
phunyguy_t430sholstein, great links, but the issue isn't gwibber-related I don't think.  THe portion that is required to add an account is missing.  If I go to add one, it just brings me to gnome-control-center (in XFCE).00:02
phunyguy_t430sthat's why I am guessing it is looking for the Online Accounts section of control-center.00:03
phunyguy_t430stis seems related: http://askubuntu.com/questions/215249/xubuntu-upload-photos-to-facebook-or-picasa-via-shotwell00:06
phunyguy_t430splus, Gwibber pulled in said gnome-control-center, and killed xfce4-power-manager.  ><00:10
phunyguy_t430s(some deps killed it I think)00:10
xubuntu498what is up everybody?00:57
phunyguy_t430sI think I am going to try out Xubuntu 12.04 until these issues get resolved.  :(00:57
phunyguy_t430sbut I just know that the kernel is going to give me fits.00:58
phunyguy_t430swe shall see00:58
xubuntu498can't you install a different kernel without changing distribution versions?01:00
phunyguy_t430syeah but I don't want to do all that.01:01
xubuntu498i'm pretty new to all this, not sure what all is involved01:01
xubuntu498just installed 12.10, so far so good01:01
phunyguy_t430smaybe the kernel is better in 12.04.101:01
phunyguy_t430sthe first 12.04 release ended up making this laptop freeze very frequently.01:02
xubuntu498any chance you have a hybrid video card?01:02
phunyguy_t430snope.  intel integrated01:02
holsteinive had to get patches for intel ones before01:03
xubuntu498ah - i had a big issue with my last laptop, had the intel/AMD hybrid - blew01:03
holsteini have a hybrid nvidia/intel one right now.. works OK01:03
phunyguy_t430syep, confirmed it.  Xubuntu is pulling the Canonical-hacked versions of software instead of vanilla, making it virtually unusable in Xubuntu01:04
xubuntu498i could never get it to work right, was the HP tm2t01:04
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: xubuntu *is* ubuntu01:04
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: its all the same repos.. there are not "hacked" versions.. just the ones packaged for the repos that you can choose not to use01:04
phunyguy_t430sholstein, I understand, but "sudo apt-get install gwibber" pulls in a gwibber package that wont work.01:04
phunyguy_t430sbecause it is looking for the Online Accounts backend01:05
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: what would i do? i might just pull up a live CD of the normal ubuntu and learn what is missing01:05
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: or not use gwibber.. which i dont, and i dont have any helpful info on it01:05
xubuntu498I think Unity vs. xfce is the biggest different01:05
xubuntu498do you maybe have non-stable sources on?01:05
phunyguy_t430sxubuntu498, fresh install.01:06
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: the terminology i saw was reading "broadcast accounts"01:06
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: maybe you can add whatever gui you ned to manage these01:06
phunyguy_t430sholstein, in Ubuntu 12.10 it put it all under Online Accounts01:06
xubuntu498install just finished, i'm going to reboot - good luck Phun!01:06
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: sure.. what do you need to get to that in xubuntu? in xfce? its capable of running01:06
phunyguy_t430sand I have gnome-online-accounts installed, but when you pull up gnome-control-center and the xfce-settings manager, it's not there.01:06
phunyguy_t430sI am thinking that is a different package though01:07
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: try launching it from the command line and see if there is helpful error message01:07
phunyguy_t430sgood idea01:07
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: try asking *anyone* using xfce how they use gwibber01:07
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: try not useing gwibber01:07
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: i'll look up about using ubuntuone with xubuntu.. maybe that account system will be the same01:07
phunyguy_t430s** (gnome-control-center:2382): WARNING **: Could not load setting panel "credentials": Unknown error01:07
phunyguy_t430swhatever credentials is, will probably be what I need.01:08
holsteinim not sure you need the gnome-control-center01:08
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: why not just open gwibber and go from there? what is the issue there?01:09
phunyguy_t430sholstein, gwibber pulled it in as a dep, and when you load gwibber, it brings that up expecting to provide you the method necessary to add your first account01:09
phunyguy_t430sand the options within gwibber to add an account are no longer there (canonocal hacked i read)01:09
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: i just opend a terminal and ran "gwibber-accounts"01:10
