
=== jta_afk is now known as jta
ttoinelen-1304, what are you testing ? raring ?00:47
ttoinelen-1304, a daily build ?00:48
len-1304I am trying to figure out what has happened with the ms core fonts.00:48
len-1304todays build00:48
len-1304It says the font installer is installed, but I don't think the fonts are00:49
len-1304At least I didn't "Accept" the terms...00:49
ttoineperhaps you should try to reconfigure it00:49
ttoinedid you use apt-get, aptitude, or synaptic to instal ms core fonts ?00:50
len-1304I didn't use any. The 32bit version of Ustudio comes with wine.00:52
len-1304LMMS pulls it in.00:52
len-1304It seems though, that there are some non-ms fonts are included with office anyway, maybe by default.00:54
len-1304I just want to make sure we are legal :)00:54
len-1304ttoine, Found my answer. The ISO installs the font installer but declines the licence.01:00
len-1304A note in the font directory says I just have to reinstall the font installer to get the fonts.01:01
ttoinelen-1304, I think that some fonts come installed for wine and lmms01:01
len-1304Yes but not from MS. They are "look alikes"01:02
len-1304It is a package called fonts-liberation and has Times, Arial and Courier fonts01:03
ttoinelen-1304, is it a way to force install in the iso ?01:06
len-1304No, because the user can not then accept the licence before install as required.01:11
len-1304Or, the live ISO would have to ask if the licence was accepted and if not refuse to run.01:12
len-1304It is good as is.01:12
ttoinelen-1304, is it a problem if the fonts are missing ?01:30
ttoineI mean, for applications needing it01:30
len-1304I'm not sure, but I don't think the VSTs need them.01:31
len-1304wine will have a theme that sets sys default fonts to one of the three we do have. So it would only be something like word, but then word should default to Times, And be willing to use any font installed.01:33
len-1304ttoine, the mscore fonts installer suggests "NOTE: the package fonts-liberation contains free variants of the Times, Arial and Courier fonts. It's better to use those instead unless you specifically need one of the other fonts from this package."01:35
ttoinelen-1304, and this package is installed in Ubuntu Studio ?01:36
len-1304Yes, by default01:36
ttoineso the matter is more for tahoma and verdana fonts01:36
len-1304Though I am not sure if it would be if LMMS was not.01:37
len-1304Ya it is for the extra fonts.01:37
ttoinebut I am not sure that tahoma is in msttcorefonts01:37
ttoinethe problem of lmms can maybe be solved01:38
len-1304LMMS is fine.01:38
ttoineI think it is time for me to go do what I am best for : go kick the a** of some developper or packager01:38
len-1304Well it works anyway. I guess the 64bit version doesn't do winVSTs though.01:39
ttoinemaybe we can fix the lmms package and drop off msttcorefonts from the iso01:39
* len-1304 doesn't have a 64bit machine to play with.01:39
* ttoine too for tests01:39
len-1304It isn't LMMS that asks for them, but wine.01:40
ttoinemaybe the question will be idiot... but why do we need Wine on the iso ? 01:40
ttoineit is a dependency of lmms ?01:41
len-1304LMMS uses wine to load some VST plugins01:41
ttoineand lmms is not a restricted package ??01:41
len-1304I guess not... at least we seem to be allowed to add it to the ISO. I think the only restricted part is the MS core fonts.01:42
len-1304And we don't use them.01:42
len-1304With the fonts-liberation package from red hat we don't really need them.01:43
ttoinethere is a licence problem with the vst api...01:44
ttoineor maybe they did there own librairy without the steinberd one ?01:45
ttoinethere / their02:02
Len-nbI don't know.02:02
Len-nbttoine, looking at the dssi-vst page it seems there are two versions, one uses the  Steinberg VST SDK, but the normal build does not use it by default.02:19
Len-nbSo there are open/free SDK/libs out there.02:20
Len-nbwine is only needed for the gui.02:20
ttoinelen-1304, thanks. I didn't know that there was a free sdk02:22
zequenceLen-nb: I think it should be possible to do the same thing with the fonts, as Ubuntu does with mp3. Add a toggle at some part of the installation12:52
zequenceAlso, I'm thinking it should be possible to add the VST SDK in a non free repo. Or the "partner" repo. 12:53
zequenceIt's probably possible to add all the non free stuff that people want. 12:54
falktxno, you can't add the vst sdk12:55
falktxit's not redistributable12:55
zequencehmm, it's not easy to download from their site, right?12:57
zequencefalktx: ^12:58
