[00:00] i installed the driver uncompressing the .tar.bz2 file and executing the "install" file [00:00] so it compiled and then installed the drivers/modules? [00:00] yes [00:01] all automatically [00:01] weird they had an install file.. ;) normally its just directions. [00:01] mrojas6996: Please link to the tar.bz2 file that you used. [00:01] ok [00:02] http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsCheck.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=24&PFid=24&Level=4&Conn=3&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false#High Definition Audio Codecs [00:02] i downloaded this with another browser, but chromium not work in this older page [00:17] Hi, newb looking for help installing usb wireless adapter === Marius is now known as nkts [00:19] What channel can i find VPN help? === root is now known as Guest62360 [00:20] !rootirc > Guest62360 [00:20] Guest62360, please see my private message [00:20] !alis > Guest62360 === Guest62360 is now known as blahhhh [00:22] where might i find help for vpn? [00:23] ask alis for a specific channel [00:23] !alis [00:23] alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* [00:26] Does anybody know a channel where I can ask VPN related channels? If not I have a simple question I have a VPN setup and I'm wondering how to restrict certain ports from certain accounts. [00:33] Jordan_U [00:33] back :S [00:34] the issue now is connecting wireless with tkip [00:34] :S [00:34] hello [00:34] i am having a problem running a game i downloaded [00:34] i have installed wine tricks [00:34] and wine [00:35] any help will be appreciated [00:35] im new to unbuntu [00:35] She153: best is to see in the wine appdb to see if there are some workarounds [00:35] !appdb | She153 [00:35] She153: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help [00:36] hi, just looking for help setting up a wireless usb [00:36] Hey con somebody help me out? i upgraded to 12.10 and my Intel HD 3000 graphics are terrible. they worked fine in 12.04. are there any solutions? [00:37] yes it is in the winedb [00:37] She153: its not enough to be in the db. see what is needed to get the game running and see how good it runs [00:38] k1l_: it is in the db [00:39] She153: yes. then read what is written there [00:39] just says a bunch of gold platinum silver === ms|yougurtland is now known as mikestewart [00:42] hi, looking for some help installing wireless usb drivers === Psi-Jack_ is now known as Psi-Jack [00:43] She153: The channel is not here for you to PM people with, randomly. PLEASE USE THE CHANNEL! [00:44] wow [00:44] so rude [00:45] No, it's completely rude to randomly PM people. [00:45] bubba1 : state your version of linux & the adapter manufacturer & model ... that will give people here a better idea of what you're wanting to install [00:45] im running ubuntu 12.04 and my computer wont resume from suspend. i hear the hdds spin up, and the fans running, but no power to my usb mouse/kb and no display [00:45] Linksys AE2500 dual -band wireless usb adapter [00:46] someone told me [00:46] im running ubuntu 12.04 [00:46] you could not run games as root [00:47] bubba1: can you show the line from that adapter in "lsusb" [00:47] She153: root is not a normal user. Don't use it as such. [00:47] She153: Secondly. Do not use Enter as if it were punctuation. It's not punctuation. [00:48] Bus 001 Device 002: ID 13b1:003a Linksys AE2500 802.11abgn Wireless Adapter [00:49] It is a bad habit , No need to like tell me how to type ... Im just trying to get this game to run and if i knew linux alot better than what i know , I most liekly would not be in here seeking advice/help [00:50] She153: If you [00:50] She153: Kept doing this [00:51] She153: It would be less [00:51] I do get your point [00:51] She153: likely for people to [00:51] She153: help you. Get the point? :) [00:51] Thanks , bad habits =( [00:51] bubba1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1805830 see this thread. i seems its not that easy/possible [00:52] She153: i told you to read the appdb entries. [00:52] She153: So, explain the problem, what errors you get trying, etc.. People need details to actually even begin to start helping you. [00:53] okay bummer. thanks anyway. [00:53] She153: there a millions of games with millions of combinations wiht linux and wine. so see the appdb entries and read if its possible to play the game or its even not playable. [00:53] She153: that is not a ubuntu issue, its more a wine-issue. [00:54] Ohh, is this about wine? [00:54] Sorta yes [00:54] any ideas what could cause all usb peripherals to stop working after resuming from suspend? all the results ive got from searches has been for laptop issues; havent worked for me [00:54] let me explain [00:55] I downloaded this game that is in the winedb , I installed it , Clicked the .exe it brought up the menu to start the game than disappeared [00:56] a friend told me i could not run the game as a root , so than i installed kuser and tried to add another user but failed to do so [00:56] yes i am a noob of ubuntu/linux , if i could remove the partition to put windows back onto this computer i would [00:57] She153: what's stopping you removing the partition? [00:57] She153: This problem is not Ubuntu-related specifically, but wine. Wine support is in #winehq [00:58] bubba1 : there is also another link http://www.grailbox.com/2012/05/installing-cisco-linksys-ae2500-wireless-adapter-in-linux/ where comments seem to indicate people have had success ... looks like you'll need to use ndiswrapper with the winDoze XP driver [00:58] thank you everyone [01:05] anyone know where this class xajax.inc.php in ubuntu? I need to run a form in a web browser and save data in a mysql DB [01:05] guest [01:06] good evening. Anyone know where this class xajax.inc.php in ubuntu? I need to run a form in a web browser and save data in a mysql DB? [01:08] ramon__: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=xajax.inc.php&mode=&suite=quantal&arch=any [01:10] tomreyn: thank you very much. [01:11] you're welcome [01:12] hey guys... usb mouse issues... can someone point me in the direction of the fix? === root is now known as KiKiRiKi === KiKiRiKi is now known as KiKiRiKi2 [01:12] running 12.04 on a sony viao [01:13] !rootirc > KiKiRiKi2 [01:13] KiKiRiKi2, please see my private message [01:15] !ask | marianne [01:15] marianne: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [01:15] sorry, that's the wrong auto-answer :) [01:15] i was looking for one saying you should try to provide more details [01:16] shrug i thought it fit [01:16] a better explanation of the problem and the output of the "lsusb" command (run in a temrinal) would help [01:17] marianne : in terminal type - lsusb ... see if you're mouse is in the resulting list ... if so paste the line here ... that might better help people to help you [01:18] Tex_Nick: Bus 005 Device 002: ID 046d:c51b Logitech, Inc. V220 Cordless Optical Mouse for Notebooks === g_byers[Away] is now known as g_byers [01:19] is there a way to find out what is messing up my totem and vlc video playback? totem is flickering, and neither of them will play video at all above a certain window size. [01:20] this happens a few days after I reboot. [01:21] hi [01:21] Tex_Nick: it will either freeze at random or move around like I'm trying to highlight stuff [01:21] marianne : does your trackpad work ? [01:21] is someone able to help me with mounting an nfs share? I am doing everything correct as far as I can tell, but my nfs server refuses the mount for all directories except one. my syslog http://bpaste.net/show/64472/ [01:21] is it possible to migrate from Ubuntu to Mint? [01:21] !mint | THE_DUDEZ0R [01:21] THE_DUDEZ0R: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org [01:21] Tex_Nick: the trackpad has the same kind of issue [01:22] does the trackpad work ok with the mouse disconnected ? [01:22] the_dudezor in short yes possible. easy... no. [01:23] Tex_Nick:no... it's just as ramdom [01:24] puppy_parade: run it from a terminal window, make it log (if possible), tail -f ~/.xsession-errors [01:25] ...then reproduce the issue and see what is logged/printed to the terminal [01:25] hey I got a install file with txt extention. it is vmware 7. how can i install a txt file? [01:25] marianne : bout a yera ago a friend had a similar problem on an acer laptop ... what i had to do was disable the trackpad in BIOS ... it's a kludge to have to do that ... but you might give it a try [01:26] deper29, what line is working and what isnt [01:26] How do I make changes to my display settings using xrandr permanent? [01:26] sara do you mean "execute" it? sh /path/to/filename.txt [01:26] im running ubuntu 12.04 and my computer wont resume from suspend. i hear the hdds spin up, and the fans running, but no power to my usb mouse/kb and no display [01:27] Tex_Nick: thanks, I'll give it a try... it's only a setting, so it's easy to enable if it doesn't help [01:27] escott: if I do "sudo mount server:/mnt/user/Books /mnt" that works. if I do "sudo mount server:/mnt/user/anything_else /mnt" that doesn't [01:27] I'm not seeing any log options for totem [01:27] I don't know. its supposed to be installed but the install files in ubuntu are usually deb this one is txt [01:28] its confusing [01:28] marianne : right ... if that doesn't help ask agani in here ... you'll probly find a better solution from someone else ... good luck [01:28] sara you can try to execute it. sh /path/to/filename.txt [01:28] Sara: either the filename extension is incorrect or, more likely, it's actually not an installer but a text file which explains how the installation process works. [01:29] deper29, i guess check the permission on the server for those folders [01:29] deper29: if you are using NFS, perhaps only /mnt/user/Books is exported? [01:29] the file is on desktop so it is sh /Desktop? [01:29] zykotick9: if I pastebin my /etc/exports would that help? [01:30] hmm ok thanks :) [01:30] sara i would look inside first to see if tomreyn's post applies. and without the leading slash Desktop/filename...... [01:30] deper29: can you see what's exported? is it /mnt/user or something else? [01:30] guys, i miss ubuntu. just so happened that my laptop has pre installed win8... anyone successfully installed ubuntu alongside with win8? please help. thanks! [01:31] zykotick9: if I ssh in, there is stuff in /mnt/user on the server [01:31] tomreyn, " freetype spu text error: Breaking unbreakable line" is all that appears, and that is only for VLC [01:31] Sara: you can also install the 'file' package and run the 'file' command it provides on the file in question, this will give you a mostly reliable idea of what type of file it is. [01:31] deper29: stuff yes, but what's in /etc/exports? [01:32] anyone? [01:32] puppy_parade: might be that you need to install !codecs [01:32] !uefi [01:32] !codecs > puppy_parade [01:32] puppy_parade, please see my private message [01:32] gharz, yes. tons of people. Do you need a guide to dual boot? [01:33] zykotick9: http://bpaste.net/show/64476/ [01:33] that is my exports [01:33] tomreyn just out of curiousity does file still ignore .extentions when determining file type ? [01:33] hello [01:33] msdaisy: yes please... i don't want to install ubuntu using virtualbox... :( [01:33] I have the restricted extras installed. Video works fine, for a while [01:34] msdaisy: a wubi installed is preferred [01:34] intelikey: i think it still ignores extensions and interprets magic bytes exlusively. but have not studied its source code. [01:34] deper29: ya, just exporting /mnt/user instead of individual directories would be a LOT easier... === YayWubs_ is now known as YayWubs [01:35] Is there a way to give myself write access to all system files? I'm really tired of having to give myself access every time :x [01:35] deper29: you should be able to get to TV Music Movies Downloads Books though [01:35] Gwennifer: what are you doing exactly that requires you to do that so often? [01:35] zykotick9: the server is actually running unRAID, and so every time I make something in the web interface that is under /mnt/user it makes a new entry automatically [01:35] puppy_parade: i think you may want to file a bug, since it's obscure enough that it's unlikely you'll find one here right now who knows the answer. [01:36] thanks everyone vmware is working [01:36] deper29: i have no idea what that is - and i'll be dropping out at this point. best of luck. [01:36] I've had someone suggest it was flash and my Radeon drivers [01:36] jrib: My Intel graphics and monitor is poorly recognized on Ubuntu [01:36] Gwennifer: go on... [01:36] this doesn't happen on my laptop, so I am inclined to blame it in AMD === gavin is now known as gavinguo [01:36] !wubi | gharz [01:36] gharz: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe [01:36] zykotick9: it's linux is all it is. [01:36] and the Radeon drivers are still not usable. [01:37] puppy_parade: it does sound like a driver issue to me. but i'm just guessing really. [01:37] msdaisy: i already used wubi but i can't boot due to uefi issue with windows 8 [01:37] jrib: I fixed the problem, sort of, but I still need write access and doing sudo gets really, really annoying really quickly [01:37] deper29: and with that comment, i won't be seeing your posts further, good luck. [01:37] is there a way to reset it without logging out or rebooting? [01:37] Gwennifer: you're not answering my question, so it's hard to suggest the best course of action for you. [01:38] !netsplit [01:38] puppy_parade: closing and restarting the application is insufficient then? [01:39] puppy_parade: look into the xrandr command to reset your video output. [01:40] right, I have to live with the viewable area getting a little smaller every time I want to watch a video [01:40] It's maddenning. [01:41] puppy_parade: you can also try upgrading / downgrading drivers, and to try the open source ones (which can be a good option either in general or just to ensure it's indeed the driver that's at fault, not your hardware) [01:42] I upgraded to 12.10 for the oss drivers [01:42] and they were still unusable [01:42] I like being able to use all of my monitors [01:42] is there a free vmware ? [01:43] I think they have a free version, but virtual is a great way to get into VMs intelikey [01:43] *virtualbox [01:43] ty puppy_parade [01:45] puppy_parade: radeon r300 drivers worked quite well for me on 12.04, including multi-monitor output. [01:45] I have a 7000 series card [01:46] support for them is still very rough === msdaisy is now known as ms-daisy [01:50] puppy_parade: then you may want a newer kernel, too [01:50] very annoying, how come ubuntu wont do anything about it === _JKL1234-_ is now known as NetSplitLover [01:51] is there a way to disable screensaver while playing flash movie? [01:51] This card has been out nearly a year [01:52] I upraded to 12.10 for the newer kernel version, and it was still inadequate [01:52] I've done post release kernels before, and it's a pain [01:54] Are there any active mirrors for Ubuntu < 8.x? [01:55] !eol | jsbach [01:55] jsbach: You realise those are all EOL and not supported (and many have major security holes) right? [01:55] jsbach: all those versions are EOL and no longer supported. Why not use a current, supported version? === LikeLakers2 is now known as Guest89535 === rla is now known as Guest23901 === Jason is now known as Guest41832 === ikonia is now known as Guest53657 [01:55] jsbach, http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/ [01:55] puppy_parade: have you tried searching the web for an answer providing your very model name and a concise description of the major issue? i find this offten helps. [01:55] Flannel: Thanks for your input. [01:55] jrib: I have reasons. [01:55] ms-daisy: Thank you. [01:56] jsbach: old-releases will work fine. It has mirrors and isos. You just need to be aware of that fact first. [01:56] Flannel: Thanks again. [01:56] puppy_parade: and so can reporting bugs, since chances are soemeone else reported it before, your bug report will be tagged a duplicate of that, and the other bug report has a workaround or fix in it.. that's part of why i suggested you file a bug. [01:56] jsbach: it also does not contain all the security fixes and could leave you vulnerable [01:56] kelvinella : if you're using VLC there is an option to disable screensaver during playback [01:56] Ben64: He's aware, four times now. [01:57] The old releases are great for practicing attacks if that's what he's doing Flannel jsbach [01:57] who do I submit fglrx bugs to? [01:57] Quick nfs question: why am I being told rpc.statd is not being run? http://pastie.org/private/mdlvmbafdinijp4uotmvzg [01:57] Tex_Nick, in ff or chrome [01:57] puppy_parade: ati, i would guess [01:58] Tex_Nick, and the option doesnt work in xubuntu [01:58] ms-daisy: Sure, but it's irresponsible to just hand it out without ensuring they're aware theyre getting unsupported (and potentially dangerous) software. [01:58] s/being run/running/ [01:58] kelvinella : sorry i thought you were playing flv files [01:58] in xubuntu the screensaver just come on no matter what except i have to move the mouse once a while [01:58] I'm pretty sure ATI knows their drivers are crap === tomaw is now known as 5EXAAG5WE [01:59] Last count 4 folks let him know Flannel ;) I was positing a valid reason for wanting them. [01:59] kelvinella: try caffeine or file a bug with adobe about flash [01:59] kelvinella: try caffeine or file a bug with adobe about flash === AntORG_ is now known as AntORG [02:00] ms-daisy: There's plenty of valid reasons. But usually its nice to make sure they respond (which is what I was waiting for) before handing it out. He could've just as easily missed the rest of us and only seen the URL. It only takes a few extra moments to have a proper conversation, and saves hours of headaches later. [02:04] im running ubuntu 12.04 and my computer wont resume from suspend. i hear the hdds spin up, and the fans running, but no power to my usb mouse/kb and no display === 5EXAAG5WE is now known as tomaw === mike is now known as Guest48683 === johan is now known as Guest36922 [02:07] Tex_Nick: I tried disabling the touchpad and still have the same issues with the pad and the mouse. any other suggestions? [02:08] I have setup eth0 'shared to other computers' through network settings. However when a client tries to connect, the notifications show on and off repeatedly.. it works while it's connected but it immediately disconnects and reconnects. What might be the problem? === g_byers is now known as g_byers[Away] [02:09] after install the nvidia driver, my window borders are all gone, where can I get mu window border back? [02:09] I am running ubuntu 12.10 amd64 [02:09] marianne : what version of linux are you running ... & what make & model is your laptop ? [02:10] Tex_Nick: running 12.04 sony viao VGN-CS320J === Sickki_ is now known as Sickki [02:10] marianne : let me search a bit [02:11] is apparmor just for confine aplication ? [02:11] Tex_Nick: thank you [02:14] hmm [02:15] in the philosophical or the carnivore sense? [02:16] is apparmor just for confine aplication ? [02:16] i have a hosted server, i installed 12.4 lts, the hoster (hetzner) has fast mirrors, but it seems he does not offer a Contents-amd64.gz or such, anyway apt-file update gives me: Ignoring source without Contents File: http://mirror.hetzner.de/ubuntu/packages/dists/precise-backports/Contents-amd64.gz - any hint? [02:16] does anyone know how to remove ubuntu ? [02:16] She153: just install whatever else you like [02:17] remove it from what She153 ? [02:17] ...just don't want to switch everything to a new mirror.... makes sense to use the local one. [02:17] blackshirt: its primary purpose is to reduce exploitability of bugs in certain applications [02:18] !apparmor > blackshirt [02:18] blackshirt, please see my private message [02:22] nibbler_: just tell them their mirror of this repository is incomplete [02:23] can someone help me remove ubuntu off this computer ? [02:23] tomreyn: possibly the best solution.... [02:23] need to install vmware 7 on ubuntu 12.04. this is my error need a guide please [02:23] http://www.mediafire.com/view/?12cycq00dflhc4c [02:23] how did you install it She153 ? Is it a dual boot, is Ubuntu the only operating system on it, is it in a virtual machine, is it wubi? [02:23] nibbler_: here's another mirror which shows this file should be there: http://mirrors.mit.edu/ubuntu/dists/precise-backports/ [02:23] She153: answering the questions people ask you might be a good first step [02:23] tomreyn: thanks [02:24] nibbler_: fwiw, i just confirmed the files ar emissing on hetzner mirrors [02:24] its not wubi itsnot instlaled on windows [02:24] nibbler : im sorry i had to let the dogs out [02:24] steam related questions go in what #channel? [02:24] #elsewhere [02:25] tomreyn: rude [02:25] ms-daisy: remove it from backtrack [02:25] and that dont work nibbler [02:25] wut? She153 you want to remove ubuntu from backtrack??? [02:25] backtrack is a distro of ubuntu [02:26] any idea how i can solve the error for http://www.mediafire.com/view/?12cycq00dflhc4c (vmware 7 on ubuntu 12.04) [02:26] tomreyn: i asked so i will not bother ubuntu developers and users, and it is a complete hassle to make run on anything other than ubuntu. Someone might be helpful [02:26] i want to put windows back on my pc [02:26] Yes She153 , correct. So how could you possibly remove the os that backtrack is built upon? [02:26] She153: noone is stopping you [02:26] so you want to remove backtrack and replace it with windows She153 ? [02:26] yes [02:26] marianne : out of curiosity try hitting the escape key ... does that help [02:27] why do i keep getting smart ass answers ? [02:27] !steam > Frankko [02:27] Frankko, please see my private message [02:27] She153, it's not smart-ass at all. The way you remove it is entirely dependent on how it was installed. [02:27] Frankko: and i apologize. [02:27] i meant that for franko [02:28] You can put windows on the machine by using the windows install CDs. That will completely remove everything currently on the computer and replace it with a new windows installation She153 [02:28] ok maybe i need to talk to someone who knows what backtrack is [02:28] Tex_Nick: let me try [02:28] no it wont [02:28] I know what backtrack is. [02:28] She153, its NOT supported here [02:28] She153, go to the backtrack channel for support. [02:28] marianne : You may have activated some accessibility options with a key-combination [02:28] #backtrack-linux She153 [02:28] to remove backtrack bazhang_ ? [02:28] i have a windows live cd , and have changed the bios [02:29] to boot from cd [02:29] Perfect, you're on your way She153 [02:29] She153: stop trolling [02:29] She153, how does this relate to ubuntu support. ##windows for windows install help [02:29] it keeps going back to backtrack [02:30] Tex_Nick: seems ok for now... I'll keep an eye on it... next problem is the title bar on the windows doesn't have the exit resize or expand buttons [02:30] She153, again, not an ubuntu issue. [02:30] figure out what the bios setting is to boot from the CD. If it's not working then you don't have a bootable CD She153 === Sickki_ is now known as Sickki [02:30] test [02:30] anyone here use a tomato router? [02:30] hmm i have installed that cd on other computers [02:30] rawr, try #test [02:31] !alis | rawr have a search for their channel [02:31] rawr have a search for their channel: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* [02:31] I'm aware of a channel that exists I was asking if anyone here used it as their channel is dead [02:31] thanks. [02:31] rawr, try #ubuntu-offtopic [02:32] I installed a package with txt extension.(install command : sudo sh Desktop/VMware-Workstation-Full-7.0.0-203739.i386.txt ) it doesn't work how can i uninstall it? === ericab_away is now known as ericab [02:33] Sara: read documentation, ask author, read script [02:33] where are these things? [02:34] Sara: VMware-Workstation-Full-7.0.0-203739.i386.txt is a text file, not a package [02:34] sara and adding sudo to that command was your second mistake, and probably the biggest one. [02:34] marianne : take a look at this ; http://askubuntu.com/questions/134172/window-title-bars-missing-occasionally-in-unity [02:34] Sara: what do you mean? [02:34] actually its not possible to open it with note pad or gedit === NetSplitLover is now known as _JKL1234-_ [02:34] Hey, anyone want to help me figure out why fglrx is failing all of the sudden? All I get when I boot now is commandline, no GUI (this includes recovery mode). Here's what I think is the relevant portion of /var/log/kern.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1441008/ === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [02:35] I extracted it using terminal sudo sh Desktop/VMware-Workstation-Full-7.0.0-203739.i386.txt [02:35] Sara: when you run files like that, they could do absolutely anything they want to your system. You should only do that with files you absolutely trust [02:35] !vmware | Sara [02:35] Sara: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware [02:35] and it asked for root privilage thats why i added sudo [02:35] marianne : that's assuming you're runnint unity [02:35] For completeness, the output of uname -a is: Linux luna 3.5.0-18-generic #29-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 19 10:26:51 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [02:36] stiltzkin, MINT? [02:36] Tex_Nick: yes, unity... but I can't get the window to resize [02:37] marianne : did you look at the link i posted above ... http://askubuntu.com/questions/134172/window-title-bars-missing-occasionally-in-unity [02:37] Tex_Nick: yes, looking now [02:37] tomreyn doesn't say anything about uninstall process [02:38] that will reset unity to default settings [02:39] stiltzkin: first of all, install all available system updates. you are behind, and chances are this issue was since fixed. [02:39] hey yall [02:39] stiltzkin: oh and what bazhang asked === chiluk_away is now known as chiluk [02:40] No, I am not running Mint. And I am fully up to date, except this is not the latest version of Ubuntu - I attempted to upgrade and it failed [02:40] I was thinkin about somethin recently [02:40] howto "minimize" a window in full screen mode ? [02:40] All individual packages are updated however. [02:40] Never could figure out why its so much harder to forgive myself than it is someone else. [02:40] stiltzkin: how did it fail? this would be something you should look into first of all. [02:41] robertzaccour: How is this ubuntu support related? [02:42] If I remember correctly the updater itself crashed. It threw a lot of messages about conflicting packages (I apologize for not having specifics here, this was about a month ago) and having no way to recover the installation, I shut down the system. Now I'm just looking to see whether there's any way to get the GUI back or whether I just need to bite the bullet and reinstall. [02:42] stiltzkin, is that elementary OS? [02:43] Tex_Nick: can you resend the link please, my bird hit the power button and rebooted me [02:43] bazhang, what are you talking about [02:43] stiltzkin, the luna kernel [02:43] no, luna is my hostname [02:43] luna would be the hostname, right [02:44] it's not like it's part of the kernel version [02:44] marianne : lol what happened to the bird ? [02:44] I would not be asking a question here unless it was ubuntu related. [02:44] marianne_ : http://askubuntu.com/questions/134172/window-title-bars-missing-occasionally-in-unity [02:45] Tex_Nick: nothing... he's just being a tool... I took the tv remote away cuz he was eating the buttons [02:46] stiltzkin: getting package conflicts fixed and installing the remaining updates can be a requirement to get your system back into a working state. you can use the "apt-get" command line utility to do it. [02:46] !apt-get > stiltzkin [02:46] stiltzkin, please see my private message [02:47] ...why are you telling me how to use apt-get? [02:47] stiltzkin: because i think you want to fix your package managemnet system and that you would probably have done so by now if you knew how to. [02:48] There is no problem with my packages though... [02:48] this is a driver proble [02:48] stiltzkin: for a matter of fact, your kernel version is a couple patch levels behind, so at least you don't have the latest patches. which could be a cause of the issues you're running into. [02:49] Well yeah, it is...because as I said, the upgrade was not successful [02:49] I mean this is not a critical issue or anything, I can always reinstall. I'm really more just curious as to what happened and if it's easier to fix than to reinstall [02:50] Hello! [02:50] marianne_ : the only thing in the link i provided of importance is ... in terminal type unity --reset ... this will reset unity to default settings ... the link tells warns you that preferences will be reset also [02:52] hi GMDynamics [02:54] I'm really tired and accidentally ran sudo apt-get remove apt. [02:54] Awesome! [02:54] gmdynamics, thats no problem if you want remove it [02:55] Tex_Nick: I was in there setting some of the other fun things I like and the windows decorations go unchecked [02:55] http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120531003431/castleminerz/images/thumb/5/58/Disgusted_Oh_God_Why.png/1067px-Disgusted_Oh_God_Why.png [02:55] Yeah, the driver itself is segfaulting. I think it's reinstall time unfortunately. [02:55] @Hajime i was that sarcasm ? :D [02:55] GMDynamics, you can replace it with dpkg. [02:56] Tex_Nick: thank you again... [02:56] GMDynamics: i assume you want apt back? do you know if anything else was removed with it? download the DEB for apt and use dpkg to install it... hopefully that works. [02:56] GMDynamics, did you want to know how to reinstall apt? [02:56] dpkg is failing for some weird reason [02:57] gmdynamics, you can fetch apt,and install it with dpkg [02:57] http://www.ehow.com/how_8141696_reinstall-apt-ubuntu.html <~ 4 easy steps [02:57] dpkg keeps failin [02:57] GMDynamics: error? [02:57] SegFault [02:57] does anyone know anything that will burn iso's ? [02:58] I'm thinking Ill just backup my stuff and reinstall [02:58] hello folks, i need to install libqt4-webkit 31 bit on ubuntu 12.04 64 bit. is there a way to install it from the repository so it keeps updated or I have to install the deb manually!? thanks [02:58] She153: Ubuntu comes with Brasero. [02:58] brasero [02:58] she153, a lot of tools was available, wodim, brasero,k3b ... [02:59] !burners > She153 [02:59] She153, please see my private message [03:01] Neo31, it is in the actual repo's > https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/amd64/libqt4-webkit [03:02] OerHeks, that's 64-bit. [03:02] OerHeks: I need the 32 bit version to be installed and managed by a package manager on my ubuntu 64 bit (so it gets updates automaticaly) [03:02] is that possible ? [03:03] what package is libreadline.so.6 in ? [03:04] !info libreadline.so.6 [03:04] Package libreadline.so.6 does not exist in quantal [03:04] well that's nonsense === Hajime is now known as blackshirt [03:05] File libreadline.so.6 found in lib64readline6, libreadline6, libreadline6-dbg ejv [03:05] i can't find the object, where does it reside [03:06] what is the proper command for obtaining the installed version of a package? i've been reading dpkg/apt manpages for 30 minutes, can't figure it out on my own, sorry. [03:06] Neo31: this very package is abailable for Ubuntu 12.04 precise i386 (32 bit) according to http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/libqt4-webkit [03:07] Neo31: as such you should be able to install it using your preferred package manager. [03:07] p0s: "dpkg -s " works, afaik. No quotes or brackets. [03:07] hello [03:07] hi vitoscaletta [03:08] DaemonicApathy: "dpkg -s" shows the status of the package, which can also be NOT installed. [03:08] DaemonicApathy: so it will also succeed if the package is not installed, which makes it unsuitable for use in scripts [03:08] tomreyn: I am not sure if this is possible since I am using a 64 bit version and I need to install the 32 bit package [03:08] p0s: Does it not also have the version below the status for installed packages? [03:09] Neo31: yes it's possible due to !multiarch [03:10] found it, ubuntu is weird where it puts files, it was located in /lib/x86_64... [03:10] DaemonicApathy: if the package is purged, it will not show anything. if it is not installed but configured, it WILL show the version [03:10] Neo31: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiArch [03:11] Neo31: sudo apt-get install libqt4-webkit:i386 [03:11] tomreyn: ok, thanks a lot [03:12] you're welcome [03:12] i think i found the reason for my ubuntu to crash 0o0 [03:12] is transmittion [03:14] anybody knows how i can install VMware-Workstation-Full-9.0.1-894247.i386.bundle? [03:15] sara, maybe better using virtualbox [03:15] I tried virtual box liked to know this one [03:15] http://irc.freenode.net/ [03:16] do you know how to install it? [03:16] pretty sure i can guess the answer to this, but just how badly would it screw my computer over if i were to reboot during a distro upgrade? [03:16] #ubuntu [03:16] could u help [03:17] what's the issue bill_ ? [03:17] fizyplankton: depends on where during the upgrade it is. why would you do this, though? [03:17] i have a minecraft issue [03:17] fizyplankton thats commonly happen in ubuntu ... Great way if you are using rolling release [03:17] bill_, go to #minecraft [03:18] env. is: [03:18] ubuntu version (Lucid Lynx) 10.04 LTS [03:18] running on an HP-2133 [03:18] 2G ram [03:18] 200G HDD [03:18] minecraft 1.4.5 & 1.3.2 [03:18] bill_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [03:20] tomreyn: long story, but some part of X that operates the monitor frequantly dies on my laptop, however all processes created under X still run fine. its as if the monitor itself randomly dies (but it is NOT a hardare issue). i was doing a distro upgrade on it from 10.04 to 12.04. it was about a 1/3 of the war through the "installing upgrades" phase when it died. id rather not just wait 3 hours for the hdd light to stop b [03:20] bill_: (Re)Install Oracle Java and Minecraft, and try again. [03:20] fizyplankton : a clean install is usually preferable to an upgrade [03:21] not sure what u mean "flood"???? === Hatori is now known as blackshirt [03:22] bill_: to "flood" means posting more than three lines in quick succession [03:22] bill_: 5 lines of text in about one second. [03:22] sorry === len is now known as Guest82740 [03:23] Tex_Nick: while i do agree, im using my laotop as a lab rat before i get the guts to upgrade my desktop, since i had to disable all xrander support and replace it with xcinerama and hand write my own xorg.conf from scratch, and im terrified that the upgrade might somehow break it, and on the off chance it does work, i want it to already have all of its configuration info. plus, my desktop root partition is over a tb [03:23] was this due 2 pg brks? [03:23] Any good app like winscp for windows scp on the command line isn't working and i don't have access to windows [03:23] bill_: Yes. [03:24] Zimm3r: do you want to scp from a linux box to a linux box? [03:24] Zimm3r: nautilus can connect to ssh servers. or theres sshfs that mounts a ssh server to a local directory [03:24] Or install openssh for Terminal compatibility. [03:24] djsf [03:25] I just need to copy a text file and i can't seem to just copy and paste and scp keep complain of no file but I KNOW it is there as I ssh any typed pwd for the directory === dark3n is now known as dark3n|off [03:25] Zimm3r: whats the exact scp line you are using? [03:26] Zimm3r: be carefull about spaces in file names. either do \backslashes\ before\ spaces\ like\ this, "put the whole path in quotes", "or\ do\ both". i cant remember which combination youhave to use [03:26] spaces and CaSe [03:26] do\ backslashes* [03:26] fizyplankton: you could try to set the screen to a different resolution using xrandr, maybe that would get your output back. you could also "tail -f" the upgrade log file to get a better idea of how it's progressing. [03:26] ** check to see if there are spaces at the beginning of the file [03:26] fizyplankton: NOT both " and \ [03:26] nautilis worked kinda nice to be integrated but also hard to find lol [03:26] thanks it worked [03:27] spaces in filenames = evil [03:27] nope all / and no " " [03:27] ;) [03:27] i'm running ubuntu version (Lucid Lynx) 10.04 LTS on an HP-2133 and minecraft freezes on its main screen [03:28] Java version? [03:28] java 6 [03:28] tomreyn: i cant to that thru ssh, and if i switch to a VTE on my lappy, there is a VERY high chance of X having a heart attack (it goes into a vicious cycle, where nothing works, not even ctrl-alt-backspace, nor switching to yet another VTE. all that does work it alt-sysrq-r,e,i,s,u,b) [03:29] Install Java 7? [03:29] fizyplankton, why cant you do it through ssh? [03:29] fizyplankton: have you enabled ctrl-alt-backspace? it's certainly not on by default. [03:29] no; not sure how [03:30] dcherniv: because xrandr has to be run locally, straight from