
Davieyadam_g: Ah, i misunderstood.. I thought there was a set in folsom-proposed waiting to go to folsom-updates.. which needed copying00:04
adam_gDaviey: theres a stable/folsom sanpshot i put into queue for quantal-proposed (2012.2.1-ubuntu0) that are still waiting to be accepted.  meanwhile, this security update just hit based on 2012.2-0ubuntu500:06
Davieyadam_g: if you want to rebase your chsange, i'll reject the current one from the queue?00:08
adam_gDaviey: ya00:08
Davieyadam_g: rejected.00:09
adam_gDaviey: does this new vers for quantal-proposed require a version bump? or does it not, since it was never accepted to begin with?00:24
adam_gDaviey: also, theres a nova 2012.2+stable-20121102-e76848a0-0ubuntu1 in the quantal-proposed queue that can be rejected, too00:44
adam_gDaviey: [ubuntu/quantal-proposed] nova 2012.2.1+stable-20121212-a99a802e-0ubuntu1 (Waiting for approval) (the new one). gotta run now. cya00:45
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jasonmspwhere can i find documentation on when php will go above 5.3.2 on 10.04?01:54
stiv2khow come i dont have add-apt-repository command02:12
stiv2kwhat package is it found in02:12
sarnoldstiv2k: python-software-properties02:13
stiv2kyou're wrong02:14
stiv2ki tried that and it wasn't in there02:14
sarnolddarn, then time to go hunting at http://packages.ubuntu.com02:15
stiv2ki found it02:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #1069534 in libvirt (main) "libvirt doesn't include *.vnc files with apparmor profiles" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106953402:41
sarnoldsilly bot. "New bug...Fix released".02:43
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Saturn2888hi all! :). When running mdadm, if it's rebuilding your array, how do you watch to make sure? I wanna make sure it's actually doing a rebuild.05:28
Saturn2888I have a feeling it's not working bc "cat /proc/mdstat" doesn't show any progress bars, it's just showing that there's an active raid1 but doesn't show the other drive in here. The drive and partition both do show up in /dev though05:32
Saturn2888ok weird05:42
Saturn2888it made a /dev/md127. I want to get rid of /dev/md127 and add that drive back into /dev/md005:42
frodusHi Saturn2888,05:48
frodusI have just started using RAID1 on ubuntu.05:48
frodusTo rebuild an array I do the following:05:48
frodus* Delete the partision that is broken..  sudo mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sdb105:48
frodus* Then re-add it to my array.. sudo mdadm --add /dev/md0 /dev/sdb105:48
frodusThen you will see that the array rebuild with cat /proc/mdstat05:48
frodusor to see an update every 10 sec:   watch -n10 cat /proc/mdstat05:48
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koolhead17melmoth: sir07:18
melmothhola koolhead1707:20
koolhead17melmoth: how have you been? too much travelling is it?07:20
melmothwas in montreal last week.07:20
melmoththis week, no travelling, and the 2 next ones; holidays (yep, _again_)07:21
koolhead17melmoth: awesome!! Any india trip?07:22
melmothnot for me.07:24
melmothhaving an indian visa is quite a challenge apparently07:24
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YamakasYmorning all08:27
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Davieymorning RoyK09:13
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stiv2kRoyK lost his vowels09:35
RoyKstiv2k: usually happens before coffee09:42
lynxmanmelmoth: isn't it too early for you mon ami ;)11:13
melmothhmmm ?11:13
melmothit s noon11:13
melmothand i havent eaten yet !11:13
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* cloud_away is now away - Reason : sHOWER11:19
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zuljamespage: so where is the info we need for the dep-8 stuff?13:47
jamespagezul, all linked from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/AutomatedTesting/Hackfest13:49
* smb cheers at xen-r not in proposed anymore14:07
yolandajamespage, zul, trying to verify that bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/maas/+bug/1087183 - can i get some help on configuring cloud-init in maas?14:21
