
Kilosmorning all04:51
superflyMorning Kilos05:01
* superfly has a blog post to write05:02
Kilosk fly05:02
Kiloshi Squirm 05:13
* superfly is at work now05:59
Kiloshave a good day superfly 06:16
KilosMaaz, tell nuvolari WB stranger06:16
MaazKilos: Got it, I'll tell nuvolari on freenode06:16
mazalMorning everyone06:39
Kiloshi mazal nlsthzn 06:39
mazalHmmm , I didn't know this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/228881/why-debian-packages-in-archive-folder-get-deleted-automatically-in-ubuntu06:45
Kilosgood find. i also wondered why some packages downloaded again when i knew i had downloaded them before06:50
Kilosjust zeroed them with gedit06:50
mazalI also wondered why some files seem to disappear :P06:51
mazalBut must it be zero like in the word zero , or the number 0 ?06:51
mazalJust changed mine as well06:56
Kilosits fine with uncapped peeps06:56
mazalDon't want it to delete the files06:56
Kilosthe 3g peeps lose out06:56
nlsthznmorning all06:57
mazalMorning nlsthzn 06:57
nlsthznhow are you mazal ?06:57
mazalGood thanx and you ?06:57
nlsthznoh I am fine... got to get off my backside, day getting shorter :p06:58
nlsthznhiya uncle Kilos 06:58
KilosMaaz, seen Wraz 07:01
MaazKilos: Wraz was last seen 2 days, 8 hours, 34 minutes and 13 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2012-12-11 14:27:27 PST], and has been online on freenode since 2012-12-12 04:39:32 PST07:01
Kilosaw i missed him again07:01
Kiloswhat timeline is PST07:02
KilosMaaz, define PST07:03
MaazKilos: PST n 1: standard time in the 8th time zone west of Greenwich, reckoned at the 120th meridian west; used in far western states of the United States [syn: {Pacific Time}, {Pacific Standard Time}, {PST}], PST Pacific Standard Time [-0800] (TZ, PDT, USA)07:03
Kilosah another yank07:04
* Squirm looks around07:08
superflyYeah, I have to say I don't worry much about downloading anymore07:10
Kiloslekker hey07:10
mazalBiggest problem for me is the time it takes07:11
mazalOk guys I'm off to go to PTA07:17
mazalHave a great day07:17
nlsthznoh yes now I remember why I rage quited windows a few weeks ago... it is a PITA to register when the auto one doens't want to and you have to phone in and then you realize today is Friday (Sunday UAE)... and you can07:18
Kiloshi jrgns 07:20
jrgnsmorning Kilos07:20
Kilosai nlsthzn 07:20
nlsthznlol... not so bad... I can wait07:21
nlsthznI mean... I may wait... just spent two days setting up this system and installing stuff... not in the mood to do it again (so soon)07:21
Kiloshi Tonberry 07:44
Symmetriaheh as a matter of interest07:45
Symmetriahttp:// <=== the global routing table, how often things disappear outta it 07:45
Kiloshi flody20183 07:48
Kiloswelcome to ubunt-za07:48
Kilosoh its tim07:48
Kilosyou our tim or another one07:48
flody20183? tim from the list ?07:49
flody20183if so then yes07:49
Kilosoh not the one from here. hehe ok welcome07:49
Kilosfirst time here flody20183 ?07:50
flody20183yip, spotted the irc link on your early warning post so thought I would take a look07:50
Kilosah good. nice to have you here. lots of the list guys never get here07:51
Kilosflody20183, tell us a bit about yourself07:53
SquirmSymmetria: so I woke up this morning and told myself I'm not going to have coffee for 3 days as a test07:54
* Squirm sips his coffee07:54
flody20183hmm. in a nutshell I'm a JHB based developer / senior technical support person for an ISP. Main focus is perl, php and ruby/rails07:55
Kiloshehe Squirm 07:55
Kilosgreat flody20183 what ISP if i may ask07:55
flody20183Based in Randburg07:56
Squirmhello flody20183, Vince-0 07:56
Vince-0Friday whoot07:56
Kilosthere are a few guys from here in your area flody20183 07:57
Squirmtoday is my last day at work till the 7th :)07:57
Kilosyo Vince-0 07:57
Kiloshehe Squirm you gonna get back inna worse state07:57
Kilosnice having school hols hey07:57
Squirmschool broke up on the 1st07:58
Squirmbut it's still better than most :)07:58
* Squirm needs faster internets07:59
Squirmmy TED talk keeps buffering07:59
Kilosonly one that doesnt is Symmetria 07:59
Squirmcome the 7th of January08:00
Squirmwe'll have a 16mbit line08:00
Squirm4*4mbit bonded08:00
Symmetriahttp:// try that kilos08:01
SymmetriaI changed it, to do a true per second08:01
Symmetriawith no averaging 08:01
Symmetriaso it uses the raw 43k+ data points08:01
=== flody20183 is now known as floyd20183
Kiloseek looks like a prone porcupine08:02
* Squirm eyes Symmetria 08:02
Vince-0nice graph! what does it show08:02
