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psusiis there some info I can read somewhere on the procedure for managing debian packages in git?01:08
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trijntjeHi all, I'm trying to build localised iso images for dutch for Quantal, but for some reason all builds on amd64 fail because of an error configuring the kernel:http://pastebin.com/DUCv8j4h08:58
trijntjeThe full build log can be found here (https://launchpadlibrarian.net/122238857/binary.log), can somebody provide me some pointers on how to resolve this?08:58
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infinitypitti: Is apport meant to ignore crashes until I log out and back in, or is that a bug/misfeature?13:43
infinitypitti: (And how can I force it to re-scan /var/crash/ and report everything that hasn't been reported yet without logging out?)13:44
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penguin42infinity: Well you can give it one explicitly, i.e. apport-cli /var/crash/whatever14:01
infinitypenguin42: Not quite what I was hoping for, with a backlog of a dozen or so.14:03
penguin42infinity: well, that's trivial in shell14:03
infinitypenguin42: Not the point, but thanks.14:05
infinityachiang: So, that new valgrind from unstable will require some MIRs for openmpi stuff, or some removal of build-deps and (presumably) features.14:06
infinityachiang: mpi-default-dev is in universe, as is its direct dep (libopenmpi-dev)14:09
infinityachiang: Doing a logical revert of this bit could be the path of least resistance:14:13
infinity  * Enable mpiwrap module (Closes: #565139)14:14
infinity    - Add new valgrind-mpi package14:14
infinity    - valgrind Suggests valgrind-mpi14:14
infinityachiang: In fact, I've just done that on your behalf, and will sponsor this with your name attached to it, so you get the merge nags. :P14:25
infinityachiang: Uploaded, with the following diff on top of yours: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1443561/14:33
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infinityachiang: Oh, and FTBFS on arm because of retaining the dh_autoreconf delta.  Oops.14:53
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achianginfinity: the FTBFS is why it was rejected?16:47
infinityachiang: I uploaded a fixed version.16:51
achianginfinity: oh, thanks!16:53
achianginfinity: so no action needed from me? (i got the rejected emails so not entirely clear to me what i need to do)16:56
infinityachiang: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/valgrind <-- All good now.16:56
achiangderp. thank you16:57
* achiang only built on x86, will definitely build on armhf next time16:57
achiang<= ashamed16:58
infinityS'ok, I didn't test on ARM either. :P16:58
infinityAnd, arguably, it's a bug in the Debian patches that he patches configure without patching configure.in to match.16:58
infinityBut not autoreconfing fixes it, so whatever.  Keeps the delta lower.16:59
jtaylorvalgrind upgrade closes 1077014 and 104111717:01
infinityClose away, then.17:05
jtaylorwe should probably backport 3.8 to precise17:21
jtaylorthe avx support makes it useful longer17:21
cjwatsonI've been gradually converting all my autotoolsy packages to dh-autoreconf after realising *just how much easier* it makes it to apply build system patches17:43
cjwatsonadmittedly in one case this required a giant patch to upgrade from 2.1317:43
cjwatson(And yeah, I realise it breaks if somebody has foolishly patched generated files - wants to be done as far upstream as possible, really)17:52
infinitycjwatson: Oh, I'm all for attempts to autoreconf sanely with one's own Debian packages, just noting that it can fail miserably if Ubuntu deviates from Debian on that score.18:25
infinitycjwatson: (Because, yes, as noted, we may not notice if Debian introduces a patch to the generated files)18:25
infinityIn this case, I noticed because the build actually failed when said patch go regenerated into oblivion, but that was just luck, really.18:26
achiangjtaylor: would a valgrind backport to precise be an SRU candidate or just go into -backports ?19:53
jtaylorachiang: backports19:53
jtaylorprobably a quite simple one19:54
jtaylorno rdepends and builds unmodified19:54
jtaylorwait it has rdepends o_O19:54
jtaylorbut probably all not problematic19:54
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achiangwhat rdepends does it have? (in the middle of eating a meal now ;)19:55
jtaylorlooks like programs to display its results19:55
jtaylorkcackegrind eclipse codeblocks stuff19:56
jtaylorI'll let it settle a bit in raring and file a request19:57
jtayloryou are welcome to help testing :)19:57
jtaylorthx for the update19:57
achiangit would be nice for another thing i'm working on to see a newer valgrind in -backports, but now i'm weighing the effort of the rdepends too19:58
achiangthat probably pushes it out into the "nice to have if someone else did it" territory for my own personal bandwidth. :-/19:58
achiangbut yeah, i could help test19:58
penguin42has something changed with X ABI over the last week ? I've just rebuilt a package with some debug added and it's complaining about ABI version mismatch, doing that last week was fine20:01
