
widoxMPiccinato: yo02:36
oktrevhey hey02:39
rick_h_greg-g: https://plus.google.com/u/0/116120911388966791792/posts/BbdQiy93SCG :)03:47
snap-lGood morning12:58
rick_h_http://www.audiogalaxy.com/blog/2012/12/hello-dropbox/ hello new dropbox features13:44
brouschrick_h_: Do you use that app?13:48
rick_h_brousch: no, just noting that it's interesting Dropbox is acquiring and that it's a music sharing service13:49
brouschIt sounds to me like they are buying the team more than the service13:49
rick_h_still, buying a team with experience doing shared music seems interesting to a shared file service.13:50
brouschMove your music to dropbox and stream from there?13:50
rick_h_gengerate playlists...what if they could sync across devices?13:51
brouschlike google music?13:51
rick_h_provide apps for devices dropbox app currently works ok13:51
rick_h_yep, but with files you're already sticking in dropbox13:52
brouschIt's a wash for me, so my usage of it would depend on whether the clients are better13:53
rick_h_right, just interesting. We'll see what comes out of it13:53
rick_h_my first reaction was surprise at dropbox acquiring anything13:53
rick_h_they've seem pretty small/lightweight to me13:53
brouschHaven't really branched out from their original purpose13:55
rick_h_well, there are photo albums13:56
rick_h_but yea13:56
brouschTere are?13:57
widoxMPiccinato: yo13:58
widoxaudiogalaxy, name sounds familiar. didn't that used to be a windows music player app?13:59
rick_h_brousch: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zqoihil451vqcl7/7Tv_wrjzO914:00
brouschPretty bare-bones14:05
brouschNo title, no comments, no theme?14:05
brouschI have had very little luck with my last 2 questions on StackOverflow. Am I doing it wrong?14:12
rick_h_heh, just doing crazy stuff no one else knows about :P14:13
rick_h_jcastro_: is the SO question expert. Looks ok here14:13
brouschGoogle TV emulator install is not supposed to be crazy14:13
jcastro_that looks like a bug report. :)14:15
brouschMaybe, but all GoogleTV dev questions are supposed to go on SO14:16
brouschThey closed the google forum14:16
brouschHow do iI unload a kernel module that says it's in use? `sudo modprobe -r vboxdrv`14:22
jcastro_the old dump and run14:22
brouschI found a hint that says I need to unload the virtualbox driver before running the GoogleTV emulator (which uses KVM)14:24
rick_h_modprobe -r?14:25
rick_h_oh you already did that14:25
brouschThat says it's in use, but I am not using it right now. No vbox open at all14:26
rick_h_was it open previously? I'd try to reboot and -r it after a clean boot14:27
rick_h_anything else I say is pure speculation and could cause things to go boom so I'll leave you to it14:28
brouschRebooting feels like giving up14:31
rick_h_working > *14:31
rick_h_doh he rebooted14:31
brouschDarn, still in use. Oh well14:34
snap-lAnyone need a bike rack? https://www.dropbox.com/s/sq654ohwwuphktd/2012-12-08%2016.30.27.jpg14:38
snap-lI've never installed it, as I've rethought how I want to get bikes from point A to point B.14:38
snap-lFits a DOdge Caliber and probably other sorts of hatchbacky cars.14:38
brouschsnap-l: That photo is hurting my mind. I can't orient myself14:39
snap-lbrousch: Mission accompllished. ;)14:40
brouschHow did you hang the box from the ceiling? And what is that crazy wallpaper?14:54
snap-lThat's in our kitchen.14:55
snap-lI was using it to keep the cat off the counter.14:55
rick_h_bike-rack-in-a-box == cat deterrant <314:56
snap-lYeah, it's enough pathetic in one sitting that I figured now was the time to get rid of it. ;)14:56
brouschwolfger? http://www.libertarianrepublican.net/2012/12/attempted-citizens-arrest-of-cop-in.html15:37
