
roninhello hello hello..14:07
roninhow are things? any news?14:09
zmoylanno strange at the mo.  yourself?14:10
roninnot much now, I got a steam.deb package I'm trying to port it to .rpm14:11
roninputting the linux standard base to the test...14:11
roninwhat do you make of the steam client on ubuntu? Do you think It'll improve the linux desktop?14:13
zmoylannot a steam fan.  the idea of not owning the game means i'll never deal with them.14:16
roninWhat do you mean because the game is DRM'ed the said game isn't in your hard drive.... I bit like the amazon e-book debackle..14:18
zmoylanall your games are in 'the cloud'  if you are banned you lose access to all the games you've paid for.  it has happened to others.14:19
zmoylantoo many eggs in one basket.14:20
roninI thought you download them... For example L4D2.. you would have to download that game i would have thought, typical size >10 GB14:22
roninthats a right bollocks...14:23
roninwoops b*******s...14:23
zmoylanit's a problem when you have invested time and money in their service and then get banned.  i'd say most deserve it but i'll bet any money there are false positives.14:25
zmoylanif i buy something and it breaks it's usually my problem.  when you buy a service or cloud based service then the break seems to have a high probability to be outside your control or ability to fix it.14:26
zmoylandisclaimer: not a fan of the cloud :-)14:26
roninme neither... The industry is getting worse and worse...14:27
roninIts handy for somethings like dropbox or shareing documents... but gaming, I don't like that development...14:28
zmoylanthe problem is worsened when the companies can tie you up as they are not operating in your country and are hard to be subject to consumer laws in your country.14:28
slashbelthe cloud is handy for some things… like the contacts on my phone!14:28
zmoylangoogle has the worst contacts managing software of all the phones i have ever used14:29
slashbelbut content, i like that under my control14:29
zmoylananother reason to avoid social networks and stick with email.  i always have a local backup copy14:30
* slashbel runs his own email14:31
roninStill I like messing around with deb packages... Got the thing updated alright... but a not much else...14:33
zmoylanand are we placing bets on how long it will take czajkowski to get back to ireland this year? :-)14:34
roninwhere is she at the moment? Is she still across the water?14:43
zmoylanstill in blighty14:43
zmoylani'm guessing less than a day14:43
roninooh right coming home for christmas?14:44
zmoylanthat still allows for weather shenanigans14:44
roninhopefully now we won't have a repeat of 2 years ago...14:44
zmoylanweather is a bit wonky right now so could go either way14:45
roninya is there going to a meet up soon?14:46
roninbefore or after christmas?14:46
slashbelronin: would you like to organise one?14:46
tdr112its been a while14:47
slashbelthere's a pub standards thing on this week iirc14:48
slashbelmaybe an ILUG thing too14:48
zmoylanthere is a lug potd on friday.  might shuffle along to that14:48
roninlovely jobely...14:49
* slashbel has too much on these next few weeks14:49
slashbeloh, and there's a tog open social on saturday14:49
roninmaybe in limerick if anybody is interested? or even better in Clare...14:50
roninthere's loads of stuff..14:50
slashbelbeyond the m50 is a bit far for me…14:50
zmoylanbeyond city centre is a hassle.  down to one crutch though.14:51
slashbelgood stuff zmoylan14:51
slashbelaye, city centre is ideal… all the public transport links head there14:51
roninYa im outside the pale alright... out in the sticks...14:51
roninWheres that pub ye meet in again is it the longstone?14:52
zmoylanronin: by decree it's no longer the sticks.  since the eu development funds it's being upgraded to boonies. :-)14:52
tdr112ya potd this Friday , in  Bowes14:53
roninha ha ha.. oooh good thats nice to hear...14:53
roninmay i ask potd? your not smoking pot are you?14:53
roninI presume podcast...14:53
zmoylancork 3 jan sober land 200014:53
zmoylanpint of the day14:54
tdr112they should be having their agm soon,14:55
roninnot too bad... bowes is very central...14:55
tdr112they tend to have a night of talks to go along with it14:55
roninlimerick kind of died off i think...14:55
slashbelronin: what about galway?15:03
slashbeli hear that their hackerspace is pretty active15:03
roninooo ya really maybe i should head up there so... could you give me a url?15:07
slashbelsearch for 091 labs15:08
zmoylan091 labs 2 mins...15:08
roninfound it brillient..15:09
=== zmoylan is now known as ZenCart
=== ZenCart is now known as zmoylan

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