
_stink_so i'm enforcing pep8 on myself for the first time14:29
_stink_boy that's a long list of things i have to fix14:29
brouschLine length is the one that kills me14:33
_stink_yeah, same here14:38
_stink_sometimes i can't figure out a sane way to split it14:38
_stink_so i just... don't14:39
brouschI tend to use longish variable names14:40
snap-l_stink_: It's totally worth it.15:29
snap-lThere's some automated scripts you can use for pep8 under vim15:29
_stink_yeah, was just looking at those15:29
_stink_and i confess going through this little project and fixing continuation indents has made it much more readable15:30
_stink_i don't love not being able to put spaces around kwargs15:30
_stink_but that's my only real complaint15:30
_stink_and i can get over it.15:30
snap-lMine is the 80 character line limit15:31
_stink_hopefully i can get these in my brain and not write it wrong from now on.15:31
snap-lMan, this has been a fun year.15:34
snap-lJoDee's grandmother is apparently ill15:34
jjessethat stinks15:34
snap-lher mom says she might not make it through the day. Though this is also the same woman who spent several months saying her grandfather wasn't going to make it15:34
snap-lso lord knows15:34
jjessethat's terrible15:35
snap-lYeah, JoDee's mom is not terribly reliable15:35
rick_h__stink_: pastebin the lines you can't shorten and I'll show you15:46
rick_h__stink_: and once you do it for a bit, it becomes second nature15:46
rick_h_but definitly suggest add https://github.com/mitechie/bookie_parser/blob/pyramid/Makefile#L7215:47
_stink_so the flake8 tool is preferred to the pep8 tool?15:55
snap-lpep8--Driessen and syntastic15:56
snap-lTHose are the two I use.15:56
rick_h__stink_: it's just easy as it combines pyflakes, which catches things like missing/extra import15:56
rick_h_systastic is set to use flake8 as it's python processor15:56
_stink_ah, cool15:56
rick_h_http://paste.mitechie.com/show/856/ is my syntastic setup15:57
rick_h_and autocmd FileType python map <buffer> <leader>M :SyntasticCheck<CR>15:58
rick_h_which let's me do a syntastic update manually with ,M at any time15:58
_stink_hah, i love this line from the syntastic vim.org page: "If syntax errors are detected, the user is notified and is happy because they didn't have to compile their code or execute their script to find them."16:02
_stink_the user is happy16:02
* rick_h_ is all kinds of happy16:02
greg-gI think Rowan is just reminding us how hard he was a year ago, in celebration of his one year bday.16:38
greg-gCarrie barely slept last night16:39
greg-gjrwren: you retweet Bob Marshal a lot, I just looked up his website, and I love his beard :)17:07
greg-gman it is great to use notmuch on an ssd again, SO FAST.18:15
jrwrengreg-g: i really like his tweets :)18:15
jrwrenwhat is notmuch?18:16
rick_h_greg-g: +118:16
rick_h_<3 notmuch18:16
rick_h_jrwren: an email fulltext index/search tool18:17
jrwrenfor use with mutt or something?18:17
greg-gyeah, mutt or whatever18:17
rick_h_yea, works with anything really. There's a script you can add to your mutt config to search through notmuch18:17
rick_h_so keep my nice gmail-like search but keep using nice offline imap and terminal based email18:18
jjessewhat now?18:47
snap-lCT shooting, and the ensuing internet "make things right" movement18:47
snap-l"Sorry for your loss, but could you take a moment to sign this petition banning bad things from happening to good people? Thaaanks."18:48
jjesseyeah that sucks18:48
jjesseany idea what was behind the shooter/18:50
jjessemotive wise?18:50
snap-lNo idea, and couldn't care less18:50
snap-lI'm tired of these assholes18:51
snap-lTey go out in a media shitstorm, and their victims fade away.18:51
rick_h_hmm, erica was just texting me asking me to give michael a big hug over this CT stuff19:02
greg-gI was just on the phone with my mom/dad because my internet was out (and owed them a call), they just told me19:03
rick_h_oh geeze...a freaking elementary school?!19:04
rick_h_and man all the news places getting quotes from 6/8yr olds ugh19:04
rick_h_the world sucks19:04
snap-lYeah, this is fucked up19:04
brouschOh man. I just pulled up the first article on google News and it has a picture of a line of kids being led out. One of them looks just like George19:04
greg-gfucking eh man19:05
greg-gI just...19:06
rick_h_this one is going to be heard for a while...gun control lobby is gearing up and it's sickening on both ends of the debate19:06
snap-lrick_h_: That's why I posted what I did.19:07
