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uvirtbotNew bug: #1067779 in shadow (main) "missing pam_loginuid.so breaks getlogin()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106777901:36
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minashokryhello, does anyone know a way to use ProxyPass to affect only requests coming from a specific subdomain?04:48
Patrickdkthat is what virtual hosts are for04:49
minashokryPatrickdk, I have ProxyPass inside a virtual host, but it affect all requests even those directed to other virtual hosts04:50
Patrickdkyou did something strange then, it doesn't do that for me at all04:50
PatrickdkI have it setup for 20 different subdomains, each proxy to a different server04:51
Patrickdkand then one vhost without any proxy04:51
minashokryI have it like this http://pastebin.com/6A9iLR2d04:53
Patrickdkand you have a default vhost?04:54
minashokrybut what happens is that when I access any url ending with example.com using https, it get directed to the application running on port 808104:54
Patrickdkwell, I'm not going be able to help you I guess04:55
Patrickdkreally would have to see full configs, and your only pasting partials04:55
Patrickdkcause if it matchs more than subdomain.example.com, then something outside the vhost is doing it04:55
minashokryok, what else you'd like to see? the default virtual host?04:56
minashokrywhen I disable this vhost, everything else goes fine04:57
minashokrythe default vhost I have is the default-ssl file installed with ubuntu, here it how it looks like http://pastebin.com/FS8Pw7QG04:59
Patrickdkso in other words, you don't have a default vhost04:59
Patrickdkoh wait04:59
Patrickdkmultible ssl vhosts04:59
minashokrylet's be sure we are speaking the same language, what do you mean with default ssl vhost?05:00
Patrickdknot sure about that, I never run multible ssl websites on the same ip05:00
Patrickdkwell, you need a default vhost per ip:port combination05:00
PatrickdkI didn't realise the first one was ssl05:01
minashokryand how to do that?05:01
PatrickdkI dunno05:01
Patrickdklike I said, I don't run multible websites on a single ssl ip05:01
minashokryhmm... ok, thanks for your time :)05:02
Patrickdknot sure what all is involved, but the ssl part could be messing it up05:02
Patrickdkthough, that should be easy to test, if you change it to non-ssl05:02
minashokryI have many other vhosts running smoothly without ssl05:04
minashokryit looks like an ssl problem05:04
minashokryPatrickdk, I figured it out, if you are interested I can tell you how05:24
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linociscohi all09:09
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SyriaHi, I want to execute a command at the startup.... and the command is /usr/bin/VBoxManage startvm "docx" --type headless,, please tell me how to do this.13:15
RoyKSyria: add it to /etc/rc.local13:27
RoyKor create a proper init script - see /etc/init.d/skeleton13:28
RoyKSyria: btw, why do you use virtualbox when kvm probably does that job just as good (or better) and is better supported?13:28
ikoniaRoyK: ammusing as it is, please keep it out of the ubuntu channels14:53
RoyKsorry ;)14:55
SpamapSikonia: oh please.15:23
SpamapS"Amusing has no place in Ubuntu" -- One person, ever15:23
ikoniaSpamapS: its just trying to keep the channel in line with it's function,15:34
ikoniathere is #ubuntu-offtopic which would appreciate such things,15:34
RoyKwell, keeping a channel 100% "professional" doesn't always make people happy15:35
RoyKit's sunday, relax!15:35
ikoniano, it doesn't have to be professional, I fully agree, but #ubuntu-offtopic would be more appropriate for a bit of fun15:43
RoyKikonia: so long it doesn't flood the already idle channel - what would be the problem?15:44
ikoniait's not a "problem", but if you do it, then others are allowed to do it, and if they do it others are allowed15:44
ikonia"why don't you ask Royk to stop, why just me"15:44
ikoniait's better to just not have that sort of thing, when #ubuntu-offtopic would welcome it15:44
