
xnoxslangasek: i will do it today/evening. Probably will push nmu branch to collab-maint repository and attach git am patch to the bug.09:53
xnoxtoabctl: http://people.canonical.com/~xnox/nih/10:47
xnoxtoabctl: & lp:~xnox/ubuntu/raring/libnih/gtkdoc10:47
toabctlxnox, thanks!10:48
xnoxtoabctl: there are a few functions not documented & there are parse errors & it's for nih only (no nih-dbus, no upstart). But it's a start...10:49
xnoxtoabctl: atleast devhelp lookups should work from emacs / alternative IDEs.10:49
* xnox thinks XDG spec is ambigious about file names.11:25
xnox"If $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is either not set or empty, a default equal to $HOME/.config should be used."11:25
xnoxwhat counts as empty? is " " empty?11:26
slangasekxnox: ok, cool :)17:52
jtanehi does anyone know if there is an "official" way to enable user jobs? 21:34
jtaneall i could find was this: http://bradleyayers.blogspot.com/2011/10/upstart-user-jobs-on-ubuntu-1110.html21:35
jtaneion: any idea? saw you were one of the developers maybe..21:54
SpamapSjtane: your best bet is slangasek22:01
SpamapSslangasek: ^22:01
jtaneSpamapS: ok great, thanks!22:01
jtaneslangasek: is there an "official" way to enable user jobs?22:02
jtaneslangasek: i found this - http://bradleyayers.blogspot.com/2011/10/upstart-user-jobs-on-ubuntu-1110.html22:03
jtaneslangasek: but wasn't sure if it was the best way22:04
slangasekI couldn't say; I've never enabled user jobs22:04
slangasekthey're disabled because they're not considered ready for use in Ubuntu yet22:04
jtaneslangasek: i see, thanks22:06
jtaneslangasek: this feature would be very useful to me - do you know if anyone is actively working on this?22:07
jtaneslangasek: or, just trying to get an idea of whether this is a project priority at all...22:09
slangasekoh, user jobs are definitely a focus for upstart development during the current Ubuntu release cycle22:09
slangasekbut they're not currently in a state that's useful22:09
jtaneslangasek: thanks a lot22:11
slangasekfor reference, the blueprint is here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-r-upstart-user-session-enhancements22:12
jtaneslangasek: interesting22:14
jtaneslangasek: naive question - how can i dl the source?22:20
slangasekjtane: bzr branch lp:upstart22:22
xnoxjtane: the "current" way of enabling user jobs is documented http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#user-job but that's merely gives ability to add/run your own jobs as your own user.23:50
xnoxthis cycle we are working on making upstart manage the whole user session and that's still in development state as outlined in the blueprint.23:50
jtanexnox: thanks - i saw that and got the right Upstart.conf file from the source23:55
jtanexnox: what does "user session" mean exactly?23:55
jtanexnox: w/r/t to upstart at least...23:56
xnoxjtane: user jobs = when user logs in read ~/.init/*.conf and launch/manage them as appropriate.23:57
xnoxjtane: user session = when user loggs in gnome-session is started that spawns a lot of process: bluetooth, update-manager, gwibber, network manager, etc....23:57
xnoxupstart user session means that instead of gnome-session loosing track of above process,  upstart manages them starts/stops/respawns them as appropriate.23:58
jtanexnox: i don't know if this changes anything, but i'm using ubuntu server23:58
xnoxjtane: we do plan to have "text upstart user sessions" but probably not this cycle.23:58
xnoxjtane: on the server, I found it useful to enable "upstart user jobs" such that developers can drop init files in their home directory to run django/ruby/what-not daemons for test/development code.23:59
jtanexnox: yes that is my intention23:59

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