phunyguy_t430ssame applies to Shotwell, and anything else that uses that backend01:10
phunyguy_t430sthat command is not found01:10
phunyguy_t430sand I cant apt-get it01:10
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: i didnt install it01:11
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: type "gwibber" in a terminal and hit tab a few times01:11
holsteingwibber              gwibber-poster       gwibber-service01:12
holsteingwibber-accounts     gwibber-preferences01:12
phunyguy_t430sgwibber              gwibber-poster       gwibber-preferences  gwibber-service01:12
phunyguy_t430sthats it.01:12
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: i would reinstall gwibber.. are you using a version from ppa? gwibber-accounts is part of gwibber01:13
phunyguy_t430sholstein, I have done all of that.01:14
phunyguy_t430sand no PPA01:14
phunyguy_t430sgwibber accounts doesnt exist in regular ubuntu either01:14
holsteinwell, im in 12.04 here, so i cant test 12.10 til i get home01:14
holsteini would seriously not lose sleep over it01:14
phunyguy_t430s12.10 introduced "Online Accounts"01:14
holsteini would open gwibber and if it fails, i would move on01:14
phunyguy_t430sI cant find anything else with the same functionality.01:14
holsteinits not worth wasting more that 8 minutes over gwibber.. my oppologies to any gwibber fans01:15
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: what are you trying to do?01:15
phunyguy_t430sactually only one small thing is really important, and that is posting to all services at once with the same post.01:15
phunyguy_t430sthe rest is nice, but I really like THAT feature.01:15
phunyguy_t430sGoogle+ hopefully soon...01:15
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: i get that in the browser with tweetdeck01:16
phunyguy_t430swonder if another package will pull in what I need01:16
holsteinor i did when i cared about that...01:16
phunyguy_t430s...like Empathy01:16
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: as a person who spent several hours one day setting all that up.. i swear its not worth more than 8 minutes01:17
phunyguy_t430stweetdeck you say, wasnt that in one of the ljnks you posted?01:17
holsteinthat being said, i used tweetdeck for it.. then i set gwibber up.. then i just stopped doing it.. i spent a few days and i was like 'now what'.. cause i could do it from my phone the whole time anyways01:17
=== onefunkynote` is now known as onefunkynote
=== knome_ is now known as knome
phunyguy_t430swell with that being said also, Shotwell functionality is broken, like direct uploads to youtube01:18
holsteini liked tweetdeck since it was online.. but im not sure the state of it these days.. im just saying, i have "gwibber-accounts" in 12.04.. i wont be able to look and 12.10 til later this evening01:18
phunyguy_t430sall maps back to Online Accounts being missing01:18
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: maybe youtube broke that?01:18
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: i dont use the "development releases"01:19
phunyguy_t430sholstein, no, the ability to add the account to use is nonexistent because it uses Online Accounts to do it.01:19
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: i would just install 12.04.. or install 13.04 and help debug what you are looking for01:19
phunyguy_t430s...I kinda am helping debug... :P01:19
phunyguy_t430sI could try 13.04...01:19
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: not really01:19
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: no one here is using gwibber nor shotwell.. i dont even know if you'll find a bug relating to it01:20
phunyguy_t430sand if I post a bug, it probably wont get much attention01:20
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: you can give it attention01:20
knomegwibber isn't installed by default in xubuntu, so probably not here01:21
phunyguy_t430sI meant from someone important.01:21
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: you get it verified first.. if you dont post, its not a bug and it didnt happen01:21
knomebut you should be in touch with the gwibber devs01:21
phunyguy_t430sknome, that doesnt matter01:21
phunyguy_t430sits in the repos01:21
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: we are important.. you and i.. but i dont care about gwibber.. you'll need to get proactive about it01:21
knomephunyguy_t430s, it does matter. the xubuntu team has only a limited time available to work on the next release. gwibber is way out of that scope.01:22
holsteinit doesnt ship with xubuntu, and not a lot of folks are interested in it here.. but that doesnt mean it aint broken phunyguy_t430s  and needing attention01:22
