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nonubyon gui shutdown I want to run a VBoxManage command, whats the most idiomatic way to handle this?03:33
holsteinnonuby: i would probably just make a shortcut that i hit... a script that does what i want03:42
ManiacTwisterAre there any plans on fixing the indicator messages in 12.10 by the xubuntu team and if not are there any known third-party projects for this in which i could participate?04:08
ManiacTwisterAt the moment i'm using the precise packages but ist annoying that i can't update thunderbird...04:09
holsteinManiacTwister: i would look for bugs and elaborate as to what needs "fixed".. make sure its something that is broken and not just something you prefer working another way04:15
holsteini know personally, the way i "fix" them is to remove them.. but im assuming you are looking for thuderbird integration?..04:17
ManiacTwisterAt the moment it won't work in any way because the indicator messages in the ubuntu repos is for gtk3 and xfce is gtk2.. So in my eyes it would be enough to put the precise packages in the official repo (maybe with an xfce- prefix)..04:18
holsteinManiacTwister: sound like a plan.. you have a bug for it?04:20
holsteinManiacTwister: i would join the dev channel and list and see if you can catch someone like knome and see what up with it04:20
holsteinManiacTwister: usually, when its something that seems easy, its not happening because of some conflict.. and i think most of the users dont use it anyway04:21
holsteinit wouldnt be something "top priority".. but that doesnt mean it wont happen... or it shouldnt04:21
ManiacTwisterI don't know if there are any open bug reports yet. The last think i remember where the "Known Bug" in the release notes of 12.1004:24
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grumbelMy notification area just disappeared from the panel, how can I get it back?12:55
grumbelAnd is the notification area something different then the systray?12:55
GridCubegrumbel, add a new item to the panel called "plugin indicator"12:56
grumbelGridCube: thanks, that fixed it12:57
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lwizardlI am wanting to create a custom LiveCD based on the xubuntu distro. Is there a good guide for that?13:59
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility14:03
GridCubelwizardl, ^14:03
lwizardlcool thanks14:04
lwizardlgoing to start reading now14:04
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lwizardlsorry got disconnected14:56
lwizardlother question I have is. is there any way to always force mounting of drives even if not shutdown correctly? as either Read-Only or Write-Access?14:56
GridCube!fstab | lwizardl15:08
ubottulwizardl: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions15:08
GridCubeadd the "force," flag for that drive15:08
GridCubeor errors=remount-ro15:10
lwizardlGridCube, it will be the custom LIveCD that i am lokoing to use it on. What i want to do is create a LiveCD with a FTP server configured by default. To be used for file recovery from systems. For example if someone brings over a Windows machine that they want to have the OS reinstalled but wants to keep their files. Use this LiveCD, transfer files from machine, reinstall OS, transfer them back15:12
lwizardland the "errors=remount-ro" would be for mounting as read-only ?15:12
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holsteinyup.. its working xubuntu53921:33
xubuntu539it is21:34
xubuntu539I wanted to ask whether there is any way to add  Firefox to the panel? The upper default panel(deskbar?)21:34
xubuntu539Is such a plugin available or something?21:35
xubuntu539It would be nice to have it there for quick access.21:35
holsteinxubuntu539: you should be able to just drag and drop21:35
holsteinxubuntu539: i usually suggest making an extra panel, or a new user and test.. and just try things... learn.. break.. ask21:36
xubuntu539Yeah, I am currently hoping distros and chosing what's best and JUST WORKS!21:36
xubuntu539Loving Xubuntu!21:36
xubuntu539However what I don't like is that I'd have to reinstall each new release.21:37
xubuntu539every 6 months or so.21:37
holsteinxubuntu539: you never *have* to do anything21:38
holsteinxubuntu539: 12.04 is supported for 5 years.. you can run that for 5 years.. or 2 years, til the next LTS21:38
holsteinxubuntu539: or, just use 12.10 for the 18months its supported21:39
holsteinyou can choose to upgrade or reinstall to get the latest version21:39
xubuntu539I am not very experienced with this but if I am using the 12.04 LTS and a new version gets released, 12.10 for example, to upgrade, would I lose my files and stuff?21:39
xubuntu539Or would the upgrade go smoothly as if it was a rolling release?21:39
xubuntu539Without risking to lose my files, configurations and all other stuff.21:40
holsteinxubuntu539: if you dont have your stuff backed up, you *will* lose it.. all hard drives fail, its jus a matter of when21:41
holsteinxubuntu539: what do i do? properly backup and when i reinstall, it takes about 20 minutes maybe... i also run the LTS where its "mission critical"21:41
holsteinxubuntu539: there is never any risk when you are properly backed up21:42
xubuntu539Yes but that's another issue.21:42
xubuntu539Does one lose files, configurations, preferences etc when upgrading from LTS to a newer distro version?21:42
knomexubuntu539, backuping is highly recommended. if you don't you have the risk of losing, but you21:43
holsteinxubuntu539: if you dont have it properly backed up.. yes21:43
holsteinxubuntu539: there are plenty of backup utilites.. http://backintime.le-web.org/ for example.. you can use ubuntuone . you can put your things on a seperate disc21:46
holsteinxubuntu539: the /home directory is what should have your config21:47
xubuntu539all right, speaking of safe back ups, I have 1 Western Digital 500Gb My passport.21:48
xubuntu539What would you guys suggest to use as a filesystem? Will be using it only with GNU slash Linux.21:48