a terminal (not even from a screen session locally) [03:30] tomreyn: what is the update log file? [03:31] sorry - not sure whom i'm addressing nor whom me [03:31] fizyplankton: i'm pretty sure you can run xrandr thorugh ssh, you just need to prefix it with the proper display. so probably: DIPLAY=:0 xrandr ... [03:32] fizyplankton: /var/log/dist-upgrade/ [03:32] tomreyn: it says cant open display [03:32] Anybody know how I would tell XBMC to use /shared/xbmc/videos as the folder for videos and /shared/xbmc/music as the folder for music, etc etc? [03:32] fizyplankton: i had a typo in the variable. try this: DISPLAY=:0 xrandr ... [03:32] bill_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/56104/how-can-i-install-sun-oracles-proprietary-java-6-7-jre-or-jdk [03:33] DaemonicApathy: does he need to, though? could try openjdk beforehand? [03:33] tomreyn: i typed it in correctly [03:33] There have been fewer problems with Oracle Java than with OpenJDK with Minecraft, that I've seen. So I suggest Oracle first. [03:34] so i go to ur link? [03:35] bill_: The first answer in that thread gives you a step-by-step on doing it. [03:35] fizyplankton: then it will be a different display [03:36] SierraAR : i haven't used XBMC in a while, there is a setting in preferences though ... you might try #XBMC [03:36] thx [03:36] np [03:37] tomreyn: if i do have to brick it, its not the end of the world, because since the hdd is only 30gb (lappy is THAT old), i used dd to make a hdd image and sent it over to my 4tb desktop. so i can always restore the image. only catch is that both comps are on wifi, so transferring that much data is impractical, so what i do it plug a crossover cable into both comps, creata a simple direct connect network, then send it over [03:37] tomreyn: in correctly, not incorrectly [03:37] Tex_Nick: K, thanks. Didnt realise they had a channel [03:39] SierraAR : welcome :) [03:39] thank you all [03:40] it did burn the cd , but i waisted a whole dvd trying to burn gparted [03:40] will fdisk remove partitons ? [03:41] fizyplankton: sounds like the way to go then, unless you expect it to happen again next time you dist-upgrade [03:41] or you could do a clena install, then copy back your /home [03:41] anyone here from uk [03:42] anyone ? [03:42] !anyone [03:42] A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. [03:43] tomreyn: if waiting untill the hdd light stops blinking then rebooting doesnt work, ill restore the image overnight, then perhaps even have the brains to do it while in recovery mode with networking and in a screen session, so i can control it from a stable comp. the commmand is sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, right? [03:43] will fdisk remove partitons ? [03:43] pish [03:44] ? [03:44] hey, i just downloaded the ubuntu-core tarball to an SD card. It boots, but I don't have the sudo command. how might I add it? [03:44] sudo apt-get install sudo ;) [03:45] jay___ [03:45] im trying to remove all the partitons [03:45] whaaaat [03:45] on my system [03:45] gparted dont work [03:45] :( [03:45] She153: you can use testdisk. it is way more user friendly. just type "sudo testdisk", select the harddrive, select "intel", then "analyse", then use l+r arrow keys to mark it with a "d" on the left margin, then hit enter and follow the prompts. also, i cannot stress this enough, BACK UP YOUR DATA [03:46] hmm [03:46] jay__: :P [03:46] ok thank you so much [03:46] fizyplankton: the ubuntu upgrader does more than that, you should run some other command, i'm looking it up now [03:46] my instructions arent perfect. follow the onscreen instructions, not my paraphrased ones [03:48] fizyplankton: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades#Network_Upgrade_for_Ubuntu_Servers_.28Recommended.29 [03:48] fizyplankton: i'd do the text based upgrade in a screen session [03:48] a double-wammy FART! [03:49] fizyplankton: text-based as in "server" [03:49] tomreyn: thanks [03:50] this is fuckin shite [03:50] fizyplankton: yw [03:50] fiz: i have it already installed [03:50] but it wont run [03:50] did you sudo it? [03:50] so just type [03:51] sudo testdisk ? [03:51] Does anyone know how to disable the Nautilus media banner; the banner which says things like "This media contains digital photos/audio/etc" and recommends software to open it? [03:51] . [03:52] <[_-S1L3NC3-_]> whats the default flash policy port on apache? [03:52] yes, but DO NOT attempt to modify a harddrive if thats the one that you are running ubuntu off of. depending on the circumstances, it might be okay, but unless you know exactly what partitions are mounted, both directly and indirectly, DONT DO IT [03:53] fizyplankton: I wasn't aware you were even able to modify a mounted drive [03:53] flz: i could really use you here [03:53] She153: if you need to modify the root harddrive, then to be safe, boot from a live CD or flash drive, then do it from there [03:53] m000gle: i believe there is an option to disable the "autostart" functionality which is accessible via nautilus' menu [03:53] i dont think you understand my problem [03:53] and you would most likely say [03:54] "this is not supported here" [03:54] m000gle: somewhere in preferences, i think, but i don't have nautilus installed at this time [03:54] SierraAR: if a partition is mounted, then the extended partition is "mounted" i.e. you cant (shouldnt (cant)) modify it, not even its free space. i was just over generalizing [03:54] <[_-S1L3NC3-_]> whats the default flash policy port on apache? [03:54] Ah k [03:54] She153: whats the partition that you are trying to delete? [03:55] jings crivens help ma boaby [03:55] virginmedia customers, hooray! [03:55] all of them , im trying to remove ubuntu and put windows back , yes i have tried to boot from a live windows cd using f-12 boot from cd and it still brings me to ubuntu [03:56] Ti einai edw? [03:56] jay_ I'm a VM customer, in need of some routing haha [03:56] !gr | USSR [03:56] USSR: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes [03:56] [_-S1L3NC3-_] : try #httpd ... it's usually an active channel [03:57] if you are trying to blast all partitions to smithereens, there is an option is testdisk to delete all data in the partition table. that will effectively delete them (they are still recoverable at that point, so be carefull if there is abything personal on it. but i doubt there is) [03:57] guys what's better way of setting up some routes, iproute or route [03:57] tomreyn : It's not actually the "autostart," or autorun promt, which is an issue. I am trying to disable the banner which shows up in the Nautilus window itself, whenever I navitage to a drive ... It is identical to this Ask Ubuntu question, but the solution no longer works in the current version: http://askubuntu.com/questions/47542/how-turn-off-the-message-the-media-contains-digital-photo-message-in-nautilus [03:58] : \ [03:58] i would so pay someone to come to my house and fix this lol [03:58] m fed up [03:58] m000gle: so the "fotos" option on this screenshot wouldn't work? [03:58] tomreyn : You can see what these banners look like here http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x100/amoebios_4m/nautilus_media_banner.jpg [03:59] She153: whats your problem? [03:59] tomreyn : It no longer exists in Nautilus [03:59] 45gb lol [03:59] im trying to remove ubuntu and put windows back , yes i have tried to boot from a live windows cd using f-12 boot from cd and it still brings me to ubuntu [03:59] She153: are you confortable with port forwarding? [03:59] She153: easy way is to overwrite the mbr [03:59] m000gle: oh, well then i don't know, i'm afraid. have you tried searching the web for one of those messages, combined with something like "deactivate"? [04:00] She153: this is not an ubuntu problem, join ##windows and ask them for help with installing windows [04:00] flz : sorta i know what it is ... [04:00] IdleOne: its not an ubuntu problem, its an ununtu solution [04:00] tomreyn : Yep. I've been all over. IRC was a last resort [04:00] She153: why don't you leave your boot loader and just remove the ubuntu option or make windows default? [04:00] She153: it is technically the easiest option, or you may need to rewrite the windows boot loader / mbr [04:01] She153: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/using-dd-to-zero-the-mbr-query-606489/ [04:01] She153: if you felt comfortable, i could SSH into your comp, then do it for you, and set it up so we both share the same console window, so that if i get too frisky with your comp, you can pull the plug on me [04:01] when setting up the weather indicator applet i cant click apply to finish it..any ideas on how to solve this? [04:02] She153: just overwrite the mbr as shown - it will work. [04:02] Blue1: She153: cleasring the MBR with zeros is the equivelent of deep-throating a shotgun [04:02] m000gle: my last ideas would be to check whether those are nautilus plugins you can deactivate using its menu, or whether you can use gconf-editor to disable it, or whether there are *nautilus* packages which provide this very funcationality which you could uninstall [04:03] fizyplankton: no argument there - but it would remove grub completely. [04:03] If I choose my drive with my windows on it, with WUBI installer, will it format my windows drive or do I need to pick a partition? [04:04] no ideas? [04:05] Gacnt: wubi is designed to install linux under windows -- it will look like one big file to windows - it does NOT reformat the windows drive. === ubuntu is now known as Guest54772 [04:06] Blue1 oh ok, will it have the option to install to disk after I do it, like a livecd would? [04:06] Gacnt: that I don't know - it has been a good long while since I have used it. [04:07] Blue1 okey doke thanks [04:07] Gacnt: you are welcome === chiluk is now known as chiluk_away [04:10] Gacnt: some links, in case it helps: [04:10] !wubi [04:10] Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe [04:11] i don't think you will be able to move the installation to a real partition later one. it's probably possible but that'd be for very advanced users. [04:14] jimerickson: 43r0p14n3 [04:20] !btrfs [04:20] Btrfs is a new filesystem available for Ubuntu. It is currently marked as experimental, and should not be used for important data. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/btrfs [04:20] hehh [04:24] hey.. in ubuntu [04:24] What makes btrfs so much better than ext4? [04:24] is there a way of getting the name of the application which currently has focuses [04:24] focus.. and the title it's displaying === treei is now known as smav [04:25] Chaos7Theory: It'll help you break your system [04:26] Due to it being unstable? [04:26] Chaos7Thoery: It's new, its interesting, it does the dishes, it takes out the garbage, it does your taxes, etc... [04:26] yes, I actually just asked about using it over ext4 for my 2TB and it was highly discouraged on #gentoo, #debian, and other channels [04:27] ElectricPrism: Ah, okay. Just not sure why they want to migrate it as the default, since it seems like you need to defragment it. [04:28] Chaos7Theory: Me either, I just want my filesystem to work and store files, maybe they focus on HDDs moving to SSD who knows really [04:29] hey.. i want to write a program that monitors my usage of various applications [04:29] how can i work out what the current active window is? [04:30] crazyhorse18: xdotool [04:31] tomreyn: thankyou :) [04:31] yw [04:32] hey [04:32] root@bt:~# ping www.google.com [04:32] ping: unknown host www.google.com [04:32] root@bt:~# [04:32] Anonymous83n: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [04:32] help root@bt:~# ping www.google.com [04:32] ping: unknown host www.google.com [04:32] root@bt:~# [04:32] Anonymous83n: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [04:33] help\ root@bt:~# ping www.google.com [04:33] root@bt:~# ping www.google.com [04:33] ping: unknown host www.google.com [04:33] root@bt:~# [04:33] where are those apps shortcut in Unity dash stored in? [04:33] Anonymous83n: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [04:33] Anonymous83n: you are not supposed to paste in here. [04:34] where are those apps shortcut in Unity dash stored in? [04:34] exit [04:34] quit [04:40] su [04:40] How can I replace Windows Boot manager with Grub2? Currently I'm booting UEFI through my motherboard. [04:40] Password: [04:40] How can I see what the exact make/model of my video card is? [04:41] Anonymous83n, stop that [04:41] Password: ******************************* [04:41] password: ***** [04:41] lol [04:43] Nvm [04:43] ok, so i'm not sure how to fix this [04:43] i'm trying to boot from sdcard on my arm chromebook [04:43] hmm [04:43] kernel boots, wifi module is loaded [04:43] but... I can't connect to my wifi [04:44] no iwconfig [04:45] HorizonXP: is your chromebook running ubuntu then? === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [04:46] tomreyn: yes, it's booting off the SD card, i'm in the text-only console [04:46] so i'm thinking, i need to download the packages into the apt-get cache so I can install iwconfig [04:46] but I can't find the arm arch ones [04:46] just i386 and amd64 [04:46] HorizonXP: and you installed to the sd card how? [04:47] tomreyn: untar'd ubuntu-core.tar.gz into it [04:48] okay i bet that would be lacking wireless-tools [04:48] the easiest option is probably to plug in a cable if thats an option [04:48] tomreyn: amongst other things like sudo [04:49] tomreyn: doesn't have an ethernet port :-( [04:49] if I had a usb-ethernet adapter, i'd use it [04:49] doh, who made you buy such hardware... [04:49] it's a Google Chromebook. I prefer it thin and light [04:51] any of the other computer manufacturers make anything that comes close to MBP yet? [04:51] so where can I download the ARM packages from? [04:54] HorizonXP: you already installed and are running an arm ubuntu correct? [04:54] can someone explain why I can't install the latest kernel (3.7) via synaptic? [04:55] almoxarife: yes, but it's bare bones. doesn't have stuff like ifconfig, iwconfig, or sudo [04:55] HorizonXP: does it have apt-get? [04:55] HorizonXP: nevermind, you dont have networking yet [04:55] i have a q [04:56] im trying to run apache2 but i dont have a server name... [04:56] what should i put there? [04:56] almoxarife: apt-get is there, but doesn't work without networking [04:56] cub, look at hots file [04:56] so i'm trying to get networking to work [04:56] hots file? [04:56] HorizonXP: the arm pckgs are at the same repos, diff location [04:56] to do that, i need iwconfig [04:56] HorizonXP, what is card for networking ? [04:56] HorizonXP: unfortunately i don't know where to get arm packages from, or whether it's a fully supported architecture, yet (it is for debian). You could try to use this instead, it surely has a broader set of tools: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OmapDesktopInstall [04:57] HorizonXP, lspci -vnn |pastebinit [04:57] oh wait not a netwprk [04:57] cub ... not sure which screen you're on but sounds like you might put localhost there [04:57] eff that [04:57] or more specifically, does anyone know why the most recent kernel version in ubuntu 12.10 is only version 3.5? [04:57] look at linaro packages HorizonXP wait you are rinning armel [04:58] runnning * [04:58] so i want to download this: http://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/iw [04:58] hey giys so inaccidenty car chmod 644 * on my drive foregtting the / before the * is there a way to fix this? [04:58] i will manually put it into /var/cache/... [04:58] HorizonXP, you are on armel ? [04:58] *guys [04:58] yes [04:58] Tex_Nick, well i obviosuly don't have a domain registered :P [04:58] so on that page [04:58] there is no arm listed [04:58] HorizonXP, what is board ? [04:58] bobweaver: google chromebook [04:58] this is usb wifi I take it [04:59] Can anybody help me update my appletv1 with crystalbuntu with these kernel images/headers download.crystalbuntu.com? [04:59] pshhh lol [04:59] armel 5 or 7 HorizonXP [04:59] cub try #httpd ... that's usually an active channel [04:59] bobweaver: i would bet 7, but no idea [05:00] ty [05:00] ] [05:00] HorizonXP, this is armel ? or not ? [05:00] cub: the servername hardly matters if you only have a single site [05:00] evening [05:00] bobweaver: it is armel [05:00] (time zone-ist) [05:01] lol' [05:01] what is board then HorizonXP or is this a x11 atom chrome book ? === cnz is now known as asdfas [05:01] HorizonXP, pandaboard ? pi ?? === asdfas is now known as cnz [05:02] it's an ARM based chromebook, the new one [05:02] not x86 [05:02] yeah i was getting some error earlier.. and i couldnt even connect using my ip.. [05:02] at any rate you HorizonXP should look at linaros ppa [05:02] !linaro [05:02] tbh, i'm not sure why it matters, i need to download the packages [05:02] er [05:03] http://www.linaro.org/ >> HorizonXP [05:03] oh it matters [05:03] so how do I change the color scheme on ubuntu? I'm used to kde and I just want to have control over the color of the windows and upper bar. [05:04] what kinda volor schema do you want to change michael87 [05:04] like dash ? [05:04] the panel ? [05:04] just the windows. a gui tool that would make it easy on a daily bases would be nice. like blue or red. or green. Whatever I'm in the mood in for that day [05:05] michael87, then set the gsettings that way [05:05] find the gnof file that runs it michael87 [05:05] bobweaver, I'm using unity. [05:05] bconf * [05:05] er [05:05] gconf * [05:05] even better then michael87 [05:06] open dconf-editor or ccsm and have at it michael87 [05:06] bobweaver: i have ubuntu running on it. i do not have networking. that's the problem. [05:06] bobweaver, I don't know how to do that. I'm sort of a newb to linux [05:06] to solve it, i'd like to manually download the packages and install them [05:07] michael87, open dconf-editor [05:07] I need to know where they are so I can download them [05:07] bobweaver, or rather ubuntu. I came from linux mint [05:07] bobweaver, dconf-editor is open [05:07] HorizonXP, if you are using arm then you need to complie kernel to know that [05:07] michael87, fing com.canonical.Unity [05:07] bobweaver: i copied and used an existing kernel [05:07] find * [05:08] dmesg shows that the wireless card is being found [05:08] i don't have iwconfig to configure it tho [05:08] bobweaver, done and done [05:08] HorizonXP, how does a kernel work wth out "drivers ? " [05:08] bobweaver: you're not reading what I'm saying. [05:09] no you are not reading what I am saying [05:09] what drivers are you referring to? [05:09] for the wireless card? [05:09] modules HorizonXP modules [05:10] bobweaver: yes modules. you used the word "drivers" [05:10] LOL [05:10] and i said, dmesg shows my wireless card being found and loaded [05:10] because I have the modules for it [05:10] there the same thing [05:10] when i copied the kernel, I copied the modules too [05:10] bobweaver, I did what you said now where do I go under unity to start customising the windows? [05:10] well then where did you get image / tar [05:10] HorizonXP, ^^ [05:11] bobweaver: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/releases/12.10/release/ubuntu-core-12.10-core-armhf.tar.gz [05:11] started with that [05:11] untar'd it [05:11] HorizonXP, it is chrooted / [05:11] ? [05:11] or installed ? [05:11] i'm booting from it [05:11] it's on an sdcard [05:11] ... [05:11] do you need to create another chroot and install full tar ? [05:11] HorizonXP, ^^ [05:11] no, i shouldn't have to... [05:12] sounds like it to me HorizonXP [05:12] HorizonXP, this is qemu or raw metal ? [05:12] well i managed to get apache working but my stupid firewall and router is causing problems for me accesing some of it [05:12] lol [05:12] bobweaver: what makes you think it would be qemu? it's raw metal, on my chromebook, booting from an sd card [05:13] HorizonXP, I thought that the nly vm to run armel is qemu :/ [05:13] HorizonXP: i think overall the issue you're running into here is that this device and custom installations on ARM don't seem to be supported, yet. you could look into ChrUbuntu, or try to continue as you're doing already. I guess you'd have it easier when using debian since they have arm package repositories. [05:14] lies [05:14] there is also chrubuntu, a patched ubuntu to work on chromebooks, but it's rather young, and not official either. [05:15] you might find your packages there, though. [05:15] tomreyn: yeah, i found the packages [05:15] or you could try the live cd image again [05:15] http://ports.ubuntu.com/pool/main/s/sudo/ [05:15] HorizonXP, you are going to .... look at linaro for armel [05:15] bobweaver, I am finding nothing in that location you gave me that will help me change the color scheme on ubuntu [05:16] HorizonXP: nice, i wasn't aware of those repositories. [05:16] wow 1500 noobs that cant configure debian === n is now known as Guest7389 [05:16] hello [05:16] ... [05:17] hello Guest7389 [05:17] hello [05:17] °ask | Guest7389 [05:17] !ask | Guest7389 [05:17] Guest7389: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [05:17] ... [05:17] does 12 12 12 in base 6 turn into base 6 6 6 in base 4? [05:18] anyone else know how to customize the color scheme on ubuntu? [05:18] I'm getting really tired already of ambiance and radiance and just want to easily change the color scheme already like I did in kde [05:18] i don't kown [05:18] michael87, http://imagebin.org/239428 [05:19] woops [05:19] michael87, it lives on caom.canonical.Unity [05:20] michael87: you could try this: http://www.uielinux.org/myunity/ [05:20] look in gconf-[123]-libs michael87 [05:20] michael87: i recall some themes or tools that worked with some themes to alter overall color schemes for unity and gnome-shell. saw them mentioned on the omgubuntu or webupd8 blog sites [05:20] i have a centos server running kickstart can ubuntu be installed using kickstart ? [05:21] hey, I've been banned from a public place & I need to talk with a networking person to try to get privileges back, if anybody can help :) [05:21] J_Hughes: go ask in #freenode [05:21] michael87: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=myunity [05:22] michael87, there is not a file cat /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/com.canonical.Unity.gschema.xml [05:22] J_Hughes google.com can help :) [05:23] i have a centos server running kickstart can ubuntu be installed using kickstart ? google can help === ericab is now known as ericab_away [05:23] yup already found it :) [05:23] lol thanks almoxarife [05:24] bsdbandit: and yes, it can [05:24] tomreyn, I tried myunity does not change the window color scheme [05:24] lol [05:24] michael87: i recall some themes or tools that worked with some themes to alter overall color schemes for unity and gnome-shell. saw them mentioned on the omgubuntu or webupd8 blog sites [05:25] ubuntu rocks [05:25] im rocking out with it right now [05:25] wow bsdbandits can rock with ubuntu [05:25] dr_willis, I know they exist I just wanted to be pointed in the right direction XD [05:25] :) yeah [05:25] i have both ubuntu and gentoo [05:25] ive been a solaris/bsd head along with centos for a while [05:26] just switching things up [05:26] :) [05:26] but i like gentoo better [05:26] ubuntu sercer [05:26] server [05:26] !ot | bsdbandit [05:26] bsdbandit: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [05:26] have you tried gentoo ever [05:26] sorry about that ubotu [05:26] arabcian1, #gentoo [05:26] ok [05:30] Problem: "Failed to retrieve video information". Description here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2094845 Could I get any quick solution here? [05:33] hi all i am tring to purge mysql so that i can start fresh and now i keep getting package install errors i use aptitude to remove mysql-common, mysql-server and removed the config in /etc/mysql and /var/lib/mysql/, can somoone assist [05:34] whoever, are remove its config manually ? [05:34] !aptitude [05:34] aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information. [05:35] i think aptitude has multiarch support ... [05:35] blackshirt: yes i removed the config manualy after useing aptitude to remove pkg [05:35] * amit__ prefer apt-get [05:36] whoever, the bad thing have been happen [05:36] Amit__ thats very subjective ... But,maybe better don't use mix them ... [05:37] whoever, pass to dpkg to recreate new config files .... [05:37] whoever, reinstall it wouldn't solve the problem [05:38] blackshirt: how to pass dpkg [05:38] and i tried apt-get -purge, and there isnt a purge command [05:39] whoever: no - [05:39] whover, apt-get purge [05:39] apt has support to purge ... [05:41] 12.10 is the newest right? [05:42] blackshirt: so after apt-get purge, I am still getting server errors durring the reinstall [05:43] whoever, yes ... What exactly the error is ? [05:44] dryhay: works for me. maybe you have some browser extensions which are getting in the way? [05:44] pkg mysql-server not configured yet, dpkg error processing mysql-server --configure [05:45] ok I'm using 12.10 and I want to know what program can change the color for gtk3. The windows that uses gnome 3. thats as specific as I can get becuase ubuntu is frusterating me right now when tryying to change the colors [05:46] tomaw: It worked for me once, but failed now. I don't use any extensions. Could I get under my thread any step-by-step check list to find out what is wrong, plz? [05:46] whoever: post the entire output, including the command you were running, to a pastebin. [05:47] tomaw: sry, it was to tomreyn :) [05:48] tomreyn: blackshirt http://pastebin.com/VL6NBYr8 [05:48] dryhay: i'm afraid not. it's hard to support flash, since it's proprietary (closed source) software which is badly supported on linux by its vendor. [05:48] alsamixer has completely stopped recognizing my onboard audio [05:49] 12.04 lts is what im running i believe [05:49] tomreyn: but it worked like an hour ago before, so the problem is with some settings related with chromium probably. [05:49] dryhay: that's possible, especially if you changed any [05:50] sorry 12.10 [05:50] whoever: what's the output of this? sudo apt-get purge mysql-server-5.5 mysql-server [05:50] tomreyn: was that error of any help [05:51] whoever; yes, you did not post the command you were running, though [05:52] tomreyn: http://pastebin.com/YK1Qgnbw [05:53] Chamunks: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/ubuntu-help/sound-nosound.html [05:53] tomreyn, thanks I'll look that over [05:55] whoever: this output looks like it was edited. on the top it says "$ sudo apt-get purge" as if this was the command you had run, but the output below is not what this command could have returned. [05:55] its so strange because it detects my usb producer mic [05:55] just fine [05:56] tomreyn: '$' is the end of my terminal promp [05:56] *prompt [05:56] Chamunks: good luck, and feel free to come back here after you're over it [05:57] whoever: i'm fully aware of this. ;) however, this is the command i suggested to run: whoever: what's the output of this? sudo apt-get purge mysql-server-5.5 mysql-server [05:57] tomreyn, it picks up a few soundcards on the output and it picks up my mobo card as HD-Audio Generic but only shows the S/PDIF [05:58] tomreyn: ah sorry looks like the url didn't copy [05:58] problem is it worked before the machine went for a reboot a few weeks ago. [05:59] in fact its only picking up the audio processor in my hdmi section of my video card.. :S [05:59] Chamunks: see if you can find the devices when you run pavucontrol [06:00] whoever: np [06:00] tomreyn: http://pastebin.com/vLwaxGzT [06:00] tomreyn, not in playback or recording [06:00] and under configuration its not there either [06:00] :S [06:01] Chamunks: your bios have a soundcard preference? [06:01] TonyL: so reinstall noW or you got something else ? [06:01] well trick is its working fine on my WineDoze install [06:02] almoxarife, ^ [06:03] whoever,if you freely pleased, you can search google for pass to dpkg options to recreate missing conf files [06:03] whoever, install it manually with that options ... [06:04] Whoever, you have scrambled your config ..... And apt was depend on consisten state of dpkg internal [06:04] http://paste.ubuntu.com/1441213/ [06:04] whoever: so it should be purged by now [06:04] consistent [06:04] thats a paste of my lspci [06:05] 1533 people cant configure debian [06:05] screw it this is p#$ing me off. can some sone tell me how to install a theme. I wanted an easy theme tweaking tool but it doesn't look like one for ubuntu exists [06:05] arabcian1, ask in#debian if it spesificto debian [06:06] michael87: missing kde yet? [06:06] Is there anyone successfully disable the inter ive cpu's GPU? and use the discrect GPU under any version of UBUNTU? [06:06] almoxarife, figured me out it seems. I love the unity bar but this is rediculas [06:06] Chamunks: 2 audio devices were detected. unless you require the hdmi one, the easiest option is usually to blacklist its module and reboot. [06:06] I have tried 12.04 12.10, both failed to install the nvidia driver [06:07] michael87: coming from kde you have expectations that wont be met my a desktop that was kept simple [06:07] tomaw, weird i'll have to do what almoxarife and check the bios because its only detecting two of my 4 audio devices (webcam-mic, mic, hdmi) [06:08] ouyes, did you try the nvidia-current driver by installing in the terminal ? [06:08] Chamunks: running ldpci -knnv should tell you, amongst other, the kernel driver in use for a given piece of hardware. note that you may have additional USB audio devices (run lsusb to check). you can match the modules against the 'lsmod' (currently loaded modules) output. [06:08] Chamunks: please try harder to address the right nicknames, people may get annoyed otherwise ;-) [06:09] BluesKaj, yes, I did a lot of google search, and tried a few versions of Nvidia driver, all of them has problems, [06:09] almoxarife, well that is just ridiculous. I mean how are they supposed to draw in people to ubuntu if you can't even customize the freaken window colors. Seriously. [06:09] BluesKaj, you will get low resolutions or you will get your window border gone after installation of the driver [06:10] almoxarife, maybe I should have stayyed with mint. This is all ridiculous. [06:10] tomreyn, hah woops! :P === tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn [06:11] BluesKaj, the only working version is through the bumblebee, but some applications doesn't support optirun, also if you have a good GPU why you need intel's? [06:11] michael87: mint? does mint have the ???? what ever your looking for? [06:11] ouyes, I'm using the nvidia-current with no problems on kubuntu 12.10 [06:11] BluesKaj, what module of laptop do you have? [06:11] oh optimus, ouyes that's a known problem [06:12] BluesKaj, yes optimus [06:12] almoxarife, mint with kde I mean. I had some lag with video files but I really liked it. ubuntu's unity was so simple that it made me want to switch from kde. But this window thing is driving me batty [06:12] Chamunks: I had a typo there earlier: "running ldpci -knnv should tell you" should have been: running lspci -knnv should tell you [06:12] BluesKaj, I just don't know which has a problem , the driver or the unity [06:12] tomreyn, I caught that :P [06:13] :) [06:13] http://paste.ubuntu.com/1441237/ [06:13] michael87: video lag is not kde related, it is codec/player/card related [06:13] my laptop use an intel gpu , ouyes , but my desktop has a nvidia 8400gs , not a fancy card , but t works fine [06:13] theres so many things in there :| [06:14] almoxarife, well it happened after I got the ati drivers for my graphics card. I'm begining to think it might have been that becuase ubuntu runs smoother without the driver for some reason [06:14] BluesKaj, I am installing the u 12.10 amd64 right now, and forget I have a gt 650M card, and wait for some fix to resolve the issue, what a pity! I have a good card, but no software can get it work! [06:14] almoxarife, also the gnome window snap is so so much nicer then kde's window snap. [06:14] michael87: snap? [06:15] ouyes, what's the low graphics level driver , the optimus use 2 gpus [06:15] tomreyn, I would imagine its this 00:14.2 Audio device [0403]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) [1002:4383] (rev 40) [06:15] almoxarife, you know aero snap. when you drag a window to the side of the screen and it auto fills that side of the screen [06:15] !optimus [06:16] !info optimus [06:16] Package optimus does not exist in quantal === elky` is now known as elky [06:16] * almoxarife must not do snap, [06:17] ouyes, run , sudo lshw -C video [06:17] BluesKaj, I am just wondering why there is no way to completely disable the intel GPU [06:18] ouyes, bumblebee is supposed to allow both gpus to work as designed [06:18] BluesKaj, http://pastebin.com/1Xzu2imc the outpu === tjbiddle__ is now known as tjbiddle [06:19] BluesKaj, but bumblebee is not good enough, and some applications won't see it [06:20] tomreyn, its just not passing that to the alsamixer and or pavucontrol [06:21] kick pc-x69 [06:21] Chamunks: passing what to what? [06:21] 00:14.2 Audio device [0403]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) [1002:4383] (rev 40) [06:21] greetings [06:21] seems like that would be the device right there [06:21] name... [06:22] hipchat [06:22] tomreyn, i suppose im out of time to work on this have a good night and thanks for the attempt :) [06:23] Chamunks: i see. disabling the hdmi device isn't as easy as i had hoped for, since it uses the same driver as the onboard audio device. there should be an option to instruct linux not to load any drivers for a given pci device or pci id in the first place but this is more complex than i had hoped for. [06:23] and you! === william is now known as Guest97862 [06:23] tomreyn, run , sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel , there won't be any reesponse in the terminal if the the module/driver loads properly , then you'll probly have to reboot [06:24] Chamunks: i see. disabling the hdmi device isn't as easy as i had hoped for, since it uses the same driver as the onboard audio device. there should be an option to instruct linux not to load any drivers for a given pci device or pci id in the first place but this is more complex than i had hoped for. [06:24] hehe thanks [06:24] I saw that re just as it was about to go down for restart [06:24] and a good night to you, too [06:24] cheers [06:24] I'll just fresh install i guess [06:25] it worked fine on a clean install [06:25] I dont know what changed [06:25] see if you have a ~/.dmix file [06:25] I really hadn't needed to touch the audio driver in quite some time. [06:25] anyways afk [06:25] renaming this may help, too [06:25] which? === pug is now known as Guest70658 [06:26] its driving me crazy that I cant use my linux due to no sound so im happy to see it work again if it does lol. === x69 is now known as pcx69 === pcx69 is now known as pc-x69 [06:26] a file called .dmix (starting with a dot and thus hidden in file browsers by default) in your home directory [06:27] tomreyn, .dmrc? [06:28] Chamunks: no that's something else [06:28] when I had skype installed before they fixed the bug I had to constantly delete pulse audio configs. [06:28] mm i dont see dmix [06:28] it was just a guess [06:28] finally got wireless working [06:28] im in nautilus and hit ctrl h [06:28] fair [06:28] installing via apt-get properly now :) [06:28] HorizonXP: congrats [06:29] tomreyn: thanks :) [06:29] I'll just delete all the PA configs and let PA repair itself [06:29] it'll be nice to be able to dual-boot ChromeOS + Ubuntu on this :) [06:29] i'll likely be in Ubuntu most of the time tho [06:31] HorizonXP: it sure is an affordable device if you want it extra thin, the others are cheaper than apples' now but still much more expensive than this one (but also much more powerful, too) [06:32] tomreyn, and that didnt work ok whichever im going to bed [06:32] <[_-S1L3NC3-_]> How Can I Find my serves flash policy port? [06:33] <[_-S1L3NC3-_]> Servers * [06:33] tomreyn: agreed. i needed portability, and I was willing to compromise on power for price. [06:33] "NIGGERS" ? [06:33] that said, so far, this device has more than enough power for me [06:35] HorizonXP: yes it's probably fine if you like working on a console or just do some web browsing, mail and occasional text editing/spreadsheets. [06:36] I just logged into Unity 2D on ubuntu 12.04 and when I logged back into regular unity, my panel and launcher are gone. I opened firefox through a terminal. What do I do?? [06:36] put a new panel on? [06:37] right click > add panel? [06:39] what about unity launcher? none of my compiz settings are working either. [06:39] if i minimize firefox to do that where will it be minimized to/ [06:39] ? [06:40] hmm [06:40] this just started righ? [06:40] yeah [06:40] ok I'm going to give cinnamon a wirl and then I'm probably going back to kde. Unless someone can tell me an easy gui program that will let me change unity's window gtk. This is extremely frustrating [06:40] what were you doing before it started [06:40] good luck mikey [06:41] i already tried in the terminal "unity