
=== dniMretsaM is now known as dniMretsaM_away
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ideasman_42Hi, Id like to disable `apport` from inside the python interpreter, is this possible?07:41
ideasman_42that is - it should stay running for all apps, just not one of them that Im writing07:42
ideasman_42all docs I found suggest change /etc/default/apport but I only want this for one python instance07:42
cousin_luigiI was trying a raring daily and noticed lm-sensors is gone: what package is supposed to take its place?09:03
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BluesKajHi all13:18
penguin42Hey BK14:01
BluesKajthe amd 64bit 13.04 kubuntu daily buiold still fails at the hardware recognition phase ...doesn't look much is being done to help amd 64 users14:53
penguin42thing is it's not all amd64 users; most of us are fine14:58
BluesKajpenguin42, I also tried to install wih regular serial KB , same failure.15:32
BluesKajI even tried the x86_32 bit version , no difference15:33
penguin42BluesKaj: I've seen one or two other people but no commonality; I know someone with an old P4-64bit15:34
penguin42BluesKaj: have you got a machine in a state where you can get grub up reliably?15:35
BluesKajI have 12.10 partition on the same HDD as I'm trying to install 13.0415:37
penguin42ah good15:37
BluesKajthe 13.04 partitions are ready and waiting15:37
penguin42so you've got 12.10's grub then booting the 13.04 grub?15:37
BluesKajno, I'm, trying to install 13.04 from a live daily build15:38
penguin42BluesKaj: The nice thing then is you can tweek the 13.04's grub config15:39
BluesKajthere is no 13.04 grub15:40
penguin42BluesKaj: When you install 13.04 where are you going to put it's /boot and it's grub?15:40
BluesKajthe 3.7 kernel on 12.10 won't run either15:40
BluesKajiwon't install grub or /boot , just /and /home , once 13.04 installed then I'll update grub in 12.10 , and it should pick up 13.0415:43
BluesKajbut 13.04 seems to be a log ways away for now :)15:44
BluesKajwas thinking of experimenting with a different distro on those partitions15:45
penguin42BluesKaj: Yep, although it would be great to see if we can forcibly extract some diags out of your machine15:46
penguin42good question :-)15:46
BluesKajubiquity quits in tgext mode after a sec or so15:47
penguin42BluesKaj: So remind me again what the failure mode is exactly- when does it die?15:47
BluesKajwhen it gets to the microsoft keyboard in what appears to be the hardware recognitiuon mode /phase, whatever the proper term is15:48
BluesKajafter choosing "install kubuntu"15:49
penguin42ok, that's great, you get as far as making a choice15:49
penguin42is this the grub 'install kubuntu' choice or the try / install buttons?15:50
BluesKajno , it's the first page , the blue one , with inmstall kubuntu , check disk, boot from hardrive . choices ...it never gets tot he rty or install kubuntu phase15:51
penguin42ok, let me just boot a vm using the install iso and see if I can follow it15:52
BluesKajto the try or install15:52
penguin42BluesKaj: Ah so I get choice of 'Start Kubuntu' 'Check disc for defects' 'Test memory' or Boot from first hard disk'15:53
penguin42BluesKaj:  so you select the start and it does there ?15:53
BluesKajI'd use a vm ,but i can't get the fonts and icons large enough to read on this 42" monitor15:53
BluesKajright penguin42 , "install kubuntu" fails after one sec15:54
penguin42BluesKaj: OK, so if at that point you hit f6 (Other Options) and delete the     quiet splash --   off the end what happens ?15:55
BluesKajit drops to text mode immediastely15:55
penguin42so if you delete the quiet splash --    it should end up with text mode, and what do you see?15:56
BluesKajtried the nomosedset with the 3.7 kernel on 12.10 , it reacts exactly the same15:56
BluesKajpenguin42, I'm using the same pc atm , so i can't do what you ask15:58
penguin42BluesKaj: OK, when you get a chance I think that's the thing to do15:58
BluesKajok , bbiab , I'll try that15:59
penguin42BluesKaj: If you have a camera and it's a load of text take a picture16:06
BluesKajok ,the last message at fail is , "invalid power resource to Register! ...tried nomodeset without quiet splash16:10