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1087183 in maas "MaaS cloud-init configuration specifies 'manage_etc_hosts: localhost'" [Undecided,New]14:21
zulyolanda: im sooooo the wrong person for that :)14:21
yolandazul, do you have some candidate for that?14:23
zulsmoser should be able to help14:23
smoseryolanda, i think yo ucan call it 'verified'.14:25
smosererrr, confirmed.14:25
yolandai was trying to reproduce it by some way14:26
smoserwell, gettingto that stage will be fairly high curve.14:27
yolandaand i should say "HIgh" importance?14:27
smoserit *does* do that, i can validate that. and it was not happenstance.14:27
smoserhigh would work.14:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #1089833 in quantum (main) "Duplicate files provided by multiple packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108983314:28
yolandamm, should i set the status to same bug but for different projects? or only for the maas(Ubuntu) one?14:29
uvirtbotNew bug: #1031147 in horizon (main) "precise-trunk-testing horizon" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103114714:31
smoseryolanda, you can leave the status of the others. or set them. if someone doesn't like how you set them, they can set them otherwise.14:31
smoseroften times if i'm changing something i'm not sure about, i just put a comment in to that affect.14:31
smoser"if you don't like this, please feel free to change it"14:32
uvirtbotNew bug: #1043564 in quantum (main) "quantum packages are broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104356414:33
zulDaviey: btw xen and xcp is fixed in raring15:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #1089982 in php5 (main) "Dependency Problem php5-common (= 5.3.10-1ubuntu3)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108998215:26
zapotahHi. Is the default apt repo apache httpd not built with ecc capability?15:29
Davieyzul: what was the issue15:33
zulDaviey:  incompatibility between xen-4.1 and xen-4.215:33
zapotahzul: what kind of incompatibility?15:37
zapotahzul: what is the problem15:38
zulzapotah: xcp is built for xen-4.1 but we have moved to xen-4.215:38
zapotahxcp uses by default the xm toolstack15:38
zapotahif i remember correctly15:39
zulzapotah: right we are waiting for some more bits from citrix15:39
zapotahbut it was modifiable to use xl15:39
zapotahxcp is not maintained by citrix15:39
zapotahcitrix contributes15:39
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zulhallyn: so should put the lxc apparmor bits into the libvirt apparmor bits?16:00
hallynzul: not sure what you mean.  i think the answer is no16:07
hallynzul: we should find out whether jdstrand has thought at all about how to protect libvirt-lxc with apparmor "the right way"16:09
zulhallyn: we should16:09
hallynhow would we go about that :)16:09
berndtHey, I have recently started experimenting and using my desktop as a personal server16:10
zulhallyn: something to look at after we are back from christmas16:11
hallynzul: agreed16:11
berndtI want to add a web server so I can display my personal webpages but last time I tried apache, my system sort of messed up and I wasn't able to display anything16:11
berndtSince I am completely new to server hosting, is there anything I should learn from start? So far I have been able to host a SSH which is working16:12
berndtI also tried setting up an FTP but so far I have had little success getting it to allow people in. The tutorials I've used haven't been very good either..16:13
RoyKberndt: which ftp server?16:15
RoyKI use that as well, having used it for years16:16
berndtThen maybe you can help me out with my first problem16:16
RoyKwhat is it that doesn't work?16:16
berndtI followed a tutorial on how to install it and I have opened ports 20 and 21 through my router16:17
RoyKyou don't need to open port 2016:17
RoyKthat's the return port16:17
berndtWell, it is open either way16:17
RoyKwhat's the ip address?16:18
berndt(but according to www.canyouseeme.com it is not accessible)16:18
RoyKworks for me16:18
RoyKone directory, Filmer, which seems to be empty16:18
berndtyeah, well what I want to do is create a closed FTP16:18
