
kiplittoni was happily using Raring until today... now i boot my laptop, load hovers at 10.00, NetworkManager is taking 101 percent of the CPU04:15
kiplittonworld collapsing04:15
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BluesKajHi all13:21
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sepisoadI have problem with my wireless16:24
bazhangwhat chipset16:24
sepisoadI'm using 13.04 daily build16:24
sepisoadbroadcom BCM431116:24
bazhang!broadcom | sepisoad16:24
ubottusepisoad: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx16:24
sepisoadthanks, I'll take a look first16:25
MalsasaWhere I can get comprehensive preview for 13.04?16:27
MalsasaDaily build is okay :)16:27
yofel!daily | Malsasa16:28
ubottuMalsasa: Daily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/16:28
MalsasaNo, not the ISO. I wanna preview article :)16:29
ikoniait doesn't exist yet16:31
BluesKajis the Kubuntu 13.04 Alternate Install available yet or is it still behind bars ?16:34
bazhangare they bringing back the alternate?16:34
ubottuThe alternate CD has been discontinued for the main Ubuntu distro, please use and report any bugs in the !LiveCD16:35
bazhangMalsasa, do a web search: key terms----> whats coming in 13.04 raring16:36
BluesKajyeah, already reported the hardware recognition freeze on the desktop live-dvd16:36
sepisoad<ubottu> this document has support up to 12.10, are those instructions valid in 13.04?16:38
BluesKajerr , bug 108943916:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1089439 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu 13.04 AMD 64 Desktop Daily Build install freezes at hardware scan" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108943916:39
sepisoadI ran "sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source"17:03
sepisoadafter I restarted It didn't work17:04
sepisoadit also disabled my ethernet device17:04
sepisoadso I had to run "sudo apt-get remove bcmwl-kernel-source"17:04
sepisoadand I restarted again17:05
sepisoadso i'm still missing my wireless17:05
sepisoadany help?17:05
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simplewI have followed whats in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Passwords#Password_Encryption   and reboot and grub is not password protected, whats wrong?20:38
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sepisoadWhen I run ubuntu1 client I get this error: "Sorry, an error has occurred and Ubuntu One needs to close"21:37
sepisoadand when I click on "Show Details..." button I see this text: "IPC Error"21:37
sepisoadcan anyone help me on this issue???21:38
IdleOnesepisoad: #ubuntuone maybe can help21:41
sepisoadthanks @IdleOne21:41
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