=== JasonO- is now known as JasonO === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk [06:39] Good morning [06:39] test hacking day! [07:01] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2012-December/000999.html [07:05] morning pitti [07:07] hey elfy [07:40] good morning! [07:40] bonjour jibel [07:42] guten Morgen pitti [07:42] ready to hack? [07:42] oui, je suis! [07:43] great! [07:43] So, I did a little count this morning [07:43] I checked https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Raring/view/AutoPkgTest/ [07:44] and there are 63 packages with tests and 11 of them are failing [07:44] let see how much we can add or fix in a day [07:44] I want to work on some failing ones today [07:44] and I'm happy to review/test/sponsor contributor tests [07:47] pitti, which failing package will you start with? [07:47] I can give a try at update-manager [07:48] https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Raring/view/AutoPkgTest/job/raring-adt-update-manager [07:48] from the log there is only 1 failing test, looks like a low hanging fruit [07:48] https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Raring/view/AutoPkgTest/job/raring-adt-update-manager/44/ARCH=i386,label=adt/artifact/results/dsc0t-nose-tests-stdout [07:48] perfect for me :) [07:50] I'll file a bug first for this failure [07:50] jibel: it's not quite that simple, I'm afraid; it fails with two different missing packages on i386/amd64 [07:50] but it might still be simple after all, I haven't looked into it yet [07:51] pitti, right, never underestimate mvo's code ;) [07:57] I filed bug 1089793 [07:57] Launchpad bug 1089793 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "testOriginMatcherWithVersionInUpdatesAndSecurity failed withAssertionError: None == None : no package 'ecryptfs-utils' installed " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1089793 [07:59] so now, I'll prepare a fresh testing environment with prepare-testbed from lp:auto-package-testing [07:59] $ ./bin/prepare-testbed amd64 [08:03] good morning [08:03] hallo dholbach [08:03] happy automated testing day! [08:03] happy hacking day! /me gets his axe [08:03] :-) [08:04] Hey dholbach [08:04] pitti, jibel: at 9 UTC I'm going to interview didrocks for the ubuntudev hangout when do you think we should do a automated testing hangout? [08:05] I can do a hangout for about 1 minute [08:05] then google mutes me [08:05] dholbach, anytime is good [08:05] pitti, wow [08:05] pitti, did you try the nexus with android [08:05] ? [08:05] is that on raring? :-( [08:05] that sucks [08:05] yes, on raring; not sure whether that matters [08:06] jibel: I guess I could kill raring on the nexus and install android, yes [08:06] we did hangout with didrocks for hours [08:06] it was similar when I interviewed Laney - but it wasn't after 1 minute, but 3 times in a 1h hangout [08:07] I also must set g+ hangout preferences to low bandwidth despite I have a 100Mbps connection [08:12] did anyone try killing pulse before, or something like that? [08:18] I'm going to look at the eternal udisks2 hang [08:19] maybe somebody else could later on demo a few things? [08:20] it might be good to have a bit of a schedule and if we could do something in the European start of the day and maybe something in the US start of the day [08:21] jibel: I updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/RequiredTests to grab udisks2, and noted you down for update-manager [08:23] pitti, ack [08:23] so it's interesting, adt-run fails when running update-manager tests from the source tree when it runs dh_auto_build [08:24] it uses the wrong version of python, despite the override in the rules file [08:34] err, not amused; running the udisks Luks tests causes a kernel oops [08:37] ah, that explains the test hangs forever [08:37] I'll check if it also happens in kvm [08:41] is there a time limit on how long autopkgtests can run? [08:41] e.g. is 8 hours too much? [08:41] I'd say yes; there is only so much capacity we have in teh DC [08:41] there should probably be a restriction specifier for slow tests? [08:42] so that one can run those less often [08:42] in dep8 [08:42] autopkgtest defaults to a timeout of 2.7 h (10.000 s) for tests [08:43] that does not include the build though, if you have a test with build-needed [08:46] jtaylor: well, we can't run them less often -- they need to run on each package and dependency upload, otherwise they wouldn't do what we want them to do (prevent regressions from landing in ubuntu) [08:47] jtaylor: perhaps you can disable some very expensive tests for dep8, and then they can run manually every now and then? [08:48] couldn't you run the fast tests on every change and the slow test once a week if there was a change? [08:48] we don't have that kind of smarts ATM [08:48] or at certain milestone points [08:48] jenkins can do that easily [08:49] wel, not in ADT; we can run them as a different kind of test [08:49] right [08:52] good morning [08:52] i want to help with the simple compile/link/run tests [08:57] i'm starting at the top of the list, libatk-dev [08:57] dkessel: great! [09:00] pitti, dholbach and all, I created http://pad.ubuntu.com/testing-hackfest-20121213 to keep track of our progress [09:02] ah, so we won't use the wiki page? [09:05] it's more dynamic and easier to use for the day, then we'll update the wiki page for history [09:06] ack [09:08] mvo, about bug 1089808, I can just remove the dh_auto_build call from the override in debian/rules, right? [09:08] Launchpad bug 1089808 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "debian/rules build failed with ImportError: No module named DistUtilsExtra.command" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1089808 [09:14] jibel: let me check [09:15] jibel: yeah, that should be ok [09:16] i am trying to follow the steps on http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/auto-pkg-test.html [09:17] if i run [09:17] bzr branch ubuntu:libatk1.0-dev [09:17] jibel: are you on it or should I just do it and upload? [09:18] i get: ERROR: no branch: »bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/ubuntu/libatk1.0-dev/ [09:21] mvo, I was about to do it, but go for it [09:23] dkessel, I think it's bzr branch ubuntu:atk1.0 [09:24] dkessel, atk1.0 is the source package for libatk1.0-dev [09:24] oh, right [09:24] according to apt-cache showsrc libatk1.0-dev [09:24] thx [09:25] * dkessel takes notes on new commands :) [09:27] mvo, I'm on bug 1089793, you can save an upload if you wait a bit. [09:27] Launchpad bug 1089793 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "testOriginMatcherWithVersionInUpdatesAndSecurity failed withAssertionError: None == None : no package 'ecryptfs-utils' installed " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1089793 [09:27] jibel: sure, I