
phillwhmm net split :)01:42
jtaylorwhy isn't eatmydata used for testbed preparation?11:50
jtaylormakes it much faster for me and still seems to work11:50
jtaylorcan someone with an intel cpu pastebin proc/cpuinfo in the testbed12:04
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dlbike76Hi, any lbuntu testers around today?17:13
dlbike76^^^ are we testing the same apps this cadence week as for main?17:14
dlbike76Hi, any lbuntu testers around today?17:18
dlbike76^^^ are we testing the same apps this cadence week as for main?17:18
dlbike76Sorry for the double post earlier.18:17
dlbike76Hi is there a testcase for the lubuntu software center?18:53
dlbike76phillw: ping19:02
phillwdlbike76: hi, there is not one written yet19:03
phillwLSC has a rather bad bug, but needs a dev to sort it out. Julien simply does not have time :(19:04
dlbike76phillw: Okay, another question.  I'm not seeing anything listed in software center in lubuntu.19:05
dlbike76ahhh okay.  So it is a known bug?19:05
phillwyes, it's a killer bug :(19:05
dlbike76Are we using the automatic packing testing and raring-proposed?19:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 1078820 in lubuntu-software-center (Ubuntu) "The lubuntu software centre is not showing any other software execpt the ones already installed on my computer." [Undecided,Confirmed]19:07
phillwany packages that are shared with ubuntu may have test cases written. AFAIK, there are no auto package tests for lubuntu specific things. I'm still writing test cases for lubuntu ones for manual testing. I've not made a start on automated testing.19:08
dlbike76I really like the idea of the auto testing.  Unfortuately my main machine is too slow for it!19:10
dlbike76Well technically not too slow...  too little memory...19:10
dlbike76Thank goodness for Lubuntu and it's low resource requirements.19:11
phillwIf I can get 13.04 (any of them) to work in KVM it would be a help to me :/19:13
phillwone of the ubuntu+1 team has put it on his TODO list and have a look at the bug.19:14
dlbike76Yeah i've noticed problems with 13.04 desktop on my wife's machine due to the Nvidia drivers (assumedly...)19:18
phillwdlbike76: I'll have a chat with balloons and get my current lubuntu test cases moved from the sandbox area to the public area so people can use them :)19:18
dlbike76Or if you could point me to the sandbox area then I would look there for them.19:18
dlbike76I plan to ask before submitting testcase related bugs since I'm new to testing.19:19
dlbike76I sortof wish that the testcases were broken into smaller pieces.19:20
dlbike76As it is now, the livecd test is all or nothing.19:20
phillwthe application test cases are 'bite' size... I'm just trying to find the page!19:21
dlbike76Also where are instructions for submitting hardware profiles?19:27
phillwhmm, my testcases seem to have moved from where they were....19:27
phillwdlbike76: hardware profiles are held at https://friendly.ubuntu.com/19:30
phillwif your machine is not listed, then click on the 'participate' link and send one in :)19:30
phillw*note to self* add my machine for 12.10 :)19:33
dlbike76Thanks.  I had submitted my laptop to friendly.ubuntu.com, but had forgotten about the site...19:33
dlbike76Does the site work well for custom built machines?19:33
phillwmy laptop build is on the 12.04, but not 12.10. The hardware build should be fine for custom machines, the tester doesn't know what a custom machine is... each machine is custom (by the manufacturer :) )19:35
dlbike76yeah... :-) I think what I was asking was whether you could search at the component level.19:36
phillwthe LJ series (similar to mine) is shown at https://friendly.ubuntu.com/12.04/Packard%20Bell/EasyNote%20LJ65/I:Bn4Hmp:gI:BHe:I4:BEfi:BLp:CH:I8g:BQ8:I8g/devices/ That gives you an idea of what it will pull in.19:38
dlbike76When will 13.04 be added to friendly.ubuntu.com?19:38
phillwafter the release, I would guess.19:38
dlbike76That probably makes the most sense.19:39
phillwthose pesky devs keep changing things until launch date :P19:40
dlbike76I really like the new idea of raring-proposed.19:41
dlbike76I'm guessing it's a similar idea to sid/testing/stable...19:42
dlbike76Are there any plans to add support for the xubuntu/lubuntu/edubuntu etc to ubuntu friendly program?19:47
dlbike76phillw: Do you know if there has been any progress on bug 1029212?19:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 1029212 in hardinfo (Ubuntu) "System Profiler and Benchmark 2 blank gui boxes closing the small one results in the system info to be displayed." [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102921219:51
phillwthe bug seems to still be active. Just a case of time being found to sort it.19:54
dlbike76Okay.  I had submitted a backtrace, don't know if it helps or not.19:56
dlbike76Just noticed that the wallpaper defaults to tile instead or stretch in 1280x1024 mode on current lubuntu daily.19:59
dlbike76^^ any known reports about that one?19:59
phillwI've not seen any bug report, so file a new one against lubuntu-artwork (Rafael can then check settings out).20:12
Noskcajis ubiquity meant to be a block in shape?20:22
Noskcajit would appear compiz crashed20:23
phillwNoskcaj: I cannot get any 13.04's to run in KVM... Let me install virtual-box and see if that works.20:30
Noskcajphillw, i wont report  a bug until someone confirms but the installer becomes a rectangle and you can type anything20:44
Noskcajit might only affect ubuntu i38620:44
dlbike76phillw: I opened bug 1090795 for what we discussed earlier.20:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 1090795 in lubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "Desktop wallpaper defaults to tile instead of stretch upon changing resolution to 1280x1024" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109079520:51
phillwI got it by email (all bugs that can affect lubuntu are sent to me :) )20:56
Noskcajphillw, rectangle bug seems to happen randomly, i cant get it to repeat20:56
phillwI have got virtual-box installed, so I'll have a play in a while (I'm just helping xy setup a VM on his dedi server).21:00
Noskcajphillw, saw that. have you got testdrive as well?21:02
Noskcajyou should, its so useful21:03
Noskcajeasier zsync, VM auto-config21:04
phillwNoskcaj: as I use KVM on my dedi, it makes sense to me that I use it on my local machine as well.21:37
Noskcajphillw, yes it does make sense, but testdrive works with KVM as well22:25

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