
ScottKronnoc: That's fixed in raring.02:56
ronnocScottK: ahhh thx03:40
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ScottKronnoc: Look at the linked bug.04:06
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BluesKajHi all13:18
shadeslayer /query Quintasan_13:32
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Quintasanbe thankful it's not your nickserv password :P13:33
Mamarokshadeslayer: who is that guy who moved a packaging request to wishlist on bug 1090689 ?14:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1090689 in Kubuntu PPA "Please update amarok to 2.6.90" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109068914:49
Mamarokthat makes totally no snese at all14:50
Mamarokand I can't change it back14:50
* shadeslayer looks14:50
shadeslayerMamarok: can you test amarok from kubuntu staging?14:52
MamarokI don't use raring14:52
shadeslayerit's for quantal14:52
Mamarokand I have a git installation14:52
shadeslayerI already uploaded amarok for raring14:52
shadeslayerAmarok needs QA for quantal : https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/staging14:52
Mamarokso installing a package would mean a lot of shuffeling for me14:52
ubottuTesting help needed in #kubuntu-devel ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, smartboyhw, Quintasan14:53
MamarokI can test a lot of other packages in staging, but not Amarok or Phonon as I run git versions14:53
Quintasandoing amarok14:53
Mamarokyou guys rock :)14:53
Mamarokbut really, somebody should tell that guy he should not triage stuff he doesn't understand14:54
Mamarokalso, why does he have enough karma to modify that and I can't?14:55
shadeslayerI don't think that's a criteria14:55
shadeslayeryou should be on the bug squad or sth14:55
shadeslayeror a developer14:55
MamarokI am on the bug squad14:55
Mamarokbut I apparently can't change that importance status14:56
Mamarokso really, someone should tell that guy to not touch stuff he is not even involved with14:56
Quintasanshadeslayer: any idea why Mamarok can't change stuff like this?14:57
shadeslayerlike I said, bug squad?14:58
Mamarokit's funny actually,as I can edit all other elements14:58
Mamarokshadeslayer: I am in the bug squad!14:58
* shadeslayer is talking to too many people14:58
shadeslayerboth on IRC and in real life14:58
Mamaroktold you already14:58
shadeslayeryeah, sorry14:59
Mamarokah, that doesn't work well usually :)14:59
Mamarokbrb, have to watch that sunset14:59
Quintasanyou need to be member of https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol14:59
QuintasanMamarok: ^14:59
shadeslayerthat's what I kept saying except I didn't realize it was called bugcontrol and not bugsquad14:59
QuintasanMamarok: I'm pretty much sure they will let you join as soon as you let them know you want to join15:00
shadeslayeryou have to send an email15:01
shadeslayerMamarok: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bugcontrol/msg03799.html15:02
EagleScreenI try to figure out why Kubuntu still has a Kopete launcher in default kickoff menu15:07
QuintasanMamarok: lastfm plugin is broken form e15:07
Quintasanfor me*15:07
Quintasanis not found where it's apparently needed15:08
Quintasanshadeslayer: ^^15:08
Quintasandon't wat me15:09
Quintasanit's just not there15:09
* shadeslayer checks15:10
shadeslayer!find libamarok_service_lastfm_shared.so quantal15:11
ubottuPackage/file libamarok_service_lastfm_shared.so does not exist in quantal15:11
shadeslayerthough you're right15:12
Quintasaneither you fcksed something or it was not there to begin with15:14
shadeslayerQuintasan: can you check if the archive package in quantal works?15:15
shadeslayer-- Installing: /build/buildd/amarok-2.6.90/debian/tmp/usr/lib/libamarok_service_lastfm_shared.so15:15
shadeslayer-- Removed runtime path from "/build/buildd/amarok-2.6.90/debian/tmp/usr/lib/libamarok_service_lastfm_shared.so"15:15
MamarokQuintasan: you need liblastfm 1.0.015:17
Mamarokspecified in the packagers mail15:18
Mamarokand liblastfm is in Quantal, I have it15:18
Mamarokso somebody made an error somewhere15:18
Mamarokcurrent liblastfm is 1.0.3 for me15:19
shadeslayeryeah that's what got pulled in raring as well15:19
shadeslayerpossibly because of  Drop 0001-port-to-liblastfm1-api.patch15:19
* shadeslayer will get to this in a bit15:19
shadeslayerQuintasan: I'm unsure as to what the issue is, I believe the liblastfm1 patch was commited upstream15:54
QuintasanWhat you believe that happened doesn't actually match what actually transpired :P15:55
Quintasanhas happened*15:55
shadeslayersee https://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/multimedia/amarok/repository/revisions/edb764d3736d9e2076b2d67b719ad734d76c11ee15:57
QuintasanYou clearly broke something then shadeslayer16:09
QuintasanCan't help that :P16:09
yofel_Mamarok, shadeslayer: packaging requests *are* usually Wishlist unless there is some reason why it would be important16:10
Mamarokyofel_: and why was that changed after it was already marked as "Fix committed"? That just makes on sense at all16:12
Mamarokand it is WIP by the developers, one more reson for a triager not it change a status in a package he is not even invlived with16:13
yofel_hm, he seems new to u-b-c, so maybe he as overly eager to do something. But I don't really see the problem here. It would be bad if he changed the Importance - but "Undecided" simply means "not set"16:14
yofel_so that doesn't really count as "changing"16:15
yofel_and those bugs should usually be wishlist - the bot just doesn't have the permission to set that16:15
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yofeldinner - bbiab16:15
Mamarokwell, it is now in a state I can't change it back, despite me being a member of the bug squad and a Kubuntu member, that makes even less sense16:15
Mamarokso why can a guy who is new change a status and I who am actually involved in the project can't?16:17
RiddellMamarok: he snuck into the right team maybe?16:23
yofelRiddell, Mamarok: he was accepted into Ubuntu Bug Control 6 days ago - and thus as the permission to change it16:23
Mamarokand why can't I change it? I am in the bug squad since a while longer :)16:24
yofelMamarok: as shadeslayer said, you can apply for bug control membership as an upstream triager (and as such don't have to submit a list of bugs as work example)16:24
yofelMamarok: bugsquad != bug control16:24
yofelbug importance is limited to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol16:25
Mamarokso I need to apply for something differnet now?16:25
yofelbugsquad IIRC doesn't even have an application form16:25
Mamarokwhat is the point of having different groups for bug triaging?16:25
yofelprevent new people that have no idea what they're doing for setting important bug settings16:26
Mamarokwell, apparently that is not preventing them from doing silly things :)16:26
MamarokI agree it is a wishlist, but it is totally pointless changing something that is in status "Fix committed" and there is wip16:26
yofelnot really, Ideally all bugs should have an importance set - unless they're closed maybe, then it really doesn't make sense. Fix committed doesn't count as closed though, Fix Released does16:28
yofelthis is a bit of an arguable sitation - he didn't really need to set it, but setting it doesn't really hurt anybody either16:30
Mamarokyeah, but I am sure he could do more important work than changing a report that is open since only 2 days and already almost closed, there is much more stuff that lies around he can toy with16:34
shadeslayerpossibly launchpad lost my package17:42
shadeslayercan someone run backportpackage on amarok and upload it to the staging PPA?18:04
shadeslayerLP doesn't seem to acknowledge my uploads18:04
ronnocPosted some feedback on 13.04 Alpha to the G+ page18:55
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