
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
didrocksgood morning06:02
gnomefreakgood morning didrocks06:04
didrockshey gnomefreak06:04
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Laneyoh yay, webkit built everywhere09:03
Laneyfor some reason ppc took twice as long as before09:03
seb128hey desktopers09:15
pittibonjour seb12809:18
pittiseb128: importing Gtk works for me on the nexus709:19
seb128pitti, salut, ca va ?09:19
pittiça va bien! testing hackfest today!09:19
seb128pitti, I guess it's a local corruption or .pyc or something09:19
didrockssalut seb128!10:08
seb128didrocks, lut, how was the hangout?10:09
seb128didrocks, just realized it was today after opening g+10:09
didrocksseb128: was excellent! really enjoyed it! :)10:09
seb128great, I will watch it later once it's available10:09
seb128since I missed the live version10:09
didrockswell, there is no stricking news :)10:11
chrisccoulsonoh, i'm allowed back on freenode?10:42
didrockschrisccoulson: but you are still on holidays10:43
didrockschrisccoulson: so you shouldn't be around :)10:43
chrisccoulsondidrocks, lol!10:43
* didrocks asks for another ban :p10:43
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seb128didrocks, oh, I though you got your ban, just on you ;-)10:49
didrocksahah, no, just kernel lock again :/10:49
seb128I'm glad I'm not having that issue10:50
didrocksyeah, it's really a pain, but less frequent right now10:51
pittisince I planted that i915.i915_enable_rc6=0 hack into my grub, my system is rock solid again12:05
didrocksI'll do that I guess12:14
pittididrocks: your's and my freezes were different, though; mine (arrandale) was because of insufficient rc6 support; 3.7 enabled that by default now, so it needs to disable it again for arrandale; but I thought you had sandybridge?12:15
pittididrocks: infinity said that on his sandybridge he gets some 30 second freezes, but then it recovers12:15
didrocksmost of the time, I have those kinds of freeze12:15
didrocksbut sometimes, it just hangs12:15
didrockscan't switch to a tty, nothing12:16
didrocksbut it's still running, like I can hear the music12:16
pittididrocks: arrandale or sandybridge?12:16
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seb128cyphermox, hey, could you SRU http://git.gnome.org/browse/evolution-data-server/commit/?h=gnome-3-6&id=5323e33d2986e049f78c985c9b028870c0993748 to quantal? (it should fix 1062068 ... evolution-calendar-factoring segfaulting for lot of users)14:10
seb128cyphermox, including http://git.gnome.org/browse/evolution-data-server/commit/?h=gnome-3-6&id=afe70b3fad9d5250b46f5e43b58061ef4a9a40b6 would be nice as well14:12
cyphermoxseb128: ok!14:34
seb128cyphermox, thanks14:34
cyphermoxseb128: do you know a bug number for those/14:35
seb128cyphermox, 1062068 for the first one14:35
cyphermoxI suck14:35
seb128cyphermox, 1039594 for the second one14:36
seb128cyphermox, you should have both in your assigned bugs folders if you filter those14:36
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cyphermoxso seb128 do we want to sru 3.6.2 after all? seems to me like it fixes a few annoying issues with 3.6.0; like the duplicated signatures too :)15:10
seb128cyphermox, I would go for a SRU yes, we have a MRE and there is a stack of interesting fixes15:11
cyphermoxalright so I'm going to do this rather than pick patches15:14
Sweetsharknow that we got rid of the traditional 'default desktop-app' flamefest at UDSes, Fedora takes up the torch and opens a 'include LibreOffice by default' mailing thread on fedora-desktop ...17:57
Laneywhat do they have now?17:58
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SweetsharkLaney: nothing17:59
jbichaSweetshark: don't they use Abiword/Gnumeric?18:01
cyphermoxjbicha: do you know that your upload of libgdata is broken?18:02
Sweetsharkjbicha: acoording to the thread in their plain default install, odts open in file-roller (because yes, odts also happen to be zip archives)18:03
Sweetsharkgotta run18:04
jbichacyphermox: no, is it the pc_depends patch? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/125635951/libgdata_0.13.2-0ubuntu1_0.13.2-1.diff.gz18:08
cyphermoxpossibly: the .pc file didn't get the variables replaced18:09
cyphermoxyou'd be missing lines for them in Makefile.am I think18:10
jbichacyphermox: that looks like Debian is using the patch that was actually committed to GNOME master18:13
seb128cyphermox, jbicha: seems like that lib would benefit from an autopkgtest which does build a simple program using the .pc file ;-)18:14
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cyphermoxseb128: hehe ;)18:14
jbichacyphermox: do you want to fix it or talk to robert_ancell about it? (I've never really worked with .pc files)18:14
cyphermoxjbicha: sure, I'll fix it18:15
cyphermoxseb128: are you serious about adding that as an autopkgtest or were you joking? ;)18:16
* didrocks waves good evening!18:16
seb128cyphermox, not joking, didn't you notice that pitti and others started to do that across the board?18:19
seb128cyphermox, e.g http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/gdk-pixbuf/debian/tests/build?revision=36260&view=markup&pathrev=3626018:19
cyphermoxI didn't18:19
cyphermoxof course it can be added ;)18:19
seb128cyphermox, see that example18:19
cyphermoxyup, sounds like a plan18:20
seb128cyphermox, today is a good one to add one of those, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/AutomatedTesting/Hackfest18:20
seb128it's the hackfest day for that topic18:20
seb128cyphermox, libgdata is on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/RequiredTests18:20
seb128grab it ;-)18:20
seb128cyphermox, let me know if you need help, but copying http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-gnome?view=revision&revision=36260 should basically give you what you need18:21
cyphermoxyeah, it's just a matter of figuring out what api I can quickly call to yield something useful18:22
seb128well, no need to be useful18:22
seb128a non useful one would be enough to assure that the .pc file is correct and that a basic build works18:23
cyphermoxyeah, but I mean just so that it actually calls something18:23
cyphermoxjbicha: bug fixed; it just needed to be autoreconf'd18:24
cyphermoxseb128: uploading with the test now18:40
seb128cyphermox, \o/18:40
seb128cyphermox, thanks18:40
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jbichacyphermox: you're going to submit that to Debian too, right?19:31
cyphermoxyeah, unless you want to just upload that yourself?19:32
jbichacyphermox: oh I guess you're not a DD either19:34
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