phunyguy_t430sknome, I meant asking for supoport in here01:22
phunyguy_t430s...I am allowed.01:22
knomeyou can ask for support, but if it doesn't work and there's no direct answer, then there probably won't be an answer at all01:22
phunyguy_t430sand holstein's answer is fine.01:22
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: i am supporting you in here.. and i'll support you in filing a bug and getting to the correct people, which is what will get results01:23
phunyguy_t430sI have to go eat Taco Bell now.  (blech)01:23
phunyguy_t430sI will get with you when I get back to post.01:23
knomesure. but if you file a bug, please note that the correct people to contact are the gwibber devs01:23
phunyguy_t430smay need help. :)01:23
holsteinlol.. i have to get back to work.. i know it can be frustrating phunyguy_t430s .. but you can get someone to look at this01:23
phunyguy_t430sknome, I am not sure that is 100% accurate01:23
phunyguy_t430sCanonical added their own flavor to it in the form of online accounts (from what i read)01:24
phunyguy_t430sgranted what I read wasn't official ubuntu docs, but still01:24
knomein that case, you should get online accounts working - if that doesn't work, you should be in touch somebody maintaining online accounts - it's still not in xubuntu's scope01:25
phunyguy_t430sknome, will do.01:25
knomesorry if i sound a bit harsh - but i also want to get your bug fixed with minimal amount of waste of time...01:25
knomeok, i'm off to bed01:27
knomesee you later01:27
phunyguy_t430sI'm back, holstein.02:35
phunyguy_t430sam I filing this under ubuntu, or xubuntu, holstein? I have a hunch that the ubuntu team will fire back saying "It's Xubuntu's problem."02:42
phunyguy_t430sbug 1089744 is filed.02:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1089744 in gwibber (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu doesn't pull required dependencies for anything using "Online Accounts"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108974402:51
ballIs there some way to play Ogg/Vorbis in Parole without the hideous test card?02:53
phunyguy_t430sball, "test card"?02:56
ballphunyguy_t430s: Looks like low-res colour bars.02:56
phunyguy_t430sball, there are options to use visualizations intead in the settings02:56
phunyguy_t430sunder the preferences.02:57
ballI just want ordinary tape-deck style controls and perhaps a progress bar.02:58
ballI really don't want visualisations or the wasted screen space.02:58
phunyguy_t430sso install another player.02:58
phunyguy_t430sVLC works well I think02:59
ballAny suggestions which might suit me?02:59
ballThis one's awful.02:59
ballAh thanks, I'll try VLC now.02:59
phunyguy_t430s!info vlc02:59
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.3-2 (quantal), package size 1055 kB, installed size 3343 kB02:59
ballubottu doesn't seem to know k from K.03:00
ubottuball: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:00
phunyguy_t430sball, kB is correct03:01
ballk is 1000, K is 1024.03:01
ball(since about 1964, anyway)03:01
phunyguy_t430sball, http://www.ewh.ieee.org/soc/ias/pub-dept/abbreviation.pdf03:03
phunyguy_t430sstraight from ieee03:03
phunyguy_t430sK is kelvin03:03
ballIn S.I, yes.03:03
ball...but not as a multiplier prefix.03:03
ballWas it the IEEE group that came up with the ridiculous "KiBibyte" rubbish?03:04
ballPerhaps I'm just old.03:06
phunyguy_t430sball, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilobyte03:06
phunyguy_t430sand http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kibibyte03:07
* ball shrugs03:07
ballI reject your reality and substitute my own, which meshes well with all my old DEC and IBM manuals ;-)03:07
phunyguy_t430shavent touched that stuff in forever03:08
phunyguy_t430swe had the old VAX systems in high school03:09
phunyguy_t430smy first glimpse at scripting was DCL.03:09
ballWell that's fantastic, now instead of colour bars I have a traffic cone.03:09
ballI haven't touched DCL since 1997.03:10
phunyguy_t430shahaha I forgot about that03:10
phunyguy_t430scant disable it?03:11
phunyguy_t430sand yeah about the same for me... 1997 or so03:11
phunyguy_t430smaybe 199803:11
ballI'm looking but I don't see an option for that.03:12
phunyguy_t430sI think it had different "skins"03:12
phunyguy_t430syou gmusicbrowser is there too...03:12
phunyguy_t430spretty good bit of software03:13
* ball fetches it.03:13
ballLooks like an iTunes want-to-be03:14
phunyguy_t430smeh it is included by default on xubuntu03:20
ballOh that's interesting, VLC just fetched cover art for my CD.03:20
phunyguy_t430sbut you can change the appearance of it03:20
phunyguy_t430s"make it look like" *select which one*03:21
phunyguy_t430smake it look like rhythmbox compact03:22
* ball tries dragging a folder to it.03:22