RoyKwell, so far my post of something funny, has generated more traffic on the channel due to your bossing around than others so far today ;)15:46
ikoniaRoyK: I can either explain it to you as you "asked" or you can try to justify it more15:47
ikonia#ubuntu-offtopic is there for some fun stuff, it would be most appreciated if you could put that sort of post in #ubuntu-offtopic rather than #ubuntu-server15:48
RoyKnot trying to justify anything - just saying that it won't hurt to post some fun into an idle channel15:48
ikoniaRoyK: I've explained why, so please don't do it, you've been asked many times before,15:49
RoyKno, I have not15:49
ikoniayou've never been asked to not post offtopic stuff ?15:49
RoyKI have been confronted with "bad language" a couple of times, but no more15:49
ikoniaok, well, in that case, I'll ask you to be clear now. "please don't post offtopic things in #ubuntu channels, #ubuntu-offtopic is there for friendly/fun stuff15:50
RoyKjust please rest, it's sunday, ok? all you anti-bad-christian-language people must know how to treat a sunday15:51
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lwhalenhey all, I'm trying to drop 12.04 LTS server on an HP Z400 desktop box16:54
lwhalenbut it's not detecting the disk drives16:54
lwhalenHP lists the box as 'Ubuntu Certified", but the site only explicitly lists 11.04 and 11.10.  Is there something that's changed in 12.04 that would've broken the ability to detect disks?16:55
RoyKlwhalen: any raid stuff?16:56
lwhalenI'm POSTing the machine right now to figure that out16:56
lwhalen(it takes its sweet time to post, aparently)16:57
lwhalenlooks to be just a single-disk Intel ICH717:02
lwhalenah hah17:12
lwhalendead drive17:12
YuriRev01would someone be able to help me with vsftp18:07
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:07
YuriRev01i need help with vsftp i can access it through filezilla but cannot read/write to root18:09
RoyKyou generally don't want to use FTP for access to the root, it uses insecure/cleartext passwords18:10
RoyKyou'd want to use sftp instead, ftp over ssh18:10
YuriRev01I have php/msql setup the server will be used just for an administration program for a game server i didnt know the best way to do it18:11
escottYuriRev01, do you have openssh-server installed?18:12
RoyKfilezilla supports sftp18:12
YuriRev01i can connect through an ssh terminal session18:12
YuriRev01from my other computer18:12
RoyKsftp user@host18:13
escottYuriRev01, so then you already have sftp on the system. just remove vsftpd and use sftp or scp18:13
YuriRev01what would be the command to uninstall18:13
RoyKapt-get remove18:13
YuriRev01by itself?18:16
YuriRev01im totally new to linux and im not understanding it 100% yet18:16
KM0201apt-get remove vsftpd18:16
KM0201or (if you're not root)18:17
KM0201sudo apt-get remove vsftpd18:17
KM0201what are you using your server for, if you dont mind me asking?18:17
YuriRev01the only thing this server will be doing is hosting files to operate a web administration toll for a gameserver18:18
KM0201i see..18:18
YuriRev01so using ssh what user/pass do i connect with?18:19
escottYuriRev01, best practice is to use auth keys, but you would ssh your_username@server and use your password18:20
escottYuriRev01, to generate a key you can: ssh-keygen; ssh-copy-id user@server; ssh user@server. properly configured you will not be asked for a password18:21
YuriRev01so it would be user@
KM0201usually (at least in my experience)... a key is generated automatically..18:22
KM0201the first time you connect...18:22
escottKM0201, not the system key. the user id key18:22
YuriRev01im using filezilla18:22
escottYuriRev01, yes18:22
KM0201oh ok, gotcha.18:22
KM0201wshy would you not want a password though18:22
escottKM0201, because passwords are weak compared to auth keys18:23
escottKM0201, and passwords are inconvenient18:23
KM0201i dunno.. i guess i'm old school and just stick to the old "uppercase/lowercase and numbers" passwords.18:23