RoyKthen set 'local_enable=yes' and 'anonymous_enable=no' in vsftpd.conf and restart it16:19
berndtwhat I want to know16:19
RoyKbtw, keep in mind that FTP uses cleartext passwords, which generally isn't a very good idea16:20
RoyKusing sftp instead is far safer16:20
berndtis if there is a way around having to create system user accounts, and just create a login for the ftp16:20
RoyKusing a client like filezilla16:20
berndtThat is exactly what I want!16:20
RoyKyou can chroot sftp users16:21
berndtExcuse my ignorance, but I never really understood what chroot was16:21
berndtI understand what the difference between ftp and sftp is, though16:21
jdstrandhallyn, zul: I really haven't thought about libvirt-lxc because our preferred lxc solution is lxc and I thought we were going to try to submit a new libvrt driver for our supported lxc when the time was right16:21
RoyKwith sftp, all traffic is sent over ssh, so ssh is responsible fot the security16:21
zuljdstrand: right16:22
RoyKwith ftp, you use the not-so-good-but-quite-old ftp protocol alone16:22
jdstrandhallyn, zul: if I were to think about it, I would look at what selinux did and implement the hooks that were added there in the apparmor driver16:22
RoyKberndt: ftp is generally only used for anonymous setups these days16:22
zuljdstrand: i can probably poke at it16:23
jdstrands/selinux did/the svirt driver did for selinux/16:23
RoyKberndt: chroot means a client is 'jailed' to her home directory (or some common dir)16:23
hallynjdstrand: yes, a driver for our lxc would be preferred for testing and duplication reasons16:23
berndtRoyK, do I need a different server software than vsftpd to use sftp or do I just need to edit the settings?16:23
RoyKjdstrand: so, first of all, shut down vsftpd - you don't need it16:23
hallynbut, i'm heading out.  back briefly next week, but in case i miss y'all, happy holidays16:24
RoyKsshd does this already16:24
jdstrandhallyn: you too! :)16:24
RoyKberndt: and close ports 20-21 in the router16:24
jdstrandRoyK: I'm assuming that wasn't actually meant for me16:24
berndtso I just need to have 22 open?16:24
RoyKberndt: ssh runs over 22/tcp, and since sftp/scp runs over ssh, that's all you need16:24
berndtjdstrand, it was meant for me :)16:24
RoyKjdstrand: oops - no :)16:24
berndtRoyK, so I could just uninstall vsftpd all in all if I have no interest in hosting an anonymous FTP?16:25
RoyKyeah, remove it16:25
berndtRoyK, okay 2 sec16:25
berndtRoyK, there we go. It's gone16:26
berndtRoyK, Now, how do I configure this sftp?16:26
RoyKnow, just try to sftp localhost16:26
berndtI could connect fine16:27
RoyKberndt: what you can see there, is your home dir, but you can also see anything else on that machine you have access to16:28
RoyKand it'll probably show you /home/yourusername16:28
berndtIndeed it does16:28
RoyKnow, create a dummy user for testing and use that further for this16:29
RoyKthat lists pretty much what you'll have to do16:29
berndtby dummyuser, you mean a user on my system, right?16:30
RoyKuseradd -m somedummyuser16:30
RoyKyou might want to install rssh and use that as the dummyusers's shell16:30
berndtI did this yesterday, although through the gui16:30
* RoyK never uses a gui on his servers ;)16:30
berndtWell, cut me some slack. I have not very long ago migrated to ubuntu from windows, so I am still adapting to using the shell in combination with gui16:31
berndtbaby steps :)16:31
RoyKberndt: apt-get install rssh # and use that for those sftp-only users16:33
berndtAm I supposed to include the # sign in the command?16:33
RoyKberndt: I'm aware of that learning the linux commandline will take time :)16:33
RoyKthat was only given in case you pasted the whole line :)16:33
RoyKit's a comment sign in bash (your shell)16:34
berndtyeah I have noticed that, but I am not that stupid.. :)16:34
RoyKso the bash won't try to parse whatever's after it16:34
* RoyK hasn't named berndt stupid ;)16:34
berndtanyway, I have done as told and installed rssh16:35
RoyKthen chsh -s /usr/bin/rssh dummyuser16:35
RoyKbtw, this one was a bit better http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12820616:35
