
=== knome_ is now known as knome
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
mr_pouitknome: the latest tumbler (0.1.26, I haven't packaged it yet) uses gst1.0, so we'll be more oversized again (we still need gst0.10 for the rest).15:59
* GridCube thinks: more reasons for larger iso images16:01
mr_pouitCould someone on precise confirm that the fix for Bug #908926 (precise-proposed) works fine? Thanks.16:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 908926 in lightdm-gtk-greeter (Ubuntu Precise) ""Large Font" style option does not work" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90892616:24
GridCubehow should i check?16:26
mr_pouitGridCube: install lightdm-gtk-greeter from -proposed, restart, and check the "Large font" checkbox in the top panel menu.16:32
mr_pouitif the font size changes, it works :)16:33
GridCubelarge fonts works16:41
mr_pouitawesome, thanks! Can you add a comment to the bug report?16:42
GridCube(but it really messes up the login dialog on my screen 1024x720)16:42
mr_pouityeah, it's a bit messy, but at least the option works (for people who need it)16:43
GridCube:) yes it does16:43
GridCubeneed me to comment on the bug?16:46
mr_pouityeah, to confirm that the proposed package works16:47
knomemr_pouit, ok for "alpha-time" at least16:49
GridCubemr_pouit, do i mark it as "verification done"?16:51
mr_pouitGridCube: feel free to change the tag, indeed16:54
GridCube:) done mr_pouit 16:55
ochosithere ya go, mr_pouit is back and bugs are getting fixed18:47
ochosimr_pouit: in all fairness, we don't _have to_ ship the tumbler-plugins package ;) but true, one more reason for oversizedness...18:47
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
=== synaptix_ is now known as thecowmoos

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