ballNone of these look good to me, but they're all playing the music nicely.03:22
ballHopefully I'll find something more to my tastes later.03:22
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: cool.. if you would, try and find someone to confirm it.. i can help you soon, but i'll have to do another install... i dont have a good test case for 12.10 xubuntu04:19
phunyguy_t430sthanks, holstein - I don't want to start spamming it around irc though04:21
phunyguy_t430sbtw, I threw a 13.04 liveUSB together, couldn't find anything different about anything except version numbers.04:21
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: well, its not spammy to ask for help confirming it though.. try the OT channels if you feel thats more appropriate04:22
phunyguy_t430sso not much to report on yet.  XChat bugs still exist, the gwibber bug still exists... lol04:22
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phunyguy_t430syea holstein, no such luck in the busiest one of them all, #ubuntu.04:41
ballCan Linux (in this case Xubuntu) use a USB flash drive as tar media?06:05
ballAh, think I've got it... "tar cvf /dev/sdb *"06:07
ball...but I had to be root.06:07
mememehow to resolve this? http://pastebin.com/Fer80c9D07:18
mememehi Os_Maleus07:21
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
mememeso im also getting a  There seems to be a programming error in aptdaemon, the software that allows you to install/remove software and to perform other package management related tasks.07:24
mememecrap, i wil just reboot and see if it helps07:26
TheSheepmememe: Read-only file system07:28
TheSheepmememe: that probablu means that your hard disk is failing and has been remounted read-only07:28
=== Guest31156 is now known as ponbiki
Moehey guys07:42
MoeShort question: when disconnecting external monitors from a laptop .. should the X environment "realize" this and tell the window manager about it? Whenever I disconnect it I have to manually "tell" my environment to disregard the disconnected part of my desktop (using arandr)07:45
mememesooo... dmesg is vomiting something oabout irq and i get sometimes actually often kernel panic errors during startup, and i have to hard reset about 2 - 3 times untill i can start the system here is my dmesg http://pastebin.com/aGLFmMGm07:46
mememeMoe: it is more like the last part you mentioned]07:46
MoeSo there's no way for a daemon to take care of that? It would surprise me if there wasn't an event handler for such situations07:47
memememight be somewhere out there, or a script07:48
mememebut nothing i know of, then again i dont know much Moe  lol07:49
NewbHi, I'm trying to install steam... I got an icon on my desktop, click it, execute, it opens, asks me to say ok, and then it closes. I tried messing around in properties, and then put everything back how it was, and now it won't even open07:54
Newbcan't find it on ubuntu software center either07:54
TheSheepNewb: I don't think we have steam in the ubuntu repositories07:55
TheSheepNewb: how are you trying to install it?07:56
NewbWhat can I do? I need steam to play my games and talk to my friends07:56
NewbUm, I logged on in browser, chrome. Clicked on the install steam button07:56
Newbit said installed, but it's not working07:56
TheSheepNewb: I think you are skipping some crucial steps in your description07:58
TheSheepNewb: what button?07:58
Newbon the top of the page, there is a button that says 'install steam'07:58
Newbit has a little curvy arrow pointing down07:58
TheSheepNewb: what page?07:58
TheSheepthat is for windows, it won't work on linux normally07:59
Newbon the top right next to my name07:59
TheSheepthey are working on a linux version, but it's still in beta now07:59
Newboh, that's silly of me07:59
Newbwhere can I find that?07:59
TheSheepI've also heard that people had some success running the windows version of steam with Wine or Crossover08:01
TheSheepyou could search for that, there are some blog posts08:01
TheSheepI think winetricks has a steam recipe08:01
Newbokay, I'll look08:02
TheSheepbut it's generally not straightforward and may or may not work depending on the versions and your hardware, I'm afraid08:02
NewbAugh, so I'm finding08:07
NewbAlso, sounds like only 1000 people could get into beta08:08
Newbwhich is full now08:08
NewbI guess I'm gonna have to do the easy way and dual boot with windows so I can play08:08
Yotsonany Dutch peeps online? lcd arduino compatible. 1 euro. :) http://www.samenkopen.net/action_products/44300308:25
TheSheepYotson: this is a support channel for xubuntu08:26
Yotsonoops. very very wrong. i'm sorry.08:26
TheSheepYotson: for random chat, please join #xubuntu-offtopic08:26
* Yotson was meant for another tab.08:27
TheSheephappens :)08:27