YuriRev01it says the authenticity of host cant be established ecdsa key fingerprint is (a long line that looks like a mac address)  im guessing i continue from there?18:25
YuriRev01i comtinued and it states      Warning: permenently added to the list of known hosts   Write failed:broken pipe18:28
escottYuriRev01, every ssh server has a unique identification number that is supposed to be stored so that when you access that server in the future it can be compared18:29
escottYuriRev01, protects against MitM attacks18:29
escottYuriRev01, http://xkcd.com/177/18:30
YuriRev01ok i connected so any files i want to use should be put in the home directory ?  it denies me access to make a new folder18:34
escottYuriRev01, not sure why you would have any problems. what are the permissions on the folder18:36
chmurihi there18:37
chmurisome one have maybe direct admin on ubuntu?18:37
YuriRev01755 is the numeric value18:37
escottYuriRev01, and you are the owner of the folder18:38
YuriRev01well this server sits next to me18:39
YuriRev01mkdir /hydra: permission denied18:39
YuriRev01i dont want anyone to have accecc but me18:40
escottYuriRev01, thats normal you would not have permissions to make folders on the system root directory18:41
escottYuriRev01, "mkdir /hydra" != "mkdir hydra"18:42
YuriRev01mkdir /hydra: no such file or directory18:43
escottYuriRev01, seems you dont understand the basics of paths and relative vs absolute18:44
YuriRev01pretty much18:44
YuriRev01i dont understand much of anything yet18:44
escottYuriRev01, http://www.physics.utah.edu/~detar/lessons/unix_intro/unix_intro/node2.html18:45
YuriRev01well i understand that /home/hydra leads to a folder called hydra18:46
escottYuriRev01, not really true18:46
YuriRev01would you happen to have teamspeak or ventrilo>18:47
escottYuriRev01, /home/hydra is /home/hydra. if you were in /home you would see a folder called hydra whose relative path is "hydra" or "./hydra" and whose absolute path is "/home/hydra" or "/home/./hydra"18:47
escottYuriRev01, when you say "mkdir /hydra" that is saying make a directory inside "/"18:48
escottYuriRev01, when you say "mkdir hydra" that means make a directory inside the current working directory "."18:48
YuriRev01ok ive created the folder18:51
YuriRev01Now uploading files through filezilla and it denies me again'18:52
YuriRev01im pretty sure i have write permissions18:53
escottYuriRev01, other than saying "you did something wrong" i cant say much18:54
escottYuriRev01, what folder did you create. how did you create it. what are you trying to do in filezilla18:54
YuriRev01i created a folder called hydra in root18:54
escottYuriRev01, why would you do that?18:54
YuriRev01now im trying to upload some files/ folders to it18:54
YuriRev01im not sure im just trying to get files to the webserver in a folder called hydra18:56
YuriRev01the files in the folder communicate with mysql18:58
escottYuriRev01, presumably those files should go in /var/www/hydra or something like that18:59
YuriRev01ah ok19:01
YuriRev01so sudo mkdir/var/www/hydra19:01
escottYuriRev01, sudo mkdir /var/www/hydra; sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www/hydra; sudo chmod 775 /var/www/hydra; sudo chmod g+s /var/www/hydra; sudo usermod -a -G www-data hydra19:03
YuriRev01usermod: user hydra does not exist19:06
escottYuriRev01, you were talking about /home/hydra earlier19:06
YuriRev01basically the only ftp ive used before is shared hosting and when i was using that i created a folder and uploaded files to that folder and thats what im trying here19:08
YuriRev01hydra is a folder19:08
YuriRev01my name im assuming is the user?19:08
escottYuriRev01, those commands create a folder called hydra in /var/www and make it owned by www-data and set it up so that other files and folders created in that folder will be owned by www-data and make it 77519:09
escottYuriRev01, the last bit is meant to add your user to the www-data group19:09
YuriRev01ok i have the files uploaded now in /var/www/hydra now how would i access it through a web browser?19:12
ikoniaYuriRev01: through a web server19:17
YuriRev01the files are on a web server19:18
