
wrstmorning chris458516:46
chris4585morning wrst16:46
wrsthow are you doing chris4585?16:47
chris4585I'm alright, a little tired after installing linux several times tonight16:47
chris4585I updated my bios and I think either manjaro doesn't have the proper way of installing grub with UEFI support or my bios is being more strict? regardless archbang installed just fine with syslinux16:49
chris4585yes, annoying I couldn't get grub properly installed and I tried several different things, which required reinstalling16:49
wrsthmm i don't know in know on the arch wiki there are some uefi instructions but never paid much attention to it16:50
chris4585yeah well it was rather ridiculous... so I said screw getting manjaro installed tonight and went for what I knew worked16:51
chris4585and this is the first time I've really used syslinux for an actual install besides liveusb16:51
chris4585also keeping /home is very lovely16:52
wrstnever used it how is it?16:52
chris4585it works, and I'm pretty familiar with it, the configs are a little easier than grub16:52
chris4585usually you see syslinux in a lot of livecds, http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-mGm-yWyTxPA/T7DdVuO0puI/AAAAAAAAANo/y5Pqpr7A-T4/s1600/syslinux_rm2012.png16:54
wrsti wonder how it hadles multiple operating systems chris4585?17:56
chris4585wrst, it should be fine, but I've never had to set it to boot a partition, usually you just set the kernel and shiz in the config by the dir18:42
wrsthmm interesting18:43
wrsti might expirement sometime in a vm or something18:43
chris4585let me know if you unlock some secrets18:51
chris4585I still have to add winders to my config but I know it will be easy18:51
chris4585I just have to uncomment some stuff lol18:51
wrsti must say grub is working just fine for me, i do need to get it to pick up my other hard drive now18:53
wrsti dread uefi18:53
chris4585it isn't so bad, I really haven't had an issue since now and I think its a manjaro issue18:54
wrstas long as i can boot what i want i'm happy oh chris4585 ssd and systemd on arch boot is just about instant18:57
chris4585wrst, lol I hear that and darn you, I really want one but I'll wait a while I think18:58
wrstthe prices will no doubt get better and better18:59
wrsti may build another desktop sometime next year and if i do it will certainly be with one19:00
chris4585I just want something that wont fail19:01
wrstthat's the thing on the ssd i wonder about reliability19:03
chris4585well as long as you use it for / and not /home, and leave out /tmp, and possibly /var, it should last way longer19:04
chris4585because reading doesn't ware it down as much as writing19:05
wrstvery true19:08
chris4585I'm thinking about doing a flash drive setup somehow to hold over my desire for an SSD19:10
wrsti really do like it but enought about that, but arch on a spinning disk with systemd and kde works nicely also19:11
chris4585systemd is kind of throwing me off19:13
chris4585I'm not entirely used to how it works19:14
wrsti like it i converted two systems and i must say i like it19:14
wrsti do miss rc.conf19:14
wrstbut pretty much systemctl start/restart/stop service19:14
wrstor sytemctl enable/disable service to stop/start on boot19:15
chris4585yeah, but for gdm I've had to enable then start which threw me off19:15
wrstyes if you don't reboot19:15
wrstenable is like adding it to rc.conf19:16
chris4585sorry about that, accidentally stopped slim without realizing I'd lose my xserver19:22
wrstchris4585: actually using systemd reminds me of osx using launchctl load/unload etc19:29
chris4585never used osx really19:29
wrstits not bad, i'm just not a fan of apple20:06
* cyberanger is only a fan of Granny Smith Apples23:31

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