Yotsonsignal for more coffee i guess.08:27
xubuntu143hi all10:19
GridCube!hi | qasim13:23
ubottuqasim: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!13:23
qasimhow r u grid13:31
ner0xHow can I alter the passwords in "keyring" for chromium, etc.13:32
qasimJAVA FROM*13:33
qasimNEROX ..NO IDEA13:33
TheSheepqasim: don't shout please13:35
ner0xMy eyes are bleeding.13:35
qasimshout ?13:35
TheSheep!java | qasim13:35
ubottuqasim: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.13:35
qasimi just asked a question13:35
ner0xqasim: He was referring to the CAPS LOCK ON YOUR QUESTIONS.13:36
qasimi have jre now i have to link the plugin13:36
qasimoh olrite13:36
TheSheep!u | qasim13:37
ubottuqasim: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'ryt',  'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.13:37
ner0xTheSheep: I'm just going to assume his first language isn't English.13:38
qasimyeah english isn't my language...13:39
qasimbut english is not the problem... tell me if you guy can be of any help13:41
TheSheepqasim: just follow that link from ubottu13:43
TheSheepqasim: it has all the explanations13:43
qasimthe site doesnot have the solution of my problem13:49
TheSheepqasim: it has detailed instructions on installing Oracle's Java, what else do you need?13:51
qasimi downloaded tar file from oracle...it says i have to link the firefox plugins13:52
qasimfor that ..i need to open firefox directory13:53
qasimwhich im unable to find13:53
TheSheepqasim: I can't see anything about linking to firefox plugins in those instructions I gave you13:56
TheSheepqasim: that's not the page that I gave you13:56
qasimwell its the page where from i have downloaded the tar file and trying to install it13:57
qasimi have read that page ..it tells about some other installation procedure13:57
qasiman im in the middle of installing java ..so i need to move ahead from where i am stuck13:58
TheSheepqasim: we can help you with ubuntu instructions, if you follow them. If you insist on following Oracle's instructions and have problems with them, better contact Oracle support.13:58
TheSheepqasim: because there is no way we can fix them13:58
GridCube!hi | qasim16:28
ubottuqasim: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!16:28
qasimgrid can you help in installing Java?16:29
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.16:29
GridCubeqasim, what you do exactly need of java?16:32
GridCubewhat for i mean16:32
qasimto run java applets16:32
qasimi need jre or any vm16:33
GridCubeno, that doesnt work16:34
GridCubewell i dont know about java qasim but you could try this http://www.wikihow.com/Install-Oracle-Java-on-Ubuntu-Linux16:36
qasimholstein is prolly away today..16:37
mahmoud__How to enable mail service?16:49
qasimwhich mail service?16:51
mahmoud__Any SMTP16:52
mahmoud__nothing is listening on Port 2516:52
mahmoud__I'm testing some Java code and I need a mail server running16:53
qasimwait for holstein..16:53
qasimcan you help me in installing java?16:53
bazhangqasim, you already got the link for that. read it16:54
qasimbazhang i have spent an hour over the link16:55
qasimand its not what i want16:55
bazhangqasim, so say CLEARLY what you DO want16:55
GridCubeqasim, i've passed you a pretty extensive how to intall java16:56
GridCubeqasim, http://www.wikihow.com/Install-Oracle-Java-on-Ubuntu-Linux16:56
GridCubeif this doesnt help then go to a #java16:57
qasimi downloaded java jre tar file from oracle's official site16:57
qasimand did all what it asked me to do16:57
qasimbut im unable to get java plugin in my firefox16:57
mahmoud__GridCube, any idea how to enable the mail service?17:00
Zelouillemahmoud__, you probably need a smtp server. Like sendmail or postfix. But i can't help you more.17:00
ubottuMail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailing lists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com17:00
GridCubeno that doesnt help17:00
bazhangqasim, why do you need the oracle java for firefox. just use the open implementation17:00
qasimiced tea?17:01
ubottuUbuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html17:01
GridCubemahmoud__, ^17:01
qasimi tried iced tea17:02
qasimbut it doesnot work properly17:02
bazhang!work | qasim17:02
ubottuqasim: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.17:02
qasimcertain button dont work in web browsers17:02
bazhangwhich button, where17:02
qasimbuttons in java enabled webs17:03
bazhangsuch as where.17:03
bazhanggive the url please17:03
qasimin my uni account17:04
qasimfor that matter you need a login id17:04
qasimlet me fine some other site17:04
mahmoud__GridCube, this keeps on showing up when I run apt-get install postfix17:13
mahmoud__E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)17:13