Symmetriaheh the number of prefix's being withdrawn every second outta the bgp table08:03
Vince-0ISP speak08:04
Symmetriaheh, basically just how much churn there is in the bgp table08:04
Vince-0uh, change in routing?08:05
KilosSymmetria, do some work for telkom too08:05
Kilosspeed them up some08:05
Symmetriakilos not possible :p08:05
Kilosespecially the 3g side08:05
Symmetriavince yeah its basically changes in the routing table08:06
Symmetriaif you wanna see TOTAL changes in the routing table08:06
Kiloshi timkeller 08:07
Symmetriaheh this takes a while to generate :p08:08
inetprogood morning08:13
inetproKilos: thanks for that mail08:13
Kiloshiya inetpro anytime08:13
Kilosyou sposed to remind me08:13
SymmetriaRetrieving per second BGP change stats for period Thu Dec 13 22:18:15 2012 to Thu Dec 13 22:18:15 2012 (total 43200 data queries)08:19
SymmetriaStarting data query for peer
SymmetriaData query for peer completed in 18 seconds08:19
Symmetriathats not bad08:19
Symmetria2400 queries a second08:20
magespawnmorning all08:50
Kiloshey magespawn 09:07
jrgnsHi spawn09:10
Kiloshi DigiGram 09:12
DigiGramhi Kilos09:12
Squirmslightly off topic09:19
magespawnhi jrgns09:21
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
nuvolario/ aloha11:23
Maaznuvolari: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell nuvolari WB stranger" 5 hours, 6 minutes and 56 seconds ago11:23
nuvolariKilos: middag oom :>11:23
nuvolarioh? I've been gone?11:23
Squirmhello nuvolari 11:24
Trixar_zaHi nuvolari11:24
nuvolarihello Squirm, Trixar_za 11:25
Kiloslo nuvolari 11:27
Kiloshi Trixar_za 11:27
Trixar_zaHey Kilos11:27
SymmetriaI wonder if Mandela is still alive12:25
* Symmetria has doubts12:25
Squirm2 hours of work12:32
Squirmthen a month holiday12:32
Squirmmeh, 3 weeks12:32
Kiloshey all you friends of google where do i get a link to actually see what the code in the mbr should be?13:18
Kilosive found a hex sector 0 editor but havent a clue what to put in sector 013:19
KilosMaaz, hi13:23
MaazSup Kilos13:23
Kilosah found one but its for winsucks13:32
KilosA8h E1h B9h D2h 00h 7Eh 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h13:32
Kilosgoogle linux mbr boot code13:36
Kilos Maaz  google linux mbr boot code13:37
MaazKilos: "UNIX / Linux: Copy Master Boot Record (MBR)" http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-copy-mbr/ :: "assembly - Write MBR Code - Stack Overflow" http://stackoverflow.com/questions/568359/write-mbr-code :: "GRUB Boot Manager MBR/Boot Sector" http://thestarman.pcministry.com/asm/mbr/GRUB.htm :: "Master boot record - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"13:37
Maazhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_boot_record :: "Master Boot Record - ArchWiki" https://wiki.archlinux…13:37
Kiloslooking at this tool http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MBRwizard13:56
tumbleweedKilos: have you seen the mbr package?13:59
tumbleweedMaaz: apt show mbr13:59
Maaztumbleweed: Master Boot Record for IBM-PC compatible computers.: The MBR is used in booting operating systems from the hard disk. It runs first, then transfers control to the operating system's loader which transfers control to the kernel.13:59
Kilosnope tumbleweed 13:59
tumbleweedbut most of thet ime, we have grub in the mbr13:59
Kiloscan one apt-get it?14:00
tumbleweeddid you do anything special to not have grub in the mbr?14:00
Kilosi got no mbr so that needs fixing first14:00
tumbleweedwe normally install grub as the mbr14:00
Kilosdrive shows 2 TB unallocated but unable to write to it at all14:01
Kilosno partition tools work14:01
tumbleweedthat's got nothing to do with MBRs14:01
tumbleweedthis is a new 2TB disk?14:01
Kilosno old one that crashed when trying to install ubuntu ver and over14:01
tumbleweedhow are you accessing it now? from a live CD?14:02
Kilosthen found its the HD204UI firmware that marks those blocks as bad when other software tries to get in14:02
Kilosyip from UBCD14:02
Kilosbios sees it fine14:02
tumbleweedcan you pastebin /proc/partitions?14:03
Kilostried installing or parting with everything i got14:03
Kiloshow will i fing that?14:03
Kilosif i use it as second drive pc hangs before booting14:04
Kiloslemme try 12.04 live again14:04
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kilos3rd attempt 12.04 seems to be booting14:10
Kilosfirst said no OS insert system disk twice14:11
Kilosbut that started the prob tumbleweed , it only accepted win7 once then nothing after that again14:12
Kilos12.04 struggling to get gowing14:12
Kilostumbleweed, http://slexy.org/view/s2dmxnuBzW14:22
