:45
jonodholbach, did you merge in my branch?15:45
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dholbachjono, give me a second, something looks strange here15:45
huayrawill need some work on SpreadUbuntu (Drupal) but it should be doable with aliases, yes15:45
jonodholbach, np15:45
dholbachjono, done and pushed - please check if r37 fixes it for you15:46
jonodholbach, checking15:46
huayraif you would prefer changes in classification of materials, we can do that too and even add an adk reference to the materials used to generate the ADK kit15:47
mhall119JoseeAntonioR: ping15:47
mhall119JoseeAntonioR: can you help us fill out documentation for Ubuntu On Air? http://pad.ubuntu.com/communitywebsite-help-keepup-onair15:47
jonodholbach, looks good to me :-)15:47
huayradholbach, jono the reference would be done through aliases in the URL, together with the language15:47
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jonohuayra, gotcha15:48
jonoso who would be interested in writing content for the ADK?15:48
dholbachif you are on quantal or raring, this should give you the latest ADK (minus Jono's latest revision): sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-adk-admins/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-adk-en15:48
jonodholbach, any thoughts on the .desktop file?15:49
dholbachjono, I'm working on it15:49
jonodholbach, ahhh cool15:49
jonoand this PPA is daily?15:49
jonosweet, nice work!15:49
dholbachI just got too busy with other stuff today, but tomorrow it should be there15:49
jonowhere does it install it to?15:49
dholbachthe good thing is that with a .desktop file we don't really care where it installs stuff to15:50
dholbachwe can just leave it in there :)15:50
jonodholbach, looks like it is missing the root-level starthere.html15:50
dholbachknown issue :)15:51
dholbachusing the package will also make sure that people get upgraded content, so they're no stuck with an old .zip file15:51
dholbachor hang on15:52
jonodholbach, so am I correct in assuming that the schema of the package is not much different to the branch?15:52
dholbachdo we need to have a starthere.html file?15:52
jonodholbach, exactly :-)15:52
jonodholbach, don't neccessarily need one, no15:52
jonothe package solves that15:52
dholbachalright - I'll have the .desktop file in there tomorrow15:52
jonodholbach, nice work!15:52
jonothis is all coming together nicely15:52
jonoI will add some more content later today15:52
jonothe key is going to be awesome, curated content I think15:53
dholbachjono, if you run 'make gettext' it updates the .pot file15:53
jonodholbach, ok cool15:53
huayrajono, as I mentioned in my comment on your blog I think that there are two kits that would be good to have:15:53
huayra1. The Advocacy kit (ready and localized that does not change too often)15:53
huayra2. The Ubuntu Release kit (with everything users can dream of having for a new Ubuntu release, which is generated every 6 months)15:53
jonohuayra, I think that sounds good15:54
jonoI would expect people use ADK in general and the release kit mainly contains materials15:54
jonoe.g. CD covers15:54
huayraFor the second one, we could even engage designers and people interested in making material to actually send their material to SpreadUbuntu and ask users to vote for them.15:54
huayraYes, CD covers or Release party posters15:55
jonoso my plans were to work on getting the core docs content into the ADK next15:55
jonoand then to start reviewing the best materials15:55
jonohuayra, your help with the materials would be great15:55
jonoas I mentioned in the post, the goal here is to only include a few materials of each type in the ADK15:56
jonobut to ensure the are in line with the brand guidelines, high quality etc15:56
huayraI can certainly do that and make a plan for the Release Cycle Kit15:56
jonoand then we can link off to SU for more15:56
jonohuayra, thanks!15:56
cprofittjono: it strikes me that this is like a 'media' or 'fan' kit that games often provide15:56
jonocprofitt, yep15:56