greg-gwho pays for that gun control lobby, again? last time I checked, it wasn't as centrally controlled like the NRA19:07
snap-lMy Twitter feed exploded19:07
* greg-g 's as well19:07
rick_h_https://twitter.com/BenjaminBirdie/status/279656236234981376 +119:08
snap-lSeriously, though, I'm tired of both sides gearing up whenever a seriously emotional event occurs19:08
rick_h_yea, that's the bad thing is that both sides will come out slimy19:09
greg-gthe only way things change19:09
snap-lIt's not welcome.19:09
greg-gpeople are complacent until the news tells them not to be19:09
snap-l"Oh, sorry your grandma died from Alzheimers. Here, sign this petition banning Alzheimers"19:09
greg-ga tad superfluous, but ok19:09
snap-lThis is the same reactionist shit that gives us stuff like the TSA19:10
* snap-l feels a rant coming on19:10
greg-gexcept, there isn't a pro-terrorist group for the otherside from that one.19:10
rick_h_it is, but I wonder how many people are inconvienced getting on planes vs inconvienced getting a gnu19:10
greg-gi mean, in the national debate19:10
rick_h_hah, a gnu...those gnu folks always wanting a gnu in the backyard19:11
snap-lI'll wager with anyone that whatever means allowed this jakass to procure a weapon was perfectly legal, and after regulation will continue to be legal.19:11
snap-lYou can'teffectively ban symptoms19:12
rick_h_well this is some 20yr old kid, it'll be interesting to see the story once they trace how he got a hold of the guns and such19:12
greg-gexcept all those other examples where people have...19:12
rick_h_if some stupid dad didn't have his shit locked up, he better go into witness protection in a hury19:12
brousch20 year old is an adult19:13
greg-gunless you want to drink19:14
* greg-g just likes throwing inconsistencies out there ;)19:14
snap-lgreg-g: By in a Man's World.19:15
snap-lBoy in a Man's World19:15
rick_h_meh, call me an old grouchy man with a 21yr old 'kid' brother but 20 is a kit through and through.19:15
greg-gI agree, in today's world especially, 20 year olds haven't grown up at all anymore19:16
greg-gI wasn't grown up at 2019:16
greg-gI was a ef up still19:16
greg-g(still am, to some ;) )19:16
greg-grick_h_ thinks I'm an ef up19:17
snap-lsome days I feel like I'm just celebrating anniversaries of my 21st birthday.19:17
greg-g(sorry, I have to joke right now, otherwise I'll just quit working today, on my last day before 3 weeks vacation)19:17
rick_h_greg-g: hey, I'm a big ef up as well. :P19:18
rick_h_though if I get the TL role I guess I'll have to grow up some more boooo19:18
greg-gat least you got the awesome toys!19:18
rick_h_anyway, I jump online for a few min and find this. Time to go back offline on my sick day and run away19:18
greg-gah, suck, feel better man19:18
rick_h_TL == team lead. My team lead is moving up so I'm going for team load for my quad19:18
greg-gah, gotcha19:18
rick_h_which sucks, but oh well19:19
greg-gsnap-l: thought you'd like this: "31,347 Americans died from gun violence in US last yr. http://1.usa.gov/L791PT ; 17 from terrorism: http://on.cfr.org/KBQyO4"19:19
greg-gI know I know, just, interesting19:19
* greg-g lets snap-l get last word and then he moves on ;)19:19
snap-lgreg-g: No worries. It's quite telling, frankly.19:22
snap-lspeaking of fantasy worlds without guns, I really like this setting: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GURPS_Banestorm ;)19:25
snap-l"For instance, in the 16th century a number of humans were transported to Yrth from France, bringing with them dangerous knowledge of Protestantism, and gunpowder. The latter has since been suppressed due to concerns by the Empire of Megalos about too much technological progress."19:26
snap-lThere's an awful lot of delivery vehicles not making stops in front of my house.20:21
snap-lThis must be rectified.20:21
devinheitmuellerHey, does anybody have an contacts in San Francisco area who are looking for IT people?21:20
billingsooh, GURPS21:23
snap-lbillings: Yeah, one of my favirote RPG systems.21:34
greg-grick_h_: if you're still around, have you heard of/used this fork of mutt with built in notmuch support? http://notmuchmail.org/frontends/22:06
snap-lThe only problem with the cat sleeping next to me on the couch is my ass was falling asleep, and I didn't have the heart to move her22:12
rick_h_greg-g: no, because it's not packaged so juts not bothered since it works for me as is22:20
* greg-g nods23:06

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