Kilosand gedit popped up a message with that saying it had changed14:28
Kilosoh just twigged, you meant the mbr package in the repos?14:30
tumbleweedKilos: yes14:30
tumbleweedKilos: ok, doesn't look like it can see a partition table on there at all14:31
tumbleweeddid you have anything of any value on that disk?14:31
Kilosthe drive wont letanything write to it14:31
Kilosnope its one of ians hear to try be repaired14:31
tumbleweedmaybe the drive is totally dead?14:31
tumbleweedthat's my bet14:32
Kilosit worked on 7 and when i tried 12.04 a few times then it crashed14:32
tumbleweedrun a full SMART test on it?14:32
tumbleweed(smartmontools package)14:32
Kilosmust i mount it first before installing smartmontools14:33
Kilossudo mount /dev/sda /mnt?14:34
Kilosoh just install from live cd?14:34
tumbleweedyeah, you can install packages while you are using the live CD14:34
tumbleweed(until you run out of RAM)14:34
Kilosok i gotta take modem there14:35
superflymagespawn: ping14:37
magespawnhey superfly14:54
superflymagespawn: we're heading up to KZN for a holiday/friend's wedding, and thought it might be nice to head up your way - know anywhere a family of 4 can spend a night or two for relatively little?14:57
magespawnquite a few places in hluhluwe. both in and out of town15:00
magespawnlet me get some info for you15:01
superflymagespawn: no rush, it'll be in May/June next year15:01
Symmetria 5:25PM  up 1569 days,  7:44, 1 user, load averages: 0.01, 0.02, 0.0015:26
Symmetriaholy crap15:26
* Symmetria wonders if that box would ever boot again if it was powered off15:27
magespawnokay superfly15:33
magespawnSymmetria: only one way to tell15:33
magespawnlater all on my way15:38
Kilosgo safe magespawn 15:38
Cantidesee ya magespawn 15:44
Cantidehi Kilos :)15:44
Kiloshi Cantide 15:44
CantideKilos, ubuntu meet at 17:30 on Monday? Aren't they usually later... like 19:00 usually?15:44
Cantidei don't mind 17:30 :)15:47
Kiloswoke you up at least so you could wake me up15:47
Cantidejust asking because i thought it was a little unusual15:47
Cantidebesides, Monday is a holiday15:47
Cantideso the time shouldn't be a problem :)15:47
Kiloseveyone else is on their way home at that time15:47
Kilosreplied to that mail. hope it worked15:48
Kilosdunno if i can reply to my own mail15:48
Cantidei haven't gotten one yet..15:48
Kilosit came to me15:49
Kilosis that wrong15:49
* Kilos cries15:50
Kilosfrom me to me15:50
Kilosmore eeek15:52
Kilosno capitals there15:52
Kilostyping here is so much easier. dont need to find the shift key15:52
KilosCantide, you got it now15:53
Cantideyeah :)15:54
* nuvolari peeks in16:18
nuvolarihello Cantide, oom Kilos 16:18
Kiloslo nuvolari 16:18
nuvolarigaan dit goed oom?16:18
Cantidehi nuvolari :)16:18
nuvolariskies, ek het vroër kom inloer en toe verdwyn ek weer :(16:18
Kilosmaak net seker dat jy nie maandag of dinsdag verdwyn nie seun16:20
smilehi :D16:28
smileMaaz: It's cold outside. Where can I find a warm jacket? :p16:29
Maazsmile: If you say so16:29
Kiloshi smile 16:29
smilehi Kilos :D16:29
inetproeish Kilos16:45
* inetpro didn't even see the error 16:45
Kiloswat nou inetpro 16:46
Kiloslol ya me too16:46
inetprojou mail 17:3016:46
Kilosbut i changed it now. you got that one too?16:47
Kilosat least now everyone knows im only human16:55
Kilosthe list guys i mean16:55
Kilosinetpro, ^^16:55
smileinetpro: hi :D16:56
smilemy exam today went great! it was english ;)16:56
charl_good evening all17:00
smilecharl_: good evening :)17:03
smileKilos: the practice here helped me to finish that exam :P17:04
Kiloshi charl_ 17:04
Kilosim glad smile 17:04
smilehow did your day go Kilos ? :p17:04
charl_hi smile !17:05
charl_smile: how did the exams go?17:05
smilevery good :P17:05
smileI'm sure I will have more than 50% :p17:06
charl_well done17:06
Kilosquiet smile 17:06
charl_hi Kilos 17:06
charl_how's it going17:06
Kilosquiet charl_ 17:07
charl_ah so17:07
Kilosgood otherwise ty and you ?17:07
smilethanks charl_ :p17:07
smileKilos: nothing really important happened? :p17:08
Kiloswhere smile ?17:08
smileKilos: in your life today :p17:09
Kilosnight all sleep tight18:18
smilehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZQL22xOmUM :)19:21
smilebyeeee! :)19:32
charl_hi psydroid 20:19
charl_how's it going20:19
psydroidhi charl_20:21
psydroidI'm doing well, what about you?20:21
charl_good good20:24
charl_when you moving to poland?20:24
psydroidafter the holidays probably20:24
charl_ah nice20:24
charl_i'm off, ciao all20:25

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