jtaylorwhich package?20:02
penguin42jtaylor: It's xserver-xorg-video-cirrus I've been debugging20:02
penguin42 (EE) module ABI minor version (1) is newer than the server's version (0)20:08
penguin42ah right, yes it has20:12
penguin42got bumped last week20:12
psusicjwatson, why is libparted packaged in libparted0-debian1 with a dummy libparted0 depending on it?20:14
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_abbeI've a fix for a bug report for which I've patched the sources, and generated quilt patches (courtesy: dpkg-source --commit)22:59
_abbeI'm wondering how to go about submitting it22:59
_abbeshould i just upload the quilt patch ? or is there something else i need to follow?23:00
jtaylor_abbe: which bug?23:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 1088154 in libnfsidmap (Ubuntu) "LDAP support broken in rpc.idmapd" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:00
jtaylor_abbe: the usual process is to attach a debdiff and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors23:00
jtaylor_abbe: for stable release update follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates23:01
_abbejtaylor: debdiff ? is that a package i need to install23:01
jtaylor_abbe: a debdiff is a package-patch23:01
jtaylorit can be generated with the debdiff program, debdiff old.dsc new.dsc23:02
_abbeoh, devscripts23:02
_abbei didn't have that installed, installing it then posting to the bugreport23:02
jtaylorfor a proper debdiff use dch -i, describe your changes and then build source the package23:03
jtaylorwith debuild -us -uc -S23:03
jtaylorthat will give you the new dsc23:04
jtayloryou may need to install build dependencies, most conviniently that is done with mk-build-deps -ir23:04
_abbeI'm actually running new .deb in production, i've done anything to control file, just fixed the bug, generate the quilt patch, and built .deb23:05
jtaylorthe quilt patch can be sufficient, depends on who sponsors it in the end23:06
jtaylorif possible please check if it applies to debian to and submit your patch there too23:06
_abbeokay, i guess i'll go with quilt then23:07
jtaylorwe also need to know to which release it applies to23:08
_abbeit's for precise, but looking at changelog i don't see anything in quantal which fixes it23:09
jtaylorplease follow the wiki for an update in precise23:10
jtaylorbut it first needs to be fixed in raring23:10
jtaylorand quantal23:10
jtaylor_abbe: could it be a duplicate of bug 939232?23:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 939232 in libnfsidmap (Ubuntu) "nfs mount fails and rpc.idmapd fails" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93923223:13
jtaylorno thats fixed in precise23:13
_abbejtaylor: i searched for my bug already, and didn't find in tracker a week ago, and the one you pasted is different from what i'm experiencing23:14
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_abbeposted. thanks for the help jtaylor23:30
jtaylorhm making functions static is problematic23:40
cjwatsonpsusi: who knows, maybe I explained it in the changelog?  see 2.2-423:40
cjwatsonarchaeology (changelog or otherwise) is a fundamental skill in package maintenance :)23:41
psusicjwatson, does that mean that this was done because upstream broke abi without changing sonamever?23:42
psusicjwatson, and since upstream has moved to a new sonamever, this can be dropped now?23:42
cjwatsonplease read the changelog and the contained bug reference, and say that you've done so, before asking further questions?23:43
cjwatson(if you had, you wouldn't be asking that question)23:44
* cjwatson -> bed23:44
_abbeyes needs proper testing, but from what i see in my setup, it didn't break anything23:47
cjwatsonBTW I am more than happy to deal with parted 3.x packaging once d-i is migrated away from the relevant obsolete functions23:48
cjwatsonand when I do that I know how to do the appropriate things with its versioning23:48
cjwatsonI just don't see the point of doing it knowing that it will break the installer23:48
jtaylor_abbe: nfs-utils does not contain libraries, so it might be ok23:49
jtaylor_abbe: but I think that change should be done upstream first23:50
_abbeyes, definitely23:50
_abbebut only if someone else tests it as well23:50
_abbethis needs a bit of time!23:50
jtaylor_abbe: it would be good if you could contact upstream about it, maybe the debian maintainers too23:53
jtaylorthis is unfortunately far outside my area of knowledge23:53
_abbeOkay, I'll post it to upstream as well, and if they accept then file a bug report against Debian23:53
TheLordOfTimei'd file against Debian anyways23:54
TheLordOfTimebut that's just me ;)23:54
jtaylorI must leave now, bye23:55
psusicjwatson, the fs resize functions have been put back, but in a separate lib, so I think it just needs packaged properly, and d-i and gparted and whatever else patched to link to the new lib23:57
cjwatsonNot that simple.23:58
cjwatsonI'm sure I've explained this at some length before.23:58
cjwatsonI'm currently filing a Debian bug on partman-base with the details of what needs to be done.23:58

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