
* Kilos looks for worms04:28
Kilosmorning all04:28
barrydkGood morning everyone05:39
Kiloshi barrydk 05:39
barrydkHows it at your side kilos05:40
Kilosok ty and there05:40
Kiloshave you got your server going?05:41
barrydkno new complains05:42
nlsthznmorning all05:42
Kiloshi there nlsthzn 05:43
nlsthzn@uncle Kilos ... installed xchat2, more like the normal xchat than hexchat, thanks for the tip05:43
Kilosgood to have you back every day laddy05:43
Kilosglad to help nlsthzn 05:43
nlsthznwell I am on leave for another week so I will be around for a few more days 05:44
Kiloscant you sneak peak from work anymore nlsthzn ?05:44
nlsthznI can ... but I think it is time I push harder at work and get out of this silly rut I am in :p05:45
nlsthznbut I will always be in and out and about :p05:49
Kiloshi Tonberry 06:35
SquirmI feel drunk :/ It's like the world is spinning slowly06:42
Kiloshi Squirm  have you had blood pressure checked06:42
SquirmI think it's just a very weird hangover06:43
Squirmunless my body somehow hasn't gotten rid of the alcohol, I was asleep by 10 and it wasn't even much06:47
Kilosthat stuff is poison lad06:47
Squirmhello Tonberry 06:49
superflyGood evening everyone.06:57
Maazsuperfly: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell superfly Are you ok Raoul" 6 minutes and 21 seconds ago06:57
Kiloshi superfly 06:57
superflyKilos: oom, you worry too much.06:57
Kilosone must worry about friends06:58
superflyAlrighty, gotta go, see you later...07:02
Kilosgo safe07:02
KilosMôre inetpro 07:09
Kiloshi Jabberwocky 08:07
Kilosvoda just smsed me and said pay R999 up front and get 1 Gig data per month for a year 08:08
Kilosnow they even wanna make money off the interest on other peeps money08:11
Tonberryeveryone does that08:11
Kilosmaybe inna way but look at the 8ta offer08:12
Kilosi use the 8ta 2+1 and make it last 2 months08:12
* Tonberry just got the sms as well08:12
Tonberrywell 8ta lacks coverage in most places08:13
Kilosi think their offer is 60 + 60 for 1.2k08:13
Kilosbut big diffs08:13
Tonberry60+60 is my internet for the next year08:13
Tonberrybut i can basically only use it in stellenbosch08:13
Kilos8ta should work anywhere there is mtn available08:13
Tonberrynot the cheap bundles08:14
Tonberry60+60 is only allowed on their own towers08:14
Tonberryfine print08:14
Tonberryvery very fine08:14
Kilos2+1 is R14608:14
Kilosthey say R149 but deduct R146 everytime08:14
Tonberryonly deducted 1797 for the 1800 as well08:15
KilosTonberry, you can call them and hear about when they gonna be upgrading in your area08:15
Tonberrywell i live in stellenbosch so its not that big a deal08:16
Kilosthey just install their stuff wherever there is a mtn tower08:16
Tonberryjust a pain when traveling08:16
Kiloshi Vince-0 08:34
Kiloshi hubx 08:46
hubxhi Kilos :)08:46
Vince-0trying out Ingress09:22
Vince-0during work lol09:24
barrydkis she ok Vince09:28
Vince-0Ingress the Google AR game09:30
Vince-0trying to find Resistance faction in Durban09:31
* nlsthzn hasnt gotten an invite yet :/09:43
nlsthznthen again I don't think it works in the UAE09:43
inetproGood morning 09:47
Kiloslo inetpro 09:48
Kiloshehe he made it by 12 mins09:49
KilosMaaz, coffee on11:58
* Maaz puts the kettle on11:58
KilosMaaz, large11:58
MaazIn a beer mug just for you Kilos11:58
Kiloshi drussell psyatw 11:58
drussellKilos: yo!11:59
Kilosare you attending our reapp on tuesday night drussell 11:59
Kilosour 8 pm11:59
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!12:02
KilosMaaz, ty12:02
MaazYou are welcome Kilos12:02
psyatwhi Kilos 12:05
psyatwhi drussell 12:05
psyatwhi all12:05
mazalAfternoon all13:09
Kiloshi mazal 13:09
mazalGaanit oom ?13:09
Kilosok dankie en jy?13:10
superflyhi mazal13:10
mazalRustig dankie13:10
Symmetriawow, ever had that feeling where you have had so much coffee you are almost high from the caffiene?13:11
mazalHehehe , yep13:11
Symmetria:P I found good kenyan coffee beans for sale 13:11
Symmetriaand then used my coffee machine to good effect :P13:11
Symmetrianow Im trippin13:11
superflySymmetria: I drink too much coffee to be affected. Where did you buy the beans?13:14