repair" and "unity replace" and got nothing. [06:41] yes, but what were you doing before it happened [06:41] did you add/remove anythign [06:41] update? [06:41] I turned my computer on, logged into unity 2D just to see the difference, logged out and into unity and it's all gone. [06:41] upgrade? [06:42] ah [06:42] i had an issue like that on mint linux [06:42] I don't understand why ubuntu just can't fix this so that you can theme up your windows without downloading a theme from online. [06:42] i installed another desktop environment to check it out [06:42] i may have upgraded actually beore i turned it off earlier [06:42] then when i switched back it was kinda messed up [06:43] while i don't know the answer to your question, someone else here may... i know a reset helped.. [06:43] at least for me... [06:43] also make sure you're selecting the proper session [06:43] like on mine [06:43] i had a bunch of new sesssions [06:43] cub: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [06:43] like kde this... kde that.. [06:44] seriously before I do this no one knows a tool to customise the windows theme? I'm sure you guys figured something out. Unless you don't use unity lol [06:45] cub: its like this, once one has used kde, one has certain expectations about every other DE [06:45] almoxarife, yeah... i like KDE in some ways, but honestly Gnome is a bit better... doesnt seem as buggy.. but neither work good if i'm worried about memory issues [06:47] I love kde but I wanted more aeroglassness if that makes sence. Like windows 7. Only better lol [06:47] yeah i know it's all good.. to each their own [06:48] aero is pretty nice [06:48] when i said that, i looked at my Win7 laptop [06:48] lol [06:48] whats an aero? automobile? [06:49] cub, yeah. I know theres a few ways to get an Aero like feel but it has always been a pain in the but to set up lol [06:50] lol true [06:50] Random input, I prefer lxde. So much faster, although a bit less functional. [06:50] why not go for a UI you want? Imagine you could have anything - chances are in linux it's possible [06:50] it took a while for me to get used to Aero when i first got Win7, I was so used to the classic Windows themes [06:51] I love unity's fuctions so so much. But hate that ubuntu's being mean about customizing the freaken windows [06:51] i was going to say that earlier scott_k [06:51] lxde is good [06:52] i did like the win95 gui [06:52] i kept it from win95 all the way til 7 [06:52] decided to stick with the aero theme ... idk why , i guess wanted to try somethign diff... [06:52] hey all, fiddling with mpd, and using Turtle Beach gaming headphones. For some reason, mpd is playing out to the chat channel on the headphones instead of the normal game channel that everything else plays out to (I'm referring to the headphone hardware volume controls). No idea where to start on this one... [06:52] Personally, I like stylish menus, but I don't like them if their eyecandy requires a good chunk of CPU cycles. [06:52] I hate to say this but unity is pulling a windows xp on me. I can't have it look like this unless I do all these stupid work arounds. Kde and windows 7 aren't like that. heck mate isn't like that [06:53] Anyways, that's #ubuntu-offtopic conversation. [06:53] I am using Ubuntu on this desktop because its so outdated... I can't run win7 on here [06:54] but linux runs smoothly [06:54] yes, please take the windoz lovefest elsewhere, thnks [06:54] cub: Try Lubuntu, although you'd have to change to #lubuntu to talk about that one. :P [06:54] easier way to put my problem is that mpd isn't outputting to analog audio jack at all, even my desk speakers don't work [06:54] whats that ? [06:54] cub: same ubuntu core, different UI and default set of apps [06:54] cub, amen to that. But hey windows 8 might probably run on it. Hate to say it but they lightened it up. Just HATE that they got rid of aero glass [06:55] i doubt it michael87. the hardware is too old [06:55] i had to replace the cpu fan [06:55] S4L: check in 'alsamixer' incase they are muted [06:55] michael87: take the win-chat elswhere [06:55] cub, probably right [06:55] almoxarife, sorry I'll stop that [06:55] lets discuss this in ubuntu chat :) [06:56] Much better. :) Makes it easier for people helping others to do their stuff. [06:56] That way, we're not cluttering the chat with idle conversation. [06:56] right [06:56] hey scott i have a q [06:56] 'Course, what's up/ [06:56] ? ** [06:56] aeon-ltd: magically fixed it by unplugging and replugging the headphone USB... hate it when things work in mysterious ways [06:57] is there a way i can use the gui file manager on gnome to add/delete/change file names/edit files in owner protected folders? [06:57] i have had to do all this with the terminal.. and it is kinda inconvenient and tiring [06:57] God I feel like I'm going to hate giving up unity. seriously there is NO way to change the window theme? I think I found something in dconf editor but its a bunch of 0s and 1s [06:58] Well, you should be able to open up a rooted file manager. [06:58] cub: in same terminal, 'gksu nautilus --no-desktop' super-user file manager [06:58] cub: if you use sudo to launch nautilus file manager it will give you root rights [06:58] hmm okay nautilus [06:58] With ^ Those suggestions. [06:58] gtk.settings.color-chooser [06:58] what does the --no-desktop thing flag do? [06:58] aeon-ltd: dont use sudo with graphics apps, causes issues [06:59] Almoxarife, not sure how long the answer to this would be... gksu vs su? [06:59] cub: allows nautilus to close when exited [07:00] su [07:00] Scott_S: i am giving the party line answer, but it makes sense [07:01] hmm didnt work although i know it shoul [07:01] Ahhhh. gksudo for graphics, non-gksudo for CLI. I get it now, I have answered my own question. [07:01] Can I do a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04 while keeping my current home folder? [07:02] it worked without the --no-desktop flag [07:02] hangdeadman: You should be able to install without reformatting the partition, which (should) do what you're asking. [07:02] hangdeadman, backup your data anyways though [07:02] ^ [07:02] Beat me to it, good sir. [07:03] * TheLordOfTime is stealthyninjatimetraveller [07:03] okay now i need to kill it from the background [07:03] lol [07:03] I have no way to backup my files except on my internal hard drive. [07:03] how do u kill something with pid [07:03] i forgot the flag [07:03] cub: kill -9 [pid] ? [07:03] cub: Just bring up the task manager. [07:04] ty TheLordOfTime [07:04] i don't recommend always killing things though [07:04] sometimes it breaks things. [07:04] Anyways, off for the night fella's. Happy holidays! [07:04] gn scott [07:06] How do I put ubuntu 12.04 on a dvd and make it bootable in gnome shell/ [07:06] ? [07:07] hangdeadman: livecd? [07:07] hey my syslog is simply empty [07:07] how can I test it/fix it/check why its broken ha [07:08] rsyslogd is running and has been restarted [07:08] along with the box rebooted [07:08] hello... I changed my /etc/passwd file to reflect a new username & now I can't login to my main account in Ubuntu [07:10] hmmm [07:10] aeon-ltd: how do i get livecd? [07:10] hangdeadman: you burn the iso to cd to get a bootable cd [07:10] !burn [07:10] CD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [07:10] dr_willis: thanks [07:10] in fact, my old password does not work at all [07:11] guest-dmFaG6: Did you make a backup of the old /etc/passwd ? [07:11] isent there a right click=> burn menu item [07:11] if you right click on an iso [07:11] Jordan_U, no [07:11] the website did not warn me about this event [07:12] guest-dmFaG6: so does any account work now? [07:12] guest account seems to work [07:12] :( [07:13] guest-dmFaG6: Whenever modifying an important file you should make a backup of the original first, and also you should be careful what guides you follow. Official documentation is always the first place you should look. Can you pastebin your current /etc/passwd and post a link to the guide you followed? [07:13] use a live cd, or the recovery mode, undo the changes perhaps [07:13] so if you log in as guest and then use sudo and restore the file? [07:13] will recovery mode work? [07:13] im not sure you can sudo from the guest account [07:13] schemanen: You can't use sudo from the guest account (setuid protection). [07:13] ;) [07:13] ok :) [07:13] dr_willis, I can't sudo because the old password doesn't work [07:14] then live CD [07:14] guest-dmFaG6: thats why you need live cd or recovery/single user mode [07:14] http://askubuntu.com/questions/205448/change-user-name [07:14] that's the page I referenced [07:14] its most likely a typo in the file, or permissions on the file [07:15] been easier to just add a new user [07:15] the sudo password is not working [07:15] you said no one could login.. so no passwords are working? [07:15] any help on installing nvidia drivers for lenovo G580 [07:15] I can't unlock the second HD either, since it used the other password [07:15] no passwords are working [07:16] in etc/passwd I changed the single instance of the username to the new username [07:17] I changed the instances of the old username to the new username in etc/group [07:17] changed how exactly? [07:18] tulasi: what seems to be the issue? [07:18] you wont be able to make any changes now to it, unless you are on a live cd, or recovery/single user mode [07:18] using sudo gedit & searched for the old username & replaced it with the new username === Htbrdd- is now known as Htbrdd [07:19] id also check the owner and permissions on the passwd file [07:19] dosent the shadow file also have to be changed? [07:19] the passwd file is root only [07:19] * dr_willis rarely messes with those files [07:20] I've had this old username for 4 years & it was time for a change [07:20] 1 [07:21] you should have just added a new user. ;) [07:21] How do I figure out wether my laptop has a 32 or 64 bit processor? [07:21] whats output of ls -l /etc/passwd and ls -l /etc/shadow [07:21] way i've always done it is create a new user then migrate the old home dir over. [07:21] hangdeadman: what cpu does it have? [07:22] 2x Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz [07:22] hangdeadman: theres a string to look for in 'cat /etc/cpuinfo' i recall [07:22] #hardware may be able to tell you also [07:24] -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3200 Δεκ 15 09:07 /etc/passwd is the passwd file [07:24] -rw-r----- 1 root shadow 1981 Δεκ 15 09:07 /etc/shadow is the shadow file [07:25] guest-dmFaG6: Did you also modify /etc/shadow? [07:26] Jordan_U, no I didn't... the website didn't mention that file [07:27] it would be courteous to reference that file on that webpage if you get the opportunity [07:27] I figured askubuntu was a pretty good source [07:27] guest-dmFaG6: It depends on who answers. That answer terrible. [07:28] its a peer-review sort of site. ;) [07:28] so what do you guys think? [07:29] guest-dmFaG6: Please revert both /etc/passwd and /etc/group (and if you renamed your home directory, change that back as well) and confirm that you can log in again. [07:29] live cd, put the changes back.... [07:29] Jordan_U, can I revert via recovery mode? [07:29] I haven't changed anything in days anyway [07:29] if you know the console/cli you could [07:29] which I don't [07:30] guest-dmFaG6: Probably, but it's easier to do from a LiveCD/USB if you have one handy. It especially makes it easier for you to give feedback to us. [07:30] I think I have a live cd... what do I need to do? [07:31] wow, my most recent cd is Ubuntu 10.4 [07:31] :( [07:34] I'll brb [07:38] any one know where the default path is set in ubuntu? [07:38] sorry, needed a new name again [07:38] :) [07:38] gotoguy: in several places [07:38] $PATH+for what [07:38] .profile sets use specific $Path [07:38] I want to a bin dir to my home [07:39] grep PATH * [07:39] so how do I enter recovery mode? [07:39] you mean a bin dir in $HOME look at soures ~/.bashrc [07:39] if you make a bin dir in your home it gets added to your path by default [07:39] i keep scripts in my /home/willis/bin dir [07:40] how do I get dpkg to install a program AND it's dependencies? [07:40] Okay great thanks I found it now. [07:40] DrManhattan: i use gdebi to do that [07:40] i think you have to do it via dpkg in like 2 steps [07:40] in other words there isn the .bashrc file that see's things as +x gotgnu but again not sure what you are doing [07:40] I used to using fedora, but for some reason I thought ubuntu was different. [07:40] I fail lol [07:41] ah hah. at last a channel where few speak [07:41] lol [07:41] so tired of other channels not talkin and full list. it's just nuts === ChetaN is now known as Guest12972 [07:42] dr_willis, I have the Ubuntu 10.04 live cd in the drive, though it didn't give any prompts [07:42] why do people just sit around and idle in a chat. i cant stand havin an extra tab open for no reason [07:42] lol [07:42] guest-SrswTg: mount your broken system, edit the files back [07:42] dr_willis, how do I do that? [07:42] thechameleon: i have znc going... i appear to be here all day long. ;) [07:42] even if im not [07:43] guest-SrswTg: use the file manager.. fine the file on your installed system [07:43] any1 in here know why e17 won't save settings? i have the temperature module loaded and gadget next to my clock on the bottom bar but the settings always revert and nothing changes except the temp from celsius to Farenheit and it says 3178F LOL [07:43] not the file on the live cd. [07:44] I don't have permissions to view the home folder [07:44] for instance [07:44] what is znc dr_willis [07:44] !info znc [07:44] znc (source: znc): advanced modular IRC bouncer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.206-2 (quantal), package size 1246 kB, installed size 2967 kB [07:44] the guest account is not listed as a sudo user either [07:44] i irc to my pc.. it bounces me to here [07:44] guest-SrswTg: guest? the ubuntu live cd nas a ubuntu user [07:45] not a guest user [07:45] lol dr_willis i am still lost for some reason. but that answers my questions of why SO MANY people in irc always are there but not [07:45] so I need to restart with the cd in the drive? [07:45] revert the files to what they were? [07:45] guest-SrswTg: err.. you boot the live cd yes... [07:45] dr_willis: Thanks for the info! I was thrown off because in Fedora, the path is set in .bash_profile. [07:45] ok, thanks... brb [07:45] what would just putting it in the cd do..../ [07:46] gotoguy: you can set it from different places [07:46] yeah okay, [07:46] thanks again. [07:46] the bin dir in the users home IS added to the default path if it exists when the user logs in [07:46] Cool. [07:47] * peterrooney recalls that e17 is beta stage software [07:48] any1 in here know why e17 won't save settings? i have the temperature module loaded and gadget next to my clock on the bottom bar but the settings always revert and nothing changes except the temp from celsius to Farenheit and it says 3178F LOL [07:48] E## is the constantly in beta windowmanager/desktop [07:48] stage [07:49] e16 is rock solid, but very very different. [07:49] i haven't had this issue before peterrooney just with this new bodhi install. the old one was same exact version no prob for some reason [07:50] dr_willis, the live cd is not booting... I tried twice... I checked the BIOS & the cd drive is primary boot order, though it's not booting & going instead straight to regular login [07:50] is there a button I can push during booting initiation? [07:50] not sure guest-4EWVmB has someone suggest f8 or f12 [07:51] whatever your bios is [07:51] to select the cd [07:51] ^yes [07:51] thats is it [07:51] thechameleon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [07:51] one of those for sure. [07:51] ok, thanks [07:51] thank you thechameleon :) [07:51] peeeee yu [07:51] damn i type to fast for the FloodBot1 at only 30 wpm LMAO [07:51] yw [07:54] well i'm out but if whoever in this room can control the FloodBot1 , IT IS RETARDLY SET for like 20 wpm hahaha [07:58] dr_willis, I went into recovery mode & found the root console prompt though sudo gedit did not work [07:58] I also reverted to a previous version of Ubuntu & the password still did not work [07:58] there was not an option to use the cd [08:00] hey guys [08:00] is there a kubuntu channel? [08:01] I have ubuntu installed already, can I add disk encryption without reinstalling? [08:01] from the root console, what is the path to /etc/passwd? [08:01] does anyone know, why sbackup syas that there's no free space left, when backing up over samba. I'm sure that there is enough of it. [08:01] chris: try #kubuntu [08:02] I can't enable monitor mode on my BCM43XX wifi card [08:02] I read somewhere that Broadcom does not support monitor mode any workaround? === yann is now known as Yann === Yann is now known as Guest72109 === Guest72109 is now known as Yann_L1 [08:11] so I'm presuming there's some way to mount my drive from root console in recovery mode, though I'm not certain how === daniel is now known as Guest53824 [08:21] i got a question [08:22] whenever i walk away from my comp for 5 mins it automatically makes me type my password again when i return [08:22] how do i increase the time [08:22] you'll have to look into whatever manages the locking feature [08:22] cub: ^ [08:23] yeah where would that be obviously [08:23] lol\] === Mike_ is now known as Guest79734 [08:24] hell would i know, i don't use ubuntu :) [08:24] guessing - lightdm? [08:25] what do yo use [08:25] more like gnome is the issue here [08:25] arch with dwm [08:26] cub: http://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/how-to-disable-ubuntu-11-10-lock-screen-when-screensaver-is-active/ [08:26] bottom screenshot [08:27] someone please help me... I got the cd to boot though it gives an error automatically trying to mount the HD [08:28] I'm not certain how, though it seems like there should be a way to mount my file system from recovery mode root shell [08:28] recovery mode would allready have it mounted [08:29] since thats what it would be booting from [08:29] in the root shell of recovery mode I do a "dir" & it gives Desktop & GNU Step as options... I can't find /etc [08:29] you would make sure / was mounted read/write then fix the file with nano, or vi as root [08:30] just run mount /? [08:30] /etc/ is the full path to the directoery.... /etc/thefilename [08:30] / is allready mounted when you boot.. [08:31] recovery mode might mount / in read only mode [08:31] Hi people! [08:33] hello [08:33] guten morgen [08:33] anyone knows anything useful about getdeb? like will it work again any time (soon)? [08:33] I'm finding mount -o remount,rw / as an instruction for mounting the drive [08:34] though I think it's weird that /etc is not listed [08:34] guest-hhNHP2: i would think thats more due to your lack of basic command line knowledge [08:34] ls -l /etc/ [08:34] and see whats there [08:35] ok [08:35] I thought dir was a way to get a list of the directories [08:35] I'm from the old Windoze converts class of users [08:35] :) [08:35] your thinking dos.... [08:35] and your dir command showed what was in the CURRENT directory [08:36] which was the users home directory ... [08:36] Hi is there any commands to run an /etc/init/blah.conf manually? [08:37] dr_willis, from the root shell in recovery mode, how would I mount the /etc folder? [08:37] jason777: sudo service whatever start [08:37] guest-hhNHP2: you dont.. its allready under /etc/ when / was mounted [08:37] dr_willis, there are some configurations in the conf file that i want to run, it be better running the init conf manually anyways? [08:38] dr_willis, though when I tried to cd etc it did not work [08:38] jason777: ive rarely has to mess with it. that upstart cookbook may be worth a read [08:38] guest-hhNHP2: what was the exact command you used? [08:38] cd etc [08:39] you do realize /etc/ and 'etc' are totally different meanings? [08:39] bash basics... cd /etc [08:39] whenever I start ubuntu it spends 60 seconds waiting for network config [08:39] can I configure it not to? [08:39] note the use of the FULL path [08:39] :( I didn't realize that... thanks dr_willis... I'll be back, thanks again [08:40] guest-hhNHP2: it may be worth an hr of your time to reads some bash beginner tutorials [08:40] this is rather fundamental stuff [08:42] aeon-ltd, ty [08:48] Taylor: Hey [08:50] What is the best Musi cProgram on ubuntu? [08:50] Music* [08:50] chris__: As in music player? [08:51] yeah [08:51] hi [08:51] chris__, windows media player [08:51] knighting gale, Amarok? [08:51] clementine? [08:51] chris__: Sort of a broad and subjective question. What are you looking for in a music player? [08:51] !music [08:51] music player? [08:51] vlc [08:51] !info mocd [08:51] Package mocd does not exist in quantal [08:52] Visually appealing and great functionality [08:52] vlc command line [08:52] easy to remote control from phone [08:52] ssh [08:52] chris__: For just music playing my favorite is called "deadbeef". very light and simple [08:52] sweet features like what rankenstien mentioned, i had no idea that was possible [08:52] it plays muzak.. what other function do yq need. ;-) [08:53] How I can use gufw (firewall) to block conections from a range of ips ? [08:53] !info moc [08:53] moc (source: moc): ncurses based console audio player. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.5.0~alpha4+svn20120224-1ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 244 kB, installed size 680 kB [08:53] moc rules them all. ;-) [08:53] bobo37773, looking into it [08:54] dr_willis: I will have to look into it [08:54] bobo37773, also like podcast features [08:54] dr_willis: ncurses fan here [08:54] chris__: oh. I'm not sure. The one I recommended plays music and does nothing else [08:55] test [08:55] bobo37773, I see, do you know of any site that categorises ubuntu apps? [08:55] chris__: I don't. [08:56] bobo37773, All good, thanks for the help once again! [08:56] sooftware center does dint it. or use the search feature [08:56] !cookie bobo37773 [08:56] chris__: Welcome :) [08:56] any prog in particular you look for? [08:57] rankenstien, just want to know what the best is [08:57] any practice with firewall anyone ? [08:57] gabrign, [08:57] windows firewalll works wonderfully [08:57] Does anyone know how to install Teamspeak? It's a .run file [08:58] Hello I have a large amount of films stored on an external hard drive , I want to sort them are there any tools that can help me ? [08:58] cub I don't know that, but the ufw works great [08:58] Otie: Is teamspeak not in the repos? Why a .run file? Was there not a .deb for it? [08:58] yay! [08:58] but I don't know of make this in a specific form [08:58] gabrign: Not sure about ufw but I know iptables can block an iprange or a port range [08:59] Well, I have no idea what a .deb file is, but I clicked on the big download button on the teamspeak website. :s I just installed ubuntu today (studio edition). [08:59] bobo37773: thanks , appears be the unique solution. ufw also bloqs a range, but using a ip mask [08:59] Otie: Okay let me check for you [08:59] and the range is much less specific that way [08:59] I'll look it up on the software centre [08:59] gabrign: Oh okay. Never used it. [09:00] Otie: Yeah is it in there? [09:00] It came up with one but I clicked on it and it's not found [09:00] jellow: depends on the details of your sorting [09:00] random question - xchat, what's the variable for days in time stamp? (Tue/Wed) [09:00] "There isn’t a software package called “teamspeak-client” in your current software sources." [09:00] Otie: Hmm. Weird. When is the last time you updated? [09:01] !find teamspeak [09:01] Found: teamspeak-client, teamspeak-server [09:01] I just downloaded ubuntu today. It updated software. [09:01] !info teamspeak-client [09:01] teamspeak-client (source: teamspeak-client): VoIP chat for online gaming. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.0.32-3ubuntu3 (quantal), package size 7198 kB, installed size 14960 kB (Only available for i386) [09:01] sorry you guys... I think I'm nearly done... I just can't seem to find the command for renaming a file [09:01] guest-fyPiXF, mv [09:01] guest-fyPiXF: rename is the move command "mv" [09:01] mv filename tothisname [09:01] guest-fyPiXF: 'mv foo bar' [09:02] I used nano to revert the /etc/passwd file to the old username & the password works now, though the home directory still has the new username in it [09:02] dr_willis: I want to sort between 720p and regular Xvid , I can do the rest [09:02] dr_willis & bobo37773, do I have to mkdir the new filename first? [09:02] Otie: Okay. Let me look at teamspeak website. Should be a deb file (.deb is a debian install file (ubuntu is based off of debian (apt-get etc..))) [09:02] guest-fyPiXF: mv onedir otherdir [09:03] ok [09:03] thanks you 2 [09:03] Okay, thanks. [09:03] mkfs [09:03] jellow: may need to do some scripting for that. im not sure how you would tell the differance however. 'file videofile' may give some info on the files [09:04] Guest23901: ?? mkdir makes a folder. to just create a file for future reference you can use "touch" command. [09:04] I installed Teamspeak (Windows version) through wine, but my whole computer froze when I saved the settings after changing them, to get my microphone to work. I had to reset my computer. [09:05] why isent it mkfolder ;) [09:05] Guest23901: Ooops. That was meant for someone else [09:05] dr_willis: good question! [09:05] :P [09:05] because ms decided 'directory' was too confuseing..... [09:05] ;P [09:05] hahaha [09:05] how to you make an icon of a directory [09:06] how do i get my microphone to work [09:06] then again.. kids these days dont know what a manilla folder is.... [09:06] Otie: Don't use wine for a gnu/linux program. Why do you need teamspeak? Anyways let me look [09:06] hello [09:06] who is online ? [09:06] hey got a q [09:06] wade: everyone [09:07] I use teamspeak to talk with my friends/clanmates. I want to be able to talk to them on ubuntu without having to boot back to Windows. [09:07] microphone device file? [09:07] Otie: theres teamspeak clients native to linux [09:07] anyone know /dev/sound? [09:07] !info teamspeak-client [09:07] teamspeak-client (source: teamspeak-client): VoIP chat for online gaming. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.0.32-3ubuntu3 (quantal), package size 7198 kB, installed size 14960 kB (Only available for i386) [09:08] and you can pipe the dev to the speaker dev [09:08] hi dr_willis , [09:08] :( the password is not incorrect, though I can't login to my old user account & don't have an alternative account [09:08] Otie: Gotcha. The one in the software center should work though [09:09] wade theres no need to dcc chat me... [09:09] do you have a support question wade? [09:09] I have somehow effectively disabled my old user account, even though the file changes reflect the username that WAS existent before the attempt to change it [09:09] nothing [09:09] When I click on the one in the software centre (More Info), it tells me "Not found". [09:09] Otie: Open a terminal and try: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install teamspeak-client [09:10] dr_willis, is there a way to just add a new user & transfer my files as a sudo user? [09:10] That's working. :D [09:10] Otie: Cool :) [09:11] guest-rGZ66m: from recoverymode you can 'sudo adduser billgates' [09:11] Thanks. It's installing now. :) [09:11] Welcome [09:11] then set them to have sudo rights [09:11] & then login with new username? [09:11] sudo adduser username & then what to give sudo permissions? [09:12] no idea. i havent had to do the admin rights from cli in years [09:12] some group command ;) [09:12] guest-rGZ66m: Just add your new user to the appropriate group. Probably "wheel" group [09:12] will it ask me for a password for new user? [09:13] ok, brb [09:13] it asks several questions [09:13] and i think its the admin group [09:13] ah admin group [09:14] but i forget the exact command [09:14] dr_willis: Is Ubunru only distro that calls it admin group? [09:14] adduser username admin [09:14] useradd -G groupname username [09:14] Flannel: i think thats missing an imporntant option/flag [09:14] bobo37773: No, that's wrong. [09:14] dr_willis: No, it's right. [09:14] there we go. ;) [09:14] i thought it had a -a -G [09:14] bobo37773: That will ruin their permissions, because you forgot -a [09:15] ;) [09:15] dr_willis: No, useradd is the easy one. useradd username group [09:15] Flannel: Ah gotcha [09:15] who know voip VAD silence noise ? [09:15] i remember peoplr always do it WRONG.. and lose the other groups [09:16] eh, I've turned myself around. [09:16] useradd is bad, we should forget it exists. adduser is good. we should use that. adduser username group [09:16] this is why i said i dont know the command.... [09:17] hmm I can't even find a "-a" flag in useradd manpage :/ [09:17] dr_willis: I had it right the first time, then it became duck season. [09:17] duck! [09:17] rabbit season [09:18] bobo37773: That's because it's usermod. [09:18] hi all [09:18] hi s3t [09:19] bobo37773: Sorry, it's late. useradd will only create, usermod is the one that will add, but this is moot, because we should use adduser instead, for both. [09:19] Flannel: Oh okay. I see it now [09:19] i'm setting rules in iptables, and then they do not have an effect. ipstables-save gives me a line "-A TOR -s -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DROP", but then after that I can still GET the webserver, and it shows up in access.log as coming from [09:19] Flannel: What makes it really moot is that I don't even think OP is here hahaha :P [09:20] hi dr_willis, could you tell me how to check directory size in linux ? [09:20] wade: du -hs normally [09:20] or du [09:20] I think I've figured out why I can't access my old account [09:20] this is previous "guest" user [09:21] dr_willis, thanks a lot ! [09:21] Flannel: Hey so is it admin group or wheel group for sudo in Ubuntu?? [09:21] bobo37773: admin [09:21] а где сервер канала находится? [09:21] goaw: what ubuntu release are you using? [09:21] Flannel: Oh okay. Thanks. Good to know [09:22] dr_willis, I've upgraded multiple times... I'm on 12.04 now [09:22] meltingwax: Did you restart iptables daemon after saving your new rules? [09:22] dr_willis, thanks for your help btw... I know it can be troublesome when someone is having computer problems & you can't just do something for them [09:22] last i looked 'guest' user settings were not saved.. but that may have been different in earlier releases [09:23] People as the mood? [09:23] dr_willis, you're correct... I tried to save xchat to the Launcher & it wasn't there when I relogged [09:23] bobo37773: how would i do that? i thought about it but I didn't see anything in /etc/init.d [09:23] nothing is saved.. the step kid learned that the hardway when she lost her book report.... [09:24] ;) [09:24] meltingwax: Strange. Not sure where else it would be [09:25] who is from Russia? [09:25] so I think the problem with logging into the old account is that there's now a folder with attempted-newusername inside the oldusername file & it's locked [09:25] bobo37773: according to stackoverflow clone, it's not a service, it's an interface to the kernel, so there isn't something to really restart [09:25] meltingwax: Huh. Maybe one of the switches for iptables-restore?? [09:27] goaw is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. [09:27] goaw: then you will need to run: sudo usermod -a -G sudo username as a user whom can use sudo, or in root recovery console [09:27] bobo37773: iptable -L -v (lists everything, ps aux style), shows it's all there, but for some it doesn't list IPs, it lists things like 'wau.torservers.net' even though it was added as an IP [09:28] goaw: a direcory in the users home wont stop them from loggin to the console. or X under most cases [09:28] goaw: try the console [09:28] I wish all the world peace! Happy new year! [09:29] s3t: merry xmas to you too [09:29] dr_willis: Unless they got a super crazy .bashrc or .bash_profile haha [09:29] ActionParsnip, you're suggesting user that command where username is "goaw" for instance? [09:29] bobo37773: and the specific IP that I'm getting through tor right now falls under one of those names; it's not listed. It might be a tor trick [09:30] usermod = usermod? [09:30] meltingwax: Yeah I am not sure. It may be. Tor has a lot of different nodes and stuff [09:30] meltingwax: Maybe you can test on an ip that is simpler [09:31] meltingwax: gufw is a gui for iptables, takes alot of the hassle out of it [09:33] Okay take care guys. Gotta go now [09:35] dr_willis: I've found a command that sort of works 'avconv -i file' yet I can't seem to use | pipe for use with grep , Have you any ideas ? [09:39] ok cool... so now how do I change permissions of the file in the old user account? [09:39] almoxarife: i'm building a cron service that will query the list of tor nodes that can access your IP, and then block them [09:40] meltingwax: how would they access your ip in the first place? === Guest52366 is now known as ponbiki [09:41] almoxarife: because i run an ircd, and have gotten abuse before. this is on a headless VPS, not a desktop [09:41] damnit, it's still saying goaw is not in the sudoers list [09:41] meltingwax: tor lists all known exit nodes [09:43] though Goaw is listed as an administrator [09:46] goaw: if you run: groups are you in the sudo group? [09:46] no, I'm in the goaw group :( lol [09:46] goaw: thats why then, normal users are in a tonne more groups than that dude [09:47] lol no kidding [09:47] almoxarife: yup. I'm writing a cron script to maintain a collection of addresses in IPtables to drop. https://github.com/meltingwax/tor-iptables/blob/master/cron-service.sh [09:47] what do I do ActionParsnip? I ran the command you suggested [09:47] goaw: you will need to su to a user whom can use sudo, or you can reboot and use root recovery console [09:48] or connect the drive to a setup machine [09:48] ok, I could su to my old user account maybe [09:48] what do I do? [09:49] yay! I just did su oldusername & I'm in! [09:49] so now what ActionParsnip? [09:49] goaw: I'd add your new user to the usual groups [09:49] anyone know of a key signing party? [09:50] or where to find out about them? [09:50] ActionParsnip, you have an example of how to adduser to sudo group? [09:51] I guess, according to my old user, there are quite a few groups I need to add to [09:51] goaw: sudo usermod -a -G sudo username [09:52] ActionParsnip, can I replace the -G sudo with -G adm for instance? [09:54] goaw: sure [09:54] What's the best way to add the precise version of a ppa to my quantal quetzal install? [09:55] I can't get my wifi to work on thinkpad x220t running ubuntu server 12.04 [09:56] how can I download a package on my system (debian) for another system (ubuntu) that doesn't have internet access? [09:56] This (https://launchpad.net/~bearoso/+archive/ppa) ppa. There's no quantal version. Is there a way I can get apt-add-repository to do this or do I have to manually edit sources.list? [09:56] *add-apt-repository [09:56] very cool... so now how do I access this folder which is saying goaw does not have permissions to view? [09:57] nvm, figured it out. [09:58] baumy: what wifi chip is it using? [09:58] browndawg: mixing sources from other releases may cause issues [09:59] ActionParsnip: 03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N + WiMAX 6250 (rev 35) [09:59] ActionParsnip: But deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/bearoso/ppa/ubuntu quantal main doesn't exist. :) [10:00] browndawg: you could contact the PPA maintainer to see if they are interested in supporting Quantal [10:00] ActionParsnip: Sure [10:00] baumy: if you run: sudo lshw -C network what is the driver of the wifi? [10:02] ActionParsnip: I'm not seeing anything labeled "driver" [10:02] I want find to only look at file names what tags do i need ? [10:03] I want find to only look at folder names what tags do i need ? [10:03] ok, I come back from use iptables [10:03] and works great, but how make the change permanent ? [10:04] wonder if anyone could help please, my hostname is not set correctly so php is fetching the wrong hostname [10:04] I already put in in a script file, but requiers root for work, and I wish be in startop [10:04] startup [10:04] since I'm in the group for the old-username & the sudo group, I should be able to access the folder, right? [10:05] baumy: read the block at the bottom, you will see: driver= === xubuntu is now known as Guest69095 [10:07] gksudo gedit didn't seem to work in the terminal [10:07] ActionParsnip: ah, missed it. driver=iwlwifi [10:08] ActionParsnip: i think the main problem im having is i have no idea how to manage wireless/wifi from the command line, and i dont have a gui thing to do it since i installed ubuntu server not desktop [10:08] thanks for the help btw [10:08] baumy: run: echo "options iwlwifi 11n_disable=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf > /dev/null [10:08] baumy: reboot to tesy [10:08] okay [10:09] gabrign: if you correctly added a iptable rule it will stay until set thru reboots [10:09] hej [10:10] almoxarife correct, how I can do it permanent? with "iptables-save" is sufficient ? [10:10] gabrign: yes [10:11] i must use some script in startup options for make something like "iptables-restore" or isn't necesary ? [10:11] ActionParsnip: done, not sure how to establish a connection now. my home wifi is wpa [10:14] baumy: use network manager in the top panel [10:14] ActionParsnip: I started nm-connection-editor, there's nothing listed in the wireless tab [10:15] ActionParsnip: im running ubuntu server + i3wm, dont have the desktop network manager thing [10:16] baumy: if you run: sudo iwlist scan do you see networks? [10:16] ActionParsnip: yes, and the second one is the network i want [10:18] ok, so I have permissions to the files using su oldusername... so how do I simply change the file permissions so that my new user can view the files? [10:18] baumy: look into iwconfig, if you can, get a wired connection and install wicd. It has a nice ncurses UI you can use on the server [10:19] chmod rw- filename? [10:19] goaw: you should be able to view the files [10:19] ActionParsnip: i am actually on a wired connection on the laptop right now, i will do that [10:19] baumy: wicd is awesome [10:19] baumy: I believe the command is wicd-curses on the server [10:21] can you have 2 wireless cards and make wireless repeater? [10:22] ActionParsnip: appears to be kind of working, sees the card and the networks and everything, having trouble connecting atm but I'll mess with it a bit before asking for help again [10:23] iptables not keep config using iptables-save [10:23] Hello [10:23] I have gcc 4.6 installed, and I installed the gcc-4.7-base package. How do I access gcc 4.7? When I type 'gcc' its version 4.6 [10:23] :( somehow all my folders got changes to txt files [10:24] I did a chmod 666 filename & the subfiles & folders are txt files :( [10:25] chmod 667 changed them to locked subfolders [10:26] Is there anyone with good understanding of DVD/RW. I have a standalone video recorder (professional) that has spit out a disc that is unreadable and reports empty. It does contain data however, which i need to extract, but i'm stuck. Tried ripping with DD, dares, foremost ect. but nothing works === viper is now known as Guest87811 === hhu is now known as daniel [10:27] Let me ask a different question then [10:27] Hi every body ! [10:27] What's the whaeter at berlin? [10:27] browndawg: what is the output of: file `which gcc` [10:28] Is there a way to use gcc 4.7 on Ubuntu 12.04.1? === daniel is now known as Guest56929 === root is now known as Guest81962 [10:28] ActionParsnip: connection hangs for a while on "Validating Authentication", then eventually says bad password, but I'm 100% sure I typed the password in right, literally checked it 15 times, and its the password i just set that works for all my other stuff [10:28] !rootirc > Guest81962 [10:28] Guest81962, please see my private message [10:28] Is there a contailer technology that Debian officially supports? LXC, OpenVZ, etc...? [10:29] baumy: not sure then dude, are you fully updated? [10:29] voxadam, lxc was support by linux by default [10:29] yerp [10:29] I'll try a restart brb [10:29] Voxadam, openvz was supported on debian, but maybe would be dropped on future times [10:30] Has Ubuntu taken sides? [10:30] Braden`: what is the output of: file `which gcc` [10:30] voxadam: in what way? [10:30] So the winds are blowing in the direction of LXC? [10:31] voxadam, some virtualization technologies was available in linux ... Even in ubuntu [10:32] I understand. There are three competing technologies. Which one is going to win? [10:32] voxadam, three ? What is it ? [10:33] voxadam: why does one have to win [10:33] I was thinking there was a thrid but I seem to be wrong. [10:34] voxadam: i'm sure each has advantages and disadvantages, why not use all 3 and let users choose which is ideal for the, [10:34] them* [10:34] Hello, does anybody know some nice web file-browsing system? which also allows up and download of files. [10:35] voxadam: surely if one 'wins' (whatever that means) and the other way is better for a whole bunch of users, don't they then 'lose'? [10:35] Point well taken. [10:35] voxadam: having a single option for something isn't very Linuxy ;) [10:35] Why is it giving me this error? $ ls -l mud \n -rwxrwxr-x 1 braden braden 1569338 Dec 15 18:36 mud \n braden@caspar:~/mud$ ./mud \n -bash: ./mud: No such file or directory [10:35] The file is obviously there [10:35] Good point. [10:36] Well, maybe I'll learn them both. [10:36] Braden`: "file ./mud && uname -m" both 32 or 64 bit? [10:36] At this point does anyone know which is supported by Ubuntu? [10:37] ./mud: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=0x22d5c11592c0018b0608ebeb1656814398c3c908, not strippedx86_64 [10:37] Braden`: "ldd ./mudd | grep found" you're missing 32bit support/libs [10:38] How do I add those? [10:38] Braden`: get those libs marked as "not found" with apt-get install [10:39] there doesn't seem to be instructions to chgrp folder/+subs nor to chmod 776 folder/+subs [10:39] Why ubuntu live does not see the parallel port? [10:39] well packagename:i386 it is* [10:39] ldd ./mud |grep found returned zero results [10:40] hey all. I am trying to better understand boot loaders/managers, and I have a question... [10:40] Is there a way to install gcc 4.7 on 12.04.1 [10:40] ? [10:41] So I can use the c++11 std [10:41] say I have a new laptop that comes with Win8 preinstalled (UEFI enabled) [10:41] nd am trying to dual boot Ubuntu [10:41] keeping Win8 bootloader as the main one [10:41] Braden`: what is the output of: file `which gcc` [10:41] Braden`: iirc you need at least "libc6-i386" then, or ia32-libs [10:43] gcc-4.6 [10:43] during the installation process, and when I reach the Advanced Partitioning Tool window [10:43] what device do I choose as the target for the bootloader [10:43] Braden`: as in a link to gcc-4.6 ? [10:44] Aye [10:44] Braden`: then why not say that? [10:44] Sorry [10:44] do I put it inside the uefi boot partition, or do I create a separate one? [10:44] Braden`: so we have established it's a link, you can just change what the link points to and it will use the other binary :) [10:46] plz guys, help with dual booting and UEFI... [10:47] !register > myhero [10:48] !cloak [10:48] To get any kind of cloak (ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup - For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode. [10:48] !cloak > welcome [10:49] welcome, please see my private message [10:49] Thank you [10:50] !uefi [10:51] ActionParsnip: how do i tell what type of encryption I'm supposed to be using? there's like 3 different wep options [10:51] Hello, does anybody know some nice web file-browsing system? which also allows up and download of files. [10:52] oh wait [10:53] it started working [10:53] ActionParsnip: thanks for the help, for future reference, issue was that having network-manager and wicd both on the system caused wpa_supplicant not to be called correctly === patr|ck_ is now known as paddy [10:59] hello [10:59] For some reason, some ccsm settings get reset every time I logout and log back in. What could cause this? [11:03] diverdude: accessible via web browser you mean? [11:04] hi. How do I encrypt a string of text by GOST algorithm? [11:06] diverdude: or just a file system or share suitable for over the web? [11:07] shwouchk_: you ran ccsm as root one time or other configs got owned by root .. is a common cause [11:08] bbl. heading out. [11:09] dr_willis, but in this case I think that changes would not work at all? In my case hey only get reset at logoff [11:11] I close the window of my xchat and it says mini to tray, but where can I find it? it is gone? or closed? [11:12] ouyes: ps x will tell you === captain__ is now known as captainfixerpc14 [11:13] ouyes_: if you run: ps -ef | grep chat | grep -v grep do you see the process? [11:14] ActionParsnip, I see two process [11:14] ActionParsnip, I open it again [11:15] ouyes_: cool, do you have the system tray added to the panel? [11:16] ActionParsnip, accessible via web browser [11:16] diverdude: http://www.unixmen.com/how-to-install-and-configure-webdav-ubuntu-1104/ [11:17] is there any chance to have old clearlooks theme back on ubuntu 12.04? [11:18] 2nd attempt at getting some answers on quantal [11:18] ActionParsnip, what is system tray? [11:18] hi [11:18] ActionParsnip, I am in ubuntu 12.10 [11:19] 1. udevd shipped with quantal doesnt support /lib/devices anymore, as it states in the `man udev', instead the functionality is removed. how do i create /dev/xconsole at startup? 2. how do i overcome plymouth rules, so upstart doesnt hang at startup , waiting for some plymouth event which never happens? I want to get an unconditional prompt regardless of what happens to plymouth [11:20] upstart wont let me boot into ubuntu because of some plymouth rule [11:21] this upstart/systemd/distro conspiracy makes linux desktop suck more than win95 ever sucked [11:22] ouyes_: the thing that holds the tray items [11:22] consolers: i am guessing that plymouth cant be stripped from the system? [11:22] consolers: never had an issue [11:22] the whole point of a transparent system has been turned on its head by the linux/bandwidth investors who now manage a process that is objectively worse than microsoft [11:22] ActionParsnip, where it is ? I do I know whether I have one [11:22] its always been an issue for me parsnip [11:22] consolers ideas to improve ubuntu can be submitted in !brainstorm [11:23] ouyes_: I can recommend using XFCE instead, its a lot less hasstle [11:23] consolers: do you get a black screen at boot? [11:23] i'm looking for a way to get a prompt, regardless of what is in initramfs. plymouth isnt essential to booting, it is something the distro boots up [11:23] I have --debug on [11:23] I need someone who understands how upstart works [11:23] consolers: do you get a black screen at boot? [11:24] ActionParsnip , that is not the level of techsupport i'm expecting [11:24] consolers: its a simple question [11:24] consolers i guess your question is beyond this channel [11:24] yeah, are there any textonly users of ubuntu? [11:25] consolers: when you boot does it appear to stop at a black screen after the plymouth spash? [11:25] i dont have get splash, in one scenario, my initrd doesnt start plymouth. [11:25] i need to tell upstart NOT to do anything related to plymouth [11:26] consolers: you can remove the boot options 'quiet' and 'splash' and plymouth will not show up [11:26] I've already done all that ActionParsnip [11:26] consolers: you strike me as intelligent, so i have to ask myself, 'why doesnt he just use a distro that does not have all these perceived issues??' , then it hits me, you just want to bitch about ubuntu! [11:26] with fedora17, it worked by removing plymouth. plymouth is vendor-bloat-malware, and I'm looking to disable it [11:27] thnks for proving the point [11:27] almoxarife, do you know something that I dont know ? [11:27] then please help [11:27] consolers: i bet there are some things s/he knows that you don't ;) [11:27] What ubuntu is recommended for an EEE-pc? [11:28] It has an Atom cpu [11:28] thnks for proving the point <-- MOST UNHELPFUL [11:28] consolers: i know that opensuse allows for the stripping of plymouth, use it! [11:28] lolcar: lubuntu or xubuntu? [11:28] lolcar: I'd use Lubuntu or Xubuntu [11:28] cfhowlett: zing! [11:28] I installed glade in ubuntu 11.10 and now when i launch glade from terminal i get this error : (glade:4816): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_style_provider_get_style_property: assertion `g_type_is_a (gtk_widget_path_get_object_type (path), pspec->owner_type)' failed [11:28] GladeUI-Message: The DevHelp installed on your system is too old, devhelp feature will be disabled. [11:28] whats the diffrence between the two? [11:28] almoxarife, I know more about the opensuse/redhat conspiracy than you, [11:28] can anyone please help me [11:28] lolcar: one uses LXDE, the other uses XFCE [11:28] conspiracy :) [11:28] rushboy: how did you install glade? [11:29] almoxarife, stop trolling me if you have nothing technical to contribute [11:29] ActionParsnip: Wich would you recommend for a useless ex-windows 7 user [11:29] now I have three xchats, after min to system tray I can't find them [11:29] jrib, 'sudo apt-get install glade' [11:29] lolcar: you can install either and add/test the alternate desktop environment. Both are lightweight and designed for low spec machines. [11:29] lolcar: You could run both, LXDE uses slightly fewer resources. [11:29] consolers: can you not just remove plymouth in Ubuntu? [11:29] my first question is with udev lib/devices, the second question was about how to stop the upstart boot process from hanging [11:30] ActionParsnip because of the dependency conspiracy [11:30] ActionParsnip: i tried that once, it gets really ugly [11:30] consolers: what does it threaten to remove? [11:30] its not removable in quantale [11:30] try it [11:30] i've already spent 10 hours [11:30] i'm a linux user since 1993 btw [11:30] consolers: all I have access to is Mandriva right now [11:30] ok [11:31] rushboy: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glade/+bug/938988 seems relevant [11:31] Ubuntu bug 938988 in glade (Ubuntu) "Missing bits and pieces in Anjuta and Glade" [Low,Fix released] [11:31] univac since 81 [11:31] :) [11:31] I use XFCE myself [11:31] consolers: what video chip do you use? [11:31] how to browse a website by ssh tunelling. (i have a vps)? [11:31] ActionParsnip its not a videochip problem [11:32] I've traced the problem to plymouth rules. [11:32] consolers: have you explored it as a possibility? [11:32] ActionParsnip, I open the third xchat, How can add the system tray to my ubuntu 12.10? do you know? [11:32] yeah ActionParsnip I'm sure === lukas_ is now known as Guest14408 [11:33] ouyes: click on the launcher-bar on to that xchat button. that will get you the running xchat back [11:33] ouyes__: no idea in the fallbakc session, sorry [11:33] its not a black screen, i have understood the ati-amd-kms-modesetting conspiracies, i've followed those over the years [11:33] ouyes__: isn't it ALT+SuperL+right click or something equally daft [11:34] consolers: compile ubuntu from source? strip plymouth out? [11:34] exit [11:34] almoxarife: or build from the ground up [11:34] /ap/part [11:34] k1l, how? [11:34] no almoxarife, i'm asking for plymouth rules. nobody knows how to work it except the developers at canonical. you have to open bandwidth channels and support to them to get access to your own box [11:35] consolers: i know, its a conspiracy [11:35] The conspiracy is the planned removal of features and disempowerment of the user [11:35] * cfhowlett all the more reason to roll your own distro ... [11:36] consolers: yet, here you are [11:36] See how you have given up control to some developers, you dont understand how your software works, but you believe its "opensource" and other buzzwords [11:36] consolers: will you again just troll in here? [11:36] !ot [11:36] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [11:37] ban k1l [11:37] consolers: you didnt answer the simplest questions. you are just talking about conspiracy. that is not a channel for conspiracs or trolling. [11:37] Kill please respect. [11:37] consolers: not really, you can use minimal and not install plymouth at all [11:37] consolers: with your vast knowledge you knew that..right [11:37] ActionParsnip I'm trying to boot up an existing system [11:37] consolers: yes, this channel is for support, not conspiracy theories. Keep in mind we're all users trying to help one another here [11:37] consolers: thats not my point right now [11:38] jrib, I'm looking for ONE PERSON who can explain UDEVD and UPSTART rules SHIPPED WITH UBUNTU 12.10 [11:38] consolers: there is no giving up of control at all [11:38] consolers: that's fine. Let's stick to that. [11:38] consolers: I don't even have lightdm installed, my rc.local kicks up the session for me [11:38] consolers: the distro is just as customizable as the next [11:38] jrib, apparently is no one can answer those support questions, if you cant answer those stop calling the person asking the questions a troll [11:38] its bad form [11:39] consolers: then try later...logically [11:39] ActionParsnip, please tell me how [11:39] consolers: how to what? [11:39] consolers: stick to support. This is the last time I hope to need to say this. [11:39] consolers maybe try some newsgroup or so [11:39] See scrollback. I was painfully precise yesterday, when k1l first responded [11:39] I had 4 questions yesterday, 2 questions above [11:40] the 2 are repeats [11:40] consolers: tell you how to what? [11:40] ok i'll post one more time for ActionParsnip : [11:40] 1. udevd shipped with quantal doesnt support /lib/devices anymore, as it states in the `man udev', instead the functionality is removed. how do i create /dev/xconsole at startup? 2. how do i overcome plymouth rules, so upstart doesnt hang at startup , waiting for some plymouth event which never happens? I want to get an unconditional prompt regardless of what happens to plymouth [11:40] consolers: my client doesn't scroll back far, hence me asking. I should have mentioned that. Sorry [11:41] hello there. Is there a way to run the program testdisk in screen? It is commandline-based, but when I detach and reattach the running program is gone, I have an empty prompt while it is still running in htop. I guess it uses some graphical features...? [11:41] It used to be possible to remove plymouth, but that has been removed [11:42] the upstart rules wait for some plymouth event before spawning a getty or giving a root prompt [11:42] I want to disable that rule [11:42] consolers: you could add a line to trigger the event (maybe) [11:42] so the whole system hangs at boot time waiting for some non-essential vendor introduced gui bloat [11:42] how can I get the temperature of my nvidia card? [11:43] ActionParsnip yes, thats what I'm asking, I hope some upstart user actually knows how to do it. I found bugs in the upstart init file parser when i tried [11:44] ouyes: you can see it in nvidia-settings [11:44] with fedora17, removing plymouth did it, but that was many months ago, the new plymouth will refuse to be removed in any vendor shipped config. [11:45] Yesterday I had two more questions regarding the regressions of 1.13 xorg vs. 1.11 [11:45] consolers: not true, stripped plymouth from opensuse, just days back [11:45] eh? that means nothing almoxarife [11:46] consolers: means that your statement previous is false [11:46] no, its not false, stop lying almoxarife [11:46] consolers: what packages does removing plymouth want to remove? [11:46] ok [11:46] ActionParsnip i cant check now. [11:46] consolers: thanks [11:46] consolers: what are you trying to do in the first place? [11:46] but thats not what i want i want to know how to change upstart rules so I can boot [11:47] blami: plymouth halting due to some event that never happens [11:47] blami should i repeat my questions again [11:47] consolers: what kind of event? [11:47] I dont know. [11:47] consolers 27 people in the channel #upstart [11:47] consolers: please do, he may know the answer [11:47] consolers: I'll do you a favour [11:47] ok i'll try there [11:48] wow [11:48] blami: 1. udevd shipped with quantal doesnt support /lib/devices anymore, as it states in the `man udev', instead the functionality is removed. how do i create /dev/xconsole at startup? 2. how do i overcome Plymouth rules, so upstart doesnt hang at startup , waiting for some plymouth event which never happens? I want to get an unconditional prompt regardless of what happens to plymouth [11:48] thx :) [11:49] consolers: np dude, can you pastebin the output of: sudo apt-get --purge remove plymouth [11:49] ActionParsnip , no thats not the point, i cant boot up now [11:50] I want to know how to change the upstart rules so upstart doesn wait for some plymouth event before spawning a getty or giving a root prompt in init 1 [11:51] consolers: if you hold shift at boot, select recovery console and select root [11:51] even that hangs ActionParsnip [11:51] teh initrd doesnt start plymouth [11:51] consolers: shouldn't use plymout there iif memory serves.. [11:51] consolers: makes sense :( [11:52] i'm more than willing to wipe out the entire ubuntu and put it back on opensuse 11.0, but i need to figure this out, I've had seen problem since ubuntu 10.10 [11:52] Which is the best lightweight file manager? [11:52] rex_: mc [11:53] consolers i'm curious: how come you're the only one who bothers about plymouth and upstart the way you do? [11:53] MonkeyDust , stop trolling [11:54] consolers: plymouth is started from initramfs afaik you can try re-generate initramfs without plymouth support afaik [11:54] http://pastebin.com/7VLaT4qM <-- this is what happens if you purge plymouth from lxde-buntu [11:54] rex_: there is no best [11:55] blami, yes, i've generated an initramfs without plymouth, but it wont boot because the upstart hangs waiting for some plymouth event [11:55] like upstart hangs if it cant start X, instead of giving a getty terminal login [11:55] rex_: rox is as light as I can think (as a GUI app). pcmanfm is pretty light and has a decent feature set [11:55] i mean just lightweight, that dont take much load like gnome [11:55] I just want to get to the terminal prompt [11:55] the hanging for X, is also plymouth related [11:55] hi everyone [11:56] ActionParsnip: How to install pcmanfm? [11:56] consolers: plymouth has nothing to do with X [11:56] I've added the timeout in plymoouth to 20sec, changes nothing, boot hangs indefinitely [11:56] i run ubuntu 12.10 on my ultra book and when i do the fan gets so hot [11:56] rex_: same as any other package [11:56] blami, upstart ties it to X [11:56] governor: what video chip? [11:56] AMD [11:56] the whole question is about upstart rules. [11:57] blami i've spent hours already trying to figure this out [11:57] governor: and does the CPU have sandy/ivybridge too? or is it just the AMD GPU you have? [11:57] days [11:57] just AMD [11:57] its a core i5 system though [11:57] governor: which AMD GPU is it please? [11:57] the boot process doesnt depend on plymouth but ubuntu has managed to make it hostage [11:58] governor: if you run: sudo lshw -C display it will tell you [11:58] consolers: I recommend in future, install minimal ISO then install xfce4 and slim :) [11:58] consolers: I don't have plymouth on my system (12.10) === Guest53657 is now known as Ikonia [11:58] consolers: it's not mandatory part === Ikonia is now known as ikonia [11:58] See, I dont download ubuntu, I'm using an image I got [11:58] I'm just trying to boot it [11:59] consolers: did you make that pastebin yet? [11:59] I'm not able to boot it yet ActionParsnip , [11:59] consolers: trusted source is it? [11:59] consolers: sorry, mindfart [11:59] I'll have to boot into a suse rescuecd, then chroot into the installation and try it [11:59] description: VGA compatible controller [11:59] product: 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller [11:59] vendor: Intel Corporation [11:59] physical id: 2 [11:59] bus info: pci@0000:00:02.0 [11:59] version: 09 [11:59] governor: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [12:00] i'll try it later [12:00] governor: just the product lines please [12:00] ok i'll give up for now [12:00] no animosity ActionParsnip , ok [12:00] governor: so you have an Intel GPU and an AMD GPU? [12:00] consolers: it would be really great if you could boot without splash and tell us for what is upstart waiting [12:01] is etc_ro is read-only ? http://pastebin.com/T7tPE4VT [12:01] is there anyway i canadjust the fan [12:01] at least to stop the over heating because when it gets hot it runs the battery down [12:02] who is FloodBot1 ? [12:02] a robot? [12:02] governor: did you see 2 GPUs in the system? [12:02] ouyes__: yes its a bot [12:03] ouyes__: it's a bot [12:03] yea [12:03] ikonia, it is cute cool [12:03] two gpus [12:05] governor: 1 intel and one AMD? [12:06] yes one intel and 1 AMD [12:07] governor: then you have a switchable GPU which causes all kinds of headaches in Linux [12:07] hmm [12:07] governor: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics [12:07] so what do i do [12:07] governor: I anticipate you having a lot of issues with this [12:12] thanks a lot [12:12] governor: if you can, disable one of the GPUs in BIOS [12:22] can someone tell how can i skip this step http://www.developmentwall.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/select_web_server_for_phpmyadmin.png ? [12:26] hello [12:26] howdy [12:26] would someone help me install a wlan driver for asus wl-138g v2 on xubuntu? [12:26] i cant follow this thing... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1649426 [12:27] and using a lan cable is uncomfortable [12:28] Nemix: what network chip does it use? [12:28] idk, its an ASUS WL-138g v2 [12:28] should i google what network chip it uses? [12:28] look at lspci output [12:28] Nemix: is it a usb stick? [12:28] i installed ubuntu on another pc and the wlan driver worked from the beginning [12:28] no its a wirless pci card [12:30] some data about it [12:30] http://www.asus.com/Networks/Wireless_Adapters/WL138g_V2/#specifications [12:30] Nemix: can you show the lspci output from the line that is the card? [12:30] they also have a linux driver but you have to compile it yourself and im quite new to ubuntu [12:30] ok, i will try [12:31] Nemix: if yu run: sudo iwlist scan do you see wireless networks? [12:31] lo Interface doesn't support scanning. eth0 Interface doesn't support scanning. [12:31] Nemix: ok, and what is the output of: lsb_release -sc [12:31] hi [12:32] quantal [12:32] i use xubuntu 12.10 === ubuntu is now known as Guest78615 [12:32] but i had the same wifi driver issue on ubuntu 12.10 [12:32] xubuntu runs faster because of xfce on my pc, unity lags [12:32] Nemix: cool, the command k1l gave wil identify the chip. You can find guides [12:33] i wrote k1l gave and it said command not found [12:33] ActionParsnip, i wrote k1l gave and it said command not found [12:34] Nemix: k1l is my nickname, you should write "lspci" in the terminal [12:34] oh ok [12:34] xD [12:34] lol [12:35] what line? [12:37] err.. run the command 'lspci' and look for info about your wireless card [12:37] ok [12:37] 04:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) [12:38] Do I report a bug and where if I install Eufloria HD(from Humble Bundle) through the Ubuntu Software Center and when I open I get a "failed to launch program at /foobar/foo"? [12:38] !broadcom | Nemix [12:38] Nemix: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [12:38] Nemix: those are the easiest to setup [12:38] ok thank you very much! [12:38] Nemix: you have ran the addaditional-drivers tool ? [12:38] Nemix: well, short of the ones that work out of the box (like mine) === PaulW2U is now known as Guest17539 [12:39] I got 3 wifi dongles that work with no work on my part. ;) [12:39] it pays to read the reviews on amazon.com [12:39] do you guys encouter this problem ? [12:39] If program X installs but doesn't run from software center do I type it in my review or should it be a bug report somewhere in the known Ubuntu universe? [12:39] each time when you want to lower the volumne [12:39] logictheo: what program? [12:40] it go louder isntead [12:40] This is a game from Humble Bundle called "Eufloria HD" === G4MBY is now known as Guest45170 [12:40] logictheo: does it work from the cli or icon? [12:40] not_m_i: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload [12:41] not_m_i: its a terminal command [12:41] dr_willis: No === Guest45170 is now known as paulw2u [12:42] it's seems fine now [12:42] dr_willis: This is what it tries to launch though: /opt/eufloriahd/EufloriaHD.bin.i686 [12:43] I also downloaded Eufloria HD from Humble Bundle and when I run it it works fine. [12:43] logictheo: what is the output of: uname -a [12:44] ActionParsnip: Linux ubuntucertified-Vostro-1015 3.2.0-33-generic-pae #52-Ubuntu SMP Thu Oct 18 16:39:21 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux [12:44] Should I have posted it here, or through a pastebin? [12:44] logictheo: should be ok, its a 32bit OS and 32bit binary [12:44] (·.·)/ [12:44] ActionParsnip: It has occasional crashes. [12:45] logictheo: does: file /opt/eufloriahd/EufloriaHD.bin.i686 say its an EFL32 file? [12:45] but most of the times it doesn't crash Xorg. [12:45] ELF32, sorry [12:46] ActionParsnip: Yes, that's part of the description [12:47] logictheo: coolio [12:47] sorry no, [12:47] ELF 32-bit [12:47] ah, yeah I see your correction now [12:49] since a week all youtube videos playing badly. every 1 or 2 seconds sound/video is stopping and goes on playing. Using Firefox. its not possible to few without losing mind ;) [12:50] few=view ;) [12:50] ActionParsnip: Do you think it's ok if I type it in my review with a 1 star rating that the game doesn't launch and that I get that message? Is it better if I file a bug report somewhere? [12:50] dreamon: can you give a pastebin of the output of: lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark' [12:50] logictheo: could do both [12:51] ActionParsnip, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1441735/ [12:51] ActionParsnip: Do you know if there's a category for bugs for apps in the ubuntu software center? I've tried searching a bit in the past and I found it hard to navigate or make sense of where such reports should go. === root is now known as Guest38339 === Guest38339 is now known as KiKiRiKi [12:51] dreamon: you can just use HTML5 on youtube. [12:52] ratbel, how? [12:52] dreamon: some videos support it, for others, try replacing 'watch' in the url with 'watch_popup'. [12:53] dreamon: thats a big mess [12:54] Think since a kernel update I got this problem. [12:55] ratbel, "watch_popup" works. whats the different? [12:55] dreamon: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1441745/plain/ [12:55] dreamon: watch_popup "forces" the video to use HTML5. [12:56] sneaky ;) [12:56] I just use the flash-replacer plugins that make the videos play in vlc. but its no longer being developed [12:56] ratbel, understood. it runs in a new window. [12:57] i just use chrome, no issues [12:57] hi can any one help from last 2days trouble shoting but still issue is same unable to get toolbar after login [12:57] dreamon: the problem with this approach is that it's not very comfortable. [12:57] dreamon: if you create a bookmark and put this as the target: javascript:(function(){location = location.href.replace("watch", "watch_popup");})(); [12:58] Then you just need to click the bookmark, and the video plays. :) [12:58] (I don't use Firefox, but in Chromium the bookmarks bar can be made always visible too) [12:59] Now it works. I hate appearing like a noob when random complications affect my computer! [13:00] ratbel, thats sounds cool. [13:00] help [13:00] ratbel, dreamon you can enable html5 here http://www.youtube.com/html5 [13:00] OerHeks: yes, but that doesn't work on videos with ads. [13:00] issue after updating 12.04 to 12.10 [13:01] unable to see toolbar after updating [13:01] u must reinstall windows :) === paulw2u is now known as PaulW2U === pc-x69 is now known as Guest71288 [13:02] thanks all.. I will try all out. [13:05] shree: what video chip do you use? [13:05] shree: clarify what you mean. - You mean to say the left side unity panel does not appear? [13:06] hmm... [13:08] ratbel, Chromium same probleme. [13:09] Hello [13:13] http://0x71.org/category/perl-tutorial/ hi guys from skraito and Lord Jesus Christ for all of you [13:13] www.tjc.org [13:13] is open for public now [13:13] skraito: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [13:19] hi === JoFo_ is now known as JoFo [13:34] Anyone know how to handle this error: libGL: screen 0 does not appear to be DRI2 capable [13:35] while no one is talking about anything... [13:35] Problem: "Failed to retrieve video information". Description here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2094845 Could I get any quick solution here? [13:36] im playing with my RaspberryPi. ;) [13:36] too busy to talk [13:39] dryhay:try through multiarch by adding -architecture-i386 and check it again [13:41] macedoniaGR: I have amd64 architecture, but I'll try something similar === root is now known as Guest86501 [13:45] macedoniaGR: but it worked before. "Failed to retrieve" after adobe flash settings + chromium settings mess up. [13:46] dryhay:did you try with different browser? [13:50] hey guys [13:50] im having serious problem sand it may just be me being stupid [13:51] iv mounted my usb drive using ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/Elements [13:51] at first i could read and write however now it seems iv lost all permissions to write to it [13:51] hey folks, im thinking of installing awesome WM. [13:52] is there a command to add the 777 permissions to the drive [13:52] manners: add: -o user,rw,uid=1000 [13:52] manners: 777 doesn't do anything to NTFS [13:52] kk [13:52] should i install it via the software-centre or manually remove unity, cleanup and THEN install awesome? === hp is now known as Guest43011 [13:54] <_87xman> Hi! sudo sh Zorin 6.1 core [13:54] _87xman try #zorinos [13:55] <_87xman> zorin chanel haven't got too mutch. [13:55] _87xman: zorin isn't supported in the Ubuntu support channels/forums etc [13:56] hmm nope still dont work [13:56] _87xman: if support is a concern, dont use a distro that doesnt have good support. [13:56] now ls -l shows drwxrwxrwx 1 manners root 28672 Dec 8 20:04 Elements [13:57] <_87xman> but work. [13:57] 777 is not a good idea, imo [13:57] how do i compile kernel module dummy_hcd for 12.10? [13:57] <_87xman> 12.04 [13:57] manners: what does "mount" say about it? [13:57] maybe its a error-ro mount [13:57] i want it on a samba share with my pc its only ever going to be a nas drive on my local network [13:58] mount /dev/sdb1 on /media/Elements type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,default_permissions,blksize=4096) [13:58] its actually installed on a netbook which goes in the loft [14:02] should samba4 install or is it still not worth using === jose__ is now known as joseCO [14:02] what about messenger in ubuntu ? need to replace pidgin with skype ? [14:03] aguitel: depends what protocol you want to use [14:04] ActionParsnip, msn protocol [14:04] doomgiver just tried awesome in virtualbox, apt-get install awesome, logout, select awesome, login -- good luck, looks hard to use [14:05] MonkeyDust: thanks!!! so, it wont react badly with the leftover unity packages? [14:06] doomgiver didn't go that deeply into it [14:06] ActionParsnip, what about amsn ? [14:07] MonkeyDust: thanks a lot, man, thanks a lot!! [14:07] hey, guys! After logging in with the KDE Plasma desktop, now I log into unity and in the windows I get the look of the KDE. What can I do in this case? [14:15] #ubuntu [14:17] aguitel: sure if you need msn [14:17] aguitel: or emesene [14:22] Howdy all [14:22] hey [14:27] aguitel: I believe Microsoft are ceasing MSN soon [14:27] hello there [14:28] is there anyone I can ask something? [14:28] !ask | fedor [14:28] fedor: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [14:29] ^^ [14:29] Ask away :) [14:29] So I finally installed Ubuntu 12.10. So it works just fine. What I need now is to set up internet passthrough to my HTC Incredible S [14:30] fedor, android? [14:30] in your HTC [14:30] I tried to do it through some instructions posted in the net, but then I am not that experienced and I cannot understand what to do [14:30] hi [14:30] yes, it's android 4.0 i think [14:31] does someone here has experience in making Ubuntu costumized remixes ? I'm after a detail for which I don't find a clue [14:31] fedor, surely your phone is capable of turning into a small Wi-fi access point [14:32] fedor, just turn on tethering on the moment you put the usb in, linux helps itself [14:32] Then you can connect through wi-fi (assuming you got a wireless card in your laptop) [14:32] tethering is an option on the phone [14:32] (or in your desktop) [14:32] well, I don't have a wifi router [14:33] tethering is faster then the hotspot function [14:33] fedor, the phone does it, it broadcasts a signal for you to connect to it. It actually turns into a router. [14:33] I guess I need to do something in the terminal, perhaps script of some kind may help [14:33] No [14:33] But you need to set up the signal in the phone [14:33] It's in settings [14:33] melodie: there are various apps to do it [14:33] hi ActionParsnip [14:34] i am trying to get my dpk list from recovery mode to a usb thumbdrive, but it's stuck read-only? [14:34] I think you don't quite understand me [14:34] dpkg* [14:35] what I mean is that i have a cable plugged to my card in PC [14:35] I am using ModCustom to customize, and what I wish is to have 2 launchers in the desktop directory of the home user. But the directories in the home user are generated by Casper (must be for translations to be done correctly when choosing a different language). from there I don't know how I can do it [14:35] that gives internet [14:35] THE_DUDEZ0R, why hotspot and