jonocprofitt, so it will provide a single package to download with everything you need15:57
* cprofitt nods15:57
cprofittprint and web resources15:57
huayrasounds good to link to the site, so people can choose from the hundreds of materials (almost 900) available there15:58
jonocool, well I have to run to hop on a call now15:58
jonothanks for the meeting, and apologies for the delay15:58
cprofittthanks jono15:58
huayrathanks jono15:59
jonomhall119, dpm ready for our call16:01
jonomhall119, dpm actually, give me two mins, need to reply to a mail real quick16:01
dpmjono, ok16:01
mhall119ready whenever you guys are16:08
jonodpm, mhall119 ok setting it up16:09
jonodpm, mhall119 invite sent16:10
dpmsorry, Firefox it's taking it's time16:12
dpmtrying to get in...16:12
jonodpm, np16:12
dholbachjono, .desktop file added :)16:33
jonodholbach, awesome!16:34
jonoany chance you can join a hangout now?16:34
dholbachonly up until the full hour16:34
jonodholbach, thats dinme16:34
dholbachok, dinme then :-P16:34
jonodholbach, you should see an invite in a sec16:35
dholbachjono, package with .desktop file should be available now (and some small fixes for the materials stuff)17:25
dholbachall right my friends - see you all tomorrow!17:33
jcastro_jono: got time for me today for a quick powwow?18:59
jonojcastro_, I do, but in a few hours18:59
jonohave meetings now18:59
jonojcastro_, sorry I can't go sooner19:00
* jcastro_ stands in line19:00
jcastro_no worries19:00
jcastro_I have awesomeish news for you19:00
jcastro_some is even NOT METAL RELATED. If you can believe such a thing19:00
jonojcastro_, :-)19:18
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JoseeAntonioRmhall119: sure20:46
mhall119thanks JoseeAntonioR!20:46
jonomhall119, how is the docs day going?20:55
mhall119jono: I'm currently putting what we have into WP20:58
mhall119we have some pages that are well developed, but still a lot that haven't been touched20:59
mhall119also, the new theme should be ready to start integrating tomorrow20:59
jonomhall119, awesome21:00
MrChrisDruifjono; good job on the drums, if that was your third rehearsal on them. (I couldn't be that good on drums tbh)21:01
jonothanks MrChrisDruif21:01
jonostill very new to it :-)21:01
jonosweet, it is cool to see the ADK in the dash :-)21:01
jcastro_marcoceppi: hey, is there a way to export an entire AU question as one markdown doc?21:02
jcastro_the new community site has a section on "what blogs to follow?"21:02
jcastro_and I just want to rip this off: http://askubuntu.com/questions/594/list-of-blogs-to-learn-more-about-ubuntu21:02
marcoceppijcastro_: you could write a script to do that easily, but there's not way built in21:02
marcoceppiugh, I protected but didn't close that question.21:03
JoseeAntonioRmhall119: should I change Programs and Guests to Past Programs and Guests?21:10
mhall119JoseeAntonioR: I don't want to list specifics, it'll be too hard to keep it updates21:13
JoseeAntonioRhmm, ok then21:13
mhall119just talk about the kinds of people we have on, and how the sessions operate21:13
mhall119so, you can say you get engineering managers, business managers/VPs, developers and community people all on21:14
mhall119without listing specific people21:14
JoseeAntonioRgot it21:22
jonojcastro_, free to chat now?21:39
jcastro_LETS DO THIS21:46
jcastro_jono: invited21:47
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
mhall119jono: I've hacked the current community site theme enough to atleast show sub-nav links22:13
mhall119everything from the pads is now up there on WP22:13
jonomhall119, have a link?22:19
mhall119use the nav menus22:42
mhall119it should match the wiki page outline22:42
jonothanks mhall11923:28
jonolooking good23:28
jonowe just need to get those d.u.c layouts in there23:28
jonoany progress on that?23:28
mhall119jono: I'm told tomorrow they should be ready23:29
jonomhall119, awesome23:29
jonomhall119, good work on this, by the way23:30
balloonsI love the response mike23:34
balloons"I'm told they should be ready" classic23:34

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