
Silverlionhi there10:03
jcastro_I am confused on http://pad.ubuntu.com/communitywebsite-contribute-support14:49
jcastro_are we supposed to put specific examples there?14:50
Silverliongood morning jono ;)15:27
jonohey Silverlion :-)15:28
Silverlionu remember me, dont you jono? i havent forgotten the nokia story15:28
jonoSilverlion, the nokia story?15:28
Silverlionjono: excuse myself. there has been an incidance the year before last one regarding an accusation that a user had spied on a ubuntu group to get information for a company called nokia15:30
jonoSilverlion, ahh yes15:34
SilverlionSilverlion: that's me (== the accused spy)15:34
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jonoSilverlion, :-)15:45
Silverlionjono ???15:45
jonoSilverlion, eh?15:46
Silverlionjono: i did not understand your smiling15:46
jonoSilverlion, was just being nice15:46
Silverlionjono: oh ^^ thanks. actually i was looking for you ;)15:47
jonoSilverlion, sorry, I am in a meeting right now15:48
jonoshould be back soon15:48
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Silverlionjono copy that15:48
YoBoYHi, a question about this new community site, it's planned to be localised, or it's just an english one ?16:06
balloonsYoBoY, good question! I can't say for sure, but I don't believe the current one is localized, so I would assume the same for this16:21
balloonsmhall119, is this something that could be localized?16:21
YoBoYThe current one ? you meen the ubuntu.com/community ? no it's not16:21
mhall119balloons: what, the website?16:23
balloonsmhall119, yes.. this content we're writing16:23
balloonsI'm assuming getting translations work wouldn't be difficult.. more the web work to localize and display it16:23
mhall119balloons: probably not, as WP doesn't lend itself to translating16:24
balloonsthanks.. just confirming my thoughts16:24
rrnwexeccan we provide an option to present the site in a Google Translate frame? would that be useful?16:25
YoBoYI was asking that because all the online localised ressources (forums, documentations,…) have a bad highlight on the current ubuntu.com website16:26
jcastro_I am confused on http://pad.ubuntu.com/communitywebsite-contribute-support16:27
jcastro_are we supposed to put specific examples for each site there?16:28
jbichaYoBoY: have you set up WordPress before? if you can figure out a good workflow to make it translatable I'm sure we'd be interested16:28
YoBoYjbicha, yes I have used one, and I can tell I don't like wordpress :D16:28
balloons:-) still if we could make it happen, I'm sure we could get some localizations16:35
balloonsand that would be cool stuff16:35
balloonsdoes anyone have a suggestion on what was intended / should go in the 'tips and tricks' section of the template?17:30
jcastro_yeah so I'm not sure about that either17:37
rrnwexecso quiet in here. who's editing?19:30
Atamiraeveryone does a bit19:33
Atamiraif you need a response, send an email through to the mailing list is the best thing19:34
balloonsI'm messing about on quality ofc ;-)19:42
jcastro_balloons: did you figure out what to do on the templated pages?19:57
balloonsjcastro_, as far as? my tips and tricks are blank20:00
balloonsjust recruiting some folks now to look at what I've written so fair..20:00
balloonsand it needs converted to markdown20:00
jcastro_I know markdown, link me up!20:01
balloonsjcastro_, feel free to markdown: http://pad.ubuntu.com/communitywebsite-contribute-quality20:11
balloonsso the bullet list is ok as-is?20:14
jcastro_oh wait20:16
jcastro_that got styliazed20:16
balloonsok, so a space to indent20:17
balloonssimple enough20:17
balloonsI think I learned a lot of markdown from that20:17
jcastro_I'll fix up the loco one a bit20:20
jonohow are the docs going?20:55
rrnwexecchomped on a couple this morning, and starting again now20:57
jcastro_my hands hurt20:57
jcastro_I'm in -contribute-support20:57
jonoyou guys rock :-)20:57
jcastro_we're hurting in -design and -artwork20:58
balloonsdo we have folks from artwork?21:02
balloonsprobably should update this again; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityWebsite21:03
jcastro_rawr, choke on that list of blogs! mwahahaha21:31
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