
MutantTurkeywohoo scraped a A in my CIS class :-)02:59
jthanGood work.03:22
* jthan is sitting at a 3.9 03:22
jthanI'm pretty excited03:22
jthanSo many sleepless nights03:22
MutantTurkeywhere are you going to school?03:26
jthanUniversity of Colorado Boulder03:47
MutantTurkeyHow do I reference a page number without pages?03:57
MutantTurkeydo  I just not do it?03:57
jthanA page number without pages?04:03
MutantTurkeyI mean usually for inline refrences you should put page numbers, I have an article without pages.04:06
MutantTurkeypage numbers'04:06
MutantTurkeyso do I just not put any numbers, count by paragraphs... idk!04:06
jthanIf it's from an online source / database you don't use page numbers anyhow04:11
jthanonly print articles04:11
MutantTurkeyah ok!04:11
MutantTurkeywindows 2007 + wine is working great!04:57
MutantTurkeyespecially since loffice lacks good footnotes and references04:57
InHisNameMorning rmg51 & ted<tab> and waltman and JonathanD12:08
JonathanDhi InHisName12:12
teddy-dbearMorning peoples13:10
InHisNameHello, teddy-dbear14:33
MutantTurkeycould we have a class action lawsuit against septa for being age-ist?16:12
MutantTurkeyI mean the train tickets are 1 dollar for seniors, and this is a public service16:12
MutantTurkey1 dollar for regional rail, most of the stuff is free16:12
MutantTurkeyI am shelling out 150 bucks a month and i am a student16:12
MutantTurkeyold people have a much higher household value than me, surely I deserve $1 tickets16:13
JonathanDMutantTurkey: nope16:17
MutantTurkeywhy not?16:17
JonathanDBecause it's legal.16:17
MutantTurkeyright - but why?16:17
JonathanDJust like all other senior discounts, at restaurants, etc.16:17
ChinnoDogUnfortunately the process for changing government processes in this country usually involves protests and refusal to pay the fare rather than law suits. The latter would be a lot less risky though.16:17
MutantTurkeythis is a public service16:17
MutantTurkeyJonathanD: it's a public service and a 10% discout is different than free16:18
JonathanDI'm not sure it being a public service matters.16:18
JonathanDYou could argue that it's "ageist" that you can't collect social security at 20, too.16:19
JonathanDMutantTurkey: that aside, many seniors can't drive, or can't safely drive.16:19
MutantTurkeyneither can many teenagers!16:20
JonathanDI'd rather they get free transit than run a stop sign and hit me :P16:20
MutantTurkeyi don't understand why they get such a discount though16:20
MutantTurkeyits basically free16:20
JonathanDIt's intended to provide a service to a class of people on limited income, who may have a particular need of it.16:22
MutantTurkeylike college kids?16:23
MutantTurkeythats the thing, old people have more money then young people, but we pay the same as full time working adults16:24
JonathanDIf your argument is that it's unfair that seniors get a discount and college kids don't, perhaps you should be asking why you don't get one, not why they do.16:24
MutantTurkeyi would prefer they didn't16:24
JonathanDPersonally, I think all septa fairs should be lower than they are.16:24
MutantTurkeybut yeah maybe I should approach it that way16:24
MutantTurkeyesp regional rail...16:24
JonathanDesp regional, yes.16:25
MutantTurkeylower costs = increased ridership = lower road costs and traveling and lower accident rates and lowr everything16:25
JonathanDI'd rather take the train to the city.16:25
JonathanDBut not when it's all four of us.16:25
JonathanDJust gets too expensive.16:25
MutantTurkeyfamily pass is like 30 bucks16:25
JonathanDCan you get those at stations?16:26
JonathanDor only online?16:26
MutantTurkeystations I  think16:27
MutantTurkeyit's like an independence pass16:27
MutantTurkeybut you need to have only 2 adults16:27
MutantTurkeyits a family independent pass basically16:27
ChinnoDogI agree with MutantTurkey that if the principle is giving lower fares to people with lower incomes that it makes sense to discount it for college kids. I think that there are less discounts for college kids than seniors in general because there is an assumption that they can draw money from their parents.16:32
JonathanDChinnoDog: thats probably the base reasoning, yes.16:34
ChinnoDogThere should be a discount for college kids that are not dependents.16:35
ChinnoDogOf course, that may no longer apply to MutantTurkey16:44
MutantTurkeyno there should be for all college kids16:46
MutantTurkeyso do we not give discounts from seniors who receive money or housing from their children?16:46
MutantTurkeyit would also encourage less students to drive to temple16:46
MutantTurkeyI am dependent on my parents but thry don't pay for my septa pass16:47
ChinnoDogIf you are a dependent then they pay more than 50% of your expenses16:50
ChinnoDogJust because you decide how to spend it doesn't mean they didn't pay for it16:50
pleia2MutantTurkey: you realize that money to run septa doesn't just come out of thin air right? it just means that JonathanD pays for your septa pass16:59
pleia2"it's not fair" isn't a very compelling reason to raise taxes ;)17:00
jedijfthe senior age should change based on the increase of life expectancy - in conjunction with it - aarp membership should start later etc17:09
jedijfdiscounts should start /closer/ to death17:10
jedijflike they keep moving the social security ages - some of you young ones won't be eligible until 80's17:11
ChinnoDogDon't burst my bubble jedijf. I still want to retire by 6517:11
jedijfis /85/ still even the number17:11
ChinnoDogidk :-(17:12
jedijfi thought it jumped to 6717:12
jedijfwho knows17:12
jedijfold is good - means not dead - what other bonuses should you get17:13
jedijfthat should be enough17:13
MutantTurkeypleia2: of course I realize that17:23
MutantTurkeythen why should we pay for those seniors?17:23
MutantTurkeyit raises costs for me!17:23
MutantTurkeyjedijf: I doubt I will receive an equal amount of money that I have put into social security17:23
pleia2oh I see, you're actually saying no one should get a break, not that you should get one17:45
ChinnoDog/buffer 1518:21
SamuraialbaGood bacon to all!18:49
waltmanSamuraialba: I had candied bacon yesterday!18:54
SamuraialbaI need to get a cisco switch or 3...18:55
SamuraialbaJust got a 91% on my Cisco Routing Final18:55
InHisNameschool final ?20:14
Samuraialbaschool final20:21
InHisNameWay to Ace it, Samuraialba20:42
MutantTurkeySamuraialba: nice job dude21:30
Samuraialbathankies :)23:03

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