
cjohnstonis "Error: unable to find the ip address of the LXC container" the same as bug #101918103:35
_mup_Bug #1019181: lpsetup expects lp-lxc-ip to be in /usr/bin; setup.py install it in /usr/local/bin <lpsetup:In Progress by gmb> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1019181 >03:35
rick_h_cjohnston: not sure. what are you doing/running to get the error about the ip address?04:07
cjohnstonrick_h_: I installed lpsetup, then the very first commandthat you run04:41
cjohnstonI'm onmy phone now so I don't engender what it was04:41
=== reed is now known as [reed]
cjohnstonI an lp-setup install-lxc11:23
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
StevenKHmmmm, \d output lies.23:33
StevenKpsycopg2.ProgrammingError: syntax error at or near "::"23:33
StevenKLINE 10:     USING gin (searchable_names::tsvector)23:33
wgrantYou need an extra set of parens23:36
StevenKNot to mention a ';'23:37
StevenKwgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1444243/23:38
wgrantwtf comments23:38
StevenKwgrant: They will die, they're still hanging around in case I need them23:39
wgrantI thought their purpose was to make the diff completely unreadable, particularly when there's a commented line in the middle of a statement :)23:39
StevenKNot exactly, no ...23:40
wgrantBut that looks reasonable otherwise23:40
StevenKwgrant: I was going to check that qas/staging/prod are done and then propose my garbo killing branch23:40
StevenKThen I can put up this one23:40
StevenKsqlvalues of u"'" doesn't escape :_(23:55
wgrantDoesn't escape hwhat?23:57
StevenKProgrammingError: syntax error in tsquery: "'"23:58
StevenKLINE 1: ...chive IN (16) AND ((searchable_names::tsvector @@ '''')) ORD...23:58
wgrantThat is escaped23:58
wgrantIt's just not valid tsquery syntax23:58

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