falktxyou have to sign an agreement13:00
zequenceAh yea. I saw that now13:00
falktxthat is, if you use it13:00
zequencefalktx: But there's no restrictions distributing software that was built with the SDK though?13:03
zequenceThere's just the problem of redistributing the code13:03
zequenceAnd in this case, the resulting package would be non free13:03
falktxnot sure13:03
falktxthe only problem is gpl code, where it needs the full source per license13:03
falktxlgpl code has no issues with it13:04
zequencefalktx: The full source of the GPL part of the code, no? (I haven't looked very thoroughly into this yet)13:07
zequenceThe source package would contain everything, except one folder would be empty, namely the Steinberg VST SDK13:08
zequenceI need to look more at the Steingberg license too13:09
zequenceI guess only if the non free part of the code was built into its own blob all together13:15
zequenceNot including any GPL code at all13:16
smartboyhwUh why aren't we getting linux-lowlatency updates after v3.7 kernel is released?13:32
zequencesmartboyhw: Probably just late13:34
smartboyhwzequence, yeah13:34
smartboyhwlen-1304, good that you tested the daily images.13:34
smartboyhwI will be away starting from Monday till around 15th January, need to prepare for the exams13:34
len-1304zequence, it seems fonts are not an issue for wine any more.14:12
smartboyhwlen-1304, :D14:13
len-1304Good morning smartboyhw 14:13
smartboyhwlen-1304, good evening (10:13 PM here)14:13
zequencelen-1304: You meant that lmms installs without the fonts?14:13
* smartboyhw seriously doesn't understand why the Ubuntu HK LoCo's website is still showing banners of Ubuntu 10.1014:14
smartboyhwlen-1304, anyway to get the fonts back?14:14
len-1304wine installs some fake windows like fonts made by red hat14:14
zequencelen-1304: Ah yea. It was never an issue with lmms, but with wine then14:15
len-1304smartboyhw, just force reinstall the font installer14:15
zequenceI know wine is replacing a lot of Win libs as well14:15
smartboyhwlen-1304, hmm that is bad14:15
zequenceOr some, I don't really know 14:15
smartboyhwNew users probably will cry that they will need to force reinstall it14:16
len-1304smartboyhw, why? most people don't need the MS fonts.14:16
smartboyhwlen-1304, oh?14:16
len-1304wine tries to replace all the win libs, it always has.14:16
len-1304but it will use dlls if they are there. and the user asks to.14:17
len-1304smartboyhw, wine installs it's own fonts for the three most used windows fonts so that the windows desktop themes etc. will work.14:18
smartboyhwOK then:D14:18
len-1304They have the same "metrics"14:18
zequenceI just know that recently I had to replace a wine lib with a windows lib, cause it didn't work properly14:20
len-1304micahg, I actually found some time to create the last two missing Icons we needed. So my changes to -icon-theme and -settings is complete.14:20
zequencelen-1304: Did you merge -settings yet?14:21
len-1304zequence, yes there are programs that need the real dll.14:21
len-1304which merge?14:21
zequenceThe released version was ahead of our bzr branch with one commit14:21
zequenceThanks to smartboyhw 14:21
smartboyhwzequence, len-1304 did14:21
len-1304ya, I did that before I started14:21
zequenceAlright :)14:22
* smartboyhw wonders if he should hide into a hole now:P14:22
zequencesmartboyhw: It's good to make mistakes. Then we can see if in fact it was a mistake or not14:23
len-1304It kinda feels like I am in a hole right now anyway.14:23
zequenceSometimes, it's just doing things differently14:23
smartboyhwlen-1304, uh?14:23
len-1304smartboyhw, my computer is in the basement... and it's kinda cool down here.14:24
smartboyhwlen-1304, oh14:24
zequenceI'm in a basement myself14:24
zequenceNot that bad. It's cold outside, but not in here :P14:24
smartboyhwGood I'm on the 28th floor:P14:24
zequencesmartboyhw: You probably never even seen snow14:24
len-1304zequence, we try not to use heat where we don't need it.14:24
zequenceI think HK can be up to 30C even in December14:25
smartboyhwzequence, you're wrong. I did see snow when I go travel to in Korea. 14:25
len-1304Anyway, I need to go14:25
smartboyhwzequence, what? HK can't possibly reach 30C in December14:25
smartboyhwNow is around 20C14:25
smartboyhwLast week it got to 13C!14:25
zequenceWe had about -20 a few days ago14:25
zequenceNow it's only about -514:26
smartboyhwzequence, oh14:26
zequenceI was just out running. Snow everywhere, and gravel on top, to help people from not falling14:26