not tether trough usb? [14:35] ActionParsnip, so what apps would you suggest to me ? [14:35] then i have a mini-usb cable which connects my phone to the PC [14:36] So I need to be connected to the net through this very mini-usb. It was not working on W8 [14:36] ActionParsnip, doing it "the wild way" makes it look like this: http://meets.free.fr/debian/images/BoxBuntu.png (in the French version) [14:36] fedor, yes when you plug the usb in, immediatly enable tethering on your phone, under settings->tethering&portable hotspot [14:36] I decided that it should work at least here. [14:38] fedor, go Settings/Wireless & networks/thethering & portable hotspot/Portable Wi-Fi hotspot [14:38] but you need to set Portable Wi-Fi hotspot settings first [14:38] then your phone turns into a wireless router [14:38] tada! [14:39] Just to be clear. I used this to make it work -> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1653076 [14:39] melodie: http://askubuntu.com/questions/48535/how-to-customize-live-ubuntu-cd === illrepute is now known as InFlames [14:40] melodie: looks like fluxbox [14:40] Is there a way to have autologin at startup, but a timed login when someone logs out? [14:40] This is what linux mint does [14:40] but they are still using GDM I think [14:41] lvleph better ask the mint people how they do it, then try it in ubuntu [14:41] ok [14:41] melodie: http://customizeubuntu.com/ubuntu-livecd/ [14:42] anyone familiar with read-only issues with ubuntu recovery mode? [14:43] InFlames: run: sudo mount -o remount,rw / [14:43] I have been having issues with unity crashing, so I use skill -KILL user, but I don't have a keyboard on hand to log back in. Which is the reason I would like timed log in. [14:43] I suppose figuring out why unity crashes might be a good idea [14:44] ^^ [14:44] lvleph: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc [14:45] I am on 12.04 [14:45] precise [14:45] ActionParsnip: as always you save my ass, thanks, i should remember this command [14:45] lvleph: can you give a pastebin of the output of: lsb_release -a; uname -a; apt-cache policy unity [14:45] lvleph: or are you using 2D? [14:46] I am using 2D mostly, because 3D isn't playing well with XBMC [14:46] yes I know I should run XBMC in standalone mode [14:46] tell that to my wife [14:46] lol [14:46] lvleph: why not use something lighter, like LXDE [14:47] lvleph: can you give a pastebin of the output of: lsb_release -a; uname -a; apt-cache policy unity2d if you are using Unity2d [14:47] I cannot understand, what Portable Wi-Fi hotspot have to do with sharing internet to my android phone. I just cannot get it. [14:47] I think you meant unity-2d [14:47] lvleph: can you give a pastebin of the output of: lsb_release -a; uname -a; apt-cache policy unity-2d yeah it is, sorry [14:48] http://goo.gl/bKt7T [14:48] there you go ActionParsnip [14:48] lvleph: thanks [14:49] lvleph: if you make a new user, is it the same? [14:49] Do you mean try logging in with a different user and check? [14:49] lvleph: yes, make another if you only have onew [14:49] I have multiple so give me a second [14:49] lvleph: I'd use LXDE or XFCE if you are using XBMC, it will use fewer resources [14:50] lvleph: doesn't XBMC make its own session to log in to, no Unity wil run then :) [14:50] Crap new install so I haven't made a new user. [14:50] give me a moment [14:50] LXDE and XFCE were crashing XBMC [14:50] unity-2d was the only one workign [14:50] I don't mind the resources being used. [14:50] hey guys, again, I'm having some problems as I logged into KDE and when I'm back in unity, the aspect of the windows remain like in KDE. Any ideas? [14:51] My comp is over kill for what it is used for. [14:51] lvleph: I would, XBMC is far from light [14:51] lvleph: I use VLC + Android phone to play media, slick and light [14:52] hmmm....i have a networked oprinter that wont install today...grrrr [14:53] lvleph, or as ActionParsnip suggests , VLC is much better for your pc , it does what you want and no more , like take over all your media [14:53] yep output is the same ActionParsnip [14:53] any good place to ook for C++ programming not learning language 'Programming' [14:54] I prefer XBMC because I have a huge library and want to use a remote control to do everything [14:54] Otherwise I would need a wireless keyboard and that is annoying and so is onboard. [14:54] TheWickerman666 try ##c++ [14:54] It's not working I mean hotspot thing. I tried as I was talled but ended up with nothing. I am desperate. [14:55] lvleph: yeah my phone shows the library, then it loads and plays when I hit it :) [14:55] I could use the android interface liek you said but [14:55] lvleph, wirelss KB works for me [14:55] told* [14:55] lvleph: plus android has the xbmc remote app to [14:55] I just don't like VLC's library function [14:55] thanks MonkeyDust [14:55] I have 1.5TB of movies and 100GB of music [14:55] lvleph: the library browsing is on the phone :) [14:55] lvleph: that's all? [14:55] hey all.. I have a very weird problem with installing gitlab on ubuntu server 12.04 [14:56] it is a permissions issue: two users git and gitlab, gitlab made part of group git [14:56] lvleph: I have 3 systems full of media, its all hauled over wifi or WWW as needed (access to friends data via SFTP) [14:56] Ok, this problem won't be solved in the nearest future. I was trying to get RStudio installed [14:57] lvleph: have you tried KDE instead, may be friendlier [14:57] when I now have a directory somewhere with permissions 770 git:git, and I try to enter them using the gitlab user, I get access denied [14:57] I hate KDE [14:57] I switched from Cinnamon to Unity in hopes it would be more stable, but I am seeing that it isn't [14:57] Maybe to Mate? [14:58] only when I have the git group as primary group, the gitlab user is allowed access, otherwise not [14:58] hi [14:58] how to set PATH variable for path dependent programs [14:58] Also, I have a wife that needs to be able to use what I put up. [14:58] any ideas on how to get date -d to return "first friday next month" [14:59] I am just tired of getting called to ssh in and fix things. [14:59] where can i find my xinit.rc? [14:59] i mean, xinitrc [15:00] lvleph, is it really a window manager thing? [15:00] hey i have a question, if doom is opensourced now, does that make it free? [15:00] anyone having an issue with adobe flash after update today? [15:00] superhiro220: the engine is yes [15:01] superhiro220: the levels and so forth are not [15:01] I have no idea what the issue is. I know that unity-dash crashes. [15:01] superhiro220: no, im NOT opensourced [15:01] damn [15:01] https://github.com/id-Software [15:01] I also know that I need a window manager and thus is the reason I don't use XBMC in standalone [15:02] anyone??? xinitrc??? [15:02] If I could do XBMC stand alone and run openbox at the same time... [15:02] lvleph: could use fluxbox and ditch the DE altogether :) [15:02] DE? [15:02] i had no idea id games was open sourced? [15:02] /etc/X11/xinit/ [15:02] just the engin it seems [15:02] oh i see [15:02] still awesome [15:02] InFlames: well, theirgame engines are free [15:03] superhiro220: http://www.shacknews.com/article/71232/doom-3-engine-goes-open-source [15:03] InspectorCluseau: thanks!! [15:03] ActionParsnip: what do you mean DE? [15:03] doom3 open source awesome [15:03] lvleph: DE = desktop environment [15:03] bobk just searched a bit, better use cal (calendar), not date [15:03] doomgiver: http://www.shacknews.com/article/71232/doom-3-engine-goes-open-source :) tis free [15:03] ah [15:03] ok [15:03] i was hoping the game was free so i could play it [15:03] ActionParsnip: yeah, thats what i said :) thank god for that. [15:04] superhiro220: you can, just not the official doom wads etc, people can make their own variations and such though [15:04] hello anyone can help i can't connecto to my wireless network [15:04] i'm using ubuntu 12.10 and my wirless card is bcm4313 [15:04] anyone having an issue with adobe flash after update today? [15:04] The following packages requested additional data downloads after package installation, but the data could not be downloaded or could not be processed. [15:04] flashplugin-installer [15:05] InspectorCluseau: if i put that xinitrc file in my ~/home/ it will override the default one, right? [15:05] !broadcom | Porto [15:05] Porto: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [15:05] the router config have wpa wpa2 and tkip and aes [15:05] got me [15:05] ok, np [15:05] ty [15:05] thansk actionParsnip [15:05] gona check [15:05] MonkeyDust - tkx, I'll check it out [15:06] well thank you. this is why i switched to linux. when there's a problem you get people who can actually answer shit when google can't [15:07] for non expiry path variables which file i have to edit? [15:07] so the game itself is available or just the engine [15:07] *strolls off feeling satified* thank you parsnip [15:07] TheWickerman666: if you have the original game, you can copy the game data over and the engine will use it [15:08] ok, i will be downloading it now [15:08] how do we install the engine in ubuntu? [15:08] TheWickerman666: there is an ubuntu guide on how to make it work [15:09] ok, thanks Action [15:09] TheWickerman666: any tyime [15:09] man this channel is awesome, i will be a regular here now, its been a very very lontime since i have come back to IRC [15:09] Ubuntu, best programming language ever! [15:09] anyone, how can we setup empathy to run IRC [15:10] hi. how can I mount a device using the terminal? [15:10] kasunhunt: mount device location [15:11] and location must be generated before [15:11] THE_DUDEZ0R: ubuntu isn't a language.... [15:11] mount -t -o /dev/sdxy /path/to/mount/point [15:11] oh ill try thanks [15:11] you can also man mount [15:11] wow thanks :) [15:12] hej [15:12] anyone, IRC + Empathy [15:13] please [15:13] anyone having an issue with adobe flash after update today? [15:13] yes [15:13] flash running way too slow [15:14] mine wont install [15:14] it seems best to use flash with chrome [15:14] The following packages requested additional data downloads after package installation, but the data could not be downloaded or could not be processed. [15:14] check ur internet connection KRome [15:14] i think its working im on irc lol [15:15] or may be you shud try 'apt-get -f update' [15:15] before [15:15] TheWickerman666: prefixed with sudo, of course [15:15] yes [15:15] sudo id if not in su session [15:17] TheWickerman666: what's an 'su session'? [15:17] su -i [15:17] TheWickerman666: try: sudo -i [15:17] yes Action [15:17] TheWickerman666: su means 'switch user', so an 'su session' makes no sense [15:17] it is indeed sudo -i [15:18] su -s [15:18] sudo -i [15:19] is there a compressable filesystem good for backups? [15:19] jiffe1: ext4 is fine [15:20] ActionParsnip: you know how to setup IRC in empathy/telepathy cleint [15:21] jiffel if you don't like btrfs with compress option try XFS [15:21] i have been told XFS performance is also good [15:22] XFS specially if you have movies aka large files === chiluk_away is now known as chiluk [15:23] jiffe1 .tar is the most commonly used [15:23] TheWickerman666: i know of a page, gimme a sec [15:23] not .tar, it for file compression, but we are talking about filesystem that can do filecompression on write [15:24] thx Action [15:24] TheWickerman666: https://live.gnome.org/Empathy/FAQ#IRC [15:24] qq, what's the panel app called that has the chat and mail icons in it? [15:24] jeffrash Me menu [15:25] I'm having an issue with xchat in the me menu [15:26] when I click the icon for xchat it opens a new instance not the instance that's already running [15:29] Hi! [15:29] I've got some problems with Gnome 3 and gnome-tweak-tool. :s [15:29] Just found this bug report [15:29] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xchat-indicator/+bug/1080297 [15:29] Ubuntu bug 1080297 in xchat-indicator (Ubuntu) "Wrong behaviour when clicking the xchat icon in the indicator menu" [Undecided,Confirmed] [15:30] When I use gnome-tweak-tool, I select my extensions and details, but it doesn't save. [15:30] If I exit gnome-tweak-tool and I go back, nothing was saved... [15:31] It works in https://extensions.gnome.org/local/ but it doesn't save if I restart my computer. [15:31] so this is going to sound stupid, but here me out; i have an ubuntu server, and i'm looking for a file transfer program for mac that will know when i'm moving files from 1 folder on the server to another folder, that it should use a move command instead of coping it to my mbp, and then copying it back to the server; and the tricky part of this is that ideally it would be nice to have more than 1 folder on the server open, and viewable at a time, [15:31] i'm trying to merge music collections... [15:31] **hear [15:33] i use vitual box with networking through my wireless wlan and it works fine. But if i change to cabled LAN instead of wlan, then my virtual box has no networkin. Are there a standardized way to solve this, so can work on both lan and wlan? [15:33] flyinprogramer, i would use rsync for something like that [15:33] escott: thats' fine, but i still want to be able to see the folder structures on my book and click and drag [15:34] without network transfer happening [15:34] both my / and /boot partitions are full. /root is 20GB, so it should be enough. How do I identify what to delete? Machine boots OK, but is a full /boot a problem? [15:35] ajaxmike, dpkg -l "*linux*"; then pick old kernel versions and "sudo apt-get remove" them [15:37] ajaxmike: uninstall old kernels [15:37] escott: i could install midnight commander; and just ssh in from my mac [15:37] ajaxmike: why have you got data in /root ? [15:38] ajaxmike: /root is the home folder for the root user.... [15:39] I have separate partitions for data and /var, but because it is a server I left the users in /. I meant to say 20GB in / [15:40] ajaxmike: there is a difference :) [15:40] I know. My bad [15:40] ajaxmike: if you run: uname -a you'll see the running kernel [15:40] ajaxmike: if you run: dpkg -l | grep linux-image you will see the installed kernels [15:40] I wondering how to figure that out. thanks [15:41] ajaxmike: you can remove any installed kernel but not the running kernel or the metapackage (the one with no numbers in the package name) [15:41] ajaxmike: if you see lines starting with 'rc' instead of 'ii' you can use: sudo dpkg -P packagename to clean up [15:43] hey all, i've got my laptop connected to a wireless network, and i'd like to connect it to a switch through it's ethernet port so it acts like a router/gateway for wired devices [15:43] can anyone help me do that? [15:46] !ics | vicatcu [15:46] vicatcu: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing [15:46] can someone help me with debconf-set-selections? [15:47] for some reason, gtalk isn't working on pidgin on 12.10 [15:47] is this a known issue? [15:47] ubottu: i don't want to create a new wireless network, i specifically want to provide a wired network from my wireless network through my lapto [15:47] vicatcu: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [15:47] ikonia: i don't want to create a new wireless network, i specifically want to provide a wired network from my wireless network through my lapto [15:48] There were 8 old kernels, but that only got it down to 99%. How can I figure out what else to delete? [15:48] vicatcu: use your brain then....don't create a new network, the instructions are still valid [15:49] How can I share internet from my PC to android phone [15:50] !ics | fedor [15:50] fedor: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing [15:50] I hope it will work. Thanx in advance [15:50] ajaxmike, run du -h -d 2 / [15:55] dcherniv: thanks. found some big ones [15:55] ajaxmike also useful : find / -size +1G -exec ls -lh {} \; 2>/dev/null [15:58] ActionParsnip, I read the two pages you pointed me to but that didn't teach me how to get icons on the desktop else than adding a Desktop directory into /etc/skel, and the launchers inside : and this is what has been told to me as not clean (because the system can't change "Desktop" tu "Bureau" in French or in something else for other languages [15:58] melodie, ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs [15:58] Hi, I installed cuda toolkit package in ubuntu 12.10. do I need to install the packages from nvidia too? cmake cant find the cuda dirs [15:58] Hi All. Cannot get Webcam Studio to work under 12.10. I have googled the problem, applied patches, still a no go. Something to do with java, but still a no go. Suggestions? [15:59] so many people at here [15:59] escott, same, not supposed to be in the live cd [15:59] Using JRE: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/bin [15:59] OS is Linux [15:59] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load library 'webcamstudio': libwebcamstudio.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [16:00] dante123: come on, thank about it [16:00] This is the exact error I get. I did try using sun (oracle) java but I must have done something wrong as that did not work either [16:00] "no such file or directory" - what does that suggest to you [16:00] Monkey Dust: very useful. CrashPlan is filling my root partition and I had a large .iso in my home directory [16:00] yeah, the links are bad [16:01] so i ran patches that were supposed to fix that....still no go [16:01] dante123: "no such file or directory"....what does that error tell you [16:01] I've uninstalled, reinstalled, different javas...to the point that I don't know my own name :-) [16:01] dante123: "no such file or directory"....what does that error tell you [16:01] it tells me no such file or directory [16:02] dante123: right, so LOOK to see if the file or directory is there [16:02] Hello! I have a gnome-shell/gnome-tweak-tool problem. [16:02] I installed extensions for gnome-shell by extensions.gnome.org : they work, but if I shut down my computer they are deactivated and I need to reactivate them. [16:02] So I decided to install gnome-tweak-tool to see if it work with it. [16:03] But gnome-tweak-tool doesn't even save settings! If I close it and open it again, everything I did isn't saved. [16:03] dante123: [16:03] So, how can I make my extensions stay activated if I reboot? x_x [16:03] dante123: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libwebcamstudio.so.1.0.1 /usr/lib/libwebcamstudio.so [16:03] try that on === Dolev|off is now known as Dolev [16:04] so i think i've set up ICS, i'd also like my machine to be a DHCP server on eth0, can anyone explain to me how to do that? [16:04] there are a ton of java directories, but none with that exact name hence the error. What I am looking for is the fix. Will try zlacker suggestion now. [16:04] vicatcu: it's included in that guide [16:04] doh [16:05] dante123: right, so none with that name or directory meaning it's looking for something that's not there [16:05] Anyone has a solution to my problem? ._. [16:05] there are a ton of java directories, but none with that exact name hence the error. What I am looking for is the fix. Will try zlacker suggestion now. [16:05] ikonia, I get that. How do I point it to the "right" one? [16:06] dante123: well, it's looking at something that doesn't exist, that means something is missing [16:06] so you don't re-point it, you fix what's missing [16:06] ActionParsnip, escott I give up for now, will see later... [16:06] bye [16:06] zlacker still not working [16:06] dante123, did you install from a deb or compile from source? [16:07] couldnt the something it is looking for exist elsewhere....like in another java folder [16:07] installed from deb samijam [16:07] dante123: you've just said the thing it's looking for doesn't exist [16:07] dante123: so it would exist in another folder if it was in the wrong place [16:07] dante123, where did you get the deb? I'll check it out [16:07] okay hang on...here is link [16:08] I don't need/want the link [16:08] ikonia, i want the link [16:08] ok [16:08] http://www.ws4gl.org/download/installing-on-ubuntu [16:08] I have a problem with gnome-shell extensions: if, for example, I activate an extension from https://extensions.gnome.org/local/ and reset gnome-shell/restart my computer, all the extensions are deactivated! How can I make it so they aren't? [16:08] using xubuntu, I can't seem to set a shortcut for control+shift+t to open a terminal. This works in xfce on fedora, is there something special I need to do to make that work? [16:09] it just sees it as control+t which is my "open a tab" shortcut in my browser [16:09] dante123, did you install the 0.57beta4 ? [16:09] ikonia, I believe the problem is that the deb refers to java folders that have had names changed (and maybe originally using sun java) [16:09] samijam yes [16:10] I got it to work on another machine, but cant seem to replicate the steps now. [16:10] I'm feeling ill today and not firing on all 3 cylinders. [16:11] so i'm getting: dnsmasq: failed to create listening socket for port 53: Address already in use when i try to start it... what's up with that? [16:12] Trying to restore a MBR for Windows after a user decided to mess with GRUB on a dual partition with Ubuntu: paste.ubuntu.com/1442138/ [16:12] Any insight would be greatly appreciated, thank you. [16:12] thesadmafioso: boot the windows install CD and use the recovert tools [16:12] pidgin doesn't connect to the gtalk servers on the new ubuntu, has anyone had this issue, i'm using 12.10 [16:13] recovery tools [16:13] ikonia: He doesn't have one with him and we can not get a hold of one in the near future at all. [16:13] thesadmafioso: if you have a valid key Microsoft will send you a CD - it normally take around 3 working days depending on your location [16:14] Searched for missing file turns up this: link (broken) (inode/symlink) , /usr/lib/libwebcamstudio.so.1.0.1 [16:14] ikonia: For reasons I can't go into we're just not in a position to do that. I will definitely pass that information along to the guy though, so thanks. [16:14] thesadmafioso, try the boot-repair disk http://sourceforge.net/p/boot-repair/home/Home/ [16:16] InspectorCluseau: D'oh! And I knew about that program too! [16:17] I think it is a 'must have' [16:17] I change keyboard input in terminal with loadkeys how can i change keyboard layout? [16:17] InspectorCluseau: Oui, c'est vraiment! [16:17] samijam how goes it? [16:17] I have three disks and six installations ... came in hany [16:17] handy [16:17] InspectorCluseau: Holy smokes, no doubt. :) [16:18] dante123, sorry, I had not installed java since I installed 12.10. Please give me a couple minutes [16:19] thank you samijam [16:20] hi ~ everyone [16:20] have you ever heard of a terminal that wont show on ubuntu 12.10 ? [16:20] X-Rayden: what if you press CTRL+ALT+T [16:20] will try [16:21] dante123, which version of ubuntu are you using? [16:22] Hi people! Firstly i would like to apologise for my eng. Well the problem is when im using console with sudo all is fine typing password in it and all operation rolling splendid like updates or upgrades or what ever else i need to get frommy ubi 12.04 but trying to get in console through Ctrl+Alt+F2 i cannot to login there receiving auth error. Here is part of today's /var/log/auth.log: http://pastebin.com/zjLSZzTY. [16:22] 12.10 [16:25] ActionParsnip, I tried, got terminal to boot, and an error of an error (error cannot be processed: "incorrect padding") [16:25] hey [16:25] can it be because i'm in 800x600? [16:25] really quick question [16:26] what's the name of the standalone power manager applet in the new ubuntu [16:26] it's not gnome-power-manager [16:26] I just want to be able to run it with my delicious minimal WM === HandheldPenguin` is now known as HandheldPenguin [16:31] tozen, what username are you using to login to console [16:31] samijam how goes the battle? [16:32] dante123, you mentioned patches or fixes from somewhere? where did you find them? [16:34] hang on will paste link [16:34] Ubuntu gives me "invalid partition table" for my current partition set-up even though it works just fine. What gives? And what can I do? [16:34] I get almost every fn keys to work in ubuntu 12.10 except the blacklight key, do you have any ways to enable it? [16:35] from the webcam studio site http://code.google.com/p/webcamstudio/issues/detail?id=75 [16:36] mikey123, during installation? [16:36] X-Rayden: what video chip do you use? [16:37] Squarepy: Yeah, I'm on the live CD (USB-stick actually) and I was just checking why it doesn't let me go beyond the 'where you want to install' part of the install screen, so I opened up gparted and it gave me that error. [16:37] dante123, that is a different problem [16:38] mikey123, nothing gparted can't fix? [16:38] Squarepy: It doesn't offer an option to fix it. [16:40] mikey123, so you have tried rebooting? [16:40] Squarepy: Yeah. [16:41] hello [16:41] hello [16:41] anyone good with ffmpeg? [16:41] I am having trouble installing Ubuntu 12.10 on my EEEPC 1215B [16:42] joe_ live cd or usb? [16:42] joe_: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded? [16:42] USB [16:42] yep [16:42] checked out fine [16:42] joe_ is it booting to the usb? [16:42] It starts to load and the Ubuntu logo comes up [16:43] after a while, it just stops and a whole bunch of writing comes on the screen [16:43] joe_: try the boot option: nomodeset [16:43] how do I do that? [16:43] I don't get boot options [16:44] hello [16:44] joe_ hit shift as it's booting and you should see the grub menu [16:44] joe_ then hit e to edit the boot line and add what ActionParsnip stated [16:44] I'll restart [16:45] hay low everyone [16:45] okay samikam, i thought it was related [16:45] joe_ hitting shift at the exact right time is very tricky === eric_ is now known as justangry [16:45] I'm trying to upgrade an ancient cvs repo to git. It appears that the current git doesn't support "git cvsimport" [16:45] oddly though, the man pages mention it [16:45] anyone familiar with this situation at all? [16:46] curious if anyone has had issues with custom kernels from kernel.org with 12.10 [16:46] verxion, do you have the git-cvs program installed [16:46] Thanks, I am trying that. I'll let you know how it goes. [16:46] joe_ ok [16:46] escott: I don't, and can't. [16:46] escott: it complains thusly: [16:46] git-cvs : Depends: git (< 1: but 1: is to be installed [16:46] that is precisely the point I was trying to make [16:47] Hi! I've got a problem with gnome-shell extensions. Whenever I activate an extension from http://extensions.gnome.org , and I reboot gnome-shell/my computer, the extensions are deactivated! For example, if I activate Axe Menu and I do alt-F2 "r", the extensions are deactivated. How can I resolve this problem? [16:47] dante123, the 0.60alpha version seems to be working [16:48] escott: any idea how to rectify that? [16:48] dante123, sudo dpkg -r webcamstudio [16:49] verxion, do you have any ppas [16:49] I don't know what that (those?) are [16:49] dante123, download the 0.60alpha.tar.gz, tar -zxvf webcamstudio_0.60-alpha1.tar.gz && cd webcamstudio && java -jar WebcamStudio.jar [16:52] escott: reading up on ppas [16:52] sounds like a lot of work versus just grabbing source myself [16:52] (new to ubuntu here) [16:53] Hi! I've got a problem with gnome-shell extensions. Whenever I activate an extension from http://extensions.gnome.org , and I reboot gnome-shell/my computer, the extensions are deactivated! For example, if I activate Axe Menu and I do alt-F2 "r", the extensions are deactivated. How can I resolve this problem? [16:53] Sarkynin, you have tweak tool installed? [16:53] Yep [16:53] verxion, im not sure why you would not be able to install git-cvs. you should be able to [16:53] but it doesn't even save the settings! [16:54] If I click on an extension, close gnome-tweak-tool and open it, the extension isn't activated [16:54] it's the same for every thing I change in gnome-tweak-tool [16:54] Sarkynin, make sure that none are conflicting, for one. I've never had to reboot/restart gnome-shell for them to work [16:54] They work without rebooting my computer. [16:55] But if I reboot it, the extensions are deactivated. [16:55] I already tried by running only one extension and rebooting my computer, it deactivates. [16:55] samijam the 0.60 alpha is a piece of crap. not the solution to the current problem. Thanks for trying though. [16:55] escott: simple - under ubuntu, they have a newer git package than a git-cvs package [16:55] so if you are current on git, you can't install git-cvs [16:56] Sarkynin, not all the extensions are well written/done; which one in particular or ones are giving you issues, I can try them out [16:56] verxion, im not sure why that would be the case [16:56] I've found a ppa of git that has an actual CURRENT git-cvs [16:56] samijam tons of features from 0.57 beta4 not working in 0,60 alpha [16:56] looks like it is allowing me to install it [16:56] It's not just with one extension: It's with all the extensions. [16:56] dante123, it opens for me and doesn't have the missing lib. So, for me it is a step further [16:56] Even the likes of "alternative status menu" or "User Themes". [16:56] dante123, if you can't get past the missing libwebcamstudio, I'd say all of the features are missing in 0.57 :) [16:57] I'm back. [16:57] Sarkynin, well absent troubleshooting, I really have no advice apart from filing a bug with gnome-shell and/or tweak tool [16:57] dante123, anyway I've got to go. Good-luck [16:57] yeah, but it has tons of features not working.....and is not better. There has to be a solution....although not apparent right now. Will keep looking into it....thanks for trying. [16:57] I'm not getting an option for nomodeset [16:58] ILLOGICAL SKYPE on 64bit 10.04 [16:58] I was a satisfied user of Lurid Linux 1004 32bit, until my partner's instructional videos wouldn't play. [16:58] This led me to install 1204, causing my Asrock Ion to grind to a halt, then a brief but teasingly frustrating flirt with Mint Maya. [16:58] Maya was flexible enough to customise it back to my 1004 desktop appearance. [16:58] Unfortunately Maya is full of too many holes for my liking, but the break point was its failure to pick up my Nokia N8 on USB. [16:58] kuku: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [16:58] How can I report a bug? ._. [16:58] I thought perhaps I hadn't given 1204 a fair crack so I reinstalled it with a view to customising it back to 1004. [16:58] bah [16:58] Preparing to replace git 1: (using .../git_2%3a1.8.0.2-0avh1~oneiric_i386.deb) ... [16:58] mv: `/usr/lib/git-core/git-add.tmp' and `/usr/lib/git-core/git-add' are the same file [16:58] !bugs | Sarkynin [16:58] Sarkynin: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [16:58] looks like ubuntu sucks at package management [16:59] thanks! [16:59] verxion, are you going for custom applications outside of ubuntu repos? [16:59] can somebosy help me with hostapd and vpn? [16:59] bazhang: I was. because ubuntu has git out of date from git-cvs [16:59] which is crazy [17:00] verxion, thats not an issue with ubuntu package management [17:00] be back. [17:00] bazhang: ubuntu being unable to keep packages in sync isn't a problem with ubuntu package management?!?!? [17:00] * verxion boggles [17:01] !latest | verxion [17:01] verxion: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. [17:01] I'm not asking for latest [17:01] I get that [17:01] it's not a rolling release like ARCH [17:01] all I'd expect is that if they compiled git [17:01] that at the same time they would compile git-cvs [17:01] considering they are together [17:01] i have made a home wifi router from a old box. Everything works fine but as soon as i bring up a openvpn tunnel all internet from my wireless clients stops working . [17:01] LOL [17:01] verxion: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [17:01] pretty basic [17:02] need some help i have a messed up conig file, I tried to remove purge and reinstall mysql , and there are errors dpkg returns (1), do I need to reinstall to fix this, hope not [17:02] so how does http://paste.ubuntu.com help me? [17:02] kuku, prevents you flooding the channel as you did a moment ago [17:03] So how does that really help me [17:03] kuku, also lets ppl here see your problem [17:03] kuku: it doesn't. it is just an annoying bot that is automated to complain [17:03] you can safely ignore it [17:03] kuku, if you flood the channel you will be removed after a period of doing it. use a pastebin [17:04] verxion, thats not correct, nor good advice [17:04] verxion, what ubuntu release are you running [17:04] The dist upgrade to 12.10 suddenly stretched the monospace font, is there a way to revert it? [17:04] escott: 2.6.39-2-generic #7-Ubuntu SMP Thu May 12 07:54:14 UTC 2011 [17:05] verxion, no i mean 11.10, 12.04, 12.10 etc [17:05] verxion, I appreciate yoiur humour , but let;'s not mislead anyone [17:05] Perhaps, instead of your knee-jerk reactions, your critiscisms were just a tad instructive, I wouldn't bother you again [17:05] hi [17:06] escott: Ubuntu oneiric is what motd says [17:06] escott: how do I check? [17:06] verxion: lsb_release -sc [17:06] kuku, just paste your errors up on pastebin and let us have look [17:06] have a look [17:06] Thanks [17:06] when installing a package, the relative documentation is usually installed as well. How do I get access to that documentation in a nice way (i.e. without using locate in a terminal)? [17:06] llutz: that returns oneiric [17:07] llutz: not a numeric release [17:07] verxion, the git versions for oneiric should be 1: and git,git-cvs should match [17:07] escott: how do I delete a ppa? [17:07] I tried del-apt-repository but no dice [17:07] kuku, if someone rtecognizes a solution to your problem then help is on the way [17:07] !info ppa-purge | verxion [17:07] verxion: ppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.8+bzr56 (quantal), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB [17:08] It looks kinda like this: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/31575034/Other/Selection_001.png [17:09] Boreeas, wrong person? [17:10] T V M [17:10] eruditehermit: Wrong how? [17:10] wow [17:10] !paste | kuku [17:10] such borkness [17:10] kuku: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [17:10] Boreeas, was that meant for me? [17:10] Should I be looking in paste or here? [17:10] eruditehermit: No, I'm trying to get help myself [17:10] So I cannot install ppa-purge to remove the ppa. The reason? The ppa I want to remove has pending package install errors [17:11] verxion, hard to say why yours might not be working. could be your local package mirror is out of sync. you could try an apt-get update or switching mirrors. could be a ppa, could be a pinned package [17:11] I still can't install [17:11] !pinning | verxion [17:11] verxion: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto [17:11] ah my bad [17:11] I hit the shift key and got a menu [17:11] joe_: what happens when you try? [17:11] verxion, could be you just need to run an apt-get -f update [17:11] I think I need to find a way to stop apt-get from trying to install git and git-cvs [17:11] kuku: pastebin is a way of you posting multiple lines without it flooding this channel and being cut off by other's post making it difficult to read. after you click the paste button, give the resulting URL to whomever is helping you. [17:12] verxion, have you run 'sudo apt-get -f install'? Then try installing ppa-purge? [17:12] in the menu it gives the option to "Try Ubuntu without Installing" Install Ubuntu OEM install, Checkdis [17:12] escott: I don't want to force it to install the ppa version of these packages [17:12] when I try Install, it starts the install then fails [17:12] kuku , are you trolling or just not understanding what we're suggesting ? [17:12] it says that there is a 120 second timeout [17:12] escott: tozen [17:12] then the only thing is a command prompt [17:12] wylde: at issue is that this would force the installation of the wrong package versions [17:12] I can do some basic commands like ls, but I don't know where to go from there [17:12] verxion: "man apt-get" -f != force (fix-missing it is) [17:13] Well I've never used paste before, so I am unsure how it functions [17:13] verxion, then perhaps you could 'sudo apt-get purge "failed packages"; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install ppa-purge' [17:13] kuku: no problem, that is why I explained it :) [17:14] ; sudo apt-get update; sudo [17:14] apt-get install ppa-purge' [17:14] I'll give you the exact error when it comes up again [17:14] is the resulting url, the one that appears after I have pasted [17:14] kuku: correct [17:15] the purge got it [17:15] :) [17:15] getting things back to normal now.... [17:16] How can I install Rstudio on Ubuntu 12.10 [17:16] OK TVM. Now where does the person who might help appear? Here? [17:16] kuku: that is right [17:16] Great! TVM [17:16] fedor, i believe they provide a deb file [17:17] fedor: http://www.rstudio.com/ide/download/desktop [17:17] !info rstudio [17:17] Package rstudio does not exist in quantal [17:17] I downed that package but it doesn't help [17:17] fedor: http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DP8wx4HY9me0 [17:18] kuku paste the url here so we can connect [17:18] fedor, doesn't help how? doesn't hold the door open. doesn't clean the dishes? [17:18] . [17:18] HAHA! http://paste.ubuntu.com/1442237/plain/ [17:18] ok, progress [17:18] git is now aware that cvsimport should be allowed! [17:19] next up - it appears that despite using "-d:local:" with the git command, that it is expecting a server to talk to [17:19] I choose install ubuntu, the splash screen comes up and looks like it's going to work [17:19] kuku: Did you need help with something or you wanted to pastebin a blog post? [17:19] kuku: why 'haha'? [17:19] is that correct? I had expected it to just look at the filesystem. Do I need to install a cvs server for the repo copy to work for the import? [17:20] You beat me to my next question AP. [17:20] then it gives a bunch of lines saying /sys/devices/pci0000:0013.2/usb2/2-2/2-2:1.0/host2/target2:0:0/2:0:0:0/block/sdc [17:20] verxion, i would assume that yes you must install a server [17:20] so i'm having a problem with my ubuntu unity/ubuntu-desktop install [17:21] escott: ok, I guess the whole ":local:" thing threw me [17:21] I have a GUI, but the Unit sidebar and top menu don't appar. [17:21] then BusyBox v1.19.3 (ubuntu 1:1.19.3-7ubuntu1) builtin shell (ash0 [17:21] i.e. if I hit Ctrl+Alt+T, I can pull up a terminal [17:21] i see the desktop background [17:21] Yes. Skype tells me that the system is configured correctly, but when I call out the receipient on the end of the line can't hear me tasking [17:21] i have a cursor [17:21] the prompt is (initramfs) [17:21] i even have notifications [17:21] but not "full" unity [17:21] HorizonXP: what video chip do you use? [17:21] ActionParsnip: T600 Mali [17:21] kuku, lots of places to check. first is skype seeing the correct microphone [17:22] it's an ARM SoC, on Samsung Chromebook [17:22] HorizonXP: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc [17:22] ActionParsnip: quantal [17:22] kuku, then is the correct sound device selected in the sound settings gui, in particular is the duplex mode selected === ericab_away is now known as ericab === ryan_turner_ is now known as ryan_turner [17:23] I've checked that the analog stereo duplex is set in hardware, the input is set to Internal Audio Analog Stereo, the output is set to Internal Audio Analog Stereo- [17:23] kuku, do you see the level moving in the pulse gui for the microphone when you speak [17:24] escott: the mic may be muted in alsamixer [17:24] HorizonXP: I recommend you install xfce4 package, log off and log in t the xfce session, you can then work there [17:25] I'm using a standard headset with green and pink jacks. And I can see the level move, but I must admit that I have sensitivity up at max. The weird thing about this is that the whole thing worked great on Mint yesterday so the hardware works, orworked yesterday. [17:26] I've also reinstalled skype but with no change [17:26] kuku, that would suggest the mic is not muted and that the gain is high enough. can you try the "sound recorder" application to see if that works [17:27] quit [17:27] ActionParsnip: yeah, that's probably better. was the way I was going to go, but was hoping to get Unity working [17:28] my apologies where do I find sound recorder? [17:28] found it [17:29] HorizonXP, maybe the guys in #ubuntu-arm know something [17:29] works fine [17:29] How do I fix a 'Can't have a partition outside the disk!' error in Gparted? [17:29] kuku, which soundcard / audio chip , alsamixer shows it in the upper left [17:30] mikey1234, how big is your disk? what is the output of "sudo parted -l" [17:30] not sure what you mean BK [17:31] kuku means hen lol [17:31] escott: Does this help? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1442308/ [17:31] I'm using a Revo 70 with an AMD 450 integrated processor [17:32] mikey1234, please dont use fdisk [17:32] escott: If I use parted it just says: Error: Can't have a partition outside the disk! [17:33] mikey1234, sounds like you might have a corrupted gpt/mbr hybrid. you might try booting to the livecd, enabling universe, and installing "gdisk" [17:33] mikey1234: Do you intend to have an msdos partition table or GPT? [17:33] kuku: open a terminal and type the command: alsamixer [17:33] OerHeks: maybe, let me try [17:33] hi [17:33] I still can't install [17:34] kuku: in the top left corner it should show you the video card and chip set [17:34] Jordan_U: I don't know what the difference between the two is. [17:34] I choose Install Ubuntu. The splash screen comes up and it looks like its working [17:34] then a whole bunch of lines come up and at the end it says "Busybox v1.19.3 (Ubuntu 1:1.19.3-7ubuntu1) built in shell (ash) [17:35] escott: I'm on the live CD right now, I'm gonna try that. [17:35] the command prompt changes to (initramfs) [17:35] does anyone know how to add a permanently delete option within thunar instead of putting files in the trash? [17:35] I have and eeepc 1215b I'm trying to install the 64 bit edition [17:35] mazda01, in naut hold shift and press delete [17:36] escott: Okay, what do I do now? [17:36] kuku: I said video card but I meant sound card [17:37] mikey1234, "sudo gdisk /dev/sda" then "p" will print the table "q" should quit without saving. do the same for "b" and not any error messages gdisk gives you [17:37] card is HD-Audio Generic Chip is ATI R6xx HDMI - By the way Skype tells me that I am using Pulse Audio server (local) on my sound devices [17:38] kuku, why would you be using the HDMI sound? [17:38] escott: If I did this right, this is what I got: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1442330/ [17:39] Not out of choice or knowledge. Perhaps I should modify the hardware [17:39] mikey1234, so that is "a" what about "b" [17:40] ActionParsnip: I can't find xfce4 in apt-get... [17:40] mikey1234, and hit "q" to exit gdisk if you are still in it [17:41] HorizonXP: maybe it will come in time, or you can tweak in xfce then switc to gnome+unity [17:41] escott: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1442339/ [17:41] HorizonXP: run: sudo apt-get update first [17:42] yeah i did that [17:42] figuring it was an issue with the package list [17:42] no change [17:42] mikey1234, appears that you had some gpt structures and maybe used something like fdisk or sfdisk to write an mbr partition without removing the gpt table. [17:42] mikey1234, without knowing what table is correct i don't know how to advise you === _alex_ is now known as Guest42418 [17:43] can someone tell me how to insert content and save in txt file without any text editor ????? [17:43] do anyone know how to convert from mp3 to m4r and store in ringtones folder at iphone 4? [17:43] mikey1234, you can use gdisk to do various things like convert mbr to gpt or gpt to mbr or zap gpt structures etc === ubuntu is now known as Guest30372 [17:43] can someone tell me how to insert content and save in txt file in terminal without any text editor ????? [17:43] Hey, why does `apt-get upgrade` sometimes old packages back ? maybe because their processes are currently running or what ? [17:43] I modified the selection in audio, to hdmi, but I appear to be stuck with the internal analog input. I've just checked and the audio settings have reverted to analog input and output again [17:43] escott: What about /dev/sda? That's the hard drive itself. [17:43] davidslo, http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/here-docs.html [17:44] mikey1234, that is true of both disks [17:44] ActionParsnip: could it be that ARM packages haven't been compiled or made available? [17:44] escott what is this ? :D [17:44] escott: I'm pretty sure I haven't set up any GPT partitions on the main drive - I actually just installed Windows on the sda drive. [17:45] HorizonXP: not sure on the support for the gpu...are there bugs reported [17:45] mikey1234, a lot of efi systems are shipping with a mode where they boot usb media in efi mode and hard disks in bios mode [17:45] mikey1234: At some point in this disk's life it had a GUID Partition Table (GPT), otherwise gdisk wouldn't be saying that there are remnants left. [17:45] ActionParsnip: for unity not working, or for xfce not being there? [17:45] mikey1234, some kind of evil conspiracy to confuse install media [17:46] !info [17:46] kuku , open a terminal , sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel , then you'll have to reboot , there won't be any response form the modprobe command if the proper module /driver loads properly [17:46] how do you make a cron job that can act during a specified time period (i.e., if it's scheduled to start at 8:00, and the computer turns on at 8:15, how do you ensure the job is done?) [17:46] Jordan_U: What tool can I use to graphically manage the partitions rather than gparted since it doesn't offer me any options? [17:46] escott i create file with touch file.txt and and here i want to add some text without editor [17:46] mikey1234: First you need to fix the partition table. [17:46] davidslo, man ed [17:46] davidslo: echo bla foo you text here >> yourfile.txt [17:46] Jordan_U: Does that delete the data on it? [17:46] How do you make Ubottu work? [17:47] mikey1234: No. [17:47] llutz this is what i want :) tnx [17:47] Jordan_U: Oh. Okay, so how do I fix it? [17:47] YatharthROCK: What are you trying to do with ubottu? (Please experiment with ubottu only in PM or #ubuntu-bots). [17:48] There appears to be a choice of sound cards here. the first (on zero) is the one that is installed - the other one on 1 is an HDA ATI SB it's on a different =xfeb and irq [17:48] !brain | YatharthROCK [17:48] Jordan_U, Nothing, just play around. I'm new to IRC and Ubottu seemed quite useful [17:48] YatharthROCK: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots [17:48] I am sorry to ask this again, but the problem with internet sharing from my PC to my Android phone remains to be solved. I am new to Ubuntu so I cannot quite understand what you are trying to say to me. Please, could someone explain me how to make my PC share internet connection to my phone. I have Ubuntu 12.10 and Android 4.0.4 respectively . I would appreciate any help. [17:49] !ics | fedor [17:49] fedor: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing [17:49] fedor: you will need 2 interfaces, one to share with and the other to connect to the web with [17:49] I'm still in terminal looing at the sound card - how do I select option 1? [17:50] mikey1234: My guess is that you want an msdos label rather than gpt. I would recommend running "sudo fixparts /dev/sdX" (not sure currently if you're trying to fix sda or sdb) and pastebin the output. It should recommend some fixes which you can allow it to do by typing 'w', but please pastebin the output before doing that. [17:50] kuku: press F6 and choose the device [17:50] mikey1234, long and short efi is a real PITA. the easiest path for you might be to go into your efi setup (the menu at boot) and make sure that everything is set to bios. then use something like gdisk to zap the gpt structures on the disk "z" and then reinstall everything (this would destroy any data) [17:51] how do you make a cron job that can act during a specified time period (i.e., if it's scheduled to start at 8:00, and the computer turns on at 8:15, how do you ensure the job is done?) [17:51] stef1a: look into anacron [17:51] Jordan_U: Here's what I get when I run that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1442362/ [17:51] jrib: that's it!! totally racking my brain for that [17:51] stef1a, start it at 8:15 [17:52] escott: anacron is like cron but more suited to user systems which aren't always on [17:52] escott: I was just giving an example [17:54] Did it TVM The alsamixer shows me c color strip colums presumably output values - the mic column is empty [17:54] mikey1234: OK, unfortunately fixparts' solution is to simply "delete" the partitions. If you have data on this disk that you care about you might be able to get better results by using testdisk to rebuild the partition table based on what fileystems it can find. [17:54] Jordan_U: Is that output in bytes? Because if it is, there's only like 2 or 3 gigs of data on there. [17:56] Gotta shoot off and pick up my kid [17:57] Hi, First I'm a layman in Linux, and quite new to here. I'm going to install a utorrent. [17:57] ebad, use a native one [17:58] ebad: why not using transmission? [17:58] Jordan_U: Okay, testdisk is a bit confusing, but it recognizing some partitions on it. [17:58] what's that? [17:58] !torrent | ebad [17:58] ebad: Some torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P [17:58] ebad: why, transmission is in a default install? [17:58] ebad transmission or deluge [17:59] mikey1234: How important to you is the data currently on this disk? [17:59] ebad: its a torrent client and is default installed in Ubuntu (unlike windows which ships with none) [18:00] ActionParsnip: Thanks, and how I can run that in Ubuntu? [18:00] Jordan_U: I do have some imporant stuff on there, so I'd say quite a bit. From what I understand they're marked as 'D' for deleted in testdisk, for some reason, but there's probably still data there. [18:00] ebad: press ALT+F2 and type: transmission hit ENTER [18:00] ebad, same as any other torrent client. [18:00] Thanks. [18:01] /budus macro xdcc menu [18:01] mikey1234: Do you know how many partitions you're supposed to have on this disk, and their type? [18:01] ebad if transmission looks a bit alien to you, use deluge [18:02] ebad: transmission can also have a web UI, like utorrent [18:02] Jordan_U: Yes. 3 - one around 100 MB for the reserved windows partition, 130GBish for the data (both NTFS) and around 25GB unallocated. [18:02] Yes, I'm watching that. [18:03] a [18:03] MonkeyDust: Thanks for your advise as well. [18:03] /budus macro xdcc f 12 [18:04] /budus macro xdcc f 12 [18:04] mikey1234: OK, for now then close tesdisk and run "sudo fixparts /dev/sdX" again, then type 'p' and pastebin the output. [18:04] /budus macro xdcc f 13 === Gara is now known as Gaara [18:04] max20091960: Please stop. [18:05] Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1442391/ [18:07] hello, I am using Ubu tu 11.10 oneiric and its WUBI installed partitioned along with windows 7 ..i had allocated 18 gb space to it but now i am running very low on disk space. I found out a method to increase teh disk partition by using "dd if=/dev/zero of=new.disk bs=1MB count=10000" command....but i am not sure of what to set "count" parameter to..please help! [18:08] ActionParsnip: I think I had to enable multiverse [18:10] Hi. Can anybody recommend an applet for gnome classic (3.x) to show the caps and num lock keys on the panel? Thanks [18:11] gnome classic / [18:11] ? [18:11] Jordan_U: Got any suggestions? [18:12] ikonia, yes, also known as gnome fallback [18:12] I thought that was dead now ? [18:12] also gnome 3 applets are designed for the gnome 3 environment are they not ? [18:12] ikonia, its still around [18:13] rather than some odd fall back gnome 2 clone type environment [18:13] gnome-panel [18:13] I once again ask about connecting my android 4.0.4 phone to Ubuntu12.10-based system. The instruction I was given about sharing internet to other machines is not what I am looking for [18:13] fedor: what do you actually want to do ? [18:14] fedor: your initial question was how to share your PC's internet connection with your phone [18:14] ikonia, well, "extensions" for gnome shell are not the same as "applets" for gnome-panel. [18:14] fedor: the instructions I gave you will allow you to do just that [18:14] so i installed ubuntu-desktop to get unity, which didn't work. now I installed xubuntu-desktop, which hopefully will work [18:14] I have an HTC Incredible S. I have a PPPoE connection established. I want to know how can I establish this very connection through internet passthrough [18:15] how do I remove the extraneous packages from ubuntu-desktop that I no longer need? [18:15] fedor: PPPoE with what / [18:15] like nity, ec. [18:15] like unity, etc.. [18:15] HorizonXP: open the package manager, select the packages, remove them [18:15] I don't understand PPPoE with what/? [18:15] ikonia: but ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package, i wouldn't know which pakcages I can/should remove [18:16] mikey1234: OK, 'w' to save (just so that we have something we know is valid, even if it's not what we want). Then we'll try to fix this completely using testdisk. [18:16] fedor: your PC is connected to the internet and you want to share it with your phone, correct ? [18:16] HorizonXP: you can remove whatever you want [18:16] yep [18:16] HorizonXP: if you know you don't need something, remove it [18:16] fedor: so what's wrong with the instructions I gave you ? [18:16] o\ [18:17] I will try once more [18:17] maybe I will be luckier [18:17] fedor: luck has nothing to do with it [18:17] Jordan_U: Wait, what's it gonna get rid of? === tjbiddle_ is now known as tjbiddle [18:18] Jordan_U: Kay, I did that. What's next? [18:19] mikey1234: It will remove some of the invalid entries in the partition table. [18:19] mikey1234: sudo testdisk /dev/sdX # and pastebin the output [18:19] what windows vnc viewer do you guys recommand using to connect to ubuntus vnc server (vino) [18:19] im using realvnc viewer right now but having major display issues [18:21] mikey1234: Or post a screenshot. [18:21] !screenshot | mikey1234 [18:21] mikey1234: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it. [18:21] Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1442428/ [18:23] so I'm having a problem with my terminal [18:23] right now I'm using byobu on a remote system [18:23] mikey1234: I assume that you've already selected some options to get to that screen, correct? [18:23] byobu updates the time [18:23] but for some reason, instead of updating in place, it keeps adding new lines [18:24] Jordan_U: Well it offered me to pick the disk, and to anylise it, so I did just that. [18:26] mikey1234: OK. Add all of the partitions, and make sure that the System Reserved partition is a primary partition (the others can either be primary or logical) then pastebin the screen again. [18:27] need some help with install of clean mysql , i have tried to remove and purge withe apt-get, then the config wass all messed up so i tried dpkg reconfigure mysql-server and reinstall and i still get the same errors about mysql-server being broken. can someone assist [18:27] Jordan_U: "Invalid partition structure." [18:28] mikey1234: What did you do to get that error message? [18:29] Jordan_U: Right arrow and set the other two to logical and system partition to primary. [18:29] *system reserved [18:32] mikey1234: OK, I'm not sure what's going on. Though it might be tedious, please exit testdisk without saving and start from the beginning, taking a screenshot of each screen as you go. [18:33] mikey1234: (Press 'q' as many times as needed to quit) === Phoebus_ is now known as Phoebus [18:36] I now figured what i want exactly. As far as I am now informed it's called reverse tethering and the phone thus should be connected to a PC to access the internet through a wired ethernet connection. [18:36] well Iĺl reboot and give a spin [18:38] Jordan_U: Okay, just more minute and I'll have them up [18:40] Jordan_U: imgur.com/a/nFwnu [18:41] <\\Mr_C\\> whats the generic default windows manager called for ubuntu server 12.10? [18:41] can you help, how to run ubuntu 12.10 ARM HF on Qemu? http://askubuntu.com/questions/229361/how-to-run-ubuntu-12-10-arm-hf-on-a-ubuntu-12-04-2-amd64-host-with-qemu-1-3 [18:41] \\Mr_C\\: it doesn't come with one installed [18:41] <\\Mr_C\\> oh [18:41] Good afternoon. Just a general question here... I am just switched from Mint 13 to Ubuntu 12.10 on my netbook. For some reason, Ubuntu is using my processor at or near 100% all the time. [18:41] Mneme_: what process? [18:41] <\\Mr_C\\> is there a generic one from ubuntu and not some off the wall hack? [18:41] The netbook is running hot enough to smell, and my touch keeps quitting on me as well. LOL [18:41] How do you add a printer to a headless server? [18:42] \\Mr_C\\: if you are using Unity then it is Compiz [18:42] \\Mr_C\\: server has no desktop UI at all, its all text based [18:43] Mneme, use $top or system monitor to find the offending process [18:43] Mneme_: what video chip do you use? [18:43] jrib: Indicator_multiload and unity_panel_service primarily, it looks like. [18:43] 1 [18:43] Mneme_: you've probably hit some bug. See if anything exists at bugs.ubuntu.com [18:44] Mneme_: is it a switchable GPU {AMD|Nvidia} + Intel ? [18:45] Netbook is has an AMD chip and integrated graphics [18:45] Mneme_: thats why then [18:45] Mneme_: look into bumblebee. This may also help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics [18:45] Too heavy for my little netbook eh? *sigh* [18:45] Mneme_: no, the technology has little support in Linux [18:46] Mneme_: I run a full desktop OS on probably a LOT less then you have there [18:46] I was previously using Mint with Cinnamon and that was pretty quick; I switched because LAMP seems to shred packages for some reason. [18:46] Mneme_: I just don't have that switchable video chip mess [18:46] Jordan_U: I think I did everything right. [18:46] In fact I uninstalled lamp-server yesterday on my first Ubuntu install and it immediately deleted all the Ubuntu packages... what's with that? LOL [18:47] Mneme_: if possible, disable one GPU in BIOS [18:47] mikey1234: I don't see anything wrong. Does it still complain if you try to make them all primary? [18:47] still no joy with the output on skype [18:47] Jordan_U: Yeah. [18:48] I can't understans why skype can record my voice test message, but no one can hear my voice when I call out [18:48] mikey1234: It looks like the last sector of the second partition might be the same as the first sector of the third partition, but I really wish that testdisk didn't display these things using C/H/S values. [18:50] Jordan_U: Can I resize them maybe? [18:50] ActionParsnip, can you help me? [18:50] KRomeleoN: wassup? [18:51] mikey1234: Can you successfully list files from all of the partitions, and does the listing look like what you expect? [18:51] mikey1234: do you not have backups? [18:52] ActionParsnip: They're mostly STeam games on there, but still.. [18:53] Jordan_U: Should I be able to gain access to it? I can't seem to see the partitions mounted anywhere. [18:53] mikey1234 : is testdisk in Ubuntu 12 or is it an independent utility? [18:53] mikey1234: Listing the files is an option in testdisk. [18:54] mikey1234: At this screen for example: http://imgur.com/a/nFwnu#8 you could select a partition and press 'p' to list the files it contains. [18:56] ŰHŰi, I'm building a 3 display setup (2xLCD, 1x hdtv), what video card should I get if 3d performance is not importantand low price and no fan is preferred? [18:56] I've just installed xubuntu guys been a while since i was on an ubuntu machine does it come with hdmi support as default now ? or is there any packages i need for hdmi support [18:57] lucido, intel support is very good. second would maybe be an older ati [18:58] escott, How can I connect 3 displays to those? [18:59] Hi guys! Can anyone suggest a mirror for East Europe? I am currently using the default one and it seems really slow: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ ~100KB/s [18:59] lucido, with cables. you will have to find one that has three ports and supports activating all of them [18:59] escott, yes, that is what I'm trying to find out here [19:00] How do you access a cups web interface remotely? [19:00] Jordan_U : is testdisk in Ubuntu 12 or is it an independent utility? [19:00] lucido, try ##hardware [19:01] Arcadie: try: "http://code.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu", where "code" is your country, i.e: "http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu" [19:02] riqdiiz: It is not installed by default, but it is available in the default repositories. [19:02] what's the state of ATI support for multiple displays on ubuntu? [19:02] Dougie187, you will probably have to modify /etc/cups/* to have it listen to outside addressed [19:02] Thanks ratbel!Going to check [19:02] escott: is there a way to tell it to listen to all addresses in a subnet? [19:02] like [19:03] Dougie187, probably [19:03] Jordan_U : thanks. you opened my eyes. [19:04] Arcadie: also, look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu [19:04] bonsoir à tous === philluminati is now known as Guest1613 [19:04] riqdiiz: You're welcome. [19:05] Dougie187, if not restrict it with iptables [19:06] escott: well, I can restrict with my NAT, but I just want it to allow everything to start. And it's not. :P [19:06] does eyefinity work on ubuntu? [19:07] irc2600.net [19:07] was testdisk available for Ubuntu 9.04? [19:08] !info testdisk jaunty [19:08] 'jaunty' is not a valid distribution: extras, hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, stable, testing, unstable [19:08] gah [19:08] how can I install ubuntu 12.10 ARM HF on qemu? [19:09] gotwig: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OmapDesktopInstall [19:09] you mean qemu for windows [19:11] Que tal amigos, al [19:11] que tal amogos, alguien sabe de lubuntu? funciona muy bien en mi acer aspire one 722, solo que ni el video ni el audio funcionan, alguien puede ayudarme con eso? [19:12] !es [19:12] En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. [19:12] willfrand English please. [19:13] Can I run 3 displays on this: ASUS GT610-SL-2GD3-L? [19:13] sorry [19:13] !ot | lucido please ask in an appropriate forum [19:13] lucido please ask in an appropriate forum: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [19:13] but the spanish room don't body [19:13] i need some help about lubuntu SO [19:13] please am asked to use bash on ubuntu but when I click to open it the entire window is black and I cant seem to type any command, I can only see the menu bar [19:13] escott, this is ubuntu related, I run ubuntu [19:14] willfrand: whats the issue [19:14] lucido, no its a hardware question. once you purchase it and boot ubuntu on it and need help setting up multihead then it becomes an ubuntu issue [19:14] willfrand for audio, open an terminal and type alsamixer -- for video, it may be a flash issue [19:14] is cool, and very well in my notebook acer aspire one 722, only that havent sound, microphone and video [19:15] MonkeyDust, giveme a minute [19:15] and my english isn't good [19:15] willfrand: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload [19:16] wait [19:16] willfrand don't worry just use keywords :-) [19:17] anyone know how to copy the files listed from this into a directory? ` ls -la | awk {'print $9'} | grep '^[a-z]' | grep .htm ` [19:18] thanks riqdiiz, [19:18] tjbiddle, | cp -t target_dir. but be careful that no filenames have spaces or strange characters. find would be better for this [19:18] this is my report [19:18] Jordan_U: I apologize, I was afk and the site said it timed out. What did you suggest me to do? [19:18] tjbiddle try cp in front of that line and the source after it [19:18] http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=9e19f0691b314e9c2b8541a04cef7bf60d341384 [19:18] mikey1234: At this screen for example: http://imgur.com/a/nFwnu#8 you could select a partition and press 'p' to list the files it contains. [19:18] tjbiddle, find . -iname *.htm -exec cp -t target {}\; [19:18] tjbiddle try cp in front of that line and the destination after it <- correction [19:19] somebody can help me? [19:19] Jordan_U: Alright, that seems to work fine, and my files are there. [19:20] *facepalms* i saw -T, but not -t of cp. thanks guys, i'll read up on find and exec as well - much appreciated. [19:20] and not alsamixer === vjn_ is now known as vjn [19:21] como estan amigos [19:21] !es | paul_ [19:21] paul_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. [19:22] mikey1234: Does it complain if you only undelete the first two partitions? [19:22] Jordan_U: Nope. [19:23] Jordan_U: It doesn't seem to complain. [19:23] I was on here yesterday. I'm trying to reinstall apt after I accidentally removed it. I found more than one way to download the .debs, but I need a way to download the dependencies automatically. Most methods I found required a second computer running ubuntu, but I dont have access to one right now [19:23] mikey1234: OK, what if you only undelete the first and third? [19:23] can unity be uninstsalled and not cause a system damage? [19:23] Jordan_U: Okay, I'll try doing that in a few minutes. [19:24] porfavor como comunicarme een español [19:24] cnz: Yes. [19:24] cnz no need to uninstall, simply install some other DE and use that [19:24] !notunity | cnz [19:24] cnz: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default. To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic [19:24] MonkeyDust, yes there is a need to uninstall it's called not wanting it [19:24] hey [19:25] Jordan_U, thanks and then I can just purge unity? [19:25] cnz: Uninstalling unity will remove the ubuntu-desktop metapackage as well, but that's not a problem as it's just a meta-package. [19:25] good by brothers === mitch is now known as Guest20855 [19:29] hey [19:29] can somebody help me with my audio in lubuntu? [19:29] A few versions ago, there was a "smart hide" type option on the unity launcher bar that sits on the left. How can one get it back? [19:32] Jordan_U after installing those three packages I can remove unity right [19:33] cnz: You should probably log into a GNOME Shell or other session first, before removing Unity. [19:34] Jordan_U, yeah I did [19:35] cnz: Then yes, you can now safely remove any unity related packages. [19:35] Jordan_U, thanks would sudo apt-get purge unity* be bad? or is that ok? [19:36] A few versions ago, there was a "smart hide" type option on the unity launcher bar that sits on the left. How can one get it back? (I know I can set it to auto hide, but I want it to only disappear when in the way like it used to) [19:36] How can I read the text of a kernel panic that happens on X start? (it switches vts automatically to one that doesn't display kernel errors) [19:36] I was on here yesterday. I'm trying to reinstall apt after I accidentally removed it. I found more than one way to download the .debs, but I need a way to download the dependencies automatically. Most methods I found required a second computer running ubuntu, but I dont have access to one right now [19:37] I installed ubuntu 12.10 on my external hard drive alongside Windows 7 using the wubi installer, and when I select ubuntu from the dual boot menu, it can't seem to find the disk... [19:37] GMDynamics: not going to happen [19:37] GMDynamics: use a live cd [19:37] GMDynamics: you need to use a package manager, such as apt-get or aptitude, or something like that [19:37] GMDynamics: you've jut removed it [19:37] GMDynamics: so you need to download the debs and use dpkg to put them back [19:38] I find it hard to accept you removed apt-get by accident, as it will provide warnings as most of the system depends on it [19:38] @ikonia no offence, but that atitude is really not helping me. I know for a fact there is a way, it just escapes me at the moment [19:38] willfrand: If you compare your output to mine (http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=261903a437d5552bcd74bac703b8ffe30cbeb171), you will see that there is a lot missing in yours. Don't know why that is, though [19:38] @jrib I should have thought of that! [19:39] GMDynamics: it is helping you as I've just given you the solution [19:39] is there a postscript viewer that will let me rotate the image? [19:39] can anyone help me figure out what i'm doing wrong following these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing? I thought I followed them, but I have a device connected through a switch and it's not getting an IP address from DHCP [19:39] the "document viewer" won't it seems [19:39] I already know how to use dpkg, but if you think about it, apt has 100s of dependencies [19:39] I installed ubuntu 12.10 on my external hard drive alongside Windows 7 using the wubi installer, and when I select ubuntu from the dual boot menu, it can't seem to find the disk... Anyone have an idea of what is going on? [19:40] dependencies have dependencies and so on and so forth [19:40] GMDynamics: it doesn#t [19:40] it's dependencies are quite light [19:40] GMDynamics: and you said you removed apt-get , not all it's dependencies [19:41] Epicism, is that a supported configuration for wubi? [19:41] i was half asleep and typed in sudo apt-get remove apt [19:41] I'm not sure, i'm really new to ubuntu or anything like it :/ [19:41] GMDynamics: yes, and that will only remove apt-get, and it will ask you to verify it due to the dependencies that depend on it [19:42] okular it seems [19:42] Epicism, my guess is it is not a supported wubi configuration. i would do a real install onto the external drive not a wubi install [19:42] any clue why i cant install the package - the dependency is met.... http://nopaste.info/bf9c13f3ce.html [19:42] And do do that i would use a live cd? [19:42] Epicism, yes [19:43] Alright, will try that. Also, is there a way to retrieve the package that wubi downloaded so i can use that? [19:44] (1) How do I know if I've successfully bridged my wireless and wired connections and (2) how do I know if my DHCP server is running? [19:44] It removed everthing, including depends. I tried installing the apt deb file but it want dependencies, even when i use -f, apt-get doesnt run [19:44] Epicism, i guess you could grab them out of /var/cache/apt/archives [19:44] GMDynamics: what exactly have you removed, [19:44] GMDynamics: it sounds like a lot more than you are aware of [19:45] If i try booting from the external hard drive right away, would that maybe work? [19:45] hello all [19:46] I know exactly what it is. apt and its depends. apt by itself only has about four depends, but those depends have a bunch of depends that nothing else was using, so removing apt would remove recursive depends going down pretty far [19:47] GMDynamics: it shouldn't go that far [19:47] unless you push it to do so [19:47] i am looking for a ubuntu program like privoxy where i am able to watch hulu.com videos from outside the united states.. has anyone got an idea? [19:47] it should only remove direct dependencies [19:48] * it should have a gui because i am weak on the command line. ;) [19:49] phubuntu: not going to help you get around content restriction [19:50] ikonia: ok. [19:50] i didnt but the number of depends increases exponentialy as you increase the number level down you look [19:50] GMDynamics: yes, but that shouldn't have removed more than one level of direct dependencies [19:50] GMDynamics: have you actually tried to reinstall it, or are you just guessing? [19:50] @ phubuntu as long as your not breaking any laws :D just use a vpn [19:50] GMDynamics: so I'm asking what else happened to remove the rest [19:51] GMDynamics: i will not break any laws... what to install for vpn? [19:51] I have tried installing it and apt-get will remove one level of dependecy, then remove unused depends. then after it removes unsed depends, it will remove more unused depends that were under the original unused depends [19:51] GMDynamics: no configuration via command line please.. [19:52] phubuntu: GMDynamics helping with circumventing content restrictions is not allowed in #ubuntu. [19:52] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VPNClient [19:52] Please stop or take it elsewhere [19:53] i am trying to install lubuntu 12.04 and although it says it non pae o.s. i get the same error that the procesor doesn;t support pae [19:53] ikonia: GMDynamics: http://www.pastebin.ca/2293882 [19:53] That is what the command will do in 12.04 GMDynamics [19:53] L3top: that looks good, one level [19:53] Guys Need urgent help, I am s=using hp compaq nc6000 unable to use wlan [19:53] !pae [19:53] To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info [19:53] L3top: good call on the test [19:53] any help in this regard will be appreciated [19:54] RomulusDaniel, all kernels are pae beginning recently i thought it was 12.10 may be 12.04 [19:54] Are they content restrictions? If hes looking at everyday hulu videos, which are free here,from another country is he going around any laws? [19:54] exit [19:54] GMDynamics: if you visit the site and it says "this service is not available in your country" that's a content restriction [19:54] the tutorials says that are not pae [19:54] but when i install i get the same over and over pae error [19:55] teRomulusDaniel: I was facing the same problem till yesterday [19:55] and also to test that list L3top, do you mind doing a dry run on a couple of those depends that get removed [19:55] ekhaat, wait [19:55] and.... [19:55] ? [19:55] I was getting the error that pae is not supported [19:55] sending you a link that worked for me [19:55] And also I forgot, im running lubuntu, which means I'll have a few more depends [19:55] try it out [19:56] ok [19:56] ekhaat, no loaded ALSA modules === thomas is now known as Guest35389 [19:57] i am waiting [19:57] http://people.canonical.com/~diwic/12.04-nonpae/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386-nonpae.iso [19:57] Hi how do I bridge a lan connection such that the wireless is picking up the router and then my ethernet cord will send the internet to another device? [19:57] ok thank you [19:57] teRomulusDaniel: which device do you use? [19:57] ibm thinkpad r50e [19:58] RomulusDaniel: the processor? and wlan? [19:58] how do i install the ALSA modules? [19:58] with intel celeron m 1,8 ghz [19:58] sorry [19:58] intel pentium M [19:58] ekhaat, how do i install the ALSA modules? [19:58] ya that should work I am using the same processor [19:58] and whats the wlan? [19:59] willfrand: Exactly. But I don't know the solution. But now you know a bit more and can ask the approrpiate questions :-) [19:59] i have to see [19:59] w8 [19:59] k [19:59] willfrand: Like you just did :-) [19:59] anyone with the soluotion to my wlan proble,?