
ikoniascarrs: is there a startup option that allows you to set the pak location ? or a parameter in the config file00:00
scarrsikonia: I am not sure how to set the argument.... I have sucessfully run the game before with files in these locations I don't know what I'm doing wrong00:01
ikoniascarrs: check the documentation or --help on the command startup to see if there is flag00:01
ikoniaalso read the config file00:02
scarrswill try00:02
scarrs biab00:02
scarrsty ikonia00:02
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cdavisiceroot: I was able to boot to a normal shell, albeit an older kernel. I have pasted my dpkg problem at http://paste.ubuntu.com/1428738/00:10
diverdudeHow do i find uuid for a disk to put inside fstab?00:11
danmicheli installed Windows, OS X and Ubuntu. Chameleon is recognizing the Windows and OS X partitions and booting just fine to both, but it doesn't even see the Linux partitions. I have a 'reserved space for obis boot, '/' '/home' and 'swap'. Ubuntu is installed but i can't boot to it. I even did gptsync /dev/sda' from the install disk and all it sas is that the table is already synchronized and there is no need to do it again. thank in advance fo00:12
bpietrodiverdude: blkid00:13
ikoniadanmichel: what model mac is this on ?00:13
bpietroon terminal, lists all partitions with theirs UUID00:14
danmichelikonia: hackintosh00:14
ikoniadanmichel: then this converation is over00:14
danmichelumk, np bro00:14
danmichelhaha, sorry to hear that00:14
eazel7hi there gazillion users. I cannot find an answer in google: what package do I have to install to have the "Droid Sans Regular" font?00:17
ikoniaeazel7: do you know if it's actually in a package00:18
sarsaeolttf-droid perhaps00:18
sarsaeoleazel7: ^00:19
ikoniasarsaeol: is that a real package ?00:19
sarsaeolit was back in the day00:19
sarsaeoldunno for 12.XX00:19
themill(it is in debian)00:19
aaaswhen does rc.local run?  after all init but before login?00:20
doomgiverhow do i call a bash script from a GTK+ 3 button press? im using C, on ubuntu 12.1000:21
eazel7I'll try, thanks ikonia and sarsaeol00:21
cdavisAnyone help me with "update-initramfs -u -v" stalling at "Copying module directory kernel/drivers/gpu"00:21
ikoniacdavis: someone was having this problem last week, it turned out to be a vbox module00:22
eazel7yay! thanks00:22
sarsaeolaaas: you are correct, it it the last of what is ruyn from /etc/rc.d/init.d00:22
cdavisikonia: I think it is nvidia problems00:22
aaassarsaeol thanks00:22
eazel7it should have been obvious... sleep deprivation isn't good...00:22
ikoniacdavis: gpu would suggest so, I'm just feeding back the issue on the previous similar issue00:23
cdavisikonia: Thanks00:23
cdavisI can't do antying with apt or dpkg because of the update-initramfs problem :(00:24
cdavisso I am unable to remove and readd nvida drivers00:24
diverdudeHow do i use wget to fetch the ubuntu 12.10 server iso file?00:28
trismdoomgiver: you can use http://developer.gnome.org/glib/2.30/glib-Spawning-Processes.html but not really on topic here00:28
ikoniadiverdude: wget path-to-iso00:28
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diverdudeikonia, yeah but there is no path-to-iso00:29
ikoniadiverdude: then you can't do it00:29
diverdudeikonia, it just has this path http://www.ubuntu.com/download/server/thank-you?distro=server&bits=64&release=latest00:29
ikoniaalthough there is a path to iso if you look at it properl00:29
ikoniano, that's a URL00:30
ikoniaif you check properly you'll see it references a link00:30
diverdudehmmm its not in the html source00:30
diverdudeah got it00:31
themill(not to mention all the validation errors on that page)00:32
doomgivertrism: thanks.00:33
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RiXtErIts quiet... a little too quiet...00:51
SonikkuAmericaNo one ever has issues with Ubuntu at 8 PM EST... XD00:52
fantasmaor, in my case no one has issues at 2 am UTC+1 ^00:54
ScottJensenno problems, no worries00:54
SonikkuAmericaXD (UTC-5) Good point00:54
fantasmaEast coast of the USA, or South America?^^00:55
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SonikkuAmericaEast Coast (Hence the "America")00:56
RiXtErIts alright, #samba has just got quiet too, after about 2 solid days of offering support there I am getting a bit tired ;)00:56
ouyesafter a fresh installation of ubuntu 12.04 amd64 desktop, all of the Fn keys don't work, what is wrong?00:57
adam_8606Hi, Can anyone help me play DivX encoded videos in ubuntu 12.10 please, Thanks00:57
adam_8606Hi, Can anyone help me play DivX encoded videos in ubuntu 12.10 please, Thanks00:58
SonikkuAmericaadam_8606: VLC can do that00:58
fantasmaouyes: have you tried to unplug and replug the keyboard?00:59
adam_8606SonikkuAmerica it freezes and crashes every time I open the video00:59
SonikkuAmericaHello lsdjflsdjf00:59
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number1235Hi there does anyone know how to get graphics working in 12.10 with an ATI Radeon 4966 card on Ubuntu powerpc? I see there's a legacy AMD driver online but it's only for x86.00:59
ouyesfantasma, oh man, it is a notebook, asus n56vz00:59
SonikkuAmericaadam_8606: Hmm... unless anyone else has an immediate answer I'll Google it00:59
fantasmaouyes: oh sorry ^^ I read "Desktop" and assumed its a "Desktop PC" ^^01:00
ouyesfantasma, it's OK my mistake01:00
SonikkuAmericaadam_8606: It only does this for DivX videos?01:00
adam_8606SonikkuAmerica ya, other videos are fine01:01
ouyesafter a fresh installation of ubuntu 12.04 amd64 desktop on my laptop ASUS N56VZ, all of the Fn keys don't work, what is wrong?01:01
SonikkuAmericaouyes: I've heard that's a problem with some Asus models01:01
SonikkuAmericaTry reinstalling vlc-plugins-pulse: [ sudo apt-get -y install --reinstall vlc-plugins-pulse ]01:02
ouyesSonikkuAmerica, is there a solution now? as you heard01:02
SonikkuAmericaThe --reinstall option is VITAL, don't leave it out01:02
fantasmaouyes: have you tried to update your bios?01:03
ouyesfantasma, this is almost the latest bios01:03
fantasma"According to Asus, this maybe an issue with the BIOS"01:03
SonikkuAmericaouyes: Can you do a [ uname -a ] in the terminal and tell me what your Linux kernel version is?01:04
fantasmathat would have been my second guess ^^01:04
SonikkuAmericafantasma: Sometimes, but it says a kernel upgrade might be a solution01:05
ouyesSonikkuAmerica, Linux NAMLESS 3.2.0-29-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 27 17:03:23 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux01:05
SonikkuAmericaouyes: There's your problem. Your kernel is less than 3.2.0-30-generic.01:06
SonikkuAmericaJust run Update Manager to get the latest kernel install.01:06
SonikkuAmerica(You may have to hit the "Check" button)01:06
SonikkuAmericaMy reference is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AsusZenbookPrime01:07
codeMonkeyHello all.  I have completed the proper steps to install my Marvell TopDog wireless card in Ubuntu 12.10 using ndiswrapper.  I have attempted it roughly 7 times and have reinstalled ubuntu to be sure.  Help would be appreciated by anybody free :)01:07
fantasmaI found something here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/156708/how-to-get-multimedia-keys-working-at-my-asus-n56vz-ubuntu-12-04-notebook01:07
SonikkuAmericacodeMonkey: Help on what?01:08
codeMonkeyTo clarify:  I do not see any wireless networks listed, but connection manager lets me modify the wireless tab.  However, even with manual input, it does not connect01:09
jaz-handsYo, wouldn't suppose someone has an invite only usenet to share with a humble stranger?01:09
codeMonkeysonikkuAmerica: I am ready to pastebin anything needed :)01:09
widviuapt-get is trying to remove gnome and all things vital from my system when installing xampp. what the hell is going on?01:11
jrib!ot | jaz-hands01:11
ubottujaz-hands: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:11
SonikkuAmericacodeMonkey: I know this page concerns a deprecated version of Ubuntu but are you having a problem similar to this one? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130395701:11
jaz-handsAh, my mistake.01:12
SonikkuAmericacodeMonkey: And if that's the case, what kind of encryption (WEP, WPA, etc.) are you using?01:12
codeMonkeySonikkuAmerica: It is indeed a page I have read through in an attempt to solve my issue as his original problem (needing to install Marvell TopDog) is the same.  However, I do not share the error messages he does01:13
codeMonkeySonikkuAmerica:  In fact, I have no errors.....just no networks listed01:13
subz3r0codeMonkey: try: "sudo ifconfig interface down && sudo ifconfig interface up" (where interface is your wlan device. eg wlan0) then try "iwlist interface scanning01:15
subz3r0sometimes the networkmanager just makes problems01:15
subz3r0if you dont see any networks then, you can go further01:16
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codeMonkeysubz3r0: iwconfig does not list any wireless devices :/01:16
ouyesSonikkuAmerica, I run sudo apt-get update and upgrade but the kernel is still
ouyesSonikkuAmerica, what did I miss01:17
subz3r0codeMonkey: ahh, ok. so no wonder that the networkmanager just shows nothing :)01:17
subz3r0try to fix the driver issue. check with dmesg if the interface is shown01:17
subz3r0and or lsusb/lspci. depends on what card it is (pci or usb)01:18
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SonikkuAmericaouyes: Couldn't tell ya, I exist for general diagnostic purposes.01:18
codeMonkeysubz3r0:  Yea..I just cant figure out why it doesnt list it....   http://pastebin.com/e6Epym4g01:18
subz3r0looks like a driver issue01:19
adam_8606SonikkuAmerica: VLC stil not working - keeps crashing. does it matter that I only have 1 GiB of RAM01:20
subz3r0adam_8606: no. vlc doesnt need that much rum01:20
codeMonkeysubz3r0: Well any advice on getting the Marvell TopDog installed on Ubuntu 12.10 then? :)01:20
DreasHello everyone!01:20
subz3r0codeMonkey: you got the newest driver for your version? 32 o. 64 bit?01:21
subz3r0hi Dreas01:21
AndChat|345984subz3r0 I need that much rum!01:21
widviuany idea why apt-get install xampp would attempt to remove gnome, python, update-manager?01:21
codeMonkeysubz3r0: Running 32 bit Ubuntu and I have to use XP 32 Bit drivers with ndiswrapper01:21
adam_8606subz3ro - But i'm trying to play a divX video in vlc and it keeps freezing and crashing01:21
DreasJust a quick question. How fast can I learn to use linux ubuntu in a way I now use Windows 7 (quick keys, using the terminal without too much of a hassle) Because I am incredibly SICK of windows.01:21
subz3r0AndChat|345984: dont drink to much rum... u feel dizzy with too much of rum...01:22
subz3r0Dreas, depends on your will to learn the things01:22
adam_8606Dreas - I picked it up really quickly01:22
DreasI mean dear lord! I just started learning OO languages and I just wanna be able to work without 50 notices bugging me.01:22
subz3r0adam_8606: doesnt fix your problem, but why not mplayer? (smplayer)01:23
fantasmadreas: learning how to use ubuntu involves a lot of reading01:23
codeMonkeysubz3r0:  It seems that compat-wireless actually makes a driver for it :) win.  Thanks for your time01:23
DreasI hear it's quite complicated to understand the terminal and installing software.01:23
subz3r0adam_8606: start vlc within the shell/terminal to open the file and check what the log says01:23
Dreasfantasma I spent a few nights reading API's01:23
subz3r0codeMonkey: :)01:23
adam_8606thanks subz3r0 i'll try that01:24
fantasmaDreas: Well, somehting that I do very often is to read manpages of the Shell commands (example: man whois)01:25
subz3r0Dreas, like i said... it depends on you.01:25
DreasIs it like the /? command in most codepads?01:25
subz3r0the ubuntu wikis are very nice to learn01:25
AndChat|345984Speaking of all the reading about ubuntu I don't do. Is there any talk of moving away from the newish ubuntu UI?01:26
subz3r0no its not01:26
subz3r0--help or /? etc... will give you mostly just a short overview, while the man pages will give you almost all information01:26
dr_willisredhat used to sell a big thick book of the printed manpages.  keep it in the bathroom for reading... and eat lots of fiber.....01:27
DreasI'm really just starting to learn to program but I really want to get better at it. And my cousin swears by Linux. Is it really as good as he makes it out to be or is it user depending?01:27
dr_willisi dont find unity newbish..01:28
Dreassubz3r0 so it is like API's.01:28
subz3r0Deas: e.g open a terminal and type "man cp" or "man mv" for the manual, you can quit it by scrolling completely down or just hit q01:28
XiaolinDraconisso i step over to my desktop for the first time in days, and notice a text file is open. usually my girls leaves me notes like that, but this definitely is not her.01:28
XiaolinDraconisit says01:28
XiaolinDraconiscmd /c echo hi &exit01:28
XiaolinDraconisecho You got owned01:28
kvothetechDreas: it's as good as you make it...linux lets you make your system how you want it so if it's bad youcan probably blame yourself01:28
subz3r0XiaolinDraconis: sounds like someone is havin fun with u :)01:29
DreasWhat about drivers?01:29
XiaolinDraconisindeed it does01:29
subz3r0 Dreas, most things "should" work out of the box01:29
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subz3r0you will find here and there some incompatibilities01:29
subz3r0but hopefully not at all :)01:29
DreasWhenever someone uses quotation marks I start to wonder.01:30
dr_willisive had more issues with drivers in windows than linux. ;-)01:30
XiaolinDraconisi think i should probably not have my screen sharing application listening to ports at all times01:30
subz3r0dr_willis, agreed ;)01:30
fantasmaYeah me too. I was shocked how easy it was to install nvidia drivers on my machine01:30
subz3r0fantasma, compiled by hand? Or just clicked on "install" ;)01:31
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fantasmanope i installed the nvidia-current xD01:31
subz3r0installing cuda etc... can be a bit tricky by hand01:31
fantasmawell I have no problems with CUDA (since I make renders with blender) ^^01:32
fantasmausing GPU for rendering01:32
subz3r0dont know much about blender. but how does the gpu encoding works without cuda with a nvidia card?01:32
subz3r0encoding ~ rendering01:33
KanadaDr_willis do you select your hardware fot linux combatability?01:33
fantasmait works like I was running it with Windows.01:33
DreasUbuntu installer?01:34
subz3r0Kanada, cant be a bad idea so check if there are issues BEFORE you buy something :)01:34
DreasYou can install ubuntu from windows?01:34
DreasYer kidding me right?01:34
subz3r0to check...01:34
DreasYou guys are joking?01:34
fantasmaJust insert the disc while running windows ^01:34
subz3r0Dreas, you can use WUBI, but I strongly recommend NOT to use it :)01:34
Jeruvy!wubi | Dreas01:34
ubottuDreas: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe01:34
fantasmait starts an installer01:34
subz3r0never ever use wubi01:34
fantasmaah wubi01:34
DreasWhy not?01:35
subz3r0dont know whats about now, but heard canonical is going to get rid of wubi in the future01:35
subz3r0Dreas, just because... ;)01:35
fantasmaIf you really want to run Ubuntu just like an "application" under windows, I prefer to use Viritual Box ^^01:36
DreasI'll do it the traditional way01:36
DreasWhy is it recommending me a 32 bit version of linux? I have 64 bit windows... (sorry for all the questions I'm just still really in doubt about this)01:37
fantasmaJust ask :)01:37
KanadaSubz3r0 I did with my last build. I was just asking because there are a lot of devices that don't work for linux. I was suprised to hear some one say that they had a better experince with linux compatability the linux.01:37
jribDreas: that's just because 32bit will work on more systems.  If you have a 64bit system, you should probably choose 64bit01:37
ouyesLinux NAMLESS 3.4.0-030400-generic #201205210521 SMP Mon May 21 09:22:02 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux this is my latest kernel but the Fn keys still don't work01:37
subz3r0Dreas, use the 64bit version01:38
subz3r0Kanada, I just can talk for myself, I never had any issues with hardware in the last x years. Just ages ago with this -censored- ATI cards :)01:38
subz3r0but since then i would never buy an ati card again =)01:39
DreasThanks! My goodness you guys are helpfull. Really appreciate it! Another question. I have 2 graphics cards. One which runs most of the time and is onboard. The other is a monster graphics card and runs when I play video games. Will this work in Ubuntu as well?01:39
Dreas(this way my batterie doesn't die instantly when I run on battery juices)01:39
subz3r0Dreas, no idea.01:39
fantasmaI've got two graphic cards too (but not onboard)01:40
fantasmait works with me01:40
fantasmabut since one of them is onboard I really can't tell if it will work..01:40
ouyeshello guys, my Fn keys don't work on my laptop, laptop module is asus n56vz and kernel is Linux NAMLESS 3.4.0-030400-generic #201205210521 SMP Mon May 21 09:22:02 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux do you have any ideas to fix it?01:40
fantasmaDreas: Can you give me some information about these graphics cards?01:41
KanadaSubz3r0 sound cards and complicated input devices are what comes to mind when I think about driver issues.01:41
DreasYeah but when I run on windows I can last around 5 hours without a power outlet. Since I'm on the train a lot (I Sometimes work in the south of my country whilst I live in the north) I depend on it...01:41
Dreasfantasma sure thing!01:41
Dreasthe onboard crappy one is an Intel HD graphics 4000.01:42
DreasThe big one is an Nvidia Geforce GT 630M01:42
fantasmaDreas: Okay. Since they are from different manufacturers, I can't tell if it really works :( You'll have to try it01:45
Dreasfantasma Thanks I probably will!01:45
XiaolinDraconisim gonna hope and pray that that text file was the result of me not having a password on my desktop sharing app01:45
DreasI just wish laptop company's would support Linux01:46
fantasmaDreas: Are you planning to play games?01:46
fantasmaDreas: Oh they do. You can find a list of supported laptops on ubuntu.com01:46
DreasNot really I just want to program without being bothered by 50 messages like: "are you sure?" and "are you really sure?" and "it might damage your computer!" and "you need to be sure!" and "want to make sure?" and "here's some info to be sure!"01:47
fantasmaYeah.. that is very annoying.. It all started with VISTA ^^01:47
XiaolinDraconisME Redux01:47
DreasWell I have tried the apple OSX one. But man... That's even more annoying!01:48
DreasIt's like a unicorn crapped on a tea-party with mary poppins. Everything polished like some kind of... well... you know what I mean...01:48
marcoDreas, I joined in the middle of this convo but it seems like you want to run ubuntu on your laptop but are having problems with hardware support.  It's not optimal, but if you can't get sufficient hardware support in ubuntu for your laptop, you should consider running ubuntu full screen in a vm01:48
fantasmaWell, I like the OS X because of the design (got an iMac too).01:48
marcoDreas, if you aren't doing any graphics intensive tasks you'll get 90%+ of native performance01:49
XiaolinDraconisDreas, read as much as you can about firewalls on linux, then run ur system as root. it'll never ask you silly questions like that again01:49
Dreasmarco I'll be using my windows installation for games and stuff like that. I want to use Linux to learn about Java programming and OO-PHP.01:50
mL500Has anyone had experience using a Microsoft Ergonomic Keyboard on Ubuntu? If so, are there any drivers that will make the extra buttons work (such as the volume and calculator buttons)? I googled it, but I didn't find anything.01:50
whoeverhi all is there a more reliable flase plugin that adobe? everytime , i have tried to install it , i am getting error package installation or removal faild01:50
alexhairymanchrome has its own that works pretty well01:51
alexhairymanpepper flash or something01:51
Dreasfantasma Well it's great if you like it! ^_^ it's just not my cup of tea.01:51
DreasXiaolinDraconis I heird it can be dangerous to do that... Is it?01:52
fantasmaDreas: of course I prefer ubuntu for working (My iMAc is just a very expensive Media Library ^^)01:52
marcoDreas, yes, you shouldn't run as root01:52
XiaolinDraconisits the same as running as administrator for windows01:52
XiaolinDraconisits dangerous, to a degree01:52
marcoit is not the same as running as administrator on windows. administrator on windows is still prompted for permission by UAC01:52
alexhairymanyeah, but when root, no questions asked, everything is run01:53
XiaolinDraconisim sure if i had been running as root then that text file with a note in it would or could have been a much bigger problem01:53
Dreasfantasma heh Yeah I geuss it's flashy and awesome for that!01:53
marcosudo is a good solution because you choose what's being run with superuser privileges01:53
fantasmaWell, I never have annoying "are you sure" messages (only when installing new packages or trying to change files that are not supposed to be changed easily)01:54
fantasmaDreas: By the way: What Laptop do you have?01:54
XiaolinDraconisbut then there's that annoying confirmation message he is trying to avoid01:54
MeganLWoulffeGood evening01:54
alexhairymanapt-get gets around those nicely01:54
alexhairymanfast too :)01:54
Dreasfantasma: The second love of my life besides my woman, Lenovo Ideapad Z580.01:55
MeganLWoulffeSo, hey guys, been working on this one half the night. I installed updates (didn't pay attention to which ones, but can look that up), and after I rebooted, my wireless can see my network, but it won't connect to it at all. I have reinstalled the drivers for my wifi, no change01:55
marcoMeganLWoulffe, have you connected successfully to that network before the update?01:56
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator01:57
MeganLWoulffeAlso, since it's probably relevant, it's 12.0401:57
marcoMeganLWoulffe, open the list of networks01:57
marcoand delete the network you're trying to connect to01:58
userZis it common to find pre unity ubuntu runs smoother on older hardware?01:58
MeganLWoulffeI have tried that, went to reconnect, it accepts the key, but then keeps trying to connect.01:58
XiaolinDraconisubuntu 8.04 runs pretty smooth on older hardware01:59
Radianthey guys01:59
dr_willistheres a few new distros out with a focus on old hardwars. saw them on distrowatch web site01:59
Radianti just installed ubuntu and i f'd up01:59
MeganLWoulffeRadiant, we've all been there.02:00
Radianti have a laptop with an nvidia graphics card (gt 525m)02:00
Radiantand i installed proprietary nvidia drivers....02:00
userZi found 10 runs smoother than 12 on an athlon x202:00
Radiantan then whoosh... my resolution shrunk to 640x480 and unity wouldn't start02:00
Radiantwell i unistalled nvidia drivers and installed bumblebee drivers02:01
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Radiantnow everything works normally, except that my resolution is still 640x480 :(02:01
Radiantanyone knows how can i fix that?02:01
fantasmaDreas: Well, I hope we were able to help you with your decision regarding ubuntu :)02:02
fantasmaSince it's 3 am here, I'll go get some sleep ;) See you guys02:02
Dreasfantasma you most certianetly have. I'm downloading it right now.02:02
Dreaslol same here!02:03
Radiantlol 3AM here, too02:03
Radiantwhere are you from guys?02:03
Radiantah cool02:03
Radianti'm from Serbia02:03
Dreasanyway I'm gonna lie on 1 ear as well. Might be a good idea since I have to get up in 4 hours. XD02:04
MeganLWoulffethis drives me crazy sometimes02:04
fantasmaI got 5 hours :P02:05
Radiantwell, good night peeps02:05
fantasmaso, good night / evening / day everyone ^^02:05
Dreasgoo night!02:05
MeganLWoulffewell, since there's no one else popping up with ideas, time to look at new distros!02:07
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MeganLWoulffenight everyone02:07
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innmalint_I have a storage partition on my desktop and want to have an exact copy of it on an external usb. do i just use rsync?02:12
CrypticSquaredinnmalint_: i don't see why not.02:13
[snake]I want to take a screenshot and save it over ssh. Is there a command that will screenshot the running x session?02:13
ikonia[snake]: the default screen shot application will do this02:13
innmalint_CrypticSquared: I'm mainly asking in case there is a better option.02:13
innmalint_[snake] check out scrot02:13
[snake]ikonia im using ssh terminal on phone02:14
ikonia[snake]: then how do you expect to take a screen shot of the desktop if you are not on it ?02:14
[snake]Idk -display 0.002:14
ikoniascrot is launchable from the commandline but it connects to the current X session, which if you're not on it, maybe a problem02:14
dr_willisand the x security stuff may not allow it02:15
ouyeshi a very stupid question, can I install the latest kernel to my laptop, right now I have kernel 3.0402:15
dr_willisouyes:  what ubuntu release?02:15
[snake]Can import screenshot.png -display [idk what to put here] work?02:16
ikoniaouyes: why do you want the latest kernel02:17
Natany body know a lucas dohring02:17
ikoniaa what ?02:18
dr_willis[snake]:  if x forwarding is turned off, and you have xhost allowing it. then '0.0' might work02:18
Nata person buy the name of lucas dohring02:18
ikoniano, and it's not relevant to this channel02:18
ouyesdr_willis, Linux NAMLESS 3.4.0-030400-generic #201205210521 SMP Mon May 21 09:22:02 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux I need the latest kernel because my Fn keys don't work on 3.4.002:18
ikoniathat doesn't look like an ubuntu kernel02:19
ikoniaouyes: do you know your key problem is fixed in a later release ?02:19
[snake]dr_willis it didnt werk. I guess i will have to wait until I arrive home...02:19
ouyesikonia, somebody told me it is solved02:19
ikoniaouyes: have you checked ?02:19
sasorihey all.  anyone know another chrome based browser for linux, not chromium???02:20
userZsasori, why not chromium?02:20
[snake]Sasori i think google has just chrome for linix02:20
sasoriuserZ: because i am using it, but have to gmail based accounts to sign into02:20
sasoritwo, not to02:21
dr_willisthe gmail.com web site lets you log into several accounts at once02:21
arsago to google and type chrome, download and install linux version02:21
dr_willischromium and google-chrome02:21
[snake]Thst too^02:21
sasoriwith the same brwoser?  last time i tried that it kept loggin in and out02:21
adam_8606does anyone want to help me with a DivX codec problem ive been having for a few minutes????? If so private chat me, thanks02:22
dr_willissasori:  its a feature of gmail i saw just yesterday02:22
sasorihmmmmmmmmmmm that may solve my issues02:22
[snake]Sasori you click on your name and add accounys02:22
sasoricause the thing is one account is work, and one is personal02:22
dr_willisadam_8606:  best to keep it in the channel02:22
ouyesikonia, that is why I want to install the latest kernel, by the way, is there any risk to install the latest kernel in ubuntu 12.04?02:23
[snake]Or switch accounts or something02:23
adam_8606I want to send someone a divx file to see if it works in their computer... it doesnt on mine02:23
ikoniaouyes: 1.) the kernel you are running doesn't look like an ubuntu kernel, where did that come  from ? 2.) changing the kernel is not something you should on a whim,02:23
ouyesikonia, nope it is definitely an ubuntu kernel02:24
sasorilol [snake] your right, it can do multiple.  perhaps one running in normal and one running in private....02:24
ouyesikonia, I use uname -a02:24
ikoniaouyes: show me the output of uname -a again please.02:24
sasorithing is i dont want my work to connect to my personal.  not sure how they would but its on their netwrok so im sure possible02:24
ouyesLinux NAMLESS 3.4.0-030400-generic #201205210521 SMP Mon May 21 09:22:02 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux02:24
adam_8606dr_willis : you want to give me a hand???02:24
ikoniasasori: it's ssl - they can't do anything02:24
[snake]Jusy buy a laptop for personal then sasoris02:25
dr_willisadam_8606:  im on a cellphone.. so no. ;)02:25
snapshotsdoes wine loads all windows based apps?02:25
snapshotsanyone? thanks02:25
ikoniasnapshots: no02:25
[snake]Bye all02:25
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snapshotsoh ok02:25
ikoniaouyes: looks an odd version number, the one thing I'd advise is really research if an update will fix your problem before doing it02:25
sasoriikonia: cool thanks.  and [snake] this is a laptop i bought for work, but need to use personal email for other stuff, which is work related.  consfusing, i know...02:26
snapshotsikonia: so how would i know which of the apps would run?02:26
dr_willisadam_8606:  does vlc give any error when trying to play it?02:26
ouyesikonia, what kind of update?02:26
adam_8606dr_willis : it just freezes and crashes02:26
dr_willis!appdb > snapshots02:26
ikoniasnapshots: read the winedb - however do not depend on wine as a solution as something that works fine today my totally break tomorrow02:26
ubottusnapshots, please see my private message02:26
ikoniaouyes: a kernel update02:27
ouyesikonia, why it is not a good way to install the latest kernel?02:27
peepsalothow can i extract the audio from an ogv video file02:27
peepsaloti need to convert it to raw PCM format02:27
ikoniaouyes: sorry, pardon ?02:27
erncicsnapshots: check the appdb at winehq.org02:27
peepsaloti tried avidemux but it won't load the file02:27
dr_willisadam_8606:  try reencoding it with ffmpeg or mplayer - see what they say about it02:27
ouyesikonia, a kernel update , I just know sudo apt-get update and upgrade, how to update a kernel?02:27
dr_willispeepsalot:  ffmpeg or mencoder should be able to do it.02:28
ikoniaouyes: it won't work, as for that method to work there has to be a package released by ubuntu02:28
ikoniaouyes: thats why I'm saying checking it works before considering doing it is a "must"02:28
dr_willisadam_8606:  try reencoding it with ffmpeg or mencoder. :) could try to play it in mplayer02:28
adam_8606dr_willis : ill try that now thanks02:29
ouyesikonia, is this the latest ubuntu kernel http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.7-rc8-raring/?02:29
ikoniaouyes: that is from an unreleased pre-alpha version02:29
ikoniaouyes: I strongly advise you not to use it02:29
ikoniaouyes: I strongly advise you not to even considering upgrading your kernel beyond what ubuntu offers without a very good reason02:29
NCS_Onehow can I disable the efect when we change desktops?02:31
ouyesikonia, but there is no good way to fix the problem02:31
ikoniaouyes: you don't even know if the kernel update will fix the problem02:31
ikoniaouyes: that's why I'm saying "check" before you considering updating02:31
ouyesikonia, somebody said it would fix the problem02:31
ikoniaouyes: "it won't fix the problem" ---- there, just because I've said it does that make it right/fact02:32
ikoniaouyes: no, it doesn't02:32
ikoniaouyes: CHECK02:32
ouyesikonia, HOW to CHECK? without a try02:32
NCS_OneI have key short cuts to change descktops and alot of times it freezes my ubuntu or it start getting alot of breaks. I'm on ubuntu 12.0402:32
ikoniaouyes: you research what's changed/fixed in the version that you think has fixed it and see how it's applied to your problem02:33
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peepsalotdr_willis, is there something with a gui?  sorting through all these command line flags is tedious02:33
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causativesomehow keyboard repeating has turned off, how do I turn it back on?02:38
causativei.e. I press a key and it just outputs the one character no matter how long I hold the key down02:38
peepsalotsome computer set that in bios i believe02:38
causativeit just happened as I was sitting here though02:39
causativeno reboot or anything02:39
studogWas wondering if anyone could give me a hand. trying to install Ubuntu 12.10 64bit onto a Dell 6850 running a PERC 5i with 5 x 2TB SATA drives. The install went fine everything seemed ok until I rebooted... now all I get is error: attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd0'. grub rescue>02:39
dr_williscausative:  ive seen some weird crashes cause that. quickest fix may be yo restartx  or reboot02:44
causativeI think cnee probably caused it02:45
causativerecording and replaying mouse and keyboard events02:45
ouyesikonia, if you see me here again, that will be after I get the latest kernel02:46
ikoniaouyes: it's up to you what you do02:46
ikoniaI'm not really interested02:46
ikoniaI've offered you warnings/advice02:46
studogAnyone have any ideas?02:47
ikoniastudog: are you running the card in a raid config ?02:47
snapshotsubottu: thanks for the info02:49
ubottusnapshots: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:49
dr_willissnapshots:  the various commands are bot triggers02:51
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots02:51
dr_willis so stuff with !whatever = bot command02:51
snapshotsdr_willis : thanks02:51
fugitivecoastHi, I was wondering if someone on here could help me change my default audio device and microphone.  I am trying to use Skype with my Plantronics headset.02:53
fugitivecoastHi, I was wondering if someone on here could help me change my default audio device and microphone.  I am trying to use Skype with my Plantronics headset.02:55
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shockingbehavurHello My computer has been having trouble to mount a media player...(it is generic). I have loaded the quirk at boot-up when I reach the desktop it does not mount through nautilus02:58
NewToLinuxhi all02:58
NewToLinuxis help avaible02:58
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:59
mrdebdr_willis ar eyou in offtopic02:59
dr_willismrdeb:  not normally ;)02:59
mrdebok well it is lonely and no one is talking anywhere03:00
NewToLinuxi have epson stylus sx 110 everything works fine once installed driver printer and scanner but i did try anything to get the ink level display and dosen't work can you tell me how to fix as i'm able do just click and run so i need people help  me out with terminal if needed03:00
NewToLinuxso basicaly i can't see my ink levels that's my problem :)03:00
NewToLinuxanyone can help?03:01
studog /sigh... I hear windows calling my name...03:02
dr_willisi dident even see the question studog .. do what you want03:04
* dr_willis irc client crashed03:04
NewToLinuxdr willis did you see mine?03:04
studogIs ok dr_willis03:04
studogWas wondering if anyone could give me a hand. trying to install Ubuntu 12.10 64bit onto a Dell 6850 running a PERC 5i with 5 x 2TB SATA drives. The install went fine everything seemed ok until I rebooted... now all I get is error: attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd0'. grub rescue>03:04
peepsalotis there any video/audio encoder app with a gui frontend that works with ogv?03:04
studogikonia had asked if I was running in a RAID and yes I have all 5 2TB drives in a RAID 503:05
dr_willisi doubt if many people know what a Perc 5I is  studog  ;)03:05
dr_willisi dont use raid. so no ideas. the forums and askubuntu.com site may have info on it03:05
studog /sigh they do not...03:06
dr_willistheres the raid wiki page also03:06
dr_willisall i know on raid.03:06
studogbeen all over google and the wikis03:06
dr_willisisent common  in ther psst to put /boot/ outside the raid?03:07
Krustyklimberhi I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out how to load drivers03:08
studogdr_willis thats not an option I would have to take a drive out of the RAID 5 or retro fit one into the sever.03:09
Krustyklimberhi I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out how to load drivers for my webcam (built into my laptop)03:11
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots03:11
dr_willisKrustyklimber:  does it work with the cheese program?03:12
Krustyklimbercan anyone tell me how I access the "terminal" maybe?03:12
dr_willistype in terminal at the dash search field.03:12
dr_willisor al-ctrl-t  i belive03:12
dr_willisor alt-ctrl-t  i belive03:13
KrustyklimberDr Willis, I am new to ubuntu... I don't know what cheese is03:13
shockingbehavurcan anyone tell me how to resolve an error -110 on ubuntu precise03:13
dr_willisKrustyklimber:  then how are you testing the webcam?03:13
dr_willis!info cheese03:13
ubottucheese (source: cheese): tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.5-0ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 55 kB, installed size 339 kB03:13
dr_willisKrustyklimber:  install cheese, see if the webcam works03:14
KrustyklimberI went to my messenger and tried using the cam... nothin :P03:14
Krustyklimberok guys I am mostly computer illierate LOL03:15
dr_willistry cheese then.  it might work there.. that would show you have the proper drivers03:15
KrustyklimberI put cheese in the dash ... not there03:16
shockingbehavurdr willis have you any idea how to resole an error -110 on ubuntu precise03:16
dr_willisthats a little vague shockingbehavur .. whats giving the error03:17
shockingbehavurit's the media player03:17
shockingbehavurit is not loading onto system03:17
Krustyklimberok installing cheese now :)03:17
shockingbehavuri've got quirk loaded03:18
dr_willisinfo quirk03:18
shockingbehavurit is a generic player03:18
dr_willis!info quirk03:18
ubottuPackage quirk does not exist in quantal03:19
dr_willisnever heard of it03:19
Krustyklimberoh I am also getting a warning about my battery "critically low" when my battery is about 5 seconds from fully charged... it shuts off my puter with like 2 hours left03:19
coop999how do i get my password back for Ubuntu IRC chat?03:19
dr_willisKrustyklimber:  your laptop may be so new it has issues that are not worked out yet03:19
Krustyklimberwoooot! cam works in cheese now03:19
Krustyklimbermy hard drive is new03:19
dr_williscoop999:  ask in #freenode03:19
Krustyklimberbrand new03:20
KrustyklimberI bought the cd with 12.04 and loaded it03:20
dr_willisKrustyklimber:  thats often the worse possible case for ubuntu03:20
dr_willisKrustyklimber:  id try 12.10 on it03:20
Krustyklimber12.10? wonder why they didn't send that?03:21
Krustyklimberwhen my hard drive died Sony and Microsoft told me to take a hike :(03:22
dr_willisno idea who you are talking about03:22
dr_willisthis is why you make restore dvd sets with a new windows pc. ;)03:22
dr_willisbrand new laptop and the hd died?03:22
blbeanybody has time and the right mood to answer one simple javascript related question..?03:23