RoyKdescribes how to use rssh to chroot users to a given dir16:36
RoyKyour chroot path is likely to be whereever you pointed vsftpd to (or Filmer)16:36
berndtOkay, what did chsh do? (I could 'man chsh' it but that takes time..)16:36
RoyKchange shell16:37
berndtso I am using the users shell now?16:37
RoyKthe newly created users will probably be using dash or bash as default - you want rssh to restrict them to only sftp, chrooted, and not ssh login16:37
RoyKyou're not16:38
RoyKchsh -s /usr/bin/rssh dummyuser <-- set user 'dummyuser's shell to /usr/bin/rssh16:38
RoyKDON'T set the root shell to rssh16:38
berndtOh, so if I were to log in with dummyuser, that would be my initial directory?16:39
RoyKafter you've configured rssh correctly, you'll see16:39
berndtOh, okay.16:39
RoyKsee the link I posted above on ubuntuforums16:39
berndtYeah, I wondered if you wanted me to read that and come back to you or continue bothering you for help :P16:40
RoyKI think reading that will help a lot16:40
RoyKbetter if you understand what you do than just listen to someone telling you all commands16:40
berndtOkay, so I'll read that and try my best to get it working, and then I'll come back and report16:40
RoyKbreak a leg :)16:41
berndtIt would be better for me to learn a text edit in a terminal rather than gedit I think. Everyone seems to be using either vi or nano..16:47
RoyKnano is good for a start16:47
* RoyK just uses vim16:47
RoyKberndt: if you want to learn vim, start by running vimtutor16:47
RoyKbut then, if you want sftp up - better start with nano16:48
RoyKor gedit16:48
RoyKor anything, really16:48
RoyKlearning vim takes some time16:48
berndtI study CS and every now and then there is a heated debate wether vim or emacs is the best text editor16:48
RoyKwell, people will argue about that until the end of days, probably further16:48
berndtProbably. Anyway,  I will start with nano16:48
berndtI am currently editing rssh.conf16:50
berndtand the guide tells me to change the "chrootpath" to /home/chroot. Am I not supposed to change that to my dummyuser?16:51
RoyKno, you'll want to chroot the users to the path you gave in vsftpd.conf16:52
RoyKa common path from where users can download their stuff16:52
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berndtokay, but I should change the suggested "/home/chroot" to the one I had chosen before? (Which was /home/dummyuser")16:53
berndtsince I don't have a user called chroot..?16:54
berndtRoyK ping16:56
RoyKberndt: where do you have the Filmer directory?16:56
RoyKberndt: a bit away here from time to time - it's irc - get used to it ;)16:56
berndtmy "dummyuser" is called ftpuser00116:56
berndtso Filmer is "/home/ftpuser001/Filmer"16:56
berndtshould I edit it to chrootpath = /home/ftpuser001/ ?16:57
RoyKberndt: do you have a common place from where all the users should download things?17:00
berndtThat is where I want them to download/upload things17:01
berndtthen I am editing it that way!17:02
berndtWhat command do I use in nano to "save"?17:02
RoyKsee bottom17:02
RoyK^X is exit (iirc) and that'll prompty you17:02
uvirtbotRoyK: Error: "X" is not a valid command.17:02
* RoyK slaps uvirtbot 17:03
berndtisn't there a normal save command?17:03
RoyKafaics, no17:03
berndtwell, saved17:03
RoyKI don't use nano a lot (as in close to never)17:03
berndtcontinuing with tutorial17:03
berndtRoyK I have run into a problem - I am supposed to copy a libnss_compat.so.2 to the directory, but I don't have the file in its original directory (/lib/)17:16
berndtRoyK, what should I do if I don't even have the file on my system? :S17:17
berndtRoyK, I am apparently missing another system file. This time it's /etc/init.d/sysklogd which seems crucial to this tutorial...17:47
berndtfound it, it was located in /etc/rsyslog.conf17:53
freakynlHi, can I make aptitude (apt-get) work over socks? More specifically, ssh -D (socks 4/5)18:03
mathiazsmoser: hello!18:05
mathiazsmoser: long time no see18:05
smosermathiaz, hey.18:05
smoseri've only got a few minutes. what sup ?18:05
mathiazsmoser: playing with cloudinit18:05