will just commit [09:27] jibel: and wait for your ack [09:29] jibel: so just to double check, its calling py2 even when run with --with=python3? [09:29] mvo, yes [09:29] jibel: ok, commited [09:31] mvo, we had a similar issue last week with unity and fixed it with the same override http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~online-accounts/unity-scope-gdrive/trunk/view/head:/debian/rules [09:57] mvo, does apt always re-reads dpkg-status when Cache.open() is called? [09:57] mvo, I'm on test_update_origin.py in update-manager [09:57] this test testOriginMatcherWithVersionInUpdatesAndSecurity [09:57] these lines (105-122) http://paste.ubuntu.com/1429365/ [09:58] and pkg._pkg.current_ver is always None, despite the record is set to 'installed' in dpkg status [09:59] jibel: it should be [09:59] * mvo scratches head [10:05] jibel, awesome [10:09] pitti, didrocks used his tablet for the hangout as well :) [10:10] well, the sound is cutting down on my laptop machine after a minute in a hangout for some unknown reason, so yeah, have to use a tablet :) [10:10] yeah, same for me [10:10] weird that not everyone is impacted [10:12] didrocks, laney had a similar problem on tuesday, but it wasn't after a minute - "just" 3 times in an one hour hangout [10:12] 20 minutes in a average is 20 times better! :-) [10:12] quite reliably under a minute here :/ [10:12] s/in a/on a/ [10:13] I'm not impacted as I'm still on quantal on my laptop :) [10:13] I know, cheating, I know :-P [10:13] dholbach: and you tell that without being ashamed of it? :-) [10:13] I see, I see ;) [10:13] I use raring elsewhere :) [10:13] heh [10:24] mvo, I did the following test http://paste.ubuntu.com/1429399/ and current_ver is always None, any idea? [10:29] jibel: give me some minutes, I should have this ready in a bit [10:29] jibel: eh, I mean, I should be able to look in a bit, just need to finish a mail [10:31] Hi guys: Automated testing hacking right? [10:32] hello smartboyhw; yes [10:32] pitti, OK so what can I hack? [10:33] smartboyhw: if you want to start with something small, I guess adding a compile/link/run autopkgtest to a library is a good start [10:33] smartboyhw: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/RequiredTests for a list of library packages that need one [10:33] pitti, OK [10:33] let me remove the ones which got tests in the meantime [10:36] ok, done [10:36] I dropped the libs which have tests from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/RequiredTests and removed stale locks [10:36] jibel: hm, could that be that there is simply the "Architecture:" missing? that is fixed in current trunk [10:37] dkessel: so you are working on libatk, right? [10:37] dkessel, smartboyhw: if you "grab" a package, please note so on http://pad.ubuntu.com/testing-hackfest-20121213, so that we avoid overlapping [10:38] jibel: I think thats it, I can upload and it should be green again, the fix is in trunk but not uploaded [10:39] mvo, that's it [10:39] pitti: yes, libatk [10:39] * jibel hugs mvo [10:39] jibel: cool, I will upload then [10:39] pitti: i tried, but i can't access it - "Either you have not been granted access to this resource or your entitlement has timed out. Please try again." [10:39] * mvo hugs jibel back :) [10:40] dkessel: ah, odd; anyway, I'll add a note for you [10:40] dkessel: this should work though standard SSO [10:41] jibel: edit wars! [10:41] pitti: not for me - tried logging out and in again... don't have any problems accessing e.g. launchpad... [10:42] * mvo hugs jibel again, just because [10:44] i get an exception in adt-run when running my test with it: http://pastebin.com/DewiGnWd [10:45] it's trying to call /usr/lib/pbuilder/pbuilder-satisfydepends-classic [10:45] dkessel: please sudo apt-get install pbuilder [10:46] it's recommended by autopkgtest, apparently you disabled recommends in apt? [10:46] pitti: oh, you're using -classic as well? I have to use that for using some options that are display in --help by unimplemented in other flavors [10:47] didrocks: it's what autopkgtest calls [10:47] ok, so we are aligned on that at least :) [10:49] * pitti uploads an udisks2 which should avoid the kernel crash and succeed again [10:51] pitti: hum, nice crash. I was telling: this is what I use in my cowbuilder to prepare the source package, but as the other build-deps or maybe not available, I'm doing it with --force-version and --continue-fail [10:51] I looked ath the software-center failures a while ago, and it seems there's a gazillion different failures; both due to real bugs, and also some because of the test environment [10:51] mvo: ^ does it make sense to fix those, or will s-c be obsoleted by the unity dash soon anyway? [10:52] pitti: apt-cache show autopkgtest says "Recommends: apt-utils" for me... not pbuilder. this is on precise... [10:53] pitti: it will be obsoleted, but I guess its still worth exploring, let me create a VM for it - raring I assume? [10:53] mvo: right [10:53] * mvo run ./bin/prepare-testbed [10:53] mvo: but I figure you can reproduce most of the failures by simply calling debian/tests/whatever locally [10:53] dkessel: ooh [10:53] dkessel: I'm afraid autopkgtest is fairly buggy on precise still [10:54] dkessel: so you might want to run prepare-testbed and run the full test in kvm [10:54] pitti: interessting, its doing ok for me, the testsuite is run before each upload but maybe my box is the only system :/ [10:54] dkessel: and for the first test you can just call debian/tests/yourtestname and ensure that succeeds, doesn't print out anything on stderr, and exits with 0 [10:55] mvo: in fact, it seems the recent runs fail even before that [10:55] mvo: a while ago the tests actually ran, with two dozen errors [10:55] now it just says "please run sudo update-apt-xapian-index", and then aborts [10:56] pitti, I might try libatk1.0-dev [10:57] smartboyhw: dkessel is working on that one [10:57] smartboyhw: see http://pad.ubuntu.com/testing-hackfest-20121213 [10:57] pitti, ok let me choose another one [10:57] smartboyhw: gdk-pixbuf perhaps, or pango? [10:58] hang on, pango ought to have one already [10:58] ah, it's missing an XS-Testsuite: header; I'll fix that [10:58] pitti, uh is there anyone who are working on libarchive-dev? [10:58] smartboyhw: we have one already, see https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Raring/view/AutoPkgTest/ [10:59] * pitti updates wiki page [10:59] pitti, please update:( [10:59] done [10:59] pitti: i have run the test already and verified the results. now i am stuck on how to run my local branch on the testbed [11:00] dkessel: did you run "prepare-testbed -r raring" already? [11:01] do i just have to run that from the package source directory? [11:02] dkessel, no, first branch the project auto-package-testing: bzr branch lp:auto-package-testing [11:02] pitti: ^ [11:02] dkessel, then cd auto-package-testing [11:02] dkessel, and prepare a test environment with: [11:02] pitti, well then: How about libsecret-1-dev? [11:02] jibel: ok, i did the preparation steps yesterday [11:03] smartboyhw: sounds good! I'll make a note in the pad [11:03] pitti, :) [11:04] dkessel, ok, did you upload a branch with your tests on bzr or its on your local disk? [11:05] jibel: i have done the preparation, but how do i run my test for libatk on it? [11:05] oh. on my local disk [11:09] dkessel: push it to LP under e. g. lp:~dkessel/ubuntu/raring/atk1.0/autopkgtest [11:10] dkessel: and then you can call run-adt-test -r raring -b lp:~dkessel/ubuntu/raring/atk1.0/autopkgtest [11:10] dkessel: sorry, run it like that to avoid building the package again: [11:10] run-adt-test -r raring -b lp:~dkessel/ubuntu/raring/atk1.0/autopkgtest atk1.0 [11:10] (this is all in the documentation, btw) [11:11] dkessel, or you can start the VM with: ./bin/run-adt-test -kl [11:12] this will start the test env and log you in [11:12] then copy your files from your local drive [11:13] we should definitely add an option to copy local tests or use any VCS [11:13] yeah, that'd be convenient [11:18] pitti: ./bin/run-adt-test -r raring -b lp:~dkessel/ubuntu/raring/atk1.0/autopkgtest atk1.0 fails with: ./bin/run-adt-test: 2: /home/daniel/workspace/auto-package-testing/bin/../etc/config: distro-info: not found [11:19] dkessel: ah, please instaoo the "distro-info" package [11:19] "install" [11:20] dkessel, it is documented here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~auto-package-testing-dev/auto-package-testing/trunk/view/head:/doc/USAGE.md === _salem is now known as salem_ [11:23] jibel: thanks. i read http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/auto-pkg-test.html and that is missing distro-info [11:24] jibel: if run-adt-test just outputs "2012-12-13 12:24:06: Info: Cleaning up " - does that mean the test has completed without errors? [11:25] check "echo $?", it should be 0 [11:25] dkessel, if it's all you got from the run it's suspicious [11:25] err yes, it should certainly output two screenfuls of pages before that [11:25] dkessel, what's the full output, and yeah return status as pitti said [11:26] jibel, pitti: that is the full output.... [11:27] dkessel, can you run again with -d and paste the output [11:27] ? [11:29] apperently, it tries to load the image from /tmp. well - i rebooted since yesterday ;) ok, i rerun the prepare step.... but maybe it should fail with an error if it does not find the image ;) [11:30] dkessel, right, could you file a bug against https://bugs.launchpad.net/auto-package-testing please ? [11:31] you can change the location of the image cache in the config file. [11:35] pitti, a question: Would it be easier for me to use the tests available originally in libsecret? [11:35] mvo, should apt-clone testsuite run as root or normal user? [11:36] smartboyhw: if you can convince the upstream tests to run against the installed library instaed of the ones in the source tree, that's ideal of course [11:36] smartboyhw: but that is orthogonal to adding a compile/link/run test, so you might want to do both (one debian/tests/upstream and a debian/tests/compile) [11:37] pitti, ok [11:37] smartboyhw: but as long as the upstream tests run during the package build, they are not really that important to be run again in autopkgtest [11:37] it cannot hurt of course, so if you can make it work easily, please do :) [11:47] jibel: i filed bug 1089885 [11:47] Launchpad bug 1089885 in Auto Package Testing "run-adt-test silently fails when test image is missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1089885 [11:48] dkessel, thanks [11:48] pitti, sorry for asking (quite stupid): So in http://people.gnome.org/~stefw/libsecret-docs/c-examples.html#c-schema-example it says I need to have a header..... so I need to create another header right? [11:48] update-manager is green again \o/ [11:52] smartboyhw: no, I don't think you'll need that for a simple compile test; this isn't installed anywhere [11:52] pitti, then I need my OWN schema...... [11:52] * smartboyhw does not know how to do it....Beginner C guy here [11:56] * jibel -> lunch [11:57] jibel: enjoy! I guess you won't need the intro session :) [11:57] dholbach: ok, I have an intro prepped [11:59] jibel: udisks is green again, too! [11:59] ♩ another one bites the dust ♫ ♬ [11:59] grabbing u-d-common next [11:59] pitti: libakt's debian/control said i should edit debian/control.in instead... so i did that - now run-adt test fails with: "no such directory: ./debian/control" [12:00] dkessel: that's right, you need to edit debian/control.in and then run "debclean" [12:00] dkessel: hm, does debian/control exist? [12:00] pitti: ... and then commit and push again i guess [12:00] right [12:01] but ensure that the XS- header is in debian/control as well; debclean should do that, and then you should see it in bzr diff [12:01] ATTENTION PLEASE [12:02] I prepared a short intro about today's hackfest; for those who know about autopkgtest or are already knee-deep in it this won't be of much use, but if we have any newcomers here I'll do it now as dholbach announced in his blog [12:02] so can you please wave if you are here for the hackfest? [12:04] * dkessel (needlessly) waves :) [12:04] * pitti hugs dkessel [12:04] smartboyhw as well, but he's also already working on a test [12:05] ok, so let's cut this short [12:06] dkessel, smartboyhw: I just want to ensure that you have all the links [12:06] this document describes all the details about how to create and run tests, including a detailled example of a compile/link/run library test: [12:06] http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/auto-pkg-test.html [12:06] If you create a test, I suggest that for the first iterations you just run the debian/tests/yourtestname script on your local machine until that succeeds. Once it does, you need to run the test in a virtual machine, to ensure that it also works in that environment and you specified all necessary test dependencies. [12:06] If you start working on a package, please add a note to our coordination pad, to avoid stepping on each other's toes: [12:06] http://pad.ubuntu.com/testing-hackfest-20121213 [12:07] and finally, you can see the current tests and their status here: [12:07] https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Raring/view/AutoPkgTest/ [12:09] *tock tock*, is this thing on? [12:09] yup [12:10] smartboyhw - can you access http://pad.ubuntu.com/testing-hackfest-20121213 ? [12:10] becaus i can't [12:13] jibel: \o/ [12:16] * dkessel waits.... and waits... [12:16] how can i stop the test image from upgrading the kernel each time it starts? [12:17] there's no switch for that, I'm afraid [12:17] it's an unfortunate day, it seems we didn't get fresh cloud images today [12:21] dkessel, hmm i can:P [12:22] pitti: :( hm, i did debclean, commit and push - and it still complains about missing "debian/control" when i run: ./bin/run-adt-test -r raring -b lp:~dkessel/ubuntu/raring/atk1.0/autopkgtest [12:24] dkessel: right, so do you have a debian/control ? [12:24] (in your source package branch) [12:25] dkessel: what's the branch you pushed this to? [12:25] I'll have a look on LP [12:25] oh, got it, https://code.launchpad.net/~d-kessel/ubuntu/raring/atk1.0/autopkgtest [12:26] ok, the file is there [12:26] * pitti runs it himself [12:26] pitti, hmm is there more easier packages to work with autopkgtest? I found this one quite hard, if I were to test it's functions [12:28] smartboyhw: poppler-dev should be more straightforward; you need to add a test dependency to a packge that ships a PDF, and can then try to open that with libpoppler, and check a few basic properties with it [12:28] pitti, OK [12:28] smartboyhw: that should provide quite a nice smoketest, and poppler doesn't have the kind of complicated callback API that libsecret has [12:29] smartboyhw: but even with libsecret, note that you don't need to do anything complicated [12:29] smartboyhw: any simple library call will do, which proves that you can compile against the library [12:29] dkessel: I get [12:30] chmod: cannot access ‘/tmp/tmp.eVTEXdaDCI/ubtree0-ubtree/debian/tests/build’: No such file or directory [12:30] adt-run: unexpected error: failed to chmod +x /tmp/tmp.eVTEXdaDCI/ubtree0-ubtree/debian/tests/build [12:30] dkessel: which is because your debian/tests/control says "Tests: build" [12:30] dkessel: but you named your script debian/tests/atk1.0-dev_test [12:30] aaaah so thats that that line means.... [12:30] :) [12:30] smartboyhw: poppler-dev should be more straightforward; you need to add a test dependency to a packge that ships a PDF, and can then try to open that with libpoppler, and check a few basic properties with itdebian/tests/atk1.0-dev_test debian/tests/build" [12:30] erk, what was that [12:30] pitti, yes I get it... [12:31] smartboyhw: sorry, weechat failure [12:31] pitti: i still wonder why you get a different error message [12:31] dkessel: so I suggest to do bzr mv debian/tests/atk1.0-dev_test debian/tests/build [12:31] dkessel: as this is the atk1.0 package, there is no doubt which package you are testing :) [12:32] dkessel: yeah :( I'm on raring, you are on precise; as I said autopkgtest on precise still has a number of bugs, that might be the problem [12:32] dkessel: perhaps you can try "wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/autopkgtest/autopkgtest_2.2.3ubuntu1_all.deb" [12:32] dkessel: and then "sudo dpkg -i autopkgtest_2.2.3ubuntu1_all.deb" [12:33] dkessel: the current versino should work just fine on precise [12:33] dkessel: ah no, I'm talking gibberish, sorry [12:33] dkessel: if you created a raring VM, it'll use autopkgtest in that VM, not locally [12:34] * dkessel running kernel upgrade :) [12:35] pitti, ok i will change my focus to poppler-dev now [12:36] pitti: can you try running it again? i fixed the file name and it still fails with "missing debian/control" here... [12:37] dkessel: sure! running [12:37] silly question - I have my testbed now but how do I log into it to try to figure out how to fix the tests in a more interactive way [12:37] mvo: what I usually do is "run-adt-test -sk ..." [12:38] mvo: that will install all the deps, run the tests, and then keep the VM running, and print an ssh command to log into it [12:38] aha, nice === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha [12:38] mvo: or "run-adt-test -sl" and then do the apt-get source, install deps etc. yourself [12:38] mvo: (-s is just for speed if you have lots of RAM; -k vs. -l is the important bit here) === yofel_ is now known as yofel [12:39] but -s rocks; it's great to see 200 MB of dependencies getting unpacked and configured in like 3 seconds [12:39] pitti, the sad thing is: I can't seem to think of any packages that includes a PDF file in mind:P [12:39] sweet [12:39] dkessel: Fortschritt! http://paste.ubuntu.com/1429597/ [12:40] smartboyhw: grep '\.pdf' /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list [12:41] pitti: i guess i have to get interactive too... [12:41] dkessel: so cups-filter's /usr/share/cups/data/default-testpage.pdf should do [12:42] dkessel: your debian/tests/control depends on libglib2.0-dev, but you want libatk1.0-dev :) [12:42] copy & paste FTW [12:42] pitti, hmm the poppler website is very short of documentation:P [12:42] dkessel: you did create a raring VM, not a precise one, right? [12:43] oopsie [12:43] pitti: yes, a raring vm [12:44] smartboyhw: file:///usr/share/doc/libpoppler-glib-dev/html/poppler/PopplerDocument.html#poppler-document-new-from-file [12:44] smartboyhw: this looks quite reasonable [12:45] smartboyhw: i. e. one call to load a file and get a PopplerDocument [12:45] smartboyhw: then maybe check file:///usr/share/doc/libpoppler-glib-dev/html/poppler/PopplerDocument.html#poppler-document-get-n-pages for the expected number of pages [12:45] pitti, OK [12:46] smartboyhw: and that should actually be enough for a c/l/r test [12:46] pitti, OK [12:46] smartboyhw: then add a dependency to cups-filters for /usr/share/cups/data/default-testpage.pdf, and there you go :) [12:46] :) [12:49] pitti: the tests are running now, I keep you updated [12:49] jibel: hm, right now jenkins runs udisks amd64 three times in parallel; comment est-ce possible? [12:50] mvo: you got beyond the "run xapian-update" thingy? [12:50] pitti, ce n'est pas possible, it's a UI bug [12:50] pitti: it should work now - but i can't verify because of the error in the VM... [12:50] * pitti turns the crank on dkessel's branch [12:51] *sigh* [12:51] it uses a blinking ball for all the jobs with the same name in the latest builds panel [12:51] jibel: yes, but I see it on three different slaves on the left side [12:52] alderamin, aldebaran, and wazn [12:52] dkessel: Bazinga! [12:53] dkessel: thank you for having shopped at Ubuntu QA Labs Inc. Please collect your free beer at the counter now! [12:53] dkessel: so I'll merge and upload this, and commit it to Debian too [12:53] pitti, on the left side, there is 1 for amd64, 1 for i386 and a virtual job with a role of controller for jenkins internal mechanics and which will consolidate the results of all the architectures [12:55] pitti: yay! thanks for the help - I'll have lunch before the beer though :) [12:56] I restarted udisk because of this hashsum mismatch error again [12:57] jibel: ah, thanks; I was about to restart it because of the hash sum error, and saw that it was already running [12:57] I don't know why it happens soooo frequently [12:57] ah, c'est vert a