YuriRev01pretty much lol19:22
escottYuriRev01, its nearly impossible for us to tell you what to do19:22
escottyou need to pick some kind of software to setup for your webserver19:22
escottYuriRev01, unless you just want to serve raw directory contents via apache19:23
YuriRev01Right now i have a shared webhosting account with godaddy but with a shared hosting account i cant open certain ports i need, so i figured i would make my own dedicated box. i pretty much want it set up just like a shared hosting account. its hard to explain typing it out i guess19:25
YuriRev01this is what a used19:30
linuxmanwhen is ubuntu 10.04 server getting discontinued?19:30
ikonialinuxman: 5 years from release19:31
linuxmanubuntu 10.04, thats what i like19:31
linuxmanikonia why is ubuntu getting bloated and bloated19:34
escottYuriRev01, setting up a webserver is easy. setting up a webpage is a bit harder19:34
linuxmanubuntu 12.04 uses 100 cpu on my laptop19:35
linuxmanubuntu 10.04 runs best..19:35
ikonialinuxman: it's not as far as I'm concerned19:35
patdk-lapI have no issues with 12.04 on 5 different laptops19:35
ikonialinuxman: if you find it bloated there are other distros you can choose19:35
escottYuriRev01, do you want something that looks like this: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/apturl/19:35
YuriRev01basically it was  www.mywebsite.com/hydra with godaddy and this brought up a control panel19:36
ikoniaYuriRev01: what are you actually trying to do19:38
YuriRev01administrate a gamer server with a web based rcon control panel19:47
ikoniaYuriRev01: ok - so what's the problem that's blocking you ?19:49
YuriRev01i have all files on ftp19:52
YuriRev01in a folder called hydra. accessing the folder called hydra using should bring up a control panel but does nothing but htp404 not found19:53
ikoniano, /var/www is the webserver root19:54
ikoniaso http://yourdomain.com/hydra should bring up something19:54
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YuriRev01ok were in business19:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #1090992 in php5 (main) "Strict Standards: Redefining already defined constructor for class HTML_CSS in /usr/share/php/HTML/CSS.php on line 306" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109099220:01
YuriRev01thank you to everyone that helped me much appreciated20:15
ikoniaglad you're working20:15
streulmahello, does anyone recommend Ubuntu Server for Drupal 7 ?20:15
YuriRev011 more thing i guess lol is there a way to make sure no on e but me can view/edit/upload files to ftp20:16
ikoniano more/less than any other distro20:16
ikoniaYuriRev01: permissisions20:16
ikonianot using ftp would also be a good start20:16
streulmaYuriRev01: chmod 70020:17
YuriRev01can i chmod root so everything is just usable by me?20:18
YuriRev01its 775 right now20:19
streulmaYuriRev01: chmod -R 70020:23
streulmaYuriRev01: sudo chmod -R 700 folder20:24
ikoniathat's not going to work20:29
ikoniaas the web server will need access rights20:29
streulmaI want to install another OS on my servers that I run privatly and from the work, I don't know what to run. Likely NO CENTOS, but better Ubuntu, I now run Debian. I don't know20:44
blkperlstreulma: thats a statement not a question, choose the OS for the tasks you need it to do, all 3 will probably work fine for general cases20:49
streulmablkperl: to run postgresql and other gis components, use Ubuntu/Server20:51
streulmashould I run my own mail server or Gmail :)20:53
storrgieAnyone over here use KVM on their ubuntu-server box?20:53
blkperlstreulma: {apt|yum}.postgresql.org make that really easy, GIS stuff might be newer on Ubuntu20:53
storrgiestreulma: its a philosophical choice...20:53
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:54
blkperlstorrgie: I use kvm via ganetti, whats up?20:54
storrgieblkperl: I had two questions I asked over in the #kvm channel but it appears to be dead20:54
storrgielemme copy and paste really quick, sorry for so much spam:20:55