Krustyklimberyeah I wish I had known how to do that... no laptop about a year old... my gf has issues with gravity :P03:23
Krustyklimberso I had to but new hd03:23
Krustyklimbergot  solid state one now ;)03:24
KrustyklimberI do have a copy of my old hd on my external hd03:24
dr_willismake a restore dvd set? normally the first boot of windows tells you to.. or the docs.. or sony will sell you a restore disk03:25
dr_willisif your old hd is dead how you going to copy it?03:25
KrustyklimberI bought my puter, and they installed windows at the store for me03:25
dr_willisseems... weird..03:25
KrustyklimberI copied it months ago03:25
shockingbehavur!info usbquirk03:25
ubottuPackage usbquirk does not exist in quantal03:25
ubuntu-studioSo ubiquity crashes on ubuntu studio 12.10... it wiped my windows and the only things i can do are in live environment, anyone willing to help me sort this out03:26
KrustyklimberI bought an external drive and copied everything I had to it03:26
dr_willisfor a 1+ yr old pc 12.04 or 12.10 should work. 12.10 may be a better plan03:26
Krustyklimberthanks for your patience Doc... I'm not a computer guy03:27
KrustyklimberSony sent me to Ubuntu support... said I am "out of warranty"03:28
Krustyklimbertook me an hour to find my way in here lol03:28
ubuntu-studioI call bollows on that03:28
dr_willistry 12.10 - is my advice. good luck03:29
Krustyklimber...said they only support window03:29
jav77hello. I need some help in resizing a display.03:29
ubuntu-studiojav77, are you using a tv as your monitor03:29
Krustyklimberget 12.10 from the Ubuntu home page?03:29
dwakari installed xserver-xorg-dev package but still have not been able to compile X11 programs, says "undefined reference to XOpenDisplay, XCreateSimpleWindow etc.03:29
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Quantal, and help keeping the servers' load low!03:30
jav77I am running 12.10, nvidia geforce gt 640 connected to a 56 inch tv03:30
jav77the tv is set to justscan03:30
ubuntu-studiojav77, on the tv try the autosynce feature03:30
Krustyklimberlol told ya I was mostly computer illiterate :P03:30
ubuntu-studioi had to do the same with my 2203:30
jav77the windows version of the driver has a resize, where the linux driver does not03:31
ubuntu-studioyou dont need that man03:31
ubuntu-studiojust go into the TV settings not the pc03:31
dr_willisi turn off overscan on my samsung tv03:31
ubuntu-studioand try to find an option there03:31
linuxuser1I recently installed ubuntu 12.10 and I was looking at the system settings and there are two icons for "Online Accounts" Are there supposed to be 2?03:31
ubuntu-studioI have a vizio tv i had to use the sync option03:31
Krustyklimberso should I burn a cd with 12.10?03:32
jav77i have no such feature on my samsung03:33
dr_willisKrustyklimber:  err.. if you want to install from cd.. yes.. and 12.10 needs a dvd03:34
jav77in windows, the viewing area is 1880x1048. On each OS, the TV reports its a 72", so things are cut off03:34
linuxuser1Krustyklimber: I would recommend you put it on a flashdrive03:34
Krustyklimberlol yeah dvd (am I a total dork or what :P)03:34
Krustyklimberlol oh sure, now I gotta go dig around for a flash drive :P03:36
ubuntu-studiodr_willis,  ubiquity crashes on ubuntu studio 12.10... it wiped my windows and the only things i can do are in live environment, anyone willing to help me sort this out03:37
ubuntu-studioany idea man\03:37
ubuntu-studioi am completely stuck without an os03:37
jav77i went and bought this card because I saw that the support for nvidia with linux was better than radeon, but yet the radeon software seams easier to use. how can I resize the output?03:37
dr_willisi have to wonder how it whiped out your windows03:38
ubuntu-studioI am not sure03:39
dr_willisjav77 i definatly seem to recall a scale/resize feature in the nvidia-settings tool.03:39
dr_willisbut then i found the  no-overscan setting on the tv03:39
ubuntu-studioI am not stupid when it comes to computers i have a few certs03:39
dr_willisa 46 in one about a year old03:39
ubuntu-studiobut I've no idea what to do now03:39
ubuntu-studioevery install fails03:40
dr_willisfails where?03:40
ubuntu-studioit goes to copying files03:40
ubuntu-studioand then just closes03:40
ubuntu-studioliek it did it a few minutes ago03:40
dr_willismonitor dmesg output as it fails? or run ubiquity from a terminal and look for errors03:41
shockingbehavur!info mp403:41
dr_williswould be somwthing to do to get some clues03:41
ubottuPackage mp4 does not exist in quantal03:41
ubuntu-studioi ran it in terminal03:41
ubuntu-studioillegal operation is the single output03:41
dr_willisand any dmesg errors?03:42
ubuntu-studioroot@ubuntu-studio:/home/ubuntu-studio# ubiquity03:42
ubuntu-studioIllegal instruction03:42
ubuntu-studiothat is all03:42
FloodBot1ubuntu-studio: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:42
Krustyklimberok one last thing... I use foxfi with my phone, but I'd rather use something like PDAnet tethered03:42
k1ll3nt1m3hey hows it going03:44
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jav77i am looking at the tool now and there isnt a resize in 304.64. is there an add on or something?03:45
k1ll3nt1m3Anyone know a good non gui C++ IDE with debugging and code compiler for ubuntu 12.04 ?03:45
dr_willisjav77:  im not at home so i cant look at mine03:46
dr_willisk1ll3nt1m3:  non gui would be 'emacs' ;)03:46
jav77everything I look at says to change the cvt or modelines or xorg.conf. I have to think it doesn't have to get that involved03:47
k1ll3nt1m3Thanks drwillis i'll try it.03:47
k1ll3nt1m3um, anyone know how to close irssi ? lol03:47
dr_williswow    /quit03:48
snapshotsdr_willis : how can i protect a folder in ubuntu? like a protected folder or dir03:50
Krustyklimberok cheese installed... cam works there03:51
dr_willis!permissions | snapshots03:51
ubottusnapshots: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions03:51
snapshotsdr_willis : thanks again sir03:51
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/03:53
kiwi940Anybody know how Unity gets the menu relevant to the current window i.e. which API calls are used?03:53
Krustyklimber*bookmarks the manual ;)03:54
dr_willisthey need to put a link to that manual in the users home...03:55
jav77does x-swat have an irc channel?03:55
IntrollerantHI all.03:55
IntrollerantI'm attempting to install 12.10 x386 Desktop on a Via VB8004 based system (it has a 1.6ghz Via Nano CPU).  The install goes well until it hits the "Detecting hardware" phase, where it seems to just stop.03:57
IntrollerantThe system isn't locked up (I can still interact with the desktop).  It's just the installer seems to... stop.03:57
IntrollerantAny ideas?03:57
jav77since I just started from scratch on 12.10, and screw this up every time, how do I get ac3 and dolby digital through the spdif? i remember needing the a52/libr52 codecs or something03:58
Toph2my desktop with Ubuntu 12.04 works fine until suddenly, I lose networking. I can connect to my router and have to reboot to restore my network,, What could be the problem?03:58
Krustyklimberwell thanks again dr willis03:59
Toph2my desktop with Ubuntu 12.04 works fine until suddenly, I lose networking. I can *NOT* connect to my router and have to reboot to restore my network,, What could be the problem?04:00
crazyzurferevery time I connect my ipod touch rythmbox, how can I stop it?04:00
crazyzurferproblem solved04:02
gp5stdoes anyone know a utility to modify the fields in an mp3 header?04:02
FloodBot1crazyzurfer: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:02
bebop_hello everyone04:02
bebop_No one talking in irc anymore>04:03
SierraARFloodBot1 seems a bit slow on the action04:03
bazhang!ot | bebop_04:03
ubottubebop_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:03
linxhello, is there anyone could show me or give reference how to install epson t13x on ubuntu?04:07
winuxis there a simple way to find out what packages are installed besides the base operating system packages?04:10
Krustyklimberwhat's the advantage of the lts versions?04:12
InFlamesi think the answer to that lies all in the term "lts"04:13
InFlames"long term support"04:13
Krustyklimberand how would I access this long term support?04:13
InFlamesthat i have less of an understanding of, someone else might be of better help04:13
somsipKrustyklimber: it means that bug fixes etc are back-ported to all packages in a LTS release04:14
Krustyklimberlol yeah I got the long term support part, that's why I paid for this version, instead of getting the free version04:14
somsipKrustyklimber: they are all free. Have you paid for Canonical support?04:15
Krustyklimberback ported? I don't know what that means04:15
KrustyklimberI dunno I paid for this dvd04:15
InFlamesi think that you paid for a dvd...not support04:16
Krustyklimberhense no support eh :P04:16
InFlamessupport is the community, i beleive, all volunteers04:16
somsipInFlames: except for paid canonical support04:16
InFlamesi wouldn't say there is no support, hell these guys are more useful than the average tier 1 tech anyhow04:16
InFlamesoh, so there is paid canonical support?04:17
gp5sti know lame can set the fields, but i was wondering if there was a way to set them differently in each mp3 frame04:17
Krustyklimberoh yeah I agree InFlames... these guys helped a lot already04:17
blbeanybody here familiar with javascript?04:17
InFlamesblbe, yes04:17
somsipblbe: try #javascript - way off topic for here04:17
InFlamesalthough i doubt this is the best place to ask04:17
Krustyklimbersomsip, do you know how much room I need on a flash drive, for 12.10?04:18
somsipKrustyklimber: no, I don't.04:18
Krustyklimberwhoa this tab just beeped and started flashing "activity"04:19
shantornKrustyklimber, full ubuntu with unity?04:20
shantornor xfce?04:20
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dr_willisfull install - about 8 gb for a useable system04:20
dr_willis16+gb is better04:20
shantorni did it ona 4 gig but it was rough04:20
ubuntu-studiostill lost04:20
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shantorn8gb was perfect04:21
Krustyklimbercrud all I have is a 4g flashdrive04:21
InFlamesKrustyklimber, 64 or 32?04:21
dr_willislubuntu can fit on 4gb. but it will be tight04:21
InFlamesi think 4gb should be fine04:21
InFlamesi will test for you right now, just need to know the version you want04:21
Krustyklimberlol I am starting to think I'm not smart enough to be a ubuntu user :P04:22
InFlamesi have a usb stick and quick connection04:22
dr_willisa live setup can work on 4gb. a full install.. not so hot04:22
sudohello, is there anyone could show me or give reference how to install epson t13x on ubuntu?04:22
KrustyklimberI was told I need 12.1004:22
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows04:22
InFlamesKrustyklimber, do you want to install the whole os on the thumbdrive or just the install/live setup?04:22
Krustyklimberso I can install it04:23
KrustyklimberI guess04:23
Krustyklimberlol I shoulda had kids... I need a teenager to do this04:23
phunyguy_t430scan anyone using Xubuntu help me confirm a bug I filed?  Bug 1089744 - when installing Gwibber, or anything else that would typically fall under "Online Accounts" in Ubuntu doesn't allow you to add any accounts to the application.  (Empathy, Shotwell, Gwibber, etc).04:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1089744 in gwibber (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu doesn't pull required dependencies for anything using "Online Accounts"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108974404:24
kiwi940Anybody know which API calls Unity uses to get the global menu?04:24
phunyguy_t430s!patience | kiwi94004:26
ubottukiwi940: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:26
Krustyklimberbettery (1:39 left) that is not critically low :)04:31
dr_williswhat some laptops report is often different then what is.04:31
dr_willisand the laptop makersd love to follow their own standards04:32
Krustyklimberit reports it like every 10 mins, same report04:32
Krustyklimberand I'm actually plugged in04:32
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dr_willislaptop apci/bios is not following the standard i imagine04:32
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TalbotI use Ubuntu because I wanted to escape from Windows, but I've discovered that I'm not intelligent enough to use Ubuntu. I need a mentor to basically hold my hand, talk to me as if I were 8 years old and guide me through a couple of things I'm trying to accomplish.04:33
Krustyklimberyou too huh Talbot?04:33
dr_willisTalbot:  start with the manual?04:33
Krustyklimberlol the manual isn't for 8 yr olds either04:33
Phabadr_willis: people on windows dont need one of them things04:34
Krustyklimbermicrosoft is eveil... I am NOT going back04:34
TalbotI really should. I also lack discipline. You've managed to shame me into it though. I'll be back if that doesn't solve my problem. Thanks very much.04:34
Krustyklimbergood luck Talbot04:35
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/04:35
flyinprogramerhow on god's green earth do i get this script to execute successfully AS root on boot, after all other services have started? http://pastebin.com/esxynYum04:35
bazhangKrustyklimber, save the offtopic chat for the NON support channel04:35
Krustyklimbersorry bot I have to disagree04:35
Krustyklimberok Baz sorry04:36
dr_willisflyinprogramer:  start it from rc.local is a common way04:36
bazhangKrustyklimber, #ubuntu-offtopic for chat04:36
Krustyklimberno thank you... I'll stay on topic04:36
flyinprogramerdr_willis: i can't figure out how;  bash /path/to/script  didn't seem to work04:36
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dr_willisif its executable no need to use 'bash /path/to'04:37
dr_willisjust put the full parh in rc.local bedfor the exit statement04:37
dr_willis /path/to/whatever.sh &04:37
M0rPh3u5Hows it going?04:38
dr_williswhy does it need to run as root.. ;)04:39
flyinprogramerdr_willis:  hmm… it might be getting run, but too early… and thus fails04:39
julie101010is there a built-in VPN client on this system?04:39
julie101010do you have a simple one to recommend?04:39
M0rPh3u5Simple, hmmm04:39
dr_willisflyinprogramer:  your users home is encrypted?  i cant see why it would be too 'early'04:39
julie101010on windows, it took 15 seconds to set it up04:39
dr_willisi thought network manager supported vpns04:40
julie101010I don't see the option04:40
flyinprogramerdr_willis:  the script requires postgres to be started before it being run...04:40
flyinprogramerdr_willis:  i could just put a sleep in my script..04:40
Krustyklimberdoes paying for 12.10 change the version you end up with?04:40
julie101010found it04:40
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dr_willisyea.. andchat crashed again..04:41
dr_willissomeone make a better android irc client plz.  ;)04:41
MiazmaCan anyone help? I put Ubuntu 12.10 on a USB and when I try booting the screen just stays black with a grey dot ticking in the top left corner. Anyone know whats up?04:41
dr_willis!nomodeset > Miazma04:42
ubottuMiazma, please see my private message04:42
phunyguy_t430sKrustyklimber, wait, "paying for 12.10"?04:43
phunyguy_t430sdo you mean the donation prompt?04:43
Krustyklimberyeah I clicked on download, and they want $1604:43
phunyguy_t430sit's pure donation.04:43
phunyguy_t430sUbuntu will always be free.04:43
flyinprogramerdr_willis:  turns out i should read logs04:43
Krustyklimberand if I don't donate do I get the same thing?04:43
Miazmadr_willis, i dont think it even manages to boot that far. On other machines it'll tell me the kernel info before booting into the ubuntu splash.04:43
phunyguy_t430sKrustyklimber, of course.04:43
ReAzemCan anyone tell me why the following command works when I paste it in a shell but does not work in a bash file? "/usr/bin/virsh pool-create somefile.xml"04:44
phunyguy_t430sCanonical is just trying to keep the lights from going out.04:44
KrustyklimberI mean I just paid for 12.04 less that a month ago04:44
flyinprogramermost certainly i should read logs04:44
flyinprogramerthanks for bein' helpful04:44
phunyguy_t430sKrustyklimber, you should probably read the whole page before you send money.04:44
KrustyklimberI get that, that's why I was happy to pay for a dvd with 12.04 ;)04:44
Krustyklimberphuny, the whole page isn't much to read...04:45
DaemonicApathyPaying for a DVD is normal. The online download is free.04:45
phunyguy_t430sexcept for the portion that explains it is a donation.04:46
phunyguy_t430sDaemonicApathy, the last time I downloaded, it came up with a donation page with donation options.04:46
Krustyklimberpayment, donation... both come out of my wallet :P04:46
DaemonicApathyRight, phuny, but unless I misunderstand, Krusty bought a disc with a case and nice cover art.04:46
KrustyklimberI got a disk in a nice colorful paper case04:47
phunyguy_t430shttp://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/questions?distro=desktop&bits=64&release=latest DaemonicApathy - that page comes up with $16 by default.04:47
Krustyklimberand I was happy to have it... but I have already been advised that version is not working and I need 12.1004:47
phunyguy_t430sKrustyklimber, what wasn't working?04:48
KrustyklimberI haven't been running this version for two weeks yet04:48
Krustyklimbercam won't work on my favorite chat site, battery constantly warns it's dead, and shuts off my puter with hours left (and while it's plugged in)04:48
phunyguy_t430s12.04 is Long Term Support, so if it's not working, we can probably get it fixed.04:48
KrustyklimberI have the LTS version04:49
phunyguy_t430sdid you download 12.04.1 ?04:49
Krustyklimber12.04 lts04:49
phunyguy_t430sthere is a .1 release now.04:49
Krustyklimberno I bought the dvd04:49
KrustyklimberI ran it off the dvd until I got a new solid state hd... then I installed it04:50
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phunyguy_t430sinteresting.... what model laptop?04:50
Krustyklimberit's a sony viao04:51
jav77hello, i have many, many questions. But first, I got mplayer2 from apt-get and am wondering where the executable is installed so I can point smplayer to it.04:51
psusiwhen I installed my ssd, I just used lvm to pick up my system and migrate it over to the new drive on the fly04:51
phunyguy_t430sif you want you can download and use $12.10, free of charge.  The payment it is asking for is purely voluntary donatoin, with no features removed or added.04:51
phunyguy_t430sminus the dollar sign >< I need sleep.04:51
Krustyklimberok thanks phunyguy04:51
Krustyklimberdo you think that will fit on a 4g flash  that has a little bit of stuff on it?04:52
phunyguy_t430syea it will only take up about a quarter of that04:52
Krustyklimberok thanks04:52
phunyguy_t430syou can do an upgrade also04:52
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade04:52
Krustyklimber !upgrade?04:53
ubottuKrustyklimber: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:53
Krustyklimberlol a bot is still prolly smarter than me04:53
phunyguy_t430sclick the link04:53
Krustyklimberwhich one? :P04:54
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade04:54
Krustyklimberfirst or second?04:54
phunyguy_t430shah! thats my joke!04:54
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Krustyklimberlike the last guy, I am starting to think I'm not smart enough to be a ubuntu user04:55
phunyguy_t430soh rubbush.04:55
phunyguy_t430sif I can do it, so can you04:55
Krustyklimberlol thanks for the encouragement04:55
Krustyklimberok reading links brb04:55
Krustyklimberwow these links (well the second one) might as well be greek04:57
DaemonicApathyTake it a little at a time, and you'll be surrised how much you learn, krustyklimber.04:58
DaemonicApathyAlso, surprised.04:58
phunyguy_t430sKrustyklimber, the second link is 3 steps.04:58
Krustyklimberyou guys can just call me Krusty04:59
phunyguy_t430sKrustyklimber, IRC will highlight for you when your nick is mentioned. So it is habit for me to type "Kru<TAB>"04:59
jav77how can i resize my display?05:00
onboradI have problem, no find card reader device in OS , kernel version is :3.3 .4.5-1 RTS5137 VID:0BDA PID:0129? any ideas?05:00
Krustyklimberok first thing it says is to back up my version... if I knew how to back up I'd be good05:00
jav77i got the ac3 and dolby digital to work, so this is one more step then I am complete05:00
DaemonicApathyonborad: external card reader, or built into the computer?05:01
DaemonicApathyjav77: System Settings > Displays05:01
abyss4do init scripts work in red hat?05:01
onboradDaemonicApathy, external card reader ,USB\VID_0BDA&PID_012905:01
phunyguy_t430s!backups | Krustyklimber05:01
ubottuKrustyklimber: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning05:01
jav77how do i change it from there?05:01
DaemonicApathyjav77: click on the resolution, pick a more desirable one.05:02
jav77that only allows me to change resolutions. that isn't what I am looking for. I am looking to retain resolution, but change the size of the display.05:02
jav77the diaplay says the tv is a 72", its not.05:03
jav77its 5605:03
dr_willisyou still fighting with your overscan? by several inches?05:03
jav77so all of the sides are chopped off. the actual viewing pixel size is 1880104205:03
dr_willisxrandr has options to force some things05:03
jav77according to windows on the other side05:04
dr_willisso you lose about half an inch per side?05:04
jav77and yes, still fighting :)05:04
ubottupython is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org/ or #python05:04
jav77xrandr isn't allowing me to choose my own resolution. it has to be defined in the table05:05
dr_willisxrandr can force res's not in the table05:05
jav77and I really don't want to go down the path of xorg.conf and defining modelines.05:05
dr_willisthe xrandr fix res wiki page had examples i recall05:06
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution05:06
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1205:06
dr_willishmm.. not those.. ;)  search the ubuntu wiki for xrandr adding resolutions05:07
dr_willisif it is truely using tghe wrong res05:08
datruthhow can I turn off bluetooth05:09
Krustyklimberwow I made it through the first link then the duplicity link made my head spin... nope I am not smart enough to back up my version05:09
dr_willisback up your 'bersion' makes no sence05:09
jav77its odd. the samsung reports its a 72" display. its a 56 hd lcd tv. so I will mess with some settings and come back05:10
Krustyklimberexcuse me, the term is back up my installation05:10
dr_willisi dont  see how the size matters its the res thats imporntant.05:10
dr_willisKrustyklimber:  you want to keep your old system?05:10
Krustyklimberit told me to back it up... I don't know what I want05:11
dr_williswhat are you trying to do exactly...05:11
KrustyklimberI dunno anymore05:11
KrustyklimberI just want to be able to video chat with my gf05:12
dr_willisif you want to do a clean install of 12.10  then make a 12.10 dvd and install it. no needc to bacjup or upgrade a older install you dont want to keep05:12
Krustyklimberok Dr, but someone else suggested upgrading to 12.04.1... now I'm lost05:13
phunyguy_t430syou misunderstood.  I was providing paths to get to 12.10, Krustyklimber .  My apologies.05:14
phunyguy_t430sYou can install fresh, or !upgrade05:14
dr_williswhat do you WANT is the question.. 12.04 or 12.10 ..05:14
Krustyklimberno apologies necessary... I'm the one not smart enough to follow along05:14
dr_willisyou may allready have 12.04.105:14
phunyguy_t430sdr_willis, when was that released?05:15
phunyguy_t430she's been on it a couple weeks.05:15
Krustyklimberther rifle range seems like a better fix, all the time05:15
dr_willis.1 has  been out for some time05:16
dr_willisany apt-get update/upgrade would have upgraded to it05:16
KrustyklimberI did the update mgr earlier today... said it was up to date05:16
phunyguy_t430soh i see05:16
cccAfter I install a program in Wine, where do i go to run the program at?05:17
phunyguy_t430sKrusty are you worried about anything on your system?05:17
phunyguy_t430sanything you wantto keep?05:17
dr_willisccc:  it should add an icon in the menus/dash under wine05:17
Krustyklimberworried... no... there's noothing on here but Ubuntu and I have the dvd I donated to get ;)05:17
dr_willisccc:  or look in your .wine directory05:17
phunyguy_t430sKrustyklimber, then skip the backup.05:17
ccchow do i open the dash05:17
Krustyklimberok so put 12.10 on my flash and don't look back? :P05:18
phunyguy_t430sKrustyklimber, or follow the second upgrade link.05:18
dr_willisthats the top left button ccc05:18
phunyguy_t430sit's your coice.05:18
dr_willis!manual | ccc05:18
ubottuccc: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/05:18
dr_willisclean install will be faster then an upgrade05:19
Krustyklimberthis one? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:19
phunyguy_t430sKrusty, no the other one05:19
dr_willisif you have nothing worth keeping.. then clean install will be faster05:19
phunyguy_t430sgood luck.05:20
jav77xrandr: cannot find mode 1880x104205:22
Krustyklimberok... update mgr says "software on this computer is up to date... the package information was updated three days ago" "there are no updates to install"05:22
=== Justasic2 is now known as Justasic
jav77xrandr --output HDMI-0 --mode 1880x1042 --rate 2405:22
jav77no luck05:23
Krustyklimberoh wait now there's 14 more updates05:25
phunyguy_t430sKrustyklimber, just install fresh, probably easier.05:25
Krustyklimberaww man I was following the link :P05:25
Krustyklimberstarting to reconsider whether I'm smart enough yet phunyguy? :)05:26
dr_willisjav77:  if its working properly in windows. the last line of that guide has some info on making a custom modeline.05:26
dr_willisbtaining modelines from Windows program PowerStrip05:27
circlehow do I open a new gedit window05:28
circlenot a tab05:28
circlebut a WINDOW05:28
BlackDalekWhat exactly does "backup" (deja dup?) in ubuntu's settings actuall backup? Does it remember things like login details and passwords for gFTP for example?05:28
dr_willistry dragging a tab to the desktop in  gedit?05:29
jav77xrandr --addmode S-video 1880x104205:29
jav77xrandr: cannot find output "S-video"05:29
dr_willisjav77:  you have an old svideo output?05:29
circledr_willis: works thanksd05:29
jav77should be HDMI?05:29
BlackDalekI want to copy my system to a larger hard disk. Will "backup" let me do this?05:29
dr_williscircle middle click on  gedits icon in the launcher  may do it also05:30
phunyguy_t430s!clone BlackDalek05:30
phunyguy_t430s!clone | BlackDalek05:30
ubottuBlackDalek: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate05:30
phunyguy_t430sand he left anyways05:30
dr_willisjav77:  theres special names xrandr uses.  that xrandr guide mentios them at the top i thunk05:30
phunyguy_t430sbut that wasnt the command I was looking for.05:30
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=== Krustyklimber is now known as Krusty
BlackDaleksorry.. accidentally quit05:31
=== Krusty is now known as Guest28246
BlackDalekI want to copy my system to a larger hard disk.. will "backup" do this?05:32
dr_willisBlackDalek:  clonezilla may be a better tool05:32
grumpyrjBlackDalek: personally I would use partimage05:32
DaemonicApathy!clone > blackdalek05:33
ubottublackdalek, please see my private message05:33
sidney_is there a deb for handbrake05:34
alazare619i accidentlaly rm -r /usr/lib6405:34
alazare619how can i save this?05:34
DaemonicApathysidney_: http://deb-multimedia.org/dists/stable/main/binary-i386/package/handbrake-gtk05:35
BlackDalekif I use clonezilla or partimage, am I going to end up with grub bootloader problems since I am copying to a new disk?05:35
KrustyklimberI followed this link, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/upgrade , but never got an option to upgrade?05:35
sidney_Thanks D05:35
elena-IKis there a way to make multimedia keys work while the screen is locked? currently they only bring up the password dialog.05:35
Krustyklimberit stopped after step 2 :(05:36
DaemonicApathyNp, sidney_. If you prefer 64-bit: http://deb-multimedia.org/dists/stable/main/binary-amd64/package/handbrake-gtk05:36
dr_willis!info handbreak05:37
ubottuPackage handbreak does not exist in quantal05:37
dr_willis!info handbrake05:37
ubottuPackage handbrake does not exist in quantal05:37
DaemonicApathy!info handbrake-gtk05:38
DWSR!package handbrake05:38
ubottuPackage handbrake-gtk does not exist in quantal05:38
dr_willissidney_:  i think theres a ppa. but i havent used it in ages05:38
sidney_I saw a ppa but wasent sure if it was safe05:38
DWSRPPAs generally are.05:38
DWSRThey're as trustworthy as multiverse, anyway.05:39
DaemonicApathyAh, good on you, DWSR.05:39
somsip!ppa | sidney_05:39
ubottusidney_: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge05:39
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories05:39
DWSRsorry ,universe.05:39
BlackDalekDoes anyone know.. does ubottu's suggested method of cloning packages also duplicate info such as login details for gftp?05:40
IdleOneBlackDalek: no, all it does is create a list of installed packages05:40
tsimpsonBlackDalek: no, that kind of thing will be stored in your $HOME05:40
HorizonXPhow would I determine what processes are using my network via the command line?05:42
Krustyklimberok I downloaded the manual... now how do I put it where I can find it?05:42
dr_willisBlackDalek:  cloaning packages just clones/reinstalls the same packages..05:43
dr_willisnot customizations or user files05:44
dr_willisKrustyklimber:  put it in your Downloads directory?05:44
Krustyklimbermy what?05:44
Krustyklimberit's in downloads05:45
dr_willisso you know where to find it........05:45
KrustyklimberI don't know how to refind downloads after I close it05:45
dr_willisopen file manager and look?05:46
dr_willisdownload directory will be righ there...05:46
Krustyklimberfile manager?05:46
BlackDalekok.. if I make use the "backup" thing under the settings in ubuntu 12.04 and create a new backup. Then make a fresh install on the new system with 12.10. Will I then be able to restore on the new system from the old system backup?05:46
KrustyklimberI dunno where that is either05:46
dr_willistime to resd the manual i think....05:46
dr_willisand look at the icons on the left05:47
Krustyklimberlol yeah... but I dunno where it IS! LOL05:47
Krustyklimberno icon for file mgr05:47
dr_willisspend 5 min actually looking at the icons ol the left side panel...05:47
dr_willisshould be the second one.05:47
dr_willisor type in 'nautilus' in the dash05:48
discosruleHi all, wonder if someone can help me with an ssh question.  "ssh username@remoteserverip -p22 -R(remoteserverport):localhost:80" when I use that command is it possible for me to access the web server on port 1234 on thr remote network as well?05:48
jav77xrandr --fb 1880x104205:48
jav77xrandr: specified screen 1880x1042 not large enough for output HDMI-0 (1920x1080+0+0)05:48
jav77xrandr: Configure crtc 0 failed05:48
discosruleI can access it fine from the remote server but would love to access it from thr remote servers network as well.05:49
jav77so it appears i need to resize the display. Why is this nvidia driver so different from the windows version or the radeon? 3 hours to change the size already.05:49
dr_willisbecause nvidia dosent care a lot for linux at times05:50
KrustyklimberI have - dash, home folder, chrome, firefox, libreofficewriter, libreoffice calc, libreofficeimpress, softwarecenter, one, settings, cheese (new), workspace and trash...05:50
BlackDalekok.. if I make use the "backup" thing under the settings in ubuntu 12.04 and create a new backup. Then make a fresh install of ubuntu 12.10 on a new system, will I then be able to restore from the old system backup onto the new system?05:50
dr_willisKrustyklimber:  and home foldee launches your filemanager...... makes sence dosent it?05:51
Krustyklimberoh ok... and no that's not intuitive05:51
dr_willisand you click on it and... wow a 'Downloads' folder05:51
dr_willisits very intuitive...05:51
Krustyklimberyeah I see that now05:52
Krustyklimberto you maybe LOL05:52
dr_williseven my 6 yr old can figure it out05:52
dr_willisworks the same way in windows....05:52
Krustyklimberof course, 6 yr olds are way more tech savvy than 50yr olds!05:52
dr_willisclick on my computer or whatever... launches the file manager...05:52
dr_willismy wife is 51 and has no problems05:52
datruthwow so if bluetooth is disabled in windows its disabled in ubuntu and the only way to enable it is to enable it back in windows?05:53
Krustyklimbercomputer and home folder do not seem, to me, to be the same thing05:53
dr_willisthey launch the file manager... exact same thing05:53
KrustyklimberI been wondering for days "where's "my computer""05:53
dr_willismakes me wonder what you have been doing for days thay you never clicked on that icon....05:54
Krustyklimbersurfin the net bro :)05:54
dr_willisits in the #2 spot for a reason05:54
KrustyklimberXmas is comin I got e-bayin to do!05:54
Krustyklimberand I did warn you guys that I'm stupid :P05:55
dr_willisat least the downloads directory is not hidden like it is on windows05:55
haqe17Hi, im having a little trouble trying to write my first qt application. I have installed libqt4-dev but get this error when compiling: "test1.cpp:1:24: fatal error: QApplication: No such file or directory"05:55
BlackDalekdoes no one here know what ubuntu's default "backup" utility does or how it works?05:55
dr_willisnever used it BlackDalek  ;)05:56
Krustyklimbertrue that... when I opened it I was like "wow nice organization" ...I really do like Ubuntu way more already05:56
Krustyklimber *guesses it backs it up :P05:56
dr_willisthe dash button should also show you recently used files...05:56
Krustyklimberyeah I use the dash a lot05:57
dr_willistime to read the manual now i guess. ;)05:57
Krustyklimberthat's how I get to stuff I used before05:57
Krustyklimberyes sir :)05:57
Krustyklimberyeah and it's way late here on the east coast05:57
Krustyklimberthanks again for your help and patience05:59
Krustyklimberg'night y'all ...be good people, people05:59
discosruleAnyone good with ssh ? Have a question.06:01
somsip!ask | discosrule06:02
ubottudiscosrule: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:02
BlackDalekok then dr_willis - what would you use? This is what I want to do. I have a dead laptop (massive onboard video chip failure).. I currently have the hard disk from that (with all my cruicial data) inside an old desktop PC where it is working happliy. I have a NEW laptop. I can't just put my old laptop's HDD into the new one because it is IDE and new latop is SATA only. The new laptop has Ubuntu 12.10 successfully instal06:02
BlackDalekled on it, but none of my files etc... how am I going to get my data and programs onto the new laptop?06:02
grumpyrjBlackDalek: partimage06:03
DaemonicApathyI would clone the packages info, and copy the Home folder, personally, BlackDalek.06:03
jav77is there an irc for nvidia related issues like i am having?06:03
Ben64jav77: if its on Ubuntu, you can ask in here06:03
dr_willisif the 2 pcs are networked. copy over imporntant stuff...06:04
dr_willisnot sure where the problem is. ;)06:04
BlackDalekwhat is the best way to copy the ENTIRE home folder - hidden files and all?06:04
Ben64BlackDalek: I'd use rsync06:04
datruthAnyone know why this is?06:05
BlackDalekwhat id rsync?06:05
jav77Ben64 - I am trying to simply resize the output of an nvidia geforce gt 640 like i can in windows. but I cannot. so i cannot see the top menu, side dock or other bottom06:05
somsipdatruth: anatta06:05
Ben64jav77: have you tried nvidia-settings06:05
jav77i have an hdmi connection to an lcd hd tv,06:06
dr_willishow much data is in the home total?06:06
jav77yes. that does nothing for me06:06
BlackDalekdr_willis I am not sure.. but the drive is 120Gb06:07
datruthor is that the way it works if disabled in windows it's also disabled in ubuntu?06:07
Ben64jav77: can you use something besides hdmi? like vga or dvi?06:07
BlackDalekdr_willis the new drive will be 700Gb06:07
jav77now, no06:07
dr_willisBlackDalek:  use the du/df commands to find out06:07
dr_willisjust 700gb... how quaint... ;)06:07
Ben64jav77: does it not work at 1920x1080?06:08
dr_willisuse scp to copy everything to the other pc to like /home/myuser/my-other-machineshome   ;)  then start  putting it where it needs to go06:09
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haqe17can anyone help me with this error? http://pastebin.com/spJ9MWb606:11
jav77it works but the display is cut off all over06:12
BlackDalekdr_willis if I have the same username on both old and new computer, can't I just use scp to copy everything direct to the correct folder, without having to move them after?06:12
Ben64jav77: have you seen this? http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/nvidea-gt-430-hdmi-to-lcd-tv-outer-edges-always-cut-off-outside-display-area-883420/06:12
Ben64jav77: oh wait they removed that option...06:15
dr_willisBlackDalek:  what if somting is currupted...06:15
Ben64"ViewPortOut": this specifies the region within the mode sent to the display device that will display pixels from the X screen. The region of the mode outside the ViewPortOut will contain black. The format is "WIDTH x HEIGHT +X +Y".06:15
Ben64This is useful, for example, for configuring overscan compensation. E.g., if the mode sent to the display device is 1920x1080, to configure a 10 pixel border on all four sides:    "DFP-0: 1920x1080 { ViewPortOut=1900x1060+10+10 }"06:15
BlackDalekdr_willis like what?06:15
dr_willisBlackDalek:  you tell me...  the other pc died.. are you sure the configs are good..?06:16
dr_williscopy it whever you want.. you could pratically have it done in the time we have been discussing this.  ;)06:17
AscavasaionWhen I try to open Magnet links in chromium I get a message similar to this "Chromium needs to launch an external application to handle magnet:links......"  with the button option to launch the application.  If I launch that another window pops up and says "No program specified for magnet".  Any help please?06:17
BlackDalekdr_willis - well as far as I can tell, it is running good in a totally different machine to what it came from... apart from a bit of trouble getting the different video hardware to configure, it looks fine.06:18
DaemonicApathyAscavasaion, you should be able to set the torrent client of your choice to be the default for magnet links. Transmission is installed by default.06:19
somsipAscavasaion: loads of results for this, such as http://www.ryukent.com/2010/10/changing-chrome-magnet-link-association-in-ubuntu/06:19