penguin42ok, try and get the whole screen16:10
BluesKajnapic too, but they all fail16:10
BluesKajthe KB and mouse inputs are unresponsive after the failure , I have to do a physical power down and power up , so ther's no way to a scrnshot16:12
allexmbhello, how to add ppa's [ first time i heard of em now ] to as-12, im using 13 from 12 updated16:14
BluesKaj"it's the kernel I tell you , it's the kernel " :) ..it just isn't working on my HW , no matter what16:14
bazhangallexmb, 12.10?16:14
penguin42BluesKaj: A camera16:14
allexmbyes wine ppa's for 12 instead of raring sources16:15
allexmboh i can edit the apt sources.list16:15
bazhangallexmb, get the wine repo from #winehq16:15
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allexmbi used apt-add-repo but it s nx for raring16:15
penguin42BluesKaj: You could try noacpi (note! noacpi is different from noapic)16:16
BluesKajpenguin42, I'm not that desperate.16:16
bazhangallexmb, raring wont have PPA til it's released. contact the maintainer for that, or go to #winehq as I just suggested16:16
allexmbi just s/raring/quantal and see further16:17
allexmbinstalls fine16:17
bazhangthat wont work unless there is a raring PPA for it16:18
allexmbi replaced the raring string with quantal16:18
penguin42BluesKaj: noacpi is definitely worth a go (especially if it looks power related)16:18
allexmbhas windows 8 api16:19
penguin42BluesKaj: But if you get a chance with a camera and I'm around, I'll be happy to see if I can spot anything in it16:20
allexmbbut, this win software isnt working with it either,16:20
allexmbthank you anyway =)16:20
BluesKajthe noacpi mode works up to the try kubuntu or install kubuntu page then the install kubuntu stage just hangs with the rotating cursor , finally after quitting the install ubiquity opens the try kubuntu page in low graphics mode with ugly fonts and basically a non usable terminal16:35
penguin42BluesKaj: Oh, at least that's progress16:35
penguin42BluesKaj: OK, so then make sure to add that note to your bug, what happens if you go for try rather than install?16:36
BluesKajwell, it's what i had before , that I tried to fix with experimental nvidia drivers16:37
penguin42BluesKaj: OK, so when you say it's non-usable, is it working just horrible, or actually not working?16:37
BluesKajI just described it above'16:37
BluesKajnot working after trying to adjust fonts to make them readable16:38
penguin42BluesKaj: can you ctrl-alt-f1 at that point?16:38
BluesKajno , the tty wouldn't come up ,the terminal was still hanging with rotating cursor16:40
penguin42BluesKaj: Would it ctrl-alt-f1 if you did it before you chose try/install?16:41
penguin42(all in the noacpi version)16:42
BluesKajwas going to check which graphics driver was installed, i assumed it was nouveau , but the terminal wouldn't work16:42
BluesKajwell ,let me try that16:43
penguin42BluesKaj: If you can ctrl-alt-f1 you have a chance of networking up and doing an apport-collect against your bug to collect kernel bugs16:44
BluesKaj1ok penguin42 , I'm on irssi in the tty on 13,04 as you suggested16:51
penguin42BluesKaj1: Ah cool; what else do you need from your distro then :-)16:52
penguin42BluesKaj1: so if you've got that kernel bug number then do   apport-collect  number    and it should add all your kernel logs to it (make a note on the bug that those were collected with noacpi)16:53
BluesKaj1penguin42 an nvidia driver that'll give me decent graphics :)and a terminal thet doesn't hang if i wanrt to use X16:53
penguin42BluesKaj1: You might also want to extract your /var/log/Xorg.0.log (or maybe /var/log/lightdm/x-0.log)16:54
penguin42BluesKaj1: For an encore you could install and start an openssh-server from where you are, then ssh in from another machine, then carry on with trying to do the install and see if you can gather any logs over ssh depending how bad it crashed16:56
BluesKaj1penguin43 i haven't tried the "install" mode yet so I still have a long road ahead IMO16:57
BluesKaj1err 4216:57
BluesKaj1I thought installing kernels using ssh didn't work , seems I tried to upgrade the distro on my laptop from this pc using ssh and it refused the command17:00
penguin42it should, you'll need to use sudo of course17:00