greg-gRowan had a fever of 103 last night :( :(15:57
rick_h_ouch, that's toasty15:58
brouschOh man, that is rough16:02
greg-gyeah, he's down to 102 now (when I left home) and acting normally16:02
brouschI remember a couple of those. Just on the edge of calling the doctor in the middle of the night16:02
greg-gwhen it was at 103, though, he was acting strange, like, dazed and just staring off into the distance not at anything specific, which is something he never does16:02
greg-gI called the advice nurse16:03
greg-gthat's 103 under his armpit, which is somewhat lower than in the mouth/butt16:03
brouschthey always want a butt temp from us16:04
brouschRoll him over and "Sorry dude. I hope you don't remember this when you're a teenager"16:04
greg-gnever done one16:04
_stink_neither have we16:05
_stink_greg-g: if he's acting normal at 102, then you've got yourself a tough kid16:06
_stink_ours would be refusing to budge from a lap16:06
brouschYeah, 100F for us is constant snuggles16:07
brouschLimp noodle16:07
rick_h_yea, over 100 and our guy normally gets really cuddly and sleepyish16:08
snap-l I think I'd invest in the ear thermometer or something that would prevent me from having to take a temp in the butt16:15
rick_h_yea, we went ear16:15
brouschOur doctors demand a butt temp16:17
greg-gno kidding, and a bit old school/dogmatic16:19
greg-gI'd switch doctors, in all seriousness16:19
brouschIt's really not that hard16:28
brouschHave you east siders heard of Andrew Cohee?16:30
brouschHe just contacted me on linkedin about starting a metro detroit python dev group16:31
snap-lName doesn't sound familiar.16:32
snap-lthat said, I'm not great with names either.16:32
rick_h_oh hmm, when I got that I thuoght it was our CHC Drew16:32
rick_h_but don't recognize Andrew Cohee16:33
rick_h_yea, no idea there16:33
brouschrick_h_: You got a connection request too?16:33
rick_h_I got an invite to the py group16:33
rick_h_not linked in that I noticed16:34
snap-lThe site looks like shit16:34
snap-lat least in w3m it does16:34
brouschAh, he works with a very infrequent GRPUG guy in grand rapids16:34
snap-lWell apparently I listened to "Surfing with the alien" with my headphones on the desk16:35
snap-lput them on, and Yes was playing.16:35
brouschrick_h_: Do you want me to send him your email?16:36
rick_h_not really16:36
rick_h_yea, not interested right now. I personally don't have time to do more. CHC, MUG, woodworking is full16:37
brouschMichigan Python Pinax Group?16:38
brouschNow I see your hesitation ;)16:39
brouschDrew verlee is a mamber of that group16:41
rick_h_yea, I know Drew Verlee16:41
rick_h_derekv:'s brother16:41
brouschOK, well I consider you all informed of its existence16:42
brouschHm, I think this cohee guy is starting a different group. Pinax group is in Southfield16:46
snap-lHas he contacted the MichiPug group in Ann Arbor?16:46
brouschIt is a different group http://www.meetup.com/Michigan-Python-Development-Group/16:50
snap-lI know... Have they contacted the MichiPUG group?16:51
brouschI don't know. I'll suggest it16:51
brouschHm, both groups are in Southfield16:55
snap-lI remember seeing that image a while back17:24
rick_h_yea, I looked it up on wikipedia. It's a very common image used for image process testing17:25
snap-lJust found it interesting that she picked up a copy of the magazine itself.17:26
snap-lbut then again, it's an artifact.17:26
rick_h_you know what, I'm actually thinking apple won in this. Google Maps is now back but now with turn-by-turn and feature par with android17:46
rick_h_they got what they wanted, iphone to have same maps/driving features of android17:46
snap-lrick_h_: Yeah17:46