Ben64jav77: you need to have an xorg.conf, and add something like this to the screen section.... Option "metamodes" "DFP-1: 1920x1080 { ViewPortOut=1880x1040+20+20 }"06:19
AscavasaionDaemonicApathy: I have Transmission installed.06:19
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elena-IKis there a way to make multimedia keys work while the screen is locked? currently they only bring up the password dialog.06:19
BlackDalekdr_willis: copying with scp won't touch my original drive will it? So if it does not work when I copy it to the new laptop, I still have my data etc...06:20
Ben64BlackDalek: you will need to reinstall any programs you had06:21
Ben64I don't see how data wouldn't work06:22
superdave321I've flubbed up with compiz and I need to re enable xfwm4. What is the command to do that?06:22
BlackDalekBen64: I intend to install the same set of applications first, then copy the home folder...06:23
dr_willisBlackDalek:  it copies from the one location to the other. same as 'cp' would06:25
dr_willissuperdave321:  perhaps 'xfwm4 --replace'06:26
superdave321dr_willis: is there a way to do that through a tty console? That's all I can access right now cause I can't see anything else.06:27
dr_willissuperdave321:  if your x session is totally messed up. remove/rename the old config files. and restart/relogin to x. it will use the system defaults06:28
superdave321dr_willis: where do I need to look for those?06:29
dr_willis   in  .config06:29
dr_willismv .config  myold.config    is a little extreme.. but should reset most everything06:29
dr_willisthen restart your login manager and login to the gui06:30
superdave321Cool. Trying...06:32
deper29if my laptop is using awesome wm, and I have another computer that uses kde, is there a way to display the kde desktop on the laptop and control from there?06:36
dr_willisdeper29:  vnc or synergy06:36
dr_williscan you see the 2nd pcs monitor? if so use synergy to controll it06:37
dr_willisvnc can show the remote pcs desktop in a window06:37
dr_willisteamviewer works in a sim iler way06:38
DaemonicApathyLast I checked, Teamviewer still has the least latency.06:38
deper29dr_willis: I can see the 2nd pc's monitor if I go in the other room...which i'm too lazy to do06:38
dr_willislazy ;)06:38
deper29so vnc is probably my best bet then?06:39
dr_willisdepends on what you want to do on the remote06:39
deper29what do you mean by that?06:39
dr_williswhat do you want to do on the remote box? play a video? web surf?   download por.... err.. lolcat videos...06:41
deper29dr_willis: no video needed, will mainly be playing with configuring kde. most of the stuff I can do I can over ssh, but want GUI to see how stuff looks and whatnot06:43
dr_willisyou can use ssh's  x forwarding if you wanted to.06:43
deper29I've never set that up before...is it difficult?06:44
dr_williskde might have a built in vncserver also for remote desktops06:44
dr_willisssh -x remote    run the app.. it appears locally06:44
rinzler-X switch needs to be capitalized, if I'm not mistaken...06:45
dr_willis-X and -x have opposite meanings06:45
jav77so still unable to resize this display.....06:45
dr_willisi got x forwarding enabled by default i dont need either06:45
Ben64   -X      Enables X11 forwarding.06:45
Ben64     -x      Disables X11 forwarding.06:45
Ben64jav77: did you see the messages i sent you06:46
dr_willisnot the best design for flags ;)06:46
jav77no sorry06:46
Ben64jav77: <Ben64> jav77: you need to have an xorg.conf, and add something like this to the screen section.... Option "metamodes" "DFP-1: 1920x1080 { ViewPortOut=1880x1040+20+20 }"06:46
jav77what is the +20+20 part06:47
Ben64thats the border it'll make06:47
deper29dr_willis: I get an error message if I try ssh -X remote_server06:47
rinzlerdeper29: what error?06:48
rinzlerverbatim, preferably06:48
dr_willisdeper29:  use lower case x, or no option at all06:49
deper29rinzler: http://bpaste.net/show/64122/06:49
dr_willisdeper29:  you do have ssh installed on the server?06:49
deper29dr_willis: yeah, I can ssh in normally just fine06:49
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deper29and made sure to enable X11forwarding in my sshd_config and restarted sshd06:50
scarrsonce again, thank you for your help. I am having a problem. a fresh install and the command "locate" [file] always returns nothing, help?06:50
dr_willisscarrs:  done a 'sudo updatedb' recently?06:52
jav77    Option         "metamodes" "1920x1080_24 +0+0;  DFP-1: 1920x1080 {ViewPortOut=1880x1040+20+20}; nvidia-auto-select +0+0"06:52
scarrsdr_willis: (facepalms)06:52
dr_willislocate uses a database thats updated daily i think.06:52
dr_willisscarrs:  ;P06:52
jav77does this look accurate? I am about to reboot and don't want to get hosed06:53
_ubu_Hello all, I ope you can help. I am having difficulty installing ubuntu 12.04.1. The installation freezes at language selection no matter what I try06:53
deper29rinzler: any ideas?06:53
* rinzler catches up06:54
Ben64jav77: was that other stuff already there?06:54
Ben64jav77: you sure its DFP-1?06:54
jav77thats hat nvdia says. is there a way I can send you a screen shot06:55
rinzlerdeper29: usually "ssh user@server -X" will allow me to do x11 forwarding easily. do the errors keep you from launching a program?06:56
Ben64jav77: you could, but it doesn't matter. if thats what it says you could reboot and see if it worked06:56
jav77reboot or log off06:56
jav77ok. c u soon06:57
dr_willisquick lets all change nicks.. ;)06:57
hangdeadmanHow do I get unity launcher to auto-dodge windows in ubuntu 12.04?06:58
dr_willisi was thinking some of the unity hideing options were removed..    the webupd8 and omgubuntu blog sites i recall had some articals on it ages ago06:59
dr_williswhat does auto-dodge do?06:59
jav77no change. i am ready to rip this card out07:00
hangdeadmandr_willis: auto-dodge is when the unity launcher auto hides when a window is over it but is present when no window is in its way.07:01
Ben64jav77: well it'd only be 20 pixels07:01
deper29rinzler: uh, let me check haha07:01
dr_willishangdeadman:  i think that was removed.. but im not sure07:01
hangdeadmandr_willis: i believe it was but i am looking for a way to restore the feature. it worked for months after upgrade rom 11.10 but suddenly went away.07:03
Ben64jav77: pastebin the output of "xrandr"07:03
deper29rinzler: can't launch a program. If I get this set up properly, when I ssh -X server will I see my desktop environment? or just cli?07:03
dr_willishangdeadman:  theres some unofficial unity ppas out with patches and features added07:04
jav77please walk me through getting pastebin07:04
dr_willisDerpian:  a terminal07:04
dr_willisoope  deper29  a terminal/cli07:04
deper29dr_willis: so if I wanted it to display my DE, I'd have to do vnc then?07:04
dr_willisdeper29:   yes. and kde MIGHT have a vnc server included07:05
dr_willis #kubuntu may know07:05
dr_willisor you could use xdmcp and have the other pcs desktop on alt-ctrl-f8's tty ;)07:06
deper29dr_willis: okay, i'll give that a shot then. what would I use to connect to it then?07:06
dr_willisold skool07:06
Ben64jav77: nvm try this in terminal - `nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="DFP-1: 1920x1080 { ViewPortOut=1820x980+50+50}"`07:06
dr_willisany vnc client should work for any vncserver07:06
deper29thanks :)07:06
jav77wow that looks bad07:08
Ben64jav77: you just have to adjust that to fit the screen07:09
jav77what are the +50+50? refresh rates?07:10
Ben64jav77: border size in pixels07:11
Ben64it does that amount on both sides, so if you change the border by 1 pixel, you have to change the resolution by 207:11
el_weroFrom Mexico?07:13
jav77how do i make the refresh rate 24 with that command?07:13
Ben64jav77: that doesn't change refresh07:13
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ouyeshey guys, when I am trying to use make to build a application, I get an error make[1]: /bin/nvcc: Command not found, but I have nvcc, why the make tool can't find it?07:14
_ubu_Can anyone assist me in installing 12.04? It just freezes at the language selection despite my having followed instructions on the boards07:14
jav77according to the tv it changed from 24hz to 6007:14
Ben64oh.... is 60 bad?07:14
Ben64it should be 2.5 times better07:15
deper29is it possible to change the resolution of the grub menu?07:15
guest-YRs8mgPLEASE HELP ME!07:16
guest-YRs8mgI can not log in my user07:17
jav77t 60 hz, the tv provides the options for wide tv, wide pc, or 4:3. at 24hz, it provides 16:9, just scan, etc. its a more pure hd signal07:17
_ubu_Is your password correct? lol07:17
scarrsthank you for your help... I have sucessfully installed quake and quake3 :) - now I want to get the servers running - I have edited both server.cfg files but I cannot browse the games locally help?07:17
guest-YRs8mgI can not even see the logon screen it immediately starts a guest user07:17
guest-YRs8mgand I can not change the homepage of my browser (chromium) because the option is blocked07:18
guest-YRs8mgis urgent someone help me reset the X and should see the logon screen, but it only shows for a millisecond and initiates a guest user07:19
deper29guest-YRs8mg: what happens if you sudo service xdm restart?07:19
deper29er, lightdm restart07:20
guest-YRs8mgis a command?07:20
guest-YRs8mgGuest users can not sudo :S07:21
deper29guest-YRs8mg: ctrl + alt + f107:21
ubuntu434My laptop has nvidia optimus and after installing nvidia drivers the onboard display reports a max resolution of 640x480 while it really is a 1080p display - how can i fix this ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1429178/07:21
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guest-YRs8mgxdm: unrecognized service07:23
_ubu_Please help me guys, I am tearing my hair out trying to install ubuntu07:23
deper29guest-YRs8mg: 12.04?07:24
deper29sudo service lightdm restart07:24
jav77ok. so using this "nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="DFP-1: 1920x1080 { ViewPortOut=1920x1080+0+0}" I am able to see everything but now the picture doesn't use the full tv (argh).07:24
Ben64_ubu_: have you tried the alternate or mini installer07:24
Ben64jav77: because you got rid of the overscan stuff07:25
guest-lqvXriis the same07:25
jav77the tv is using the wide pc setting, so there is something with the refresh rate.07:25
Jynxmy penis goes in07:25
guest-lqvXrii cannot log in with my user07:25
deper29guest-lqvXri: you have sudo power though?07:25
dumfakhello everyone... does anybody know how to upgrade from maverick 10.10 ? seems that the natty repos have been removed... i haven't updated my OS since 10.1007:26
deper29when you restart lightdm, does it give you a chance to login?07:26
Ben64guest-lqvXri: pastebin the contents of /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf07:26
_ubu_@Ben64 I haven't, no. I am worried that it is a hardware issue so even if I get it installed is it going to be stable/work at all. I think it has to do with my keyboard07:27
Ben64!eol | dumfak07:27
ubottudumfak: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:27
Ben64_ubu_: do you have a weird keyboard?07:27
ubuntu434My laptop has nvidia optimus and after installing nvidia drivers the onboard display reports a max resolution of 640x480 while it really is a 1080p display - how can i fix this ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1429178/07:27
robotoHello, I broke my package manager, can you help me fix it?07:27
deper29dumfak: I think sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:28
_ubu_@Ben64 Proline by logitech. I have tried ubuntu and a few versions of mint. they all present the same problem07:28
_ubu_I have installed a new graphics card, because I initially thought that might be the problem. no joy07:29
robotoI was looking for a way to install seamonkey and looked on-line for repositories to enable and enabled something that was valid is 2010 (duh) echo -e "ndeb http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ubuntuzilla/mozilla/apt all main" |  sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null07:29
robotoHow to undo that command?07:29
guest-lqvXrithe pastebin of the conf lightdm is here: http://pastebin.com/wq4stejQ07:29
bobo37773Hey guys07:30
guest-lqvXriPlease help me!07:31
guest-lqvXrii need to sleep07:31
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:31
dumfakok thanks07:31
robotoIs there a command to return the repository to the initial state or must I reinstall?07:31
dr_willisroboto:  remove that line from your sources.list07:32
bobo37773roboto: It's not a command it's a configuration file I am pretty sure.07:32
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dr_willisand your example command had a typo07:32
dr_willissources.list is a simple text file07:32
dr_willisall that command did was add  a line to the end of it07:33
robotodr_willis: do you know how I can get seamonkey?07:36
Sailhow to make a diskimage of installed os and restore from it later?07:36
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teacher_roomhelp with a stuck apt-get that keeps trying to dpkg --remove 4 kernels  http://pastebin.com/d8gkuPx307:37
robotoAnyone here know how to get seamonkey?07:38
aeon-ltd!clonezilla | sail07:38
deper29Sail: look at clonezilla07:38
hiemanshuHey guys, I have a tablet (x86 version) with a touchscreen, and while in unity and gnome, etc, it doesn't show the mouse cursor. It shows a cursor when i connect an external mouse, but I want it to show a cursor at all times07:39
hiemanshuhow can I do it?07:39
dr_willisroboto: search for a ppa for it.. i dont really see why you need it.07:40
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge07:40
robotodr_willis: What is a ppa?07:40
dr_willisread what ubottu  said07:40
robotodr_willis: I have hundreds of e-mail saved on my seamonkey back up07:40
Saildeper29: thanx07:41
teacher_roomwould deleting some ppas help clear my dpkg jam, this machine was updated 12.04 -12.10 and not updated again until yesterday07:41
almoxarifeteacher_room: Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.5.0-18-generic <-- are you presently booting up on this kernel?07:41
dr_willisif theres a seamonkey ppa it should be easy to install07:41
Sailroboto: http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/ get it frm here07:41
Sailroboto: Unpack it with a right-click and "extract here".07:42
Sailroboto: then, sudo mv seamonkey /usr/local to move the unpacked folder07:42
Sailand run it with07:42
robotoSail: You mean build from source?07:42
dr_willislooks like a precompiled binary to me07:42
teacher_roomthanks almo uname -a Linux teacheroffice 3.2.0-31-generic  I think the 3.5 is for an unused CentOS partition07:42
robotoSail: Then I'll use gentoo or slackware07:42
dr_willisnot source07:43
robotoI want automagic fun07:43
Sailits all upto u07:43
dr_willisadding a ppa should be  easy also07:43
hiemanshuroboto: double click the deb, software centre should open up and allow you to install it07:43
Sailroboto: automagic windows07:43
robotoSail: Automagic Virus07:44
dr_willisyou were the one running shell commands withoug knowing what thet did..    ;)07:44
robotodr_willis: That's Ubuntu in anut shell, there are other ways and ubuntu ways07:45
dr_willisso options are. find/use a precompiled binary, use a ppa, use source07:45
almoxarifeteacher_room: look at lines 89-93 of the paste, those are what grub sees as viable, the rest can go as its trying, are you missing pckg 'dkms'?07:45
dr_willisyour hcoice07:45
robotodr_willis: When Ubuntu updates, I have no idea what is going on07:45
Sailroboto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SeaMonkey07:45
teacher_roomis that whereis dkms?07:46
teacher_roomdkms: /usr/src/vboxhost-4.2.0/dkms.conf07:46
teacher_roomso it's source, maybe I am missing it07:46
dr_willisits in the repos?07:47
dr_willis!info seamonkey07:47
ubottuPackage seamonkey does not exist in quantal07:47
dr_willis;) not in 12.10 it seems07:47
dr_willis!find seamonkey07:47
ubottuFound: enigmail, xul-ext-calendar-timezones, xul-ext-gdata-provider, xul-ext-lightning07:47
deper29roboto: just compile from source ;)07:47
dr_willisso we are back to ppa, static binary, or source07:47
robotodr_willis: I am adding the ppa, I think07:48
robotodeper29: When I do an update, will there not be complications?07:48
robotoby building from source07:49
robotoWhile everything else is repository07:49
dr_willisseamonkey ppa should only update seam onkey07:49
teacher_roomcan i make grub quit finding all those kernels?07:50
robotodr_willis: I got it, thanks so much!07:50
deper29roboto: depending where source is. if it's on github you can just pull down the changes at any time you want and then recompile.07:50
somsipteacher_room: remove them07:50
almoxarifeteacher_room: nevermind the 'dkms' tangent, i confused the dpkg with dkms, unless you do have vbox, then you still want to know its there07:50
almoxarifeteacher_room: only by removing the 'image'07:51
robotoWhy'd ubuntu get rid os seamonkey?07:51
deper29actually, you can do that with svn or mercurial or,etc...07:51
robotoof seamonkey07:51
dr_willisno one wanted to mantain it perhaps07:51
robotoIt's actually a pretty good e-mail client07:51
dr_willisnever needed it.. so no ide07:51
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almoxarifeteacher_room: have you rebooted since the pastebin?07:53
teacher_roombut i had the problem before the last reboot07:54
almoxarifeteacher_room: when you do kernel 3.5 will want to boot07:54
teacher_roomis there a flag for apt-get just install the new thing i want, forget about removing unused kernels?07:55
almoxarifeteacher_room: you used -f to install synaptic, why?07:55
teacher_roomit was something i read i thought -f might fix my problem07:56
nbastinAnyone have experience with the precise preseed file?  I get stuck on writing the partitions and configuring LVM07:56
teacher_roomfirst i ran software update from the unity menu and it said dpkg error run synaptic, then i found out i didn't have synaptic07:57
teacher_roomwell there's the bell back to class, thanks almo07:57
teacher_roomdf -h /;sudo apt-get remove df -h /;sudo apt-get remove07:59
teacher_roomdf -h /;sudo apt-get remove linux-image-3.2.0-29-generic07:59
aeon-ltd!ops | Jynx08:00
ubottuJynx: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!08:00
deper29teacher_room: are you trying to remove an old kernel?08:00
dr_willistheres some tweaking tools to help clean out old kernels08:00
teacher_roomi am trying to get apt-get to work, it won't do anything b/c it says there are 4 kernels it can't remove08:00
dr_williseach kernel  and its related files take up acout 300mb i think08:00
CharminTheMooseI'm trying to get ubuntu precise to run in 64 MB of RAM inside a qemu vm, but on 'starting Bridge socket events into upstart', the system hangs. The hang doesn't happen if I use 76 or 128MB sizes.08:01
dr_williswhats the exact error messages and commands you are doing08:01
deper29dr_willis: can you not just remove the kernels from /boot?08:01
almoxarifedeper29: no!08:01
deper29almoxarife: why not?08:01
dr_willisdeper29:  err.. why not use the proper tools ;)08:02
almoxarifedeper29: makes cleanup even worse08:02
Ben64<dr_willis> deper29:  err.. why not use the proper tools ;)08:02
Ben64thats why not08:02
dr_willisi had like 15 kernels i cleaned out last week08:02
deper29what else needs to be cleaned up though?08:02
Ben64i thought newer ubuntus cleaned it automagically08:02
dr_willisused bleachbit, or was it ubuntu-tweak08:02
Ben64bleachbit is great08:02
dr_willisinitrd files, header files.08:03
almoxarifei cleaned myself out of the actual running kernel once, :) , that was a mistake08:03
dr_willisi must of had 15 old kernels.. about 2gb total i think08:03
deper29almoxarife: I did that once as well :D08:04
almoxarifeteacher_room: reboot into the new kernel, 3.5, then strip via synaptic one at a time the old ones08:04
MiazmaMy laptop doesn't wanna boot past syslinx on USB, anyone know why?08:05
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almoxarifeubuntutweek still around?08:06
almoxarifeMiazma: bad burn?08:07
Miazmaalmoxarife: Used several different burners.. YUMI, UNet, All in one.. all same problem.08:08
MiazmaAlso, used different USB sticks, again, same problem.08:08
almoxarifeMiazma: bad iso?08:08
Miazmaalmoxarife: Downloaded several times from official Ubuntu website, checked MD5, etc.08:08
almoxarifeMiazma: bad hardware?08:09
dr_willisjust dd the image to usb normally works best for me08:09
Miazmaalmoxarife: The sticks function properly, I actually used one of them to recently install Windows 7 and 8.08:09
almoxarifeMiazma: can you duplicate the job to cd/dvd?08:10
Miazmadr_willis: I keep hearing about "dd"'ing. Whats that?08:10
dr_willisdd if=cdimage.iso of=/dev/sdb08:10
Miazmaalmoxarife: Nope, the CD drive on this laptop is busted, and I dont have an external one handy.08:10
almoxarifeMiazma: you asked for variables, i think i ran thru all of them, one of those is pooping out08:10
dr_willisdont make a mistake with dd ;)08:10
MiazmaHow could I perform that from Windows?08:10
dr_williswindows had tools to image straight to usb. winimage perhaps?08:11
dr_willisnot used it in ages08:11
MiazmaNot heard of that one.08:11
dr_willisthe ubuntu download site used to have links08:11
almoxarifedr_willis: are you using win? :)08:11
dr_willisor i got links on   delicious.dom/dr_willis08:12
dr_willisor i got links on   delicious.com/dr_willis08:12
CharminTheMooseFound the source of the mysterious hang, failsafe-boot.conf was running for some reason.08:12
dr_willison my cell phone right now08:12
Miazmadr_willis: this? -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Win32DiskImager08:14
siloxid`.conf are config files, they don't run under normal conditions08:14
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dr_willisMiazma:  thats worked for me. i had to rename foo.iso to foo.img i recall08:15
dr_willistheres other dd tools for windows08:16
Miazmadr_willis: yeah, that was my second question. I'll give that a shot, thanks.08:16
hiemanshuor just change the filter to all files, and yeah, win32diskimager is the best08:16
LantiziaLo, any recommendations on a make/model of 20+ inch touchscreen monitor that also has hdmi/hdcp (as well as normal vga/dvi)?08:17
LantiziaI figure if I'm going to get a new monitor that can do both my pc and ps3 - it may as well be touchscreen for unity08:17
dr_willisim not even sure how well unity does touch screens08:21
Lantizialol, if unity doesn't do well with touchscreens - then it truely is a totally useless interface08:21
dr_willismore of a touchscreen drivers/x being so varied i imagine08:22
Lantiziaever since it came out I've been swapping back to a gnome-panel (or equivalent) and giving unity the benefit of the doubt because I *don't* have a touchscreen monitor08:22
dr_willisi cant really imagine using a touchscreen on a desktop pc08:22
hiemanshuI have a 12" tablet (atom based) sitting here next to me, unity is nice with it08:22
dr_willisi use a mouse on my tables sitting on my desk also08:22
hiemanshujust wish I could get the damn pointer to show08:22
hiemanshuif I could, I'd use synergy to control it, either that, or move to XFCE or KDE or something08:23
deper29hiemanshu: isn't your finger the pointer when you touch the screen?08:23
dr_willisnot seen any atom based tablets.   heard of them08:23
Lantiziathere doesn't even seem to be that many touchscreen monitors for sale (at least not on my two main computer-related shops scan.co.uk and aria.co.uk)08:24
hiemanshudeper29: yeah, but when I'd like to use synergy, so need to get a mouse pointer to show08:24
dr_willisi use so many keybord shortucts   touch screen would slow me down08:24
CharminTheMooseI personally use Window Maker, nice window manager-with-a-dock08:24
dr_willisaint you old skool. ;)08:24
dr_willisits a 'warf'  i recall08:24
hiemanshuif I cant find a solution, I am just going to install xmonad and stick with it08:25
dr_willisi miss some of the wmaker features.. had some neat wmaker dock apps. and it had some neat options08:25
jiltdilComplete hardisk cloning.. other that using clonezilla.Any idea?08:26
dr_willishad some  really weird wriedness also08:26
dr_willisjiltdil:  dd   ;)08:26
dr_willisfsarchiver  but thats not a clone image08:27
dr_willisit depends on details of what you are doing a lot jiltdil08:28
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ubuntu075My laptop has nvidia optimus and after installing nvidia drivers the onboard display reports a max resolution of 640x480 while it really is a 1080p display - how can i fix this ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1429178/08:30
dr_willisinstalled bumblebee on it ubuntu075 ?08:31
jiltdilwe creating a partition image08:32
jiltdildr_willis, we creating a partition image and then we will deploy this on directly in 30 system how would we do08:33
jiltdilwe r facing a some prob with clonziolla08:33
dr_willisclonezilla is designed for such tasks08:33
dr_willisdd and a lot of patience is another way08:34
dr_willisor partclone perhaps08:34
hari_which java to download for ubuntu 11.0408:34
dr_willis!java | hari_08:34
ubottuhari_: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.08:34
jiltdiland we r not able to deploy image08:34
jiltdildr_willis, image  is created but  we ar e not able to deploy image08:35
dr_willisand why not?08:36
hari_sir, bobweaver pl answer me which java i have to download for ubuntu 11.0408:36
dr_willishari_:  you can use the java in the repos08:37
jiltdildr_willis, I will come again after sometime .08:37
bobweaverwhat ever one you want hari_  then use update alternitivres to --configure version hari_08:38
hari_i couldn't follow what u say, sir08:39
cselinuxhi all, new to this just making sure I am in the right spot08:40
cselinuxI need help with my wifi card with ubuntu its a broadcom 431108:40
hari_i am new to linux08:40
cselinuxwelcome hari, I am as well08:41
ubuntu075My laptop has nvidia optimus and after installing nvidia drivers the onboard display reports a max resolution of 640x480 while it really is a 1080p display - how can i fix this ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1429178/08:41
cselinuxis there were i go to get help with ubuntu?08:42
deper29cselinux: what is your question08:42
cselinuxmy wifi card is not working for ubuntu08:43
RomeoAvaError: none of the selected modes were compatible with the possible modes:08:43
RomeoAvaTrying modes for CRTC 32408:43
RomeoAvaCRTC 324: trying mode 1366x768@0Hz with output at 1024x768@0Hz (pass 0)08:43
RomeoAvaCRTC 324: trying mode 1366x768@0Hz with output at 1024x768@0Hz (pass 1)08:43
cselinuxits a broadcom 431108:43
wdpubuntu075, please pastebin your xorg log.08:43
deper29wdp: pretty sure ubuntu075 is spamming08:44
black_hi i am new here can anyone help me??08:44
deper29cselinux: haev you tried to install drivers?08:44
wdpdeper29, whether spamming or not, he/she is looking for help.08:44
lhavelundblack_: State your issue, maybe someone is able to do so.08:44
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:44
cselinuxdeper29: where do i find these drivers?08:45
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:45
deper29cselinux: search 'additional drivers'08:48
deper29in dash home08:48
black_i am new here and trying to download real-player , i ve been able to download one but its not downloading any videos08:49
cselinuxdeeper29: within my dash home or is there a dash home on this page that I am unaware of08:49
deper29cselinux: there should be an application called additional drivers08:50
deper29in that search bar thing when you click dash home08:50
ubuntu075deper29: nope im here08:50
ubuntu075wdp: sec08:50
deper29ubuntu075: sorry, my bad08:50
cselinuxdeeper29: I didn't get any applications it came up with about four results and they were items for sale online08:51
ubuntu075wdp: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1429276/08:51
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dr_willisaddational-drivers tool is under a tab in the 'software sources' tool in 12.1008:52
cselinuxdr_willis: what does bbl mean?08:53
deper29cselinux: be back later08:53
cselinuxokay thank you deeper2908:53
ubuntu075My laptop has nvidia optimus and after installing nvidia drivers the onboard display reports a max resolution of 640x480 while it really is a 1080p display - how can i fix this ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1429178/ xorg log : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1429276/08:55
wdpubuntu075, take a look at lines 102 to 10408:55
wdpubuntu075, and stop repeating yourself over and over again. people won't answer if you do that.08:55
wdpubuntu075, i have no idea about nvidia "optimus" but it seems the "nvidia" driver is not used by xorg for your graphic ard. probably it's falling back to vesa or something else, which might explain the low resolution08:56
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wdpubuntu075, you're sure the correct nvidia driver is installed? did you reboot after installation (just to make sure?)08:57
deper29ubuntu075: I think you need bumblebee08:57
wdpyup, i remember regarding that optimus stuff people need something else. but since i don't have such stuff i didn't bother yet.08:57
RomeoAvaI remove Bumblebee, reboot, and the resolution is bad, I will install again08:58
cselinuxmr_willis:, deper29: I went to my additional drivers and selected using broadcom 802.11 linux STA driver from .....08:59
drag0niuswhat i need to update to change hostname?09:00
drag0nius /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname isnt sufficient09:00
deper29cselinux: it should say there's proprietary drivers or something to install09:00
drag0niusit still says ssl certificate is invalid because of old hostname09:00
deper29then after you install them you reboot and hopefully you will be good :)09:01
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theredmoodwinDoes anyone here speak german? I need something translated. Just one word.09:05
theredmoodwinI don't know of anywhere else there would be a big mass of people.09:05
AnAntHello, someone messed badly with his laptop, seems he done something with libc6 installation09:06
deper29drag0nius: did you restart after?09:06
AnAntis it possible to re-install libc6 in rescue mode (ie. after booting from Ubuntu install CD in rescue mode) ?09:06
drag0niusalso looks like hostname service isnt running at all09:07
ragsagarHow can I disable a service from startup?09:08
deper29try sudo hostname <new hostname>09:08
drag0niusthere is no output09:08
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.09:08
kracekumarubottu use python09:09
drag0niushow would i include both old and new?09:09
almoxariferagsagar: is it shown at /etc/init.d/?09:10
almoxariferagsagar: what service?09:10
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drag0niushmm maybe windows just holds old hostname09:11
drag0niusand doesnt update09:11
deper29drag0nius: what are you trying to do exactly?09:13
ubuntu075wdp yes correct drivers are installed, and yes i rebooted. deper29: i have bumblebee.09:13
drag0niuschange hostname so it matches my ssl certificate09:13
drag0niusi still have holder and issuer as old hostname09:14
drag0niuseven though i re-created it09:14
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almoxarifedrag0nius: running a mail server there?09:19
ubottualfredigno: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:20
shikata_ga_naihey guys i have been using ubuntu 10.04 in my new laptop for quite sometime, i kind of wonder why some desktop effects can't be used.I am sure enough that i enabled those effects in the settings menu.09:20
drag0niusi can still ping old 'ubuntu-server' hostname09:20
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drag0niusfrom server itself09:20
lhavelund!it > alfredigno09:21
drag0niusi've sendmail installed09:21
lowrezzmy ubuntu doesn't start anymore09:22
RomeoAvathe same bug, after reboot09:23
lowrezzi have some error like old refcount >009:23
lowrezzin … file …. dbus.c09:23
lowrezzwhat the hell does that mean09:23
lhavelundlowrezz: Watch your language, please - this is a family-friendly channel.09:23
lowrezzcan anyone help me please with that issue?09:24
lhavelund!de > xx4h09:24
ubottuxx4h, please see my private message09:24
drag0niusso any ideas?09:24
lowrezzthats the second time i install ubuntu and it fails09:24
lowrezzafter some time09:24
lowrezzi have the server version btw09:24
almoxarifelowrezz: pastebin /var/log/syslog09:25
deper29shikata_ga_nai: like burn and stuff?09:26
lowrezzi can't09:26
lowrezzit does not boot09:26
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almoxarifelowrezz: where is that error seen?09:26
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shikata_ga_naideper29,yeah and other several effects..09:27
deper29shikata_ga_nai: nvidia card?09:27
xx4h2>/dev/null | foreach my $nick (@rest) { hi $nick };09:28
shikata_ga_naideper29,yep nvidia gt 630m .I have already installed the close source driver of this card from there site, still didn't work.09:28
deper29shikata_ga_nai: did you enable the additional effects?09:29
deper29er, extra effects or whatever it's called09:29
BabySupermanif I'm using ubuntu 12.04, what's the program I'm using when I call 'service uwsgi restart'09:30
ubottualfredigno: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:31
ubuntu075wdp deper29 i already have bumblebee09:31
deper29ubuntu075: I know. I don't know how else to help. I don't have nvidia optimus myself :(09:32
ubuntu075wdp deper29 dkms status : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1429314/09:32
ubuntu075bbswitch = bumblebee09:32
almoxarife!info bumblebee09:34
ubottuPackage bumblebee does not exist in quantal09:34
deper29i'm off to bed. it's too late09:36
deper29shikata_ga_nai: I think what I did when I was on 10.04 was enable extra desktop effects, then reboot, then I was able to do the burning and other effects. Otherwise if I clicked the box it would just unclick itself right away09:37
lowrezz_now i could log in09:39
shikata_ga_naideper29,yep i enabled it.So what now?09:39
ubuntu075My laptop has nvidia optimus and after installing nvidia drivers the onboard display reports a max resolution of 640x480 while it really is a 1080p display - how can i fix this ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1429178/ xorg log : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1429276/ | bumblebee is installed as well as correct drivers09:41
lowrezz_well i think i should switch back to debian09:41
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lowrezz_now i have a screen09:43
lowrezz_that says waiting for network configuration09:43
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lowrezz_I'm using ubuntu server btw09:43
lowrezz_what does that mean, the network interface is not working?09:43
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almoxarifelowrezz_: it means that a network connection could not be made09:44
almoxarifelowrezz_: you are installing or running?09:44
lowrezz_it worked yesterday09:45
lowrezz_either i got hacked or i don't know09:45
notwistlowrezz_: your network settings not working is hardly a first indicator that you "got hacked"09:45
almoxarifelowrezz_: i doubt you got 'hacked'09:45
dr_willisdog chewed on the cable :) is more likely09:46
lowrezz_it writes connect() were incorrect, assertion "re_fcount >0 .... dbus-server.c09:47
lowrezz_so what does that mean?09:48
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dr_williswhat says that lowrezz_ ?09:48
lowrezz_when i try to boot up09:48
lowrezz_it stops09:48
lowrezz_and says that09:48
notwistlowrezz_: thats not something ive ever seen during an ubuntu boot09:49
lowrezz_after that it goes on booting09:49
lowrezz_after some while09:49
junkyhlmhi guys ( and gals) could someone help me out with some pointers on openvpn and how to route traffic from a specific program?09:50
lowrezz_but the pc is not appearing in the network09:50
lowrezz_can't ping it or anything else09:50
notwistlowrezz_: does it get an ip?09:50
notwist...and it is?09:51
dr_williscan it ping other machines?09:51
lowrezz_the old one09:51
notwistlowrezz_: "the old one"? how do you think im supposed to understand what that means?09:51
dr_williscan it ping  its own ip?09:51
lowrezz_wait i try09:51
lhavelundparacetamol: Please don't do that.09:52
dr_willisdo you have a support question?09:53
stemid_my system is using a lot of diskcache, 1G, it has 2G RAM in total. it's running postgresql and it's swapping 70MB right now. with just 10M free. the daemon.log has not been written since its last iteration, daemon.log.1.09:54
stemid_I wonder if I should upgrade RAM in it.09:54
stemid_feels like I should.09:54
junkyhlmI have a server running rtorrent and apache2 and i only want the rtorrent traffic to be tunneled through openvpn. Is this possible?09:54
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notwistjunkyhlm im pretty sure openvpn can work on a port-to-port basis so yes, you could tunnel only the port that rtorrent uses09:55
notwistjunkyhlm try reading the openvpn manual because i have no idea how09:55
junkyhlmnotwist: ok yeah i've been searching for 3 days now and i cant find any help on the subject. I've reached the conclusion that it's possible through iptables but since i quite the noob on openvpn and iptables, i'll need someone to teach me09:57
heoyea_no money09:59
junkyhlmanyone thats up for the task of helping me can PM me, i want to learn! :)10:01
van7huhi, I am using 10.04 desktop edition, where is my open-jdk-6 installed?10:01
stemidvan7hu: dpkg -L open-jdk-610:02
notwistjunkyhlm: theres plenty of books on both iptables and openvpn ;)10:03
van7hustemid, thanks10:03
notwistjunkyhlm: the way you learn stuff is by having an actual goal and then reading up on it, not getting ready made solutions from someone else10:03
ragsagaralmoxarife: autofs and it is there.10:04
junkyhlmnotwist: i dont want any ready made solution, i want to learn but the info i've found got a bit steep learning curve10:05
ragsagarI just installed and configure autofs. It is running now. How can I check that if it is enabled to start duing booting?10:05
notwistjunkyhlm: the learning curve is always steep to begin with, thats why you gotta push through and the next time you have a problem it will be 10x easier to solve10:06
dr_williswell if autofs is  a service managed by upstart it should have a conf file in /etc/init10:07
ragsagardr_willis: /etc/init/autofs.conf exists10:08
junkyhlmyeah i know that but i'ts always good to have someone to bounce ideas and questions with10:08
dr_willisso it should start at boot10:08
dr_willisunless you edit the .conf to tell it not to10:08
ragsagardr_willis: thanks. how can i disable that?10:08