smartboyhwzequence, gee14:26
len-1304blender crashes my session (kills X I would guess). Can other people test this please?14:59
smartboyhwlen-1304, uh?14:59
len-1304It may just be my hardware14:59
len-1304When I start blender I get a black screen and a login screen15:00
len-1304I will do a bug report after work.15:00
smartboyhwlen-1304, well at least I didn't crash15:01
zequencelen-1304: proprietary graphics driver?15:11
zequencelen-1304: Works for me on two machines. One with nvidia proprietary (amd64), one with nouveau (32bit)15:15
len-1304zequence, I have 32bit with nouveau. Did you try it with 13.04?21:19
=== jta is now known as jta_afk
len-1304zequence, nouveau is yet again better than 12.10 BTW... or maybe the boot sequence is different.21:21
len-1304zequence, I see we are back to "files" instead of nautilus.21:24
holsteinmaybe we should just go to thunar21:24
holsteini think nautilus is changing too much for ubuntu proper to use it21:24
holsteinsomething is going to happen up there, and maybe we should just go with xubuntu on it21:24
len-1304Thunar has crashed too many times on me.21:25
holsteinme too :/21:25
len-1304I don't consider it reliable.21:25
holsteini was a big advocate of nautilus in US21:25
len-1304It often crashes when I dismount a drive for example.21:25
len-1304I don't have anything against files, it seems to be better than when last I met it.21:26
len-1304At least it has an about box so I know what application I am running.21:26
len-1304I just wish the name of the application "files" matched the name of the binary... and the name of the package.21:30
len-1304It makes it so much easier to do bug reports.21:32
holsteinthis is news to me21:33
holsteini didnt know we had a "files"21:33
holsteinis that the answer to nautilus going a differnent direction?21:34
holsteinis ubuntu making that?21:34
len-1304We had it for a bit in 12.10, but went back to an older nautilus before release.21:34
len-1304I think Files is nautilus' new direction21:35
len-1304Files is a debian thing21:35
len-1304Kind of like chromium21:35
len-1304It's not new, they do things like that in other places. Their browser is called one thing for a package name, but once installed is just "browser"21:37
len-1304Anyway, I just did the daily upgrade and am going to try out blender again to see if it still crashes :P21:38
len-1304So I might vanish21:38
len-1304Blender still kills x on me21:40
holsteinlen-1304: just thats certain graphics device/driver ?21:44
len-1304I don't know. How many people are trying the dailies?21:45
holsteini havent been21:45
zequencelen-1304: As I mentioned earlier, Ubuntu decided to revert back to an earlier version of nautilus for 12.10, since people got a bit shocked by the sudden changes. It21:55
zequenceThe package is still called nautilus, but the gui name is Files21:55
zequenceGnome is changing all their apps to have those names21:55
zequenceJust like iPhoto, Gnome3 now has an app called Photo21:56
len-1304Ya, no complaintsreally it works ok anyway and is easy enough to use.21:56
zequenceActually, I'm on 12.04 on the 32 bit21:56
zequenceBut, on 13.04 on the amd6421:56
zequenceI remember you had a crash with blender before too though21:56
zequenceOn 12.1021:56
len-1304I don't remember... but then I wouldn't :)21:57
zequenceOne thing I miss about the recent nautilus is no more tree structure21:58
len-1304Anyway it is bug #1090570 21:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1090570 in blender (Ubuntu) "When starting blender screen goes black and login returns" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109057021:58
zequenceI wish they would keep these things as config options at least21:58
len-1304I can't find tree view.22:00
zequenceThey've removed some features recently22:00
holsteinyup.. thats out22:00
zequenceI can understand minimizing the gui interface, but please, do not remove working features. Leave them as options in advanced settings22:01
len-1304It would be nice if they used the theme icons for the side panel too22:01
zequenceAt least they've kept tabs22:02
zequenceIf they took that out, it would start being really ridiculous22:02
zequenceIf you ever used Finder on OSX, it makes you feel it's treating you as an idiot22:02
zequencePretty much the same on explorer22:02
holsteinzequence: i hate that you cant even close it with the keyboard shortcuts to close an application22:03
holsteinlike its not an application22:03
len-1304I would already feel like an idiot after I looked at the hole in my wallet22:03