BluesKaj1penguin42 getting "sub process error , /usr/bin/dpkg error code 1 for both ssh server install and updates/upgrades17:06
BluesKaj1odd the ssh server works here , was able ssh into the laptop from here17:10
penguin42any other message - that's the last uninteresting bit17:10
penguin42BluesKaj1: That sounds like the ssh _client_ is working, ssh server would let you ssh *into* this machine17:11
BluesKaj1 just realized that penguin4217:13
BluesKaj1ok if I can ssh into this machine , how would I proceed with the install '17:14
penguin42BluesKaj1: Well, if you can ssh into the machine, then switch back to X with ctrl-alt-f7 or f8 and click install; then it hangs, but see if the ssh connection is still responding and see if you can extract any logs with dmesg or any of /var/log/installer etc via ssh17:15
BluesKaj1I'm used to the praphical install when using a live cd. I have installed by internet release upgrade , but never using ssh17:15
penguin42BluesKaj1: Yep, so I'm saying carry on doing the install via the graphical one, but just see if you can catch the crash logs via ssh17:16
BluesKaj1ok , here goes17:16
BluesKaj1penguin42 , ssh from laptop , "connection refused" , so the server install didn't work here17:25
penguin42BluesKaj1: Did the apt-get succeed?17:25
penguin42oh you got that dpkg error - you're going to need to get the rest of the error17:26
BluesKaj1apt-get install openssh-server gave that error message I posted above17:26
penguin42BluesKaj1: Right, but that was the last line - it's pretty useless; was the know error before it?17:27
BluesKaj1penguin42  I think the installer/ubiquity is blocking the apt-get process in the tty17:28
penguin42no, that shouldn't happen - what's the full error?17:29
BluesKaj1penguin42 /var/cache/debconf/confi.dat is locked by another process17:30
penguin42BluesKaj1: but you hadn;t started the installer yet, so that sounds odd17:31
BluesKaj1looks like an installer lock17:31
penguin42BluesKaj1: hmm ok; well look at least you can ssh out17:31
penguin42BluesKaj1: That means you can scp log files off17:31
penguin42must be a way to get ssh in on there17:32
BluesKaj1penguin41 , I did a ctrl+alt+f7 , it's still at the try or install page17:32
penguin42BluesKaj1: OK, so then you could hit try, it'll probably crash, but if you're lucky you'll still be able to ctrl-alt-f1 and carry on sshing stuff out, but really need to find a way to connect inwards17:33
penguin42BluesKaj1: Still, you've got one important thing to add to your bug report; you can get it to get past the boot hang with noacpi - and that's a really important thing to add, and you should be able to do the apport command from the alt-f1 to capture logs when booted with noacpi17:36
BluesKaj1penguin42:  it's odd that irssi ionstalled without any errors17:36
penguin42BluesKaj1: Indeed17:36
penguin42BluesKaj1: You could always start again and do an apt-get install irssi openssh-server and hope it manages it one go17:37
BluesKaj1nope , still the same errors , this one looks important , "/var/cache/apt/archives/openssh-server_1%3a6-2_amd64.deb17:43
penguin42BluesKaj1: Mus give the whole error - that's only part of it17:44
BluesKaj1errors were encountered while processing the above17:44
penguin42it normally tells you what the error was - what was the very first error line17:44
allexmbwhy does alt cmd f1 switch anymore17:45
BluesKaj1penguin42 subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 117:49
penguin42BluesKaj1: hmm a bit too messy to debug that one this way17:51
BluesKaj1penguin42 , very first line , debconf;DbDriver "config"; /var/cache/.... etc17:51
BluesKaj1as I posted above ..locked by anothe rprocess17:52
BluesKaj1well, I'll try the install again17:54
BluesKaj1looks like the install is hanging17:57
BluesKaj1altho there seems to be some interaction between the cd and the hdd17:58
BluesKaj1nothing happening now , cursor still rotating18:03
BluesKaj1that's it I've run out of patience 8mins without any activity tells me it's stalled18:06
BluesKajno point in fooling with 13.04 anymore it's obviously not going to install on my hdd ..altho it semi-works on the live cd with a lot of fiddling around18:23