dr_willissee the upstart cookbook for  the various ways to stop a service10:09
dr_willisone way.. rename it to autofs.dontrun10:09
Braden`Does anyone know when Ubuntu will include the Trac 1.0 package instead of using the 0.12 version that has been distributed for ages?10:12
heoyea_next time10:13
Braden`I doubt that10:13
Braden`Any intelligible answer?10:13
heoyea_do it urself then10:13
dr_willischeck with the package maintainer perhaps10:13
Braden`How do I do that?10:13
dr_willis!info trac10:13
ubottutrac (source: trac): Enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.3-1 (quantal), package size 1800 kB, installed size 6481 kB10:13
Braden`0.13 was released over a year ago10:14
dr_willisnot sure. there is the #ubuntu-dev channel i think..10:14
Braden`Ok, thanks10:14
Braden`Nobody is there10:14
dr_willisor was it ubuntu-developers10:14
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*10:14
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somsipBraden`: these have links to the developers http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=trac10:16
somsip*or maintainers10:17
dr_willisyea. maintainers is the proper term. ;)10:17
lowrezz__almoxarife: why don't think i I'm not hacked?10:19
lowrezz__i mean why do you doubt it10:19
dr_willisseems 13.04 has version 12.4 of trac10:19
dr_williserr 0.12.410:19
almoxarifelowrezz__: like i said, where is the syslog?10:19
junkyhlmAnyone that could point me in the best direction for books and help with OpenVPN?10:20
lowrezz__almoxarife: i fixed it10:22
lowrezz__it was a problem on the router side i guess10:22
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lowrezz__almoxarife: thanks a lot for your help anyway10:23
dannydodarcan somone help out10:29
ikoniaif you ask a question, people will try10:29
ironhalikWhen I put Ubuntu 12.04 into hibernation, it locks the bios not allowing it to boot from other drives, until the hibernated OS boots again10:31
ironhalikis there any way around it?10:31
dannydodardoes anyone know a way to get source engine games to run at full spec without wine10:31
heoyea_install windows10:32
dannydodarwhy is wine so bad at running some games10:32
dannydodarwell yeah10:32
meowagismjoin #debian10:32
dannydodarthat was an option but i think microsoft are blood sucking bastards10:32
ironhalikheoyea_: I dualboot, thats why I want to hibernate my Ubuntu install and boot into windows10:33
lhavelunddannydodar: Watch your language, and keep your hostility out of this channel, please.10:33
ironhalikit kinda works, but I need to wait through the POST screen to GRUB, then do a hard reset and boot into windows10:33
dannydodarmy grub seems to freeze up10:34
dannydodaridk why10:34
dannydodarlol, im sat in school doing an e c-commerce power point for my ict work10:35
heoyea_ironhalik: why u need to hibernate if u booting into another os10:35
ironhalikheoyea_: to save my session10:36
dannydodari do it, its faster10:36
ironhalikideally, I would like the option make GRUB boot into certain os the next reboot10:36
dannydodari think theres a way10:37
dannydodaryou would have to re-code dos10:37
ironhalikI dont do DOS ;>10:37
dannydodaradd an option to start grub with a key at boot10:38
dannydodarITS FUN!!]10:38
ikoniaok - could we return to ubuntu discussion please,10:38
ironhalikit was, 10 years ago10:38
dannydodari find dos hard, i dont tend to play with it10:38
dannydodarwhat i meen is; "you could use dos to code somthing into bios so that on start up you would have to manualy start grub and it would boot for you10:39
ikoniaok - could we return to ubuntu discussion please,10:40
ironhalikikonia: I'm asking how to make Ubuntu not lock BIOS after hibernation10:40
ironhalikso It's kinda an ubuntu discussion10:41
ikoniaironhalik: yeah talking nonsense about writing dos into the bios isn't a discussion though10:41
ikoniaironhalik: ubuntu doesn't touch the bios10:41
ikoniaironhalik: are you sure it's the bios that's the problem and not a device ?10:41
dannydodarno it doesnt10:42
ikoniaironhalik: that said hibernation is known to cause problems on certain hardware devices due to their weak linux support10:42
dannydodari know10:42
dannydodari only know  a little10:42
ironhalikikonia: I don't know whats the cause, but after I hibernate and reboot, I can't choose different drive to boot until GRUB loads10:42
dannydodarmost of my code is done by a few devs10:42
ironhalikthen I need to do a hard reset and boot in whatever I want10:43
fabricio_raszejaHello everyone :D10:43
SpaceRockethow to add nameserver from command line or disable resolvconf update ?10:46
ikoniaironhalik: thats normal though isn't it, when you reboot it resumes from hibernation10:47
lostfileSpaceRocket: sudo echo "nameserver {ip}" > /etc/resolv.conf10:48
ironhalikikonia: yeah, but I would prefer it to show GRUB before it resumes my session. Or allow me to choose boot drive in POST10:48
soulnafeinThis is my xorg.0.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1429437/ I'm having a blank screen problem at boot after installing nvidia-current drivers via the additional drivers application in ubuntu 12.04. I'm on a Macbook Air 3,2. I'm really struggling to figure out what to do.10:48
lostfileSpaceRocket: then, chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf10:48
soulnafeinI need accelerated 3d drivers so that I can develop a WebGL application.10:49
ikoniaironhalik: but that's not expected behaviour10:49
ikoniaironhalik: you're asking for a feature change10:49
llutzSpaceRocket: echo "nameserver a.b.c.d" | sudo tee -a /etc/resolv.conf10:49
ironhalikikonia: I'm asking for a choice.10:50
llutz!resolv.conf | SpaceRocket10:51
ubottuSpaceRocket: resolvconf is a set of scripts that's used to manage /etc/resolv.conf in 12.04 and later, for more information please see: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/serverguide/network-configuration.html#name-resolution10:51
SpaceRocketlostfile, what does +i do ?10:53
lostfileSpaceRocket: A file with the 'i' attribute cannot be modified10:55
lostfileSpaceRocket: cannot be deleted or renamed, no link can be created to this file, no data can be written to the file..10:55
babilen(ugly hack in the context of name resolution)10:56
PhoebusAny ideas to quickly script deleting files older than 3 weeks? cheers!10:56
max999Phoebus: i find on tons of ways to do this on google.10:57
wdp_someone here using drbd+heartbeat in ubuntu server? llutz maybe? :-)10:58
tree48My right click is not working in HP DM4 Pavilion Series 1063cl notebook in installed ubuntu 12.04. please help10:58
max999Phoebus: most use a cronjob / shell script with find and -atime or -mtime to check access or modified age.10:58
llutzPhoebus: find /path -mtime +21 -delete10:59
wdp_(right, i should ask a proper question) I have trouble getting heartbeat to work. It is not mounting the device automatically, and I get: some errors regarding the ip address which i've set according to this page: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/DRBD10:59
Phoebusmax999, yes, looking at some of this but need something simpler.10:59
llutzwdp_: neither i use drdb nor ubuntu-server, sry10:59
lostfilemax999: +110:59
max999Phoebus, simpler than a one liner? ;)10:59
Phoebusllutz, coolio10:59
Phoebusthanks a ton :)10:59
wdp_llutz, kk :-)10:59
max999use atime if you want to keep accessed files though.10:59
llutzPhoebus: add a "-type f" and test with echo or ls -l before10:59
ikoniaironhalik: that choice is not exected behaviour, so you are asking for a feature/design change11:00
ikoniaironhalik: I don't see how that's going to eb very easy to achieve due to how different hardware vendors provide interaction11:01
wdp_nvm. solved.11:03
jellowdoes jaunty still get updates ? I only get 404s11:06
jellow:y fears were correct :(11:08
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.11:08
dr_willisbeen EOL for over a year now jellow11:08
dr_willistime to upgrade11:08
dr_willisover 2 years. ;)11:09
jellowtime flys eh ;(11:09
PickUpThatCanDear ikonia, for kicking me on the turn of a dime / drop of a hat, special message for you:11:09
dr_willisI always stay with the latest release..11:09
PickUpThatCanikonia: ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ http://youtu.be/bKeU92wXl4I?t=11m34s ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐11:09
dr_willisturn of a dime?11:10
max999bans not worth much i once did put free proxies on a test, irc doesnt recognize any of them.11:10
jellowhow do I change tty resolution ? I have no google sorry11:11
max999jellow: get lynx and you have google ;)11:11
dr_willisjellow:  well used to be you could use fbset to change the framebuffer consoles.. but im not even sure that framebuffers are enabled any more11:11
jellowmax999:  lynx is a beast I have yet to tame11:11
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ubottuInformation about changing your framebuffer modes in GRUB can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub11:12
max999jellow: its pretty simple you just need to use a few keys =)11:12
dr_willislynx https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub11:12
dr_willisor use links11:12
jellownow I neet to learn how to copy paste ..11:12
dr_willisive noticed my consoles are slightly smaller11:12
dr_willis!info gpm | jellow11:13
ubottujellow: gpm (source: gpm): General Purpose Mouse interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.20.4-6 (quantal), package size 205 kB, installed size 495 kB11:13
dr_willisgpm lets you use a mouse on the console11:13
max999!info !info | max11:13
ubottumax: info (source: texinfo): Standalone GNU Info documentation browser. In component main, is standard. Version 4.13a.dfsg.1-10ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 97 kB, installed size 361 kB11:13
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SpaceRocketchattr Operation not supported while reading flags on /etc/resolv.conf, any help?11:16
dr_williswhats saying that SpaceRocket ?11:16
Duke_hi! how i see the files in trash can in ubuntu?11:16
SpaceRocketdr_willis, chattr +i11:17
ubottuYour GUI file manager's Trash folder is located at ~/.local/share/Trash/ for files moved to trash from your hard disk and .../.Trash-userid/ on external devices for files moved to trash from the device.11:17
dr_willisSpaceRocket:  why are you using chattr +i?11:17
SpaceRocketdr_willis, to keep conf in that file permenantely after I tried many other ways11:17
Duke_dr_willis: thank you11:19
cisshi, i have multiple ip addresses bound to one interface. currently the web server listening can be accessed via all ips, but responds only on the first one.11:20
cisswhat steps do i need to take to make it respond with the ip it received the request from?11:21
cissi'm guessing something about configuring routes?11:21
sevenforallI keep getting system error messages while everything keeps working. Isn't there a way to turn them off?11:22
sevenforallThe prompts are more annoying than whatever issue they're warning about11:22
dr_williswhat 'system error' messages do you mean.11:22
sevenforallI don't know, it simply comes up with prompts that there's *something* wrong, and if I'd like to report that11:22
sevenforallI'll take a screen next time it comes up11:22
sevenforallOh, why thank you :)11:24
sevenforallNo shit, I am typing that command as it comes up again, lol11:24
lhavelundsevenforall: Watch your language please11:25
sevenforalllhavelund: Hm?11:25
lhavelundsevenforall: Your language. This is a family-friendly channel.11:25
sevenforalllhavelund: Yes, I understand, but what's wrong with it?11:25
lhavelundRe-read your sentence, then you should be able to pick it out.11:25
dr_willisinstead of typing a 5 word sentance that the dialog had.. you pasted a massive huge screen show to show a ittsy bittsy dialog box.. ;P thats amuzeing..11:26
lhavelundFor now, let's keep that out of this channel.11:26
dr_willisThats the apport dialog - see the url i gave above11:26
sevenforalllhavelund: I assume you're talking about 'no ****', then? Aha... Well, all right, if you insist. My apologies.11:26
sevenforalldr_willis: I got that, thanks11:26
lhavelundsevenforall: Apology accepted! And thanks for understanding.11:26
sevenforalldr_willis: And, well, I just like making huge screenshots ;)11:26
trap88my touchpad right click is not working. Its HP pavilion DM4 1063cl. All the links to enable-clickpad in the support group is broken. Please Help!11:27
sevenforalltrap88: Are you certain it's not a hardware problem?11:27
trap88sevenforall: yes11:27
sevenforalltrap88: All right, let's have a look11:27
trap88sevenforall: sure :)11:27
sevenforalltrap88: What Ubuntu version are you on?11:28
trap88sevenforall: 12.04.111:28
trap88sevenforall: any ideas ?11:30
sevenforalltrap88: On a forum, I find this array of commands, have you tried those? http://pastie.org/551991611:30
trap88sevenforall: yes11:31
trap88but requirese reboot11:31
guuestcan you help, please, with pulseaudio and alsa problems?11:32
dr_willisguuest:  give the channel details and see11:32
sevenforalltrap88: You can't reboot?11:33
Duke_how i set files as rewritable?11:34
Duke_and folders too11:34
ikoniaDuke_: use the gui11:34
ikoniaor chmod11:35
MonkeyDustDuke_  chmod 75511:35
Duke_thank you ikonia and MonkeyDust :)11:35
sevenforallAh, permissions, something I still don't fully get, which is a huge security threat11:35
guuestmost audio applications (like virtual piano, or sound editors) need a alsa audio but i have a pulseaudio with alsa. These apps do not work11:35
subhojit777I extracted apache solr in my system. It was supposed to give me start.jar file, while I got start.jar.sha1 file. I googled and found that a Mac user fixed this problem by installing xcode in her sysytem. How to do this in Ubuntu11:35
guuestwhy they don't work?11:36
trap88_sevenforall: yup It worked man :) thanks11:36
trap88_sevenforall: i googled a lot. where did you find those scripts ?11:36
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sevenforalltrap88_: It was literally the first link, lol11:38
sevenforallGoogled for "ubuntu touchpad right click", top link was "[SOLVED] HP Mini 210 touchpad right click not working"11:38
garahi.. i'm new user ubuntu 12.10 :)11:38
sevenforallScrolled down a comment or 5, and bam, there it was :P11:38
sevenforallgara: New to Ubuntu, or new to 12.10?11:39
sevenforalltrap88_: Glad it worked :) np11:39
trap88_sevenforall: :( what did you search ?11:39
garaubuntu 12.1011:39
sevenforalltrap88_: "ubuntu touchpad right click"11:39
sevenforallgara: Is it all that different from 12.10 besides the fact I personally think the buttons have got uglier?11:40
ikoniaguuest: you need to ask a question rather than do silly things like heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp11:41
ikoniaguuest: that way people listen and respond rather than put you on ignore11:41
sevenforallikonia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCsfHVM5x_I#t=70s11:43
garasevenforall: try searching it on google11:43
sevenforallgara: What, exactly?11:43
ikoniasevenforall: why are you posting that junk in here ?11:43
bazhanggara, please Never recommend google here11:44
subhojit__I extracted apache solr in my system. It was supposed to give me start.jar file, while I got start.jar.sha1 file. I googled and found that a Mac user fixed this problem by installing xcode in her sysytem. How to do this in Ubuntu11:44
garabazhang: sorry, i dont know11:44
bazhangsubhojit__, there is no xcode for linux. did you want to compile? then install build-essential11:44
bazhang!compile | subhojit__11:45
ubottusubhojit__: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall11:45
ikoniadoesn't lok like it's a compile11:45
ikonialooks like it's starting a java application11:45
subhojit__ikonia, right11:45
subhojit__this will start apache application11:46
ikoniasubhojit__: the sha1 file is probably a checksum of the java file11:47
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga11:47
subhojit__ikonia, then how do I obtain the original file from the checksum11:47
ikoniasubhojit__: it's not in the checksum,11:48
subhojit__ikonia, sha1 is an encryption algo right?11:49
ikoniasubhojit__: very true11:50
ikoniasubhojit__: so it could be an encypted file, although I feel is probably a checkshum11:50
subhojit__ikonia, when I open the file in vim it just shows some encrypted code11:51
subhojit__ikonia, do you think http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/natty/man1/sigtool.1.html this will help?11:51
ikoniasubhojit__: ok, so it could be an encypted file11:51
ikoniasubhojit__: I don't know if that will help as I have no information about the file11:51
ikoniasubhojit__: I don't think that will help as creating a checksum/sig of an encypted file adds no value11:52
subhojit__ikonia, hmm right..11:52
sevenforallikonia: To give an impression of what guuest sounded like to me. No reason to be tense about it, c'mon now.11:53
ikoniasevenforall: you just posted a pointless link in a support channel to mock another user, unacceptable "c'mon now"11:54
sevenforallikonia: Making a scene about it isn't going to make it any better. Person never asked a question in the first place, it was silent, no one was really bothered by it. Just ignore it.11:55
ikoniasevenforall: no, don't post that random stuff please.11:58
sevenforallikonia: You've wasted more lines on your critique than that video ever did. Again, just ignore it.11:59
Bitchohi Brian0112:05
Brian01anyone here use Zorin OS?12:06
MonkeyDustBrian01  #zorinos12:07
srhbI have an intermittent problem where after suspending my laptop, it immediately wakes up. However I haven't been able to figure out what causes it. Only a reboot will make suspend work again after that happens. Where do I start diagnosing this? Are there any relevant log files?12:07
srhb(I know some of them, but I've probably missed something obvious(12:08
Brian01Compiz keeps crashing wanna get rid of it12:08
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MonkeyDustBrian01 ask in the channel  #zorinos12:09
sevenforallYep, back. Again, sorry for the miscommunication.12:10
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sevenforallWhat's the time in the US? It's silent.12:15
ikoniasevenforall: it's ubuntu technical support/discussion channel12:15
ikoniaor goggle for timezone differences12:15
ikonianot chat channel, try #ubuntu-offtopic or #defocus for general chatter12:16
sarfraz_how to configure DDNS12:16
joey8sarfraz_: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=configure+ddns&t=canonical12:17
sevenforallsarfraz_: I think you want to ask over at #networking, they'll be able to give more specific and correct answers.12:19
sarfraz_how to configure dynamic dns inside ubuntu12:23
bazhangsarfraz_, with your router?12:23
bazhangsarfraz_, explain what you are trying to do, first12:24
TheLordOfTimesarfraz_, what're you trying to do anyways...?12:24
sarfraz_i have configured dhcp and i also want to configure ddns inside dhcp12:25
sevenforallsarfraz_: Are you experiencing any connectivity issues? What exactly are you trying to achieve?12:25
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sarfraz_i have configured dhcp and i also want to configure ddns inside dhcp12:30
almoxarifesarfraz_: you want a full blown server or something like a cache12:30
sarfraz_a server12:30
almoxarifesarfraz_: bind12:30
ikoniasarfraz_: there are some good doucments on the ISC site around using the ISC bind / dhcpd daemon together12:31
ikoniasarfraz_: it's also worth grabbing the O'reilly DNS cookbook if you're going to do this sort of thing as it has some good examples, good info and takes you beyond what you want to do to things you didn't know you could do12:32
Guest42633Hello, this is a my first day in IRC chat. Only speak spanish, my english is very bad, excused my, i like speak with spanish people or castellano languaje. Salute for all people of Linux!!!12:32
srhbGuest42633: try #ubuntu-es ?12:33
Guest42633ok, thanks12:33
sevenforallWhops, forgot the /j, my bad ;)12:34
sevenforallGuest42633: You can try using your best English to ask in here, we might be able to help as well. Many more people in this channel, so your question will be answered sooner (given we understand it)12:35
almoxarifei want to be able to pastebinit a mouse-highlite, how would i do that?12:37
sevenforallWhat exactly are you highlighting?12:38
srhbI'm curious, does ksplice integration mean that when I see updates to the linux kernel in apt-get upgrade, I in fact don't need to reboot?12:39
almoxarifesevenforall: does not matter, just some high-lite12:39
sarfraz_how to configure of dynamic domain dns on ubuntu12:39
MonkeyDust!info ksplice12:39
ubottuksplice (source: ksplice): Patching live kernel without having to reboot. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-4 (quantal), package size 1244 kB, installed size 3084 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; arm; armel; armhf)12:39
sevenforallalmoxarife: I think in this case it might be easier to just copy/paste it to Pastebin12:39
almoxarifesevenforall: thats not easier12:40
sevenforallAfaik, pastebinit is more relevant when you want to paste the outputs of a command12:40
almoxarifeexec rekonq  "https://www.google.com/search?q=$googleWord"; <-- sevenforall... , that already high-lites/copys/pastes to google,12:41
sarfraz_how to configure of dynamic domain dns on ubuntu12:41
MonkeyDustsarfraz_  better ask in #ubuntu-server12:41
almoxarifesarfraz_: how do you mean dynamic? are you talking about within your own network?12:41
almoxarifeyes, what? sort of expand on what you are trying to achive, sarfraz_...12:42
Danicis there something like an unstable repository for ubuntu, with the current version of any software?12:42
almoxarifeDanic: those would be 'ppa's12:43
almoxarifeDanic: nice and unstable12:43
Danici have a look12:43
oskar-Danic:  Debian unstable ;)12:44
Daniccan I put debian unstable repos in ubuntu sources list?12:45
oskar-Danic:  i would not do it ;)12:45
almoxarifeDanic: i would not, but you do want 'unstable' it seems12:45
MonkeyDustDanic  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas12:46
DanicHa, no :) I know it form Debian. I just want to have current software. In debian its called unstable, which does not necessarily mean unstable´software.12:46
sarfraz_ how to configure of dynamic domain dns on ubuntu12:47
sarfraz_ how to configure of dynamic  dns on ubuntu12:47
oskar-sarfraz_:  search for a ddns tutorial in a web search engine of your choice...12:48
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lun0guten morgen12:52
bhaveshnoting happens when i click additional drivers in ubuntu 12.0412:52
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!12:52
Devilholk_Uhm.. so I just installed ubuntu on a machine and I try to find the hardware drivers manager, google suggests System -> Administration but I don't find anything like that except system settings. I also searched in dash for additional drivers, no hits.12:59
Devilholk_Is this changed or have I lost parts of this system during install? o.O13:00
lhavelundDevilholk_: I hear it's in Software Sources13:01
Devilholk_Thanks, I'll have a look13:02
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BluesKajHey all13:08
Unhammerhi, what file do I have to edit after moving partitions around?13:09
UnhammerI moved swap, / and /home13:10
Unhammerso I'm guessing some UUID's might have changed, or something13:10
golHi guys! I have created a simple script for ubuntu which depends on ImageMagick, should I credit ImageMagick on the head of teh script? What attributions are must?13:10
Psi-JackUnhammer: Umm. Mostly /etc/fstab13:10
oskar-Unhammer:  /etc/fstab, perhaps /boot/grub/devices.map, and remember to have grub correctly installed and its updated13:11
Psi-JackUnhammer: Though for / as well, you may need to update-grub2 if / contains your /boot13:11
Unhammerit does13:11
Unhammershould /dev/disk/by-uuid show the actual UUID even if I haven't edited /etc/fstab etc.?13:13
agselgot a new computer. want to have windows and ubuntu. any tips whether I should use dual boot or virtual installation?13:14
agselhave win 713:14
agseland quite good hardware setup13:14
fantasmaIs it a Laptop, or a desktop?13:14
Psi-JackUnhammer: Yes. /dev/disk/* is generated by udevd, not fstab.13:15
Myrttiagsel: what do you plan to do with the laptop, and what GPU is it?13:15
UnhammerPsi-Jack,  ok, thanks13:15
agselMyrtti: gpu is K2000M, dell precision. mostly I use linux13:16
agselI would say 90% time I use linux13:16
agseleven 95%13:16
agselbut I have dual boot currently. if I had virtual solution, may-be I would use more. it just takes time to reboot into win13:17
oskar-agsel:  do you need windows with direct hardware access for gaming or similar performance hungry tasks?13:18
greenithehe, the only reason i have windows on my pc too beneath linux^^13:19
greenitwhy i have*13:19
=== dpac|away is now known as dpac
Psi-Jackdpac: We don't need a play-by-play of your IRC status through nick changes, or any other form of advertisement of it. :/13:20
autopilothi - please could someone show me how to tar a directory but exclude a subdirectory from the archive please?13:20
Unhammeroh, it started fine after a second reboot with no changes. Odd, but I guess I should be happy =P13:20
agseloskar-: I do some gaming13:21
agselbut I can boot to windows then13:21
oskar-autopilot:  see the manpage. a simple example: tar -c -v -f archive.tar --exclude=dir/subdir  dir13:21
agselI will keep windows anyhow13:21
agselstill need MSoffice etc13:21
agselbut otherwise I do programming13:22
srhbagsel: You'll probably be surprised how good wine has become.13:22
oskar-agsel:  for gaming windows should run natively, for office, a virtualized windows would be sufficient. i have both ;)13:22
srhbI game in wine, outputting to my discrete GPU.13:22
srhbIf your processor supports hardware address remapping, you can probably virtualize everything (if you have two GPUs)13:23
Unhammerfor gaming, buy a wii, better for your health and free drive space =P13:23
srhbSadly, mine does not.13:23
autopilotoskar-: thx - didn't realize the excluded dir had to be relative, that should do it13:23
* Unhammer just removed the win7 partition after not having booted it since buying the laptop13:24
srhbUnhammer: Fried mine right when I got it, wine rocks. :P13:24
srhbThen again, I'm on a tiny tiny SSD.13:25
greenitwell, sadly gw2 does not run as fluent as in windows, so i will keep it for now :S13:25
diverdudeI have a problem with free space in my root file system and i dont know whats hogging all the space. Is there a way to get some sort of overview of what takes up all the space?13:26
srhbdiverdude: something like du -sd 1 /13:27
srhbdiverdude: You might have to sudo it to not get permission errors13:27
srhbdiverdude: Once you locate the hogging directory, do the same command, but with that path13:27
diverdudesrhb, invalid option --d13:27
srhbdiverdude: -d, not --d13:27
diverdudeyeah i wrote du -sd 1 /13:28
srhbOh sorry13:28
srhbdu -hd 1 /13:28
srhbI'm rusty :-)13:28
diverdudemm same error13:28
srhbIt appears you have a different version of du then.13:28
diverdudeits -sh13:29
greenitdiverdude: which version says du when you write "du --version"13:29
srhbdiverdude: No, that's not what I wanted to do. I wanted depth 1, ie. -d 1 as well as human units -h13:29
Nexuusyou trying to get a report of usage from / ?13:29
srhbyes, but he will want to dive deeper than df13:29
srhb(Most likely)13:30
Nexuuseasiest thing is to cd /13:31
Nexuusthen sudo du -hs *13:31
srhbAnyway, once you get the newer version of du, the workflow I like is du -hd 1 / | sort -h -- then take note of the directories at the bottom (biggest ones) and run the command on that path instead until you find the culprit13:31
diverdudeits v. 8.513:31
srhb8.13 here13:31
srhbBut it's true, you can emulate it with -s instead13:32
srhbjust replace du -hd 1 / with du -hs /*13:32
MonkeyDustdu -hs /* 2>/dev/null      to get rid of the errors13:33
McQueenhi, i am connecting to my server via ssh. how can i upgrade it 11.04 to 12.04 via terminal?13:34
MonkeyDustMcQueen  you can't13:35
srhbMcQueen: Google dist-upgrade13:35
Pici!google | srhb13:35
ubottusrhb: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.13:35
Picisrhb: also, a dist-upgrade is not the proper way to upgrade to a new release.13:35
srhbPici: Apologies, I thought that he needed the word.13:35
PiciMcQueen: You'll need to upgrade to 11.10 and then to 12.0413:36
MonkeyDustMcQueen  if you have physical access to the remote pc, best were to fresh install13:36
MonkeyDustafter backup ^^^^13:36
McQueeni cant access phtsical... its so far...13:36
joey8Pici: me too13:37
McQueeni am trying to install iredmail. but its not support 11.0413:37
joey8srhb: me too13:38
joey8i meant13:38
McQueendo you know a mail server like iredmail which i can install to 11.0413:38
srhbMcQueen: Apparently, as Pici pointed out, I was confused about the upgrade mechanisms of Ubuntu. Please see this page https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/installing-upgrading.html13:39
aniihey you, every time i open something (nautilus, google chrome) my computer opens also the ubuntu software center, whats wrong ? o.O13:39
joey8anii:  i had this once and i had to change program prefferences for some reason13:40
McQueensrhb, i read it... but do-release-upgrade doesnt running on my server.  -bash: ./do-release-upgrade: No such file or directory13:40
aniijoey8: im german, i didnt understand what you mean, what are the profram prefferences i have to change?13:41
joey8anii:  PM PLEASE13:41
srhbMcQueen: You probably meant do-release-upgrade, not ./do-release-upgrade, and I believe it is part of the update-manager-core package, if you do not have it (you should, I think)13:41
aniiHello ubuntuha13:42
juniourguys i wan t read the file /var/log/wtmp how can i read that13:45
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.13:45
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade13:45
McQueensrhb, thanks13:46
juniour"last:" command extracts the information from thae file /var/log/wtmp buti want to read ti directly13:46
McQueenPici, thanks13:46
juniourany idea13:46
joey8juniour: will “cat” work for you ok13:47
srhbjuniour: It's a binary file, why don't you want to use the tool designed to read it?13:48
srhbjuniour: You can pipe the output of last to a file if you want a copy.13:48
juniourjoey8 its cat will give out put but its human readeable13:48
junioursorry not human readeble13:48
junioursrhb yea i know its "last"13:49
srhbjuniour: What's the problem then. :)13:49
junioursrhb its the binary or something13:49
srhbjuniour: Yes, but what is the problem with using last to dump a human readable version from it?13:50
srhbjuniour: That is, after all, exactly what last is designed to do.13:50
Unhammer<diverdude> I have a problem with free space in my root file system and i dont13:50
Unhammer    know whats hogging all the space. Is there a way to get some sort13:50
Unhammer    of overview of what takes up all the space?13:50
Unhammerif you have ncdu installed:13:50
Unhammersudo ncdu /13:50
FloodBot1Unhammer: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:50
michealPWGrr, why does it seem I have to restart Ubuntu for updates so much lately? Esp. _this_ update, there was no kernel or anything just Gwibber and I think Apt. It's as bad as Windows.13:50
Unhammerthough you probably have to "sudo apt-get install ncdu" first, which might be hard if your / is almost empty =P13:51
srhbjuniour: To put it differently, if you want to read wtmp without using last, you will need to write a program that does exactly the same thing as last. Does that make sense?13:51
searchingOpenbox menu.xml how to insert color and background color ?13:51
srhbjuniour: If you want to write that very same program, you can do man 5 wtmp for a description of the binary format for all your programming needs.13:53
Unhammer(and by empty I mean full)13:54
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shadow98anyone have an idea what vino-server would crash using ultravnc and issue a ctrl-c command....this does not happen with tightvnc viewer....it does happen with realvnc however....i like the ultravnc viewer much better so would like to use it14:06
wachpwnskiIs it normal for the /boot partition to be 95% full?14:07
wachpwnskiI keep getting a weird error gzip: stdout: No space left on device14:07
wachpwnskiE: mkinitramfs failure cpio 141 gzip 114:07
Unhammerwachpwnski,  ubuntu keeps old linux-versions around in boot, so it will eventually get filled up if it's small14:09
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wachpwnskiI see that now14:09
UnhammerI don't know what the standard procedure is for how to delete them ..14:09
MonkeyDustwachpwnski  use the 3rd party ubuntu-tweak to remove the old kernels -- not in the repos, www.ubuntu-tweak.com14:11
MonkeyDust3rd party app*14:11
shady_need help with ncmpcpp14:11
wachpwnskiI did sudo apt-get purge linux-image-<version>14:12
wachpwnskihow can you tell which kernel you are using uname -a?14:12
almoxarifewachpwnski: that will also work14:12
shady_i can't set the progressbar_look with more than 2 characcter in ncmpcpp14:12
shady_can anybody help me? thanks14:12
almoxarifewachpwnski: just dont purge the active kernel-image14:12
rushboyhello can anyone please help me out with this : I'm confused about understanding the difference between manually installing a program and cloning the same program's files on github using git clone command14:12
shadow98anyone have an idea what vino-server would crash using ultravnc and issue a ctrl-c command....this does not happen with tightvnc viewer....it does happen with realvnc however....i like the ultravnc viewer much better so would like to use it14:13
srhbrushboy: Depends what you mean by "manually installing"14:13
rushboysrhb, using sudo apt-get14:13
srhbrushboy: If you mean by means of apt-get, the difference is that you get package management this way, ie. proper control of versions, deletions etc.14:13
rushboysrhb, using sudo apt-get install14:13
almoxarifewachpwnski: after that re-run 'update-grub' for good measure14:13
srhbrushboy: If you use your own from-source installation, you get to do all the management by hand.14:13
srhbrushboy: Including the fact that it is not counted as installed with respect to packages that depend on it.14:14
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shady_i can't set the progressbar_look with more than 2 characcter in ncmpcpp14:14
Unhammerrushboy,  also, when git cloning, you typically get the "bleeding-edge" version, which might be quite buggy14:14
rushboysrhb, can u please tell me exactly what is 'from-source installation'14:14
srhbrushboy: So in fact, I would classify the from-source solution (ie. git, etc.) as the manual ones, and you should not prefer them unless you have very good reason.14:14
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srhbrushboy: From source means that you are compiling and installing the program from its source code that you got, for example, from git. Contrast this to the binary deb packages that apt-get uses.14:15
wachpwnskiare those just the images? I can technically delete them all?14:15
Unhammershady_,  tried #mpd ?14:16
wachpwnskiOr do I need to keep one?14:16
srhbwachpwnski: You need to keep the current one.14:16
almoxarifewachpwnski: leave the active image14:16
Unhammerkeep one!14:16
rushboysrhb, for eg : I want to install LibreOffice Writer and I also want to edit it's source code according to my needs how do I do this ?14:16
srhbrushboy: You use the git version, or deb-src version. It's a big task though. :-)14:17
wachpwnskialmoxarife:  how do I set the active kernel? Because it is not using the latest kernel14:17
srhbrushboy: The reason that I say this is that you don't usually see this confusion of binary vs. src from people who know how to modify source code, but please don't let me discourage you. :)14:17
almoxarifewachpwnski: what is not using the active image? you are using a kernel-image, right now, which is it? and dont delete it14:18
rushboysrhb, okay if I go with using the git version so is it okay if I just clone the repos on git ?14:18
srhbrushboy: Of course it's okay, you just forego the package management. Don't worry about it, your own version can coexist with the packaged version if you so desire.14:19
shadow98anyone have an idea what vino-server would crash using ultravnc and issue a ctrl-c command....this does not happen with tightvnc viewer....it does happen with realvnc however....i like the ultravnc viewer much better so would like to use it14:19
nitzerhey! i'm having trouble with my usb remobavle devices being recognized while plugged in ... any idea what could be?14:19
wachpwnskialmoxarife:  http://pastebin.com/iescrY8V14:20
rushboysrhb, yes I tried to clone the repos of ClamAV on my pc but after cloning if I launch ClamAv it shows something like this :" The program 'clamscan' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:sudo apt-get install clamav " . Well if I have already cloned all the repos of clamAv why doesnt it show that I already have the program installed ?14:22
almoxarifewachpwnski: if you have/should have 'linux-image-generic' installed, that metapackage shows what the dependencies are? should be a linux-image-(some-version) and perhaps 'linux-headers-generic' , btw, pastebin the output of 'sudo update-grub'14:23
srhbrushboy: Because source code is not a program. You have to compile it and install it to a place in your PATH14:23
RobertsHi guys. I have a problem. Just setup two boxes in my lan. Problem is, none of the ubuntu boxes sees eachother - cant ping. They can however ping gateway. There was no such problem with windows and debian boxes on the same network with same setup. Also, both boxes can access internet freely and are not wisible by other devices on network except gateway which can ping both boxes just fine.14:23
wachpwnskialmoxarife:  I did line 914:23
srhbrushboy: Have a read here, it should give you an overview: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/softinstall.html14:24
almoxarifewachpwnski: so you could delete the Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-32-generic , no prob14:25
srhbrushboy: The short summary is: Source code needs to be translated to your computer's language (which is called compiled). This produces a binary which is the program that you can run on your computer. Furthermore, it needs to be installed, ie. placed somewhere where your computer can find it when you type it's name without the full path, and it may also have extra files that need to go specific places.14:25
wachpwnskiok, so grub will load the latest then on next reboot?14:25