> [19:59] compaq: nc 6000 [19:59] willfrand: try ask without my name in front [19:59] Jordan_U: Hi, yet again. That didn't appear to do anything after it asked me to reboot. [20:00] Hey ekhaat of course [20:00] and thanks by your help [20:00] Sorry, to ask again but I DC'ed. How can I bridge my wireless to give my ethernet access to the internet [20:00] no problem [20:00] Why burning a DVD dics lasts sooo long in Ubuntu? It uses 1.2x speed for an 8x disc, and the thing with image checksum at the end... I don't get it? It takes like half an hour or more!! [20:00] now i know exactly that thing ask [20:00] willfrand: lspci -nn | grep -i audio dex564 you can install the generic kernel. [20:00] thanks L3top [20:01] do you now where to find that information? [20:01] because i can't find it anywere [20:01] if this were windows ..... [20:01] :) [20:01] lspci in your terminal paste your output hre [20:01] L3top, this fail dont exist [20:01] ok thx [20:02] does anyone have any good tips on how to make the touchpad on a macbook air not suck in ubuntu? [20:02] sure np [20:02] ok [20:02] hello, can anyone help me install smtp on my ubuntu vps [20:02] willfrand: lspci is a command. lspci -nn | grep -i audio means show me everything on the pci bus, and return anything with the word audio in it. [20:02] 02:02.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG [Calexico2] Network Connection (rev 05) [20:02] 02:08.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB PRO/100 VE (MOB) Ethernet Controller (rev 81) [20:02] mikey1234: Could you pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -lu"? [20:03] can i paste the exit here? or i need to use pastebin? [20:03] pastebin? [20:03] L3top, yes, ok [20:03] any help with the trackpad sucking in ubuntu on a macbook air? [20:03] RomulusDaniel, yup thats the same one that I am using [20:03] I need the output of that command. [20:04] Jordan_U: Yeah, sure: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1442629/ [20:04] RomulusDaniel, I guess you would have some problem configuring the wlan [20:04] Why burning a DVD dics lasts sooo long in Ubuntu? It uses 1.2x speed for an 8x disc... [20:04] but otherwise the system should work fine [20:04] L3top, this is the output of this command http://pastebin.com/CPTbGtaM [20:04] RomulusDaniel: try installing it with unetbootin and see if the system works [20:05] willfrand: That should be working. Are you trying to get audio over hdmi/analog or spdif? [20:05] Hello I had a quick question about frag settings in iwconfig with ath9k for some reason when I changed my frag and rts settings on my client to match what was on my router I went from slow speeds to very high speeds is this normal? [20:06] could someone please help me with the touchpad on my macbook air in ubuntu? it is way too sensitive. I go to use two finger scrolling in a browser and as soon as i move my fingers it thinks im trying to do a right click it is very annoying and is making it almost unusable [20:06] i am using wireless now [20:06] i am connected through wlan [20:06] wow..how did you do that? [20:06] are you runing windows xp ? [20:06] L3top, i dont know the difference, how find it? [20:06] rfultz: could you please rephrase your sentence it is pretty hard to understand you are not using interpunction do you know that? [20:07] no [20:07] or i need to reboot [20:07] ubuntu 10.10 [20:07] L3top, or i need reboot [20:07] L3top: did you see willfrand's output of that asla stuff (http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=9e19f0691b314e9c2b8541a04cef7bf60d341384)? [20:08] is there a better channel that i should ask my question in? doesnt look like im gonna get any help in here:) [20:08] willfrand: I am asking how you are physically connected to audio. Is it over an hdmi cable, an optical cable... a coax... or a little headphones looking plug thing? [20:08] it was intalalled on installation [20:08] Alright, so I was wondering if it is just coincidence or if this is normal; I changed the frag settings on my wireless interface in iwconfig to match what was on my router and after that happened I went from slow speeds to very fast. Was it just coincidence or is this a known fix? [20:08] I did not yet. [20:08] RomulusDaniel, : you mean no additional drivers needed? [20:08] L3top: ok [20:08] RomulusDaniel, : then what is the problem about pae that t=you face [20:08] atc3030: id search askubuntu.com and the forums [20:08] rfultz: Thats a know behaviour - same settings work well, different settings do not. :) [20:09] willfrand: can you give me the output of aplay -l [20:09] willfrand: sudo aplay -l [20:09] i am trying to install a newer version of ubuntu# [20:09] L3top, my netbook has in guarantee yet, i recently did a repair [20:09] wow and to think this whole time I was trying to fix my drivers and there was nothing wrong LOL [20:09] and i get the error [20:09] with the kernel not supporting pae [20:09] RomulusDaniel, : what if you update the packages? does that wor in ubuntu? I am new to it too [20:10] already have. everything says to try different settings with synclient and I have tried so many different settings it has not helped [20:10] L3top, This is the problem, look the output: no se encontraron tarjetas de sonido [20:10] no soundcards found [20:10] right... [20:10] RomulusDaniel, : did you get any error while installing ubuntu 10.? [20:10] I have upgraded to ubuntu 12.10 and now unity won't start after login (and windows have to themes on buttons and other widgets) [20:10] mikey1234: OK, try running testdisk again and confirm that it complains if you try to undelete the third partition. [20:10] willfrand: apt-get install --reinstall alsa-base alsa-utils [20:10] trying to install drivers for nvidia card little help says it can't install xorg-video-abi-10 little help please? [20:11] also, the number of problems with multimonitor mode increased. hi btw :) [20:11] are there known problems/fixes for the unity problem? [20:11] L3top, install --reinstall?? === robert_ is now known as Guest35453 [20:11] correct. [20:11] mikey1234: Or rather, I guess you would be undeleting the second partition (which will probably end up as sda3, just to make things more confusing :) [20:11] hi gals! does smbd able to give me a hand sorting out log in text console problem, please? [20:12] no [20:12] no errors [20:12] tozen: Tell me the general problem before I start trying to dissect a log. [20:13] DAmn, I am stuck..maybe because I am using an LTS version? [20:13] RomulusDaniel: if your hardware does not support pae. you should stick to 12.04 i belive [20:13] L3top, <<--reinstall>> unrecognized option [20:13] how about you? are you using an LTS? [20:13] the problem is I cannot login through Ctrl+Alt+F1 system says wrong login, but there is no problem using sudo in terminal emulation [20:13] it doesen't work 12.04 [20:13] just tried apt-get install xorg-video-abi-10 and i get no installation candidate [20:13] Jordan_U: It does complain. [20:13] i get the same pae error [20:14] i have now 10.10 [20:14] mikey1234: Note also that I didn't say that you should tell testdisk to save yet. It would have been easier if you had saved after restoring the first two partitions. But we can work from where we are currently. [20:14] willfrand: lsb_release -sc [20:14] L3top i've got /var/log/auth.log info ifneed it [20:14] RomulusDaniel: 10.10 is unsupported nowadays. [20:14] RomulusDaniel: use lubuntu in 12.04 or xubuntu not ubuntu, the ubuntu iso uses pae by default. Lubuntu does not. [20:14] Jordan_U: I have feeling this will take quite a bit time. [20:14] RomulusDaniel: or so i have read at least. [20:14] L3top, quantal [20:14] hello? [20:15] i have tryed lubuntu 12.04 [20:15] i get the same pae error [20:15] mikey1234: It might, or it might only take about another 20 minutes or less if I'm right about the problem (which I'm not to confident about :) [20:15] i didn;t tryed xubuntu [20:15] RomulusDaniel, : sorry mate, That had worked for me, I guess you could use the following steps:sending you the link [20:16] RomulusDaniel: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/05/how-to-install-ubuntu-1204-on-non-pae.html [20:16] ok thx [20:16] i got it the first time [20:16] L3top, the output was quantal [20:16] thx [20:16] what mean it? [20:16] i am downloading now [20:16] so who ever said removing unity wont hose your system is wrong [20:16] Jordan_U: Alright, what would you suggest next? [20:16] my system is now hosed [20:16] and will not boot [20:17] umm whats the repository for nividia drivers and how do i add it from a root recovery prompt? [20:17] cnz: yit would be better to tell us what it is doing exactly.. [20:17] hi my mouse is not working [20:17] it is a brand new usb mouse [20:17] fishbait: they are in the default repos. [20:17] L3top: here is log file: http://pastebin.com/N59e7fde [20:17] !info nvidia-current [20:17] nvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.43-0ubuntu4 (quantal), package size 37202 kB, installed size 105660 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia) [20:17] mouseproblem: batteries? [20:17] ok let me know if that doesn't work [20:17] dr_willis, get the grub menu choose to boot blank screen blinking cursor [20:17] @ekhaat usb powered [20:17] fishbait: the 'restricted' repos [20:17] cnz: tried the nomodeset option? [20:18] mouseproblem: my bad :-) [20:18] dr_willis, just sshed in [20:18] mouseproblem: does the light underneath come on? [20:18] for some reason my gui is broken [20:18] @ekhaat yes [20:18] why are you suprised by that [20:18] @ekhaat and it is logged in "dmesg" [20:18] cnz: you've just removed unity....what do you expec to thappen to your gui [20:18] @ekhaat the mouse simply will not move though :( [20:18] mouseproblem: habe you tried different mousepads? [20:18] @ekhaat yes and they dont work [20:19] I am trying to mount a smb read only share [20:19] ikonia, obviously you're an idiot, cause I installed gnome first [20:19] mouseproblem: bummer [20:19] Mounting cifs URL not implemented yet. Attempt to mount smb://set/everything-viewonly [20:19] sudo mount -t smbfs smb://set/everything-viewonly /media/everything [20:19] cnz NO name calling here [20:19] when i tried the recovery option enable networking> root prompt apt-get install nividia* it says it can't install xorg-video-abi-10. how do i resolve this? [20:19] well that was nice [20:19] cnz NO name calling here [20:19] hi guys iv got a problem, when i reboot my ubuntu machine i can no longer see the samba shares on it until i go in via ssh and restart the smbd service [20:19] cnz: pull it i n [20:20] cnz: did you install gnome before of after removing unity ? [20:20] mikey1234: My guess is that the problem is that the two ntfs partitions appear (at least to testdisk) to overlap. So I suggest that we first delete the third partition (currently sda2), then restore the second partition, then resize the second partition (make it 1 MiB smaller), then try to restore the third partition and see if testdisk stops complaining. [20:20] bazhang, then tell ikonia, not to assume stuff :) [20:20] ikonia, before [20:20] !nounity [20:20] Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default. To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic [20:20] cnz: ok, so that's probably why [20:20] I followed that [20:20] Jordan_U: Seems reasonable to me. [20:20] ikonia, no I install gnome first [20:20] cnz: if unity's gone it may well take dependencies with it [20:20] then removed unity [20:21] cnz: do you still have X on your machine ? [20:21] Jordan_U: I did put two files that are like 7 gigs to copy over to my flash drive just in case I screw something up. [20:21] Jordan_U: Using the list files feature you told me about [20:21] root 1727 0.0 0.0 133808 2780 ? Sl 13:16 0:00 /usr/lib/gdm/gdm-simple-slave --display-id /org/gnome/DisplayManager/Display2 [20:21] cnz: do you still have X on your machine ? [20:21] mikey1234: So first, "sudo fdisk /dev/sda" and delete sda2 (if you don't know how to use fdisk I can walk you throught it, but either way please pastebin the log of what you've done in fdisk before writing to disk with 'w') [20:21] ikonia, I should [20:21] never removed it [20:22] cnz: no, do you actually still have it [20:22] not "should you have it" [20:22] mikey1234: Smart idea. If you have any other really important files anywhere now would be a good time to back them up similarly as well. [20:22] yes /etc/X11/X [20:22] cnz: ok, so is there currently an X server running ? [20:23] cnz: hang on /etc/X11/X - that's not where the X server is [20:23] ikonia http://pastebin.com/fBt2t3Nt [20:23] Jordan_U: It might take some time to back those up since it's on a USB 2.0 drive, maybe 15 minutes tops, so I'm just gonna hold off using fdisk until these imporant files are done copying. [20:24] cnz: ok, that suggests there is an X server running [20:24] mikey1234: OK. Ping me when you're done. [20:24] I have dug myself into a bottomless pit again, I want to remove all sound and reinstall, I also want to remove the 12.04 crap running down my left side of the screen and go to something normal, I will take the sound first and if I still am sane I will attempt to tackle the crap on the screen [20:24] cnz: that looks like it's running on display :1 not display :0, I'm not sure if thats correct on an ubuntu install [20:24] how would you change it [20:25] sudo apt-get install mysql-server doesn't prompt me to set a MySQL password. Any reason why? [20:25] it depends what's happened [20:25] also, can't log into mysql from the root account without a passwprd [20:25] maheanuu: I'd suggest starting by explaining what exactly you mean by "I have dug myself into a bottomless pit again" [20:25] cnz: be worth checking if that's correct on ubuntu, if display 1 is the correct default display [20:25] maheanuu: install some alternative desktop. select it at the login screen... [20:25] ikonia Jordan_U told me to follow [20:25] !nounity [20:25] HOW DO INSTALL THESE BLOODY DRIVERS? V.V [20:25] so I did [20:25] kj: was it installed before perhaps? [20:25] fishbait: what drivers? [20:26] cnz: you've said that [20:26] fishbait: drop the caps [20:26] cnz: check if display 1 is the correct default value [20:26] jrib, I don't believe so . [20:26] even if it was, I purged and removed it [20:26] I'm trying to purge my system of any unneeded packages and such, what's a good way to do this? [20:26] ikonia, how do I check that [20:26] then resintalled, and the same thing happened [20:26] cnz: just check with someone running ubuntu [20:26] cnz, if you have a command prompt ... try xinit [20:26] kj: so it was installed before... why would you say "I don't believe so"? You probably did not purge the correct package [20:26] i had had caps srry and the nvidia ones i was using and apt-get auto-removed fglrx to get nvidia ones [20:27] I just reinstalled unity and now rebooting [20:27] WXZ: might be easier to install a minimal ubuntu and build upwards [20:27] !mini | WXZ [20:27] jrib, I don't think it was . I did an apt-get install 10 mins ago and it installed from what I can tell [20:27] WXZ: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [20:27] yeats: that's what I'm doing [20:27] then I purged [20:27] Ok, I have an external sound device Encore Electronics ENMAB-8CM 7.1 Channel USB Audio Box I am trying to install and now no sound works , I am using a Toshiba Satellite Notebook and it is 64 bit [20:27] anyone got any ideas what im missing [20:27] kj: so what do you want to do now? [20:27] yeats: I kind of want to make sure I know all my applications for later, so I don't have to re-research [20:28] yay that didn't work [20:28] jrib, I want to know why I wasn;t asked to set a password because I cannot log into the server as root now [20:28] Dr Willis thanks I will do that at reboot [20:28] only as mysql and that user has very few permissions [20:28] jrib, the whole installation did not go like all the online tutorials said it would [20:28] WXZ ubuntu-tweak is a nice 3rd party tool, it has a janitor built in [20:28] kj: is there a reason you do not just reset the root password? [20:28] (for mysql) [20:28] WXZ: might be easier to install a minimal ubuntu and build upwards15:26 < WXZ> I'm trying to purge my system of any unneeded packages and such, what's a good way to do this? [20:29] jrib after trying to install pulse to get the sound card working now I have nothing working [20:29] WXZ: sorry - didn't mean to re-post that [20:29] maheanuu: pulse is installed by default [20:29] cnz: If you actually ran "sudo apt-get purge unity*" then the problem is not that you removed unity, but that you removed every package with "unity" in the name. Not all packages with unity somewhere in the name are related to the unity shell, and some of them are very important. [20:29] jrib, I can do that but it would be nice to have things work as per the tutorials for once so I am confident [20:29] yeats: It's a different install cd [20:29] yeats: good point though, I shouldn't have used purge [20:29] kj: what tutorial are you following? [20:29] Jordan_U all I ran was sudo apt-get purge unity [20:29] maheanuu: you sure that thing is supported at all by linux? [20:30] cnz: That alone should not have caused the issues you're describing. [20:30] jrib, https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&ved=0CD4QFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jonathanmoeller.com%2Fscreed%2F%3Fp%3D3988&ei=xN3MUK2_Dc600QXw7oDwDw&usg=AFQjCNHKCz8VBWIChPMOeGn_pFqN4GmSog&sig2=Vg7FIJiEsal8gnJnvKz4uw [20:30] bobo37773: ? [20:30] MonkeyDust: will it show me how often I use/call on a certain package (from any interface be it terminal, through nautilus, panel app or menu)? [20:30] I can't click that [20:30] oh [20:30] Jordan_U, well I can ssh to terminal but nothing on the box it's self [20:30] can't even change to another tty [20:30] jrib, http://www.jonathanmoeller.com/screed/?p=3988 [20:31] I had been running on alsa, and my grandson managed to destroy my earphone output on the front of the notebook and I am trying to get an external USB sound device up and running [20:31] yeats: You were asking about minimal install? Or telling someone else how? [20:31] jrib, I've looked at others that come up using the search string (ubuntu 12.10 mysql install) and most say the same thing [20:31] bobo37773: telling someone else [20:31] yeats: Ah gotcha :P [20:31] WXZ no, it's just a rather basic tweak tool [20:31] kj: have you tried asking at #mysql channel? [20:31] MonkeyDust: I don't think that's what I'm looking for [20:31] It is showing up as a C type of card under lsusb [20:31] kj: my guess is you've installed it in the past and forgotten. My suggestion is that you either reset the root password or purge mysql properly and reinstall [20:31] ekhaat, I'm told this is not a MySQL issue in that chan [20:31] Jordan_U, any suggestions on how to fix this? [20:32] would removing gnome ompletely then reinstalling unity fix it? [20:32] kj: oh boy [20:32] jrib, I thought I did purge it properly. Maybe that is not the case. I would like to start from nothing and this properly [20:32] cnz: What are you trying to do? [20:32] bobo37773, i removed unity after installing gnome [20:32] dr_willis, that was for you it is showing up as a C type of card when I run lsusb [20:32] now my gui is hosed [20:32] x is starting on display :1 and ikonia thinks default for ubuntu is display :0 [20:33] cnz: Oh. Do you get a tty? [20:33] nope [20:33] just blank screen blinking cursor [20:33] but I can ssh in [20:33] dr_willis, I will do a cut and paste for you on my info on the card [20:33] package xorg-video-abi-10 is not available but is referred to by another package, from root prompt help me understand how to fix this [20:33] cnz: only time ive seen it use :1 is when there was some X server on 0 or a lock file that makes it think theres one running. [20:33] cnz: Hmm. You can't ctrl+alt+f1{2,3,4,5} etc...? [20:34] bobo37773 nope let me try again [20:34] maheanuu: i doubt it will do me much good. ;) ive never used the device. or any external usb audio cards. but if it used to work. thats a good sign at least. [20:34] cnz: unless I had a lot of important data that I could not back up, I would just wipe it and do a fresh install with a distro of my liking [20:34] I'm going through my menus, custom launchers, panel apps, bash history to see what I need for when I reinstall to make sure I reinstall everything I use; is there any other way to run commands or access interfaces (I suppose that's the breakdown of everything I do on computers) [20:34] bobo37773 nope [20:34] cnz would, not could :-) [20:34] How can I read the text of a kernel panic that happens on X start? (it switches vts automatically to one that doesn't display kernel errors) [20:34] right smbd service is running however i cant access the remote drive if i stop and restart smbd then it works fine [20:34] anyone got any ideas whats wrong [20:35] cnz: When grub is up can you edit the line and add "3" to the end of it? Will that take you to a tty? [20:35] package xorg-video-abi-10 is not available but is referred to by another package, from root prompt help me understand how to fix this [20:35] cnz: disregard last message [20:35] ekhaat, that would be fine if I didn't spend all week setting up mythtv/xbmc/ceton card samba, sabnzbd etc [20:35] Jordan_U: Alright, just done. I just did the sudo fdisk /dev/sda and it's asking me for a command. [20:35] bobo37773 let me try [20:35] cnz: well... [20:36] cnz: I think you hit "e" or tab or something then after editing hit enter if I remember right [20:36] k [20:36] mikey1234: "d", then "2", then "p", then pastebin the output. [20:36] package xorg-video-abi-10 is not available but is referred to by another package, from root prompt help me understand how to fix this === Sickki_ is now known as Sickki [20:36] bobo37773 there's a bunch of lines [20:37] how to install ubuntu 12.10 ARM in Qemu? [20:37] which one am i editing [20:37] er_willis http://paste.ubuntu.com/1442673/ [20:37] cnz: The kernel line. [20:37] how to install ubuntu 12.10 ARM in Qemu? http://askubuntu.com/questions/229361/how-to-run-ubuntu-12-10-arm-hf-on-a-ubuntu-12-04-2-amd64-host-with-qemu-1-3 [20:38] Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1442675/ [20:38] cnz: The line that starts with "linux blahblahblah" [20:39] dr_willis, it has never worked, I just plugged it in this morning, It is a lot cheaper than buying a new notebook as that is what I am looking at unless I can make the USB Sound Device work [20:39] bobo37773 that didn'yt seem to work [20:39] cnz: The very end of that line make a space and then the number 3 [20:39] cnz: Oh [20:39] gave me some emmc error or some shit [20:39] going to retry [20:39] <_andyj_> is there some reason why crontab wouldn't be able to run something like this? "apt-get -y update && apt-get -y upgrade" [20:39] mikey1234: Good, now 'w'. [20:40] _andyj_, because cron execs it doesnt run in a shell [20:40] <_andyj_> crontab -e that is [20:40] Jordan_U: Just did it, it seemed to have written it to the disk. [20:40] cnz: make sure you save and boot etc..etc.. Seems like it should work [20:40] yeah f10 says to make it boot [20:40] trying again [20:40] _andyj_: what crontab user are you running it as? [20:40] mikey1234: Then use testdisk to undelete the second partition (and do tell testdisk to write the changes to disk). [20:41] <_andyj_> escott, so is there a way to make something like that run at a specific time then? [20:41] <_andyj_> tjbiddle, I believe root, I am putting that into the crontab with the command sudo crontab -e [20:41] _andyj_, i would strongly discourage you from doing anything like that. but if you want to run something in cron and want to use shell functions then you need to run it in a shell [20:41] ah - i think that would still go into your user's crontab then [20:42] Jordan_U: Alright, just did that. [20:42] bobo37773 no tty still [20:42] mikey1234: sudo fdisk -lu [20:42] <_andyj_> escott, so your saying I need to have sh/bash/dash/etc run a script containing that if I want it in my crontab? [20:42] bobo37773 blank screen blinking cursor [20:42] sudo su - && crontab -e would get you the root user's crontab. when you use sudo, you still are under your user i believe - just have escalated privs [20:42] bobo37773, how do I change X to load on display 0 not 1 [20:43] Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1442685/ [20:43] <_andyj_> tjbiddle, thanks I'll see if that helps [20:43] _andyj_, yes. and running apt in cron is a bad idea. its also unnecessary there is an unattended upgrades feature in apt === Psi-Jack_ is now known as Psi-Jack [20:43] tjbiddle, thats not relevant to _andyj_'s problem. also don't use sudo su -. use sudo -i [20:43] <_andyj_> escott, I am doing this because I need the updates/reboots to happen in a specific order for a set of machines [20:44] mikey1234: It looks like you didn't tell testdisk to save the changes to the partition table. [20:44] * tjbiddle reads the man page for sudo [20:44] Jordan_U, is there anyway to fix this without re-installing? [20:45] cnz: Probably. [20:45] What I am wanting to do, is remove all Sound Drivers etc and re start new with the installation of the Sound I am reading that Pulse is the best today, but I had been using alsa as I couldn't get skype to run under pulse.. Now with the damage to the audio out jack, I am screwed if I cannot get a USB external sound unit to run [20:45] Jordan_U, have any ideas? [20:45] escott: from my understanding of '-' it seems to be the same as '-i'. what's the difference? [20:45] Jordan_U: I did actually. The issue is it still shows the partition that I deleted using fdisk and if I select the 150 gig and the system reserved partition it errors out, but if I do the 150 alone, it seems to go through. [20:45] cnz: I'm going to work off the assumption that you removed more than just unity. Try running "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" , then reboot. [20:45] tjbiddle, the environment with sudo su - is different. sudo -i has a better environment [20:46] Jordan_U ok [20:46] i tryed to install that version and i get the same pae error - the file says no pea sistem but .... [20:46] "better"? sounds subjective [20:46] tjbiddle: normally you dont use 'sudo su' ever. :) sudo -i is needed === vjn_ is now known as vjn [20:46] <_andyj_> escott, from what I just read it appears unattended-upgrades is just calling apt from cron itself... so I'm not sure why you are saying it is a bad idea [20:46] Jordan_U, I am wanting to rid myself of Unity also [20:46] _andyj_, i think unattended upgrades is a bad idea [20:47] cnz: You can reboot from the terminal by running "sudo reboot". (obviously wait for apt-get to finish before rebooting). [20:47] yeah running it now [20:47] <_andyj_> escott, ok [20:47] _andyj_: agreed with escott - bad idea [20:47] cnz: If you can't get into the system how can you change it? Next step for me would probably be just to chroot in and fix it from a livecd [20:48] does anyone knows about pae and how to install on old ibm thinkpad r50e? [20:48] dr_willis, did you see that paste ubuntu I sent you? [20:48] ubuntu [20:48] bobo37773 im sshed in from this pc [20:48] cnz: Oh awesome [20:48] hej [20:50] Off to get a cuppa..... BRB [20:50] Mongolski: hey [20:50] Jordan_U: Oh, by the way, I didn't even notice this - gparted lets me alter with the disk now. [20:50] does anyone knows about pae and how to install ubuntu latest version on old ibm thinkpad r50e? [20:50] maheanuu: ive never used external usb audio decvices . so i have very little audio experience with them [20:50] escort & dr_willis: interesting - just played around with it. makes sense to use sudo -i though if you want a true sudo and not to switch. thanks for the tip! [20:51] Jordan_U: So is it on GPT or ms-dos table now or what? [20:51] mikey1234: That's expected, and in fact I was going to direct you to use GParted to resize the partition, but that needs to come after the partition entry has actually been added back to the partition table by testdisk. [20:52] mikey1234: Your drive now has an msdos partition table. [20:52] bobo37773, I doubled checked to make sure gnome was installed whih for some reason it wasn't all the wy installed so installed rebooted, it booted got a mouse cursor then it switched to blank screen again :/ [20:53] Jordan_U: So, it's working just fine? Oh also, what's the difference between GPT and ms-dos part. table? [20:53] cnz: Strange. Do you have it set to autologin or do you use a display manager? [20:53] does anyone installed newer ubuntu versions on old laptop? [20:54] mikey1234: I'm sorry but I'm in somewhat of a hurry. Could we work on fixing things first? [20:54] it's set to auto login [20:54] cnz: Maybe try turing off auto login so you can see your options in gdm. [20:54] Jordan_U: Yeah sure. I'll ask other folks what it is. So how do I quickly check if everything is in order? [20:54] cnz: Or lightdm or whatever is used these days [20:54] how do you turn off auto login from command line [20:54] mikey1234: Everything is definitely not yet in order. [20:54] cnz: What is the dm? [20:54] gdm is installed [20:55] RomulusDaniel: for non pae hardware you will have to use either xubuntu./lubuntu and then install ubuntu-desktop or use that unofficial nonpae-ubuntu build [20:55] Jordan_U: Alright, what do I now? [20:55] mikey1234: Go back to testdisk again and make sure that the second partition is undeleted, and that you save the new partition table to disk. Please post screenshots of each step again so I can confirm that you've done it correctly. [20:56] cnz: Does this file exist: /etc/gdm/custom.conf [20:57] cnz: If subdirectory exists (/etc/gdm) maybe you can do: grep -i login /etc/gdm/* [20:57] let me check [20:57] one sec [20:58] Jordan_U: It appears they were already set: http://imgur.com/a/O4z5Q [20:59] mikey1234: OK, I guess the kernel was just caching the old partition table or something (since that isn't reflected in the output of "sudo fdisk -lu")/ [20:59] bobo37773 itwas there changed auto login from true to false [20:59] mikey1234: Reboot just to be sure. [20:59] rebooting now [21:00] cnz: Cool [21:00] Jordan_U, mikey1234 partprobe will force the kernel to reread the tables [21:01] Jordan_U: Yeah, I'll reboot just what's with the warnings here - are they something I should be worried about? http://i.imgur.com/ahTgrh.png [21:02] bobo37773, I also reinstalled ubuntu-desktop that got uninstalled [21:02] back at gui [21:02] cnz: Okay cool. So you're back in business? [21:02] yeah [21:02] im going to break it again though [21:02] yeahya [21:02] to find out what exactly did it [21:02] I can relate :P [21:02] mikey1234: I don't know, C/H/S values shouldn't matter, yet obviously testdisk cares about them. [21:02] cnz: Why not just test new window managers on a different tty? [21:02] haha right on always good to know how it broke [21:03] bobo37773, not sure [21:03] what am I doing wrong here? http://pastebin.com/Fz5Ph3ry [21:03] cnz: xinit /path/to/windowmanager -- :1 -nolisten tcp [21:03] it's an app called ninjam, I'm fairly new, I'm following instruction from a forum to no avail [21:03] cnz: Then you can just switch back to the other gui with crtl+alt+f7 [21:03] Jordan_U, can I remove Unity from 12.04? [21:05] Woogie, use paste.ubuntu.com [21:05] what [21:05] How can I start feh before xmonad if I use lightDM? [21:06] bobo37773 tried to login to desktop desktop is jacked :/ [21:06] maheanuu, that is the best thing you can do at Ubuntu [21:06] unable to click on anything but deesktop shows up and mouse moves [21:06] Is there something similar to .xinitrc for lightDM? [21:06] gotwig, what is that is the best thing..... [21:06] maheanuu, of course you can remove Unity, and install another fast DE [21:07] mikey1234: Please pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -lu". [21:07] gotwig, need some help, are you willing.... [21:07] how do i install the nvidia-96 driver in 12.04 [21:07] cnz: How so? Your settings are gone or something? [21:07] maheanuu, write me a PM [21:07] not sure [21:07] maheanuu, I can help you [21:07] rebooting [21:08] fishbait: normally you use the 'addational-drivers' tool. [21:08] Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1442709/ [21:08] from root promnpt? [21:08] fishbait: its an icon in the menus, or run 'gksudo jockey-gtk' [21:08] ... i have no gui -_-; [21:09] You may want to clarify your actual problem then.. [21:09] the nvidia drivers are normally in the 'nvidia-current' package. [21:09] sudo apt-get install nvidia-current [21:09] mikey1234: Well, it's awkward that the partitions are numbered the way they are, but that won't cause any problems (I will have you fix that when we're all done though, for sanity sake). [21:09] U [21:10] fishbait: and if the gui dosent work on first boot/install. the nomodeset option may get it working to the desktop [21:10] Jordan_U: I'm sorry for keeping you if you're in a hurry. I suppose if we can sort them another time. [21:10] bobo37773 having problems switching to a new tty [21:10] it just locks up the desktop [21:10] mikey1234: Now run GParted and resize the second partition (which is currently named "sda1") so that it's 1 MiB *smaller*. It's critical that you not make it larger instead, because if you do you could lose all the data from your third partition. [21:10] cnz: Strange. So is the install totally borked? Is your /home on a seperate partition? [21:11] Jordan_U: Alright. [21:11] bobo37773 yeah /home is seperate [21:11] well i auto-remove the fglrx then shutdown and swap to the nvidia card i boot and it hangs i drop to recovery root prompt and enable networking then run apt-get install nvidia* and get nvidia-96 depends xorg-video-abi-10 so i try failsafe and it can't detect my input properly. so no gui [21:11] the install isnt borked [21:11] jsut not letting me switched to another tty it locked up the gui but I can still ssh in and shit [21:11] cnz: Well, the reason you didn't want to try something different is because you didn't want to lose customizations you made right? [21:11] mikey1234: If you're not absolutely sure that you're doing the right thing with GParted, post screenshots of each step. [21:12] bobo37773 pretty much [21:12] and debian fucks up [21:12] cnz: But if /home is on its own partition why not just nuke that install but keep /home [21:12] it doesn't install grub right [21:12] cnz: What do you mean? [21:12] bobo37773 because mythv and what not is installed to / [21:12] !language | cnz [21:12] cnz: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. [21:13] cnz: Was it really hard to install or something? [21:13] bobo37773, nope just took me all week to get everything working properly [21:13] Jordan_U: That's alright, I resized it. So do I just move the second one sda1 above the first one (sda2) for them to change the numbering? [21:13] with livetv my ceton infinitv 4 card xbmc [21:13] etc [21:13] mikey1234: No, fdisk has a nice feature for renumbering partitions automatically, but first lets get your third partition back. [21:14] bobo37773 for some reason debian installs grub to sda and sdc is my os drive [21:14] cnz: Okay but if you still have /home and reinstall that package on another distro won't all your changes still be in .config/* or would you need to back up config files in /etc as well? [21:14] mikey1234: Try restoring the third partition with testdisk, and hopefully it won't complain this time. [21:14] bobo37773 would have to reinstall everything [21:14] cnz: Weird. It doesn't give you the option? [21:14] bobo37773 nope [21:14] and it aused me to lose 2tbs of data because of it [21:14] Jordan_U: Actually that partition was empty. I left it so I could dualboot with Ubuntu. [21:15] whats the deb for 12.04 restricted repo? [21:15] cnz: I am a big fan of crunchbang for an apt-get debian based distro. Just saying. But yeah you would probably have to reinstall the apps you use. Are there a lot of them? [21:15] fishbait: what? you mean the proper line for putting in /etc/apt/sources.list ? [21:15] mikey1234: Would have saved a lot of trouble if you had mentioned that earlier. === ericab is now known as ericab_away [21:16] yes please. [21:16] Jordan_U: Sorry. [21:16] fishbait: it should be commented in the /etc/apt/sources.list allready. you just remove the # comment character [21:16] bobo, for my whole htpc setup and personal nzb indexer kinda [21:16] cnz: Oh neat. Sounds like a pretty cool setup [21:17] bobo37773 yeah I really like the apt-get makes stuff easier [21:17] cnz: I mean the nzb stuff. I've never messed with it really. Someday === ericab_away is now known as ericab [21:17] mikey1234: OK, lets fix the partition order now. [21:17] mikey1234: sudo fdisk /dev/sda [21:17] bobo37773 yeah im still working on that getting stuff to index right [21:18] my biggest thing i would liek to fix is gettign my hdds switched around [21:18] cnz: easier is sort of a broad term though. to me easier is being able to easily get anything I want without looking too hard [21:18] but for some reason it picks the sata 3 drivers as sda/b [21:18] mikey1234: 'x' then 'f' then 'p' and pastebin the output. [21:18] Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1442719/ [21:18] bobo37773, yeah when it indexes properly and that's what im weeding out right now the good grops from the bad ones [21:19] tried the commented repo still whining about xorg-video-abi-10 any thoughts here? [21:20] mikey1234: Could you include the full output, starting from "sudo fdisk /dev/sda"? [21:20] Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1442723/ [21:20] bobo37773, what distro are you running? [21:20] mikey1234: OK, 'w' and you're done. [21:21] Jordan_U: One more thing - do I need to have that 1 meg of space always there? I just need to know when I decide to dualboot later. [21:22] its not in the file the partners one is but not restricted [21:22] Jordan_U, I figured out the problem [21:22] with removing unity [21:22] when I did apt-get purge unity it removed unity and ubuntu-desktop [21:23] ugh still no xorg-video-abi-10 [21:23] cnz: Are you able to get in your system now? [21:23] mikey1234: No, that was only to avoid overlap with the filesystem that you don't want anymore, so you can make partitions whatever size you want (as long as you're using a sane partitioning tool like GParted that will prevent you from doing anything dangerous). [21:23] bobo37773 yeah im at a desktop [21:23] cnz: Nice [21:24] Jordan_U: Alright. Thanks, man. [21:24] mikey1234: You're welcome. [21:24] YAY /usr/lib/gdm/gdm-simple-slave crashed [21:24] awesome [21:24] is there a way to have apache started after my encrypted user home is mounted? [21:24] hello folks [21:24] emx: Restart it manually, after decrypting your home. [21:25] anybody else had nautilus slow down over the past few days? it was almost instant for me until a day or two ago and now its taking its time to even open a file in my home directory :< [21:25] im doing a dist-upgrade on my laptop in reover mode thru ssh and it warned me that its not recommended because if the connection terminates, its hard to recover. im i right in thinking that running it in a screen session will circumvent those dangers it warned be about? [21:25] recovery* [21:25] bekks, that works but doing it after each reboot ...? [21:25] I have got a text file with lots of emails address that are showed in this way: ; [21:25] I want to delete all the symbols from that text file in order that will only remain the addresses [21:25] anybody knows how to do it with bash ? === hp is now known as Guest44818 [21:25] Segnale007: please pick a nicer example next time [21:25] emx: You could create small autostart script for your user. [21:26] I am sorry [21:26] :S [21:26] my bad .. [21:26] Segnale007: Symbols? These: <>; [21:26] yes [21:26] Segnale007: Use sed [21:26] what's it? [21:26] hey bobo37773, how do you low level format a drive in linux? [21:26] bekks, thanks [21:27] how do i do the nomodset option? [21:27] Segnale007: sed s/ is there a place to get old linux kernels? [21:27] bobo37773: that will get rid of the symbols ? [21:27] emx : #httpd is usually a rather ative channel with some people really sharp on apache [21:28] Segnale007: That command would get rid of < [21:28] Segnale007: You would have to point it to file though [21:28] sure [21:28] cnz: ive rarely seen the need for a true low level format. you can use 'dd' to 'zero' a drive. then repartion it [21:28] but I need to get rid of > and ; as well [21:28] Segnale007, I think that it is missing '' and also a \ like sed 's|\<||g' filename [21:29] Segnale007: sed -i s/ let me try thanks [21:29] Tex_Nick, this is a conceptional thing because apache uses files on my encrypted home that get only available when my userhome is mounted. but apache sarts before that. so i have to find a way to make apache start *after* i got my home mounted. [21:29] Segnale007: or maybe: sed -i -e "s/ Segnale007, like bobo37773 -i is for inline edit but you can test 1st with out it [21:29] dr_willis thanks :) going to zero my drives out [21:30] emx: but doesn't your home only get mounted when you login? [21:30] how do i do the nomodset option? [21:30] !nomodeset | fishbait [21:30] fishbait: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [21:30] Segnale007: Yeah listen to bobweaver make a backup of file first [21:30] Segnale007, be careful as "<" and ">" and ";" are valid characters in email addresses [21:30] cnz: You can use /dev/random too [21:30] cnz: Will take a long time if you don't set bs= variable [21:30] bobo37773 which is better random or zero? [21:31] jrib, that's the trouble ;) [21:31] Segnale007, i would try "sed -ibak 's/^<\(.