Davieymathiaz: HEY!18:05
mathiazsmoser: and using a multipart user data18:05
smoser(oh yeah, and good to see you :)18:05
mathiazsmoser: because I want to execute a script before cloud-config is run)18:06
Davieymathiaz is like, one of those really bad ex's... Only contacts you when they want something.18:06
mathiazsmoser: however it seems that cloudinit is always started before the script18:06
mathiazsmoser: even the script mime part is before the cloud-init mime part in the user data payload18:06
mathiazDaviey: hi!18:06
mathiazDaviey: good to see you to18:06
mathiazDaviey: *too*18:06
mathiazsmoser: any quick idea why?18:07
smoserthats how its designed.18:07
mathiazsmoser: so there is no way to run a script before cloud-init?18:07
smoseryour saying the config modules are happening before your user-data part is handled.18:08
mathiazsmoser: well I've got 2 parts in the user-data18:08
smoseryou are wanting a boot hook.18:08
smoserthat is executed pretty much as soon as its read.18:08
mathiazsmoser: great - I'll look into this18:08
smoser(note, also, that cloud-config's "bootcmd" are similar)18:09
mathiazsmoser: I need to fix an ami before cloud-config is run18:09
smoserboot hook will do.18:09
mathiazsmoser: great! thanks!18:09
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* lborda asks: Hello... would you know the reason why +x permission on usb mounted sticks have been removed on precise ? reproducer is here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1430249/ ... It's works on Lucid though18:51
RoyKwhat filesystem?18:52
berndtRoyK, can you help me try my ftp?18:53
berndtI'll pm18:53
=== NomadJim_ is now known as NomadJim
lbordaRoyK, FAT32 or NTFS19:06
RoyKwell, find out which19:07
lbordaRoyK, sorry both have the same result...19:09
berndtI am running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS x86 and am trying to set up a sftp. I have run into a bit of an issue where I need to change settings in files that are no longer in the same places..19:16
berndtFirst file I don't have is /etc/libnss_compact.so.219:16
berndtSecond file I don't have is /etc/init.d/sysklogd . This file has apparently been replaced by /etc/rsyslog.conf19:17
sarnoldberndt: you should perhaps take a step back and describe _what_ you're trying to accomplish.19:20
berndt"I am running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS x86 and am trying to set up a sftp."19:20
berndtI am following the tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12820619:20
berndtbut it dates back to 2006 and distributions have changed19:20
sarnoldberndt: I strongly doubt that any debian-derived distro has ever placed a shared lib (or symlink to a shared lib) in /etc, so I'm already skeptical of whatever guide you're following, and rsyslogd has been the syslog of choice for a long time...19:20
sarnold"set up an sftp" is pretty vague. In what way doesn't "sftp localhost" work?19:21
berndtsftp localhost does work19:22
patdk-wkhmm, sftp is enabled by default :)19:22
patdk-wkmaybe what you mean is chroot sftp?19:22
berndtmy bad19:22
patdk-wkin that case look at the openssh instructions19:22
berndtI am trying to chroot sftp19:22
patdk-wkit's been builtin for awhile now19:22
berndtpatdk-wk I have no clue where to look19:22
patdk-wksince 2009?19:22
patdk-wkI just told you where, but you can ignore me19:22
berndtpatdk-wk where are the openssh instructions?19:23
berndtman openssh?19:23
patdk-wkman sshd19:23
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jcastro_Daviey: do we know who runs ubuntuserverguide.com?19:30
octerisHi all! I currently have a computer running Ubuntu Server 12.04.1 and I was wondering if it was possible to set up networking using a static IP with DHCP as a fallback through the /etc/network/interfaces file? i.e. I'd like the server to use the static ip setup in the interfaces file and then ask DHCP for an IP if the static IP fails for any reason.19:40
SpamapSsmoser: are you aware of issues booting quantal images on OpenStack?19:41
SpamapSsmoser: ^^19:41
SpamapSsmoser: does not seem to detect the EC2 data source19:41
SpamapSsmoser: precise works fine19:41