almoxarifewachpwnski: yes, and if it was just installed then you really need to reboot14:26
almoxarifewachpwnski: without deleting the last installed!14:26
wolveeComplete noob to modern IRC here.  I haven't been on a BB since 95.  Is this place the same type of thing?14:26
srhbrushboy: Note that you should only go through this (often tedious and error-prone process) if you really do need to modify the source code. Are you sure you need to?14:26
srhbwolvee: It's much more "live"14:26
srhbwolvee: Other than that, yes.14:26
wolveeAre there any good links to explain this all to me?14:27
srhbwolvee: Explain what IRC is?14:27
V13Axel!irc | wolvee14:27
ubottuwolvee: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines14:27
wolveeHow the channels work.14:27
V13AxelOh, nevermind14:27
wachpwnskialmoxarife:  so basically you keep the old kernel around so that if the new one breaks, you can boot from that one?14:28
almoxarifewachpwnski: yeap, thats the reason14:28
srhbwolvee: Channels are simply places (often with a topic) where users choose to reside. This one is about Ubuntu, for instance. IRC clients allow you to be in several channels at once, you join them via /join #channelname14:28
rushboysrhb, yes I do need to modify the code . Well it may not sound likely from the stupid questions I just asked but I do know the code well and I just need to add a patch to the already existing program :) .14:28
wachpwnskiThe more i use linux the more I love it. haha14:28
V13Axelwolvee, IRC is like live instant-message chat between a lot of people at once. It's like chat rooms, but the channels are more like rooms in a building, and there are lots of different buildings(servers)14:29
MonkeyDustwolvee  easiest way to learn irc, is by using it, not much to explain14:29
srhbrushboy: Alright, great, so here's the deal, you either read that guide on how to install the software manually, or you search for information on how to build deb files from deb-src packages. Both are pretty involved processes that are too long to detail in single messages over IRC.14:29
wachpwnskiAlso on another note. I cannot do ls in ssh without it just freezing. What might be causing that?14:29
srhbrushboy: The first method is easier, the second method allows your package manager to actually deal with the resulting program. :)14:30
wolveeI found this program Quassel IRC in the USC, is this the same this as weeChat with just a different GUI?14:30
almoxarifewachpwnski: dont get all caught up in the 'new kernel' thing, unless your machine is like brand-new bought it yesterday all the kernel updates in the world may not do much diff in the overall running of the thing14:30
srhbwachpwnski: Large directory?14:30
srhbwolvee: Yes.14:30
srhbwolvee: There are often other varying features though.14:31
rushboysrhb, well I'd too prefer to go through the first method and soon get back to you if I have some doubts even reading the piece of info that you just provided :)14:31
V13Axelwolvee, It really depends. There are lots of different IRC clients, but all of them can connect to the same servers. For example, I wrote an IRC 'bot' for a friend's moderation needs using PHP. It's a simple protocol, and there are lots of different ways to access it.14:31
rushboysrhb, and yes thanks a lot for the link :)14:31
srhbrushboy: Feel free. Good luck. :) Sorry for the inadequate description.14:31
V13Axelwolvee, personally, I use XChat on *nix-based machines, and PChat on Windows.14:31
DaemonicApathy<~ Pidgin14:32
MonkeyDustirssi <314:32
lucidohow can I get hdmi output from my Geforce 9500gt?14:32
almoxarifelucido: sound or vid?14:32
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newbhello, i'm just going to say first thing first, I am a total newb when it comes to linux.  I'm connecting to a vps running ubuntu 12.04 via ssh (using putty as my client)  I have no clue how to install a program like 7zip.  I'm looking for help14:33
lucidoalmoxarife, video for now14:33
wolveeSweet thanks everyone.  I'll definetly check all this out more.14:34
V13Axelnewb, The command would be 'sudo apt-get install 7zip-full14:34
V13Axelwolvee, If you've ever heard of services such as Ustream or Blip.tv, the kind that have chat systems 'built-in' to their service, they've usually got an IRC backend.14:35
MonkeyDustwolvee  mind: as soon as you've chosen a irc client, someone will try to convince you to try something differnt14:35
almoxarifelucido: i will say this, when it comes to which hdmi channel, go with hdmi-3 first , seems to be the lucky one14:35
V13Axelwolvee, And when it comes to people doing what MonkeyDust said, just ignore them ;) Find what you like best and stick with it.14:35
wolveelol, par for the course.14:35
newbit winds up telling me "Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done E: Unable to locate package 7zip-full root@PheonixWoW:~# "14:35
d4nm4nhey guys, newb here, is there 4ny p4rticul4r re4son minecr4ft is running 4t 4 few fps? its the only re4son i still h4ve windows, to pl4y minecr4ft, which is p4thetic.14:36
=== chris898 is now known as xetius
srhbnewb: p7zip-full14:36
srhbnewb: Not 7zip-full14:36
V13AxelAh, sorry14:36
SkeiMorning. Can anyone help me set up a script to run on shutdown ? It can take up to thirty seconds to run, how much of an issue is that ?14:36
almoxarife!info 7zip14:36
ubottuPackage 7zip does not exist in quantal14:36
joey8d4nm4n: what has happened to your "a" key14:36
V13Axel!info p7zip-full14:36
ubottup7zip-full (source: p7zip): 7z and 7za file archivers with high compression ratio. In component universe, is optional. Version 9.20.1~dfsg.1-4 (quantal), package size 1560 kB, installed size 3847 kB14:36
d4nm4nit got up 4nd w4lked 4w4y14:37
srhbnewb: To make matters worse, the command you get after installation is called 7za, and you use "7za e filename" to extract the file "filename"14:37
V13Axel!English | d4nm4n14:38
ubottud4nm4n: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList14:38
newbi am totaly lost14:38
lucidoalmoxarife, what is this channel?14:38
srhbnewb: Let me walk you through it then14:38
srhbnewb: sudo apt-get install p7zip-full14:39
srhbnewb: Confirm once that is done.14:39
xetiusd4nm4n, which JVM are you running14:39
newbok, i got the error I posted above14:39
srhbnewb: Even with the corrected package name?14:40
newbyes, would it help if i get a screencap?14:40
d4nm4nim not completely sure how to 4nswer, but im going to 4ssume the 4nswer is openjdk, version 614:40
almoxarifenewb: is the host running ubuntu?14:40
d4nm4nof course i 4m 4ssuming some form of f4cep4lm in response14:41
srhbnewb: try "sudo apt-get update" first14:41
lucidoalmoxarife, what is this hdmi channel, where is it?14:41
srhbnewb: That will refresh the list of packages.14:41
xetiusYou need to be running Suns JVM.  It runs faster14:41
almoxarifed4nm4n: is that english?14:41
fantasmaBroken 'A' key?^^14:41
srhbnewb: Then try sudo apt-get install p7zip-full again14:41
RobertsI have a problem. Just setup two boxes in my lan. Problem is, none of the ubuntu boxes sees eachother - cant ping. They can however ping gateway. There was no such problem with windows and debian boxes on the same network with same setup. Also, both boxes can access internet freely and are not wisible by other devices on network except gateway which can ping both boxes just fine.14:41
almoxarifelucido: it would the connector for hdmi (sound)14:42
d4nm4nof course its english, broken key, and i dont w4nt 4 repetitive stress injury from using ctrl+v over 4nd over14:42
newbIT WORKED!!14:42
srhbnewb: hurrah.14:42
mumrahi'm running Ubuntu 12.04 in VirtualBox and I have a process called "getty" that is constantly pegging a cpu14:42
mumrahanyone seen this before?14:43
newbso the first command, was that to update the file repositories?14:43
d4nm4nxetius: th4nks, ill go try th4t14:43
srhbnewb: Update the list of packages from the repositories, yes.14:43
xetiusd4nm4n, there are plenty of tutorials for installing Suns JVM14:43
lucidoalmoxarife, I have a vga, a hdmi and a dvi output. I have a displays conencted to my dvi and vga ports and I want to connect my tv to the hdmi port but the display settings doesnt detect it14:44
newbi greatly appreciate the help, i've been googling for hours and went through a pack of smokes pulling my hair out14:44
xetiusd4nm4n, also, Minecrafts page says "If you run into memory issues, try launching it with java -Xmx1024M -Xms512M -cp minecraft.jar net.minecraft.LauncherFrame, also please use Sun's JVM."14:44
MonkeyDustmumrah  scroll down http://www.comptechdoc.org/os/linux/howlinuxworks/linux_hllogin.html14:44
xetiusd4nm4n, I refer to their last 5 words14:44
srhbnewb: No worries, the whole googling for info thing gets better with help. You should have tried this in the mid-nineties ;)14:44
newbin the mid 90's i was in elementary school and my home pc was an old 486x running windows 3.114:45
srhbnewb: Ah, right. I got old without noticing.14:45
almoxarifelucido: i am assuming you connected the tv to the pc and didnt see any output, yes?14:45
newbnot old, just experienced14:45
srhbnewb: Anyway, are you good from here? The actual program name is (rather disingenuously) 7za and not p7zip or 7zip14:45
xetiussrhb, Me too14:46
lucidoalmoxarife, I didnt and it isnt detected in the display settings14:46
mumrahMonkeyDust: i don't see anything about high cpu usage14:46
almoxarifelucido: i am assuming you connected the tv to the pc and didnt see any output, yes? , do connect the two, look for output14:46
V13Axelnewb, I'm in your boat. I'm only 18, but I still consider myself a near-expert, as I'm a software developer in a company that provides a web service. I've been learning about computers since I was 8, so I've got a lot of knowledge under my belt. IRC helped out a lot. This channel, specifically, many times. :)14:47
MonkeyDustmumrah  it explains what it is and does, that may help14:47
srhbnewb: HA!14:47
mumrahMonkeyDust: ah, gotcha14:47
newbi think i'm good for now, i probably should pick up a linux or ubuntu server for dummies14:48
V13Axelnewb, Nah, the best way to learn it is to work with it.14:48
newbthe dummies books have helped in the past lol14:48
srhbThe internet has great resources for beginners and experts alike, but I too like dead-tree versions. :-)14:49
V13Axelnewb, Well, from what I hear, they're not too bad, but nothing teaches quite like digging in and getting your hands dirty, working with it. Set up a virtual machine and play around with it until you break it, try to fix it, if it doesn't work, restore ite, and try again.14:49
MonkeyDustmumrah  here's more http://askubuntu.com/questions/174710/sbin-getty-process-causing-100-cpu-utilization14:49
subdesignguys any hint how to set my dev. environment from localhost/myapp to myapp.dev or same?14:50
mumrahMonkeyDust: it appears i have the same problem, strace shows the process in an infinite loop14:51
xetiussubdesign as in a webapp?14:51
MonkeyDustmumrah  below on that page, a solution is suggested14:51
V13Axelsubdesign, In regards to what?14:51
subdesignonly change the name of the path14:52
subdesignwebapp yes, php dev14:52
MonkeyDustFiggerNaggot  it works, you're in14:52
xetiusadd myapp.dev to your /etc/hosts with   myapp.dev14:52
Toph2V13Axel,,, i have a challenge for you,, I suddenly lose my wifi connection after my computer has been running normally for some hours. I haven't been able to tie it to any specific event, but I'm unable to reconnect. When I reboot, all is normal again,,, any suggestions?14:52
subdesignthats it?14:52
xetiussubdesign, then configure appcontext to the root14:53
srhbnewb, V13Axel: I'm actually working on a vps hosting for-profit service in which the user buys a simple VPS including step-by-step support for specific tasks, as an educational tool. I'm not sure I can make it worth my while though.14:53
V13AxelToph2, Sounds to me like it's an issue with your driver. Did you install a driver via Jockey?(Additional Drivers)14:53
xetiussubdesign, Apache?14:54
subdesignxetius, yes14:54
LartzaHow do I find if there's a package for a perl lib? Or should I use CPAN?14:54
Toph2V13Axel,,, no,,, i'm just going with the install of 12.0414:54
xetiussubdesign, so your root of your server needs to point to that folder14:54
V13Axelsrhb, Hmm. Something similar to Rackspace, but for educational purposes?14:54
xetiussubdesign, otherwise you will have too have myapp.dev/myapp14:54
subdesignxetius, i see14:55
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xetiusLartza, a specific library or in general14:55
V13AxelToph2, Go to System Settings and find Additional Drivers. See if there's anything listed there. If there's something like Broadcom or Atheros, then click one and activate it. See if the problem persists.14:55
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V13AxelToph2, Something wrong with your comma key? No need for three each time.14:55
Lartzaxetius, Ahh screw that I realised I am running some scripts that run exes... Not sure how to do all this14:56
Lartzaxetius, Strawberry Perl inside wine maybe :P14:56
LartzaOr edit the script14:56
Toph2V13Axel,,, there are no propriatory drivers in use14:56
srhbV13Axel: Right, without actual power. The idea is that you buy "I want to learn to setup a webserver" etc.14:56
xetiusLartza, if you are looking for a specific library, then check CPAN14:57
Lartzaxetius, Last time I used cpan I couldn't figure out how to remove the packages though :/14:57
Lartzaxetius, It's around 6 libraries that I need14:58
V13AxelToph2, Hmm. Sounds like it could be a hardware issue. Has the machine ever ran Windows? If so, did it have the same problem?14:59
V13Axelsrhb, Ah, so you're buying lessons to set up a hosted environment, but you're not actually setting up a webserver?14:59
xetiusLartza, I thought you needed to install them, not uninstall them?14:59
srhbV13Axel: Both. You buy a "testing server" that is an extremely scaled down virtual environment and the lessons to come with it.15:00
Toph2V13Axel,,, i'm running 12.04 from a SSD,, I have a dual boot of the same on a HDD that doesn't create the problem15:00
srhbV13Axel: After you're done you just get a log of everything you did.15:00
ricardobarbosamshi all15:00
Lartzaxetius, Yeah but I managed to do something weird last time where I ended up breaking perl :)15:00
ricardobarbosamsanyone using honeyd in ubuntu?15:00
newbE: Package 'p7zip-rar' has no installation candidate ,  getting that error on trying to install the rar portion of 7za15:00
newbbrb looking on my own real quick15:01
srhbnewb: Does the package you have not already support it15:01
xetiusLartza, without specifics, it's difficult to help15:01
sam_Hello, I'm trying to copy a DVD using K9copy but for some reason the output is 5.6GB of size... I used to copy DVDs just fine under 4.7GB now I can't because the blank DVD only holds 4.7GB15:01
MonkeyDust!anyone | ricardobarbosams15:01
ubotturicardobarbosams: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.15:01
srhbnewb: Otherwise, unrar will do the job15:01
newbunfortunatly it doesnt support rar files, thought it would15:01
V13Axelsrhb, Sounds like an interesting system. You could also probably set something up where they pay you for hosting on Rackspace, and you could make some profit off of that.15:01
srhbV13Axel: Right. But my estimates say "not enough profit" unfortunately.15:01
Lartzaxetius, I need to test cpan again soon, just was thinking if there were packages in the repos that I should maybe install and not use cpan15:02
V13Axelsrhb, Well, do you have a full-time job right now?15:02
dwakarSometimes my internet connection just goes out and I have to reboot to get the connection back. I dual boot with windows Xp but this only happens with ubuntu(12.04)15:02
srhbV13Axel: I'm a student. :)15:02
MonkeyDustdwakar  wireless?15:02
xetiusLartza, Sorry, not sure.  I used to use Windows with ActivePerl15:02
V13Axelsrhb, Let's take this to #ubuntu-offtopic15:03
dwakarMonkeyDust: no wired ethernet15:03
xetiusLartza, and they have their own repos15:03
srhbV13Axel: Sure.15:03
sam_does anyone know how to configure K9copy so the DVD copy output size is under 4.7GB?15:03
xetiusLartza, but occassionally I would have to install from CPAN.  Only problem I ever had was when I upgraded the SAX parser.  Everything went a bit funky for a while15:04
dwakarMonkeyDust: by the way what is MTU?15:04
xetiusdwakar, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximum_transmission_unit15:04
MonkeyDustdwakar  transfer unit, above 1492, ethernet becomes unstable => 1492 = 1500-2^315:05
dwakarMonkeyDust: mine is 150015:05
rainmanHello, we need trac 1.0 in the repositories instead of old 0.12 version.15:06
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MonkeyDustdwakar  maybe this helps http://superuser.com/questions/108643/setup-mtu-automatically-after-system-reboot   <- 2010!!15:09
anarchaos25hi ppl15:09
tree88hi frens i tried using virtual box to run xp so that i could run keil cross compiler but it is not supporting usb or internet or sharing between host and guest what can i do help me out plse15:09
anarchaos25i have a problem where the lappie says that its reporting an error. can anyone help?15:10
anarchaos25i have a problem where the lappie says that its reporting an error. can anyone help?15:11
tree88hi frens i tried using virtual box to run xp so that i could run keil cross compiler but it is not supporting usb or internet or sharing between host and guest what can i do help me out plse15:11
anarchaos25and what is this bull about a terminal15:11
xetiustree88, you need to install the Virtualbox Extension Pack15:11
BluesKajanarchaos25, more detail please , what are you doing when the internal error happens15:12
xetiustree88, and then add your user to the bvoxusr group15:12
anarchaos25well it seems to come out randomly15:12
tree88xetius plse give the link15:12
xetiustree88, vboxusr group rather15:12
xetiustree88, link to what?15:13
OjolocoEy guys, is there any way to check what BIOS am I using within Ubuntu?15:15
tree88xetius there is no extension pack for 4.2.4 version of virtual box15:15
srhbOjoloco: dmidecode | less15:15
xetiustree88, you checked the Downloads link on virtualbox.org, right?15:16
subdesignxetius, i get the following error: http://pastie.org/552070815:16
_niCe_hi, can someone fine a error in this: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/e70bd729/ - can i restart my network without being disconnected?15:16
subdesignxetius, ive set up hosts, and the virtualhost setting too15:17
xetiustree88, You saw the line saying "VirtualBox 4.2.4 Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack" on there?15:18
anarchaos25but more important...15:18
anarchaos25my time doesnt work since installation15:18
xetiusWhen you set up the hosts, did you get to the right place with myapp.dev/myapp15:19
subdesignxetius, no15:20
srhbanarchaos25: Doesn't work? Can you elaborate?15:20
anarchaos25my internal clock doesnt work too well since installation bcs we unplugged it. how can u reser it15:21
tree88i searched that and got it thank u  xetius :)15:21
xetiussubdesign, that should work.  If localhost/myapp works, then myapp.dev/myapp should work once you add the entry to /etc/hosts15:21
xetiustree88, YW15:21
xomniverserandom question: Does anyone know a good theme that works with xfce that makes everything look like old school MacOS from way back in the day, including pixellated icons and stuff?15:22
xetiussubdesign, you will need to restart your browser.  I use chrome and have do killall -9 chrome15:22
MonkeyDust!themes > xomniverse15:22
ubottuxomniverse, please see my private message15:22
xetiussubdesign, once that is working, it should just be a matter of configuring the virtualhost15:23
dowdyph0Does anyone knows how to solve the "mount: / is busy" issue when rebooting? I think it's a NetworkManager problem15:24
ikoniawill always be busy15:24
ikonia / will always be busy15:24
randomnesshello world15:25
randomnessgood morning15:25
sbuntuI need to recover my root password. How?15:25
cnzwhat's the command to see how much disk space a certain dirctory is taking up15:25
randomnesssbuntu: with a live cd15:25
ikoniasbuntu: ubuntu doesn't set a root password15:25
ikoniasbuntu: so there is no root password, the account is locked,15:26
randomnesssbuntu: chroot into your linux install and run the passwd command15:26
ikoniasbuntu: don't do that - there is no root password15:26
ikoniaso that's why you don't have it15:26
randomnesssbuntu: ubuntu uses sudo15:26
MonkeyDustcnz  du -sh [folder]15:27
cnzMonkeyDust thanks bud15:27
sbuntuDon't fight15:27
tree88xetius hey i installed it so how can i add to vbox user group15:31
tree88"VirtualBox 4.2.4 Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack15:31
tree88xetius hey i installed it so how can i add to vbox user group15:31
tree88xetius hey i installed it so how can i add to vbox user group15:32
xetiustree88, if you ask another 7 times, it will make me answer faster15:32
metaphysicianhow can I set-up the `talk` program to chat locally?15:33
metaphysician^ 12.0415:33
tree88xetius hey i installed it so how can i add to vbox user group15:33
xetiustree88, sudo usermod -aG vboxusers <your username>15:33
fantasma-aG? Why the a?^^15:33
fantasmaAh nice15:34
srhbActually, append, but same difference.15:34
xetiuswhat srhb said15:34
tree88ok i guessed it worked15:34
srhbfantasma: ie. usermod -G foo user -- will cause user to be ONLY member of foo group, all other memberships deleted.15:34
metaphysiciani've installed the `talk', 'talkd', 'openbsd-inetd' on precise.15:34
srhb(I've been bitted by that so many times.. ._.)15:35
xetiustree88, cat /etc/group | grep vbox15:35
shikata_ga_naiDo you guys  know of a microsoft encarta like application for ubuntu?15:36
xetiustree88, you should see something like vboxusers:x:125:tree8815:36
michealPWshikata_ga_nai: http://en.wikipedia.org/15:36
tree88yea i did :)15:36
tree88whats next15:36
compdocbeen so many years since Ive even heard the name MS encarta, i dont remember what is was15:36
michealPWshikata_ga_nai: Desktop-centric encyclopedias have kinda fallen to the wayside ever since the explosion of Wikipedia. Encarta went online, have MS abandoned that project?15:37
xetiustree88, log out and back in to refresh your rights (I don't know of a quick way to do this) then your USB should work15:37
fantasmaSrhb: i use to do it as follows: usermod -G foo, foo2, foo29 user (works too)15:37
wdp_llutz, just in case that's interesting for you, using that bonding (mode 0) scp just does 50 mb/s. I used netcat then, doing something between 100-200 mb/s.15:37
fantasmaBut the aG is kind of a better option ^^15:37
tree88ok buddy btw thank u ;)15:37
xetiustree88, YW15:38
wdp_llutz, i.e. cat somehugefile.bla | pv -b | nc -l 3333 on the server and nc some.ip.add.ress 3333 | pv -b > thatfile.bla on the client :D looks a bit ancient but works fine.15:38
subdesignxetius, what if I have same 403 error on myapp.dev/myapp ?15:40
subdesigndo i need a different file for vhost or putting all in one is okay?15:41
shikata_ga_naimichealPW, wikipedia is of course a way better alternative, but i still would love to use desktop-centric encyclopedias for offline usage.15:41
fantasmaNow, I have encountered a little issue. If I want to switch to an terminal (CTRL + ALT +F1...) I get a red screen. Is it possible that the quiet no-splash causes this?15:41
michealPWYea, iunno. Sorry. You could probably run MS Encarta via WINE if you already have it, by the way?15:41
ironhalikikonia: About the feature we were talking about - I also tried to make grub show after hibernation and I think it won't show when an another bootable partition was mounted during hibernation15:42
xetiussubdesign, All in one is fine, 403 is forbidden, Probably means your vhost is not configured correctly15:42
subdesignxetius, sites-available or sites-enabled ? :)15:43
ikoniaironhalik: seems reasonable behaviour15:43
xetiussubdesign, eh?15:43
ironhalikikonia: yeah15:44
marcin__Guys i want to install ubuntu on my laptop, what version should I choose, 64 or 32 bits ?15:44
DaghdhaHi. I have a directory ~/.VirtualBox  and i moved all it's content to /mnt/disk2/VirtualBox and i now want to link so it looks like all the vritualbox files are actually in ~/.VirtualBox  ... is this possible with a soft link? And if so hoe?15:44
zlackermarcin__ what's the arch of you laptop?15:44
marcin__i have of course 64 bits proccessor15:44
zlackerif you know it, then you hould know what to install15:44
marcin__but i heard there are some problems with packages for 64 bit software15:45
xetiusmarchin__, think you just answered your own question15:45
xetiusmarcin__, i'm using 64bit fine15:45
xetiusmarcin__, on 12.04 and 12.1015:46
zlackermarcin__ well, will this laptop be a production one? could it crash sometime?15:46
marcin__last time i was using ubuntu 2 years ago and i dont know maybe something changes15:46
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ironhalikmarcin__: Couple of years ago, 64bit had some issues. But currently there are no problems that I know of.15:46
ironhalikmarcin__: and you can always install ia32-libs, for software that needs it15:47
mindstorm_hi @ all15:47
Daghdhabvm i think i did it15:47
marcin__thanks :)15:47
mindstorm_can anybody tell me how i can set an animated desktop wallpaper15:48
ironhalikmarcin__: as a side note, canonical considered making 64bit installation the recommended one for 12.1015:48
escottmindstorm_, you run the program on the root window. check the man pages for the program15:48
marcin__ironhalik: excellent, im currently fetching 64 bit verison of 12.1015:50
marcin__I need it for start developing small project in RoR15:51
marcin__this is a great enviroment for thiss stuff i think15:52
xetiusmarcin__, I use it to develop Java web apps15:52
marcin__Im working in company where our manager is Java developer but he chose .NET for next large project15:54
xetiusmarcin__, WTF?15:54
marcin__xetius: I just only said that our manager change the technology which is very strange for me15:56
ikoniaxetius: what's uncalled for15:56
xetiusikonia, responding to marcin__.  Seems completely illogical for a Java dev to just switch to .Net15:57
ikoniaxetius: not but your language is needed.15:58
michealPWNo? :P15:58
Sergejhi, i have a problem. whem i run ubuntu 12.10 from live or virtyal box Team Speak 3 Client v 64bit simply doesn't load. when i try to run ts3client_runscript.sh nothing happens. any idea ?15:58
xetiusikonia, really? OK, apologies.15:58
ikoniaxetius: not a problem, thank you15:58
xetiusikonia, in my head I always scream What The Flip15:59
xetiusikonia, so never seems so bad, but then I do have 3 children15:59
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lucidoI still cant get any tv output on my hdmi port, how can I set it up?16:02
fosser_josh1how can i open .prr file in ubuntu16:02
subdesign xetius , solved. problem was i had to add allow from all line to the vhost part. thanks16:02
xetiussubdesign, I guess your default was deny all.  Glad I could help16:03
lucidohow can I determine the type of my video card?16:03
somsiplucido: lspci | grep VGA16:04
lucidosomsip, that onlsy tells me about the gpu, nothing about the output capabilities16:05
MonkeyDustlucido  try sudo lshw -C video16:05
freakynlHi, can I make aptitude use a socks proxy? More specificaly, the one ssh -D provides?16:06
somsiplucido: so you didn't want to know what card you had, you wanted to know it's capabilities ;-)16:06
berndtHey guys, I have just started experimenting with turning my desktop computer into a server. I want to host a webserver for myself so that I can display webpages. I wonder what server software I should use. lighttpd seems like a good one but maybe there is some other software better suited for personal webpages?16:06
lucidosomsip, I want to know what card I have but that only tells me it has a G96 GPU nothing about the rest of the card16:07
zlackerberndt why not learning some about apache?16:07
xetiusberndt, Anything against Apache?16:07
MonkeyDustberndt  there's also #ubuntu-server16:07
somsipberndt: for what you need, I'd recommend the best supported and/or simplest. Apache seems to be a standard16:07
berndtI did try installing apache, but it all seemed so complex for just my personal usage16:08
zlackerberndt as you will be doing your experiments, do it on Apache, ait least you'll learn something that later might be used on a professional context16:08
kishimi8Ihello pls whats up with the servers or files .,. i keep trying to download the os iso,. and i get stuck at 99.98%16:09
berndtAlso, I accidentally messed up my network settings and I couldn't use a static IP anymore (forcing me to reinstall my whole system)16:09
cnzwht permissions do I need to give to my mounted hard drives to give all users on my network full access read/write/delete16:09
berndtbut I will head over to ubuntu-server instead. Thanks16:09
TakeItEZberndt: there were nginx, cherokee too, but whatever you use, you'll have to learn16:09
x[i]bgood morning, is there an app to help me find the fastest ubuntu mirror? the one i'm connecting to by default is slow as a snail16:09
x[i]btook me 60+ minutes to grab 900MB software16:10
zlackerx[i]b have you tried torrent?16:10
x[i]bneeded software via apt-get16:10
kishimi8Ifirst i thought it was my connection  then i restarted the download but i still got stuck at 99.9816:10
x[i]bzlacker, if i were to run a mirror would ubuntu's team manage it>?16:10
zlackerx[i]b sorry btw, I sent the msg wrongly16:11
kishimi8Ithen i tried downloading kubuntu and like hell it still got stuck at 99,98%16:11
zlackerkishimi8I did you try torrent?16:11
x[i]bi've been thinking about maybe trying to host a mirror in my data center16:11
x[i]bsince our connectivity to ubuntu's mirrors are slow as ice16:11
kishimi8Ihello pls whats up with the servers or files .,. i keep trying to download the os iso,. and i get stuck at 99.98%16:11
kishimi8Ifirst i thought it was my connection  then i restarted the download but i still got stuck at 99.9816:11
Garaada yang tahu bedanya tor browser dengan tor vidalia?16:12
ligI am trying to use vim and get http://paste.ubuntu.com/1429947/  I have tried updating my repositories with no luck. What am I doing wrong16:12
RickZillakishimi8l: Try using a torrent?16:13
kishimi8Ithen i tried the torrent and i have been stuck at 99.98%16:13
xetiuslig, try vi, or install with sudo apt-get install vim16:13
Chaos7TheoryGenerally in the psat I've installed WINE through the website itself, but I'm curious if it's more recommended to use the meta-package provided on Ubuntu16:13
zlackerkishimi8I well, then there's a local problem16:13
zlackerkishimi8I do you have enough hard disk space?16:14
ligxetius, I tried the sudo apt-get install and it still didn't work. See paste16:14
xetiuslig, did you try vim-gnome, if you're using gnome16:15
RickZillaChaos7Theory: Do you mean you installed the .deb file from the website? That would be more up to date than the repo version, but both should work16:15
ligxetius, I was working with it from the command line rather then a GUI16:15
kishimi8Ilocal ,.,.,. pls explain,.,., as i got tired waiting for the torrent so i tried one of em proxy stuff to preache the file so i can dowload it through them instead and lo and behold the same problem16:15
kishimi8Iyup i do16:15
Chaos7TheoryRickzilla: Alright16:15
kishimi8Ienough space ..,, i have like 30gig16:15
RickZillakishimi8l: The torrent is fairly robust, so there shouldn't be any problems there16:16
kishimi8Iso i should have a go at it for the fifth time????????????\16:16
ligxetius, get the same thing when trying to install vim-gnome16:16
RickZillaTry clearing out the old file, then restarting...you never know16:17
xetiuskishimi8I, I have just downloaded 12.10 64bit16:17
zlackerkishimi8I well, I am basically telling the same as Rick, if you are failing even when using the torrent client, then there must be a local issue on your connection16:17
xetiusworks fine.  If there is a problem, it seems like it's on your end16:17
kishimi8Iso i should have a go at it for the fifth time????????????\16:17
zlackerkishimi8I you can try perhaps using some download manager which allow you to add multiple mirrors16:18
lucidonvidia-settings doesnt detect my tv via hdmi16:18
zlackermaybe that will help on the download failing16:18
RickZillakishimi8l: If you don't change anything, you'll likely have the same results...remove the old downloaded files, restart and try it again16:18
kishimi8Ican you suggest one pls .. i need this iso badly to fix a broken system16:18
SkeiMorning. Can anyone help me set up a script to run on shutdown ? It can take up to thirty seconds to run, how much of an issue is that ?16:18
zlackerkishimi8I also, clear browser cache16:18
xetiuslig, sorry, i'm not sure then.  have you done a sudo apt-get update?16:19
xetiuslig, Maybe you have a broken sources.list or something16:19
xetiuslig, Which version of Ubuntu are you running16:19
zlackerkishimi8I I dont know, falshgot maybe... its a firefox addon16:19
kishimi8Ihmmm will do all that and post the outcome.,., if it fails my laptops ghost i gonna haunt y'll16:20
xetiuskishimi8I, can you try another browser?16:20
kishimi8Ii tried  downloading via windows through IDM16:21
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kishimi8Iand you  guys gotta believe me i got stuck at the same value16:21
ligxetius, really old - 9.10.  OK - first thing to do then would be upgrade that.  Thanks16:22
kishimi8Imaybe its the server im dowloading from that has this problem16:22
zlackerkishimi8I so you know what do right? try another server16:22
zlackertry getting it from a server close to where you are16:23
lucidonvidia-settings fails to detect my sharp aquos hdtv connected vi a geforce 9500GTs hdmi port on ubuntu 12.10 amd64. How to set it up?16:23
kishimi8Ibut i dont  know how to do that ,...,noob16:23
zlackerkishimi8I how about that https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+cdmirrors16:24
aliendude5300Hi, I need some help. I updated the BIOS on my computer, and it worked successfully (was this a mistake?). Now Ubuntu won't boot. Before GRUB comes up, the screen flickers, and it goes back to the BIOS splash screen. Windows 8 boots fine.16:24
aliendude5300Motherboard is an ASUS P8Z77-V Deluxe.16:25
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xetiuslomandv, because it's only 4:26pm in the UK16:26
kishimi8Ithat was were i was trying to download the files16:26
kishimi8Izlacker : releases.ubuntu.com16:26
BabySupermanif I'm using ubuntu 12.04, what's the program I'm using when I call 'service uwsgi restart' -- is that supervisord?16:27
RickZillakishimi8l: Use a torrent, apparently something is corrupt on the ubuntu server directly.16:28
fosser_josh1how can i open .prr file in ubuntu?16:29
kishimi8Irickzilla; willd do just that16:29
xetiusfosser_josh1, what is a .prr file?16:29
RickZillaHere are the official ones: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads16:29
RickZillaWhich player would best support a 4th gen iPod Nano in ubuntu?16:34
xetiusRickZilla, Probably Rhythmbox.  Supports my iPhone 516:35
xetiusRickZilla, basically anything that integrates with libimobiledevice16:36
BabySupermanif I'm using ubuntu 12.04, what's the program I'm using when I call 'service uwsgi restart' -- is that supervisord?16:38
bazhangBabySuperman, upstart16:39
bazhang!upstart | BabySuperman16:39
ubottuBabySuperman: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/16:39
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EagleScreenhi, which package/aaplication is reponsible for detecting Additional Drivers for a device in Ubuntu 12.10? I mean restricted drivers16:45
rypervencheEagleScreen: Jockey16:47
EagleScreenis jockey still used in 12.10?16:47
rypervencheEagleScreen: jockey-gtk maybe16:47
bazhangEagleScreen, system settings, software sources additional drivers tab16:48
EagleScreenso, software-properties is the key.. I think16:48
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bazhangEagleScreen, the addtional drivers tab is for graphics, the first tab has the setting for devices such as wifi16:50
EagleScreenAdditional Drivers also handles restricted drivers for wifi16:51
Enkkihello everybody16:52
Enkkido someone know how to generate a rsa certificate without passphrase (following these instructions doesn't work: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/certificates-and-security.html#creating-a-self-signed-certificate)16:53
Enkkiit always asks for a passphrase16:53
EagleScreenis there any database ised by software-properties to know whuch driver are for which devices?16:54
OerHeksEnkki, it is not possible without, store the passphrase & keys safe in case of troubles.16:55
MonkeyDustEnkki  is this useful http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Use-RSA-Key-for-SSH-Authentication-38599.shtml16:55
BluesKajEagleScreen, you can run lspci to find the devices first , then lsmod to find the drivers on your system16:58
Sachusing ubuntu 12.04. Why can't I see the close, maximize and minimize buttons at the top corner of each window?16:58
* OerHeks wouldn't recommand hitting enter to go without passphrase16:58
OerHeksSach, those buttons appear at the top panel, it is called global-menu ( to save screenspace)16:59
RickZillaSach: Look in your window preferences somewhere, I remember seeing that in there at one point.16:59
RickZillaSach: You can change that behavior if you don't like it16:59
EagleScreenBluesKaj: software-properties (and time ago, jockey) are detecting the device wrong16:59
EnkkiOerHeks, but in ubuntu official doc it says to create one without key ( https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/certificates-and-security.html#generating-a-csr ) And I cant as empty password is not accepted16:59
Sachrickzilla: window preferences? how do I access that?17:00
RickZillaIt's in your preferences section...not on an ubuntu machine right now so I don't know the exact path17:00
SierraARHow would I remove or disable a repository that seems to have died?17:00
OerHeksEnkki, so that url from MonkeyDust is invalid, as i thought it couldn't be done without passphrase17:01
BluesKajEagleScreen, which device17:01
RickZillaSierraAR: You can uncheck it in software sources, that will at least prevent it from looking there17:02
EagleScreenjockey thinks that my wifi is not working, but it is rally working well, jockey suggests me to install a restricted driver as the only way to can have the device working, but if I install that restricted driver, the device does not works anymore. Therefore jockey is erroneus.17:02
EnkkiOerHeks, indeed, but in the offical doc it says to do "openssl rsa -in server.key -out server.key.insecure" to get the key without passphrase and in my case this cmd again asks for a pass and it cannot be left empty17:03