storrgieI just manually created a bridge interface 'br0' is there a way to add it via virsh so its listed when I use my virt-manager?20:55
storrgieI'm also very interested in doing something, I have some virtual machiens that need to talk directly to the host. I would like to do that through a virtual nic if I can (and use NFS) so I don't throw anything out on the network. Is this possible?20:55
escottYuriRev01, you aren't using ftp. and since you uploaded the files yourself nobody else can upload. the web server is just for viewing20:55
escottYuriRev01, hopefully you did not run streulma's command because that broke the setup from earlier20:56
YuriRev01ah ok20:56
YuriRev01i did not20:56
YuriRev01how would i let public connect to my webserver if im behind a router20:57
escottYuriRev01, forward port 8020:58
storrgieblkperl: have you played with filesystem passthrough?21:03
berndtHey everyone, I need some help with my PPTPD not working properly.21:06
berndtCurrent issue is: Clients can connect to my server, but once connected they lose internet access21:07
berndti.e. they are inside my server but my server won't allow them to connect elsewhere21:07
berndtlog from /etc/log/syslog last connection http://pastebin.com/vzQbTNhr21:09
berndtMy /etc/pptpd.conf http://pastebin.com/3Y5C60cx21:10
anepanal1ptosberndt: windows users?21:10
berndtthe client at least21:10
berndtbut I also tried connecting to the VPN with my phone, which also stopped its internet access21:11
berndt(android, so running some kind of linux)21:11
anepanal1ptosyeah i know what you mean21:11
anepanal1ptoswell im not a pro on this, so if anyone knows more jump in21:11
anepanal1ptosbut... what subnet is the pptp's lan interface on?21:12
berndtI am very new to this21:12
anepanal1ptosoh no problem with me21:12
berndtso let me just start by telling you I don't really know how to configure this properly21:12
anepanal1ptoswhat kind of IPs do you have on your network?21:12
berndtI am using a d-link, so 192.168.0.X21:13
anepanal1ptostbh, i have never setup a poptop server, just read about it a bunch of times. i know how to do it in windwos, but that's cheating21:13
anepanal1ptosok, what's the ip of the server? (last part)21:13
anepanal1ptosand what do you have set as the poptop server ip?21:14
anepanal1ptos(the "virtual" one)21:14
berndttry looking at this first, and you'll have a bigger idea http://pastebin.com/3Y5C60cx21:14
berndtthere's my configuration file21:14
anepanal1ptoshang on let me read21:14
anepanal1ptoshmm ok21:14
anepanal1ptosseems you have set it up righ21:14
berndtThat's what I thought21:16
anepanal1ptosoh, do you have bridgeutils installed?21:16
anepanal1ptosopen a console and type brctl and push enter21:16
berndtI don't know... :(21:16
berndtI am guessing I need it?21:16
anepanal1ptosok hang on let me test this on my ubuntu server21:16
anepanal1ptosi dont know, im not a pro at this either. just thinking out loud.21:16
YuriRev01ive forwarded port 80 but noone can connect21:26
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zoidberg-Hey guys, i have a really wierd problem on Ubuntu server (latest 64bit version).  i setup ssh keys, and now when i try logging in i get pubkey access denied errors repeatedly and then all of a sudden it allows me in, check out this: http://codepad.org/XD5lXU6d - It is a vmware guest, running on an vmware esxi host.  Whats even stranger is, when i get the failed ssh attempts, i jump onto the vmware console for that v22:05
zoidberg-If that question got cut off, please let me know :)22:05
qman__zoidberg-, my guess, you enabled encryption on your home directory22:07
qman__which prevents openssh from being able to read your authorized keys file until you log in locally22:08
qman__there's a workaround by placing the authorized keys file elsewhere, I forget the details but google should find it easily22:09
zoidberg-ohhh right ok thanks for clearing that up :)22:20
zoidberg-makes sense22:20
TheLordOfTimeare server ISOs set to automatically LVM by default?23:29
TheLordOfTimeLVM install *23:29

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