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bazhang<Krustyklimber> does paying for 12.10 change the version you end up with?04:41
bazhang12.10 Professional Ultimate04:41
IdleOneI smell troll. I also have a cold.04:45
ubottuaeon-ltd called the ops in #ubuntu (Jynx)08:00
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sevenforallChildish, to say the least.12:01
sevenforallI've been around to help people, helped them where relevant, and I get banned because I shooted a video to someone who was being silly, while the channel was silent anyway? I really think you're making a mountain out of a molehill, it was far from necessary. You made your point by saying I shouldn't, repeated yourself three times, I friendly said everything's all right, and I personally think all that together is more spam than tha12:05
ikoniasorry, I was just on the phone12:05
ikoniayou didn't get banned for posting the video12:05
sevenforallikonia: Then what did I get banned for, if I may ask?12:05
ikoniaI've forwarded you to this channel as you didn't seem to want to grasp the "don't do it please" statment12:05
ikonia"just ignore it" - no, "don't do it"12:06
ikoniait's really simple12:06
ikonia"sure, no problem", thats all that was needed12:06
sevenforallikonia: Did I do it again?12:06
sevenforallI understood you, I never wanted to imply I didn't12:06
ikoniayet you did12:06
ikonia"just ignore it"12:06
ikoniarather than "sure"12:06
ikoniajust ignore it suggest "I'll do it again, but you just ignore it"12:06
sevenforallThat isn't quite what I meant, sorry if you understood it that way12:06
ikoniait's really simple "please don't do that again"12:06
ikoniaif you're happy with that, I'll remove the forward12:07
sevenforallWhy would I do it again? The message was clear12:07
ikoniaand yet you are STILL arguing12:07
sevenforallI'm sorry, but I really have no idea what I could possibly say to make you stop thinking I am arguing12:07
sevenforallI never was in the first place12:07
ikonia"please don't do it again" "sure no problem"12:07
ikoniait's a really simple conversation12:08
ikoniarather than "just ignore it, blah blah blah"12:08
sevenforallYes, you said that, but I can't go back in time to change what I've said.12:08
ikoniaask again "you've wasted more lines, blah blah"12:08
sevenforallWe misunderstood each other12:08
ikoniaI don't think so12:08
sevenforallWell, what do you expect me to do about that? :|12:08
ikoniaI think you just wanted to have a little pop at being told to stop12:08
ikoniaas long as you're happy to not do it again the forward is removed12:09
ikoniabut I don't care to be honest12:09
sevenforallI already said I won't, about two times, I truly don't know what I need to add12:09
sevenforallAnd I just confirmed I said it, right there ^ :|12:09
ikoniagreat, then the forward is removed12:09
ikoniaif you /part here and rejoin #ubuntu you should get in no problem12:10
chuI like your no-nonsense approach.12:10
ikoniaI don't see the point of messing around with that sort of stuff,12:11
ikoniait's clear he just wanted to have a pop because he'd been asked not to do it12:11
ikoniaand then back pedal hard when it has bigger impact than he thought12:11
lhavelundSome people just want to test their limits.12:55
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bazhangMeMenu is from MINT?17:50
IdleOneThe memenu is at the top right of your screen17:52
IdleOneincludes info about the current logged in user, social networking accounts, etc.17:53
bazhangah that one. thanks!17:58
IdleOnesure thing17:58
bazhangwhy is heoyea asking for the extension of something? he seems very random in giving support/advice17:58
IdleOneseems he is trying to help install some game17:59
IdleOnehelp Tweikable17:59
bazhangin this case, yes.17:59
bazhangfbot seems to be lagging18:02
IdleOneThat game is asking for libglut but I can't seem to find it18:32
bazhangwell heoyea has gotten his warning to stay on topic.18:32
bazhangseveral in fact, of which he seems to have pretended not to understand18:32
bazhangSlayback> something that cost 15 each and i have 584 to buy for... how mutch? and how can i do it on a calculator?18:33
Picisantiago is also being a bit annoying18:33
IdleOneautoconf-gl-macros apparently includes libglut but when I install autoconf-gl-macros I still get an error asking for libglut18:33
bazhangI use UBUNTU!!118:33
DJonesI'm sure I warned him this morning as well (maybe 6 hours ago) he was doing the same thing about 8 hours ago18:33
bazhangI ought to purge all my +b and +q18:34
bazhangwhen fishtailing, turn into the swerve18:34
bazhangIdleOne, hacker evolution demo?18:36
IdleOnebazhang: yup18:36
bazhangDJones, santiago? or heoyea18:36
bazhangprobably a PPA for it somewhere18:36
IdleOnebazhang: I looked for a PPA, didn't find one18:37
bazhangIdleOne, ok, thanks18:37
IdleOneNow I want to get this game running :/18:38
DJonesbazhang: heoyea - I think I warned him anyway, he may have stopped before I got to warning him18:39
bazhangDJones, ok thanks18:40
bazhang@mark #ubuntu [heoyea_] (~heoyea@cpe-72-130-43-168.socal.res.rr.com): heoyea repeatedly warned about random commentary/offtopic nonsense18:40
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:40
DJonesIs it a full moon tonight?18:43
IdleOneI don't know but I am out of smokes and it is COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! outside18:43
bazhangcheck the settings18:48
bazhangide   alone    get it???18:49
IdleOnehe isn't going to like what I have to tell him next. I don't know how to fix the libglut problem18:49
IdleOnebazhang: I don't get it, but I don't use emacs18:50
IdleOneI'm sure it is very funny though :)18:51
DJonesEnough is enough for heotea18:51
bazhangheoyea_ seems to be rushing right up to the line18:51
bazhangand OVER it!18:51
bazhangIdleOne, ur ide emacs is alone18:52
DJonesIdleOne: You should ask Tweikable if they deliver smokes18:53
IdleOnehaha I fixed something without knowing what the hell I did to fix it18:53
IdleOnehe got excited a little early I think18:54
ubottuChocolate! And Strawberries! And ICE CREAM! Ooo! and 60 minutes +m!18:55
IdleOnewell, what is wrong with my install that the game won't run18:56
IdleOnehaha too early for that18:56
IdleOneGOT IT! needed to install freeglut319:00
IdleOneNice game19:04
DJones!away > Sm0kEz19:06
bazhangthe time at the tone will be: Troll O'Clock19:36
bazhangbadda boom!19:36
bazhang<wtfdoido> [23:38] #ubuntu-offtopic unable to join channel (address is banned)19:38
bazhangwhat a surprise!19:38
PiciI don't see a ban19:39
Picioh, hyd19:42
bazhanggot him in PM19:42
bazhangwell that turned *very* unpleasant on his part very fast20:01
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ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))23:55

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