SierraARRickZilla: Thanks. Apt-get update and the update manager have been whining at me :(17:03
BluesKajEagleScreen, file a bug perhaps17:04
EagleScreena bug regarding software-properties-common?17:04
BluesKajEagleScreen, jockey17:05
EagleScreenbut jockey is not curently being used in 12.1017:05
EagleScreenI think it was merged into software-properties-common17:05
BluesKajerroneous wifi hardware detection17:06
OerHeksEnkki that wiki shows howto make a key-without-passphrase after making one with passphrase > see the part " openssl rsa -in server.key -out server.key.insecure  "17:07
xrayhello world! :)17:08
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EnkkiOerHeks, yes i did the one with a passphrase but then I have a problem creating to one without: when I execute the cmd from the wiki "openssl rsa -in server.key -out server.key.insecure" it again asks for a passphrase. It shouldn't or I don't understand something ?17:09
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KafanI have installed ubuntu after Win7 and would like to dual boot, hoever I am not prompted by grub to select an operating system, and I do not see any evidence that windows was properly detected.  Where can I look for instructions for (re)configuring this?17:10
OerHeksEnkki i think you need to enter the passphrase on last time, to unlock the key for making it passphrase-less17:10
winuxis there a way to check which packages beside the base packages for ubuntu have been installed?17:11
bazhang!grub2 | Kafan17:11
ubottuKafan: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)17:11
Kafannoted, ty17:11
bazhangwinux, dpkg -l17:11
KafanI like the bot syntax :)17:11
EnkkiOerHeks hey thanks a lot it works :)17:12
OerHeksEnkki have fun17:12
MonkeyDust!yay | Enkki17:12
ubottuEnkki: Glad you made it! :-)17:12
BabySupermanUsing upstart, is there anyway to run 4 instances of a program I want to run with specific command line options -- then if one fails it reloads it... hrmm17:12
winuxbazhang: doesnt that list every single package?17:12
van7huhi everyone17:13
van7huplease, help me install JCE for openjdk-7-jdk, in ubuntu 12.0417:13
bazhangwinux, are you starting from the mini iso?17:13
winuxbazhang: no i upgraded to 12.1017:13
BluesKajKafan, when booting hold the left shift key down right after the bios screen and the grub menu should appear17:13
heoyea_van7hu: sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk17:14
winuxbazhang: but i want to see all packages except for the base installed ones (3rd party)17:14
bazhangwinux, and you want a list of packages that are new, ones that are no longer supported and thus removed, etc.?17:14
freakynlHi, can I make aptitude use a socks proxy? More specificaly, the one ssh -D provides?17:14
winuxbazhang: I want to list all packages not installed by ubuntu itself17:14
van7huheoyea_, not, want to install Java Cryptographic Extension with it17:14
bazhangwinux, how were they installed17:15
van7huheoyea_, JCE17:15
winuxbazhang: apt-get17:15
BluesKajKafan, once booted into ubuntu , run sudo -update-grub in the terminal , your windows OS should be listed17:15
heoyea_van7hu: whats jce17:15
bazhangwinux, you just said "not installed by ubuntu" followed by "apt-get"17:15
van7huheoyea_, Java Cryptographic Extension17:16
BluesKajKafan, sudo update-grub , rather17:16
winuxbazhang: ok, not installed by the initial ubuntu install17:16
xraymake alias :)17:16
winuxbazhang: i guess it would have to go by timestamp or something17:16
bazhangwinux, PPA and 3rd party repos are disabled17:16
winuxbazhang: there are also libs/apps installed from source17:17
heoyea_van7hu: dont think they got that in the repos check there website for info17:20
van7huI know17:21
wagtagIn terminal how can I make output look like http://cl.ly/LYsL instead of http://cl.ly/La5Q? Why are the lines drawn as qqqqq?17:25
_niCe_can someone tell me where my problem with the routing ist? http://pastebin.com/PSbeZ1LV17:26
Xraycome va ?17:27
stellasstellinaabbastanza bene17:28
bazhang!it | xray stellasstellina17:28
ubottuxray stellasstellina: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:28
Xraydd6 ?17:28
blami_isnt this supposed to be english only?17:28
sheikhmakI have the weirdest issue ever, so i connect to vpn through ike (IPSEC, shrew soft), all my clients are able to ping this one subnet, but the ubuntu ones. that is the weirdest issue i've encountered, don't know where to begin17:28
Xrayok dude17:28
sheikhmakdonc le ubottu comprends toute les langues?17:29
bazhangsheikhmak, we do, not the bot17:29
bazhang!fr | sheikhmak17:29
ubottusheikhmak: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:29
sheikhmakahaha, nice on bazhang17:30
=== newbie is now known as sbuntu
mastershakehello, can someone help me with an issue for a moment?17:32
sbuntuHow can my stepson recover his administrator password (he forgot it) - he's running Ubuntu17:32
camaroi probably can't help...17:32
bazhangmastershake, whats the real question, ask the channel17:33
bazhang!password | sbuntu17:33
ubottusbuntu: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords17:33
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo17:33
mastershakewell, all video streaming is skipping with no sound in both firefox and chrome17:34
mastershakeand i do not know how to correct it, the problem just arose on its own17:35
camarowhat application is it using?  VLC usually works for me17:35
bazhangmastershake, youtube? or where17:35
mastershakealso soundcloud17:36
mastershakeand mixcloud17:36
new1i installed ubuntu restricted extras 57 and copied packages from apt/archives directory.....but while installing it again its giving error for mscorefonts and flash....so how to install these two offline with rest of packages ?17:36
bazhangmastershake, and does downloading it and playing in mplayer/vlc have the same issue17:36
juniourhi guys i wanto change the back ground image of grub2 loader , i want to know i can put any images or i have to go for .tga images17:37
mastershakedid not try that yet17:37
bazhangmastershake, there's a handy firefox plugin to do that17:37
bazhangit's called video download helper17:37
jdawgxjust made the switch to xubuntu anyone have any helpfull tips17:37
camaroyes, bazhang---I have had excellent results with that also17:38
mastershakebazhang: thank you! let me get on it17:38
bazhangjdawgx, tips regarding what17:38
shreei have eror after updateing 12.04 to 12.1017:39
=== suku is now known as suku-away
mastershakebazhang: yes, even when i play the file locally the problem remains17:39
jdawgxhow about security? do i need to be running a firewall or anything17:39
shreecan any one help17:39
bazhangshree paste.ubuntu.com with the error17:39
shreeunable to see panel after login17:40
new1i installed ubuntu restricted extras 57 and copied packages from apt/archives directory and saved them locally.....then removed and purged it but after that while installing it again with dpkg saved packages.deb its giving error for mscorefonts and flash....so how to install these two offline with rest of packages ?17:40
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heoyea_jdawgx: nah go naked17:41
mastershakebazhang: any suggesstions?17:41
new1!register > new117:41
ubottunew1, please see my private message17:41
new1!log > new117:41
bazhangmastershake, check in terminal alsamixer that nothing is muted17:42
bazhang!ufw | jdawgx17:42
ubottujdawgx: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.17:42
jdawgxok ill look into it thanks17:43
mastershakebazhang: nope, nothings muted17:43
gerryvdmhey, is it normal that files in /etc/fstab.d/ are not automatically mounted?17:43
fetzhey, will someone help me real fast?17:44
bazhangfetz with what17:44
fetzmy sound.17:44
fetzi am dual booting Ubuntu and Mac OSX17:44
KafanNot helpful, and os-prober doesnt find anything whatsoever17:44
nytek_fetz: why would you do such a thing?17:45
Kafanso I'll just repair my windows install, fix up grub, and try again.17:45
nytek_fetz: whats wrong with your sound?17:45
mastershakebazhang: so i have video but no sound btw.17:45
jdawgxso just leave the ufw on default setup?17:46
heoyea_jdawgx: just use ur pc dont need to waste time with those17:47
wiggmpkIs it possible to integrate pidgin with the MeMenu on Ubuntu 12.04 Gnome 317:49
new1i installed ubuntu restricted extras 57 and copied packages from apt/archives directory and saved them locally.....then removed and purged it but after that while installing it again with dpkg saved packages.deb its giving error for mscorefonts and flash....so how to install these two offline with rest of packages ?17:50
new1any good virtual environments for ubuntu ? virtual box performs good on ubuntu or not ?17:51
heoyea_new1: download the other 217:51
shreeplz help mi17:52
giovannino61I have a movie dvdrip: to turn it on DVD, (I have a DVD player) there is a program in ubuntu 12.04?17:52
shreeafter updating from 12.04 to 12.1017:52
bazhanggiovannino61, devede17:52
bazhang!helpme | shree17:52
ubottushree: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude17:52
shreeno side panel n no close button is there17:52
shreecan anybody help17:53
bazhangpatience shree17:53
Tweikablei have a ?17:54
Miebsterthere is an ubuntu machine on the network that is sharing a folder as an apache web view with the file hierarchy, is there some way I can mount this location?17:54
Tweikablei just download the hacker evolution game for linux from the website . and i extracted it. but can seem to figure out how to get it to run as a game i guess17:55
new1any other way of downloading apps from google play without google account ?17:55
shreecan anybody help17:55
Tweikablecan someone explain to me what im doing wronge, just download. should i use archieve manger.17:55
=== ericab_away is now known as ericab
bazhangshree, please be patient.17:55
giovannino61bazhang, how to install?17:55
heoyea_Tweikable: what extension17:55
srhbMiebster: WebDAV? Or simple http? In the latter case you'll need httpfs17:56
Tweikablewhat you mean.? what its .??? is17:56
bazhanggiovannino61, via the package manager17:56
heoyea_Tweikable: ye17:56
Tweikableone sec17:56
giovannino61bazhang,  ubuntu center17:56
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Miebstersrhb: how would I know which one?  I don't have control over this server, its internal, and everyone is content with webview, I need to figure out how to mount it, I can give a screenshot of the webview17:56
heoyea_Tweikable: yea extract it 1st17:57
Tweikablei did that. now i got a folder with the game name17:57
heoyea_Tweikable: whats the extension of that then17:57
Tweikableonce se17:58
Tweikableare you talking the mail folder?17:58
Tweikablethat was extracted17:58
mastershakebazhang: in alsamixer, should auto-mute be enabled or disabled?17:58
srhbMiebster: You're probably fine with httpfs. Install the package httpfs217:58
dniMretsaMwelcome NCS_One17:59
heoyea_Tweikable: probally the largest file17:59
Tweikablethe main fold that was extracted is HackerEvolutionDualityDEMO17:59
giovannino61bazhang,   thanks for help18:00
IdleOneTweikable: in that folder is there a README file ?18:00
Miebstersrhb: okay thanks18:00
NCS_OneI'm on ubuntu 12.04. Is there some way of disabling the efect when switching desktops? I have shortcut keys to do it and some times my ubuntu starts breaking or freezes18:00
BabySupermanUsing upstart, is there anyway to run 4 instances of a program I want to run with specific command line options -- then if one fails it reloads it... hrmm18:00
srhbMiebster: Oh actually, come to think of it I'm not entirely sure it can traverse the directories, which makes it useless for you. Hmm.18:00
Tweikabletheses are the folders that are in there18:00
heoyea_NCS_One: use ccsm and disable like viewports18:01
joogihi. I got problems with my soundcard ( lscpi shows Nvidia MCP61 ). Its detected as ALC888 (snd-hda-intel). aplay works finde but alsamixer doesn't find a soundcard.18:01
FloodBot1Tweikable: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:02
bazhang!enter | Tweikable18:02
ubottuTweikable: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:02
NCS_Oneheoyea_: ccsm?18:03
ronehey folks, i added the openjdk PPA so i could install openjdk 7 on 10.04.  but the packages seem to have a circular dependency or something18:03
roneThe following packages have unmet dependencies:18:03
rone  openjdk-7-jre-headless: Conflicts: openjdk-7-jre-lib (< 7b89~pre1-0) but 7~b117~pre1-0lucid1 is to be installed18:03
rone  openjdk-7-jre-lib: Depends: openjdk-7-jre-headless (>= 7b89~pre1) but 7~b117~pre1-0lucid1 is to be installed18:03
rone                     Conflicts: openjdk-7-jre-headless (< 7b89~pre1-0) but 7~b117~pre1-0lucid1 is to be installed18:03
FloodBot1rone: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:03
bazhang!ccsm | NCS_One18:03
ubottuNCS_One: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz18:03
SachUsing Ubuntu 12.04. How do I get the close, maximize and minimize buttons back at the top of the window? I've installed gnome-tweak-tool but even after using this, nothing changes on my system.18:03
roneagain, the package conflict report: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1430148/18:04
Tweikablei postedx all the folders is paste bin. is there any way you guys can see it18:04
bazhangsach in gnome-shell ?18:04
NCS_OneSach: I have default ubuntu 12.04 and buttons are at top18:04
blami_Sach: at the top of the window?18:04
blami_Sach: you mean in maximized mode? they re merged with menubar then but still there if you hover over menubar ...18:05
srhbTweikable: Yes, link the URL to your paste.18:05
Sachbazhang: yes, gnome18:06
Sachblami: yes, at the top of the window.18:06
blami_Sach: and where they are?18:06
redlegrichhi, looking for a bit of advice on adding the flash player18:06
redlegrichto chromium18:06
Sachblami: nowhere.18:07
Tweikablethere is a when i open the main folder18:07
blami_Sach: is your window maximized?18:07
Sachblami: I need to right click on windows to access close maximize and minimize.18:07
Tweikablei see that there is all thoses folders there as well as hacker evolution demo 32bit && 64 bit18:07
Tweikableand there extrentions are18:07
Tweikableexecutable (application/x-executable)18:07
Tweikablethast the one i click right?18:07
Tweikableit shows on my properts of that file, that there is no application to open executables?18:08
blami_Sach: just hold Alt while right clicking anywhere in the window area, is that the menu you want?18:08
blami_Sach: (left Alt of course)18:08
Tweikablewhich program should i have installed on ubuntu or should i select, that may already be on my computer inorder to run a executable (application/x-executable) game18:10
Sachblami_: nothing happens when I hit alt and click18:11
jiltdilHow to set grub password in ubuntu 12.10? Please have a guide18:11
bekksTweikable: The mime type is irrelevant. Is it a windows game?18:11
Sachblami_: I only see a hand for scrolling when I do that18:11
IdleOne!grub2 | jiltdil18:11
ubottujiltdil: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)18:11
Tweikablewell it is, but i went the main website. and downloaded the linux version18:11
Tweikableits the hacker evolution game demo18:11
Tweikabledownload as a .tar.gz18:12
bekksTweikable: Then it is a linux game. I guess they do provide instructions on how to run that game on Linux.18:12
Tweikablei didnt see any18:13
Tweikableall check agian18:13
grumpyrjunpack the .tar.gz and look for a readme or an install script18:13
Tweikablethanks 1 sec18:13
bekksTweikable: Whats the website?18:13
=== marco_ is now known as Marco
Tweikableits on the botton right of the screenm18:14
Guest77086Anybody knows whether Ubuntu can boot from USB 3.0 ?18:15
bekksGuest77086: Yes. Yes.18:15
Guest77086How about Fedora?18:16
cruzaderis using pinguy os safe ?18:16
=== chiluk is now known as chiluk_away
bazhangcruzader, ask pinguy support18:16
DJonescruzader: You'd need to ask the pinguy developers about that18:16
bekkscruzader: Ask their support, we dont know about it :)18:16
bazhangGuest77086, #fedora18:16
Guest77086btw, windows sucks18:17
bazhangGuest77086, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please18:18
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo18:19
rbnswartzTrying to run bzr branch on a lp branch and I get this output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1430177/ any ideas?18:20
Tweikablehavent found a read-me file18:21
Tweikablecurrently now adapting to the " power of google "18:21
mattmanwrxhi guys i need a bit of help, i think im stuck on mountall start/starting - any help? maybe pm?18:22
bekksTweikable: Untar it, and show us the the content - using ls -lha in a pastebin please18:23
Tweikablehow do i untar it18:23
heoyea_atool -x file.tar.gz18:25
IdleOneTweikable: you have a 32 or 64 bit Ubuntu installed?18:25
IdleOneTweikable: open a terminal and type without the quotes " sudo apt-get install libsdl-image1.2 && ./HackerEvolutionDuality-32bit "18:25
mattmanwrxguys, im really stuck, can anyone help me pretty please?18:26
bazhangheoyea_, ?18:26
a111hey nerds.  Im using 12.04 and keep getting a clicking sound through my audio when im listening to music?18:26
Anonymous_BreakWe Anonymous?18:26
Tweikablejust did it18:27
=== chiluk_away is now known as chiluk
bazhangheoyea_, if you dont know the answer, why say anything at all18:27
TweikableThe following extra packages will be installed:18:27
Tweikable  libwebp218:27
santiagoi only say hu18:27
IdleOneTweikable: that is fine18:28
Tweikablebash: ./HackerEvolutionDuality-32bit: No such file or directory18:28
heoyea_bazhang: hi18:28
Picisantiago: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?18:28
sbuntuI looked for a way to help my stepson to recover his administrator password - that he forgot18:28
Tweikablei have that file in the hacker evolution demo18:28
Tweikableonce you click on the main folder18:29
mattmanwrxPici: i do, can you please help me?18:29
rushboycan anyone tell what exactly this command do : make prefix=/usr/local all18:29
sbuntuAnyone willing to help me?18:29
bazhangheoyea_, do you have a support issue? please stop making random comments here. chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here18:29
Picisantiago: Thsi channel is just for support, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic18:29
bazhangsbuntu, with what?18:29
IdleOneTweikable: where did you save the tar.gz when you downloaded it?18:29
bazhang!password | sbuntu read the link18:29
ubottusbuntu read the link: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords18:29
heoyea_bazhang: not sure what u mean u msg me18:29
Picimattmanwrx: I'm afraid I don't have a lot of time at the moment, I'm just barely able to look at this channel and keep things civil :)18:30
mattmanwrxok, thanks anyways...18:30
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword   <------- sbuntu18:30
IdleOneTweikable: cd ~/Downloads/HackerEvolutionDualityDEMO18:30
mattmanwrxguys, I'm stuck on mountall start/starting - can anyone help me please?18:30
santiagoi dont know18:30
bazhangheoyea_, this is not the random chat and comment channel. it's support ONLY18:30
sbuntubazhang :  he forgot his sudo password18:30
bazhangsbuntu, yes18:31
santiagohe he he18:31
Tweikablek 1 sec18:31
bazhangsbuntu, please read the link18:31
heoyea_bazhang: then stop trying to chat with me18:31
santiagothat is not a sec18:31
mattmanwrxthis is what my screen says - https://www.dropbox.com/s/1ys54j76d6a0bnb/IMG_20121213_183109.jpg18:32
sbuntubazhang : ok18:32
Slaybacksomething that cost 15 each and i have 584 to buy for... how mutch? and how can i do it on a calculator?18:33
ronehey folks, i added the openjdk PPA so i could install openjdk 7 on 10.04.  but the packages seem to have a circular dependency or something. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1430148/18:33
santiagogood good18:33
PiciSlayback: try ##math18:33
Tweikablei try and cd to downlaods18:34
Tweikableand its says no such file or directory18:34
=== XDS2010__ is now known as XDS2010
Tweikabletrying to change to that diretory18:35
IdleOneTweikable: in linux downloads and Downloads are two separate folders18:35
IdleOneCase matters18:35
Picisantiago: stop the random comments18:35
winbbecho $(( 584 / 15 ))18:36
winbnot becho18:36
santiagothats not a sec!??18:36
TweikableIdleOne < i just changed my diretory to downloads/hackerevolutiondemo18:39
Tweikablenow what should i do18:39
IdleOnedid you install ibsdl-image1.2 ?18:40
IdleOnedid you install libsdl-image1.2 ?18:40
Tweikablei belive so18:40
Tweikablelet me check18:40
IdleOneTweikable: you are also going to need to install libsdl-mixer1.218:40
Tweikableyes its in stalled18:41
Tweikablei will install that to one sec18:41
Tweikablethank you so much for the help18:41
Tweikable1 sec18:41
=== chiluk is now known as chiluk_away
superjesushi guys18:42
=== chiluk_away is now known as chiluk
FloodBot1superjesus: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:42
Tweikablelibmikmod2 Suggested packages:oss-compat18:42
TweikableThe following NEW packages will be installed: libmikmod2 libsdl-mixer1.218:42
Tweikableshould i download the oss-compat18:42
IdleOneTweikable: yup, install whatever it recommends18:43
Tweikablearlight i just finished downloading it18:44
Tweikablethe oss-compat18:44
Tweikablewhat is the next thing you think i should od18:46
IdleOneTweikable: now run " ./HackerEvolutionDuality-32bit " without the quotes18:46
Tweikablei just paste that in concle18:46
a111Is there any reason why ubuntu wont recognise my second GPU / third monitor?18:47
IdleOneTweikable: correct18:47
a111im using the none-free AMD drivers18:47
heoyea_check settings18:47
Piciroot__: can we help you?18:47
DJones!behelpful | heoyea_18:48
ubottuheoyea_: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.18:48
heoyea_check ati settings18:48
Tweikableproblem happend18:48
Tweikableim going to paste it on paste bin18:48
DJones!who | heoyea_18:48
ubottuheoyea_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:48
Tweikableone sec Ideal18:48
IdleOneTweikable: waiting18:49
heoyea_DJones: check ati settings18:49
gigloprgentoousers are loser18:49
DJonesheoyea_: I don't have an ati card, direct your help to the appropriate person18:50
gigloprgentoousers are loser18:50
bazhanggiglopr, please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic18:50
IdleOneTweikable: sudo apt-get install libsdl-mixer1.218:50
heoyea_DJones: ur welcome18:50
Tweikable1 sefc18:50
craigbass1976I've got /share that's set to 777.  Anyone writing to it from a windows box creates files and directories with 777.  If I create a file locally though, craig:craig owns it and the permissions are 755.  In order to stop that, I mount up /share as cifs in fstab.  It won't mount at boot though; I've got to do a mount -a, and I'.  How do I get it mounting18:50
craigbass1976Oops -- fat finger... I'm guessing that fstab firest up before samba.18:51
bekkscraigbass1976: Correct.18:52
craigbass1976bekks, how do I get it to mount without the extra manual step?18:52
Tweikableideal one18:52
jbwivhi guys. Is there a way to snapshot a system from an apt perspective, so that you can rollback to that snapshot later? say I have a project and I want to experiment with a number of different tools, but when complete easily restore the system to the way it was before?18:52
Tweikablei love you18:52
Tweikableit worked man, thank you so much for you help and time18:52
IdleOneTweikable: very welcome18:53
Tweikableyou are a god amungst kedyboards18:53
bazhangjbwiv, system image?18:53
bekkscraigbass1976: Thats impossible using the fstab. You have add the mount command in the /etc/rc.local using the full path to the mount command.18:53
Tweikablenow it should work by me just click on the file right18:53
Tweikablei should havnt to use concel18:53
IdleOneTweikable: now run " ./HackerEvolutionDuality-32bit " without the quotes18:53
jbwivbazhang, that would probably work...is it possible?18:54
bazhangjbwiv, sure is, there's a tool called disks that has that option in it18:54
DJonesIdleOne: You should write a blog page and submit it to ongubuntu, I'm sure they'd publish it18:54
craigbass1976bekks, mount -a, or mount -t blahblahblah ?  I've got another user (craig2) that mounts up the same share.  I get prompted for a password when I run sudo mount -a for some reason, for sudo, then for each of the users mounting up the share18:54
IdleOneDJones: heh18:55
Tweikableity worked18:55
IdleOneTweikable: is the game running?18:55
jbwivbazhang, ok, I'll take a look. thanks18:55
DrGrovCan I simultaneously have XFCE and Unity installed from the official repositories of 12.04? I wondered if something would brake, dependencies or such.18:55
Tweikablei just pushed exit18:55
IdleOneTweikable: I'm very happy. have fun.18:55
Tweikablethank you18:55
Tweikableits like a realy christamss18:56
bazhangDrGrov, sure. you can install all of them. I have Four currently18:56
Tweikableyour personal nick for the day is Santa18:56
Tweikablejk., by ubuntu communtiy keep of the great advice and staff18:56
DrGrovbazhang: Okay good :) I just thought to ask since I had some issues on 10.04 with Gnome and KDE running besides each other.18:57
gigloprgentoo is bullshit!18:57
bazhangDrGrov, the xubuntu-desktop lubuntu-desktop package and so on will do that for you18:57
bekkscraigbass1976: Basically it doesnt matter which mount option you are using, but you should use /bin/mount and it is expected that sudo asks you for your password.18:57
DrGrovbazhang: Will be nice to see how XFCE is running these days. Been 4-5 years since I last had XFCE in active day-to-day use LOL18:58
rushboyHello Can anyone please let me know the method by which I can see the changes I make to the source code of any application  ?18:58
BassoopiokaHi! Problem needs solving. I installed wine and steam. I open a chat window from friends list. But when i try to type nothing happens.  Keyboard works fine as you can see.18:58
Picirushboy: the changes *you* make?18:58
bazhangBassoopioka, #winehq for help with particular apps18:59
rushboyI have cloned a certain repo and want to edit the source code18:59
craigbass1976bekks, but I also get asked for the two users mounting up the directory.18:59
DrGrovThanks bazhang18:59
rushboyPici, I have cloned a certain repo and want to edit the source code18:59
rumpe1rushboy, try "diff"18:59
Bassoopiokathx i try there ^^19:00
DrGrovbazhang: Gotta ask still one question. I should pick xubuntu or lubuntu or just xfce- package/packages?19:00
ActionParsnipDrGrov: installing xfce4 will give the bare minimum xfce desktop19:01
bazhangDrGrov, for xubuntu , it would be xubuntu-desktop ; for kde4 it would be kubuntu-desktop ; for lxde/openbox lubuntu-desktop and so on19:01
DrGrovActionParsnip: Yes, that I am aware of. I mean that I should be picking packages starting with xfce- instead of xubuntu/lubuntu packages? Or is there any difference?19:01
DrGrovbazhang: Okay, I pick the default xfce style of packages, ex. xfce-orage etc.19:02
ActionParsnipDrGrov: if you already have gnome apps installed, you can run them in XFCE without issue19:02
bazhangDrGrov, those are metapackages and will install the default browsers, file managers, etc for each desktop19:02
DrGrovActionParsnip: Yes, I have only GNOME apps installed. Nothing with KDE installed. Just need a good burning app, k3b should be fine without breaking evne though it installs kde libs?19:02
ActionParsnipDrGrov: I use xfburn here :)19:03
ickefeshi guys. have you ever experienced that if you lightly touch your ram stick then your computer hangs?19:03
bazhangDrGrov, sure. many gnome users have amarok k3b or the like19:03
DrGrovbazhang: Okay, I see. ActionParsnip Ah, there is xfburn for gnome :) Good to know, not need to get messy fingers with kde libs then :)19:03
bazhangickefes, try ##hardware19:03
ickefesbazhang: ok thanks19:04
DrGrovActionParsnip: bazhang forget me. I am too tired. :) I just go and pick packages with the beginning xfce-19:04
DrGrovThanks for clearing things up yet again, ActionParsnip and bazhang :)19:04
* Sm0kEz is Away (supper tyme!) @ 07:05:33pm19:05
bazhangSm0kEz, disable that19:07
* Sm0kEz is away (supper tyme!) Gone: 2mins 13secs19:07
mariannelooking for hardware recommendations video card and sound cards for 12.04... any opinions out there?19:13
ActionParsnipmarianne: onboard sound is usually good enough19:16
ActionParsnipmarianne: a mid range nvidia will be groovy :)19:16
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection19:17
OerHeksActionParsnip +1  Nvidia would be my choice too19:17
marianneActionParsnip: kinda want 5.1 surround sound and just found an awesome vid card (Nvidia chipset)19:18
hiloIf I create a hard link, how do I delete the hard link and not the file it points to (so as to just remove the link)19:18
MonkeyDustwhy nvidia? most graphics problems are with nvidia (i have intel)19:18
ActionParsnipmarianne: most onboards do 5.1 sound...19:19
marianneMonkeyDust: I just load the drivers and have never had issues with it19:19
KafanI just deleted windows, more hassle than its worth at the moment.19:19
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: as long as its not Optimus, you are laughing19:19
Picihilo: you just delete the link.19:19
blami_ActionParsnip: +119:19
marianneActionParsnip: not mine... only one input19:20
MonkeyDustfair enough19:20
ntgnvidia optimus, might s'well f*** yourslf :(19:21
ntgi got it working after some troubleshooting tho19:21
mariannentg: maybe I just get lucky with the nvidia stuff... never had issues19:22
ntgmarianne: we're talking about nvidia optimus, hybrid graphics.19:23
mariannentg: ok, I'll admit it... color me clueless19:24
ntgbasically, if you have a laptop with a integrated GPU plus a dedicated GPU... ubuntu no like. :)19:25
mariannentg: yeah I can see where that would get squirrelly in a hurry19:28
marianneok guys... how about blu-ray support?19:30
ntga little bit of a hassle19:30
mariannentg: drivers?19:30
ntgi dont think drivers are the problem19:31
ntgbluray movie discs are encrypted19:31
ntgso you need to set up for example vlc with the keys etc etc19:32
mariannentg: lame but I don't rip any more... just wanna watch19:32
wtfdoidohello there19:33
wtfdoidoI do understand that it's somewhat offtopic19:33
ntgmarianne: well it should work19:33
wtfdoidomy granny went nuts about a month ago19:33
DJones!ot | wtfdoido19:34
ubottuwtfdoido: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:34
wtfdoidoso she's about to let the $250k appartment to her social worker19:34
mariannentg: it's really an upgrade project... video, then sound, then blu-ray19:34
MonkeyDustwtfdoido  wrong channel19:34
wtfdoidoI basically have two options19:34
DJoneswtfdoido: This is a support channel only19:34
wtfdoidowould you kindly suggest another one?19:34
DJoneswtfdoido: See the link you've just been given19:35
mariannentg: but I would love it all to work without too much hassle19:35
SuicidalWhen i replug /dev/ttyUSB0 file owner and file mode getting resetted19:36
wtfdoidoDJones I only see #ubuntu actually19:36
wtfdoidocat /procinfo and all that stuff19:36
wtfdoidoused to be a unix admin back in the 90's19:36
wtfdoidoso where do I go for the morals?19:36
DJones!ot | wtfdoido19:36
wtfdoidoor practics19:36
MonkeyDustwtfdoido  type /join #ubuntu-offtopic19:37
DJoneswtfdoido:  #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use19:37
DJones                #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:37
ntgmarianne: if you would love things to work without too much hassle you chose the wrong OS :D19:37
wtfdoidoubuntu-offtopic thati s19:37
octerisHi all! I currently have a computer running Ubuntu Server 12.04.1 and I was wondering if it was possible to set up networking using a static IP with DHCP as a fallback through the /etc/network/interfaces file?19:37
wtfdoidothanks a bunch19:37
Suicidalshould i enter #ubuntu-offtopic for that kind of problem?19:38
MonkeyDustocteris  there's also #ubuntu-server19:38
wtfdoido[23:38] #ubuntu-offtopic unable to join channel (address is banned)19:38
SuicidalWhen i replug /dev/ttyUSB0 file owner and file mode getting resetted19:38
wtfdoidoHuston, we do have a problem19:38
Pici#ubuntu-offtopic is not a support channel :)19:38
octerisMonkeyDust: wouldn't the procedure apply to Ubuntu desktop as well?19:38
MonkeyDustwtfdoido  of course you were banned for no reason19:38
mariannentg: say it isn't so! but then again, what else do i have to do with my time.19:38
wtfdoidoMonkeyDust you freaking knew!19:38
Suicidalanyone up to help?19:39
wtfdoidoanyway, I do need advice19:39
Sachusing a gnome shell in ubuntu 12.10. how do i get my close, maximize and minimize buttons back? they've disappeared.19:39
ntgmarianne: if you like problems you should try Vista19:39
wtfdoidowith my gramma. either keep her or keep some $250k19:39
mysterioushi, is there an instruction on how to report kernel errors to ubuntu launchpad correctly? (My laptop is freezing when using brightness control)19:40
mariannentg: ummm no... I'll pass on that charlie foxtrot19:40
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Heath-HomeHey, my ssh connection to my server keeps disconnecting after being idle too long, how do I fix this?19:42
hilois there an easy way to create hard links for all files which have specific extensions under a certain directory? I am trying to create a directory which contains all my movies. Currently the files are organized by genre in directories. I can't just move them because it's my girlfriends, and she likes it that way...19:42
Heath-HomeDoesn't seem to be an option in /etc/ssh/ssh_config19:42
mariannestarting to wonder if I should just build a new box...19:42
octerishilo: Wouldn't you want to use soft links for this?19:42
a111Im using ubuntu 12.04 and I keep hearing a clicking sound from my speakers19:43
hiloocteris, I looked into the difference and I don't see why one is better than the other. It seemed to me that hard links are better since the link is treated just like the original file and not as a link19:43
hiloocteris, and i am creating the links in the same file system19:44
bekksHeath-Home: You are looking in the wrong file. It is a setting in sshd_config called TCPKeepAlive19:44
octerishilo: the main reason is that you can move/remove/rename soft links without affecting the original file19:44
octerishilo: so you could soft link all your movies in an organization to your liking without affecting your girlfriend's organization of the same files19:45
SuicidalWhen i replug /dev/ttyUSB0 file owner and file mode getting resetted. Anyone can help?19:45
Heath-Homewhere is sshd_Config?19:45
hiloocteris, I was under the impression that I could move/remove/rename hard links as well19:45
octerishilo: you can but they will affect the original file19:45
octerishilo: "hard" link ;)19:45
hiloocteris, since these are all movies, I won't really be doing any changes, I just need them to be presented in a different directory structure.19:46
Piciocteris: renaming a hard link doesn't break the origininal file's name.19:46
InokiAnybody having the same problem installing Unity on Ubuntu Studio?19:46
octerisPici: hmm maybe I am misunderstanding the difference between a hard and soft link then19:47
hiloocteris, the only reason I shy away from the soft link is because I used a soft link to do this for a file on my FTP and the soft link was served up as a 0 byte shortcut file instead of the file19:47
octerishilo: to answer your original question you'll probably want to write a script or use a find-exec to run the ln command on the right target files19:47
Piciocteris, hilo: the difference between a hard link and a soft/symbolic link is that if you create a hardlink to a file and then delete the original file, the file itself will still exist on the drive because there is still a link pointing to it.19:48
Piciocteris, hilo: If you delete the target of a softlink, the softlink now is invalid.19:48
bekksHeath-Home: In /etc/ssh/ - like ssh_config19:48
octerisPici: ah, got it. thanks for the clarification. :)19:49
Heath-HomeI got it, thanks19:49
InokiAnybody who can help a bit?19:50
bekksInoki: Only after asking an ubuntu support question :)19:50
Heath-Homebekks, TCPKeepAlive is set to yes, why does the connection time out?19:51
Inokibekks: Of course. I'm running Ubuntu Studio, wanted to install Unity, but can't. It says some dependecies are not satisfied.19:51
bekksHeath-Home: It has to be set in the config of the server you are connecting to.19:51
Heath-Homebekks, I am on the server I am trying to connect to's config.19:52
bekksInoki: And how do you try to install it? And whats the exact error message?19:52
Inokibekks: I used sudo apt-get install Unity*19:52
Sachusing a gnome shell in ubuntu 12.10. how do i get my close, maximize and minimize buttons back on the windows? they've disappeared.19:52
Inokibekks: And this is missing  libcunit1-ncurses : Koliduje s: libcunit1 ale inštalovať sa bude 2.1-0.dfsg-1019:53
Inoki libcunit1-ncurses-dev : Koliduje s: libcunit1-dev ale inštalovať sa bude 2.1-0.dfsg-1019:53
bekksInoki: Did you run sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade before?19:53
SpecialEdtrying to write a simple bash string that will echo $RANDOM >> every file in a directory, is there an easy way how to do this?19:54
hiloocteris, can you help me figure out how to formulate the find command?19:54
Inokibekks: I'll try.19:55
MonkeyDustSpecialEd  'easy' depends on how skilled you are, try the channel #bash19:55
PiciInoki: Why did you choose to install it like that? Just do: sudo apt-get install unity19:55
SierraARWhy is the update manager saying the package information was last updated over a week ago, when I just updated this morning?19:55
InokiPici: I wanted to have everything related to Unity be installed, so that nothing's missing.19:55
marianneis there a driver for soundblaster z out there already?19:55
SuicidalWhen i replug /dev/ttyUSB0 file owner and file mode getting resetted how can i set fixed file properties for it?19:56
bekksSierraAR: Because the update managers just tells you when the update manager was used the last time.19:56
trismSach: what is: gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout;19:56
SierraAR'W:Failed to fetch http://archive.getdeb.net/ubuntu/dists/precise-getdeb/Release.gpg  Unable to connect to archive.getdeb.net:http:'19:57
Sachtrism: sorry, I don't know what you mean.19:57
SierraARI disabled that in software sources, why is it trying to connect to it?19:57
cfeddehow can I get chromium to trust a corporate proxy that uses a self signed cert?19:57
trismSach: open a terminal and run that, I am curious if your settings just got wiped for that key19:57
