
ubuntu-studioanyone around?03:40
len-dtubuntu-studio, sort of03:40
ubuntu-studioIm having trouble with ubiquity crashing before install finishing03:41
len-dtWhich version?03:41
len-dt32 bit or 64?03:42
ubuntu-studioif i cant get what i currently have to work im without an os03:42
len-dtWhat kind of machine are you installing on?03:42
ubuntu-studioits an older one03:43
ubuntu-studiobut it can run ubuntu 12.10 itself fine03:43
len-dtThat shouldn't matter too much. This is an older one (8 or 10 years)03:43
ubuntu-studio1gb ram, 40gb hard drive03:43
ubuntu-studioamd athlon 2400+03:44
ubuntu-studioati Radeo 750003:44
ubuntu-studioim stuck03:44
len-dtAbout what I installed here... but I have 2.5 G ram. I have heard problems with the ATI cards though... but not during install. If it works live it should install.03:45
ubuntu-studioyeah it does03:45
ubuntu-studiolets try with updates turned on, maybe by some miracle it'll work03:46
len-dtHave you had a look at /var/log/syslog? The last few lines should tell you how far it got.03:46
len-dtIt should work fine with them turned off.03:46
len-dtI should have asked how far it got as far as menus go.03:47
len-dtDid it get to the slide show?03:47
ubuntu-studioit was at the last menu with the slideshow03:47
len-dtDid it crash or hang?03:47
len-dtAre you still in the live session where you ran the install from?03:48
ubuntu-studioyes, ive tired in just install mode, and live03:48
ubuntu-studiomultiple times03:48
ubuntu-studiorebooting each time03:48
ubuntu-studioim at the slideshow again03:49
ubuntu-studioit just crashed03:49
ubuntu-studiowhere do i look now03:49
len-dtwhen it crashes, open a terminal and do a tail /var/log/syslog03:49
len-dtThat should give the last 10 lines.03:50
ubuntu-studioubuntu-studio@ubuntu-studio:~$ ubiquity03:50
ubuntu-studioIllegal instruction03:50
ubuntu-studioi got that from terminal when i did it from there03:50
len-dtHave you checked the md5sum of the iso?03:51
ubuntu-studioyeah it was fine03:51
len-dtI'm confused...03:53
ubuntu-studioI ran it from the desktop icon crashed03:54
ubuntu-studioso i ran it from terminal03:54
ubuntu-studioso i went as root and ran it03:54
len-dtThis is not the best time of day as most of the people are sleeping :)03:54
len-dt Just the few on the west coast are still up.03:55
ubuntu-studiocan i paste the tail03:56
len-dtI wouldn't mind looking at more of your syslog file though. if it can go on pastebin03:56
len-dtI don't remember how...03:56
ubuntu-studiohere goes03:57
len-dtdrop it at http://paste.ubuntu.com/03:57
ubuntu-studiowell uhm its there03:58
len-dtOk that will do03:58
ubuntu-studiook so while your looking at that, do you mind if i run and have a cig, cause im stressed03:59
len-dtNo problem. Thats not very far in... I'm looking go ahead.04:00
ubuntu-studioim back04:06
ubuntu-studiofrom what i see it looks python based04:07
ubuntu-studiofind anything len-dt04:21
len-dtI'm still looking. It looks like you had a 40G ntfs drive and took about 9G of that for Studio?04:28
ubuntu-studioim trying one thing i jsut saw04:28
ubuntu-studiocause i had this issue once before long ago04:30
ubuntu-studioand removing04:30
ubuntu-studioubiquity-slideshow-* fixed it04:31
ubuntu-studioso ill remove it and try again04:31
ubuntu-studiocant hurt can it lol04:31
len-dtFrom what I can see, it doesn't even start installing. It seems to have trouble accessing a disk.04:32
ubuntu-studiohow would it though its seemed to format them fine lol04:33
ubuntu-studiobrb though going to restart the live system04:33
ubuntu-studioto get rid of the changes ive made04:34
ubuntu-studioill return in like 10 mins04:34
len-dtI don't see a formating step in the logs.04:35
len-dtI see a resize04:35
ubuntu-studiolen-dt, trying now without ubuntu-slideshow-ubuntustudio04:44
ubuntu-studioits def running longer this time04:45
len-dtWhen you get to the install part where you do disk stuff maybe select "something else"04:45
ubuntu-studioif this doesnt work ill try that04:45
ubuntu-studiobut this is def doing more than last time did04:45
ubuntu-studioyeah im pretty sure its working this time04:47
ubuntu-studiohere was my fix04:47
ubuntu-studioin case you want to document it04:47
ubuntu-studioin terminal type "sudo apt-get purge ubiquity-slideshow-*"04:49
ubuntu-studioyeah its def installing fine now04:52
ubuntu-studiothat was the issue04:52
ubuntu-studiothank you very much len-dt04:54
len-dtThank you for the tip04:55
* len-dt is headed the shower04:56
lomandvHI all09:39
zequencelomandv: hi09:39
lomandvzequence, 你有没有搞过音频方面的软件啊09:39
zequencelomandv: :). Sorry, I can only read the latin alphabet09:40
zequenceEnglish, Swedish or Finnish is fine ro me09:41
lomandvSorry to bother, I can only say to the Chinese, and Chinese friends here.09:43
zequencelomandv: smartboyhw is Chinese, but he's not logged in right now09:43
lomandvThank you09:44
zequencelomandv: He usually logs in during evening, Chinese time09:44
lomandvOh, he should quickly online.09:46
lomandvzequence, Why do you use ubuntu studio, you use it to process audio or video?I use it to handle audio and video, so I hope you can get all the guidance.09:50
lomandvsmartboyhw, 你好,等你好久了11:17
smartboyhwlomandv, hello11:17
smartboyhwStrange that someone would talk to me in Chinese in this channel:P11:17
lomandv想请教一下你用ubuntu studio来处理音频和视频吗11:18
smartboyhwlomandv, second option11:18
lomandvsecond option是什么意思呢11:20
smartboyhwlomandv, video11:20
lomandv呵 ,跟我一样,我主要也是用来制作视频的,所以想请教一下,在ubuntu下有哪些比较专业些一剪辑软件吗,你常用的是什么软件呢11:23
smartboyhwlomandv, I use OpenShot Video Editor myself11:26
lomandvsmartboyhw, 我是刚开始用ubuntu studio这个系统的,有很多地方还需要向你请教11:26
smartboyhwlomandv, don't worry:D11:26
lomandvsmartboyhw, 你有没有用过blender这个软件呢11:31
smartboyhwlomandv, not much:P11:32
=== tenach_ is now known as tenach
InokiAnybody having problems installing Unity?19:45
holsteinInoki: the desktop?19:51
holsteinInoki:  i just install the main meta-package19:51
holsteinor i just install ubuntu and add what packages i might want from the ubuntustudio stuff19:52
holsteinsudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop should do it. might want to take out a lot of ubuntustudio stuff though19:52
Inokiholstein: I used sudo apt-get install Unity* but it said the following dependencies are not met:19:54
Inoki libcunit1-ncurses : Koliduje s: libcunit1 ale inštalovať sa bude 2.1-0.dfsg-1019:54
Inoki libcunit1-ncurses-dev : Koliduje s: libcunit1-dev ale inštalovať sa bude 2.1-0.dfsg-1019:54
holsteini would do19:55
holsteinsudo apt-get update19:55
holsteinand sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop19:55
holsteini would expect a lot of ubuntustudio to be removed19:55
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
=== ubuntu-studio is now known as len-live

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