
Noskcaj_cbnecan someone please repost and responce to the question from my standard account (Noskcaj)00:01
Riddell23:18 < Riddell> Noskcaj: it only gets released if it's tested so someone will have00:04
Riddell23:18 < Riddell> in general I'd be all for dropping it but others have the opinion of keep it while it gets tested00:04
Noskcaj_cbneriddell: i'm not entirely sure why kubuntu ppc is supported, it would have at most 2 users worldwide. ubuntu ppc is only still alive because canonical says it must stay, lubuntu ppc is here because it runs on anything00:07
jono_Noskcaj_cbne, we maintain PPC for Ubuntu out of community requests, not because Canonical wants it00:30
Noskcaj_cbnejono_: ok, but how many people  actually need a separate kubuntu cd, you can install it from any other *buntu based os00:32
jono_Noskcaj_cbne, right00:32
jono_I don't see your point?00:32
Noskcaj_cbnejono_: it is a waste of developer time and gets tested around once per cycle so i find it slightly pointless to still have a kubuntu ppc iso00:33
jono_Noskcaj_cbne, I agree00:34
jono_afaik it is a community project00:34
jono_Canonical doesn't really invest much time in it other than release management00:34
Noskcaj_cbnejono_: thought so00:35
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valorienice to see that link about kubuntu in kindergarten classrooms, instead of guns02:06
ronnocvery true, valorie!03:15
ScottKNoskcaj: last cycle we didn't release it because it didn't get tested.  I expect it will be the same this cycle.  In the meantime, it takes approximately no developer time to keep it there.05:48
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yofel_kubotu: newversion amarok 2.6.9011:28
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=== Ikonia is now known as ikonia
QuintasanGOT IMX RUNNING12:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 967091 in flashplugin-nonfree (Debian) "Wrong tint in flash when it uses video acceleration" [Undecided,New]13:09
Quintasansomehow got reintroduced13:10
Quintasanwhy flash won't die13:10
QuintasanRiddell: ping13:19
Quintasanyofel_: ping13:24
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Quintasanyofel_: are there any people subscribed to kubuntu-devel that might ruin our business cards design poll if I post the link there?13:24
QuintasanI accidentally the whole previous poll13:25
yofelI have no idea who's subscribed to that13:25
QuintasanI REALLY don't like the idea of going trough the list of 54 members and sending them emails via lp13:26
yofelWhat you could've done is send a mail to ~kubuntu-members on Launchpad. As there's no ML that would've been sent to all13:26
Quintasan>Contact this team's admins13:26
Quintasanor  >kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com13:27
yofelbah, yeah -.-13:27
yofeljust saw it too13:27
yofelnot that this would even work as IIRC our ML is subscribers-only13:27
RiddellQuintasan: hi13:47
QuintasanRiddell: Think I can post the poll link to kubuntu-devel?13:47
Quintasanas I said before I accidentally the whole previous poll13:47
RiddellQuintasan: yeah should be fine13:49
Riddelladd a caveat that kubuntu council takes final decision13:50
shadeslayerisn't it a bit pointless then :P13:55
shadeslayerjust ask KC to make the decision13:55
Riddellwell that takes organisation, hopefully the masses will show wisdom and we'll all be happy with it13:56
QuintasanRiddell: Should I close the poll in a week?13:58
Quintasanor three days should be fine13:58
Quintasannvm, will close it next Saturday so people don't to have to rush13:59
BluesKajHowdy all14:22
shadeslayerQuintasan: I exported the SVG's to PNG's so people can view stuff in their browsers14:23
shadeslayersvg's have been moved to cards/src14:23
shadeslayeruploading amarok for raring :)17:42
Riddellshadeslayer: yourarock17:43
Riddellhmm, that doesn't really work17:43
shadeslayerI'm a rock?17:43
Riddellyou rok for uploading amarok17:43
Riddellmaybe that works better17:44
shadeslayeramarok for precise uploaded to staging : https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/staging/+packages18:33
Riddellshadeslayer: for precise?18:43
Riddellwhat happened to quantal?18:43
shadeslayernot precise18:43
Riddelloh good :)18:44
Riddellagateau: bug 1090779 might be your kindae thing to comment on19:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1090779 in kubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Please use homerun by default in Kubuntu (wishlist)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109077919:08
shadeslayer"Please convince upstream KDE to use it by default"19:26
yofeluhm... I would like some arguments why one should stick to kickoff rather19:29
shadeslayerI don't see why we should have any kickoffs, just use krunner :P19:30
RiddellI'd be all for using homerun19:30
Riddellbut when I brought it up at UDS nobody was too keen on it19:31
* yofel wonders why plasma freeze for a few seconds when he disables/enables desktop effects o.O19:32
yofeland now it doesn't want to start anymore - instead crashes somewhere in KPythonPluginFactory http://paste.kde.org/62606019:39
esingHas someone experience with pykde420:11
Riddellyofel: I've not had that, makes me scared to dist-upgrade now20:15
Riddellesing: some of us do, ask away20:15
yofel"fixed" by removing plasmacon20:16
Riddellwhat's plasmacon?20:16
yofelwidget that embeds the konsole kpart20:16
esingCan I make global hotkey with pykde4? 20:16
yofeldo we have a python widget in the archive?20:16
Riddellyofel: mm I don't actually know20:23
Riddellesing: I should think so, same as in a C++ KDE app20:23
Riddellesing: this one? http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kdeui/html/classKGlobalAccel.html20:26
esingRiddell: Oh great; My purpose is to perform different actions when hotkeys are pressed. E.g. pressing F2 performs a gui macro. And doubleclicking F2 perform yet another gui macro. And if F2 is pressed longer than 1500ms then another action is programmable. Since it is capable of global hotkeys latter examples should be easily programmable I guess20:27
Quintasanwhenever I want to write a bigger script/app or something it turns out it's not I don't know the language but something else23:13
QuintasanI just finished a script which parses http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-raring/u/quintasan.html for workitems marked as Todo and puts those in blueprint : task format23:14
QuintasanI had to learn selectors first23:14
Riddellwhat are selectors?23:14
QuintasanCSS stuff23:14
Quintasansay you have quite a few <p> in your html document23:15
Quintasanbut there is one that is <p id="important">23:15
Quintasanwith selectors you can say - give me all p's that have id "important"23:16
yofelin what language?23:16
Quintasanyofel: the script itself is in ruby23:16
Riddellisn't that DOM?23:18
RiddellI'm yet to learn DOM, along with a bunch of other weby things I failed to realise were important like javascript23:19
RiddellI'm sure there should only be one id="important", it's class= that can have lots of the same value23:19
QuintasanRiddell: maybe DOM *shrug*23:21
DaskreechRiddell: You are also correct23:21
Quintasannow I feel kind of lost23:21
Quintasannot sure what I want to learn now23:21
Riddellah, student life was fun :)23:23
Quintasanyofel: http://paste.kde.org/62611423:26
Quintasanif you are feeling productive you might use that to import stuff to your $TODO23:26
QuintasanThat's what I'm planning at least23:26
QuintasanI think I'll stick with Java at uni and brush up my html + js + css magics23:27
Quintasanand learn DOM while I'm at it23:27
* yofel had some fun trying to do XML parsing in java using DOM23:27
yofel1 GiB or RAM later I decided to go with JAXB instead...23:28
Riddellyofel: what's jaxb?23:35
yofelJava Architecture for XML Binding - XML parsing creating java objects by first generating classes from a XML Schema23:36

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