bazhangSierraAR, checked in sources.list.d ?19:57
SierraARbazhang: Where do I find that?19:58
trismSach: if so, you can fix it with: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ':minimize,maximize,close';19:58
bazhangSierraAR, /etc/apt/19:58
[snake]would it be faster to use a 32 bit os on 64bit cpu, or the 64 bit os? i have 2gb of ram19:58
MonkeyDust[snake]  no19:58
Sachtrism: it returns "':minimize,maximize,close'"19:59
[snake]MonkeyDust, it wasn't a yes or no question. see the "or" :P19:59
trismSach: okay so looks fine already19:59
bazhang[snake], use the 64 bit19:59
SierraARbazhang: Is deleting getdeb.list and getdeb.list.save what I want to do?19:59
Sachtrism: however, I don't see these buttons on my windows.19:59
trismSach: what theme are you using?19:59
Sachtrism: ambience (default)19:59
bazhangSierraAR, or placing a # in front of them20:00
searchingRight Click menu.xml Openbox change color20:00
PiciInoki: When you use wildcards in your package name when using apt-get install, it uses regular expressions, and since you didn't specify that the package name start with unity, it actually is searching for every packge that contains 'unit' followed by 0 or more 'y's20:00
trismSach: strange, did they just disappear during your session?20:00
bergelmirwhere can i find my custom shortcuts on the filesystem?20:00
Sachyes, when i was looking at other themes yesterday, then returned to what I previously had which is ambience default.20:01
SuicidalWhen i replug /dev/ttyUSB0 file owner and file mode getting resetted how can i set fixed file properties for it?20:01
Sachtrism: yes, since I looked at other themes yesterday, then returned to what I previously had which is ambience default.20:01
trismSach: odd, try running: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout 'minimize,maximize,close:'; I seem to remember someone else with this issue before where the settings looked right but the controls were on the wrong side20:03
trismSach: see if the controls show up on the left of the window20:03
=== g_byers[Away] is now known as g_byers
bazhangSach, gnome-shell correct? no settings in tweak tool for that? you can add settings to tweak tool with the gnome extensions site, you know20:04
Sachtrism: no change.20:04
trismSach: must be something else then, weird20:04
Sachbazhang: yes, correct.  I've set it it the tweak tool too, but it has no effect on my syste,20:04
trismSach: I'm kind of out of ideas at this point20:04
chris__I cant set up HDMI output to my tv from my geforce9500gt, halp20:05
bazhangSach, adding extension from the gnome extensions site fixed that here20:05
MeanderingCodeany dnsmasq gurus in here?20:05
Sachbazhang: how do I do that?20:05
Sachtrism: thanks for trying.20:05
[snake]should I get the 12.10 release or stick with 12.04?20:06
MonkeyDust[snake]  i'm happy with 12.1020:06
bazhangSach, the site has installers much like the firefox extensions, that you click to on, it then adds a setting configurable in tweak tool, such as variable alt-tab behavior, where the buttons for close maximize etc are and so on20:06
[snake]MonkeyDust, in the past I've had bad experiences with the latest updates for some reason O_O20:07
[snake]im not sure20:07
chris__can a geforce 9500gt output on its dvi, vga and hdmi ports at the same time?20:07
chris__or how to seitch?ű20:07
bazhangchris__, thats a hardware question is it not?20:07
chris__bazhang, it is, which room do I go nvidia?ű20:09
bazhangchris__, tried ##hardware ?20:09
octerisHi all! I currently have a computer running Ubuntu Server 12.04.1 and I was wondering if it was possible to set up networking using a static IP with DHCP as a fallback through the /etc/network/interfaces file? i.e. I'd like the server to use the static IP setup in the interfaces file and then ask DHCP for an IP if the static IP fails for any reason.20:09
Inokibekks: Installed the unity packages but I can't choose the shell at login. Any idea why?20:11
=== jungejas_ is now known as jungejason
MonkeyDustInoki  you may have to install gdm additionally to get the terminal as an option in lightdm - also try ctrl-alt F120:12
chris__octeris, you should try adding the servers MAC address to the dhcp-servers config with the specified ip address20:16
octerischris_: the real underlying issue is I moved the server to a new network here at my parent's house temporarily and the static IP was setup with a network with as the default gateway, and here on this network the default gateway is instead, so the server is attempting to assign itself to an invalid static IP20:17
chris__octeris, are you moving it often?20:17
=== suku-away is now known as suku
octerischris_: not particularly, although I will move it once more within the next month, and then it won't move for another year at least.20:18
raymondDoes anyone have a problem with printing from firefox on an HP printer?  (FF 17.0.1, OfficeJet J6480, Ubuntu 12.10).  The only application from which I can not print is firefox.20:21
chris__I also have an integrated video card on the motherboard, can I connect one of the LCDs there and still have a double display desktop?20:22
=== root is now known as Guest39980
jyg12.04 doesn't magically automount MTP devices as it does basic USB?20:23
chris__octeris, and why cant you just use DHCP?420:23
dr_willischris__:  are both the onboard and built in nvidia?20:23
dr_willisjyg:  no it does not. neither does 12.1020:23
dr_willisjyg:  it can mount them - with a little work.20:23
chris__dr_willis, intel integrated and nvidia discrete20:23
jygboo... so many things to tap to get my phone tomount :)20:23
dr_willisjyg:  i just use teh various services/ssh/scp/samba to get to mine20:24
jygdr_willis, yeah i've seen the scripting solution, i've loaded the drivers, etc... just wanted some corraboration before embarking on that... or giving up ;)20:24
dr_willisssh + andftp = all i use.20:24
jygdr_willis, i transfer large files so ... though I guess 802.11g is faster than a class 10 card hah, so that might work fine20:25
dr_willisi found wirless faster then the cables20:25
dr_willislot more convient also.20:25
octerischris__: I'd like to avoid restarting the server for certain package upgrades to cause it to possibly switch IPs on me and then have to re-configure my hosts file or port forwarding,  especially since my network shares target the hostname instead of the IP20:26
octerischris__: all my music is hosted on the server and shared with samba20:26
chris__octanium, I don't know20:28
=== dpac is now known as dpac|away
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jygdr_willis, interest but need something to go the other direction: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ws.plattner.cifsmanager&feature=search_result20:28
dr_willissend to the phone? theres services you can run on the phone. ;)20:29
jyghah searching for "nfs for android" shows all "need for speed"20:29
jygyeah i was looking for such services.  don't want to use smb :p20:30
dr_williscant say ive ever seen NFS yet.20:30
dr_willisthere are ssh servers.20:30
jygyeah, i've used those.  but when I'm copying files, for music, i often use nautilus20:30
jygi supposes there's some way to virtual mount via ssh, but that's gotta be a dog20:30
dr_willisthen there the other fancy 'share my phone' type services  that give you web interfaces to do things.20:31
dr_willissshfs on pc -> ssh server on phone.20:31
dr_willismy phones not rooted so i cant use some of the services  that are out for android20:31
jygheh rooted mh sgsii the day it came out, the day i bought it20:32
=== Dr_Manhattan is now known as DrManhattan
jygif anyhting, for tethering20:32
dr_willisgot an S3 here.  My plan came with the hotspot anyway. so i dident need to.  not that i use it as a hotspot much20:33
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=== Granis` is now known as 66MAAC018
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:34
dr_willisjyg:  always finding neat things in the android market. ;) just now saw this 'Ubuntu Remote Control' lets me do some things i wa wanting to last week. Gotta love it.20:36
=== dniMretsaM_away is now known as dniMretsaM
=== TheWarden_ is now known as TheWarden
=== Hyperbyt1 is now known as Hyperbyte
ubottufenix709: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:42
butch1281My console windows keep changing size every time it looses focus.... and is incredibly annoying (ubuntu 12.04 unity)20:42
butch1281any idea how to fix it?20:42
julian_hi i cant get the nvidia drivers running correctly. I have a resolution of 640x480    Xorg.log gives this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1430509/20:44
dniMretsaMmy root partition keeps going RO on me. It seems to be completely random, as I can't tie it to starting any particular process or anything. When I reboot, I'm told to run fsck manually, which I do. It fixes a bunch of errors and I can boot up just fine. then it will go read only again. sometimes immediately. sometimes after a few hours, sometimes never.20:44
EnkkiHi! Does anyone know how to configure vsftpd to get it work ? I am completely unable to get writable home directories even after follwing every proposition from the web20:45
butch1281Enkki - check the umask20:45
butch1281its in the /etc/vsftpd...something for each user you set up20:45
Carlgo11Hi I can't install Ubontu via usb. In the installation I get a msg saying "Your installation CD-ROM couldn't be mouted." why does it say that when im installing from a usb?20:45
bekks!patience | Catbuntu20:47
zlackerCarlgo11 how have you prepared the USB stick?20:47
ubottuCatbuntu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:47
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bekks!patience | Carlgo1120:47
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dr_willisCarlgo11:  what release also?20:47
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:47
ubottuCarlgo11: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:47
Carlgo11Yes I have20:47
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dr_willisservers are very splitty today. ;()20:48
zlackerCarlgo11 how have you prepared the USB stick? have you ever heard of Unetbootin ?20:48
Carlgo11I use Ubunto Server 12.1020:48
Carlgo11Yeah I have20:48
dr_willisCarlgo11:  i recall there being issues with putting the server iso on usb.20:48
SerythHey guys. I just added this http://www.pasteall.org/38015 to my .bashrc file, but when I open the stream I only get video, audio output. No input; my mic isn't being detected. What's wrong, and how can I fix it? I've checked in alsamixer for my levels (they're on full) and pavucontrol seems to only detect my output, not input...any help greatly appreciated! Thanks.20:48
Carlgo11No I can boot from the stick but not install from it20:48
bekksCarlgo11: Thats an "issue" dr_willis is referring to.20:49
dr_willisCarlgo11:  yes.. and the issue was the server installer not being able to see the 'iso'  its been happening for the last several releases20:49
Carlgo11So what do I do?20:49
dr_willisHow did you put the ISO on the usb?20:49
Treadstone__71How can I see what my firewall is denying in real time??20:49
Carlgo11Used a program called "Universal-USB installer"20:50
bekksTreadstone__71: Depends on your firewall - which one do you use?20:50
hiloCarlgo11, I installed server 10.04 and did a release upgrade to install from usb20:50
Treadstone__71iptables ?20:50
Carlgo11Ok hilo I'll try that20:50
bekksTreadstone__71: Then you need to set up logging for each rule, to see whats happening.20:51
dr_williscarlos2010:  id check the askubuntu.com links20:51
Carlgo11ok I'll try with a older version. If that doesn't work I'll be back tommorow20:52
Treadstone__71bekks ... how does one go about that?20:52
hiloCarlgo11, after you finish installing 10.04, just run "do-release-upgrade"20:52
hiloCarlgo11, After it does it's thing, you will have 12.0420:52
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dr_willisseems a little over kill.. since i thinkthe answer is to use dd to put the server iso on the usb.. ;)20:52
bekksTreadstone__71: I dont know it off hand, but it should be doccumented pretty well.20:52
Treadstone__71ok. thanks20:53
Ogredudehiya folks20:53
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Ogredudegetting some boot problems on a fresh install of 12.04, need to edit the grub config to fix it. I know exactly what I need to edit.  The problem is that update-grub and update-grub2 are both complaining "Cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied".  I am su'd to root. I mounted the hard drive. In my terminal, I did chroot /mount/<guid>. Everything appears to be correct there.20:54
OgredudeAll the forum topics I'm seeing say to chroot to the mounted disk and you should be able to update-grub20:55
Ogredudenot so much20:55
dr_willisHmm.. seems the server 'live setup' on usb can be looking for the wrong file names.. changeing the names on the usb corrects the issue20:55
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dr_willisOgredude:  theres more then just chrooting to the /, i think you need to set up /proc/ and /dev/ befor you chroot.. but i always use the  boot-repair first these days.. it seems to work well20:56
jygok... converting to mp4 on 12.04 is a pain.  i've tried a number of ways to get avconv to be happy with 264 or any mp4-able format.  no dice, short of recompiling avconv.20:56
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bekksjyg: Then use ffmpeg :)20:56
atriuslets say for a moment i want a DNS server but i don't want bind... what else is worthy of the job and will also handle dynamic dns updates from isc DHCP?20:56
Ogredudedr_willis: ah okay, I'll look at boot-repair20:56
jygfrom what i've read its a bug in the ubuntu-packaged version of avconv20:56
jygbekks, same problem20:56
Ogredudeso what, has stuff changed since all those different forum posts that say chroot to your mounted disk and update-grub?20:57
dr_willisHmm.. I convert to mp4 all the time. but im on 12.1020:57
bekksjyg: Which is impossible, since the tools differ.20:57
jygthey do differ. but they suffer the same problem20:57
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dr_willisOgredude:  i recall always  needing to set up /proc/ and /dev/ to the mountpoints  /media/mountpoint/dev and /media/mountpoint/proc  befor chrooting20:57
jygcertainly not impossible, heh20:57
vexati0nanyone want to help me figure out why minecraft keeps blowing up at me ? :D20:58
vexati0nit's great fun20:58
Ogredudedr_willis: okay I'll try boot-repair, thanks20:59
* dr_willis votes for boot-repair to be included by default on the live cds ;p20:59
Ogredudevexati0n: maybe it'd help if you went to https://gist.github.com and pasted logs of the errors you're getting and any other helpful information (video card type, java version, etc etc)21:00
dr_willisOgredude:  i do seemto recall being able to reinstall grub from a live cd without chrooting also. if you gave the right options to the grub-install tool21:00
strcrzy_what's the best way to get in touch with canonical for paid support?21:01
vexati0nOgredude: https://gist.github.com/427983021:01
strcrzy_we've tried the form, and emailing21:01
a111I keep hearing a clicking sound on ubuntu 12.0421:01
dr_willisthats about all we would know on the topic strcrzy_ . is whats on the web site21:02
Ogredudevexati0n: one thing that's sticking out to me is that you have intel integrated graphics and I don't believe that's beefy enough for minecraft21:02
vexati0nOgredude: it has been working just fine for months, though.21:02
strcrzy_2 business days my ass21:02
Guest76586hi all what am i missing I am tring to add mysql to bootup , using update-rc.d mysql defaults , and it does not seem to be working, I don't know what I am missing21:02
Guest76586can someone help21:02
vexati0nIt's a 3000, which is more than enough to handle MC. Smoothly even, with Graphics on Fast.21:02
dr_willisstrcrzy_:  we have no controll over that.21:02
dr_willisIm not even sure what paid 'support' actually does...21:03
bekksstrcrzy_: Take a look at he website.21:03
dr_willisBe cool if i could get paid to sit on irc all day and do support.. ;)21:04
dr_willisOh wait.. i sit at work and irc and do support all day anyway......21:04
n3ffaditto dr_willis21:05
Ogredudevexati0n: well that's a useful piece of information. It has worked in the past. Now when did it stop working and what have you changed since it last worked?21:05
Ogredudestart there and work your way back21:05
ubottuSebj71: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:05
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vexati0nOgredude: it worked yesterday, and stopped working after a software update21:07
vexati0nOgredude: unfortunately I'm not sure where the "undo last software update" button is in Ubuntu...21:07
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Ogredudevexati0n: how about the logs that show which pieces were updated? I bet there's clues in there.21:08
Ogredudeand it's just giving you a segfault?21:09
vexati0nOgredude: yeah it's just a segfault right after it loads LWJGL.21:09
penguinmanhmm, did the drivers update? also which java are you running? sun's or open jdk?21:10
WoLfHello everyone.. I'm having an issue trying to move my internal HD with Ubuntu 12.04 to an external USB adapter.. grub was giving me "file not found" errors.. so I tried to boot a livecd and run boot-repair but it didn't help either, but now it gives me a file in the error. "error: file '/boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod' not found"21:10
vexati0npenguinman: I've tried all 3 available Oracle Javas (6, 7 and 8), and both OpenJDKs (6 and 7). Usually I use Oracle Java 8.21:10
Ogredudevexati0n: it looks like it could be a video driver issue21:11
vexati0nlooks like there were a bunch of Mesa updates21:11
vexati0ndo you know how to roll back updates?21:11
OgredudeI'm seeing quite a few forum posts suggesting update video drivers, or switch to the proprietary video drivers21:11
penguinmani didn't think intel had proprietary drivers21:11
vexati0nyeah... both of which do not apply to me, since Intel drivers are already the official ones, and this is the latest version21:12
dr_willispenguinman:  they dont as far as i know. there are some pps'a with newer drivers21:12
Ogredudewhat's really weird is you're not getting any logs or errors or anything21:12
Ogredudethat, I have a hard time understanding21:12
penguinmanit's minecraft. proprietary as hell. it's the actual java executable that's segfaulting21:13
Ogredudeif linux is good for anything, it's freakishly fantastic at flooding your screen on an error with tons and tons of stuff that's probably only minimally useful to the guy who made the software to begin with21:13
dr_willisI think the minecraft guys need to just make a Minecraftbuntu ;)21:13
penguinmanyeah, good luck with that. these are the same guys that charged their panel members admission to minecon :)21:14
dr_willisand now ya now why i dont bother with minecraft21:14
vexati0nwell i think i figured out that the last system update upgraded all the Intel 3D stuff21:14
Ogredudepenguinman: okay that's a fantastically bad decision21:14
vexati0nso I need to figure out how to roll all that back to the previous version.21:14
Ogredudevexati0n: here's a useful forum thread on that subject http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=180498521:15
DJonesOgredude: Just saw you mention intel graphics not being beefy enough for minecraft, I play it regularly on my laptop with integrated intel graphics, I just have to lower the graphics quality and it plays fine21:15
penguinmanvexati0n, maybe update to the experimental driver? I know with my nvidia card there's a seperate pkg for it21:15
OgredudeDJones: that's good to hear, thanks for correcting my understanding21:16
DJonesOgredude: No probs21:16
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n0rwackhttp://www.flyingpenguin.com/?p=17668 Is this a known issue? I often experience that i can't switch trough apps (from nor gnome classic or unity)21:19
vexaxveverytime i try to download fglrx or do "sudo apt-get update" it tells me something wicked has happened and cant download, im using 12.04, anyone know whats up?21:20
dr_willispastebin the exact commands and exact error messates vexaxv21:21
n0rwackvexaxv: try "sudo apt-get -f install"21:22
Ogredudeokay, curiosity question here. On many many of the machines I've tried to put linux on, I've had to switch it to nomodeset. What's the deal with that?  I don't really understand why it's on by default if it fails on so many machines.21:22
dr_willisOgredude:  it dosent fail on my machines any more.21:22
vexaxvi have too ogredude21:22
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MonkeyDustOgredude  never needed it on mine21:23
dr_willisI dont see people inhere needing Nomodeset near as much as they used to.21:23
Ogredudegranted, the number of machines I've tried to get linux with X on, I could count without taking off my shoes.  Not so much commandline-only linux. I'd have to borrow someone else's feet to count those.21:23
a111I keep hearing a clicking sound on ubuntu 12.04  Any way to stop it?21:23
Ogredudea111: is it possibly a navigation sound?21:24
dr_willisalll depends on whats clicking..21:24
vexati0ni blame the xorg-edgers PPA. I guess I finally ran into a "don't run bleeding edge updates all the time" rule.21:24
n0rwackHave anyone experienced freezing issues? Sometimes when i sit on my laptop, it suddenly doesnt let me change to another application, neither click "Applications, Places" etc..Running 12.04..Have same issue with Unity..21:24
a111it happens when im watching youtube / listening to music21:24
a111doesnt matter as long as its got sound21:24
a111its just a popping / clicking sound21:24
Ogredudeok that's odd. Describe the sound a bit more?21:24
dr_willisalll so during sound playback theres  a popping noise.21:24
penguinmanI've never understood the need to running cutting edge xorg anyway? what benefits do you actually get from it?21:25
Ogredudeis it a regular or irregular clicking/popping?21:25
JoaoSantanahi all21:25
a111just a pop or click21:25
Ogredudea111: repeating, or just once/21:25
a111yeah repeating21:26
a111just randomly happens when there is sound from a application21:26
n0rwackmight be something with pulseaudio, maybe?21:27
vexaxvdr_willis, im trying to pastebin it terrible internet right now but what was cause a error saying something wicked has happened while trying to update or get fglrx21:27
Ogredudea111: when it's repeating, is it a regular click, like every 5 seconds, or is it irregular?21:27
n0rwackvexaxv: did you try "sudo apt-get -f install"?21:27
erncicvexaxv: I have seen that before with bad dns server settings.21:27
a111irregular Ogredude21:28
Ogredudea111: has it ever *not* done this?21:28
vexaxvwell like i said im on terrible internet right now and n0rwack ill try it21:28
n0rwackokay, vexaxv. Let me know how it goes!21:29
a111no Ogredude21:29
a111its done it since i installed it yesterday21:29
Ogredudeah, fresh install21:29
vexaxvit says 0 needed updates however apt-get update was updating21:29
vexaxvquite alot actually21:29
Ogredudea111: what sort of soundcard's in your system?21:29
a111im using a Fiio e1021:29
a111USB DAC21:30
vltHello. I’m using Ubuntu 12.04 and Firefox. Is there a way to put something “between” my keyboard and the browser that will assign short cuts to a web page’s <a> elements? Does anyone know a firefox plugin that can do this?21:31
vltExtra points for a plugin that lets me define selectors (similar to JQuery) which <a> elements should get short cuts first.21:31
raycoSoy nuevo en ubuntu.21:32
vlt!es | rayco21:32
ubotturayco: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:32
raycoOk I'm sorry, so I will practice my english :D21:33
WoLfLet's try again, maybe it got missed.. I'm having an issue with running Ubuntu 12.04 from an external USB adapter.. the HD was internal before and working fine.. after I moved it to external, I am getting this grub error: "file '/boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod' not found" .. the prefix is set correctly (it seems), and from liveCD I can find that file in that location.21:33
Ogredudea111: what's your box proc/ram?21:33
Ogredudea111: here's some folks having the same problem, unfortunately no real solutions in there. http://www.head-fi.org/t/629212/fiio-e10-popping-noise-jitter-is-for-old-batches-only21:33
WoLfTried to check through all the info I could find in google, ran boot-repair, and still haven't figured out a solution.21:33
a111Q6600 @ 3.42GHz, 2 ATI HD4850, 4GB RAM21:33
raycoEmm..a question, why I can install LibreOffice? I need to install first my update's?21:34
Ogredudegood god, I recognize maybe 10% of newer processors anymore...  That's not one of them.21:34
raycoI can't *21:34
Ogredudeok so a core 2 quad, that's a very reasonable proc21:34
xanguarayco: libreoffice comes installed in ubuntu21:34
Ogredudea111: here's a possibility. Do you have an onboard soundcard you can disable?21:36
a111yeah, how do i disable it?21:36
n0rwackAnyone who can help me with a issue i experience on 12.04?21:36
Ogredudea111: beats me, dude :)21:37
Ogredudesorry I can't help more on that21:37
Ogredudebut my thoughts are the solution's going to be either to disable the onboard soundcard, skip the Fiio and use the onboard soundcard, or fiddle with the drivers for the Fiio and possibly the USB21:37
Miebsterwhy can't I apt-get install virtualbox?  I'm on 10.0421:38
bekksMiebster: Did you add the official vbox ppa?21:38
Sna4x81Miebster: Did you add the repository, or are you using the opensource version?21:38
MiebsterI didn't add any ppa21:38
bekksSna4x81: Since version 4, there is only an opensource version.21:38
OgredudeMiebster: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox/Installation21:38
EnkkiCan someone suggest a good alternative to vsftpd ?21:39
bekksEnkki: ssh21:39
Sna4x81Ahh - I remember long ago there was a version of virtualbox in the repos without adding a ppa.  I never really used that version though.21:39
Enkkibekks, i need to jail users in their home directories21:40
bekksEnkki: vsftpd can be configured like that.21:40
agselso. I want to install ubuntu. I have win7. any suggestions on why I should not use virtual machine for ubuntu?21:41
Sna4x81agsel: opengl > 2!21:41
agseland if I virtualize, then what to use?21:41
Ogredudeagsel: depends on how you want to use it21:41
cfeddeagsel: depending on the hardware the vm will work fine.21:41
cfeddeagsel: virtualbox is free and good enough.21:42
agselI have 16G ram and i7-372021:42
cfeddeyou'll be fine.21:42
Enkkibekks, i know but for now i spent few hours trying to get vsftp work and I still have the error "500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot ()", it seems to be impossible to get it work21:42
cfeddeJust don't give the vm too much ram.21:42
bekksagsel: And what do you want to do in your vm?21:42
bekksEnkki: The error message is very clear, isnt it? :)21:42
agselwhat about nvidia graphics. I have heard that linux doesn't support optimus out of box. is this better/worse with virtual stuff?21:42
agselmostly programming21:43
cfeddeagsel: the virutalized graphos controler will be fine.21:43
WoLfCan anyone read me? wondering if I'm not coming through, or did I find a question too difficult?21:43
cfeddegraphics too.21:43
ShadowKatStudiosCould I have some help?21:43
agselcfedde: thanks21:43
agselso, what to use to virtualize?21:43
ShadowKatStudiosI have an iRiver E150 and it only lets me read from it21:43
hiloEnkki, you have to set the permissions on the filesystem so that the user accessing the files can't write that directory21:43
ShadowKatStudiosit says 'Read only file system'21:43
bekksEnkki: http://www.benscobie.com/fixing-500-oops-vsftpd-refusing-to-run-with-writable-root-inside-chroot/21:44
ShadowKatStudiosAnd I can't change it in the properties21:44
cfeddeagsel: you might have trouble if you want to run some high performace simulations or graphics, may even hd video from the guest os.  but for common usage you should be in good shape.21:44
agselbtw, can I use a partition of my hard drive in virtual linux?21:44
hiloEnkki, If you want users to have that ability, the work around I use is having a folder in their home which is then writable. They just can't write to the root, which is fine.21:44
cfeddeagsel: the vm can partition its virutal disk21:44
agselbut if I want to share21:45
bekksagsel: Yes.21:45
Enkkibekks, of course its clear but I installed alternative version of vsftpd with "allow_writeable_chroot=YES" option enabled (http://blog.thefrontiergroup.com.au/2012/10/making-vsftpd-with-chrooted-users-work-again/), and still this msg..21:45
agselcfedde: let's say I will have 2 virtual machines then21:45
cfeddeagsel: not to easy to do that.  Best to mount the windows disk in the guest.21:45
bekksagsel: And if you want to share things, use shared folders.21:45
Ogredudeagsel: last time I needed to do that, I shared the folder on the Windows side and accessed it with Samba from the Linux side21:45
cfeddeagsel: what bekks said.21:45
Ogredudedonno if that's the currently accepted method but it worked 6 years ago :)21:45
agselbut sharing between two different virtual machines?21:45
MonkeyDustagsel  i'm running virtual mint with 2 shared folders21:46
cfeddeagsel: sure.  One or the other can publish a volume as smb or via nfs.21:46
cfeddeit's up to you.21:46
cfeddeor both can mount disk from the host.21:46
bekksagsel: USing shared folders or the sharings mechanisms the guest OS offers.21:46
Enkkihilo, I tried that but when I put the home directory unwritable and subdirectory writable, ftp connection works but I cannot write anything even in the subfolder (but by ssh with the same user everything works)21:46
cfeddehere I mean the guests can mount a shared disk from the host.21:46
hiloEnkki, The home must have the execute permission21:47
cfeddethere are lots of potential topologies.  and "best" is subjective.21:47
ShadowKatStudiosGuys, could you tell me how to turn off read protection on a USB?21:47
cfeddeShadowKatStudios: thumb drive?21:47
ShadowKatStudiosGuys, could you tell me how to turn off write protection on a USB? *21:48
Enkkihilo, hum it looks like a wise suggestion, I will try21:48
MiebsterWhen I try to install virtual box this is what happens http://paste.ubuntu.com/1430623/21:48
ShadowKatStudiosIt's an iRiver E15021:48
cfeddeShadowKatStudios: a music player?21:48
ShadowKatStudiosI have it in Power & Data mode21:49
cfeddesome of them are pretty picky.21:49
atriusif i create an internal DNS server with a SOA of foo.com, which exists in the external world too, that's going to cause problems for those machines which use that DNS server, wouldn't it?21:49
cfeddeShadowKatStudios: are you using the auto mount when you plug it in?21:49
ShadowKatStudiosI could boot windows, but it's slow and 'Synchronising' is overly slow and useless21:49
ShadowKatStudiosYeah, it mounts itself21:50
hiloEnkki, can you pastebin your vsftp.conf?21:50
OgredudeShadowKatStudios: here's a possibility http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/iriver-e100s-internal-memory-doesnt-automount-682289/#post338791721:51
ShadowKatStudiosIs it possible to change the BG colour?21:51
ShadowKatStudiosI'll see21:51
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ShadowKatStudiosI can read the internal memory21:51
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ShadowKatStudiosJust not do anything to id21:51
Ogredudealso maybe https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iRiver21:52
Enkkihilo, here it is: http://pastebin.com/wci33zSi21:52
MiebsterI installed python 2.7 on ubuntu 10.04 which has the potential to cause conflicts, so I installed it as /opt/bin/python2.7 and in the shell "python" will launch python 2.6 and "python2.7" will  launch 2.7.  When trying to install virtual box the system is trying to use 2.7, so somewhere it knows it exists and its causing a problem, where would it specify which version to use?21:53
ShadowKatStudiosI'll be back soon21:54
ShadowKatStudiosGonna go boot windows21:55
ShadowKatStudiosMaybe put Rockbox on my E15021:55
MiebsterHow do I activate the backports repo for virtualbox?21:55
hiloEnkki, What user do you log in with21:55
hiloEnkki, to the ftp21:55
WoLfnevermind, I give up. Wasted 18 hours trying to fix this, and it seems even just a "yes can read you" is too much to ask for.21:56
escottWolf, yes can read you21:57
Enkkihilo, is use testuser (a user that exists on my ubuntu server) and has his home directory21:57
erncicWoLf is there a root= in your grub that needs to be changed after moving the disk?21:57
WoLfThanks, escott. At least now I know that my chat is coming through =P21:57
escottWoLf, you should state your question again21:58
hiloEnkki, on line 26 of your vsftp.conf you have to remove the comment so that "local_enable=YES" is not commented out.21:58
WoLferncic: I tried running boot-repair to update the configuration, for what I have read, it should take care of that..21:59
erncicWoLf: True, I am just trying to come up with why the boot directory is not being found now.22:00
WoLferncic: It's greatly appreciated.. I'm really at the last straw with this as I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.. in grub rescue, the prefix and root show correctly hd0, but if I try ls $prefix, I get a /boot/grub : file not found22:01
hiloEnkki, what are you going to use the ftp for?22:01
Enkkihilo, ah yes correct this time (its maybe the 10th config..) i forgot it22:02
Enkkihilo, to allow few users to upload and edit a particular directory22:02
erncicWoLf: do you have a separate boot partition?22:02
bekksEnkki: Why dont you use ssh for doing so?22:03
WoLferncic: no, I only have / and swap partitions.22:03
hiloEnkki, make yourself a template for setting it up. I wrote a script which installs and configures vsftp to use guest users instead of real system users (which is a security risk if user are connecting from the public internet)22:03
WoLfin livecd, coming up as sdc1 and sdc2.. in grub rescue they are hd0,msdos1 and hd0,msdos222:04
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Enkkibekks, because doing so I will have to allow ssh access to these people and also I have read its not easy to jail users in a specific directory with ssh22:04
bekksEnkki: It is as easy as jailing ftp. And it is more secure than ftp.22:05
Enkkibekks, but these users will be able to execute other commands by ssh no ?22:05
escottEnkki, you can prevent that22:06
bekksEnkki: They can do whatever commands you permit them to "have" in their jail. Thats what a jail is for,22:06
escottEnkki, http://www.minstrel.org.uk/papers/sftp/22:06
dr_willisI cant think of many (any?) reasons to stick with ftp these days22:07
hiloEnkki, bekks, that is why I recommend the guest user method.22:07
bekkshilo: Which can used usingssh, too. I am just suggesting to not use ftp anymore these days. :)22:07
EnemteeWhat do i need to think about if i'm dualbooting windows and ubuntu 12.04 and I want to increase the partition ubuntu is on? gparted i guess, but what should i look out for?22:08
dr_willisEnemtee:  use a gparted live cd is the easiest way22:08
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Enemteenot directly from from ubuntu then?22:08
dr_willisEnemtee:  if the ubuntu is on a logical partion inside an extended. you may need to grow it in steps22:08
dr_willisyou do NOT resize a partion thats mounted/in use.22:09
Enemteedr_willis: i'll think about that, i'm kind of new to linux, so i'm still learning. thanks.22:09
erncicWoLf: I am out of suggestions, other than try different root= lines at grub.22:09
dr_willisEnemtee:  and of course.. make backups first..22:10
LennySabatier_Hello everyone ! I need help ! I am having some serious issues.22:10
LennySabatier_I've been using Linux for years.22:11
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WoLferncic: which approach would you suggest for doing that? running boot-repair again, or manually editing from livecd? I believe I can't run update-grub from there22:11
bekks!ask | LennySabatier_22:11
ubottuLennySabatier_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:11
LennySabatier_everything was going perfect. so much so that i ended up getting rid of my double boot and have been on Linux exclusively for at least two years.22:11
hiloLennySabatier, What is the issue22:11
bekksLennySabatier_: Thats not relevant to the actual issue, isnt it?22:12
erncicWoLf: I would hit E i think at boot and manually give it a root parameter and see if you can get it booted that way.22:12
LennySabatier_yesterday, as i was watching a dvd in bed, i accidently unplugged my pc. my pc turn off unconventionnaly and now it won't start.22:12
LennySabatier_let me elaborate on that.22:12
TheteWould 12.04 LTS or 12.10 work better as a LAMP server?22:12
escottLennySabatier, boot your install media and fsck the partitions22:12
dr_willisThete:  for a long term/business server - most people would say stick with LTS22:12
Thetedr_willis: Sounds good, thanks :)22:13
LennySabatier_nothing is working. safe mode is not working. repairing the broken paquets isn't working.22:13
WoLferncic: let me try.. I think I can't get to pass anything to grub at boot, as it goes straight on grub rescue prompt. Let's see.22:13
LennySabatier_i tried everything.22:13
bekksLennySabatier_: "isnt working" is pretty generic. Whats "not working" exactly, when you are doing what exactly?22:14
erncicWoLf: it is at the grub menu that you want to edit the kernal parameters.22:14
srgHey, is there a direct URL for the lastst Desktop version, 64bit, of ubuntu? I tried finding one on the website, but it keeps bringing my browser to the download script, not a direct image22:14
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Quantal, and help keeping the servers' load low!22:14
srgI tried ftp.ubuntu.com and various other urls22:14
srgahh, releases22:14
srgthank you22:14
LennySabatier_when testing my my hard disk, it give me an error at 57% and says 'replace hard disk 1'22:14
bekksLennySabatier_: How did you "test" your disk exactly...?22:14
LennySabatier_i managed to ignore the errors and now i can access the guest session of my ubuntu. but not my main password protected user.22:15
Enkkibekks, ok I had a look at the ssh solution it seems intersting maybe it will work better than this vsftpd... Would it be possible to assign (jail) a group to a specific directory ? I found juste found this article, is this what about you wrote ? http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2012/03/chroot-sftp-setup/22:15
WoLferncic: I don't get the grub menu at all, it's instant straight to Error: file not found and then grub rescue prompt. I just tried to reboot spamming "E", no go. =(22:15
