
=== ikonia is now known as Guest53657
gnomefreakanyone around that can test a bug on 13.04? bug 108265804:32
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1082658 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport keeps crashing when i try to file a bug on Unity" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108265804:32
TheLordOfTimethink you should be in #ubuntu+1 gnomefreak04:42
TheLordOfTimealthough it may be a bug, #ubuntu+1 is likely the better place for asking someone to test a 13.04 thing.04:42
gnomefreakTheLordOfTime: this channel is for bug discussion04:42
TheLordOfTimetrue, but i'm curious exactly how many people onb bugsquad, let alone bug control, run 13.0404:43
TheLordOfTimegnomefreak, i've got a 13.04 VM04:44
TheLordOfTimebut it'll take a bit for it to be updated, its pre-Alpha :/04:44
TheLordOfTimeif you give me, say, an hour (low bandwidth right now) i'll be glad to help test04:44
gnomefreakwhen you are on the bugsquad you should run latest dev cycle in vm or chroot so you can test bugs other wise you are holding yourself back04:44
gnomefreakTheLordOfTime: ill be around for a bit if im not here just comment on the bug and i will look at it monday i hope04:45
TheLordOfTimeyou'll get emails ;P04:45
TheLordOfTime... the heck is with my VM segving04:45
* TheLordOfTime sighs04:45
=== Guest53657 is now known as Ikonia
=== Ikonia is now known as ikonia
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
a7x1does anyone know how to nominate a bug for a particular release?  bug #104376922:55
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1043769 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Monitor image not clickable in display settings after the first time" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104376922:55
a7x1it affects quantal but not raring (it was fixed upstream after quantal)22:56

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