*\)>;/\1/' filename.txt" [21:31] bobo37773 only 4tbs to low level haha [21:31] emx: that's what you want though? For apache to only be available when you are logged in? [21:31] im going to use dcfldd [21:31] Segnale007, rather "sed -ibak 's/^<\(.*\)>;$/\1/' filename.txt" [21:31] cnz: It's subjective really. 4TB! Mqake sure you set bs= or it will take like forever. Maybe a month [21:31] how do I set bs? [21:32] escott: Pretty slick ;) [21:32] jrib, you can put it that way, yes. [21:32] escott: sed -ibak 's/^<\(.*\)>;$/\1/' didnt work [21:32] Segnale007, is there any whitespace anywhere? [21:33] alright sed -i -e "s/ cnz: Something liek this: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1MB [21:33] I want to get rid of > and ; now [21:33] Segnale007, that is almost certainly NOT what you want [21:33] cnz: Read the dd man page. It's not that long [21:33] escott: there is a blank space between each emails [21:33] jrib, i got my solution: i put those file to an unencrypted location and have it synced by wuala over all my devices. [21:33] no modset option fail something about long ifc-19 [21:33] Segnale007, that ate ALL the "<"s not limiting itself to one per address [21:33] I have a backup anyways [21:33] bobo37773 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1510870 that link says dcfldd should be quicker [21:34] emx: ok [21:34] escott: it's good it's exactly what I wanted [21:34] I need to get all the symbols way from each email addresses [21:34] cnz: Never tried it. Why would it be quicker? Is it a different tool or just a frontend / wrap around dd? [21:34] for now < is gone [21:35] bobo37773 it's a seperate backage so it might be a re-write of dd [21:35] Segnale007, but that could be wrong this"<"is.a">"valid@email.com [21:35] uhm [21:35] dcfldd is an enhanced version of dd developed by the U.S. Department of Defense Computer Forensics Lab. It has some useful features for forensic investigators such as: [21:35] On-the-fly hashing of the transmitted data. [21:37] cnz: It's not a wrapper I don't think. As far as I can tell dd is not a dependency for it [21:37] yeah [21:37] i hope the package rtkit is not what i think it is :P [21:38] Segnale007: Just use the command I gave you and change the part that says < to whatever you want to remove [21:38] oh ok bobo37773 [21:38] let me try [21:38] aww [21:38] ur the man bobo37773 [21:39] I love u [21:39] Segnale007: Awe ;) [21:39] sigh.... you can lead a man to the RFC but you can't make him think [21:39] :D [21:39] hahaha :P [21:40] escott: give a man a program, frustrate him for a day. teach a man to program, frustrate him for life [21:42] bobo37773 if im reading things correctly dcfldd pattern=00 of=/dev/sdb should write zeros to sdb correct? [21:42] i'm trying to install a pny geforce 550 ti [21:42] cnz: No clue. I have never used dcfldd. Let me look up the manpage online [21:43] bobo37773, https://www.anti-forensics.com/disk-wiping-with-dcfldd/ is what im reading [21:43] cnz: Why not just read the man page :P [21:44] it's easier to read stuff like that :) [21:44] easier for me to understand [21:45] cnz: Okay. I think you still need to set bs= though :/ [21:48] i just did shift then rcovery then normal boot and it worked!!!!!!! what does this mean? [21:48] cnz: Maybe bs=1048576 for 1MB? You can use a suffix as well but I don't really understand the way it's layed out in the man page [21:50] how stable is the experimental driver? [21:50] i just did shift then rcovery then normal boot and it worked!!!!!!!i got a gui what does this mean? [21:51] !patience > fishbait [21:51] fishbait, please see my private message [21:52] you don't realize i restated with added info for clarity.. i'm excited -_-; [21:53] fishbait→ i'm pleased you're pleased [21:55] bobo37773, how do yu get a drive to auto mount on reboot ? [21:55] cnz: /etc/fstab [21:55] k [21:55] cnz: Is that what you mean? [21:55] kinda [21:55] just add the line rigyt [21:55] how stable is experimental nvidia binary o=xorg driver, kernel module, and vdpau library? [21:56] cnz: Yeah, it is pretty straight forward. Are you trying to mount an external hdd or something? === valgrind is now known as Guest27919 [21:56] bobo37773 no thinking about trying debian again but this time not mount my other hdds [21:56] fishbait: What version is experimental? [21:56] see if that works where it doesn't install grub to the wrong hdd [21:57] cnz: Oh okay. You may need to tell grub where to install. [21:57] yeah hopefully it will give me that option [21:57] debating on if I want to go with wheezy or not [21:57] cnz: If the installer doesn't give you the option then don't use the installer to install grub. Do it yourself outside of teh installer [21:58] the one in additional drivers says nvidia-experimental-304 when it points to the readme file [21:58] bobo37773 aah ok [21:58] Is therea good PSX emulator for Ubuntu? [21:58] does anybody know how to replace libssl1.0.0 with libssl0.9.8 on ubuntu 12.10 [21:58] ElectricPrism: As in ps1 games? [21:58] yes [21:58] and 310 is the other experimental [21:58] ElectricPrism: I use pcsxr [21:58] bobo37773: Thanks :) [21:58] ElectricPrism: Doesn't work on all games but it is decent [21:58] ElectricPrism: Welcome :) [21:59] cnz: Yeah use a chroot after or switch to a tty during install and handle it yourself [21:59] k, I really wanna play FF8 so I think it should work [22:00] what's FF apart from firefox? [22:00] how stable is nvidia expermintal drivers versions 304 and 310? [22:01] fishbait, a hint , it's "experimental" === vjn_ is now known as vjn [22:01] MonkeyDust: Final Fantasy video game [22:01] clear [22:02] ElectricPrism: Yeah I think all the ff work. Most games work actually. The one I couldn't get to was valkirie profile [22:02] hmm will the nvidiai-current-updates work or do i have to start from nvidia-current? [22:03] my laptop's keyboard doesn't have a pageup or page down key [22:03] the nvidia-current is proibly your best bet , fishbait [22:03] in xfce's terminal, how might i emulate that with Shift + Up/Down? [22:03] ty [22:04] HorizonXP: if you just want scrolling, use a screen session, then do "^A [" ant use arrow keys to scroll. then do "esc" to exit scroll mode. "^A \ y" will exit the screen session [22:04] what series is the gtx 550 ti? [22:04] fishbait, it's common courtesy too address the person you're talking to with their nick [22:05] hey bobo37773 in ubuntu how do you tell mysql where to store it's dbs? [22:05] umm is that lik BluesKaj: [22:05] HorizonXP: usually laptops have an fn key. Maybe try fn and the arrow keys? [22:05] !tab [22:05] You can use your key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [22:05] BluesKaj: what series is the gtx 550 ti? [22:05] fizyplankton: that's typically what I do, except the problem is that I'm using irssi for IRC, and I can't scrollback the buffer [22:05] fishbait, ^ [22:05] jrib: this one does not. Google Chromebook [22:05] ok ty [22:06] fishbait: preferably use their nick at the beginning, as some clients only ping for beginning nicks [22:06] HorizonXP: just rebind the scroll function in your irssi [22:06] yes of course :) [22:06] hello I am a newbie to ubuntu . Can anyone please guide me with this : I created a .glade file and now I want to add functionalities in C++ to the widgets I just created . How do I do so ? Any help is very much appreciated :) [22:06] HorizonXP: http://support.google.com/chromeos/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1047364 === chiluk is now known as chiluk_away [22:07] HorizonXP: according to that page, alt and the up arrow might work [22:07] BluesKaj: what series is the gtx 550 ti? series 5 6 7 8. i'm making sure that the driver will work with my card [22:07] I need to be able to install computer drivers in linux to make my laptop functional. Please read this: http://pastebin.com/dy04Py9D "Thanks"! [22:08] jrib: i'm sure it would normally, but I 'm running Ubuntu on it from an SD card instead [22:08] so those key bindings are not relevant :-( [22:08] is there a way to get those back tho? xmodmap maybe? [22:08] fishbait, look at the renderer string , after the command , glxinfo | grep OpenGL [22:10] fishbait, nvidia-current will work for your gtx 550 ti [22:10] blueskaj: ty thats what i was trying to find out [22:11] BluesKaj: downlaoding and installing now [22:11] fishbait, then you'll have to reboot after it installs [22:12] BluesKaj: btw how i got a gui for this thing was shift>recovery>resume normal boot then voila it worked i logged in and installed the driver does this mean anything? [22:12] cnz: Not sure [22:12] HorizonXP: ah, well either rebind the scroll function in irssi or make up your own keyboard shortcut (you could do this in xbindkeys for example) [22:13] BluesKaj: and it has its own screen that pops up prior to post and its own pci-e power connector. [22:13] fishbait, you must have chosen the recovery kernel when booting [22:14] BluesKaj: yep then told it ro resume normal boot and it just came right up to login [22:14] yes fishbait that's normal [22:15] BluesKaj: okay so i don't have to set any delay options for hardware. [22:15] stay away from the revovery kernel if you don't need to repair anything [22:15] fishbait,^ === goaw is now known as Goaw [22:16] BluesKaj: mmk normal wasn't owrking though === chiluk_away is now known as chiluk [22:18] hello, I'm trying to change the file permissions on a user account to make the files copiable for the other user. I found chmod -R uga+rw, though that did not give me copy permissions in truth, even though copy was selectable [22:18] Goaw: you generally don't want to give write permissions to everyone [22:18] pkay got the driver installed how do i tell if its booting the recovery kernel? [22:18] !permission | Goaw [22:18] Goaw: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions === JoseP is now known as MrEven [22:20] blueskaj: okay got the driver installed how do i tell if its booting the recovery kernel? [22:20] fishbait: It's an option in grub boot loader [22:20] Hello, I'm having issues with Ubuntu 10.04. I am running the server version, with the GUI (I need to run a Windows VM), and on startup, the cursor comes up, the machine freezes and the caps lock and scroll lock lights blink [22:20] any ideas? [22:20] Goaw: if you can be more specific about what file you want to share and how you want to share it, I can try to help more [22:21] MrEven: thats a kernel panic [22:21] I need to be able to install computer drivers in linux to make my laptop functional. Somebody help: http://pastebin.com/dy04Py9D "Thanks" [22:21] MrEven: that usually indicates a kern... yes [22:21] MrEven: Thats called a kernel panic - what did you do before? [22:21] bobo37773: okay i'm not seeing anything of the grub options on boot so it should be booting normal just don't wanna be using the recovery kernal in the normal kernals place [22:21] Updated it, installed virtualbox, guest additions and the expansion pack [22:22] MrEven: see if you can boot into recovery w/o a panic [22:22] fishbait, when grub menu appears after the bios screen , the default regular kernel is usually highlighted [22:22] fishbait: When you see grub there should be more than one option a regular boot option (probably the first one) and the recovery option (more than likely below it). The default should be the regular one anyways [22:22] It'll let me boot into the shell, but no GUI [22:22] MrEven: Sounds like a kernel panic to me. Did you update the kernel recently? [22:22] just now [22:23] hmm then i should be fine then ty all [22:23] fishbait, it should be fine [22:23] Everything was updated right after the installation (it's a new install) [22:24] MrEven: Probably it. Could be a mixture of firmware too. Do you need firmware for your hardware to function? First thing I would try it downgrading either the kernel or firmware [22:24] no I don't need any specific firmware [22:24] ty all for your patience and help this entire debacle took 2.5 hours and you were all hugely helpful i thank you and google === vjn__ is now known as vjn [22:25] MrEven: You may want to test your ram too if that doesn't work [22:25] YAY@error: no such device with grub [22:26] cnz: Huh. No such device? How are you installing grub? [22:26] bobo37773 it's because grub is installed on two drives [22:26] cnz: Oh [22:27] because of the debian install lol [22:27] cnz: Why do you need more than one grub?? [22:27] I dont [22:27] debian did it [22:27] ok so I've gone with a different kernel and it tells me that it can't numerate a couple of usb devices [22:27] actually just one (the mouse) [22:27] cnz: Oh okay. chroot into the partition that has the grub you want to keep and reinstall it [22:28] also, the GUI looks weird [22:28] bobo37773 when I install debian last weekend it installed grub to /sda when the install was on /dev/sdc [22:28] MrEven: So, the kernel panic went away though (the blinking lights)? [22:28] yes [22:28] bobo37773 yeah booting to live now [22:28] cnz: Maybe you can remove the other drives or something [22:28] wait [22:28] no it didn't [22:28] bobo37773 for some reason I can't wipe grub off the /dev/sda [22:28] it booted into the other hard drive... [22:28] cnz, bobo37773 you can tell grub to install itself to any drives MBR [22:29] escott I know this [22:29] I want it on sdcs mbr [22:29] and right now it's on sda and sdc [22:29] MrEven: Strange. [22:29] nd sda is booting over sbc so it's not finding any devices causing error [22:29] cnz, ok so change the boot order [22:29] escott and for some reason I can't clear sdas mbr [22:30] bobo37773, I selected the wrong one that was my bad [22:30] how can I downgrade the kernel? [22:30] cnz: Isn't the mbr located on the very first part of the drive? Oh! escott has a good idea! change boot order in bios [22:30] The MBR is located in the first 448 bytes of a harddisk. [22:32] MrEven: Hmm. Can you search and see if any other ones are in the repos? apt-get update && apt-cache search linux-image [22:32] bobo37773: yes. mbr is located in the first 512 bytes of the harddrive, before the partition even start. if you want to see it, type "sudo dd if=/dev/sda count=1 | hexdump", then double check the dd command, then triple check it, then press enter [22:32] cnz: That's your answer ^^ [22:32] Which nvidia driver should I install on 12.10? [22:33] cnz: To get rid of mbr on a certain drive just wipe out the beginning of that drive with dd or whatever. Be very careful though not to wipe too much [22:33] actually "sudo dd if=/dev/sda count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump" would be better [22:33] bobo37773 yh that's why im just going to zero my spare drives [22:34] cnz: Before zeroing then why not just pull them out and see if it will boot? [22:34] bobo oh I know it will boot [22:34] bobo37773, there seem to be some here [22:34] just want to zero them out because of all the formating LOL [22:34] cnz: Also, big difference between zeroing 448 bytes and a whole drive time wise [22:35] which one should I go with though? [22:35] bobo37773 lol true [22:35] MrEven: Check which one is installed with "uname -a" and then pick one that is older / newer and see if you still have an issue [22:36] MrEven: Make sure you update grub to see the new one or pick it at startup somehow [22:37] alright, now for a stupid question... How exactly would I install one of these? lol [22:38] MrEven: Does this work: apt-get install = [22:38] one sec [22:38] jrib: http://askubuntu.com/questions/85850/how-to-remap-a-key-combination-to-a-single-key [22:38] jrib: that seems the most promising [22:38] yes [22:39] however, whenever I type the combo in a terminal, all I get is an 'A' or 'B' being typed [22:39] MrEven: Well there you go ;). Just make sure to update-grub after and look at the output to make sure it sees your kernel you are installing [22:39] alright thanks [22:39] MrEven: Welcome [22:39] what's the command to update grub again?? I've been away for a while [22:40] MrEven: I think it's update-grub [22:40] whats the keyboar shortcut for switching workspaces? [22:40] sweet thanks [22:40] MrEven: Oh cool was that it? [22:40] fishbait, Ctrl+Alt+arrows [22:40] MrEven: ty [22:40] I haven't tried it yet [22:40] it's still downloading [22:40] Oh okay [22:41] fishbait, no problem [22:41] bobo37773, Yes, that's right haha [22:41] MrEven: my top and bottom bars just disappeared when i switched workspace any idea how to get them back? [22:43] my top and bottom bars just disappeared when i switched workspace any idea how to get them back? [22:43] jrib: nvm, a reboot seems to have fixed it [22:44] fishbait, no idea [22:44] ~hi [22:44] hello [22:44] I was wondering how to get display a wireless conection from a terminal [22:45] cowsquad: ifconfig [22:46] zlacker, i meant how to display networks available and connect to them [22:46] oh sorry [22:46] I read devices [22:46] try the iwlist wlan0 scan [22:46] I need to be able to install computer drivers in linux to make my laptop functional. Somebody help: http://pastebin.com/dy04Py9D "Thanks" [22:46] fishsponge : if you're running quantal & unity ... you might need to reset unity ( reset-unity ) keep in mind though, that will also reset any preferences you've made to unity [22:47] bobo37773, this sucks, it simply is not working... [22:47] sorry fishsponge = fishbait === captain_ is now known as captainfixerpc14 [22:49] MrEven: Were you able to install and boot into different kernel? [22:49] jrib, sorry, I got called away by the phone [22:49] install yes, but I get the same results [22:50] MrEven: Are you sure you booted into the different kernel through grub?? [22:50] Positive [22:50] jrib, essentially, I've got an old user account that I've effectively locked myself out of & disabled logins on, though I have acquired partial access to the files. I can read & write in that directory... I want to be able to copy those files to the new user account [22:50] I tried all of them to make sure, too [22:50] MrEven: Hmm trange [22:51] MrEven: Do you have a memtest option in grub to test your ram? [22:51] yes [22:51] MrEven: Try to make sure you not getting a kernel panic because oif that. [22:52] ok [22:52] how do i change the font size in terminal ? and i dont mean the gnome terminal [22:52] Goaw: are you logged in as the new user now? [22:52] owow I think that might be it... [22:52] MrEven: Is your processor an off the wall kind or is it amd / intel? Also, nothing goes wrong in tty only in xorg? [22:52] MrEven: Maybe a graphics issue [22:53] edubuntu 12.10 lspci show network card, ls /dev/e* doen't show eth [22:53] AMD and nothing goes wrong in tty [22:53] jrib, yes I'm logged into the new user account & I was able to login to the console with the old user name [22:53] it actually worked fine [22:53] until I had to restart [22:53] using su username userpasswd [22:53] Goaw: you should be able to copy the files as your new user; you don't need to login as the old user [22:54] i want to use my wired connection [22:55] jrib, using the chmod -R uga+rw does not give me effective copy nor cut/paste permissions for the files [22:55] Goaw: you don't need to do any of this by default, didn't you say you could read the files as your new user? [22:56] jrib, yeah, after running the command above I was able to access the files with read/write capabilities, though the files are not copiable nor movable [22:56] Goaw: how are you trying to copy them? [22:57] opposite clicking them in the gui file manager [22:57] Goaw: and then what happens? [22:57] Goaw: where are you pasting them? What is the result? [22:57] copy & paste are not highlighted, neither is cut [22:57] sec [22:58] copying fails with the message that I don't have permissions to read the file [22:58] MrEven: Maybe it works fine in tty because of bad graphics driver. What graphics do you have? [22:58] Goaw: what do you want to do with the old copy of the files after you've copied them? [22:59] no body knows how to increase the font size in terminal ? (the ctrl+alt+F key one)? [22:59] I essentially want to make a copy that converts the owner so the new copy is owned by my new user & the old copy stays where it is in the old user account [22:59] cub: ctrl-shift+ maybe [22:59] MrEven: Are you using kms? I would look there too maybe [23:00] nope doesnt do nethin :\ [23:00] Goaw: ok. Copy them with sudo then. And afterwards, change the ownership. If you give the list of files you want to copy and where you want to copy them to, I will give you the exact command [23:00] cub thew font size of the terminal or global fonts [23:00] ? [23:01] cub: ctrl-+ [23:01] there's a home folder with 2 different users... I want to copy all the files from old user to new user [23:01] of the terminal i guess... im not sure about global.. [23:01] just when u hit like for exaple ctrl+alt+f2 [23:01] the terminal brought up there, i want to increase that font size [23:01] Goaw: so copy them over via root, then chown them properly to the other user. [23:01] Goaw: if you're not specific I can't give you the command. Do you understand what you need to do? [23:01] perhaps thats considered global, i'm new to linux still [23:02] I need to be able to install computer drivers in linux to make my laptop functional. Somebody help: http://pastebin.com/dy04Py9D "Thanks" [23:02] hello I have a .xml file file but opening it with glade dosen't show me the widgets in the file , so is there a way to view the widgets from the .xml file via glade ? [23:02] how do I chown recursively for all the files? I tried to mv the files though renamed them instead [23:02] Goaw: chmod has a -r option [23:02] Goaw: checked the permissions wiki tutorial page yet? [23:03] chown also has a -r option. [23:03] dr_willis, yeah I am looking at it, though what seems like appropriate permissions turns out to not be such [23:03] cub , are you wanting increase the fonts just in the terminal or all fonts in general? [23:03] Goaw: not sure what you need.. you just make the files ownd by the user. and they have full rights to them. [23:03] dr_willis Hello...perhaps you can help me! [23:04] depends on the issue maujhsn [23:04] cub: Like this? --> http://askubuntu.com/questions/173220/how-do-i-change-the-font-or-the-font-size-in-the-tty-console [23:04] does synaptic package manager have a history log? [23:04] BluesKaj, in the virtual terminal [23:04] dr_willis http://pastebin.com/dy04Py9D [23:05] so I do a cp /old-username /new-username? [23:05] maujhsn: you could at least summarize the issue [23:05] Goaw: What? What are you trying to do? [23:05] copy the files from one account to the next [23:05] ah [23:05] http://beginnerlinuxtutorial.com/help-tutorial/basic-linux-commands/cp-linux-copy-command/ Goaw [23:05] bobo37773, i'll try that out [23:06] Goaw: you will want to use -r also i imagine. [23:07] Goaw: Maybe rsync? rsync -aAXv /home/username/* /home/newuser/ --exclude=/home/*/.gvfs [23:07] dr_willis I did summarize the issue...new hard drive boots liveUSB, but no drivers are installed on new hard drive [23:07] maujhsn: drivers for what device? [23:08] bobo37773, what does rsync effectively do? [23:08] Goaw: makes a clone normally from one location to another. and verifys the are identical [23:08] dr-willis drivers for all devices! [23:08] Goaw: Keeps original permissions etc.. cp can do this with some flags but I think rsync is the preferred way [23:08] Can anyone here help with guidance on purchasing a new a laptop, mostly GPU options and Linux support [23:08] well, I need to change owner with the copy [23:09] How can I install warsow on ubuntu 12.10? [23:09] maujhsn: how vague.. 99% of my hardware allready has drivers included in ubuntu/linux. the only 2 devices ive ever seen stuff be needed for is video cards and wireless. [23:09] ty bobo37773 [23:09] Goaw: You still may need to chown some stuff though after is user is different [23:09] Goaw: you change the owner /after/ [23:09] Weleom cub [23:09] Welcome* [23:10] dr_willis I cant use the keyboard, or the internet network devices! [23:10] dr_willis: What are your thoughts on Intel vs Nvidia for a GPU on a laptop on Linux [23:10] Does warsow works on ubuntu 12.10? has anybody tested it? [23:10] maujhsn: sounds like you got some hardware thats very non ubuntu friendly if the keyboard dosent work. [23:11] bjrohan: I tend to go nvidia. but intel works well. its hard to find nvidia these days that not that Optimus stuff - that Optmius can be a Major pain. [23:11] bjrohan: so for normal 'work' intel will work fine. [23:11] to do a change owner recursively, I run chown -R username filename? [23:12] dr_willis Natively It is a Widows Vista Machine before the installation of the new hard drive! [23:12] Goaw: you should do « chown -R USERNAME: PATH » replace USERNAME and PATH appropriately. This way the group will get updated too [23:12] dr_willis: while I am not an "artist" I do some hobby stuff in Blender, as well as some desktop & video recording and editing here is a computer I am considering: http://www.costco.com/HP-ENVY-dv7t-Quad-Laptop%2c-Intel%C2%AE-Core%E2%84%A2-i7-3630QM-2.4GHz%2c-Blu-ray-Writer.product.100010229.html [23:13] maujhsn: i dont see how the hard drive matters. does the hardware work from a live cd? [23:13] jrib, I use the colon after username:? [23:14] dr_willis: Currently I have an old Dell 6400 T2350 Core Duo :-) with a whopping 2GB of memory and a radeon x1400 GPU [23:14] Goaw: that will update the group too (to username's primary group) [23:14] thanks jrib & others :) [23:14] dr_willis It boots into linux but no keyboard functionality! [23:14] what's the package manager for precise pangolin? [23:15] WXZ: why do you ask? [23:15] WXZ: It's not still apt-get? [23:15] maujhsn: Ive seen some pcs need a 'legacy' usb option enabled in bios. Had a few with quirky ps2/usb keybords in grub. but never in the main os [23:15] !apt [23:15] APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE) [23:15] jrib: because I heard they dropped synaptic, and was just wondering what they're using [23:16] WXZ: synaptic has not been dropped.. its still in the repos. [23:16] WXZ: software-center [23:16] WXZ: synaptic was never a package manager. [23:16] dr-_willis Bios is not installed! [23:16] WXZ: Just a gui front end. [23:16] !bios | WXZ [23:16] She's a virgin [23:16] maujhsn: err.. the bios is the settings you get to befor the OS boots [23:16] hehe bios not installed. :D [23:17] maujhsn: The bios is the splash screen before grub. If no bios you would be all messed up hahaha [23:17] I am having trouble with xen ... I updated a VM ... and when I rebooted it, it didn't restart ... so I tried a manual start with "xm create ubuntu-proxy.cfg" which returned an error of "Error: Boot loader didn't return any data!" ... I haven't been able to find anything wrong... the log file "/var/log/xen/xend.log" ... does not seem to indicate why it failed. [23:17] BIOS is on every computer. It boots first, then hands control over to the operating system like Ubuntu WXZ === piccalingo2 is now known as picca [23:17] msdaisy: I wasn't asking about BIOS, wrong person? [23:17] dr_willis It's linux that has save the day not Microsoft! [23:17] BIOS is on every computer. It boots first, then hands control over to the operating system like Ubuntu maujhsn [23:18] sorry WXZ ;) [23:18] dr_willis BIOS is Software not hardware! [23:19] spam del F1 and F2 when your computer starts to get into bios :) [23:19] maujhsn: err.. you are confused. its the settings befor the pc boots.. so its built into the hardware [23:19] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BIOS [23:19] The BIOS software is built into the PC, and is the first code run by a PC when powered on ('boot firmware'). When the PC starts up, the first job for the BIOS is the power-on self-test, which initializes and identifies system devices such as the CPU, RAM, video display card, keyboard and mouse, hard disk drive, optical disc drive and other hardware. [23:20] maujhsn: Read what plusEV just said. Above [23:21] OI [23:23] dr_willis When I boot I am not able to get into setup i.e esc, f10, f9, or f11 [23:23] maujhsn: it is del, F1 or F2 on most comoputers [23:23] one of those [23:23] What kind of computer is it maujhsn ? [23:23] push them all to be safe :) [23:24] plusEV compaq [23:24] Compaq Presario [23:24] I might have seen F12 one time. but most of the time it is what i said [23:25] How old is it maujhsn ? [23:25] msdaisy 2.5 years [23:26] msdaisy the cd/dvd drive doesn't work [23:26] I am having trouble with xen ... I updated a VM ... and when I rebooted it, it didn't restart ... so I tried a manual start with "xm create ubuntu-proxy.cfg" which returned an error of "Error: Boot loader didn't return any data!" ... I haven't been able to find anything wrong... the log file "/var/log/xen/xend.log" ... does not seem to indicate why it failed ... I suspect pygrub is not finding the kernel. [23:26] should be F10. start pushing that right after you start up the computer. [23:26] maujhsn, ^^ [23:26] F1 will also work maujhsn [23:27] Do you know what to do once you get into BIOS maujhsn ? [23:27] msdaisy Not on start-up [23:27] msdaisy Yes...If I could get in! [23:28] maujhsn: have you tried F1 F2 and del? [23:28] You're trying to boot from a CD, correct maujhsn ? You need to put the cd in the drive, then power off the computer. Then start it up and push f10 or f1 immediately maujhsn [23:28] I don't know of any way to get into bios other than on startup maujhsn [23:28] If you want the boot list try F12 to [23:29] Okay I'm outta here. Take care everyone [23:29] Have a happy robotica! :P [23:30] plusEV On the Hp Compaq The only chioces given to me are esc, f9,f10,f11 [23:30] maujhsn: haha but you dont know if you have not tried :P [23:30] hello all. is anybody familiar with the bytemark symbiosis packages for debian? they're a very cool set of packages to automate web/email/dns hosting setup, configuring e.g. exim and apache in a sane manner. hosting is set up by creating new directories. does anybody know of such a thing for ubuntu? (webmin/plesk/cpanel don't count) [23:31] plusEV...hush... [23:31] maujhsn, have you actually pushed f10 for f1 when it was restarting? [23:31] Yes [23:31] *or [23:31] ok what happened maujhsn ? [23:32] msdaisy: yea hush the IT-admin that wants to help you. :P I only do this many times every day ;) [23:32] msdaisy Screen freezes with Compaq logo! [23:33] faulty hardware then probably [23:33] something is broken :P [23:34] interesting maujhsn . I recommend you go to ##hardware and see if they have some ideas. I think it's a problem with hardware too. [23:34] msdaisy...hhhmmm [23:35] maujhsn: you can try open your comptuer and reset the bios. remove teh clock battery and put a screwdriver on + and -, this shortens teh system and should reset the bios. reaply the battery after and reboot again. If same problem, then you have broken hardware. [23:35] power system on when you shorten it. [23:36] plusEV Real Geek aren't you? [23:36] maujhsn: no tech worker. its a difference. :) [23:36] im hansom and have girlfriend. [23:37] +d [23:43] Does anyone know the name to a good gtk freecell? === Pedro_ is now known as Guest27501 [23:44] is anyone available to help me get my soundcard working? [23:47] Hi I have no audio on HDMI. In Sound, there is no option for choosing HDMI for playback. I do have HDMI uadio in aplay -l. Any idea? thanks [23:47] *audio [23:47] lol @fairuz i have a similiar issue but I want to use my motherboard's soundcard not the hdmi audio [23:47] xD [23:50] :) [23:50] I think it's because I'm using HDMI for my monitor [23:54] Guest27501: Well I do have audio if I'm using the speaker (motherboard's soundcard) [23:54] My problem is that I can't even choose to use HDMI audio in the Sound setting [23:59] hi, I have a problem with ubuntu 12.10 and a laptop [23:59] I installed the jupiter applet and the removed it