SpamapSutlemming: ^^ you have any ideas on that19:47
utlemmingSpamapS: up grade your quatnal image. that looks like a mountal bug19:48
SpamapSupgrade beyond http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/quantal/current/ ???19:48
SpamapSCloud-init v. 0.7 finished at Thu, 13 Dec 2012 19:35:50 +0000. Datasource DataSourceNone.  Up 270.37 seconds19:49
SpamapSutlemming: note, did not find the data source19:49
utlemmingSpamapS: let me look19:49
utlemmingSpamapS: sorry, otp...can you give me a few minutes to look at it?19:50
SpamapSutlemming: you can take all day :)19:50
SpamapSutlemming: but, the sooner, the better of course :)19:50
patdk-wkocteris, hmm, the whole point of static ip is it can't fail :)19:54
SpamapSocteris: yeah, define "the static IP fails"19:55
SpamapSpatdk-wk: I guess your answer was good enough :)19:55
octerisHi all! I currently have a computer running Ubuntu Server 12.04.1 and I was wondering if it was possible to set up networking using a static IP with DHCP as a fallback through the /etc/network/interfaces file? i.e. I'd like the server to use the static IP setup in the interfaces file and then ask DHCP for an IP if the static IP fails for any reason.20:09
sarnoldocteris: in what possible way could "static ip" fail? The whole point of static ip is that it can't fail.20:11
sarnoldocteris: are you instead asking how you can use two ISPs to provide some kind of failover between them?20:12
octerissarnold: no20:12
octerissarnold: What if a computer on the network was already assigned the IP via DHCP when the server boots up?20:12
sarnoldocteris: then you find your DHCP administrator and smack him about the head for putting manually assigned IPs in the same range as DHCP-assigned IPs. :)20:13
octerissarnold: or in the current case I have, I moved the server to a new network here at my parent's house temporarily and the static IP was setup with a network with as the default gateway, and here on this network the default gateway is instead20:13
octerisso it's attempting to assign itself to an invalid static IP20:13
sarnold_ah_, now the real problem is known. :D20:14
octeriswas just giving you another example of a possible case where you might want to have this type of 'fallback' set up? :)20:14
sarnoldocteris: if it were me, I'd probably just route "ip route del .. " and "ip route add" commands until it's all set to work :) hehe20:15
octerisin any case it'd simply be nice to have DHCP be the fallback so that even if the static IP fails I can still ssh into the 'marooned' server and modify the network interfaces file without having to reattach a monitor + keyboard/mouse temporarily20:15
octerissarnold: if that's my only option what man pages should I read up on?20:19
sarnoldocteris: does this machine move between the networks daily? I wonder if swapping between having /etc/network/interfaces and NetworkManager manage the network make some kind of sense... if it's moved daily, it might even make sense tochange the static configuration to dynamic, so you can just rely on dhcp...20:21
sarnoldocteris: if it only moves once every few months, you can probably delete your old default route, add a new route for the router's network, and then add the router as the new default route20:21
sarnoldocteris: the new tool for that is 'ip', though the older tools, 'ifconfig' and 'route' still work. all their manpages will be useful but perhaps assume a fair amount of knowledge ...20:22
octerissarnold: it'll move once more within the next couple of weeks and then it won't move for at least a year. only reason I need to get in there and bother with it anyway is because my music is hosted on it over samba shares20:23
sarnoldocteris: the lartc.org howto may be able to help, but (a) the clear majority of that is _way_ beyond what you're trying to do (b) doesn't have any distro-specific knowledge, so it won't be much help for fiddling with /etc/network/interfaces or networkmangler or whatever...20:23
octerishmmm, okay. thanks for pointing me in a direction! :)20:23
sarnoldocteris: have fun :) and good luck..20:24
