=== chu is now known as Guest42800 === ikonia is now known as Guest53657 === Guest42800 is now known as chu_ === tomaw is now known as 5EXAAG5WE === chu_ is now known as chu === 5EXAAG5WE is now known as tomaw [02:30] When did windows get live Cd's? [02:32] rough crowd [02:32] #ubuntu has changed to ##IuseUbuntusoanswerallmyquestions [02:33] if that is true, I want a raise [02:33] hehe [02:33] I use ubuntu! fix my scooter! [02:34] My toilet is stopped up but my plumber is busy, I'll call #ubuntu === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [02:35] haha [02:44] bazhang: luna would be his hostname [02:46] IdleOne, ok. he was running MINT not too long ago, thus the questions [02:46] probably didn't used the same hostname [02:46] s/didn't// [02:47] the kernel looks to be ubuntu [02:47] probably [02:47] yep [02:48] I guess she153 claiming backtrack was ubuntu got me wondering about his install as well [02:49] plus the fact he is cross posting in #kubuntu simultaneously === elky` is now known as elky [06:33] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (sklsolls appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY) [11:21] * elky gives IdleOne a 100% raise to his channel opping wage. [11:25] consolers was there yesterday, besides ranting about ubuntu using upstart couldnt answer most questions because "it doesnt help him"- attitude [11:34] ♥ elky ♥ [11:34] it had to be said :P [11:35] well I know you're wage is brilliant [11:35] your, even [11:37] k1l: you wanna play? [11:37] * Myrtti gets her pop corn [11:38] repeating that consiracy all the time doesnt let him help just keep the channel fokused on his nonsense [11:51] k1l: consolers almost went yesterday after many warnings, I wouldn't cut any more slack [11:52] oh great [11:52] my nick has changed and I can't change while in certain channels unregistered [11:52] seems he reduced the blabla around the technical support issue for now === Guest53657 is now known as Ikonia === Ikonia is now known as ikonia [16:14] elky: Now I can afford that operation for my mother. [16:52] perhaps we should have a factoid for the gnome-shell extensions similar to the PPA one. [17:06] @mark #ubuntu verxion giving out false/bad advice [17:06] The operation succeeded. [17:07] huh what? kuku thinks flooding the channel is a right or something [17:07] no he just doesn't seem to understand how pastebin works [17:08] not really. [17:08] if you scroll back, he says that telling him not to flood is a kneejerk reaction, and does not help him [17:22] heh [17:22] all that pastebin hassle for a blog post [17:28] looks to me to be a case of new user pebkac [17:29] he'll get the hang of it [17:29] versxion was complaining about "ubuntu package management broken", while Failing to mention he had added a PPA [17:30] let me just enable every PPA out there, and see what happens [17:32] you will end up with all of the internet installed [17:33] heh [17:33] the gnome-shell extensions have some similar issues [17:33] ie conflicts, making a system nigh unusable [17:35] The problem I see is that some of the more experienced users tend to forget that they were once new and needed to be told what the terminal is, where the ENTER key is, etc. [20:17] so who ever said removing unity wont hose your system is wrong [20:17] yet he demanded it [20:18] it won't hose your system [20:18] it will just remove the desktop [20:19] his system won't boot....but he can ssh in [20:19] this is tosh [20:21] yep [20:27] ok - I'm not helping him any more [20:27] he does the opposite of what you say [20:30] and he's not being honest/upfront about what he installed/removed [20:31] I think that he's just slightly confused, and you are both misreading what he's said. [20:32] Jordan_U, he was quite rude to iko nia when he finished doing it [20:32] bazhang: That I will not contest in any way. [20:32] ditto to Monkeydust who suggested not removing it [20:33] So they're rude and confused, but I don't think they've lied at any point. [20:33] that command alone would not do what he is saying [20:33] bazhang: Agreed. [22:55] Hi guys, I've been muted from #ubuntu for days [22:55] any idea of what could be going on? [22:55] lets see [22:56] have you any idea why you've been muted ? [22:56] yup [22:56] flood bot [22:56] i saw that there was a flood bot, and I wanted to see how did that worked [22:57] so you thought you'd flood the channel ? [22:57] and i sayd "a" like 5 or 6 times and it muted :/ but somebody told me that it was for some hours [22:57] I've been muted for at least one or two days [22:57] do you realise how stupid that is [22:57] I'm in a busy channel, I know I'll flood the channel to see what a bot does ? [22:59] sorry man, I realize it was stupid, im just courious, because if that I installed ubuntu :/ and I like it [22:59] of* [22:59] I've removed the mute for you in the channel, you'll need to /part the channel and rejoin as you are using web chat [22:59] okay [22:59] I don't mind curious, but flooding a channel is nothing to do with ubunut [22:59] ubuntu [23:00] that's you just being selfish and causing a problem for other users [23:00] so please when you rejoin, consider your actions and how it will impact other users [23:00] i know, just curiosity about the flood bot [23:00] so normal people ask [23:00] okay, sorry [23:00] rather than flooding a channel and ruining it for other people [23:00] and thank you [23:00] in the same why while your trying to get your mute resolved, ifI do this [23:00] f [23:00] f [23:00] f [23:00] f [23:00] f [23:00] f [23:00] f [23:00] f [23:00] f [23:00] f [23:00] f [23:00] ff [23:00] f [23:00] here's not a flood bot [23:00] f [23:00] f [23:01] f [23:01] f [23:01] f [23:01] f [23:01] ff [23:01] it makes it pretty hard for you to use the channel [23:01] and therefore your mute doesn't get fixed [23:01] yup, I understand your point, sorry. [23:01] so you doing that in #ubuntu stops others using it [23:01] get it / [23:01] ? [23:01] no problem [23:01] don't forget you'll need to /part #ubuntu then rejoin [23:01] It won't happen again [23:01] that way you'll be able to talk [23:02] want to try it now ? [23:03] says "[20:02] == Cannot send to channel: #ubuntu" [23:03] already tried /part [23:03] yeah, I see it's not picked up the the exempt from the floodbots for your webchat session [23:03] one moment please. [23:03] okay [23:05] just seeing if there is anything else logged against your name stopping you get a voice in #ubuntu [23:06] might be against my ip? [23:06] found the problem [23:06] if you /part #ubuntu and rejoin now, lets see how that goes [23:09] he's got access now