
fairuz_1exaclibr: helo12:13
exaclibrwasap fairuz_1 12:15
exaclibreh fairuz_1 nak tanya12:21
exaclibr"The difference between the two methods gets to be somewhat complicated if you are not familiar with electronic engineering, but suffice it to say that method two is the better one in most circumstances. "12:22
exaclibrboleh elaborate?12:22
fairuz_1jap nk tengok12:25
fairuz_1tak faham tang mana tu12:32
fairuz_1dua2 method tu macam sama bagi aku12:38
fairuz_1sebab dari segi current max, ko boleh provide sama je even though pakai adaptor12:39
exaclibrko guna board apa fairuz_1 ?12:47
fairuz_1untuk PC eh? mini-ATX tak salah aku12:47
fairuz_1tak igt dah12:48
exaclibrmini atx? muat ke gc ko12:48
exaclibrko build pc tu kat sana ke12:48
fairuz_1muat je12:48
fairuz_1satu je gc aku12:49
exaclibrko guna board apa12:52
fairuz_1eh bukan12:52
fairuz_1aku punya ATX12:52
fairuz_1lama dah beli nih, p8p6712:52
exaclibrp8p67 ni asus board12:56
fairuz_1pastu ko tanya board apa12:57
exaclibraku pernah pakai asus sekali je..pastu main MSI je12:57
fairuz_1oo aku duk pakai asus je dari dulu12:58
exaclibrasus barang dia sedap pakai tapi satu je..13:00
exaclibrmahal lol13:00
exaclibraku rasa dia target market utk high end customer kot13:00
exaclibrgigabyte pun sama13:01
fairuz_1tapi puas ati jugak pakai hehe13:02
exaclibraku tengah window shopping pc parts utk revive pc buruk aku13:06
exaclibrigt nak angkat gigabyte board tadi pastu ternampak satu board MSI ni13:07
exaclibryea..nak pair up dgn amd apu chip13:28

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