
Noskcajwe need to add a run-once testcase for an ubuntu reinstall (ideally from one desktop environment to another) as in 12.10 this is quite buggy.05:06
Noskcajmy first attempt it froze and on my second i got an error that removed apt, wifi and my touchpad05:07
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
Noskcajwhat still needs doing to finish http://pad.ubuntu.com/communitywebsite-contribute-quality?07:09
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Noskcajwe need to add a reinstall run-once, ideally switch desktop interfaces. e.g. xubuntu to lubuntu20:05
Noskcajin 12.10 (for that example at least) things a quite buggy20:06

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