nouveau! [12:58] * pitti donne une accolade à udisks2 [13:02] dkessel: I add -Wall -Werror for extra nitpickyness, if you don't mind [13:02] Uh I give up..... (/me really needs to go to revise C) [13:03] jibel: hm, is it still creating new jobs properly? I fixed pango1.0's XS-Testsuite header, and it's in raring already, but not in jenkins [13:04] pitti: sure, do that. i'll be back after lunch :) [13:04] dkessel: nah, I'm doing it while merging; just a FYI [13:04] pitti, 1.30.1-1ubuntu1? let me check [13:04] jibel: oui [13:04] sometimes lillypilly is lagging a bit [13:06] pitti, I give up... [13:06] I really like manual testing more:P [13:06] pitti: well, I need to run it manually, but that I can fix easily so far two test failures [13:07] (and what looks like a hang :/ [13:08] (one releated to not having network it seems) [13:15] pitti, the mirror on lillypilly is a bit behind and only knows about 1.30.1-1 [13:15] jibel: ah ok, so it's just that; thanks for checking! [13:16] dkessel, atk1.0 2.7.2-0ubuntu2 \o/ [13:16] congrats [13:24] hey mvo, pitti :) [13:24] hey zyga, how are you? [13:25] pitti: fine, enjoying my free time :) [13:25] lots of holiday added up [13:25] oh, nice; enjoy! [13:39] jibel: yay, my first code contribution to OSS :) [13:39] so... next package ... who will it be... [13:41] dkessel: poppler? :-) [13:41] dkessel: what I suggested to smartboyhw a while ago, with poppler-document-new-from-file() and checking some properties [13:44] pitti: ok, i can give it a try [13:45] pitti, dholbach or anyone could you review https://code.launchpad.net/~jibel/apt-clone/adt-fixes/+merge/139702 [13:49] looking [13:50] jibel: did you already test it in run-adt-tes? [13:50] pitti, I did [13:50] with --user=ubuntu [13:50] it fails as root [13:51] replied [13:55] pitti, thanks, added a comment in r19 [13:56] o/ [13:56] jibel: ah, perhaps we can also fix the tests to write to stdout? [13:57] jibel: I usually use [13:57] unittest.main(testRunner=unittest.TextTestRunner(stream=sys.stdout, verbosity=2)) [13:57] pitti, this is better indeed. fixing [13:59] ah, there goes a new green "pango1.0" dot [14:03] hey jamespage [14:03] hey jibel [14:03] I noticed, dovecot, cyrus, keystone for example have dep8 tests but no testsuite header [14:04] jamespage, maybe it's worth having a look [14:04] jibel, those sounds like some easy wins! [14:04] preparing my test bed now! [14:04] oh, ubuntu-drivers-common failure detects an actual regression in bcmwl-kernel-source [14:06] pitti, if I set stream=sys.stdout I still have the following warning on stderr [14:06] WARNING:root:can't add notification-daemon (pkg notification-daemon not marked upgrade) [14:06] WARNING:root:can't add notify-osd (pkg notify-osd not marked upgrade) [14:07] jibel: ah; no idea about them; so perhaps leave your >&2 in place for now? [14:07] pitti, yes, I didn't find where they come from [14:08] God's sake my internet bandwidth is REALLY SLOW today [14:08] * smartboyhw reminds himself to do all the cadence testing tmr [14:09] another easy target in main: html2text [14:17] hum [14:17] https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/search/?q=raring-adt seems broken [14:17] it just shows 21 test-cases [14:17] https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Raring/view/AutoPkgTest/ has something like 60 [14:17] * pitti adds another green gdk-pixbuf bullet [14:17] * dholbach hugs pitti [14:18] dholbach, 65 [14:19] jibel, pitti - is there a way that I can hack the testbed image to use a proxy? [14:19] jibel, ah yes [14:19] jamespage: you can login with "run-adt-test -sl", then set up the proxy, then run "sudo ./run-adt package" [14:20] jamespage: (for testing) [14:20] jamespage: if your test itself wants to set up a proxy, it's got full root privs [14:20] jamespage: (if you set Restrictions: needs-root) [14:20] pitti, no - I just sit on the end of a sucky internet connect and have a relatively well populated local squid-deb-proxy [14:20] jamespage: oh, I see [14:21] so prepare-testbed should grow a --mirror option [14:21] jamespage: ah, wait, proxy not mirror [14:22] jamespage, in prepare-testbed you can add an apt-proxy directive to the cloud-config script [14:22] jamespage: so running "http_proxy=... prepare-testbed ..." doesn't work? [14:22] or apt_proxy whatever it is called [14:24] jibel: I'm a bit confused about [14:25] jibel: the job is red, but all 8 subtests are green [14:27] pitti, the provisioning failed on alderamin/i386 because a port was already in use, I forced a rebuilt of the failing image instead of everything [14:27] in this case the status is not propagated to the master job [14:29] jibel: so that'll just fix itself tomorrow then [14:32] * jamespage recreates his testbed [14:39] jibel, pitti: thanks for that tip - hopefully that will make things a bit quicker :-) [14:58] pitti, a trivial one https://code.launchpad.net/~jibel/mawk/xs-testsuite tested with adt-run-test [14:59] I don't know why I cannot propose a merge [15:03] ok, u-d-common and bcmwl should be sorted out now [15:06] jibel: looking [15:07] jibel: peut-être que c'est un upstream branch [15:07] jibel: is it against an UDD packaging branch? [15:08] jibel: can you please refer to debian bug 692662 in the changelog? and then upload [15:08] Debian bug 692662 in src:mawk "mawk: missing (XS-)Testsuite: autopkgtest header in source stanza" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/692662 [15:09] * dkessel run-adt-tests his poppler test [15:09] jibel: oh, need sponsoring? je peux le faire [15:09] dkessel: *daumendrueck* [15:10] pitti: "no such file or directory: '.debian/control' ....... again [15:11] dkessel: but ".debian" looks suspicious indeed [15:11] it should be ./debian or debian but not .debian [15:11] dkessel: how do you run this exactly? [15:11] oh... i typed. it ... spelling error on my side [15:11] run-adt-test -sb lp:~d-kessel/ubuntu/raring/atk1.0/autopkgtest atk1.0 [15:11] that's what I ran [15:12] you probably need a -r raring [15:12] ./bin/run-adt-test -r raring -b lp:~dkessel/ubuntu/raring/poppler/autopkgtest [15:12] i'll paste the error log [15:13] ah... d-kessel maybe? [15:13] pitti, I added a ref to debian bug 692662, and it should probably go directly there instead of ubuntu [15:13] Debian bug 692662 in src:mawk "mawk: missing (XS-)Testsuite: autopkgtest header in source stanza" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/692662 [15:13] jibel: fine to upload IMHO; it's very likely to get fixed with the next debian upload anyway, so we can sync it back [15:14] * pitti looks at samba4 [15:16] jibel: ah, did you upload? I thought you weren't core-dev [15:16] pitti, no I didn't [15:16] and I am not a core dev [15:16] J'ai voir ton changement à pad [15:17] ah sorry [15:17] j'ai vu [15:17] reverting [15:17] jibel: I can upload it [15:17] I