octerisand the only reason I don't let it be managed by DHCP is I'd like to avoid restarting the server for certain package upgrades to cause it to possibly switch IPs on me and then have to re-configure my hosts file or port forwarding20:24
octerisespecially since my network shares target the hostname instead of the20:25
sarnoldfunny enough, with my new asus wifi+router deal, all the machines in the house (windows, os x, linux) all correctly dhcp with hostnames and it automatically serves dns; 'ssh dean' gets to my pandaboard and took no effort at all...20:27
sarnoldmy old tomato-based router had a page to assign names to machines, it worked, but required administration effort. you might be able to do one or the other -- automagic dns entries for you or some semi-managed dns..20:28
octerissarnold: yeah I don't have any real control over the router here. once I get back onto my own network in my new apartment in a couple weeks I could probably serve DNS from the router20:28
octerissarnold: I use a WRT54GL so I think Tomato can run on that? but I've never tried20:28
sarnoldocteris: yeah, it should. (L == "Linux")20:29
sarnoldocteris: but the default wasn't so bad on that router ...20:29
octerissarnold: yeah it's actually not, but I've not looked into serving DNS from it20:29
SpamapSutlemming: just to make things even more fun, I just accepted the quantal SRU for cloud-init :)20:29
octerissarnold: kind of an OT for the channel but relates to our discussion, if I configure Windows to use OpenDNS will it bypass the router DNS when looking up hostnames for local machines? my guess is yes but you might have more first-hand experience20:33
sarnoldocteris: yeah, if you override the dhcp-supplied dns configuration, then it'll skip it entirely20:34
octerissarnold: makes sense. thanks for all your help!20:35
sarnoldocteris: have fun :)20:35
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bcessahi, I'm trying to get mail-delivery-stack up and running, however after many attempts I can't get SMPT AUTH to work properly20:47
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jtanehello, does anyone have exp with Upstart's user jobs feature?21:31
jtanethis is the only thing i seemed to find... http://bradleyayers.blogspot.com/2011/10/upstart-user-jobs-on-ubuntu-1110.html21:32
jtanewondering if there is something more official21:32
jtaneoops just realized there is #upstart, sorry21:35
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SpamapSutlemming: any ideas on the cloud-init quantal thing I pastebinned earlier?23:11
utlemmingSpamapS: yup, its https://launchpad.net/bugs/107892623:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1078926 in mountall "raring instance failed to find EC2 datasource" [High,Fix released]23:12
utlemmingSpamapS: the version in that daily is bad23:13
SpamapSutlemming: thats the *current*23:13
utlemmingSpamapS: right, but it has a serial of yesterday23:13
utlemmingSpamapS: look http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/quantal/current/quantal-server-cloudimg-amd64.manifest23:13
SpamapSoh hah23:13
SpamapSand I see, Fix Released 12/1123:13
utlemmingSpamapS: new image being spun23:14
SpamapSutlemming: so like, you just published the fixed ones?23:14
SpamapSBut, I want to run 20121212's darn it ;)23:14
utlemmingSpamapS: I believe you'll have about a 50% success with that23:15
utlemmingbut if you want...23:15
utlemmingin all seriousness I want to kick a new Quantal and Precise out the door shortly anyway23:15
SpamapSmountall 2.42ubuntu0.123:15
utlemmingI was waiting on this fix to land23:15
SpamapSutlemming: I've booted 5 times, and had 0% success.23:15
SpamapSutlemming: probably owing to my dedicated system which always does the race this one way ;)23:16
utlemmingpotentially...it was tricky bug to troubleshoot23:16
SpamapSYeah races are the bain of all debuggers' existence :)23:17
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SpamapSutlemming: ok, anything I can do to help? I'll of course test as soon as they drop.23:17
utlemmingSpamapS: wait about 30 minutes :)23:18
SpamapSI can do that. :)23:18
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