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bjsnideris anybody using gnome at the moment?21:12
bjsnideri mean gnome/unity21:13
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FernandoMiguelbjsnider: me21:27
bjsnideris this a computer or some handheld type thing21:28
FernandoMiguelbjsnider: full keyboard, laptop. why?21:31
bjsniderwhich gtk them are you using?21:32
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FernandoMiguelbjsnider:  gtk2-engines:   Installed: 1:2.20.2-2ubuntu121:33
bjsniderno, looka t tweak tool21:33
FernandoMiguelgnome-tweak-tool:  Installed: 3.6.1-121:33
bjsnidertheme>gtk theme21:33
bjsniderit's probably either ambiance or radiance21:35
FernandoMiguelbut I can't find that menu now... it's gonne21:36
bjsniderok, can you please install gnome-mplayer21:36
bjsnideryou can pick mplayer or mplayer2, whichever tickles your funny bone21:36
FernandoMiguelno gnome-player available21:36
FernandoMiguelmplayer2:  Installed: 2.0-554-gf63dbad-1ubuntu121:37
bjsnidergnome-mplayer is in raring21:38
bjsnideri just checked21:38
FernandoMiguel apt-cache search gnome-player21:40
FernandoMiguelahhh nvm21:40
FernandoMiguelmissed an m21:41
FernandoMiguelbjsnider: installed21:42
bjsniderok, so launch the app, and play a video file with it21:42
FernandoMiguelI haven't been able to play anything for months21:42
bjsniderif you don't have one i can provide a location where you can download one21:42
FernandoMigueltotem, vlc, nada21:42
bjsnideruh, what?21:42
FernandoMiguelthe only one that works is mplayer from CLU21:42
bjsniderwell, try it please21:42
FernandoMiguelthey tend to block... okay, I'll try21:43
FernandoMiguel$ gnome-mplayer "Where the Hell are Matt's 2006 Outtakes.mp4"21:43
FernandoMiguelGMLIB-Message: after init: position=0,000 length=0,000 start_time=0,000 run_time=0,000 volume=0,00 player=dead media=unknown uri=21:43
FernandoMiguelGMLIB-Message: in media state change with state = play dontplaynext = 021:43
bjsnideris the file playing?21:46
FernandoMiguelbjsnider: yes21:46
bjsniderok pause it. that's space or p21:46
bjsniderthen select a different window21:47
bjsniderdoes the paused video window go black?21:47
FernandoMiguelbjsnider: eys21:48
bjsnidernow, grab the bottom of the window and drag it up and down to resize the window. the paused picture should come back21:48
bjsniderthe gnome-mplayer window that is21:48
FernandoMiguelbjsnider: confirmed21:50
FernandoMiguelalso playing again, resumes video fine21:51
bjsniderthis doesn't happen on the developer's system, which is fedora21:51
bjsniderbut most users use ubuntu21:51
bjsniderby approximately one million ubuntu users for every one fedora user21:52
bjsnideri think about 22 people still use fedora21:52
FernandoMiguelI have at least one of those at work21:52
FernandoMiguelI know there are more, but that one sits next to me21:52
FernandoMiguelfrom the other 140 users, take a few Mac, a few windows, almost all run Ubuntu21:53
bjsniderhasn't the latest fedora release been delayed 2 years or something?21:55
bjsnideri think only core gnome devs use it21:55
ikoniaerrr no21:56
FernandoMiguelbjsnider: don't troll. fedora 18 is in last stage beta21:56
ikoniait's approx 4 weeks behind schedule, the last release was 6 months ago21:57
ikoniabjsnider: please don't just make things up, it's one of the most popular distros available21:57
DaekdroomI think by this time last year I was already using 12.04 LTS devel.22:06
DaekdroomBut I'm not sure... =/22:06
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simplewsudo is completly broken, any one knows whats happening?23:28
FernandoMiguelsimplew: working fine here23:35
simplewFernandoMiguel: you have raring updated?23:36
FernandoMiguelyep. did it 30 min ago23:36
simplewFernandoMiguel: did you reboot meanwhile?23:37
simplewFernandoMiguel: please do23:37
FernandoMiguelI'm using my laptop as we speak23:37
simplewFernandoMiguel: so?23:38
simplewFernandoMiguel: that doesnt stop you from rebooting23:38
simplewFernandoMiguel: i see theres new packages, a new kernel, im upgrading again and im gg for reboot agaiun23:41
FernandoMiguelhow are you going to upgrade (run apt) if sudo doesn't work ?23:41
FernandoMigueland he is gone23:41

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