KilosSymmetria, coffee shops or supermarkets?13:23
Kilosthats why youre dog is hyperactive she steals half your coffee13:23
Squirmgood afternoon13:33
Kiloshi Squirm felling better?13:34
Squirmkind of13:34
Squirmjust been told I'm going out again :P13:40
Squirmbut I'm not keen tonight13:40
Symmetriasuperfly one of the tobaconists13:57
Symmetriathat sells coffee beans here13:57
Symmetriasuperfly I thought I drank 2 much coffee as well but lol, this was some strong stuff13:57
Squirma tobacconist, selling coffee, now you're trippin. anyone else see a connection?14:05
Symmetriasquirm lol, a lot of tobacconists sell coffee14:06
SquirmI still think I have a valid point :P14:06
Symmetrialol, nicotine, caffiene, a tobacconist just needs to sell alchol as well and they will be selling all 3 of the legal addictive mainstream drugs :p14:07
Symmetriaalcohol I mean :p14:07
SquirmI drink too much coffee14:09
Squirmthough I don't think it's addictive14:09
Squirmneither is alcohol14:09
Symmetriaheh coffee is addictive, more physically than psychologically though14:09
Squirmneither is hubbly, people make such a fuss about it14:09
Symmetriadrink a shitload of coffee every day for months, stop, and you'll find yourself getting blinding headaches for a few days 14:10
Symmetriayou can get pretty severe caffiene withdrawl14:10
SquirmI'd say it's psychologically addictive :P Day doesn't start till coffee has been had14:10
SquirmI know it's possible to get addicted to caffeine14:10
Symmetriaheh alcohol also gives physical withdrawl but by the time you have had enough that you're getting physical withdrawl from booze, your liver is probably already screwed anyway14:11
SquirmI drink a lot of coffee and I'm not addicted14:11
Symmetria(think dillerium tremors)14:11
Symmetriasquirm define a lot14:11
Symmetriahow many cups a day would you say you average14:11
Squirm3 or 414:11
Symmetriathats not a lot :)14:11
Squirmhey, it's a lot compared to most people :P14:11
Symmetriaby the DSM IV if you're averaging more than 6 a day you're addicted :p14:12
Symmetriasquirm in this industry? 3 or 4 a day is nothing :)14:12
Squirm[16:11:13] .:Squirm:. I drink a lot of coffee and I'm not addicted14:12
SquirmI suppose14:12
Symmetriasquirm lol, there is an actual definition of addiction to caffiene 14:12
Symmetriamedically defined14:12
Squirmit's just too much of a mission to make coffee14:12
Symmetriaand while its not measured in cups per day, it can be approximated at 6 cups a day14:12
Symmetria(at which point, if you're averaging 6 cups a day, and you quit for 3 days, you're gonna get withdrawls)14:13
Symmetriainfact, even at 4 cups a day, when last did you go for 3 days without any coffee?14:13
Squirmgood question14:13
Symmetria:P try it, if you start getting really nasty headaches, then you're addicted :P14:13
Symmetriabecause you're hitting withdrawl14:14
Squirmit's not worth not drinking coffee ;)14:14
Symmetriahahaha so what you're saying is, you dont know if you're addicted14:14
Symmetriacause you're 2 psychologically addicted to test it :p14:14
* Symmetria laughs14:14
* Squirm mumbles to himself14:14
Symmetriaheh I cut back my coffee intake, down to an average of probably 5 cups a day14:15
SquirmI can go a day without coffee14:15
Symmetriafrom 15 :p14:15
Squirmthat is a fair amount of coffee14:15
Symmetriasquirm, I can probably go a day without a cigarette14:15
Symmetriadoesnt make me any less addicted :P14:15
Squirmwhen I went on my RedHat course, they have a coffee machine14:15
SquirmI milked it14:15
Symmetriajust means that by the following day Im ready to kill someone for one14:15
Squirmfor 2 weeks I may have averaged 7 cups14:16
Squirmactually, never made me feel great by the end14:16
Symmetrialol, squirm I shamefully admit I am addicted enough to coffee that I went out and bought a proper coffee machine that does everything including grinding the beans and steaming the milk :P14:16
SquirmSymmetria: that's not shameful14:16
Squirmjust means I'm coming to visit14:16
