
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
=== thopiekar_ is now known as thopiekar
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
agent00taihi guys, would we be allowed to point our own domain to ppa.launchpad.net so that when we decide to we can move the repo without any user interaction?14:59
shadeslayercould someone re-activate https://launchpad.net/~blue-shell/+archive/staging15:46
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
shadeslayererrr ... launchpad is losing my uploads I think17:55
shadeslayerPPA uploads specifically\17:56
frathgeberam i missing something or does launchpad not provide a canonical download url for a tarball of the latest trunk revision?20:29
frathgeberor indeed for any branch?20:30
frathgeberi'm looking for the equivalent of https://github.com/<user>/<proj>/archive/<branch>.tar.gz20:31
frathgeberwith a bit of trial and error i figured out i can do https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~<user>/<proj>/<branch>/tarball20:40
frathgeberhowever that's of little use unfortunately because the tarball contains the *folder structure* ~<user>/<proj>/<branch>20:41
frathgeberwhy on earth? that doesn't make any sense to me20:41
frathgeberin particular it makes it impossible to point to the tarball in the dependency_links of a python setup.py script20:42
frathgeberunfortunately setuptools doesn't support fetching from a bzr repo either, so it seems you're out of luck with python packages hosted on launchpad20:42
Saviqhey, are we experiencing some down-time on LP? I've uploaded a package to a PPA and haven't received any info for a long time now21:14
lifelessfrathgeber: LP offers that21:53
lifelessfrathgeber: the folder structure being included is surprising, sounds like a bug .21:54
mwhudsonexplicitly depending on the latest revision also sounds like a way to shoot yourself in the foot21:59
mwhudson(or have someone else shoot you in the foot for you, possibly)21:59
mwhudsonbut i guess that's a separate issue :)21:59
lifelessI hope so :)22:23
wgrantshadeslayer, Saviq: ppa.launchpad.net had some trouble with a runaway process, so the uploads were backlogged. It's fixed now, and it's caught up with the queue.22:58
Saviqwgrant, awesome, thank you22:58
frathgeberlifeless: thanks, i filed a bug for the unexpected folder structure inside the tarball: https://bugs.launchpad.net/loggerhead/+bug/109100523:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 1091005 in loggerhead "Tarballs contain user/project/branch directory structure" [Undecided,New]23:05
lifelessfrathgeber: that should be on launchpad23:44
lifelessfrathgeber: loggerhead is a library, not bazaar.launchpad.net.23:44
wgrantThat could well be a loggerhead bug23:50
lifelesswgrant: indeed, at which point two tasks :)23:56

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