
=== NCommander is now known as Guest93188
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stgraberplease someone reject this ASAP ^20:04
stgraberbad dput target for an internal package, bumping the epoch and doing some really bad patching as local hacks20:05
stgrabercertainly don't want it in the archive20:05
* stgraber is slightly confused this wasn't rejected by LP as it was targeted to "precise" and not "precise-proposed", I guess the alias done for raring also applies to stable releases20:06
stgraberinfinity, slangasek, ScottK, cjwatson: ^20:08
infinitystgraber: The alias isn20:10
infinitystgraber: The alias isn't "for raring", the rewrite of $release to $release-proposed is universal.20:10
* stgraber really needs to change dput's default target to /dev/null or something, especially now that one of my usual safety net is gone :(20:11
stgraberinfinity: thanks20:11
* infinity tries to figure out how bug #633109 is SRU-worthy.20:12
ubot2`Launchpad bug 633109 in dput (Ubuntu Precise) "No progress bar for sftp uploads" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63310920:12
=== NCommander is now known as Guest12705
=== NCommander is now known as Guest56976

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