mahmoud__E: Unable to lock directory /var/cache/apt/archives/17:13
mahmoud__No other terminal instances in running.17:14
GridCubemahmoud__, check that you dont have synaptic, USC, or that an updata of the apt lists is in process17:14
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)17:16
mahmoud__GridCube,  how to check for them?17:16
GridCubethey usually show up in top17:17
GridCubebut you should know if synaptic or usc are open17:17
GridCubemahmoud__, if they are not, try this http://askubuntu.com/questions/102054/how-do-i-unlock-var-lib-apt-lists17:18
holsteinqasim: i like those wiki links.. those are usually what i refer to.. or just http://thedaneshproject.com/posts/how-to-install-java-7-on-ubuntu-12-04-lts/17:23
Andyhi for all ! Szep jo estet mindenkinek !17:28
phunyguy_t430scan anyone help me confirm bug 1089744 ?17:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1089744 in gwibber (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu doesn't pull required dependencies for anything using "Online Accounts"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108974417:33
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: o/17:33
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: you have xubuntu 32bit? 12.10?17:33
phunyguy_t430s64 bit17:33
holsteinhmmm... thats going to be more challenging.. maybe i try the 3217:34
phunyguy_t430sI'm sure the same thing will happen17:34
phunyguy_t430sI'm curious to try in on Lubuntu as well17:35
phunyguy_t430sprobably load up a VM17:35
phunyguy_t430shmmm, it seems there is an issue with the included "Blackbird" theme as well.17:44
phunyguy_t430swith QT apps17:44
phunyguy_t430smost of the theme colors work, but there are several areas with white on light gray text.17:44
phunyguy_t430sholstein, http://i.imgur.com/viyk2.png - Lubuntu in a VM with the same symptoms.18:09
phunyguy_t430sthat is just clicking gwibber in the menu after installing it.18:09
phunyguy_t430sbrings up the main gwibber menu and the control center with the applet missing18:09
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holsteinphunyguy_t430s: i think that was was being implied last nite though.. that its not a xubuntu specific thing, but something with gwibber18:10
phunyguy_t430sright, but I think there is a twist there.18:11
phunyguy_t430sin other words, it works ONLY in Ubuntu18:11
phunyguy_t430sbecause it was made that way by Canonical.18:11
phunyguy_t430sIf I go on Gentoo, and install Gwibber, which I have, it will provide the original way for adding accounts.18:12
phunyguy_t430sCanonical put in their own little "twist" to provide online account system integratoin.18:12
phunyguy_t430swhich breaks other *ubuntu distros18:12
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: you can always install gwibber from somewhere else.. thats what i would try18:16
holsteinif you feel the repackageing is breaking it, remove it from the equation and test18:17
phunyguy_t430shmm.... as in compile from source?18:22
holsteinsure.. or whatever it says at gwibber...18:22
phunyguy_t430sholstein, weird, http://gwibber.com/18:24
phunyguy_t430s2.30 is latest there....18:24
phunyguy_t430snm/ newest is in the source18:25
phunyguy_t430sit almost seems like Ubuntu took over development completely18:28
holsteincould be18:28
phunyguy_t430sholstein, if I don't want to mess with my original system I would use the --prefix option with ./configure, and do something like put it in a different folder, right?18:33
phunyguy_t430strying to dig back from previous compiles18:33
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: tbh.. im not sure.. i would hate to answer that and be wrong18:34
holsteini have use checkinstall18:34
phunyguy_t430sI'll try anyway18:34
phunyguy_t430sjust map it to a subfolder in ~ to try it out18:34
phunyguy_t430sand not need sudo to make install18:34
phunyguy_t430sthe plot thickens18:40
phunyguy_t430sone of the deps when configuring is coming up as "Unity"18:40
phunyguy_t430s(straight from gwibber.com)18:40
phunyguy_t430sseems it is a configurable option18:42
phunyguy_t430s--disable-unity to stop using that.  My guess is on the non-unity side of the distros, a version compiled without Unity needs to be made available.18:45
holsteinwell, you need/want it18:46
holsteini wouldnt say it needs to be available necessarily since i dont think xubuntu or lubuntu are insterested in shipping it18:46
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: in a short term, you could have a PPA... or maybe talk a few folks into helping with a PPA18:48
phunyguy_t430sI wish I knew the first thing about that aspect of it, because I would do it in a heartbeat18:49
holsteinyeah.. i dont know much more about it either... i just know its a relatively easy way to add functionality18:49