Squirmone of the staff members here buys his beans from PE. supposedly the best place in SA14:17
Squirmand that14:17
Squirmis good coffee14:17
Squirmthough he has a seperate grinder14:17
Symmetriasquirm lol, I dunno, kinda hard to justify the amount of money I spent on that machine14:17
Squirmand no steaming of the milk14:17
SquirmSymmetria: you have to put it to good use14:18
SquirmI'll see you in an hour14:18
Symmetriasquirm haha14:18
Squirmwait, might be a little longer14:18
Squirmyou in cpt?14:18
Symmetriano :P Im in EL14:18
Squirmgive or take 7 hours then14:19
Symmetriahaha if you're prepared to come 7 hours for coffee14:19
SymmetriaI dont give a shit if you only drink 3 sips a day14:19
Symmetriayou're an addict14:19
Squirmoh shutup14:19
Symmetrialol at one point my caffiene addiction was so bad I was drinking redbull for breakfast14:20
Squirmmy old boss14:20
Squirmhe only used to drink red bull14:20
Symmetriathough Im still known to do that on occasion when Im working 2 hard14:20
Squirmred bull to start the day14:20
Squirma few during the day14:20
Squirmred bull and vodka at night14:20
Symmetriahaha squirm I got very strange looks in tanzania last month when I went down to breakfast at the conference hotel and bought 3 redbulls for breakfast14:21
Symmetriaand drank them all to start the day14:21
Squirmdepends on the night before14:21
Symmetria:P but in fairness I'd been preparing presentations till 3am before going to bed for 4 hours sleep before having to wake up and present the whole day14:21
Squirmordering red bull at breakfast just shows the shenanigans of the night before14:22
Squirmslow internet :/14:22
* superfly doesn't shenanig, makes life easier15:17
Kiloswhats shenanig superfly 15:51
Kiloshi timkeller 15:51
timkellerHey Kilos15:51
Kilosi just seen 3d for the first time onna pc15:52
superflyKilos: the verb form of shenanigan :-P15:55
Kilosthats being naughty kinda hey?15:55
Kilosim installing Splinter Cell on other pc on 716:00
Kiloslong time no gaimes here16:00
Kilosgames either16:00
Kiloseek cannot locate the dvdrom16:11
magtieHi Kilos & Everyone16:39
Kilosnaand magtie 16:39
Kiloslol you too fast16:40
magtieyes,  dont want to be rude!16:40
Kilosha ha ha16:42
Kilosdo you tweet as well magtie ?16:42
Kilosleave it for the twits16:43
magtienot very social - dont like facebook16:43
Kilosnor me 16:43
Kilospidgin and xchat16:44
magtieIs there a xchat for android?16:44
magtiejust got my new cell16:45
Kiloswell have to hear from the android guys16:45
Kilosi used jedirc on my old nokia but hard work onna fone16:46
magtietrue.  I will see about that sometime16:46
Kiloshi nlsthzn 16:56
Kilosi go eat now16:58
nlsthznwho what where when how17:03
smilehi :p18:04
Kiloshi smile 18:05
smilehoi :)18:06
smilealles goed Kilos ? :p18:06
Kilosja dankie boetie en jy?18:06
mazalNaand oom Kilos , smile 18:06
Kilosnaand mazal 18:07
smileKilos: ek ook! :D18:07
Kilosmooi man18:07
mazalStil ne18:07
Kilosalmal of siek of moeg18:08
mazalOf op vakansie :)18:10
Kiloso ja18:10
smilemoeg ;)18:10
mazalSmile you doen with exams yet ?18:11
mazaldone even18:11
smilemazal: nee :p18:12
smileeksamens eindig 18 Desember18:13
smilemazal: morgen het ek Engels :p18:14
mazal18 Desember eers , eina18:15
mazalMaar dis darem nie meer ver nie18:15
Kiloshmmm hit a hang18:23
Kilosdont pull out second sata cable while power on18:23
smilemazal: indeed! :D18:35
smilehttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/12/what-a-year-in-linux-video-celebrates-successes :)18:35
mazalOom Kilos dit you unount it first ?18:53
mazalunmount even18:53
Kilosnope i just pulled the cable out18:53
Kilosneeded it for other cp18:53
mazalIf you unmounted it might have been fine18:54
mazalIf you unmounted the drive before unplugging the cable18:54
Kilosdidnt know it was mounted even18:54
Kilosits ians 500g with kubuntu on18:54
Kilosi wont try it again anyway18:55
Kiloswas just too lazy to shutdown here first18:55
mazalI know the feeling18:56
Kilosnight guys. sleep tight19:05
Kilossee youall tomorrow19:05
smilegood night19:07
smilegood night everyone :D19:34

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