xubuntu539What is the safest filesystem and recommended21:48
holsteinxubuntu539: the one the installer suggests.. ext4 usually these days21:48
xubuntu539Also, another BIG issue for me. How do I SAFELY remove external harddisks/USB flashsticks when using Xubuntu?21:50
xubuntu539Or any other distro for that matter.21:50
GridCubexubuntu539, right clic on the icon on the desktop and choose umount, or in thunar click on the extract symbol, or right clic umount21:51
xubuntu539Yes but just with umount the WD My Passport still keeps spinning and the LED stays on, which I think is not safe to remove it then.21:52
GridCubeif it says "its safe to remove the device now" its done21:52
holsteinxubuntu539: then leave it in.. and shutdown the machine.. what do i do? unmount and remove21:53
GridCubeif its not it will say "there is data to be written in the device, please wait" or something similar21:53
GridCubei usually just wait for it to stop blinking21:53
xubuntu539holstein: having to shutdown everytime I connect my WD is annoying.21:53
GridCubexubuntu539, again, you dont have to21:54
holsteinxubuntu539: i dont.. but if you feel it is unsafe...21:54
xubuntu539holstein: but if it keeps spinning and LED on still after umount command, it isn't safe, no?21:54
holsteinxubuntu539: i can only say what i do with my older WB500gb usb drive.. i do as GridCube suggested.. and i unplug it after unmounting21:55
xubuntu539holstein: does it keep doing noise, spinning and LED on still after umount even for you?21:55
GridCubexubuntu539, it usually does, even if you use windows it usually does21:56
holsteinxubuntu539: sometimes.. depends on the machine i find.. i still unplug it21:56
xubuntu539I feel like I am getting trolled21:56
holsteinxubuntu539: ? i dont mean to imply that at all21:56
holsteinxubuntu539: i am just saying, i unplug my drive after unmounting.. if you feel that is unsafe, i am not going to say "i guarantee you nothing will happen to your drive"21:57
holsteinthings happen to drives... they all die.. what do i do? i unmount and remove21:57
holsteinwhat do i suggest you do? whatever makes you feel comfortable21:58
Zelouillexubuntu539, a friend has just lost three hard drives some weeks ago. Same brand as yours. So, yeah, always make backups :)22:09
overtonequestion: i'm running dual boot windows vista and xubuntu. my xubuntu partition is almost full, but windows says there's no space left to expand it. is there another way to expand it?22:12
overtonerelated question: do all files saved to xubuntu take up space on the xubuntu partition, or is it just the apps?22:13
holsteinovertone: you might be able to change the sizes of the partitions with gparted.. from a live CD... but i would have data backed up and try to find a work around and just do it more appropriately next time you need to reinstall the OS's22:14
holsteinovertone: you can make a "data" partition that could be common to both... that xubuntu could use, that would not take up space on the OS partition22:15
holsteinthat partition could be an external USB drive or an internal sd card22:15
overtoneholstein: that appears to be the case already, because i can access windows files from xubuntu (?)22:15
holsteinsure.. and the other way around if you implement that in windows22:15
overtoneok thanks22:16
overtoneholstein: how often are you on here?22:16
overtoneyou helped me last time22:16
holsteinovertone: as much as possible.. im logged in always22:16
overtonewhen i was trying to install a wireless driver because i was bored at a hotel lol22:17
overtonenice, do you have a day job?22:17
holsteinoh yeah.. i remember.. cheers!22:17
holsteinyup.. im a musician22:17
overtonewhat instrument?22:17
holsteinupright bass.. but we should go to the offtopic channel22:17
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:17
knomeholstein, :)22:17
overtoneah gotcha22:18
overtonevery nice, just curious22:18
ZelouilleHey guys. On Xubuntu 12.04 : When i check "Use startup notification" on my launchers, the windows don't take focus automatically. It seems i'm not the only one to experience that, but i don't find much information about (only one xfce bug report which may be related).22:19
holsteinZelouille: you see a bug report for it? i havent tried it personally, so i have no experience, but link up a bug # if you find one22:20
Zelouillehttps://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4796 It's not directly my bug, but they talk about "startup notification" in the lasts comments.22:24
ZelouilleIn my settings : "prevent focus stealing" is OFF, and "focus new windows" is ON.22:24
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 4796 in General ""New window focus" setting is not appropriate" [Normal,New]22:24
holsteinZelouille: not sure where to send you.. i have seen focus issues...i would make an ubuntu bug, and try and follow it.. get others to get on board with it. confirm it and whatever else needs be done22:28
Zelouilleholstein: ok. Do you think i should post in Xfce irc/forum/bugtracker too ?22:33
holsteinZelouille: i dont think that is inappropriate22:35
holsteinZelouille: definitely asking in the IRC is OK... or on the forum, i say22:35
Zelouilleholstein: ok, i'm gonna do that, thanks for your time. I was not sure if this bug was related to xfce.22:39
RomulusDanieli have this problem can anyone help?22:46
RomulusDanielafter installing from usb22:47
knomeRomulusDaniel, it looks like you don't have a pae kernel. did you try to install 12.1022:47
knomeyou'll need 12.04 for a non-pae cpu22:47
RomulusDanielok thx22:47
jk_RomulusDaniel, what version? 12.19 32-bit requires PAE support in the CPU and older CPUs don't have it.22:47
RomulusDanielyou were very helpfull22:48
RomulusDanielwhat Ubuntu version should i install on an ibm thinkpad r50e laptop ?23:39
RomulusDanieli tried ubuntu 12.04.1 LTE but it still have problems because it has an non PAE support23:40
RomulusDanielthis cpu doesn't support pae23:41
RomulusDanielanyone there?23:41

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