LennySabatier_i tested it by pressing escape and running a full diagnosis of the pc22:15
dr_willisSo the HD has failed a 'SMART' Test?22:16
bekksLennySabatier_: Pressing esc when... where... which tool have you been using?22:16
LennySabatier_no, the SMART test worked.22:16
LennySabatier_as soon as you restart the pc, before it boots, i press escape and it takes me to the HP command so to speak.22:16
bekksLennySabatier_: Did you run a SMART selftest, too?22:17
escottLennySabatier_, HP command? sounds like some HP bios diagnostics. we wouldn't know anything about them22:17
blamihow I can remove certain application from 'envelope' notification bar?22:18
blamiI once launched thunderbird by accident and now it is still here even if I close the application22:18
LennySabatier_i did. the SMART test was successful. i am talking to you from my GUEST SESSION on my UBUNTU. i cannot access my normal session. the one with everything on. when i write my password, screen goes black and i go back to where i was were i have to write my password again.22:18
grpaceGreetings and Happy Holidays to all out there! I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.  A system update a couple of days ago updated MySQL.  Since then, when trying to access localhost through the browser, I get the error: Database Error: Unable to connect to the Database: The MySQL adapter 'mysql' is not available.  I can open a terminal and see that MySQL is running and access it.  Anyone have an idea of what happened here ??  Thank You.22:18
erncicWoLf: at the rescue prompt, what does 'ls' give you?22:19
dr_willisLennySabatier_:  can you login at the consoles?22:19
LennySabatier_I haven't tried logging at consols.. how would I do that ?22:19
trismblami: if 12.10+ it saves the apps currently in the messaging menu to com.canonical.indicator.messages applications (in say, dconf-editor), you could try removing the entry and restarting your session22:19
WoLferncic: (hd0) (hd0,msdos2) (hd0,msdos1) (hd1) (hd1,msdos1) (hd2) (hd2,msdos1) (hd3) (hd3,msdos1)22:20
dr_willisLennySabatier_:  you have been using ubuntu fir years and never used the alt-ctrl-f1 to get to the consoles?22:20
trismblami: unfortunately, the apps automatically register themselves when launched, so if you want it gone for good you are going to have to uninstall the app (or never launch it)22:20
dr_willisLennySabatier_:  go to console. see if you can login.  try making a new user. see if the new user works in the X login. if so.. that points to some setting file in your users home being to blame.22:21
LennySabatier_i never had to. i've learnt to use the command line. install most of my application from there. update & upgrade my OS from there but I have no idea what accessing consoles means.22:21
WoLferncic: if I do a ls (hd0,msdos1)/ I get the content of my root.. but if I go deeper, like ls (hd0,msdos1)/boot/ I get empty list. /boot/grub/ goes file not found.22:21
koteszop#free botlist  <irc.openjoke.net>22:21
dr_willisLennySabatier_:  alt-ctrl-f1 through f6 = consoles. F7 = X interface22:21
erncicWoLf: have you tried to 'root(hd0,msdos1)'22:22
LennySabatier_i'm sure that it is a Home issue. i remember reading somewhere in those errors i got that i had corrupt files or something like that there.22:22
dr_willisLennySabatier_:  common issue is a messed up .Xauthority file. i would rename it/delete it.. then see if login works22:22
LennySabatier_how do i delete or repair corrupt files from my /home ?22:22
dr_willisvia the rm command.. you never used 'rm' befor? ---->22:23
WoLferncic: yes, and "set" returns: prefix=(hd0,msdos1)/boot/grub and root=hd0,msdos122:23
dr_willisweird --->  LennySab+| i never had to. i've learnt to use the command line.22:23
dr_willisrm is one of the core commands to learn. ;)22:24
escottWoLf, could /boot be empty because there might have been a /boot partition in the previous install22:24
w30LennySabatier_, lots of times if you launch a GUI app sudo it messes up permissions of the user .Xdefaults  file if so change owner back to user that you are and not root that it gets changed to.22:24
bekksLennySabatier_: And the only chance to "repair" files is getting them back from your backup.22:24
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litropyHi, all. I'd very much appreciate it if I could get some help with Remote Desktop'ing to my local server. I can ssh into it fine, but I get "Connection refused" when I try to VNC into it.22:24
blamitrism: aha thanks, dconf way worked22:24
koteszopjoin irc.openjoke.net22:25
WoLfescott: I checked from the liveCD, mounted the usb drive, and /boot/grub contains the files it's looking for22:25
koteszopjoin /irc.openjoke.net22:25
w30LennySabatier_, use gksu for superuser  launch of GUI apps22:25
bekkskoteszop: "/join irc.openjoke.net"22:25
hwhomeworldanyone tried ubuntu with Raspberry pI??22:25
hwhomeworldis there a version available for raspberry pi22:25
litropyAlso note: I don't have a monitor hooked into it, but I did install normal 12.04, and I see Unity running.22:25
bekkshwhomeworld: No.22:26
erncicWoLf: at his point can you  insmod /boot/......./_linux.mod   ? (use the path from your earlier post, I can't scrollback far enough)22:26
hwhomeworldno to special version or no to ubbuntu?22:26
hwhomeworldor both22:26
dr_williskoteszop:  you join channels.. and connect to servers... then join the channels on the server.22:26
bekkshwhomeworld: No to both.22:26
xxen0nxxso im haveing a bit of an issue wiht ubuntu 11.10 32bit server edition22:26
WoLferncic: linux.mod? not normal.mod ?22:27
xxen0nxxwhen i boot up it gets past post and then hangs on a black screen22:27
WoLfI'm going to try.22:27
hwhomeworldwell is there a reason why ubuntu cant be run??22:27
xxen0nxxiv tried evrything besides format22:27
hwhomeworldand debian runs fine22:27
dr_willishwhomeworld:  there is a piBuntu project.22:27
auronandace!arm | hwhomeworld22:27
ubottuhwhomeworld: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.22:27
ScottJensenxxen0nxx: you need to set vmalloc=768M in your grub config22:28
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erncicWoLF: normal.mod - like I said, I could not scroll back far enough,22:28
dr_willishwhomeworld:  the Pi is a bit underpowered for a full featured ubuntu.22:28
WoLf*nods* alright22:28
xxen0nxxcan i do that from rescue broken system?22:28
ScottJensenxxen0nxx: in 11 they changed it to 1GB22:28
ScottJensenby default22:28
bekkshwhomeworld: Ye, there is a reason. Ubuntu supports ARMv7 only, while the Raspberry Pi uses ARMv6.22:28
WoLferncic: insmod /boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod -> Error file not found.22:28
xxen0nxxit wsa fine before but i did a kernal update and it broke22:29
* dr_willis waits for his backordered Pi's to arrive...22:29
escott!nomodeset | xxen0nxx22:29
ubottuxxen0nxx: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:29
xxen0nxxok thanks22:29
WoLferncic: which is actually the error it gives me at boot, too.22:29
ScottJensenxxen0nxx: yes, rescue boot, vi /etc/default/grub, add vmalloc=768M to the default cmdline. then config-grub22:30
erncicWoLf: I don't think hd0 is the one you want then. Try the other ones and repeat the process. root(hd1,msdos1) .. etc.22:30
xxen0nxxok thanks22:30
RickZillaIf I use the disk installer, can I go back in later with a partition editor and get rid of that partition if I need to?22:30
xxen0nxxill try that22:30
WoLferncic: it's the only hd with 2 partitions, and ls of / on hd0,msdos1 gives me the list of directories in my root, including /boot/22:30
blamitrism: by the way - if I decide to use anything else than empathy (which is actually broken with beehive xmpp) will I lose the ability to control status using the icons in messages menu?22:30
samyi'm in live ubuntu 12.10 now22:31
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WoLferncic: and I don't have another linux installation on that computer. Btw.. I did try all of them out of desperation while trying all the informations I could find on google.22:32
samyand wanna re partition my hard with Gparted program22:32
samyhow can i access gparted in live version?22:32
trismblami: any app can support status changes, it isn't exclusive to empathy. though if no apps in the messaging menu support it, the status items will be hidden22:32
LennySabatiersorry for disappearing dr_willis22:33
samyi can't find it22:33
dr_willissamy:  try sudo apt-get install gparted22:33
LennySabatieri pressed the buttons you told me to press ctlr + alt + f1 and i logged on to my account. what do i do then ?22:34
dr_willisLennySabatier:  clean out the old config files  id start with .Xauthority22:34
samydr_willis: thanks, how can i open a terminal?22:34
dr_willismv .Xauthority old.Xauthority22:35
RickZillaIf I use the disk installer, can I go back in later with a partition editor and get rid of that partition if I need to?22:35
erncicWoLf: I'd try at #grub and see if they can help. It is a grub2 problem for sure, but what I "know" has just been exhausted. :)22:35
dr_willissamy:  top ubuntu icon, click, type 'terminal'22:35
LennySabatierok, then what ?22:35
dr_willisLennySabatier:  try to login to X22:36
WoLferncic: Thanks for your help =) I will try to ask there.22:36
dr_willisLennySabatier:  try renameing .config next  if it still fails22:36
dr_willis.Xauthority seems to be the issue most of the time.22:36
LennySabatierok, i'll be back. i'll try it and rush back. thank you22:37
WiclaHi. This might be a stupid question. Are it possible to include variables such as $USER for sudoers rules? Like allow group X to do chown $USER (which is their own user)?22:38
belgianguyhmm, my system just hung up22:38
belgianguyand I suspect my ATI/fglrx22:38
belgianguyhow do I check those?22:39
Wiclaso, user USER1 is allowed to chown USER1 <somefile> and USER2 is allowed to chown USER2 <somefile>22:39
samydr_willis: i can't find it :( is there any keys combination for opening a terminal?22:39
LennySabatier@dr_willis where is the directory containing .Xauthority ?22:39
bekksLennySabatier: it is in your home.22:40
=== McManiaC_ is now known as McManiaC
willmoreIs anyone else experiencing missing menus after reboot?  I just built this box yesterday, all packages are up to date and I reboot today and login and there are no menus at all.22:40
Wiclaat the moment the rule does not match since the username does not match $USER (the value is not expanded when it should match)22:40
willmore12.10, btw.22:40
dr_willisLennySabatier:  there is no direcotry its in your Homes root22:41
dr_willissamy:  you are using Unity?22:41
dr_williswillmore:  just the ,menu bars? or the left panel also?22:42
samydr_willis: no i'm in ubuntu live CD now, so it must be gnome i think22:42
escottWicla, no22:42
willmoreAhh-ha!  .xerrors "Compiz (opengl) - Fatal: glXQueryExtensionsString is NULL for screen 0"22:42
LennySabatier@bekks @dr_willis i wrote this exactly "sudo mv .Xauthority old.Xauthority" without the brackets. the answer was "no file or folder of this type" it said it in french, i translated to english.22:42
dr_willissamy:  what release?22:42
samydr_willis: 12.1022:42
willmoredr_willis, both of them.  Just a blank desktop--well, the one icon I put there yesterday.22:42
dr_willisLennySabatier:  shouldent have been any need to use sudo   see if the file is there..22:42
bekksLennySabatier: Then you arent in the correct directory.22:42
willmoreLooks like Compiz doesn't like the radeon driver.22:43
dr_willisLennySabatier:  an check your current directory.22:43
dr_willissamy:  then you are using Unity.22:43
LennySabatieri can't access my Home from the Guest Session22:43
samydr_willis: : )22:43
dr_willisLennySabatier:  you USE THE CONSOLE, login as your user. and  move/rename the files.. not the guest session22:43
samyi'm beginner22:44
dr_willissamy:  and you are wanting to use gparted? Thats a little scary.22:44
PeddyI can't mount my other hard drive which is encrypted, even though I'm sure the passphrase is correct, is there another format I could enter the password in?22:44
willmoreMaybe if I set my window manager to something other than unity/compiz.22:44
dr_willissamy:  tap the super key type 'term' it should show Terminal22:44
dr_willissamy:  or alt-ctrl-t22:45
BluesKajsamy, http://www.ubun2.com/question/210/what_ubuntu_terminal_shortcut_key22:45
LennySabatierI used the console, typed in the command and the console told me the file didn't exist. i already am logged in the console at my user. how do i check whether the file is there or not using my console ?22:45
belgianguyany way to check for logs why my system hung up?22:45
willmoreHard to do with one hand.22:45
dr_willisLennySabatier:  you said earlier you knew how to use the cli commands... guess you were exaggerating?22:45
Wiclaescott: I thought as much. Thank you for you answer22:46
dr_willisLennySabatier:  'ls -al'22:46
bekksLennySabatier: Did you check wether the file exists in the directory you currently are?22:46
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LennySabatieri checked, the file is not there :/22:47
dr_willisLennySabatier:  and to reset most all the other configs  'mv .config  backup.config'22:47
OerHekslogically you cannot access your home folder from a guest-account22:47
maslohi guys could anyone walk me through a postfix installation or something similiar? All the tutorials online are either outdated or makes you install /config a bunch of stuff without really explaining anything I want 2 things out of it, I wanna be able to foward emails to another domain name and I'd like to be able to pipe them to a php script, if anyone can help me out it would be very appreciated! just PM me thank you ;x22:47
bilbonvidiawhat order are sleep.d scripts run?22:47
samydr_willis: terminal says that i already have gparted so how can i open gparted program22:47
bilbonvidiahigher or lower first22:47
bekksLennySabatier: Whats the name of the directoy you are in currently?22:47
dr_willissamy:  type its name in a terminal.. or again.. use the super key/dash and type its name22:47
bilbonvidia10_script 11_script22:47
samyi have backup from my hard disk, it's ok :)22:48
willmoreHow does one change the window manager from the command line in Ubuntu?22:48
pawlo_231hi, how to configure sound blaster x-fi in Ubuntu?22:48
dr_willisLennySabatier:  you did type its name right? ;)    ls -al will show all files in the crrent directory22:48
dr_williswillmore:  during a running session replaceing the current one? or change the default the user has when he logs in?22:48
willmoredr_willis, next session is fine.22:48
LennySabatiernow i'm in home22:48
dr_williswillmore:  you would edit your .dmrc file or just select it in the login manager screen22:49
willmoredr_willis, compiz is crashing because the OSS Radeon driver doesn't support some extension it wants to see.22:49
samydr_willis: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ gparted Root privileges are required for running gparted.22:49
dr_williswillmore:  many wm's support the 'windowmanagername --replace' option22:49
willmoredr_willis, Okay, I looked on the login manager screen, but I don't see a place to select the WM.  Do I need to hold down a special key or something?22:49
dr_willissamy:  that makes sence... since you dont want every user to be able to format your hard drives...22:50
dr_williswillmore:  the little gear is an icon/menu22:50
LennySabatierdone, the file is definitely not there :(22:50
dr_willisThey really need a better lightdm theme..22:50
dr_willisgdm's default is much more obvious22:50
bekksLennySabatier: Then answer my question please.22:50
LennySabatieri am in the HOME directory.22:51
willmoredr_willis, I don't see any gear on the login manager screen22:51
LennySabatiercd /home22:51
bekksLennySabatier: Whats the full name of the directory you are in?22:51
LennySabatierthat's where i am.22:51
bekksLennySabatier: Thats wrong. cd /home/yourusername22:51
ScottJensencd ~22:51
ScottJensenthat takes you home22:51
samydr_willis: yes you right! so there is no way for using gparted in live cd, yes?22:51
dr_willissamy:  run it via gksudo like you would on a normal install..22:51
dr_willisI use gparted from a live cd all the time22:52
dr_willis'gksudo gparted'22:52
LennySabatierthat's the full name of my directory right now.22:52
dr_willisLennySabatier:  notice your prompt changes to be your current directory? :)22:52
LennySabatierok, let me try again.22:53
hiloLennySabatier, pwd22:53
bekksLennySabatier: No. Thats just your prompt. Use "pwd" to get you current directoy.22:53
LennySabatierusing pwd22:53
willmoredr_willis, maybe the gear doesn't appear is there isn't more than one WM installed.  Installing xfce22:53
LennySabatierit says i'm in /home/lionel22:54
samydr_willis:  thanks' it works :)22:54
LennySabatierlionel being my username22:54
LennySabatierDid not understand your question dr_willis ?22:54
LennySabatieram i still in the wrong directory ?22:55
dr_willisLennySabatier:  now look at your files/dirs.. whats there.22:55
dr_willisLennySabatier:  just 'cd' goes back to your home directory also.22:55
willmoredr_willis, that fixed it.  Now there's a gear and xfce is an option.  Just logged in.  yay!22:56
LennySabatierif what i'm looking at are the only files there then i am really screwed :O most of my folders are completely gone :O22:56
willmoredr_willis, now, I'll install the AMD binary driver and go back.  Thanks for the help!22:56
LennySabatiercan i share a print screen of my folders here ?22:56
dr_willisLennySabatier:  you are looking for the .config directory, and the file .Xauthority22:58
dr_willisrename both of those. and then see if your user can login.22:58
=== jungejas_ is now known as jungejason
LennySabatierthe .config directory doesn't exist anymore. *cd /home/lionel/.config*  directory doesn't exist.23:00
samydr_willis: i can't delete some of my partitions, because they are not unmount and there is no unmount option on right click menu23:01
LennySabatiermost of my folders don't show when i use *ls -al*23:01
dr_willissounds like you had a major filesystem failure then.23:01
* dr_willis will BBL.. gotta get ready for work.23:03
LennySabatierhow the hell did that happen ? the only thing that happened was my pc getting accidently unplugged while watching an mp4 movie on vlc. that's all. how can i fix it ? can't ubuntu access the internet and download the missing files ?23:04
LennySabatierthank you anyway dr_willis.23:04
RickZillaIf I use the disk installer, can I go back in later with a partition editor and get rid of that partition if I need to?23:06
OerHeksLennySabatier, logically you cannot access your home folder from a guest-account, try to boot recovery by pressing shift @ boot to enter grub menu23:06
atriuswhere in the world do i kill the thing that keeps clearing my shell history?23:07
ubuntiehow would i create a bash script that will count then display the number of arguments actually passed to the script if the number of the arguments is zero, then have it display an appropriate usage message23:07
LennySabatierwhat do i do once i'm in the grub menu ?23:08
ubuntieHello Lenny can you please assist :)23:08
samyis there anyone to help me? :(23:08
escottatrius, (a) by default nothing will kill your history (b) you probably just have multiple shells competing to write history (c) we do not condone murder in this channel23:08
atriusubuntie: http://bit.ly/TRgYvh :)23:09
ubuntiehey samy you know how to script?23:09
atriusescott: lol23:09
LennySabatieri myself am being assisted ubuntie. i just read your message. it goes beyond my simple understanding of command line usage. i'm sorry.23:09
samyubuntie: nope23:09
escottatrius, try: shopt -s histappend in your ~/.bashrc23:09
escottatrius, export PROMPT_COMMAND='history -a' may also be desirable23:10
ubuntieatrius thank you kindly, but i am actually stuck on even how to start this lil puppy23:10
atriusescott: already present.. that's part of why i'm confused23:10
atriusescott: i'll check on that one23:10
samyubuntie: would u help me pls?23:10
atriusubuntie: what exactly are you trying to do?23:10
Treadstone__71How does one monitor the firewall for denies etc in Ubuntu?23:11
ubuntiecreate a script that will accept general commands23:11
ubuntiethen display how many commands were used23:11
ubuntieif none were used then display a command must be used23:11
atriusubuntie: are you just doing this for a learning toy?23:11
OerHeksLennySabatier, after doing that you can choose recovery mode, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode after that, i am no wizzard howto resolve your problem too23:11
penguinmanTreadstone__71, it's in the system logs somewhere. forget exactly where as my firewall is handled by my router and I haven't had to get into it in a long time23:12
ubuntiesorry samy I'm learning too23:12
ubuntiethe commands can be like date, time, who23:12
ubuntieand then display those arguments23:12
ubuntieand once it shows them it will give the number of arguments used23:12
dr_willissamy:  teaching people how to use gparted over irc is a little bit challangeing.23:12
ubuntieif none are provide it will give an error message advising to give one23:12
[snake]I am writing zeroes to my disk.23:13
dr_willissamy:  you do understand the basics of disk partioning?23:13
Treadstone__71penguinman Thank you.23:13
LennySabatierok, thank you OerHeks, i'll try it and come back.23:13
ubuntieatrius i understand it might use #? in there?23:13
samydr_willis: you right. i did it at installes mint  before23:14
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dr_willissamy:   you may need to use the umount command to force differnt partions to be unmounted if the liv4e cd is mounting them.23:14
dr_willissamy:  i tend to use the gparted live cd - which is specilized and does not mount anything by default23:15
tyler_dmy login time takes appx 45 seconds, how would I go about figuring out what is slowing it down?23:15
Ogredudehey I need a braincheck here. All the documentation I can find tells me to set my DNS servers by editing /etc/resolv.conf but when I get in there it's got this all-caps warning not to edit it by hand, my changes will be overwritten.  Which one should I believe?23:15
penguinmantyler_d, is that time to boot or is that time from actually typing in your password to login?23:16
dr_willisOgredude:  thats the old docs.23:16
dr_willistheres a service that handles resolv.conf these days23:16
tyler_dpenguinman: typing password to having a useable desktop23:16
xanguahttp://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/05/setup-static-dns-servers-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/ just use gksudo instead of sudo for gedit Ogredude23:16
Ogredudexangua: gedit's the editor, yeah?23:16
Ogredudeif so, I'll vi, thanks23:17
penguinmando a dash search for startup applications and try disabling some of them. also do you get any system error messages when you first log in?23:17
penguinmantyler_d, ^^23:17
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tyler_dahh, penguinman how is that done from term? for startup apps?23:18
penguinmantyler_d, that I actually don't know. I imagine it would be under ~/.config somewhere.23:19
penguinmantyler_d, I'm actually a KDE guy so I haven't really gotten under the hood in unity too much.23:20
tyler_dpenguinman: is there no way to enable logging in order to see what applications are taking the most cpu time?23:20
tyler_dpenguinman: or real time would be even more fantastical23:20
RickZillaIf I use the disk installer, can I go back in later with a partition editor and get rid of that partition if I need to?23:21
Ogredudexangua: worked, thanks!23:21
escottRickZilla, yes?23:21
atriusubuntie: http://pastebin.com/JycJN7A3 <-- see if this makes sense23:21
RickZillaescott: you sound like you're not so sure...23:21
escottRickZilla, not sure what your question is. you can always remove partitions23:22
penguinmantyler_d, try this, install htop, open up a tty via ctrl alt f1, run htop, switch back to f7, log in, then back to f1 and watch to see for any usage spikes.23:22
tyler_dpenguinman: I will tias, back shortly23:22
RickZillaescott: Clarification: If I opt to not do a rolling upgrade, and instead do a fresh install later on, can I just nuke that partition and start over?23:22
RickZillaescott: Bigger question: the disk installer creates a partition for me, right?23:23
LennySabatier@OerHeks nothing remains in my home folder. not my downloads folder. not my dropbox folder. not my Ubuntu One folder. not my movies folder ... how the hell can all those folders filled with countless gigs of data disappear ?23:23
escottRickZilla, still really unclear what you are proposing23:23
LennySabatiershould i lose hope in ever recovering all that data ?23:23
RickZillaescott: If I have win, then install ubuntu, the disk installer creates the partition, correct?23:24
OgredudeRickZilla: it's all just partitions, dude. You'd nuke 'em the same way you would if you'd set them up for yourself instead of letting the installer do it23:24
escottLennySabatier, did you have encrypted home23:24
LennySabatieryes i did.23:24
escottRickZilla, yes23:24
RickZillaOgredude: got it...if I create a partition first, does the disk installer give me the option of installing to that partition?23:24
OgredudeI've had good luck in the past by just letting the installer do its thing23:24
LennySabatiereverything was encrypted. :(23:24
RickZillaescott: Got it...thx23:24
tyler_dpenguinman: that was super fast that time around23:25
escottLennySabatier, then ecryptfs is probably not running23:25
Ogredudejust tell it you want to install alongside win7 and accept the defaults on the partition stuff (except the sizes maybe), and it's always worked well for me23:25
tyler_dpenguinman: which doesn't really help determine the problem23:25
LennySabatierescott, what do i need to do to run it ? why do i need to run it ?23:25
RickZillak, thanks Ogredude and escott23:25
escott!ecryptfs | LennySabatier23:26
BlessJahcould someone explain briefly what does '-t intrepid' mean and how it works in "sudo apt-get -b source -t intrepid firefox-3.0" (from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto)23:26
ubuntiearti thank you23:26
ubuntieone second pls23:26
escott!encrypted | LennySabatier23:26
ubottuLennySabatier: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory23:26
escottLennySabatier, there might be instructions on how to do the mount in ~/.Private23:26
BlessJahlet's say i want gimp=2.8 on my precise box (precise has 2.6, while quantal has 2.8)23:27
escottBlessJah, upgrade to quantal23:27
LennySabatierthank you, i will read on how to do that. by the way, out of the few files remaining in my home directory, most of them have ecryptfs in them.23:27
LennySabatierthank you ubottu23:28
RickZillaBlessJah: You might have to get the .deb file to install it pre-quantal23:28
BlessJahRickZilla: according to doc entry, building package is better than simply grabbing .deb from quantals repositories23:29
BlessJahdoc entry from link*23:29
ubuntieatrius works great sir!23:30
ubuntieonly question is how do i make it run that command23:30
ubuntielets suppose the script name is argcommand23:30
ubuntieand i run argcommand who time date23:30
ubuntiehave it display those 3 things23:31
atriusubuntie: stick that in a file.. and either do "bash filename" or give it the correct permissions with "chmod 700 filename".. you'd then run it with "./filename arg arg arg"23:31
michalchikRelative newbie to ubunto and linux. Any ideas on how i connect my cell phone to my machine to offload my text messages.23:31
tyler_dhow do I unencrypt my home directory?23:31
ubuntiewon't chmod u+x give it that access?23:32
LennySabatiermaybe i can't access my home because the data is encrypted. eventhough i am typing my log in password. could that be a possibility ?23:32
atriusubuntie: yes, it would23:32
michalchikAnd yes, i have googled the issue and the suggested tways seem to do nothing23:32
atriusubuntie: "chmod u+x" == "chmod 700"23:33
escottLennySabatier, the ecryptfs loopback could have been corrupted in some way when you had the hard shutdown23:33
dr_willisLennySabatier:  what exactly is in your home directory?23:33
xxen0nxxhey thanks23:33
dr_willisI never use encrypted homes. ;)23:33
xxen0nxxgot the issue fixed23:33
escottLennySabatier, something about the ecryptfs or its contents could be causing the login to fail back to the login screen23:33
xxen0nxxdr_willis: i used encrypted LVM :D23:33
LennySabatierthat sounds logical escott.23:34
LennySabatieri wish i had your knowledge dr_willis23:34
xxen0nxxlenny did you encrypt both ur hdd and home dir?23:34
LennySabatierI believe i did. now i understand why nothing shows in my home directory. everything, absolutely everything that shows in my home directory has ecryptfs in it.23:35
erncicLennySabatier: How are you logged in?23:35
ubuntieatrius whenever the shell is given a command on the command line, the shell creates a duplicate of the shell process, what type of commands are exception to this rule?23:35
xxen0nxxlenny i did that once and it messed EVRYTHING up23:36
LennySabatieri'm logged in as a guest and am trying to access my home through Console ctrl+alt+f1.23:37
dr_williswell. the question is now.. was there anything critical you needed in your home directory LennySabatier ?23:37
Krustyklimberhey Dr willis how are ya...23:37
LennySabatierxxen0nxx, i understand exactly what you mean. i can't recover any of my data because of one corrupt file.23:37
xxen0nxxLenny there could be a tool on UBCD that could help you23:38
xxen0nxxnot sure tho23:38
LennySabatieryes. everything is critical. un-backed up pictures. years and years of pictures. the movies i can download again. the music too. but the pictures. years of memories :/23:38
LennySabatierat this point i'll give anything a try.23:38
tyler_dis there any way to unencrypt your home directory?23:38
xxen0nxxadmins am i alowed to post a link?23:39
LennySabatiercan't i simply replace the corrupt encryption files ? :(23:39
Krustyklimberwhen I downloaded 12.10 last night, it never gave me the option to save it to my flash drive... I have since copied it to my flash, but can't seem to get it to install...23:39
dr_willisthis is why you have backups......23:39
dr_willisKrustyklimber:  copied how? what files are on the flash drive?23:39
[snake]can I make a live usb of ubuntu 12.04 64 bit while on a live cd ubuntu 10.04 32bit23:39
LennySabatieri couldn't afford an external hard drive to back up my stuff. ugh !23:39
xxen0nxxlenny try this23:40
xxen0nxxotherwise you might have to learn how to hack encrypted volumes XD23:40
dr_willisLennySabatier:  ubuntu one has 5gb online for free.23:40
xxen0nxxdropbox is good to23:40
KrustyklimberI dragged it, from downloads to my flash - the file is named "ubuntu 12.10 - desktop - i386.iso"23:41
dr_willisevery cloud service i install ion my phone wants to save my pics online. ;)23:41
escottKrustyklimber, that wont work23:41
dr_willisKrustyklimber:  you totally did it wrong then. ;)23:41
LennySabatieri already purchased a song just so i could get 20 Gb for free until april, i have dropbox, i have box, i have google drive and skydrive. but not enough space to upload all my pictures to any of them.23:41
xxen0nxxyah  u did XD23:41
xxen0nxxkrusty you need to use something like unetbootin to burn the iso to the flashdrive23:42
Krustyklimberwhich part did I get wrong... all of it?23:42
LennySabatierhow could i hack my own encryption ?23:42
xxen0nxxyou might have to google around that one23:43
escottLennySabatier, just read the instructions to mount your ecryptfs partition23:43
xxen0nxxlearn cryptography23:43
xxen0nxx^wat escott said23:43
LennySabatieri read them, for that i need the passphrase, which i don't have.23:43
KrustyklimberI have no idea what burning it to my flash even means23:44
xxen0nxxlenny dident you set the password?23:44
escottLennySabatier, if you dont have your passphrase then you cant read the data23:44
xxen0nxxwat a sec if you dont have the password23:44
xxen0nxxtry konboot23:44
xxen0nxxi think thay have a linux build23:45
LennySabatierthe passphrase is different from the log in password.23:45
xxen0nxxhow did u manage to do that O_O23:45
ScottJensenxxen0nxx: was it vmalloc or nomodeset?23:45
ScottJensenthat is good23:46
ScottJensenglad you got it working23:46
newb999I have a quesion on the Ubuntu 10.04 GUI is this the appropriate place to ask?23:46
jribnewb999: yes23:46
xxen0nxxScott: yes thanks :)23:46
newb999When I mouse over certain things on the panel it pops up a tiny message that describes what the item is for23:47
GwenniferDo I really have to just pull a xorg.conf from the internet if I want to modify it?23:47
jribGwennifer: no?23:47
Krustyklimberany advice on burning to a flash drive would be appreciated23:47
newb999example: mouse over "applications" and a pop up says "nd install applications"23:47
xxen0nxxkrusty its rly simple23:47
newb999is it possible to shut those off?23:47
jrib!enter | newb99923:47
ubottunewb999: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:47
reeedKrustyklimber: google "unetbootin"23:47
xxen0nxxjust get unetbootin23:47
escottKrustyklimber, what os are you using23:47
KrustyklimberI have 12.04 right now23:48
jribGwennifer: you should read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config23:48
GwenniferHow do I generate one, then? I've looked, I don't have a xorg.conf file.23:48
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escottKrustyklimber, usb-creator-gtk23:48
dr_willisKrustyklimber:  or any of the dozen tools at the pendrivelinux web site23:48
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erncicKrustyklimber: or you can use dd23:49
escottGwennifer, why do you want one?23:49
KrustyklimberI don't understand what any of that means23:49
newb999I would like to get rid of the pop up descriptions on the Ubuntu 10.04 interface, for example I move my mouse over "applications" on the upper panel and I get a popup describing that button, is it possible to turn this off?23:49
KrustyklimberI am not a computer guy... maybe I'm beyond help here23:49
dr_willisKrustyklimber:  i suggest going to the pendrivelinux site and readng some guides23:50
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escott!info usb-creator-gtk | Krustyklimber23:50
dr_willisyou IMAGE the iso to the usb. You dont copy a file.. it has to be done as special way23:50
ubottuKrustyklimber: usb-creator-gtk (source: usb-creator): create a startup disk using a CD or disc image (for GNOME). In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.40ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 25 kB, installed size 232 kB (Only available for amd64; i386)23:50
GwenniferI want to be able to use my monitor's native resolution of 1680x1050. The highest I can go is 1024x768. I am using Intel's integrated graphics, G31/G33 chipset23:50
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dr_willisGwennifer:  the xrandr wiki pages have some info on forceing/adding undetected resolutions23:51
newb999HUh I would have thought I would get a quick answer to that, funny no one knows the answer23:51
dr_willisnewb999:  answer is. you dont turn them off i imagine.23:51
randomuser34Hell guys. I was in windows and converted my disk to dynamic on accident. I'm trying to wipe everything now and start fresh. I can't install ubuntu or windows on a dynamic disk...using a ubuntu live cd, how can I change this disk back to basic?23:51
newb999I find that hard to believe23:51
dr_willischeck askubuntu.com perhaps?23:52
newb999I have done extensive searching23:52
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KrustyklimberI'll try reading pendrivelinux first I guess23:52
newb999all i get is turnign off messaging pop ups and web pages23:52
newb999nothign about system pops23:52
newb999or maybe they aren't called that23:52
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dr_willisive never noticed any way to do it.  I think the proper term is 'mouseover labels' or somting like that23:52
LennySabatierI've gotten to a point where the command line is asking me for a cipher23:52
dr_willisLennySabatier:  it might want your password.23:52
LennySabatierdon't know what it wants from me ?23:52
newb999dr_willis: since its a virtual machine anytiem one of those is triggered it takes the focus to the VM23:53
escottLennySabatier, it wants to know what cipher you used.23:53
newb999off whatever I am doing on the host23:53
newb999drives me nuts23:53
yugnipnewb999: poke around in dconf, but be careful23:53
newb999I did23:53
newb999again if you don't know what they are called23:53
dr_willisnewb999:  im not clear on what popups you mean then.. the mouseover on icons would only affect you when you are mouseing about.23:53
LennySabatierok, i've gotten passed that point. i'll let you know where it leads. thanks escott and dr_willis23:54
newb999you knwo your upper bar on your screen?23:54
erncicnewb999: http://www.question-defense.com/2010/09/25/ubuntu-10-04-disable-popup-description-on-mouse-hover23:54
newb999generally has the time netwrok etc23:54
newb999it has a "apllications" menu23:54
escottLennySabatier, when you first created the encrypted home it created a file you should have backed up somewhere23:54
Ojolocoey guys, I'm in a hurry, why I can't move the directory "Banco"? I am the owner :(23:54
newb999an example would be I move my mouse to click on apps and a little pop up comes up saying "browse and install applications"23:54
OjolocoI can do it through shell23:54
OjolocoBut I can't do it through nautilus23:55
FloodBot1shree: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:55
OjolocoWhy I can't do it, guys?23:56
escottOjoloco, not a detailed enough description of the problem to say23:57
newb999erncic: that's it23:57
newb999thank you23:57
LennySabatierI do not recall a file being created upon encryption of my home.23:57
Ojolocoescott, I can move a dir using my shell, but I can't do it using nautilus23:57
Ojolocothese are my permissions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1430836/23:57
Ojolocostark is sudoer23:57
KrustyklimberI went to pendrivelinux and it was only for windows23:57
KrustyklimberI'm lost23:57
LennySabatierI have a stupid question. if while mounting the encrypted directory they ask me for the passphrase, i put something, and the steps i'm following keep going. does that mean the passphrase is correct ?23:58
escottOjoloco, move where? what bash command works?23:58
escottLennySabatier, maybe23:58
SunMoonStarAre there drivers for USB mice? I have a USB mouse i've connected to this old laptop and it only responds to left clicks, not right clicks or middle clicks or scrolling23:59

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