also readded apt-clone because it is not uploaded [15:18] jibel: you can push those to lp:~jibel/ubuntu/raring/pkgname/autopkgtest (i. e. to a distro branch) [15:18] then you can MP [15:18] (but don't worry about this for that one) [15:20] jibel: done both [15:21] hm... how could i have stopped run-adt-test from building the package? [15:21] poppler takes a while to build :/ [15:21] pitti, danke schön! [15:22] dkessel: specify "poppler" as an additional argument at the end [15:22] dkessel: it's the difference between "-b branch" and "-b branch pkgname" [15:26] ah, samba4 est très facile [15:26] dkessel: want me to run a branch for you? [15:45] pitti: i had a missing dependency, i am now trying to run my branch again... [15:52] pitti: i guess my test just passed [15:52] \o/ [15:52] dkessel: how did you get around the failure? [15:53] i can't really tell... [15:54] pitti: want to review https://code.launchpad.net/~d-kessel/ubuntu/raring/poppler/autopkgtest ? [15:55] dkessel: running [15:55] pitti: i used -Wall and -Werrors this time :) [15:55] balloons: hey [15:56] balloons: would you mind if the hw cert team used this channel for all public discussions? [15:56] dkessel: I think you should replace libpoppler-dev, libglib2.0-dev with libpoppler-glib-dev [15:56] ok [15:56] dkessel: actually no, you don't use poppler-glib, but just libpoppler-dev [15:56] dkessel: so drop the glib test dep, as you don't use it [15:57] dkessel: and your pkg-config calls libs poppler-glib which won't be there without libpoppler-glib-dev [15:58] pitti: *confused* [15:58] dkessel: so, your code uses the poppler API; your pkg-config call wants poppler-glib; and your test dependency pull in poppler and glib [15:58] make up your mind :) [15:59] dkessel: in fact, if you want to write two tests, one for poppler and one for poppler-glib (with respective pkg-config and dependencies), that's even better [16:00] oh hm, libpoppler-dev doesn't have header files [16:00] thse are in libpoppler-private-dev [16:01] yup [16:01] pitti: that's why i went and searched for poppler.h ;) [16:01] dkessel: so I'm a bit confused what pulls in libpoppler-glib-dev [16:02] that is where i found poppler.h [16:02] yes, but why does it get installed? [16:02] ooh [16:02] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~d-kessel/ubuntu/raring/poppler/autopkgtest/revision/125 [16:02] I was only looking at r124 [16:03] dkessel: so yes, libpoppler-dev and libglib2.0-dev shoudl go [16:03] but I can do that during merge [16:03] dkessel: thanks! I'll upload this [16:04] pitti: you're welcome. I am still not sure if my work saved anyone any time though ;) [16:04] oh, it does [16:04] and also, I hope you had some fun with it and you learned something [16:05] +# Author: Martin Pitt [16:05] dkessel: ^ you might want to fix that :) [16:06] sure, I learned some stuff. And I think "two packages" was my goal for today :) [16:06] ooh :) [16:06] I will :D [16:06] then that was a good day, I say :) [16:07] dkessel: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Raring/view/AutoPkgTest/job/raring-adt-atk1.0/ [16:07] zyga, no of course not :-) [16:07] it would be a good thing for people to see and know you [16:08] roadmr: it's set then [16:08] ara: o/ [16:08] brendand: :) [16:08] zyga: awesome! [16:08] :) [16:08] pitti: juhu, grüne lampen :) [16:08] one step closer to building a community [16:08] pitti: author is fixed [16:09] is this wiki page updated after the hackfest? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/RequiredTests [16:09] dkessel: danke [16:09] i might do some more tests on my christmas holidays... [16:10] does the jenkins instance only build from the archive packages or can one also let it use branches to avoid uploading a package for e.g. a faulty test? [16:10] dkessel, not completely up to date, I'll update it with today's effort [16:10] jtaylor: only from the archive [16:11] oh and i have another question... are there any packages which require tests written in java or c#? [16:12] dkessel: don'T limit yourself to the list, there are plenty packages in universe that need love too :) [16:12] in general it doesn't matter which language the tests are written in [16:12] but scripts are considerably easier of course as they don't have huge dependencies and don't need to be compiled [16:13] i understand [16:13] c# has an interpreter [16:14] which should make writting tests a bit easier [16:14] I think it even works with hashbangs [16:15] jtaylor: yeah, but I don't think I could pick one package myself that may be important to anyone... [16:18] I guess I will just check by here when I want to do something more :) [16:19] alright, see you guys. It has been an interesting event. [16:19] dkessel, thanks for hanging out with us! [16:39] more green dots with ubuntu-drivers-common [16:41] \o/ === josepht_ is now known as josepht [16:41] unfortuantely samba4 fails to build in a weird way, I'm fighting with that now [16:48] I'm on pbuilder and fighting with signatures :) [16:50] 68 tests, 2 to go to 70 [16:51] dholbach, jibel: FYI, I need to leave in about 30 mins; in case you want to give an intro again, http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/tmp/intro.txt was what I had prepared [16:52] pitti, awesome - have a great rest of your day! [16:52] pitti, great, thanks for your help and enjoy the evening! [16:53] thanks! === salem_ is now known as _salem === _salem is now known as salem_ === salem_ is now known as _salem [17:25] good night everyone! [17:27] good night pinky [17:27] pitti [17:27] uploaded a fix for the samba4 FTBFS, so hopefully that should go green, too [17:27] great way to end the day [17:33] pitti, jibel: http://daniel.holba.ch/autopkgtests/ (I finally picked the right place to get the data about the number of raring test cases from :-)) [17:33] getting closer to 70 :) === _salem is now known as salem_ [19:27] balloons: are you about? [19:27] phillw, indeed [19:28] I've got a bug with installer, but a weird one that seems to affect only KVM running raring installs... as KVM is okay with p & Q I'm struggling to work out what to file it against? [19:29] you can cite ubiquity if you wish, but include kvm too [19:29] did you try the new version in the ppa? [19:29] not sure it landed in raring yet [19:29] I didn't check [19:29] kvm I mean [19:29] I'm running KVM on qua [19:29] quanatal [19:29] ahh [19:29] then you haven't got the new stuff [19:30] KVM in Q happily installs L, P & Q as VM's... on when trying to install R do I get the video corruption [19:30] s/on/only/ [19:31] ohh [19:31] sorry I misunderstood your question [19:31] yes, blame ubiquity.. haha [19:32] have a look first though [19:32] I do recall an issue with video corruption a while back. but thought it had been resolved. [19:32] there is the blank screen bug already filed [19:32] this is not blank... just corrupt. [19:33] I'll re-assign it to ubiquity, I had it against lubuntu-artwork, but it also affects xubuntu - so deffo not lubuntu fault :) [19:40] balloons: hmm, not a ubiquity bug :/ [19:40] video corruption still exists after installing via alternate. [19:40] hmm corruption when? [19:40] look like an X bug? [19:40] yes.. video corruption is not the installer [19:41] well, we can pinpoint it more perhaps [19:41] i guess xorg is fine [19:41] Very odd bug... the application windows work fine... [19:41] it might be plymouth [19:42] background is corrupt, and when installing from desktop the world-map where you choose where you are is corrupt. === salem_ is now known as _salem [19:47] ok, so might be a compiz / ubiquity bug [19:47] does it do that no matter how you install it? [19:47] aka, install now, or boot into desktop, then launch installeR/ [19:48] they are different! [19:50] balloons: I battled through a desktop installation and get the corruption in the end product. alternate is less painful to install, but the resultant system is the same. [19:51] bug 1088692 has now got some screen shots [19:51] Launchpad bug 1088692 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Screen corrupt when installing 13.04 using KVM" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1088692 [19:51] kk [19:51] hello letozaf_ [19:51] hello :) [19:51] what are you guys doing ? [19:52] letozaf_: bug hunting and there is an automated hack-fest going on as well [19:55] I guess I am late for the hack-fest [19:57] letozaf_: shouldn't be, I believe that jibel is covering now :) [19:59] balloons: if you can have a look & a think. I'll be be back in 1 hour. Thanks. [20:00] letozaf_, yes, also working on docs [20:00] * SergioMeneses im back [20:00] have you seen the ubuntu.com/community page? [20:00] hey hey guys! [20:00] hello SergioMeneses, I owe you an email still [20:01] I'm looking at in now [20:01] balloons, perfect! Im working on lococouncil things but when I have time enough I see it :D [20:01] well, it's missing a quality page.. and as part of a drive to get all the pages updated, we have a pad: http://pad.ubuntu.com/communitywebsite-contribute-quality [20:01] I was reading dpm's email about the new documents, it sounds really nice [20:02] full details are on the wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityWebsite [20:02] balloons, Im working on another http://pad.ubuntu.com/communitywebsite-help-meeting-locos [20:02] I've started putting some stuff on there, but I'd like to get some of you folks a pass a editing it too [20:02] SergioMeneses, excellent! [20:02] phillw, when you get back you should have a look as well [20:02] :-p [20:03] * letozaf_ is reading [20:04] omg balloons said my name in his email, ty [20:05] SergioMeneses, yw [20:15] hello, somehow my ibook is capable of being a computer so i am using it. unfortunatly i can do very little else as it has 376mb of ram [20:15] balloons: Well what can I do to help ? [20:15] Noskcaj, nice [20:15] old machines are fun sometimes [20:16] letozaf_, well, feel free to edit the pad or just comment on things in it [20:16] balloons, i dont believe you. i will joiin the pad [20:16] It's all my writing, and I haven't really attempted to edit it down yet [20:18] There's a secret inside the document.. Since it wanted links in the resources section, I thought I would make a new wiki page that could stay static and contain things of interest [20:20] hi, some questions on autopkgtest, this is my first time [20:20] vkottilil, sure [20:21] where should I create debian/tests/control ? [20:21] how do i scroll in the pad? it just opens and closes the chat bar [20:22] vkottilil: in the debian package source [20:22] vkottilil: obtained e.g. with apt-get source package [20:22] Noskcaj, hmm.. my screen is too big, no scrollbar [20:22] let's see [20:22] ugh, yea, I can't use the scrollbars [20:22] I can scroll with my wheel or arrow pad [20:22] jtaylor: thanks, i just completed ./bin/prepare-testbed -r raring amd64 [20:23] i found a workaround, select the text and pull down [20:23] yea, similar idea [20:23] pg up / pg down [20:24] next, I want to run the sample test scripts already posted on the wiki for glib2.0 [20:25] vkottilil, ok, have you installed autopkgtest? [20:26] sudo apt-get install autopkgtest [20:26] balloons, I thought prepare-testbed would do that? [20:26] ahh [20:27] if your using the lp branch, it's much nicer [20:27] prepare testbed will setup a vm to run tests [20:27] once it's setup, you can run the test with run-adt-test [20:28] balloons: I am using lp branch - bzr branch lp:auto-package-testing [20:28] ok, are you following this? http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/auto-pkg-test.html [20:28] if so, tell me where your getting stuck ;-) [20:28] yes [20:30] i finished ./bin/prepare-testbed -r raring amd64, next want to run the sample script already posted for glib2.0 [20:31] ok, so run this: [20:32] ./bin/run-adt-test -r quantal -a amd64 libglib2.0-0 [20:32] I *believe* that should work for you [20:32] you probably want raring [20:32] bah [20:32] ./bin/run-adt-test -r raring -a amd64 libglib2.0-0 [20:33] did we loose you vkottilil_ ? [20:33] balloons:sorry, i lost the connection [20:34] ./bin/run-adt-test -r raring -a amd64 libglib2.0-0 [20:34] I believe that should work for you [20:35] where should I put the script for glib2.0 to run it? [20:37] vkottilil_: the run-adt way would be to branch glib2.0, push your changes to your local lp space and use the -b option [20:38] vkottilil_: bzr branch lp:ubuntu/glib2.0; ; bzr push lp:~username/+junk/branchname; run-adt-test ... -b lp:~username/+junk/branchname glib2.0 [20:38] ok, I am not changing any thing right now, just wanted to do the whole workflow to learn it, before making changes [20:39] you can run the script locally for development of the script [20:39] ok - thats what i was looking at [20:40] there is adt-run as mentioned in the wiki [20:40] also sadtrunner.py by jwilk [20:40] I use this awful thing for chroot tests http://paste.ubuntu.com/1430489/ [20:40] https://bitbucket.org/jwilk/debian-misc/src/tip/sadt [20:41] its all just bikesheeding how to run the scripts, the script itself is what is important [20:41] ok, great, I will look at these as a starting point; [20:42] once I can run the already posted scripts, I can add more calls/apis from a pkg and try to run them === toddyhb is now known as toddy [20:45] thank you jtaylor, balloons. [20:48] ty vkottilil_ .. best of luck.. [20:49] sure, thanks === micahg_ is now known as micahg [21:08] balloons: I'm back :) Don't worry about links and notes from todays hack-fest... I have it all logged to review once I've sorted out why I cannot test Raring with KVM.... [21:09] phillw, no worries.. come join the