greg-gand no one is going to remember apple's crap map app in 1 month when they buy their new iphone17:47
greg-gheh "crap map app" is fun17:47
snap-lYeah, frankly I think the whole thing was overdone17:49
snap-lIt was more "OMG, APPLE MISSTEP, WWSJD?!?!?!?!!!1!!"17:49
rick_h_greg-g: exactly, they made waves, got feature parity to shut up, and carry on17:50
rick_h_speaking of photo galleries18:06
rick_h_http://ubuntuone.com/album/0K1i9ytqfPjTdmyYU98Elk for example18:07
greg-gque es? http://ubuntuone.com/gallery/0K1i9ytqfPjTdmyYU98Elk/IMG_20121207_161742.jpg18:09
greg-gcircular saw blade(s)?18:10
rick_h_heh, selling the dado stack since I've sold the table saw18:10
rick_h_yea, they stack up to create dados of various widths (grooves) for putting together cabinets/etc18:10
rick_h_say building a cabinet out of 1/2" plywood, create a 1/2 dado stack and then run grooves, glue in shelves, done18:11
* greg-g nods18:11
greg-gneat, but BAN ELECTRICITY! ;)18:11
rick_h_heh, well going bandsaw which shold be here any minute18:11
rick_h_so keeping some electricity18:12
brouschrick_h_: Is it just me or is the ubuntuone photos significantly slower than Dropbox's?18:14
snap-lbrousch: Not significantly.18:15
snap-lrick_h_: That's neat. What folder do you put those in for Ubuntu One?18:15
rick_h_snap-l: so it tried to detect a folder of images I think18:16
rick_h_brousch: not just you. The app is doing some round trip stuff between London DC and AWS US and causes it to take a while to generate thumbnails/etc18:16
rick_h_they're working on some fixes18:16
rick_h_but no in place yet which sucks for a release day bad impression18:16
brouschAh, so it's going across the Atlantic. That would explain it18:16
rick_h_yea, going across it multiple times from what it seems18:18
snap-lI want to believe.18:19
brouschBelieve what?18:20
rick_h_believe it'll get better18:21
rick_h_but performance is a typica U1 complaint18:21
snap-lTrying the ubuntu one streaming [buffering] [buffering] [buffering] pla[buffering]yet.18:54
snap-lgranted, I don't have the best wifi connection where I'm sitting, but damn.18:54
rick_h_gotta love those 6hr windows19:35
rick_h_"we'll be there between 10am and 4pm"19:36
jrwrenjust cancel that service.19:50
jrwrenunless it is really faster internet :)19:57
rick_h_heh, it's UPS with my saw19:59
rick_h_has to come on a special lift gate scheduled delivery19:59
rick_h_down to the last hour of a 6hr window19:59
brouschGo sit in the driveway20:03
rick_h_it's nice out today, good time to do it20:08
snap-lrick_h_: You win.20:08
brouschHave any of you use rpyc? One of the GRPUG guys suggested it and it's really frickin nice20:57
brouschremote python call20:57
_stink_wow, looks cools21:06
snap-lrick_h_: Um, now the hell are you going to get that in the garage? :)21:09
greg-gsnap-l: obviously, build a bigger garage!21:10
* greg-g wants a work shed someday21:10
snap-lhttp://gigaom.com/2012/12/13/guardian-kills-its-facebook-social-reader-regains-control-over-its-content/ <- It's stories like this that make me wonder where they get their numbers from21:14
snap-lsix million monthly users (how do they come up with that number?)21:14
snap-lI always look at my Google Analytics numbers with skepticism, mostly because I know how many bots crawl my site.21:15
snap-lIf they surface the actual user accounts, and those are unique accounts, then cool. No harm, no foul.21:16
rick_h_snap-l: so got it in the garage by walking it off the big skig, crushing my foot, and walking it barely with the hand truck22:17
rick_h_now...getting it off of the little skid/unpacking is going to take some neighbor assistance22:17
snap-lrick_h_: Ouch22:24

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