
Len-nbInkscape could sure use a splash window. It takes so long to start it seems not to work...06:30
Len-nbThen a long time later it appears.06:31
Len-nbzequence, Could we add a wraper06:34
Len-nb*wrapper that gives a splash?06:34
Len-nbshould we?06:34
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zequenceLen-nb: Maybe push that all the way upstream?09:38
zequenceMaybe they already have it, but it's just not on, or something09:38
len-dtzequence,  Upstream would be best. I'll see if there is a config option first.14:21
len-dtI was getting tired last night14:21
smartboyhwHi scott-work len-dt 14:29
zequencelen-dt: We should probably look more into how blender is packaged14:46
zequencejta was to help us with that14:46
zequenceMake sure it is built with what everyone would need14:47
zequencefalktx has pointed out that audio applications are not built fully optmimized, as they are built with debug option (while separating the debug into a separate package, there is supposedly something wrong with the build, making the applications slow)14:48
zequencelen-dt: Sorry. I mixed up Inkscape with blender :)14:50
zequenceAt some point I think it might be a good idea to look at all the packages to see how well they are built and optimized for what we'd use them for14:51
zequenceAnd that would mean, we'd need to do that in14:51
zequenceDebian source14:51
zequencesuggest changes, etc14:52
zequencewould actually be great to get falktx to help us with that, once any of us feels up to taking on that task14:53
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len-liveLMMS seems to have installed without problem.23:30
len-liveBlender too.23:31

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