fun on the pad: [21:09] http://pad.ubuntu.com/communitywebsite-contribute-quality [21:09] if you haven't seen it, feedback and editing please [21:11] can tests be symlinks to other tests? [21:13] balloons: I'm there :) [21:13] e.g. to reuse tests for alternatives dependencies [21:15] :-) [22:02] balloons: I can confirm that CentOS is also not affected by bug 1086974 Have you any further thoughts on what I should log it against? [22:02] Launchpad bug 1086974 in libguestfs (Ubuntu) "libguestfs: error: cannot find any suitable libguestfs supermin" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1086974 [22:03] ? [22:03] wrong bug phillw ? [22:04] oops.. that is my other one! [22:05] bug 1088692 [22:05] Launchpad bug 1088692 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Screen corrupt when installing 13.04 using KVM" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1088692 [22:08] balloons, phillw you have done a great job http://pad.ubuntu.com/communitywebsite-contribute-quality [22:08] phillw, lol [22:09] ok, so on this bug, 1088692 [22:09] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1088692 [22:09] Launchpad bug 1088692 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Screen corrupt when installing 13.04 using KVM" [Undecided,New] [22:09] your on raring, what video and drivers? [22:09] ohh you see the same corruption on xubuntu? [22:10] cent os isn't the same kernel [22:10] does quantal have the same issue? [22:10] balloons: yes, that is why I removed it being lubuntu only. [22:10] and vice versa.. does running kvm on quantal (installing raring) work? [22:11] L, O & Q run perfectly. Only R is affected. [22:11] and 'P' [22:13] yes.. but that's when the host os is raring [22:13] balloons: the host is Quantal. [22:13] what about when the host os is quantal or precise? [22:13] * balloons rattles head [22:13] ok, try host os raring, installing raring [22:14] I have not installed raring, as the idea of the lesson I'm to hold is that you can test raring on a machine running Quantal? [22:14] yes.. good stuff [22:15] anyways, I guess that one is on me to try then [22:15] I will install a raring 'real' area, but it does fly in the face of using VM's to test if you cannot! [22:16] There is deffinately something odd with raring. [22:19] I can get raring to install with the quantal version (from synaptic) of virtualbox. [22:19] well, it's just to cover all the bases [22:19] I know kvm had some stuff done to it [22:19] so my guess is the new package works fine [22:19] balloons: it has had a lot done... mainly due to ubuntu realising that KVM is at the heart of cloud computing :D [22:20] anyways, we'll know it a moment [22:20] which as Canonical are a platinum partner is "slightly" embaressing :) [22:20] new cd is almost synced [22:26] ok, kvm'd with raring [22:27] install seems fone [22:27] ohh.. [22:27] there it is [22:27] :-p [22:28] balloons: there 'what' is? [22:28] the bug [22:28] i'll be adding some screenshots [22:29] thank heavens for that! I even re-installed my entire system as I'd been 'playing' with KVM owing to the bug I pasted up earlier. [22:29] so, a click on 'affects me' and a note stating it is present in raring would really help :D [22:30] already doing my friend [22:30] now, do we have any idea of what to report it against? [22:33] I hate to ping xnox on this, but he will likely be able to tell us more [22:35] For all I know, it could be clash with gtk2 & gtk3... it's certainly like nothing I've seen before. === fader_` is now known as fader_ [23:21] balloons: ssh -X with a speed of 76Kb/s is painful... but I think a worthwhile exercise to try raring on a full centos version of KVM [23:21] haha [23:22] full speed ahead [23:22] It's on my dedicated server.... it would be much faster for you to do it! [23:23] it has 100 Mb/s backbone.... it's like wading through treacle :( [23:27] balloons: you're too young to remember bulletin boards when we were running at 300 b/s [23:28] 2400 baud was the first for me [23:29] I used 14.4k/28.8k for awhile, then 56k for a long time [23:29] ooh, we had 300 or, if lucky the 75/1200 was just being supported. But... happy days. In those days people wrote really 'tight' code. [23:30] here in the lovely countryside I get not much more than 56K .... too many miles of copper to the exchange. [23:32] I must have a session some time with you so you can set up stuff on the server. It's doing a really good job for teams. [23:35] I too have find the niceities of a always on, high speed server [23:35] I don't have fast or slow connection.. honestly 70k isn't slow.. but by today's standards it definitely is [23:36] balloons: for any things using 'X' it is painful, for downloading iso's..... well it is :'( [23:37] It would be faster for me to get on a couple of buses, travel to my Dad's works, download it and catch the bus back. [23:39] hurray finally also managed to get a test done [23:40] jtaylor: congratulations! You see, they are not *that* scary :) [23:41] phillw: that is not scary? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1430814/ ;) [23:41] (its not the one I forwarded right now, thats a lot nicer) [23:42] bug 695881 is what I did today [23:42] Launchpad bug 414976 in Mudlet "duplicate for #695881 STR-TAB should change Tabs" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/414976 [23:42] debian bug 695881 [23:42] Debian bug 695881 in python-numpy "python-numpy: add autopkgtests" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/695881 [23:43] jtaylor: when you are writing stuff, it seems scary. I am a fiend for making 2 comment lines per line of code... but that's so when I look at the code 2 years later, it tells me what on earth was in my mind when I wrote it :P [23:43] phillw: yeah, that particular one is still in development, I'll comment it before the upload [23:44] the symlink crazyness is due to the package not installing the tests and python relative imports preventing just copying the tests from the source [23:44] jtaylor: your older self will thank you for doing so.... on that matter, you'll just have to trust me :) [23:46] I look back at some of the 'one off' sections of code I've written and really could not follow it without the comments. [23:48] the wiki could probably use a python dep8 test example [23:48] very many python packages can be tested the same way [23:50] e.g.: https://github.com/neurodebian/pandas/blob/debian/debian/tests/unittests [23:50] just I'd now add pys=${pys:-$(...)} so it can be reused in debian/rules too [23:51] jtaylor: I'm not a python person, I'm PHP, but as python / perl / php can all achieve similar results when 'chatting' to MySQL it is fortunate that they all start in 'P' for LAMP. [23:52] jtaylor: but, as for commenting your code?... http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=80