phunyguy_t430sthat option didnt change a thing18:55
phunyguy_t430smust not be what I thought it was18:55
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: i think knome was right when suggesting asking someone up at gwibber... just to be sure about the options before getting into 30 hours of simplifying your social media experience :)18:56
phunyguy_t430saint that the truth18:56
phunyguy_t430sI'll jump on gimpnet18:56
phunyguy_t430sfound this as well: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gwibber/+bug/108804519:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 1088045 in Gwibber "Preferences show system setting panel" [Undecided,New]19:01
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: you sure you dont wnat to try http://www.tweetdeck.com/ ?19:07
phunyguy_t430swell it's not about that for me anymore now... lol19:07
phunyguy_t430sI found an issue and I can't leave it alone19:07
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: i have been there before...19:08
phunyguy_t430sI wonder if I can grab older source.19:08
holsteinphunyguy_t430s: sure... maybe even the .deb from 12.04.. though i would be cautious19:09
phunyguy_t430sI just wanna help make it work for everyone, tbh19:10
holsteinwell, before you get too far on that boat, not many xubntu or lubuntu users are using it19:11
phunyguy_t430swell it compiles fairly easily19:12
phunyguy_t430s3.4 would probably be just as easy19:12
phunyguy_t430sthen I can apt-get purge, and install from source19:13
holsteini like it... you can at least post on that bug that this resolves the issue.. get a bit more information available19:13
phunyguy_t430seeek,  that didnt work.  gwibber-accounts crashed19:19
holsteinhmmm... probably explains why its gone though19:20
phunyguy_t430smay have to do with my 3.6 install still sitting in /usr/local19:20
phunyguy_t430si changed the prefix for 3.4 to install directly to /usr19:21
phunyguy_t430sit's probably all jacked up now.  :)19:21
phunyguy_t430show does one remove a manually compiled and installed component?19:21
phunyguy_t430sill try it on the lubuntu VM19:22
phunyguy_t430ssee if the same thing happens19:22
holsteini use checkinstall these days so i can sudo apt-get remove it19:23
phunyguy_t430swell ya live and learn.  ":)19:24
phunyguy_t430serr -"19:24
InokiGuys, is there a big difference between Ubuntu Studio and Xubuntu?19:48
holsteinInoki: sure.. the default applications installed19:52
holsteinthe size of the iso...19:52
holsteinthe look and feel19:53
ochosiholstein: look and feel is different? i thought -studio uses our theme as well19:57
holsteinochosi: i only know i load them up and they look and feel differnt.. not identical19:58
ochosiwell that's very non-specific, but fine :)19:59
holsteindifferent wallpaper - look ...nautilus instead of thunar - feel20:00
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phunyguy_t430shmm, yeah I gotta reinstall that VM I think.  I did an apt-get purge gwibber, and it was still there.  Even after compiling, and then running from the app menu, it was coming up as 3.6 vs 3.4.2, so there are obviously remnants.21:05
w30does anybody know how to keep desktop icons from jumping around on every logon in xfce4?21:18
ochosiw30: if you mean fixing them in one place, i don't think you can change the sort-style yet21:27
ochosibut personally i never use icons on the desktop21:27
w30ochosi, I download everything to the desktop then send it off to a directory from there.21:30
ochosixfdesktop is one of the more neglected components of xfce21:31
w30ochosi, well, better xfdesktop than gnome3 in my humble opinion21:32
ochosiyou can also browse your desktop with thunar ;)21:33
phunyguy_t430sholstein, that's the problem.  Incompatibility with 3.4.221:34
phunyguy_t430sprobably the same issue as the indicator envelope thingy21:35
tyler_dmy home directory is encrypted, I would like to reverse that as my login time takes appx 30 - 45 seconds after putting in my password, how is this accomplished?23:12
rafael_mboa noite23:36
rafael_mgostaria de pedir ajuda no xubuntu para desabilitar minha placa offboard e apenas deixar instalado a da intel23:36
phunyguy_t430s!es | rafael_m23:37
ubotturafael_m: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #xubuntu-es; escriba "/join #xubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. Si nadie responde, puedes intentar preguntando en #ubuntu-es.23:37
rafael_mubottu: compreendo23:38
rafael_mI would turn off my video card and leave only dedicated board integrated with the i5 processor23:39
rafael_mvgaswitcheroo, i could not do with xubuntu23:40
rafael_mdisable ati video card and leave only the video card integrated intel core i523:47
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