zequenceholstein: What do you mean? Ctrl+Q?22:03
holsteinthe idea of a application used to browse files is too complex for me to handle ;)22:03
holsteinzequence: i cant remember.. its been a while, but something like that22:03
zequenceOh, you're talking about Finder. Yeah, they don't have all the "common" shortcuts22:04
zequenceEven vlc doesn't have fullscreen with the F button22:04
zequenceon OSX, that is22:04
len-1304The idea is that the user will buy something better...22:04
zequencemaybe one should start using gnome mail lists to talk about these things22:06
zequenceIt's not like they can't change things back22:07
holsteini dont think they care22:07
holsteinthey are talking about gnomeOS22:07
zequenceSure they care. Just a matter of who makes the decisions though22:08
zequenceAll gnome mail lists https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo22:08
zequencenautilus mail list https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/nautilus-list22:08
zequenceNot exactly high traffic22:11
zequenceSo, I wonder where the developers do their talking..22:14
holsteini mean, i dont think they are going back22:15
zequenceThey will, if there's a reason to22:16
zequenceRight now they're doing lots of big changes22:16
zequenceWhenever there's a single UI change, someone will scream22:17
zequenceSo, I think they anticipate that22:17
zequenceCause some changes probably were to the better, no matter what the oldtimers thought at first22:18
holsteinsure.. someone will probably argue that tree-view removal and make it sound like you are an old-timer22:18
zequenceI'm just wondering how their development communication works, and why it seems their community interaction is so poor on the mail lists22:18
zequenceThis one seems to have a bit more traffic. The desktop-devel list https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/desktop-devel-list22:20
zequenceHere's a thread that may be a normality this year https://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2012-July/msg00016.html22:21
zequencePersonally, i can't find any other bad feature removes, other then treeview22:23
zequenceThat doesn't make any at all sense to me, why removing it is for the better22:23
zequenceThere's nothing to replace it22:24
zequenceThere's no other way of using the application, where you can get the same functionality22:24
zequenceMost other changes have just been cosmetic.22:25
len-1304holstein, zequence the one place thunar was crashing on me doesn't any more.22:55
len-1304Tree view seems to work fine.22:57
zequenceI'm guessing everyone is for returning to Thunar?22:58
zequenceholstein: ^22:58
len-1304Not yet. I want to run it for a few weeks as a daily file manager.22:59
zequencelen-1304: I don't have treeview22:59
len-1304whatever else I have to say about nautilus, it has been solid for me.22:59
zequenceThat's in the folder view22:59
len-1304Ok, maybe I;m missing something.23:00
len-1304I'll have to look at an older version of nautilus23:00
zequenceFor me, the sidepane doesn't matter much, though I think some people will want to have treeview there23:01
zequenceIf there's at least that, then it's something23:01
len-1304I was just assuming that was what you were talking about23:01
len-1304I have never looked close at nautilus, just used default.23:01
zequenceIn previous nautilus versions you have a plus button next the folder. Clicking it would expand it and show its' contents23:02
len-1304Sounds nice.23:03
zequenceVery useful when looking for something from a "root" folder23:03
zequenceOf course, you can do that from a terminal too23:03
zequenceWhich is what I do more and more these days23:03
zequenceWhat you'd do now is right click on a folder, have it open in another tab, or another window. And then move up and down it, while keeping the "root" folder open in the original nautilus window23:04
zequenceIf what you want is to keep track of where you were originally23:05
zequenceIt's also a nice way to be able to move content from folder to folder23:05
zequenceI mean, using the treeview23:05
zequenceBut, mainly I was using it for browsing, if I didn't know what I was looking for23:06
len-1304Some of the browsers are like that for managing bookmarks.23:06
Len-nbzequence, so the tree view you mean is a part of list mode.... looking at 12.04 here.23:15
zequenceLen-nb: Ah, yeah23:18
zequenceI only ever use the list mode23:18
zequenceCan't find jack in icon mode23:18

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