
rick_h_ok, managed to read some more of this stuff. I want to know where the kickstarter is to build a stature of the teacher that laid out before a door without a lock on it and took bullets to keep this gunman from getting into the classroom. My freaking hero.00:29
Blazeixwow, i had no idea zsh globbing was so powerful05:06
Blazeixlike `rm **/*(Lk-30)` recursively deletes all files less than 30kb05:06
Blazeixman zshexpn05:07
brouschwhat the http://www.brython.info/index_en.html11:35
rick_h_Blazeix: zsh ftw!13:57
rick_h_<3 rm **/*.pyc in python projects13:57
snap-lfind ftw. ;)14:57

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